Friday, 6 November 2009

All Over The Place.

Apparently, I can be 'in bits', 'beside myself', don't know whether I'm coming or going, 'shattered', 'falling apart', or even 'cracking up'. Little wonder then that I'm 'all over the place'. I have actually been told, by quite a few people, that they 'love their children to bits'. Well ouch. So in theme with the title of this blog; I shall now write haphazard, disjointed musings that will be...well...all over the place.
I am often puzzled why some folks think my name is the abbreviation or Richard Edward. 'Hey 'Dick Ed'! how are you?' Conclusions, conclusions. Now, if you were able to leap over the words in that last sentence; I suppose you would be 'jumping two conclusions'. Do you think that lumberjacks have an axe to grind? To end this particular paragraph, and for no particular reason; I end it with the following. I was thinking about placing a bet on a butterfly race because I like a bit of a 'flutter'. (If you are British you will know that 'flutter' means a small bet. If you are not British, now you know).
I recall a time when I was coordinating a meeting for a mental health charity. The meeting was disrupted by some smug, self-important chap who seemed to think it was perfectly fine for him to upset our meeting. I asked him kindly to vacate the premises, what with the sensitive nature of the proceedings. Well, he responded by saying; "Do you know who I am!?" 'Why don't you know who you are?', I thought. Due to the potential of causing the group members undue anxiety; I stated, 'Tell somebody who effin' cares'. Okay, I didn't say that either. Tempted as I was to give this guy a somewhat verbal torrent, I did calmly say that I didn't know who he was and for him to please come back after the meeting. Yes, he did leave. He turned out to be the chap that supplied the premises, free of charge. Still, he should of known better.
I did state that this blog would be all over the place. So lets now continue by ending with some further disjointed, totally random thoughts from the depths of my silliness. Have you noticed those hovering insects wearing watches? They are, of course, 'time flies'. Have you seen those hovering insects that have doors, double-glazed windows and a roof attached to them? They are, of course, 'house flies'. You know, I wear 'my heart on my sleeve'. Might explain some of the funny looks I get. I'm very fast at totalling up numbers, I hasten to add. Just about sums it up. And speaking of summing it up...this ridiculous posting is almost finished. It's Friday night, my son is in Prestatyn. Still, I have my two friends in the picture, a hedgehog and a monkey, to keep me company. Oh, and not forgetting, 'Penny', the Jack Russell dog. Penny says : "Gary would you please hurry up and publish your silly blog. I need to go for a walk." I did mention that this blog would be all over the place. "Okay Penny, lets go for that walk."


  1. Dear Gary,
    The dog is talking to you and your two best mates are a toy hedgehog and a toy monkey. Need I say more!
    Yours with all the Best,

  2. Loved your post as ever, and I hope you and Penny enjoyed your walk. Hugs....x

  3. Dear David,
    Well you could say more. I suppose you could also mention the fact that a group of garden gnomes and a beautiful fairy princess were in my kitchen drinking coffee from my finest Royal Doulton china. But, then again....
    Thanks David, see you soon.
    Kind wishes, Gary.

  4. Hi Carole,
    Thank you. Penny and I had a lovely walk. Mind you, we had to wait until the dreaded loud bangs and fireworks had stopped for the night. Poor Penny hates this time of the year.
    Hugs back to you, Gary x

  5. Hi Gary;
    I think disjointed is an understatement however it's nice to see that you mind still functions even when in pieces. By the way we love you to bits too.!! LOL

  6. Hello Gary,
    I tried to put myself in your shoes until I feared I would implode! Besides I'm guessing your shoes are too big, and you probably don't like red.
    This is sooo funny. You have an incredible mind. Would you write my blog? I only need a few pieces.
    Love those; love your blog.
    Tell the firecracker people to "arf off".
    Dixie :)xx

  7. Hi Gary, I love every bit and piece of your "all over the place" blog. Wishing you and penny peace and joy.

  8. Wordplay can be so amusing.

    It also highlights the power of words and helps define just what they do mean.

    Take a phrase, 'driving up the wall'

    Where did that come from?

    Who came up with that when trying to express exasperation?


  9. Hi Heather,
    Thanks for your 'bits and pieces' response to my haphazard, disorganised blog.
    Love you guys to bits also.
    Rambling regards, Gary x

  10. Hello Dixie,
    Oh I don't think you would like to be in my shoes. Unless you have a peg to place on your nostrils:-) Just between you and me (please keep this a secret) I like red shoes and would love a pair. Ah Dorothy from the 'Wizard of Oz'..I'm so jealous.
    Your blog is wonderful and I would only cause 'grammar anarchy' on it:-)
    "Hey firecracker people..arf off!"
    Thanks, Dixie. Kind wishes, Gary x

  11. Hi Jun,
    I thank you and Penny thanks you. Wishing you peace and joy, my friend.
    With respect and kindness, Gary.

  12. Hi John,
    This was 'driving me round the bend' in regards to 'driving up the wall'.
    Plays on words are most definitely fun. Thanks for your comment. It makes me want to 'laugh my head off' :-)
    With respect, Gary.

  13. Hi Gary,

    This post so funny and so cleverly written.

    Brilliant stuff!


  14. Hi Steve,
    Thanks for that. Must go now and 'laugh my socks off':-)
    All the very best with your ongoing concept story. Most intriguing and I hope you get lots of awareness regarding your blog.
    Positive wishes, Gary.

  15. Great post, Gary. Hope you and Penny enjoyed the walk.


  16. Hi Suzanne,
    Penny and myself had a wonderful walk. Penny thanks you for your kindness.
    Happy 'NaNoing', Suzanne.
    Best wishes, Penny and Gary x


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.