
Monday 21 October 2013

Time For Some Links, Me Thinks.

Once again, I'm not going to be so presumptuous as to figure I should apologise for not posting for a few days.  I get a chuckle out of those who apologise.  I shall apologise for actually doing a posting.  How about that.

Let's make this an informative posting.  Have a few links and ask a few questions at the end.  That should work.

My dear friend, Delores, has moved her main blog site to the following location.  So those who wondered where Delores is, here she is : Under The Porch Light  It would be very nice, if you weren't aware of her main blog, to go and pay her a visit.  Thank you.

My dear friend, Heather, after a time on focusing on furthering her career prospects, after going through a traumatic time the previous year, has told me she's going to start blogging again.  I promised that I would provide a link to her site.  Here it is and fulfilling, therapeutic writing, Heather : Soundoff

My intellectual buddy, David, who has little recognition, is a most articulate writer and brings up important issues in regards to mental health.  I do hope you check David out, who can be discovered here : A Day in the Life

Announcing the return of Barry aka "bazza".  After a bit of a time out, Barry has returned with his own unique, informative style.  You can find bazza, here : To Discover Ice

For beautiful art work, you can visit Suzanne Bean's site, which is a written and visual delight, here : Art by Suzanne Bean

For some more incredible art work and thoughtful words, please check out Joanne Rose, who can be found here : joanne rose

I now have a new blogging buddy.  Because my new blogging buddy has a wiggly icon, I reckon he deserves a mention.  Can't beat a wiggly icon.   DAVID WALSTON can be seen here at this site Blah Blah Blah Yackity Smackity.  You can tell him Dr. Who sent you.

Our good friend, Jeffrey, as you might well know, has been going through a very sad, reflective time, with much dignity and wisdom.  I know the blogging community has been reaching their hearts out to Jeffrey.  If you haven't checked out his latest posting, you can read it here : Strands of Pattern

On Sunday, October 20, you may have realised that it was our remarkable young buddy, Lenny's birthday. The delightful Hilary did a detailed post about him.  If you haven't read Hilary's posting about Lenny, I hope that you do. Hilary's blog is located here : Positive Letters....inspirational stories....

Then there's Pat in the Hatt and his rhyming cat.  Seems to me that Pat, the cat, rhyme all the time and that's not a crime.  If you've never read such poetry, go and see, what those two, do at their zoo.  Here you be, the link from me :  It's Rhyme Time

Any questions from you to me?
Let me see

Going Under The Porch Light
To your delight

Checking out Soundoff
Your hat you shall doff

A Day in the Life
His site to arrive

To Discover Ice
Isn't that nice

Art by Suzanne Bean
Know what I mean

joanne rose
Art and prose

Blah Blah Blah Yackity Smackity
Yackity yack, don't look back

Strands of Pattern
And a glowing lantern

Positive Letters....inspirational stories....
Tales to put you at ease

It's Rhyme Time
Well, ring my chime

Missed anything?  Right then, you can always visit the ninja dude aka : Alex J. Cavanaugh


  1. Lovely of you to mention all those links, will certainly visit as many as I can over the next few days, By the way who is Alex J. Cavanaugh? lol

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Thank you and have fun. Good question. I have no idea who this Alex is! :)

      All the best,


  2. I know a few of these links, I will try and visit some of the new ones to me.

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Thank you and I might be the missing link :)

      A good day to you.


  3. Replies
    1. Hi Pat

      And thanks for that, Pat.

      Have a nice day.


  4. David and Pat are awesome! And Jeff's post was very touching.

    1. Hi Alex,

      Are you the ninja dude? Okay. David, Pat and Jeffrey's post is a powerful verbalisation.

      Take care,


  5. You are a one for doing good deeds. . . I like to give a dark moody and grumpy image, It keeps the number of comments to a minimum.

    Well Done Good Sir....

    1. Hi Rob,

      And I do try to do good deeds without the fanfare. I don't see you as having a dark, moody and grumpy image. I see a gentleman who means well, but doesn't get the attention I'm blessed with. I got lucky, but that's another story! :)

      Thank you, my good friend.


