Monday 18 March 2013

A Dog On A Blog.

I've seen a human doing poetry
Bringing words of so much glee
A Pat in the Hatt
Is where's it at
Clink on the link
And see what you think>>>>>It's Rhyme Time

Now it's time to see
Some pawetry from me

A Dog On A Blog.

A dog on a blog
Makes you feel all agog
Dr. Seuss
Is on the loose
Mother Goose
Bullwinkle the Moose
In a caboose
Getting footloose
Humpty Dumpty
Goes bumpety bumpety
Comments on blog
Can confuse this dog
Just a scam?
It does appear
Did a book with Dr. Seuss
A book indeed you might just choose
Green Eggs and Hamlet
How strange does it get?


  1. Gosh. I wish I enjoyed poetry. But it's too much like musicals and I don't like them either.

    Mom and dad gave me a bath tonight using oatmeal soap. Now I smell like a pancake and I'm miserable....(and they wonder why I have nightmares)

    1. Hello, hello, is that you Beau?
      If it be you
      Then it be true
      That 'pawetry' is more for you
      Then there be "Grease"
      So called musical, if you please...

      Pancake, puncake,
      Not much fun but good for health's sake...

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Hello there The Elephant's Child,
      Your loud smiles
      I hear from all these miles.

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  3. Penny - you are so lovely!
    You are super and great with the pooter!
    You are a star of great repute!
    You are so clever and ever so cute!

    Take care

    1. Hello Old Kitty,
      And thanks for the ditty.
      I sure am cute
      And this was a hoot.
      Good grief I might be an owl
      Must throw in the towel

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  4. Replies
    1. Hello Arleen,
      So nice to be seen
      I did well
      Glad you could tell

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  5. Penny, that was hilarious! Someone get her a contract. She'll be a Superstar Poet as well.

    1. Hello my Ninja Army dude,
      I really like your attitude
      Get me a contract
      As a matter of fact

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  6. well as being cute as a button, smart and an excellent writer, you are a poet. Is there anything you can't do?
    Your human Gary is going to have to step it up a notch lol.

    1. Hello Delores,
      So pleased you saw us
      I write the pawetry
      For you to see
      My human, Gary, must move up a notch
      We shall wait and watch..

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  7. Green eggs and Hamlet! That's a good one. When my human takes me out for a walk, he always says, "To pee or not to pee, that is the question...." and I presume that he is talking about me and not himself, but one never knows for sure. Still, my canine attraction to your curvy haunches is made all the greater by discovering that you, Penny, are a poet of the first magnitude.

    As ever,

    1. Hello, hello my buddy Jethro,
      Nice to see you, don't you know
      "To pee or not to pee..."
      That's very smart
      I take it to heart
      And now I fart
      You take your human for walk
      Watch where he goes
      When he pretends to talk
      Jethro, my doggy friend
      Let's sniff together in the end

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  8. Replies
    1. Hello Diane,
      Did you know I'm such a fan
      Cute is nice
      I shall repeat it twice
      Cute, cute
      I'm such a beaut...

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  9. Next she will be playing the piano! Very cute.

    1. Hello and enjoy your journey with Candida,
      Lovely to see ya
      I play the pawano,
      Dontcha' know...

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  10. Look at you go
    With some rhyming flow
    Sure your legend will grow
    Might even get a shiny bow
    That you can eat
    For a treat
    Add to stew
    After eating another dogs poo
    That will be the appetizer I suppose
    Now I go to bite some toes
    Thanks for the shout too
    The cat getting favors from a dog, who knew haha

    1. Hello Pat in the Hatt,
      It seems to me your where it's at
      I figured you need pawblicity
      From sea to shining sea
      I am stunned you spell in American
      Son of a gun, you're Canadian
      And thus a "favour" we shall do
      And no not me, no eating doggy poo...

