Tuesday 12 July 2016

Not A Pawlitical Pawst.

Hi there, yes it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!  Once again, I'm taking over this blog site because my human dad, Gary, can't be arsed, is still really lethargic when it comes to putting up a blog pawst. I shall do my very best to come and visit your blog.

A whole bunch of pawlitical stuff has been happening over the last few weeks in the UK.  A lot can happen in a week in pawlitics.  Lately, it seems a lot can happen in five minutes in pawlitics. It's all very distressing and worrying.  Thus, my human friend, this is not a pawlitical pawst.  Not even any mention of a pawed pawlitical announcement.

I want to tell you a heartening, pawsitive story. My human brother, Tristan, went on a week's holiday to Cyprus with his partner, Sue.  Tristan asked his dad, my human dad, Gary, if he could water their garden plants while they were away.

Behold, a couple of hanging baskets in their garden!

Of course, this being the British summer, the slightly warmer part of the British winter, my human dad, Gary, only had to water the plants once during the week Tristan and Sue were away in Cyprus. Yes indeed, it rained almost the entire time they were away.  He went over there when the rain had eased off to a torrential downpour....

I recall when Gary used to have a really beautiful garden.  He'd ask Tristan if he would like to help with the gardening.  "You must be kidding!", would be Tristan's response.  

Now Tristan just loves a bit of gardening and is so proud of how well his flowers are turning out.  He was thrilled that dad took some photos.  Sue is such a calming, pawsitive influence on Tristan.  


  1. Those are lovely, indeed! What a nice spot to spend the slightly warmer part of winter :)

    1. Hi human, Jemi,

      I just love those pretty flowers. Yes, can you believe that I've had to wear my doggy coat in the warmer part of winter...

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny! :)

  2. Two plants is probably all I could manage. They're looking good.

    1. Hi human, Pat,

      That's two more plants that I could handle. They do look good, fur sure.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny! :)

  3. Gary, you should be proud. Tristan did follow in your footsteps with the plants.

    1. Hi human, Alex,

      My human dad is very proud of Tristan and his newly-found love of gardening. It's heartening, my kind human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  4. Lovely hanging baskets and a charming patio space! I'm glad that Tristan has found someone special! I hear you will have a new PM in Britain on Wednesday . . . that was quick!

    1. Hi human, Debra,

      It's all good with my human brother and his partner. We are most happy for them both. Ah yes, Maggie, Part Two. Meryl Streep is lined up for the movie.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  5. Hi Penny.
    There'll be no mention of pawlitics from me. Those are lovely hanging baskets and a nice area to sit and enjoy the summer when it arrives.

    1. Hi human, Eileen,

      Pawesome stuff! Hopefully, my human dad and I can go over there and enjoy the hanging baskets on an actual sunny day! :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  6. What lovely hanging baskets :) I'd love something like that myself, and maybe a garden full of flowers too but I just don't have the patience for looking after things. I used to have lots of spider plants in the house, you're not supposed to be able to kill those no matter how badly you treat them but mine all died eventually :(

    1. Hi human, Eunice,

      Indeed and the hanging baskets remind me of the times when I lived at house with a great big garden. My human dad had loads of patience when it came to gardening during the alleged British summer! Good grief, you managed to kill some spider plants...

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  7. Ha ha - British summer, the slightly warmer part of the British winter - how true that is! Those hanging baskets are gorgeous :-) xx

    1. Hi human, Teresa,

      Arf and yep, welcome to the slightly warmer part of the British winter! The hanging baskets are even better since Gary took those photos.

      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

      Penny :) xx

  8. Those are pretty plants. I don't do so well with hanging basket flowers.
    Tomatoes however... Let's just say I'm giving them away now as fast as I can.

    1. Hi human, Diane,

      Fur sure, the hanging baskets are turning out very well. When it comes to tomatoes, I need to ketchup....

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  9. What beautiful hanging baskets! And that patio is so inviting. It is wonderful that Tristan has someone very special to enjoy life with.