  6. I shall visit the links of those that I don't already visit. Thank you Gary.

    1. Hi Keith,

      Thank you for that. Me thinks you will like the other links.


  7. You're such a good guy
    Whose judgement I trust
    So doing link hopping
    Right away is a must.
    Thank you, kind Gary
    For all the info
    I'll catch up with you later
    'Cuz hopping I shall go.


    1. Hi Robyn,

      You're such a nice lady
      Whose blog is a must
      Not just a maybe
      In blog we trust
      Have fun a hopping
      Thank you for stopping
      The info you know
      From at my show
      Will send you there
      With nary a care

      Thank you, Robyn.

      Gary :) x

  8. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey Thanks!

    1. Hi Robin.
      My names David, but Gary is a very thoughtful person! ;)

    2. Ah DAVID and Robin,

      Wibbly wobbly woo, look at you and Dr. Who. Stop wiggling man...if you can. And Robin, I thank you, this be true.

      Gary :)

  9. That was really nice of you Gary...thank you for the mention...I'm off now to visit these 'new to me' blogs.

    1. Hi Delores,

      You may recall that before the end of fall, I would let them know you've moved your show. My pleasure, Delores and happy visiting.


  10. Well I'm liking your new blog header!!! Yay for these bloggie pals! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,

      Thanks for liking my header. Takes one away from the rubbish I write. Yay to bloggie friends.

      Be well, Old Kitty.


  11. Gary,
    thanks for the links.
    You are such a sweet, giving, kind, funny, brilliant, generous, groovy man. xxx KISS from MN.

    1. Hi Kim,

      I'm glad to share these links, my friend.

      And thanks for the flattering words. Your cheque, or check's in the post :)

      Groovy baby. A big kiss from Leek! X

      Gary :)

  12. you crack me up. I wasn't in the mood to post on EITHER of my blogs today and am probably just posting on one tomorrow, am I going to apologize? Hell no. Those that should apologize are those that post 7 days a week THAT is something to apologize for. lol. I'm in a "mood"

    1. Hi Caren,

      Meow n'stuff! :) Oh, you have more than one blog? Oops..Actually, take a break and yep, don't apologise for ever taking a break. Those that post everyday are hard to keep up with. So I don't! I apologise if my comment has taken so long to get here.

      Gary :)

  13. Gary,
    No wonder so many of us love you. You are such a generous and inspirational man. Thank you for the links. Some I know, and I have already visited another.

    1. Hi Sue,

      That's very nice of you to say. Thank you. Like your good self, I do try to be there for others. Of course, dilemma time, again. I then think, oops, I should of added this person and that person and....Have fun visiting those you don't know.

      All the best, dear lady.


  14. Okay, I will check them.
    Thank you.
    Have a lovely week.

    1. Hi Julia,

      I appreciate that and thank you. I shall be visiting your site to reread your latest wonderfully written articulation. A lovely week to you, dear friend.



  15. You are so funny. Pat in a Hatt sounds cool to visit.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Hi Shelly,

      Thanks for that. Pat in the Hatt has like a zillion followers and I want him to get a zillion more. I read his stuff and say enough is enough! :)

      Hugs and British chocolate,


  16. After all of that
    I'll have to be a nice cat
    And visit away
    Each new bay
    The ninja wannabe though
    Pffft he's buried in the litterbox, don't you know?

    1. Pat in the Hatt,

      Be a nice pussy
      Instead of a woosie
      Visits galore
      From you shore
      The ninja dude
      You're being crude
      In with the litter
      Poor ninja critter.

      Disqus crap is a pain in the ass. Sort him out with a new comment pass.


  17. Gary,

    You are awesome for sharing the links! My rhyming skills, I'm afraid, are pretty atrocious. I will spare you.

    Have a good week!

    1. Hi Samantha

      No problem with the links, me thinks. Your rhyming skills will create thrills. Now Samantha May or may not, be put on the spot. With a rhyme or two, for me and you.

      A good week to you,
      How very true.