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

    2. Hello Klananie... nice to meet you. I saw your name in Robin's post and then I saw Patrick's name too. Well, now I will have to keep my eye on you ;)

    3. Hello Blue Grumpster
      Nice to meet you from afar
      I note you note me on Robin's post
      She's such a lovely host
      Pat in the Hatt
      And his crazy cat
      Now this be true
      I got my eye on you

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  11. Penny, Penny, I knew there was more to you than jjust a pretty face.


    1. Hello Bert,
      You make me alert
      Yep, I'm more than just a pretty face
      Thank you for visiting my place

      Excellent to some extent...

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  12. Replies
    1. Hello Elizabeth Seckman,
      Aha you note the scam

      I am Scam

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  13. Replies
    1. Optimistic Existentialist
      Nice to see I've not been missed
      I am pawesome
      And then some....

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  14. You've got one funny dog there, my dear friend. Keep her writing. I see a bright future!
    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

    1. Ah Tina,
      Pretty ballerina,
      What do you meana?
      Tis' me, Penny
      Typing to you
      This be true

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  15. Penny can sure teach Gary a thing or two about rhyming ;)

    Well done! :)

    1. Hello Mark,
      Guess what, I'm going to bark
      My human can't rhyme
      Such a crime

      Well done
      I had some fun

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  16. Bravo Penny!
    C'est fantastique et très chic! (:

    1. Bonjour Elise,
      I like to please
      Je suis votre ami chien
      Au revoir jusqu'à la prochaine fois

      Yes I paws and think of French, as my cause.

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  17. Penny you're smart and cute - you've got it all :-)x

    1. Hello Teresa Ashby,
      You're lovely to see
      Smart and cute
      I think that will suit
      I've got it all
      I'm on the ball

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  18. Loved this well done Penny, you are indeed a superstar!

    1. Hello Suzanne,
      I'm such a fan
      Glad you loved this one
      It sure was fun
      I'm a superstar
      Going far...

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  19. Penny, you're a poet! Among other things, like a true angel of a dog, destined to be a superstar! Go, Penny!

    1. Hello Joylene,
      Nice to be seen
      An angel of a dog
      With a pawetic blog
      Destined to be a superstar
      Will get my own exotic sports car

      Yay Joylene
      You're very keen...

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  20. Ι wοuld nοt put it in thе freezer fоr a long time, you can put it in the
    freezer for a couρle οf hоurs but I would nоt put іt in theге for a couple οf wеeκѕ.
    Ι can't exactly remember why--maybe it was peer pressure from our health-driven community, who knows. For several weeks I had been seeing this commercial on television telling about a new pizza and since I love pizza I decided to purchase one on my next shopping trip.

    Feel free to visit my web page: pizza pan at walmart

  21. Oh Penny, you Internet Superstar you - you had me laughing with so much ado. Green eggs and Hamlet? Oh would it be true. :)

    Nice to see you at the typewriter, Penny. Hope you are well (and your human, too!)

    1. Hi Leslie,
      Thanks for coming to visit me
      Green Eggs and Hamlet
      How strange does it get?
      Penny typing away
      Such a good thing, I would say
      I am well, my human too.
      And the same to you..

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  22. Replies
    1. Hello Caren and Cody,
      You're so good to see
      Me Penny soooooooo silly!
      You should hear me after a bowl of chilli...

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  23. Did you have as much fun writing that as I did reading it???


    1. Hello Robin,
      Where do I begin?
      It was fun to write
      I'm so happy for your delight..

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  24. Now that's what I would officially call doggerel.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

    1. Hello Lee,
      So nice to see
      Doggerel y'all
      Pawetry that's having a ball...

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  25. Hi Penny (and Gary, your human),
    Firstly Penny, could you please apologise to your human for me for my lack of comments recently on this blog. My computer, for some unknown reason, seemed to dislike this page for a while.
    Anyway, I really like your pawetry, you are indeed a very talented canine. As you may know, I like to write a little poetry myself, although I think Gary likes to call it pooetry, because, well, after all, I'm never going to be a Shakespeare!
    Hope you're all well, and Very Best Wishes, your way,

    1. Hello David,
      How are you, kid?
      My human has told me about your troubles with this blog
      At least you can respond to this dog
      Glad you liked my pawetry
      All such fun for all to see
      Your pooetry, have no fear
      Is way better than Willie Shakespeare
      Be well, my hairy friend
      Make sure you don't scratch your end...