    And getting away from politics is always a good thing ;)

    1. Hi human, Martha,

      How's it goin', eh and arf! It's a lovely little garden. My human dad and I most happy for Tristan and his lady friend :)

      No pawlitics, fur sure! :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  10. Sure has the green thumb going on indeed, at least rain is helpful in that way, allowing you to stay home.

    1. Hi human, Pat in the Hatt,

      I have a green paw. Yes, the more rain, the less need to water the baskets. My human only went to water the plants once in a week.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  11. Hi Penny!!!!!!! I love those hanging baskets! So pretty!!!!

    1. Hi JoJo,

      I was thinking of going over there and swinging from the pawty hanging baskets!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  12. Beautiful pictures, Gary. And it's true nothing outside needs much in the way of extra watering!

    1. Hi human, Ian,

      My human dad is delighted you like the pictures. You will relate to the rain, my fine human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  13. Hi Penny, I hope that all is well with you. Please tell Gary to take care of himself. He needs to be strong for Tristan and Sue and of course you.. Good for them to have a visit in Cyprus. You guys are taking care of those flowering baskets eh? they look like they are thriving. Have fun.

    1. Hi human, Munir,

      All is fine with me, thank you. Thanks to me, Gary is taking better care of himself. Yes, you are correct, he needs to strong for all concerned. They loved Cyprus. In a couple of months time they are going to Crete and Germany.

      The hanging baskets didn't need much watering. The alleged British summer! Still, the flowers are doing well, despite the lack of sunshine. We shall fun and thank you, my lovely human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  14. Hot from the desk of the appalling, yet fabulous, Sir Tom Eagerly:
    I don't understand Penny old thing. Why didn't Gary just send his head gardener and one or two minions to sort thing out? That's what Sir Tom would have done. I dare say young Bazza would do the same! I might get his cat, Ginger. to answer this as well.....cheers!

    1. Hi, alleged human, Sir Tom,

      The head gardener eloped with the chamber maid. Send Ginger over, we could sprinkle her with the watering can!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  15. Tristan has a spot of his ole dad in him, me thinks. I understand the perplexities. I once bought our youngest son and his new wife a bird house. They scoffed at it. Seven years later, they have children, and many pretty birdhouses in their yard. Go figure.

    1. Hi human, Joylene,

      Ah yes, I noticed the spot on Tristan. Not to be confused with Spot, the dog. I reckon you'd understand the pawplexities. There you go, your youngest son and his wife now truly appreciate the wonders of a bird house and of course, children.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  16. Aren't you the pawsitive pup! Those flowers are indeed a lovely compliment to the cozy blue patio. Rain? Things must be flourishing there - and so green! The only thing green here in the desert is me, with envy;-) I swear I saw an ant seek shelter under a lizard. Do tell our friend Gary not to fret too much, pawlitics are falling apart everywhere. Always good to hear from either one you Penny, keep up the good work;-)

    1. Hi human, Diedre,

      Thank you, a pawsitive pup, indeed! :) The flowers are magical, methinks. Yes, rain, followed by rain, followed by more rain. Wow, you sure have it different from us in the UK. Ah, Gary finds the pawlitics these days to be filled with very strange irony. Things have fallen apart even worse in the weird world of pawlitics. Of course, I wont talk about such things! :) Thank you for your kind, thoughtful words.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  17. Oh I LOVE THAT!! Not to mention, they are beautiful. See? You influenced him...but shhhh...don't tell him! "The British Summer, The slightly warmer part of the British winter" cracked me up!!! lol! Please send some of your rain our way, we have been sooooo dry that all the grass is turning brown. We need some of your downpour!! (((hugs))))

    1. Hi human, Caren,

      Oh yes, my human brother, Tristan, is suddenly into flower pawer, um, flower power! You are more than welcome to our rain. We sort of remember that mysterious glowing orb in the sky. Hope you get some rain very soon, my adorable human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  18. Lovely summer flowers. Always cheerful and welcoming.... Nice job dad....

    1. Hi human, Micheal,

      Indeed, lovely warmer part of the British winter flowers :) Dad did a pawesome job. Enjoy your nice weather in Chicago!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  19. I hated gardening when I was a kid at home too. Now I love messing around in the yard and occasional flower beds. I also love pointing out to my hubby where he missed during weed-eating and mowing, lol.