      Gary :)

  18. I know how you feel. I always feel the need to apologize whenever I post.

    1. Hi Al,

      Indeed, you should apologise for posting. I must make mention of that when I visit your site.

      Thank you, sir.


  19. Wonderful links all, and now you've taken me off task, for a visit had to be made because you asked! No apologies needed, and yet I'm sure I've made them! LOL
    Thank you for your continued support and on Wednesday I have a Halloween post fit for a boast! Okay, I'm done with the rhyme - Pat's influence and yours too!
    Leaving this time!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Ah Yolanda, you had a gander. At the links that include the kitchen sinks. I find it quite funny to apologise. They apologise and I roll my eyes.

      I'm glad to be of some support. Glad to give an ongoing report. Wednesday, you say. A Halloween post from the site you host. Wonder who it might be. Tee hee hee. Pat in the Hatt. Make him go splat. Him and that cat, as a matter of fact, are jealous of me and yes, Penny.

      Thank you, Yolanda.

      Gary :)

  20. Thanks for the kind words, Gary. I appreciate that--and you!

    And thanks for all these links.
    Many of which to me are new.
    I need to catch my forty winks.
    But want to meet these folks before I do.

    1. Hi Jeff,

      My good friend, it's my honour, or honor :)

      Have fun with the links
      And the ones that are new
      Have your forty winks
      And these folks await you

      Take care and please look after you.


  21. How nice and generous of you to put a link to these other Bloggers. I follow a few but will check out the others you recommended.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      Thanks and it was my pleasure to do this. I do hope you like the links you're not aware of. Take care, Arleen.


  22. Always happy to help a friend, Klahanie is true to the very end.

    1. Hi M.J.,

      What can I say. M.J., your kind words have made my day.


  23. Holy cow- so many excellent looking blogs! I started to check them all out, but must go to bed. I look forward to doing more exploring tomorrow. Excellent rhyming. :)

    1. Hi Jess,,

      Holy cow and a lot of moooving links. Hope you manage to check them out after your have had a sleep. Thanks for liking the rhyme or three. Perhaps a riddle for you to me :)


  24. Hi Gary, my hirsute pal. Thanks for the mention of my blog and for continuing to think of me and my many fans. Being the intellectual giant that I am, I have to be careful about my mental health. There's a fine line between genius and insanity, Gare, and there's virtually no line between stupidity and voting Tory, but that's another matter. Seriously, thanks again for promoting my writing and an issue close to both our hearts - mental health.
    Very Best Wishes, and perhaps speak to you soon,

    1. Hi David,

      You hairy hunk of a man, you. I think of you and your ever growing legion of fanatical fans. You are an insane genius. Or perhaps a charming eccentric. And yes, that matter about the Nasty Party that are the Tories, is another matter and a previous post. Mental health well being, as we both know, is an issue that impacts us all. The Sun newspaper has a lot to answer for.

      Yes, talk to you soon, David.

      All the beast, um best.


  25. Some wonderful blogs with thoughtful writers, talented people. Thanks!

    1. Hi Susan,

      Indeed they are, dear lady. And indeed you are. Thank you, Susan.


  26. Thanks for sharing all those links Gary, it's very nice of you to promote their blogs. I must try to visit them when I can as I don't know most of them but I'm sure they will be good reads. Loved how you made a poem out of it too mate. Take care and enjoy the rest of the week.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      I'm delighted to do such sharing, my friend. I know that you visited my good friend, David's blog. You will know of what I mean about him. I try to rhyme, but not all the time. And you, good friend, are always posting such provocative thoughts and questions within your postings.

      Be well.


  27. Ooh, lots of good blogs to visit! Thanks for passing them along. Some I'm familiar with, some I'm not. Nice rhyming. Glad you apologized in advance. ;)

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

    1. Hi Shannon,

      They sure are. I reckon you will find the ones you don't know, most interesting. Glad you liked my rhymes which some might think are crimes. Yes, I apologise for posting. And those who apologise for not posting for awhile do make me chuckle.

      Happy muse to youse :)


  28. I will visit these. How wonderful that you're sharing these links.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      I'm glad you will visit those. Keep you on your toes. Like you, I know it's good to share and only fair :)

      Thank you, Medeia.


