
Tuesday 15 October 2013

Y'all In This Together? Eh?

Greetings, yes it me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!  I can hardly believe what's happening in Britain.  Are the North American humans taking over?
For instance, look at the chap in the above photo.  It seems he's waiting for an alien spacecraft to land. Maybe it flew him over to Britain.  Yes, I've found out that Mark Carney, from Canada, is now the Governor of the Bank of England.  I know my human made mention of this before and I've decided to see how he's doing.

Mr. Carney is going to try and get the British economy stimulated.  Along with the opening of thousands upon thousands of Tim Hortons restaurants in the UK, he's apparently going to bring in the "feel good factor" by having National Hockey League games broadcast live on British television.  Then British folks can get real excited and say things such as, "I turned on the telly to watch a fight and an ice hockey game broke out..." 
It's also rumoured that Mark will be introducing "The Loonie" to Britain.  No, not Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister of Canada.  Yes, as in the Canadian one dollar coin with a "Loon" on it.  Mark's philosophy, "Just say lots of 'ehs' everyday!" 
You might have realised that, Jim Messina, the campaign manager for Barack Obama, has been hired by the Conservative Party in Britain for the next general election.  Yes, that's Jim in the above photo looking like he's crapped himself.  The election has to be held by no later than May 7, 2015.
Imagine the conversation with the above buffoon aka David Cameron, aka Prime Minister of Britain and Jim Messina.  They talk campaign propaganda.  Sorry, they talk campaign strategy.   No, they talk campaign propaganda.  The above campaign slogan in the photo was suggested by David Cameron.

David says to Jim, "I'm a big fan of your music and that stuff you did with Kenny Loggins was heavy rock, dude!"  Jim responds, "I'm not that Jim Messina!  The number of folks I've had to explain that to!  Anyhow, Mr. Cameron, we need a strategy to get you elected again.  How about something like, "Y'all in this together."?"  "I've already tried that, Jim." replied David.  "We called it, "We're all in this together!"  What I actually meant was that we'd target the poor, the vulnerable, the sick, the disabled, those with mental health issues, to pay for the mistakes of the incompetent fortunate."

"Okay, this is gonna' be tough one!  You'll have to pay me even more money.  Yes sir, money before morals." Jim stated.  "I shall see what I can do." said David.  "Oh, by the way, are you going to have a reunion with Kenny Loggins?", said the buffoon.  And David, the buffoon. starts to sing, "And it's all because you mama don't dance and your daddy don't rock and roll..."
The chap on the extreme right of the above photo is Prime Minister David Cameron.  The chap on the left?  I have no idea.
May 7, 2015.  The dawn of a new reality in Britain.  A land where the ideals of an all different, all equal diverse society will be realised.


  1. Hi ya, Penny! Know what I think? You should run for office. Over here! You'd for sure get my vote.

    1. Hi The Words Crafter,

      I shall run for office. And "over here" is over there :) Next election, you will get a third party choice.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  2. Howdy from Texas, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!
    Very informative.
    The one question I want answered is: does Tim Hortons serve dogs?

    1. David, I love the moving avatar, it's brilliant.

    2. Thanks!
      Moving is the only way to go!

    3. Hi DAVID,

      And howdy back at y'all from Staffordshire. Glad you found this informative, my human friend.

      Tim Hortons serves dogs, as of now :) And yes, you are quite the "moving" fellow.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  3. Don't trust the Yank but definitely trust the Canuck, eh!

    1. Hi Debra,

      My dear human Canadian friend. You would be correct, eh!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  4. Penny, I think you may have hit on something in that I'd like to see all politicians taken away aboard alien spacecraft! :)

    Give my regards to Gary and keep on bloggin'! :)

    1. Hi Mark,

      For sure and send them all to Uranus!

