Saturday 23 October 2010

The Gold Framed Dog Blog Award.

It had been suggested that perhaps I create an award using the above photograph.  This was mentioned in a comment by our blogging friend at this wonderfully interactive site:  Along Life's Highway The Yard Art Game.  Here is the quote, "Gary, perhaps you should make your own award using the lovely shot of the framed Penny."
So, thanks for that, lifeshighway, and thus, I create a new blogging award.  'The Gold Framed Dog Blog Award', is born.
I will now pass on this award to five worthy recipients whose blogs clearly demonstrate their love for the precious creatures who share our fragile planet.  Now, the five recipients can do as they wish with this award.  They can forward it on or just proudly display the award on their site.  I leave it up to the discretion of the recipient.  
If you do choose to pass it on, it does not have to be forwarded to someone who has a dog.  No, if you know of a blog, for instance, that has a great love of garden slugs, hey, that's great!   If you visit a blog that thrills you with their affection for Vietnamese pot bellied pigs, I say, fantastic!   If you know of a blogger who just adores cats....well...ummm.....okay.  
So now, finally, I present to you the first ever winners of what will be, one of the most sought after, highly cherished, highly coveted awards in the history of blogging awards, ever!  

The Gold Framed Dog Blog Award, goes to:

Functional Kaos :  This blog written by, Mustang Sally, displays great affection and appreciation for the wonders of nature.  This blog is well worth a visit if you have not already done so.
Rot Du Jour  :  The writer of this blog, Sam, loves dogs and cats.  A witty and light hearted blog that I greatly enjoy reading.
Random Thoughts  :  Sharon, at this beautifully written blog, tells inspiring, witty and charming stories about her adventures with her lovely dog, Macy.
Soundoff  :  Heather, the writer of this thought provoking and inspirational blog, has much love for her cherished pets.  I know that she considers them as family members.  Her thoughtful blog is a favourite of mine.
knightrider  :   My dear friend, Wayne, has just started blogging and I know how much his beloved animals mean to him.  His ongoing tales will, I know, be a source of inspiration.

So that's just about it.  This award is dedicated to those I consider to have great respect and love for all our beautiful creatures.  I now set this award free.  Free to roam and bring joy to so many deserving recipients.


  1. Wonderful idea for an award, Gary. Love it!

    *Whispers* Sorry, I confess, I prefer cats.

  2. Hi Ian,
    Thanks. And thanks to that excellent blog at lifeshighway who suggested I make some kind of award out of the photo.
    I do hope it circulates around. 'Whiskers', sorry whispers back...that's okay to prefer cats. What the heck am I saying? lol

  3. What a wonderful idea, and I love the photograph. Hugs... xx

  4. Hi Carole,
    Thanks and I really hope that this award gets sent around to many worthy recipients. I know I could of chosen lots more and I hope they end up getting this award.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Gary x

  5. OMG! I'm totally flabbergasted!! And really really psyched!! THANK YOU!! I am going to honor this fantastic award by re-distributing it to other animal lovers ALL OVER the blogosphere!! But seriously thank you and I'm so pleased to have a picture of Penny the Internet star and all around gorgeous girl on my blog! You are too kind :) and now I've used up all my exclamation points so...take it easy eh?

  6. Hi Sam,
    You are very welcome. And after all the crap you've been through lately, I'm even happier to bestow this award upon you.
    It would be like totally awesome if you would be so kind as distribute this award to worthy folks. So thank you. And Penny thanks you for your kind words.
    Please try and have a good weekend.
    In kindness and a whole bunch of exclamation marks, your way, Gary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Aw, Gary! I am so honored that you presented me with Penny's award. Not only is it a beautiful award, but it has such a lovely meaning. All of God's creatures are such a blessing. Thank you so much for presenting me with The Cold Framed Dog Blog Award. :-)

  8. Thank you Gary, I shall cherish this award and keep it close to my heart along with my most precious treasures. I will display it on my blog and thoughtfully reflect on whom to pass it on to. Cheers!

  9. Awww, I love that you created your own award out of nothing but a frame and a cooperative dog. Now if you can manage that feat with my delinquent pets, I will give you gold shillings.

  10. Aw shucks! Thank you Gary, you are such a sweetheart.

    I am honored to be among the first to receive this soon to be highly coveted award. I will (or rather my blog will) wear this badge proudly and generously share it with other deserving recipients.