  29. Dear Gary, I hope you are well. Thanks for providing the links twice (and all close together the second time). I'll be keeping this tab open for a while and wander slowly through them I think I'll start with Soundoff. Don't bother coming to visit my site - I'm still stuck on the dream boards post - I'll let you know when post something that I think worthy of your time. All the best

    1. Dear Ida,

      How lovely to see your good self. It does help to put up the links twice and close together like that. Especially with this comment format. My friend, Heather, at Soundoff, is a very close friend of mine. I spent five weeks with her and her now late husband, in the aptly named town of Hope, British Columbia.

      I shall duly look out for notification of you posting. Thank you, dear friend.


  30. How nice of you to give a shout-out to these bloggers. I'll go check them out.

    1. Hi Sherry,

      Always good to give a shout-out. Happy checking them out, Sherry.


  31. Thanks for the mention Gary! I have already started visiting some of the others. Very generous of you (but typical).
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hi bazza,

      My pleasure. You know me, Mr. Shy and Humble, in the background kinda' guy. Thank you, good sir and welcome back!


  32. Yes, thanks for the links, Gary. These all sound like special bloggers and I will trek over and introduce myself. I must add that I feel oh so apologetic too every time I blog. I'm so for a post on our IWSG blog, and I'm already fretting about what to say. Actually, I can babble, no secret there, but can I post on something relevant? Guess I best find out.

    Question: Why don't words like relevant get spelt with 3 e's instead? Why do they have to share their space with an A? Must admit I've been pondering this for some time now.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Thank you and please do check out those links you aren't aware of. You have no need to apologise in your case, Joylene. Your words of wisdom are always eagerly anticipated by your huge and growing club of adoring fans. "I Was Seeking Gary"? Wow and thanks. Babble away, my friend, babble away.

      What's that you're wondering, "A"? What next, why is "why" spelt with a "w"? And why is "sea" spelt with an "s"?

      Thank you, Joylene. My bestest.


  33. I went by Delore's blog today and enjoyed a visit by Cathy sharing about her book and the real life experiences that inspired it. I'll try to check out some of the others as well. Thanks for sharing and I love the poetic linkage as well :-)

    1. Hi Angela,

      I'm really pleased you went over to Delores' blog. She has a a wide variety on her site. Hope you find the time to check some of the others out. Poetic linkage that makes me thinketh.

      Gary :)

  34. Wow - lots of new people to me! Thanks :)

    1. Hi Jemi,

      And thank you, eh. Sorry, couldn't resist, eh. Oops...

      Gary :)

  35. Thanks for the links, there are some great new sites here!

    1. Hi S.P.,

      You are most welcome for the links. A good day to you.


  36. Hi Gary and Penny: I haven't been to your blog for some time and realized how much I miss reading your posts. And thank you for your generous support for my blog and all others that you give your attention. You are a gem!!!! And I do love your new photo at the top of this page. Beautiful!!! You're GREAT!!!!
    Kind regards,

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      That's very kind of you. Although, the best posts on here are written by Penny. Lovely to have you visit and your site is wonderful. I was hoping you might especially check out Joanne Rose. You are very similar in your beautiful artwork and words. Glad you like my header photo.

      You're GREAT!!!! also, eh! :)


  37. If I could not post for several days, and get all the comments YOU DO? I'd never post again!!! Well, maybe once a week.

    I'm outta here. ------------> I went --------------> thata way!!!

    1. Hi lotta joy,

      And now you know why I don't post that often. By the time I've commented back and then gone and commenting on sites that commented and even more than that, I find it's a few days later and I get so exhausted I start doing rambling, run-on sentences.

      I'm going to chase after you. Be warned!

      Gary :)

  38. Thanks for the links. So glad to hear from Jeff again.

    1. Hi Misha,

      Glad to provide the links. Just my way of trying to be there for others as you have been there for others. Indeed, encouraging to see Jeff. The man is a class act.