      I shall pass on your regards to my alleged human, Gary :) Bloggin' and doggin' :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  5. Penny
    You weren't by chance born in the US, were you? We need you for prez, here.
    Yeah. Looks like he's got the ole thumb out hitch hiking for the next space craft. A moony-loony. Penny, I didn't know you have political aspiration. But I do now.
    Go Penny.

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      No chance of me being born in the US. However, I could always run for Governor of California :)

      The loony heading for the moony and listening to a loony tuney....

      I shall be the next Paw Minister of Britain.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  6. Penny as Paw Minister is definitely the best idea I've heard in a long time. Once she gets things straightened out in the UK, I hope she'll come over and give the US a helping hand--er--paw. Lord knows we need one...

    1. Hi Lexa,

      Indeed, the next Paw Minister of Britain. Could I help America? Well, considering the government there is often on um "paws", maybe so.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  7. Yay Penny. I love that she already has fans - world wide. And a great deal more compassion and empathy than the politicians who are currently living high on the hog.

    1. Hi Sue,

      Thank you, my human friend. Compassion and empathy, or "empawthy", could go a long ways. We need "pawliticians" to sort out this mess by the smug arrogant ones.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  8. Ok Penny; I had my say, and then promptly deleted it. I'm a gov't employee and not entitled to my opinion on the state of American politics Perhaps one day . . .


    1. Uh, PS: Gary, I want your header as a 1000 piece puzzle please. Its awesome.


    2. Hi Donna,

      Such a pity you cannot voice your opinion on the State of the Nation. In my new world, you will have your say. I have to be careful with these pawstings because the burly men might be knocking on my door.

      My human and I are delighted you like the header. Make it into a puzzle. Certainly less of a puzzle than the human politicians.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  9. Great post Gary Penny as PM? A good idea.


    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Penny the next Paw Minister of Britain, at your service :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  10. A Loonie??
    What would that be in monetary value.
    One dollar? Ten cents? A penny?
    imagine going shopping and asking for six loonies worth of bacon.

    1. Hi River,

      The Loonie will be worth 50 pence. Thus five Loonies will purchase you bacon, maybe Canadian back bacon. A Penny for a penny.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  11. Be afraid, Britain. Be very, very afraid...
    Penny, if you don't want to run for office there, please come over here. We'll have a really big opening in a couple years and no one to fill it.

  12. Hi Gary - Penny is an excellent idea as PM of the GB ... long may she rule ...

    Great fun - in a really ridiculous (dreadful) time in the world .. Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Thank you and I shall be running for Paw Minister of Britain. We need a change and fast.

      A bit of light relief in some dark times in this world.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  13. Lovely Penny you would be a fantastic PM!

    These are terrible times for us all! Roll on the next election :-) x

    1. Hi Teresa,

      Yes I would, fur sure :)

      Time to end those terrible times. Such evil we are witnessing. May, 2015.

      Blessed wishes to Indy x

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  14. I read "I turned on the telly" and my brain automatically filled in with "... and every other story's tellin' you somebody died, Tiiime." It's silly, no, when rocket ship explodes, and everybody still wants to fly? Lucky for Prince his synth-beat is so dancey, otherwise I'd really be down.

    1. Hi Chris,

      Prince is still wanting to party like it's 1999. Come join us in a space trip that hovers over our fragile planet. Visualise what we can do to make this a better world for you, for all humans, for all the beloved creatures. Smile, my human friend, smile :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  15. I had no idea you were so politically minded Penny. Sounds like our Canadian over there is the least of your worries eh? (We're actually planning on taking over the world by Christmas).

    1. Hi Delores,

      Pawlitically minded :) Mr. Carney is not a problem, for sure. Canada is declaring by Christmas that Canada is the way, eh.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  16. Penny, Sir Poops and Hair Ball would be glad to be your campaign managers. Something truly needs to be done with all baffons in all the governments. We should plan world domination like they have.

    Lots of licks.

    1. Hi Sir Poops and Hair Ball,

      I would heartily welcome you as campaign managers. Anything would be better than Jim Messina and his working with the major buffoons. Time for the vulnerable to stop paying for the mistakes of the incompetent rich.

