I'm running a little behind. Or maybe it's a big behind. Bottoms up. I have an announcement to make that should of been made on Friday, July 26, 2013. Told you I was a little or big behind.
I was asked by the kind and lovable Damyanti if I would possibly do a guest posting. Would I like to do a cynical, satirical, sarcastic, maybe even bordering on witty guest posting? A guest posting that alluded to my thoughts on social 'notworks' such as, 'Farcebook'. Yes, that fascinating place where you can read my vital to your life, profile updates. If you're not on Farcebook, gosh, think what you've been missing.
I was even considering posting up my thoughts on Damyanti's site in regards to blogfests, blog hops, blog parties, blog tours, blog challenges and the dreaded, "A to Z Challenge" that hijacks the month of April. Oh how I look forward to the month of May. Only to discover A to Z reflection posts about reflection posts about reflection posts. Before you know it, it's April 2014 and the darned thing starts all over again.
Do I mention that Damyanti is a co-host of the A to Z Challenge? I suppose I just did. The irony is not lost on me. In fact, more irony, even though I'd rather be publicly humiliated in the stocks at the local market square, I have, in my own discreet way, promoted the darned thing for those who might consider participating.
If you've never had the delight of visiting our friend, Damyanti's site, you will find the link to her site below. You will note that not only does she write thoughtful musings, she displays the ethos of bringing further awareness of her fellow writers and bloggers. I'm grateful to know her. Damyanti, thank you for the opportunity to guest post and I wish to apologise that I somewhat screwed up by doing a serious guest post. I owe you something tongue-in-cheek.
Here's the link to Damyanti's site and my guest post : Writing on Writing : Amlokiblogs
In Other News

The collaboration writing challenge is ongoing. I would like to pass on my gratitude to Samantha Geary for getting this endeavour so well organised. To check out the continuing story, you can find it here: Tree of Life: Branching Out
And even more news. There's some sort of anti-blogfest circulating the wonderful world of blogging. Can you believe it? If for some weird reason, you want to get involved and you haven't already, here it is in all its glorious irony, "The Anti-Blogfest Gary Fest". The info about this non-contest can be found via these fine collection of well meaning folks.
Here are the list of hosts!
Excited about the "Tree of Life: Branching Out" collaboration story?
Thrilled beyond belief about the anti-blogfest?
Smooth or crunchy peanut butter? Both? Or neither?
Your favourite superhero?
Your favourite monster?
Your favourite movie?
Why is this posting so long?
Have you visited Ninja Captain Alex!?
All of that made me laugh!
ReplyDeleteYour beach poem was really nice. Awesome of Damy to ask you to guest there.
Let's see, your other questions...
Excited several blogger buddies are participating in the Tree of Life and my book will be a prize.
Excited about Gary Fest. Hope so since I am co-hosting.
Smooth peanut butter.
Can I say Justice League of America?
Several favorite, but we'll go with Aliens right now.
And visit him every day! Oh wait, that's me...
Hi Alex,
DeleteI'm glad this could make you laugh. I also know you have been over to Damyanti's site and commented.
Your book being a prize is a kind gesture.
Have fun with co-hosting.
A smooth response.
Yes you can say that.
Bambi meets Godzilla.
Aliens are in my garden
Go visit yourself :)
don't have one
don't have one
Field of Dreams
what is that?
don't know but I liked it
Hi Delores,
Delete"yes" Thank you
"no" Oops
"yes" Thank you.
"both" Okay!
"don't have one" Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar.
"don't have one" Ogopogo
"Field of Dreams" Let's play ball.
"what is that?" "I Was Seeking Gary", sorry, "Insecure Writer's Support Group".
"don't know but I liked it" That's encouraging.
"yes" Ninja dude will be pleased.
Hate facebook and so not on there, score one for my lair. no need to know when you go. People do post that you know. And thre A to Z, makes for an easy month at my sea
ReplyDeleteHi Pat Hatt,
DeleteWhat about 'Farcebook'?
Have a look
Would only be fair
They need you there
You need my vital updates
See how I rates
A to Z is easy for you
Mentioned sea, not the zoo.
Done - Really touching poem.
ReplyDeleteOf course.
Mildly, I still don't understand it, I clearly need more drugs.
Smooth, eaten from the jar drunk with one finger.
Mike from Monster's Inc.
V for Vendetta.
I beg your pudding?
Because you've been at the Sherry again.
I have indeed, he has an excellent name and most entertaining blog.
