Behold. After a two year absence, it is time for us, the wee folks, to bring to you, once again, the very essence of our positive ideals.
Greetings, tis I, Geoffrey the garden gnome. The loving husband of Fidelina, the beautiful fairy princess and proud father of the boy child, Einahalk.
And the reason for our two year absence? We have been looking after our human friend, our human brother, in your big world. For Gary, over the last two and a half years, has had three major operations. Our human brother was diagnosed with cancer. He survived. Our human brother has had two other major operations that have left him frustrated, scared, desperate. In fact, since those other operations, he continues to be in extreme pain. The medical profession, in your big world, have told him there is nothing else they can do.
That's where us wee folks are playing a vital role in his determination to get better. For we immerse him in the wonder, the magic, the inspirational love, that we gladly bestow upon our fragile human brother. He understands. He willingly embraces our values of an all different, all equal reality. Despite such relentless pain, he will get better. For our human brother is truly inspired. From medical to magical.
Now, let us inspire you, our human friend in the big world. We know, since early in the big human year, 2020, that you have been going through a terrible time. A terrifying time that has seemed relentless. It might have felt like you were living in some sort of black and white horror film. The colours, the brilliant colours, may well have become a fleeting memory.
Come with me, come with us. We reach out to hold your hand. We hug you. No more black and white. No more gloomy, ominous clouds. Let the colours of the rainbow absorb into your heart, your soul. Believe. Yes, you can sense the dawning of your indisputable awakening. No more broken wings.
Ah, a glorious July day in your human year, 2021. Gary and ourselves lived in a remote English village for a year and a half. The views are exhilarating. Note the splashes of colour. If you look real close, you will see us.Beyond the garden. Out in pastures green. Poppy, the talking horse, on the left and her friend, Flicker. We have a spiritual connection with horses. When you think about it, horses have a spiritual connection with humanity.