    I was in London a couple decades ago when it had rained for about 30 days straight. It cleared up to heavy drizzling for the changing of the watch at the Palace. Poor dudes with those huge furyy hats, lol.

    The world is on the brink of change at every moment Penny; but get your nap in anyways. Who knows when you'll be too busy for it :)

    1. Hi human, Donna,

      Amazing how the attitude to gardening can change when you become human adults. You seem to have your hubby nicely trained. BOL!

      It only rained for thirty straight days. Wow, that's no a long time in London! :) Those fuzzy, wuzzy hats sure get waterlogged.

      The turmoil and upheaval in the world is going at a dizzying pace. I shall have another well deserved nap and think about.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  20. The baskets are lovely and so colourful. It's often the way that children who don't like gardening change when they grow up and try first one plant, then another.

    1. Hi human, River,

      They sure are lovely and so colourful. It's wonderful to see the change in the children and they marvel at growing some plants.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  21. Love the blog Penny, awseome photo's also.
    Hope Gary is ok. You take care.

    1. Hi human, Yvonne,

      Glad you loved the blog, Yvonne. My human dad does take some pretty nice pictures.

      Gary is still very lethargic. At least he has me to take care of him.

      Thank you, my kind human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  22. After years of not being that bothered by flowers in my garden, I'm now not adverse to Hubby planting a few. Those hanging baskets are lovely, but I can totally empathise with the amount of watering they DON'T need over the summer :-/

    1. Hi human, Annalisa,

      Have a few hanging baskets adds a nice touch. Nice to know your hubby is into a bit of planting.

      Indeed, not much call for watering the hanging baskets during our, um, summer.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  23. The flowers are just beautiful! Big thanks to Gary for taking the time to water them and for sharing the lovely pics with us! :)

    1. Hi human, Lexa,

      Fur sure, lovely, beautiful flowers. Gary was hoping to have to water the flowers more than once in a week. Glad you like the pics, my kind human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  24. People have told me Cyprus is lovely. Beautiful plants. I enjoy taking care of my indoor and outdoor plants.

    1. Hi human, Medeia,

      Ah yes, Cyprus, a wonderful place. Sunny and hot, day after day after day. Looking after you indoor and outdoor plants must be very satisfying.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  25. I like those hanging baskets. My hanging plants are in sad, plastic containers. I need those cute baskets!

    1. Hi human, Chrys,

      Glad you like those hanging baskets. I shall sneak out those cute baskets and ship them over to you! :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  26. What lovely flowers! So nice of your human dad to water them. Our summer is a rainy one too. We're going to visit my family in Canada next week, and I'm not worried about our plants because it's going to rain most days we're gone. :) Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi human, Christine,

      Delighted you think the flowers are lovely. My human brother will be most pawleased. At least you wont have to worry about your plants while you're away visiting family in Canada, eh. Just be careful of the brick wall along the border. A great weekend to you, my wonderful human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  27. I love your hanging pots. Having flowers around always cheer me up.

    1. Hi human, Sharon,

      Ah yes, they sure are nice hanging pots. Beautiful, colourful flowers are quite the pawsitive tonic.

      Shall be visiting your latest pawst real soon :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  28. Lovely!
    Can you do one for me?! xx

    1. Hi human, Kim,

      Be prepared for a truckload of hanging baskets delivered to your place in Duluth, Minnesota!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :) x

  29. Oh Penny, we have all that pawlitical stuff going on here in the States too. Bleh! It's so nice to see a gardening post. The hanging baskets are beautiful! Too bad they're so high up you can't sniff them a bit. I'm sure your dad can lift you up a bit if you ask nicely.

    1. Hi human, Gwen,

      You most certainly do have a bunch of pawlitical stuff happening in America. Our pawlitics has gone so bizarre that your pawlitics is no longer the first news story on UK television.

      Wow, what a pawesome idea! I shall get my human dad to hoist me up for a right good sniff. Of the plants, of course! :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  30. Gorgeous flowers! I love them but my husband is the true green thumb in the family. I'm happy to enjoy the benefits of his hard work.