Hi Michelle,
DeleteThank you and I appreciate that.
Tree of Life. The Oak's on me.
I neither can comprehend it. Irony or something. I need to up my meds :)
Stick your finger in the jar. Such a smooth move.
Hell yes!
Yay Mike
Where is Guy Fawkes when we need him...
IWSG aka "Insecure Writer's Support Group."
Sherry made no complaints :)
The Ninja dude is everywhere.
Of course you are a very popular chap Mr Gary good sir, whose is so popular that you even get your own antiblogfest blogfest. Where as my keenness to do the A to Z in my own quirky little way has turned my blog into a bloggers antiblog blog shunned by the masses and the movers and shakers of the A to Z world. They will smile and say OOOooo no he is a nice man, but I know what they think of my rubbish typing and funny little drawing on scrap paper with a ball point pen. Just cos I am older than most of them and a bit grimpy (sorry grumpy)
ReplyDeleteBut I don't mind because I am happy being me in the strange world of cyberspace with my little band of readers and have made several friends that I could never have made without the wonders of the internet. And I get to grumble at the entire world too WELL COOL
Hi Rob,
DeleteThis might surprise you, but I'm not very well known at all. I'm blessed with a lot of comments, that's true. However, I'm very proactive and as you know, I promote a lot of blogs on 'Farcebook' and a number of other social 'notworks'.
You know I appreciate that you did the A to Z in your own unique way. The rules, to heck with them. Those that would leave you insincere comments don't know you. They don't realise what a totally decent chap you are. You are not shunned. I just think you're not as well known as some who actually are only on a blatant self-promoting ego-trip. Something we both, I'm sure, find in poor taste.
Continue to be happy with who you are. You have an intimate group of readers. A shared experience. Good sir, I know of blogs with over a 1000 followers and zero comments. That tells me about the superficiality that sadly lingers out there.
You note I go into great detail in my reply. All different, all equal, as far as I'm concerned :)
Thank you for reminding me of the Tree of Life story. I will get to it tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI have no favorite anything to tell you the truth.
But Penny rocks, he is my favorite Superstar!
Too bad I don't have farcebook.
I will check your guest post tomorrow my friend.
Till tomorrow.
Hi Julia,
DeleteI hope you enjoy the Tree of Life collaboration.
Like you, I don't have a favourite anything.
Penny is a superstar superhero :)
'Farcebook'. I think you were wise to move on from that fiasco.
Thank you, Julia.
Enjoy the rest of your Saturday.
Your favourite superhero?
Your favourite monster?
King Kong
Your favourite movie?
The towering inferno
Go figure
Hi John,
DeleteGarfield meets King Kong in The Towering Inferno.
No mention of zombies.
Go figure :)
I haven't read any of your famous "Gary" comments... I need to search around blogosphere to see your clever wit and sarcasm. ;-) And now that I know you're on Farcebook I need to go find you :D
ReplyDeleteAnd that's quite the list of questions. I'll just say that yes, I'm "thrilled beyond belief" for the anti-blogfest Gary fest! And stoked for Damyanti. :-)
Hi Morgan,
DeleteOh my comments can be long, rambling, disjointed, incoherent and have nothing to do with the post's topic. Right up there with those um really "sincere" comments such as, "Great Post!" "Thanks for Sharing! I follow your blog!"
Ah yes, 'Farcebook' and my incredibly philosophical updates such as, "I just had a cup of coffee!" Wow and neato...
Those list of questions were a tongue-in-cheek parody of Alex's blog :) I'm thrilled that you're thrilled beyond belief. Somebody hit me with a wet noodle. Damyanti from the dreaded 'opposition', is such a nice lady. Just like you, Morgan.
Have a nice rest of your weekend. I shall look for you on 'Farcebook'! :)
My favorite superhero? A toss-up between Penny the Jack Russell and modest internet superstar and her human, Gary aka Khahanie aka Uncle Gary "Don't mention 'blogfest' and nobody gets hurt!"
ReplyDeleteWho loves ya, Gary? We all do.
Hi Robyn,
DeleteAwe shucks, Robyn. I reckon we should vote for Penny or you, her of all things superhero chocolate. Uncle Gary shudders at the very thought of a "blogf**t"! Arggghhhhh!!!! LOL
So much "lurve", thank you :)
Gary :) x
I really enjoyed your post on Amloki. I commented over there. I didn't realize your anti-blogfest was an actual thing. I thought it would be like we all pick a day and NOT post anything! lol But now that I get it, I'm all signed up. :-)
ReplyDeleteHi Lexa,
DeleteI'm most pleased and thank you for the comment over at Damyanti's terrific site. Evidently, the anti-blogfest is real in a surreal sort of way. I like your idea. How about a blank post day :) You have signed up! Nooooooohhhhh!!! LOL
Gary :)
Hey, Gary. I'm back online...thanks for posting at my blog, and taking care of it while I was away!