    My own little Moppet, who's picture I have not posted on my blog in order to preserve her anonymity (I think she may be 'on the lam') became very agitated when I showed her this award and seemed quite concerned that "Penny's been FRAMED!" It took a good bit of explaining to convince her that in this case that was a good thing ;)

  11. I love it! What a great picture and award.

    Julie xx

  12. What a smashing idea! Max and Paddy,my two JR's make an occasional guest appearance on my blog! Couldn't imagine life without a jack in it!
    Now off to check that list of blogs you have given - love recommendations!
    smiles and blessings

  13. Aw, how lovely. Congratulations to the recipients.


    PS Penny looks splendid in her gold frame.

  14. Bazza's cat Ginger says "this a very unfair posting!"
    But bazza says it's very nice and a generous idea.

  15. Hi Sharon,
    I was very happy to present you with this brand new award.
    Your blog is testimony for your great love for all our precious creatures.
    My wish is that this special award spreads far and wide, bringing much joy to all who receive it.
    Thanks Sharon.
    With respect and warm wishes, Gary:-)

  16. Dear Heather,
    I know of your respect and affection to the precious animals of our world.
    Long may this award bring you warmth and comfort.
    It would be an honour if you display it on your blog and hopefully bestow it upon others at a later time. Do with it what you feel is best.
    Take care, my friend.
    With respect and kindness, Gary.

  17. Hi Sandra,
    Yes indeed, Penny is a most cooperative but rather bewildered dog. 'What now!?' she asks me. 'Oh great, you want me to pose for another one of your silly blogs? Well, it's gonna cost you a fortune in doggie treats!', she added.
    Gold shillings eh? Heck, why not, although Penny asks if you could send 'dog pounds'.

  18. I like your award photo, man. You incorporated your own little doggy into the award. Cool. I will have to check out those blogs you recommended for your award.

    You mentioned a Vietnamese Pot-bellied Pig and you know what? My sister had one of them for a pet not long ago. They loved it a lot. Had to be put down, though, because it was getting too big for it's own good and accidentally knocking my nieces down to the ground..

    Anyhow... I think it's great that you're paying homage this way to pet lovers. Anything that promotes love for animals is aces with me. I know I wouldn't be too happy if I didn't have my cat around.

    Take care, Gary. And cheers to ya!

  19. Hey Sally,
    It was my absolute pleasure to pass on, what will be, one of the highest, if not the highest, blogging awards, one can receive.
    I was so thrilled that you posted up the award and passed it on to a very worthy recipient. I had a check of 'Mrs Midnite's Mutterings' and some dog 'laughing its socks off'. You know, I work my socks off and then I laugh my socks off...
    I'm glad you have given Moppet a thorough explanation that wasn't really framed as in framed, framed.
    'Moppet. I wasn't really framed. It was the silly guy who lives with me trying to set me up in yet another one of his weird postings. I do worry about him!', explains Penny to Moppet.
    Take good care of yourself.
    In kindness, Gary :-)

  20. Hi Julie,
    Thanks for that. It shall be very interesting to see where this award goes. I think this award will be much cherished.
    Happy writing and take good care.
    Kind wishes, Gary

  21. Hi Juliana,
    Thank you. This idea was inspired by lifeshighway and I am grateful to that excellent blogger.
    It's great incorporating our animal friends into our blogs. Jack Russell dogs. What an energetic little breed, they are.
    I hope that this award comes visiting your site. You would be a most ideal recipient.
    Smiles and blessings, your way, Gary :-)

  22. Hi Suzanne,
    Awe thanks. I'm really glad I created this award. Penny is on one giant ego trip lol
    Take care and keep smiling.
    Kind wishes, Gary

  23. Hi bazza,
    Would you please tell Ginger that this award is in recognition of bloggers who have demonstrated their respect and love to a huge variety of animals...even...ummm....cats:-)
    Thank you, bazza, for understanding the good intentions behind this new and soon to be, very much loved award.
    Take good care bazza and Ginger.
    In kindness and a 'arf, arf' from Penny, your way, Gary and Penny :-)

  24. Hey Kelly,
    You are too kind, sir. I do hope you check out those other blogs. One of them is brand new but the blogger has great respect for all our animal friends. He is a personal friend of mine.
    Wow, what a coincidence! I mention that legendary pig and you note your sister used to have one. It's a pity it got so big and accidentally knocked one of your nieces to the ground. Still, it does show that this award can possibly end up on all sorts of animal loving type blogs.
    I think this will, if it does get well circulated, become a very meaningful award. I know that you would be a fantastic choice for this award. I hope someone sends it your way. I knew I should have perhaps given it to more recipients. I just got lazy.
    Thanks again, Kelly. I'm going to be visiting your new blog, again, soon. I tried to link in as a 'follower' and guess what? Yep, what a surprise blogger was acting up.
    Kind wishes and respect, Gary :-)