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  26. If Penny is the poetess then I must bow and express my utter admiration :). Dear lady please advice your human to take new photos of you....we wish to see you in various postures :).

    1. Hello Petronela,
      Ah such beauty like Cinderella
      If you click on the link that states 'Penny'
      Plenty of photos for you to see, of me.

      And Jethro
      Know you know
      Lots and lots of photo
      You might check it pronto...

      Here's one post that you might check
      What the heck..

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  27. Penny can come and type mine anytime.
    Still in Spain until Friday, Great post Gary.


    1. Hi Yvonne,
      Your words are a song
      I can do pawetry for thee
      A pleasure for me
      Nice to see your blog
      Sometimes it goes and confuses this dog.

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  28. Gary... maybe Penny needs more playdates with other little pooches! She sounds a bit like you in this pawsting. Switch up the treats man!!

    PS: Thanks for your recent support. Hugs.

    1. Hi Dixie,
      Magical lady, friend of the pixie
      I have lots of playmates
      We go on dates
      Oh no, don't want to seem like Gary
      That's ever so scary!

      The support we share
      Shows we care..

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  29. Poetry penned by a mutt
    Always gets me in the gut

    The moment puppy words start
    The rending begins in my heart

    Penny's words are clearly divine
    Above every other earthly canine

    They quickened my body's every muscle
    Those words by a certain Jack Russell

    Power to the puppy!
    - Jeff

    1. Hello Jeff Hargett,
      You're right on target
      Pawetic pawems by this dog
      Who would of thought it on this blog
      Your words you write from the heart
      Gave this puppy a wondrous start
      A start to the day
      That pleases so much in every way
      Power to the puppy!
      I so agree..

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  30. Love it! I didn't realize Penny was such a Seuss fan! :)

    1. Hello Jemi,
      Such a pleasure to see
      I am a Seuss fan
      Yes I am....

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  31. Penny
    Your poetry's so very keen
    It makes the birdies start to preen
    It brings such joy to kitty cats
    Distracts them from their joy of rats
    It makes the goldfish like to swim
    And dance around their glass house brim
    It brings the dogs to your front door
    They howl and sing and ask for more.

    1. Hello Manzanita,
      I'm here to great ya
      Your poetry, my human friend
      Thrills me to the very end
      It brings the dogs to my front door
      The puparazzi hound for more

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  32. And there we have it: the stream of conscious poetry of the world's most beloved goggie.



    1. Hello Pearl,
      I'm in a whirl
      Goggie indeed
      For if you need
      Google this dog
      And you'll be agog

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  33. Now, you'll give Pat a run for the money!

    There is actually a Disney kids' show about a Dog who blogs. I have watched it twice with my gr-daughters. Penny has nothing to worry about.

    1. Hello Susan Kane,
      You're a valuable link to this chain
      Pat in the Hatt, a lovable cat
      Evidently, is where it's at
      That show you know
      I've seen it too
      Compared to me it's nothing but poo...

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  34. Hi Y'all!

    Why Penny! What wonderful poetry you write! I never knew how talented you are!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Howdy Hawk!
      Look at you talk
      Pawetry for you I write
      I know you lurve my lovely site
      Y'all come back now
      Like wow

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  35. I am a sucker for poetry, you've definitely won my heart, Penny!

    And Patches too, she's composing in her sleep, her snores rhyme!