DeleteI'm taking part in the tree of life story too, will have to work omits conclusion! Nervous... I suck at storytelling but Samantha seems to think I can do it, for some reason. Let's hope she is right. :)
I'm doing the Gary fest, so must go preschedule the post soon.
Hey Damyanti,
DeleteLovely to see your good self back online. It was my pleasure to post over at your site. I did a bit of polishing while I was over there :) Thanks for even considering me to guest post.
You will shine with words of profound wisdom with your Tree of Life excerpt. You will be just fine. It's going to come from the heart. I can sense these things and so can our dear friend, Samantha. Just relax and don't put any unwarranted pressure on yourself.
The Gary fest? Arggggghhhhh!!!! LOL
Wishing you well in your travels.
Gary :)
Off to check out your guest post now! As for all the questions, they're all the way at the top of the page, and I'm down here at the bottom, so...
ReplyDeleteHi Annalisa,
DeleteYou went there, you commented and I thank you. As for all the questions, where are they? Oh yeah. Me thinks I might have been spoofing a certain blogger :)
Gary :)
LOL... so many questions. Too early here for all of that. I am headed over now to check out your Guessed Posting!
ReplyDeleteHi Terry,
DeleteSo many questions and who needs questions, especially when they just woke up :) I appreciated your comment on the um "Guessed Posting." Thank you, Terry.
Gary :)
Great post, looks like fun is being had, long may it continue.
Hi Yvonne,
DeleteThank you, dear lady. Let's have some fun. Don't we all need that.
Hope you had a peaceful weekend, Yvonne.
Gary :)
This just reminded me of the scene in (Luhrman's) Gatsby: "Lemon or sugar?" "Neither." I honestly can't remember if it was in the novel, that's how long I've been hanging around with Mobys and Ishmaels.
ReplyDeleteI hopped over and read your guest post. I loved the idea of writing to just one person, and if I may ask, why was that post so much shorter? It felt like it was just getting started, and left us, your faithful readers, wanting more. Perhaps that was your aim? Either way, sending greetings from scorching continental Europe and hoping you are well.
Hi Chris,
DeleteNothing like a bit of Moby Dick. Maybe that didn't sound right. Lemon and sugar, in my case. Sour and sweet?
I'm very pleased that you would go and check out my "guessed" posting. I think writing to an audience takes away the intimacy. Right now, I'm typing to you. Just you and me in a conversation through the screen :) The post was at such a length to comply with the guest guidelines. Besides, I might of ran out of words....
It be hot in Europe. Although, I never know whether you're in Europe, the good ol' U.S. of A or Antarctica! :)
Hope you had a good weekend and got cooled off by your fans. You can take the word "fans" in any context.
Gary :)
I saw you at Damy's and it was a beautiful poem.
ReplyDeleteYes - I wrote my bit yesterday.
Of course I'm excited - I'm a co-host!
Either. Both. Now as a matter of fact, be right back!
The monster from Super 8
Yes, I participate
Because you're trying to sound like Alex - and succeeded.
And yes, I do or I wouldn't know you were channeling him. Or one of his clones.
Tina @ Life is Good
Hi Tina,
DeleteYes you did and thank you for your kind comment.
Yes you did and the link on my posting would take folks to your posting.
You are a co-host! Hope it doesn't conflict with your fascination of the alphabet! :)
Any peanut butter left?
Does Batman get his clothes from Cape Town?
I waiting for Super 9 to come out.
I Was Seeking Gary.
You noted the spoof.
I am a clone spoof.
Gary :)
Crunchy PB but I buy smooth and add sunflower seeds. Nom.
ReplyDeleteFave monster? Probably Bumbles from Rudolph, or the ones in Monsters, Inc. Or Godzilla.
Hi JoJo,
DeleteWow, that sounds very healthy. Unless you suddenly notice a bunch of giant flowers taking over your house :)
Nice choice of monster or monsters. I still think Bambi could kick Godzilla's butt.
Gary :)
Congrats - you did just promote the A to Z. Along with your own blogfest.