      Thank you for sharing this pawsting on your blog :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  17. Penny for Prime Minister! Although if we collapse the world economy tomorrow, it won't really matter, will it?

    1. Hi Diane,

      Penny for Paw Minister of Britain. Economy collapse or not, the issue is that the financial crisis is being heaped upon the vulnerable in Britain.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  18. I avoid politics like the plague. I spend more time on Facebook hiding stories than anything else.

    1. Hi JoJo,

      So did we. That would be until politics had a direct bearing on our quality of life. You spend time on 'Farcebook', as my human would call it. I know he sent you a friend request.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  19. Seems like the feelings towards politicians is universal isn't it Gary. Our congress over here is an absolute joke. Their approval ratings have now sunken below those of the swine flu.

    1. Hi Keith,

      There seems to be a building resentment to those in power who would target the poorest in society. Your whole political system is a confusing joke. At least if we had some sort of flu, we don't have to worry if we can afford to pay for the flu jab.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  20. I'd vote for Penny! Politicians can drive us nuts anywhere ... but expanding Timmy's and the loonie seem like very good plans eh! :P Maybe they can hire Bob & Doug to help with their speeches too!

    1. Hi Jemi,

      I knew you would vote for me, my Canadian friend. Timmie's in Britain, the Loonie in Britain, what more could you ask for, eh. Bob and Doug and Hosehead the dog, now that would be quite the speeches, eh.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  21. Sorry Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, but I was planning on being Prime Minister so it may have to be a dog eat dog fight to the bitter end. OK I am not a dog and neither of us really want to eat the bitter end of anything . . . .

    One of my first pledges as Prime Minister is to do away with silly saying that make no sense such as The Ladies not for Turning when it makes more sense to say . . .

    I have no plans to spin on the spot (Something I have noticed that is often done by dogs).

    or Sorry I have never used a wood lathe before.

    So readers VOTE for The Slightly Eccentric Child of Cyberspace, . . . . . . The friend of Hard Working People . . . . AND People who are unable to Work Hard.....

    1. Hi Rob,

      No need to apologise. In the spirit of fair play, your political aspirations are most welcome.

      So, in your campaign, no need for a "Spin Doctor"! Arf! Arf!

      Vote the only human alternative, Rob.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  22. The loonie is going abroad you say? Oh the dismay, what next, the toonie? Then things may get cartoonie. You should win, make those mooks eat your dung, instead of you eating it lol

    1. Hi Pat,

      The Loonie is on the way, eh
      No dismay with a Loon we pay
      Exit stage right
      Out of sight
      I will win
      Without sin
      This be true
      As they ate my poo.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  23. Penny, you really must stand for Paw Minister. You'll make a much better job of it than the lot that are allegedly running the country right now. (It's hard to think who'd make a worse job of it but I suppose Cthulhu might be a candidate.)

    "We called it, "We're all in this together!" What I actually meant was that we'd target the poor, the vulnerable, the sick, the disabled, those with mental health issues, to pay for the mistakes of the incompetent fortunate."
    You do wonder how they get away with it.

    1. Hi fairyhedgehog,

      I shall stand on my back paws and run for Paw Minister. A fictional cosmic entity would be a better choice than the gang of thugs we currently have.

      Apathy and propaganda. Divide and conquer by misinformation is how these buffoons are getting away with it. Time the great British public woke up.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  24. Penny! We need you here in the US first. Please come straighten out the big mess we're in. Then you'll have some excellent credentials to help you get elected in GB! I've got doggie treats...
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hi Tina,

      I can come over and try to help with your big mess in America. If I can clean up America, then Britain might be a little easier to clean up. After all, when America catches a cold, Britain sneezes.

      What sort of doggy treats? :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  25. We here in the United States of Corporations hear your pain, Penny.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      Would the United States of Corporations come over and arrest our Prime Minister? Probably not. Sigh....