    1. Hello Yolanda,
      Just had a gander
      Glad you're a sucker for pawetry
      And the pawetry of me, Penny
      Patches snores rhyme
      How sublime

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  36. see?? it's easy to write a poem even with paws!!! ok, so i like spam. i won't mistake you for spam, but if i was on a deserted island, i may mistake you for spam. oops, did i say that out loud.

    your welcome for another awesome, gorgeous thought.

    1. Hello Tammy,
      Me thinks you're spammy
      Yes, I write a pawem with my paws
      Pawetry that youse adores
      And yes I caught
      Your gorgeous thought

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  37. I can believe that dogs can write poetry, or at least think them. :) You just have to look into their eyes.

    1. Hello Damyanti
      It's such a delight for you to see
      That indeed this dog paws pawetry
      That tries to create some pleasantry
      Look into my eyes
      A wondrous surprise

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  38. Hi Penny ... we never got jennies, beanies, eeny meanie miny moes ... and I sure get muddled with comments - so p'rhaps walkies and talkies be betteries ...

    Have fun dragging your master out of his warm house into the that cold air for your walk ... and make sure he has biscuits in his pocket for a snack later on ... Cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,
      I see you with glee
      Eeny meanie miny moes
      Quite the words that you have chose
      Taking Gary for a walk
      Biscuits for him thus he wont talk

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  39. Sir Poops and Hair Ball greatly enjoyed this. They's linking it back to Life of a Novice Writer.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Hello Shelly, Sir Poops and Hair Ball,
      How are y'all?
      Glad you enjoyed
      The words that I toyed
      Thank for the link back
      You're on the right track

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  40. Pat's cat is gonna have to move over to make room for the pawsitively delightful Penny, the blogosphere's newest pawet pooch extraordinaire. Multi-lingual, too!

    1. Susan Flett Swiderski,
      You're always nice to me
      Pat's cat and all of that
      Are finding out I'm where it's at
      I learnt my French from a poodle
      Taught me how to use my noodle

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  41. Is this the local version of chimps and typewriters?
    Nice photo me old son

    1. Ah John Gray,
      What can I say?
      It be a type writing dog
      Neither chimp nor frog
      Who is this old son?
      The photo's of me the only one...

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  42. Smarter than your average dog! I would buy a whole book of this stuff, judging by your comments you've got mad skills and can rise to any occasion with rhyme. Well done, Penny!

    1. Hello Nick
      You like my trick
      Smarter than the average cat
      Even cat in the hat
      I'm writing a book
      I hope you will look
      Called "My First Bark"
      Of which ye shall hark
      The comments I see
      Fills me with glee
      For all of you are such great company

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  43. So maybe I haven't commented yet??
    Lucky dog; all those comments... well deserved for a very talented creature, and human companion!

    1. Hello Dixie
      I hear your plea
      Indeed you replied
      Above this you tried
      Lucky dog indeed
      Filling a need
      A talented creature
      What a feature
      My human named Gary
      Is ever so scary

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  44. Penny the pawet is such a delight! I would definitely read "Green Eggs and Hamlet!"


    1. Hello Julie
      I adore you truly
      Penny the pawet at your command
      Pawsting pawetry from my land
      "Green Eggs and Hamlet"
      How good does it get....

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  45. Face palm! We have two of you now? Oh, holy cow! hahaha Thanks for the laugh Klahanie:)

  46. Hello M. J.,
    What's that you say
    In my case it's face paw
    And nothing more
    Holy cow
    Two of me now
    Hahaha it's funny so far
    And this Klahanie
    Just who or what is he...

    Penny the pawet
    You know it! :)

  47. Replies
    1. Hello Michael Offcutt
      Nice to see you got off your butt
      I wonder what "S.F.A." could mean?
      "Sweet F**k All", I've kept it clean.
      Thank you sir but I'm a dog
      A dog on a blog
      You are fantastic
      For liking my trick

      Penny the pawet
      You know it! :)

  48. If this was facebook I would like every reply and the post.

  49. i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

    i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.