ReplyDeleteReady to check out Damyanti's site and that guest posting? I did
Excited about the "Tree of Life: Branching Out" collaboration story? I need to check it out
Thrilled beyond belief about the anti-blogfest? Absolutely!
Smooth or crunchy peanut butter? Both? Or neither? Either
Your favourite superhero? Captain America
Your favourite monster? Ghidorah
Your favourite movie? Legend
IWSG? Haven't missed one
Why is this posting so long? Because you had so much to say!
Have you visited Ninja Captain Alex!? Just last week
Hi Diane,
DeleteCongrats, indeed! I finally realised how important it is to bring further awareness of our alphabet. The anti-blogfest is only some kind of nightmare. We are all dreaming.
Nice copy and paste. Guess that's best with my comment format. I'm impressed with your answers. Especially the, I Was Seeking Gary.
Plenty to say. So many questions and folks to mention.
The Ninja Dude will be pleased. Or his clones will be pleased.
Gary :)
Loved your poem at Damyanti's! I can't wait to read your Tree of Life Entry! Great spoof on Alex!
It's entry in case Penny's checking.
DeleteHi Julie,
DeleteThank you and thanks for your very nice comment over at Damyanti's :) My Tree of Life entry was back on Friday, July 19. Aha, you noted the spoof! And Penny understands and she'll let you get away with it this time! :) Thank you, Julie.
Gary :)
Now you see I wouldn't have had to ask for that link to your post at Damyanti's if I'd gotten here earlier, would I? I'm slow to slug this morning, but I have an excuse. Babies. Not mine, other people's who are visiting. Love the visit. Not used to babies. One is at the Pterodactyl Scream stage of life. It's hard at 5PM, impossible at 5AM.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't going to enter your Anit-Blogfest Gary Fest, not because I don't like those festive occasions, but because of my small guest with the amazing lung power. Howsoever, it seems that I've succumbed to your anti-charm strategy, and am now committed to the endeavor. Now you'll have to excuse, me. There's a Pterodactyl calling for me.
Hi Lee,
DeleteIt's always a delight to see your good self. Your arrival via a discreet link, is warmly welcomed. Ah such a way to describe the sound of one baby in particular. Flying dinosaurs, you made me think of Jurassic Park. I'm thinking about the dreaded Thesaurus or was it something similar....
I believe, no matter how exhausted you are, you, dear lady of the hop, cannot resist the persuasive allure of an anti-blogfest. Your being committed is most certainly noted. Wishing you the very best of luck with the screaming Pterodactyl.
As per usual, your starstruckest fan,
Already did.
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard of it, but I'm sure I'll see it.
Can't wait to see the entries.
Annie Hall
First Wednesday of every month.
I didn't notice.
All the time.
Hi Medeia,
DeleteYes you did and thank you.
The Tree of Life is rooting for us all.
I can pretend I don't see the entries :)
Smooth move.
Faster than a locomotive.
Stuck your neck out.
Ah yes, Woody Allen movie.
I Was Seeking Gary.
That's good you didn't notice.
You should get some sleep :)
Gary :)
Damyanti's a great blogger!
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of the Anti-blogfest Gary Fest. So funny!
Hi Jai,
DeleteYes she is and so are you! And yes, I haven't thrilled you with one of my deeply philosophical comments in quite some time. Must rectify that. Oops....
Ah yep, the Anti-Blogfest Gary Fest! Kinda' brings tears of joy to my eyes! :)
Gary :)
I just came back from The Beach Of Dreams, with a sense of peaceful rejuvenation *and a tan*--well wrought, my friend! Many thanks for giving our Tree a shout-out and for contributing your amazing work to this special project:) See you at "The Anti-Blogfest Gary Fest"--I'll bring the *virgin* margaritas!
ReplyDeleteHi Samantha,
DeleteI saw you at The Beach Of Dreams. Such a calmness radiating from your tuned-in senses. Your tan looks great :) I was honoured and shocked to have been asked to contribute amongst such an amazing cast of talent. I thank you for that and your tireless dedication to such a thoughtful collaboration.
Oh that Anti-Blogfest and some dude named Gary. Wishing you much fun. I'll bring rotting vegetables :)
Gary :)
Gary, no matter how anti-anything you are...you're still the most lovable, huggable blogger in the pack. Thanks for always making me smile. I miss your sarcasm and twisted wit when I am in over my head and out of the bloggie loop.
