I visualised the following situation. I am invited to the celebration of a chap who has just reached his hundredth birthday. I find my moment and go over for a chat with this man. "Good day sir and happy birthday. May I ask if there are any dreams you would still like to fulfill?" He looks up from his chair, smiles and replies: "Young man, I will always have dreams, hopes, desires, ambition. I have lived a full life and the dreams that passed me by have been replaced with new possibilities. Past goals that were never achieved, are not perceived as failure, indeed, I consider that part of my learning process. New phases in my life brought with it brand new adventures.
My young friend, a passion for life is the key. Despite my age, I shall never lose my hunger, my quest for knowledge. Despite my age, I have never lost my appreciation for the wonders of nature. I have maintained that childlike quality that truly appreciates life's simple pleasures. I will always have dreams, hopes, desires, ambition right up 'til that moment I breathe my final breath."
No matter what our age, we know that we can live our life with a positive passion. That 'inner child' lives on. The passage of time is no reason to give up on the positive ideals that beats within us all. We can live each day with joyous expectation. There is a choice and if we choose to embrace the harmony of a positive world; we will live rather than just exist.
"Oh young fella'...you asked if there is any dreams that I would still like to fulfill. Well there is one dream. I fancy this young lady but she is ten years younger than me...but what the heck, maybe she might like to go out on a date with an older man."