    1. Hi human, Lynda,

      Fur sure about the flowers. Your husband has a green thumb! Indeed, enjoy the benefits of him tilling the soil.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  31. Thank you, Penny for sparing us from politics! While I love politics, it's been a bit too much lately. A girl can only take so much before it's tiring. All my best to Gary. Please send him my very best and virtual hugs!!

    1. Hi Elsie,

      No worries! I think a lot of you humans and us animals, are suffering from pawlitical overload fatigue. I shall send you best wishes and virtual hugs. Thank you, my lovely human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  32. Flowers make life bearable. How sweet that Tristan is taking up the green thumb! <3 Love to you, Penny and please pass hugs to your humans.

    1. Hi human, Laura,

      Flowers are the pawsitive distraction. Yes, Tristan has been showing off his green thumb! Loving hugs to you from all of us here, lovely Laura.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :) x

  33. I'm impressed! I have a hard time keeping flowers alive.

    1. Hi Riot Kitty,

      I recall a time my human dad killed some plastic flowers. All is not lost. Have a wonderful weekend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  34. Hi Penny - you've had a busy summer so far ... so much going on - but how excellent to read about Tristan and Sue ... and to see that you and Gary were able to get over to their home and water their plants - albeit nature seems to do a lot of that for us ...

    All the best and with thoughts - cheers Hilary

    1. Hi human, Hilary,

      Oh yeah and so busy a summer it has taken me five days to get back here and reply. Oops and arf! It's really pawesome about Tristan and Sue. My human dad and I are very happy for them. I'd of water their plants in another way if I could of jumped up to the hanging baskets.

      Hope you managed to stay cool during the hot weather, my lovely human friend, Hilary.

      Pawsitive wishes,


  35. Hey Penny, by gum those baskets look good! I'm glad you and your human have somewhere to sun yourselves and have some flowers to take in at the same time. Don't for get your sun-cream! (Rosie has to wear some as she's such a white dog with pink bits that burn). x

    1. Hey human, Michelle,

      Eh by gum and those baskets are looking even better now. Of course, now we've had some really hot weather. I shall apply some suntan lotion on my silky smooth fur, fur sure. Hi to beautiful Rosie.

      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

      Penny xx

  36. Beautiful plants. Penny, I would water them for you if I could get my teleportation device working. Alas...

    1. Hi human, Crystal,

      They sure are beautiful plants. Actually, we could now use some of your teleported water if you ever get the darned thing working. We've actually had some very hot weather.

      Thank you and here's some British cheese!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny! :)

  37. I loved all these photos of the flowers and garden. Thanks for sharing. Awesome!

    1. Hi Romance Reader,

      I saw your pawesome comment over at my starstruck human friend Sharon's blog! :) Delighted you like the photos of the flowers in the garden. A pleasure to share.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  38. Sorry that you're still feeling tired. Lovely flowers.

    1. Hi human, Ivy,

      My human is so very tired. I was glad he found the energy to water those lovely flowers.

      Have a wonderful weekend, my kind human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

    2. Pawsitive wishes right back at you both!

    3. Hey Ivy

      We both thank you kindly :)

  39. Those flowers look awesome, Pawsome. Fancy having all that rain. In Australia we have to water our plants most every day. Lots of sun, too little rain. :-)

    Say hi to human Gary and tell him he's doing a great job with those plants!

    1. Hi human, Denise,

      They sure are some pawesome flowers. Actually, last week, we had so very hot, sunny weather over here in the UK. Almost like the weather you get most of the time in Australia.

      I just say hi to my human dad, Gary, fur sure.

      Pawsitive wishes and a wonderful weekend to you, my lovely human friend.

      Penny :)

    2. The flowering plants are quite lovely. We all need a bit of natural beauty. It is amazing they grow with a lack of sun.

      I hope your human dad feels better real soon:)

    3. Hi human, Truedessa,

      Fur sure and my human dad did a good job of maintaining the flowers while they were gone. Then again, with all the rain, he didn't need to do too much.