ReplyDeleteWorking on my Gary hop post as I sleep :)
Hi Elizabeth,
DeleteSo very nice of you, Elizabeth. You see beyond my tongue-in-cheek cynicism and know that in a weird sort of way, I'm actually trying to be support to those who get involved in such things. Our humour interaction is a blessed energy and a darned good positive distraction. I appreciate you, my dear friend.
I've been having nightmares about that Gary hop or whatever that festival of frivolity thing is! :)
Gary :)
Loved your poem over at Damyanti's site. Just beautiful, Gary! And Penny did an amazing job taking over the blog. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Julie,
DeleteI'm most thankful you loved my poetic attempt over at the lovely Damyanti's site.
Penny is quite the celebrity. A diva dog, but what the heck!
Gary :)
I probably told you this before, but you, my dear man, are an anigma dressed up as a mystery. I could listen to your thoughts on any subject any day of the week. Thus, I'm begging your forgiveness for being so tardy in reading your posts. I promise I'll catch up. Off now to read your invaluable guest post.
ReplyDeleteHi Joylene,
DeleteWow and thanks, dear lady. How encouraging that you would listen to what I write. I'm deeply honoured by that. Joylene, you have plenty going on in your life. I know that your transitions, your concerns and the thoughts of new adventures, have been of the utmost urgency. Which means, I'm sending you peaceful, hopeful vibes for that better future you so desire.
Thank you so much for commenting on my guest posting on Damyanti's wonderful site.
Be well and smile, Joylene.
Gary :)
Hi Y'all!
ReplyDeleteOn my way to check out your guest posting!
Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Howdy Hawk,
DeleteYou sure did check it out, y'all. I'm grateful for your kind words.
Your latest posting touched our hearts. You are a kind, loving dog.
Penny's human,
Gary :)
Stopped by earlier and silly computer wouldn't let me leave a comment. Came back to try again. Enjoyed your poem on Damyanti's blog. Thinking about the "not a blog hop" Garyfest...lots to catch up on, and need to see how things go this week. There's still time, so I may add my name to the list yet:)
ReplyDeleteHi M.J.,
DeleteSilly technology. Thank you for liking my poem on Damyanti's site. I'm not thinking about the anti-blogfest blogfest :) You have been going through some challenging times. You know I wish you well. Healthy eating, my friend.
Gary :)
I love the way your mind works Gary, it makes me think of Van Eyck's painting The Arnolfini
ReplyDeleteMarriage, where the scene as reflected in the convex mirror directly behind the couple. :O)
Hi Madeleine,
DeletePenny and myself, her mere human, appreciate how you backtracked to some other postings. Very kind of you :) Ah yes, an image within an image within an...I wish I knew how my mind works. I shall reflect upon that. Thank you, Madeleine.
Gary :)
Dang Gary you are popular!! Mood determines my smoothness or crunchiness. But I'm in too much of a hurry to bloghop on over to see the interview, so ill answer another time. Maybe during my own interview. Oh the life , always the bridesmaid never the bride.
ReplyDeleteAh Tammy,
DeleteMy alleged popularity is just an illusion. When you consider my blog is 6 1/2 years old, I'm hardly known. I stay discreetly in the background.
Smooth of crunchy. Depends on your mood. I understand that. Actually, thanks for leaving a comment over at Damyanti's site.
Speaking of interviews, I really should try to interview you like we mentioned before. I suppose I should take a number. No doubt, there are millions of folks before me wanting to interview you.
Gary :)
Signed up for the Gary Fest, ya betcha!
ReplyDeleteYay I.B. Nosey,
DeleteMy worst nightmare has been realised! LOL?
Gary :)
The Tree of Life Project is most fun.
ReplyDeleteWill stop at Damyanti's. Farcebook is a hoot.
Hi Mary,
DeleteThe Tree of Life collaboration is moving along very nicely :)
Have a good time at Damyanti's. Farcebook, everyone's favourite social 'notworking' site!
Gary :)
Hi Gary .. looks like the A-Z might have to make an extra visit in the other A for Apple of the year .. A for August ..thankfully after a quick check I see no other alphabetting letter A appears amongst our month's names ...
ReplyDeleteI'll be off to fly over to Damyanti .. cheers for now Hilary
Hi Hilary,
DeleteI wanted to thank you for going back through my postings and Penny's posting. I know you are very busy and thus, much appreciated.
Did I see mention of the dreaded alphabet challenge? Yes I did. "A" is for "Argggghhhh!" Thank you for such an august mention.
I thank you for flying over to Damyanti's.
Gary :)