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  26. Aw, Penny, I feel your pain. Politics is a dirty business. Pawotics sounds much finer.

    1. Hi Robin,

      Politics is a dirty business run by a bunch of corrupt alleged humans. Pawlitics is the way forward, my human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  27. The guy on the left? The one with a huge mouth? Oh, we know him very very well. He says a lot, promises the government will take care of everyone, and then taxes everyone into oblivion. If the guy on the right is taking advice from the guy on the left, watch out.

    Penny should be on the ballot.

    1. Hi Susan,

      You know the guy on the left? He seems like he could be best friends with the guy on the extreme right. The guy on the extreme right should be on trial for crimes against humanity. They can have quite the chat in between stuffing their mugs.

      I will be on the ballot where there will be more than two main parties. Something to think about, America.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  28. I'll help you out with that picture of Cameron and the doofus stuffing his face.
    You've heard of 'paradox'?
    How about 'pairadorks'?

    1. Hi Al,

      Yes, I've heard of a paradox. Your word might be being somewhat disrespectful to dorks.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  29. Well I personally love Tim Hortons, and sour creme cruelers, and saying eh, eh? ;)

    1. Hi Crystal,

      Now Britain is just like being in Canada, eh. Next will be the moose, the maple syrup and the beaver. Can I say maple syrup....

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  30. Let's face it--the whole world's going bonkers. I think we'd all be better off if all those old rock stars would stop touring and start running things. And restore sanity to California by opening Tim Hortons all over the state.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Hi Lee,

      You are completely correct, my human friend. The Rolling Stones headed Glastonbury Festival in the summer. They are now working on getting elected in Britain. Wonder who would be your rock candidates? There you go, another blog fest!

      California and Tim Hortons, what a combo.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  31. Okay, first of all, the fellow sitting next to Dave is Will Smith, the famous American rodeo star. And yes, I know because I'm Canadian, and everybody and his uncle know Canadians know their rodeo stars. And why is that you might ask? Because we're Canadian and everybody knows Canadians eat, sleep, and ride horses. And why is that you might ask. Because how else we suppose to get around in the winter? It is Canada and everybody knows it snows here lots! Especially in the winter. And why does it snow here in the winter you might ask. Because how else we suppose to play hockey if'n it ain't snowed??? Duh.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Of course, you would know your rodeo stars. In Canada, they even have the play by play on the radio. Yep, Rodeo Radio. I didn't realise that Canadians eat, sleep and ride horses. I thought that's what the French do. I was informed that you actually ride around on polar bears. Thank you for correcting me. Are the Canucks still practising on your lake?

      Take care, eh, my Canadian human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

    2. Penny, you haven't truly dined until you've had horsemeat shepard's pie! Yummy! Hey, if you run for office, can I vote for you? Or are the Brits a stickler about that sort of thing? Your adoring fan.

    3. Yay, Joylene has returned! I shall try that meal along with a portion of Spotted Dick for dessert. You can vote for me using the reciprocal Commonwealth voting agreement.

      Thanks, eh, my Canadian human adoring fan.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  32. A dog in office might help. Politics has been crazy and it's no longer about the people anymore. Dogs are nice to people, though.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      It certainly couldn't make things worse. People are just commodities to those who would govern. I shall go around and lick human's faces during my election campaign.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  33. We need a cat to run the world. I nominate Tardar Sauce, aka Grumpy Cat.

    1. Hi William,

      Sorry, but cats are too busy shitting in vegetables patches.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  34. Politics in Britain. I need another post to explain the basic entrails of it. Sorry for my ignorance, Penny. I wish I could make a smarter comment, but I can't.
    I love the picture of Wales at the top. Much more beautiful than the faces of politicians.

    1. Hi Julia,

      Politics in Britain is being replaced by "pawlitics". As you will now know, situations that have a direct bearing on our lives, can be a worldwide thing.