  39. I'll be checking out these links the rest of the week. So good of you to mention them, what a great friend you are!

    1. Hi The Words Crafter,

      That would be great. Thank you. I do endeavour to hopefully be of help to my blogging friends. Have a lovely day, my friend.


  40. I'm familiar with some of these blogs, not others. Thanks for the links!

    1. Hi Carol,

      You are welcome for the links. Hope you manage to check out those you don't know. Thank you, Carol.


  41. I always feel silly apologizing myself. I doubt anyone's breathlessly hitting the refresh button waiting. Blah Blah... is an awesome blog Gary!

    1. Hi Maurice,

      I for one would be anxiously waiting for your next posting to pop up. I think that those who apologise for not blogging might think I actually care. Oops :) Blah Blah and Zippety Do Dah!

      Thank you, good sir.


  42. Your rhyming is impressive, Gary! Although, I heard Penny helped out a bit... ;)
    Are you really Dr. Who? Can I hitch a ride in that blue box sometime?
    That was very thoughtful and sweet of you to post the links! You're a smashing good bloke, you are!

    1. Hey River,

      Penny the pawet, don't you know it. Yes, it's mostly her. Fur sure.

      I am the latest Dr. Who and my phone booth awaits thee.

      Gosh and yes, I'm a jolly good chap who needs a jolly good crap. Thank you, River.


    2. Word up and paws to your mother...

      I'm ready for the booth trip!

    3. Aha River,

      Penny comes from an acclaimed family of pawblishing pawets.

      The booth is ready.

      Gary :)

  43. Whew! That's a whole lotta awesome in a single post. Linkage of awesome. Yup. That's what I'm officially dubbing this post. In my brain. =)

    1. Hi Crystal,

      Whew and cool. Some might think I'm the missing linkage. You are very kind and well done to your brain :)

      Thank you, Crystal.

      Gary :)

  44. Methinks your links are great! I'm going to visit all those I don't already follow. Pat the Hatt is amazing. It's rhymin' time any time with that dude.

    1. Hi Denise,

      Methinks you will like those other links. Pat in the Cat, his rhyming cat and all of that. I bet he talks in rhyme, all the time.

      Thank you, Denise.

      Gary :)

  45. It's so great of you to support all those bloggers this way, Gary. I'm sure they really appreciate your kindness. I know I did, and I loved the poem too - dang! - you can really crank out those rhymes! :-)

    1. Hi Lexa,

      Thank you. I'm most discreet in the background and I like to try to give awareness to others. I'm happy to give you support, my friend. Pat in the Hatt, had better watch out! :)

      Gary :)

  46. Great links Gary! And even some blogs I didn't recognise :-)

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      Thanks for that. I do hope you have time to check out those you didn't recognise.

      Gary :)

  47. Wow, that header pic is stunning.

    1. Hi Marcy,

      That's very kind of you. Thank you and have fun with Lexa's challenge cover reveal.

      A good weekend to you.

      Gary :)

  48. I recognize many of these wonderful blogs! I shall have to visit those I'm not familiar with!


    1. Hi Julie,

      I figured you'd recognise a fair amount of them. Amazing the inter-connection. I do hope you manage to check out the rest. Some of them don't get the recognition I think they deserve.

      Thank you, Julie.

      Gary :)

  49. Hi Gary - gosh I should be castigated for being so late to acknowledge the link - just lacksadaisicalness on my part ( not a word .. boo hoo - well it's staying!) ... Now I've just seen the link re Lenny's birthday .. still he did his stuff and got around to blogger pals .. he's one amazing lad - we're privileged to know him ...

    Cheers .. and I'd better catch up with more of your postings .. Penny's I mean! Happy weekend .. I'm waiting for another tree to come down! The wind it bloweth .. til next time - Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Gary has gone to the shops. Which means, I shall duly reply. Gary and I both thought it would be a nice touch to share your link. And being Lenny's birthday, an ever more special reason to share your link. I was heartened by the response on his site and all the cards he received. Got a lovely email from our amazing your friend.

      The breeze doth bloweth. Tis a gusty night in Leek and the fireworks are being set off in the street. When will those silly humans learn.

      Thank you, Hilary.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.