  25. Hi Gary,
    Now that's an award that I can sink my canines into(yikes that was bad!) Great idea-animals deserve equal opportunity online blogging recognition too. Love Penny in a gold frame...Love to read your blog too and will enjoy visiting the blogs that you honored with this award. Have a wonderful last week in October Gary...I wonder what colorful leaves you will turn over to share in your next blog,

  26. I agree with ya there, my man. I think if this does get circulated around, it will become a meaningful award. Hell, it already is meaningful, regardless. Yeah, that is a coincidence about her pig. It's too bad they had to put it down.

    Thanks for the shout out within your comment pertaining to the new blog. I appreciate your support. Yeah, Blogger is on the fritz these days. I noticed. Don't know why. I didn't have any trouble putting pics on the blog today, however.

    Well, I gotta go nighty night. The wife is beckoning me to hit the sack... or else she's going to hit my 'sack'. :) Take care, Gary.

  27. Dear Gary,
    Great picture of Penny and a wonderful idea for an award. I look forward to reading the blogs you mention.
    I have myself, of course, been described as an animal-lover, although if you take that phrase literally it does have slightly dubious connotations. I'm sure that, as a master of the double entendre, you could think of some.
    Yours with Very Best Wishes,

  28. Hi Rebecca,
    Very good. I wish I had your 'wisdom'. Aint that the tooth. lol
    I thought an award that acknowledges our animal friends, and those who care so much about them, was a really neat idea.
    I thank you for such encouraging words. Penny thanks you for loving the way she looks in the gold frame.
    Thanks for checking out those other blogs. I know, with all the animal lovers out there, I could have made a really big list of recipients.
    Hopefully, those I did not include, will get this highly prized award.
    Now, there's a thought. An end of October blog with the warm and resplendent leaves. That would be good.
    I wish for you and your loved ones a most pleasant week.
    With respect and kindness, Gary :-)

  29. Brilliant phrase and it is duly

  30. Hey Kelly,
    Thanks for the bonus comment. Yes, it would be so nice to see the award wander around the blogging blogosphere. Be very interesting to see where it ends up.
    And that really was a shame about the pig. I can imagine it caused quite an emotional dilemma.
    You're welcome for the shout out in regards to your latest blog. I'v slapped it up on my blog list. Also, blogger actually allowed me to follow your latest blog. I only had to try 5 times. Not bad, eh.
    I hope your sack is none the worse for wear :-)
    Cheers dude.

  31. Dear David,
    Thanks for that. I think this will become a most legendary award. I can just see me stumbling upon some blog and see Penny posing proudly on their site. I hope you manage to check out those other sites and see what you reckon.
    David, I was rather aware that noting an award for lovers of animals, could be subject to interpretation. Now, would I have lowered the tone in the posting with some rather dubious innuendoes? Not arf.
    All the beast to you, David.
    Kind wishes and a cute pussy, your way, Gary :-)

    I have myself, of course, been described as an animal-lover, although if you take that phrase literally it does have slightly dubious connotations. I'm sure that, as a master of the double entendre, you could think of some.

  32. Hello anonymous,
    "Brilliant phrase and it is duly"

    Gee thanks. Now I'm wondering which phrase is brilliant and it is duly, what exactly?

  33. thanks for the recomendations of more blogs to read
    very generous of you

  34. Hi Kerrie,
    I hope you like them. I think it is good to hopefully bring awareness of blogs that we like.
    Wishing you much happiness with your ongoing writing endeavours.
    In kindness, Gary

  35. Love the award!

    Any animal lover is a friend of mine.

    I've enjoyed my stay :)

  36. Greetings Wendy,
    Thank you, my friend. I so hope that this award circulates around the blogging world and spreads joy wherever it may land.
    Have a peaceful weekend.
    In kindness, Gary :-)

  37. Coolest pics ever Penny! Do you think you could give me a graphics tutorial? BTW, I'm commenting on your amazing dogblog from an aeroplane. Yikes! I think I just saw your lovely dog award fly by! You really do get around!

  38. Hi THE SNEE,
    Wow, thanks for commenting on this now archived posting :-)
    Actually, you were kind enough to comment on this posting, before.
    Anyway, I would be happy to give you a graphics tutorial.
    My fame has now reached the clouds. Not surprised by that.
    Just wondering if you are on 'Blog Air'!
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, all the way to the plane, Penny xx


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.