      Alas, my human dad is still not very well. I shall convey your pawsitive wishes, my kind human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny! :)

  40. "The slightly warmer part of the British winter."
    Now that's some funny stuff right there. I don't care WHO you are.
    Stay warm!

    1. Hi human, Al,

      Ah yes and oh my, we actually had some hot weather last week. Up in the 90's in your language.

      We are well warm and yes you left a comment to an actual dog. Arf!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny! :)

  41. Your human's flowers are pawsitively purrfect. ;)

    1. Hi human, Sherry,

      What a pawfect response from your fine human self. You seemed to be talking in cat! :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny! :)

  42. Hi Penny, what a lovely post. Tristan’s hanging baskets are really pretty, and it’s nice to have something good to read about after all the awful news of late.
    Sorry I’ve not been over for a while, I decided to take a bit of a break, but it’s time to knuckle down again now. Love to you and your ‘human dad’ xxx

    1. Hi human, Barbara,

      Glad you liked my pawst :) My human brother's hanging baskets are indeed a pawsitive distraction. All the horrible news lately has made me wonder what is wrong with humans.

      Always a delight to see your lovely human self. Don't blame you for taking a break. If it wasn't for me, the pawsts on this site would be even further apawt, um, apart.

      Thank you for the love and I know my very tired human dad will be most pawleased to know you visited.

      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

      Penny xx :)

  43. Hi Penny!
    I agree that flowers should never be used for pawlitical purposes. Anyway, hooray for Tristan and your dad for seeing eye to eye about gardens. Nice photos too!

    1. Hi human, Eve,

      No pawlitics and more flower pawer, um, power! :) Ah yes and now my human brother wants to take a gardening course. Glad you liked the photos, my lovely human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  44. I do love the hanging baskets. But I shall talk politics. I am very frightened at the prospect of the orange terror becoming President of the US. The polls are now showing him in the lead and that is quite concerning for the world. I hope that America does not make this mistake!

    1. Hi human, Keith,

      Glad you love the hanging baskets. It would seem to me that America has two crap choices. Of course, the one with the weird hairstyle aka Trump, is a risk to the whole world. Are you allowed to vote either though you're now in Germany, my fine human friend?

      Pawsitive wishes,


  45. Yay for such a pawsitive post, Penny and Gary. I love and respect you. Pretty flowers too!

    1. Hi human, Robyn,

      Paw, thank you very much, my adorable human friend. Love and respect, right back to you. Pretty flowers, indeed!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny! :)

  46. Just look at those flowers! Bright spot each one. And I'm glad you're such a responsible human, keeping those hanging baskets watered. My uncle was a Brit and a farmer. He couldn't get over California's irrigation systems. Like he told me, "If it doesn't rain in three days, we got us a drought in England." Heck, if it doesn't rain in a year or so in this state, we still plant begonias and do rain dances. Off now to tend to my wee garden.

    1. Hi human, Lee,

      Amazingly, those flowers are even bigger and prettier now. My human dad did go over and water the flowers once that week. Yes, he used water from the tap. I can relate to your British uncle farmer.

      What's this, human? You're going to wee in your garden! Arf!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny! :)

  47. Penny- I am so glad you put up this pawsitively pawsitive post. :) Loved seeing the beautiful pictures of the hanging baskets. Gardening is one of my all time favorite things to do. Awesome that Tristan is starting to enjoy it more too. :) Yay!

    1. Hi human, Jess,

      Thank you for your pawsitively pawsitive reply to my pawst, my amazing human friend. The flowers are getting betterer and betterer. My human dad used to have an amazing garden. Gardening is fun and I love to sniff around in a garden. Now Tristan wants to take a gardening course.

      Pawsitive wishes and have a pawesome weekend.

      Penny! :)

  48. I had to dig up my garden because of sink holes. Pretty soon a grouting company will come to put 20 pins and a ton of grout under our house. Currently, i'm a bit spooked about walking around in my yard.

    1. Hi Shelly,

      Penny is sleeping so I shall comment instead. Sink holes would freak me out. I'm not surprised you're a bit concerned about walking around in your yard. What a hassle and I hope all will be okay.



I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.