      The header is a nice reflection. The politicians, a poor reflection. Thank you, human, Julia.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  35. Well, to be honest, at this point we all know that Penny or any of our pets would do a better job of running this country than the folks there now. Such selfish, selfish people! Amazing! I've been watching this unfold and worried sick for the country - it amazes me that these men went to Harvard - as they keep reminding us - but at this point all that says to me is mommy and daddy had enough money to buy them a degree. Does not mean they have the intelligence, or the common sense to use or to have learned while there. So sad - so truly sad. We are a nation in deep trouble and needing strong boats and paddles to survive the sh.. storm that's just begun! Waders anyone?

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Any animal would run your country, or this country, or any country better than the idiots in charge. Your mention of those selfish people is a direct correlation with those buffoons running our government. Rich backgrounds, never worried about making ends meet and going to posh universities where they learnt how to be posh thugs. They only went to university to mess about. Then it continued when they got elected. I would lend you my human's waders except they now have holes in them.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  36. Dogs should unite and take over the world. Think how much happier we would all be. Time would be allotted for naps and playing. Of course- we would work too, but the play time would be such fun.

    I always love to see what your top cover photo will be. Nice one! :)

    1. Hi Jess,

      Animals unite and get this world in order. Yes, you can have plenty of naps and we could teach you humans some tricks. A lot of fun and a bit of work. Great thought, my human friend.

      Aha, thank you. I should put up a photo of my gorgeous self :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  37. Penny has a lot of work ahead of her. First on her list should be appointing you chief of staff!


    1. Hi Julie,

      I have plenty of work ahead of me. I shall appoint my human chief shepherd and give him the chief staff.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  38. Penny,
    do you think you can get a green card and come over to America and help out Barack?

    I'd love to meet you. Oh, and I have a cat for you to meet. Meowwww. WOOFFFF. xx

    1. Hi Kim,

      A green card? Barack? Is he the guy sitting beside David Cameron? I could come over and help out this Barack. Does he have a nice place to live?

      Perhaps one day you shall meet this modest dog who wants to change the world. And a cat who will become my starstruck fan. Arf! and yikes!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  39. I know someone's already mentioned it, but Penny, you should be Dog Minister for the UK. Who else can get us out of this mess. Start the campaign mate, and I can't wait to see your party political broadcast.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      I shall be Paw Minister of Britain. My first promise will be to put those buffoons in the "dog house"! The mess shall be cleared and the campaign is under way. This was a pawed pawlitical announcement.....

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  40. HI, Penny,

    Thanks for your views.... we all have to put up with all this "crap" in the human world.... If we'd only live peacefully like the canine world... growl a bit here and there, but then get over it... lol.

    1. Hi Michael,

      Time to end the crap that those humans have fed you. Yes, come and play outside, roll around in the grass, sniff each other's genitals and then growl just a little bit! :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  41. Penny please run for Prez in the U.S., you have MY VOTE!!

    1. Hi Caren,

      If only I could, Cody could be Vice-Pawsident! :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  42. Things are certainly looking strange at the moment.

    1. Hi Maria,

      Hopefully, the strange looking situation will soon end.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  43. What is the world getting to? Eh?

    1. Hi Misha,

      It's getting to know more about Canada, eh :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  44. You are so funny, Penny. Jim does look like he's crapped himself. Do you think he finally realized that...his mama don't dance and his daddy don't rock 'n roll?


    1. Hi Robyn,

      Thank you, my human friend. Jim crapped himself when he realised he would have to sing with Kenny Loggins....."Out of the car long hair
      Oowee - You're coming with me
      Said the local police
      And it's all because your mama don't dance and your daddy don't rock and roll..."

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  45. Too funny. I don't claim to know any of them every time they do things where they only think they are helping us...yes right.
    Great post. No. Yes. Great post. Great post? Naw. Excellent post.

    Forever and ever.....Tammy

    1. Hi Tammy,

      The only thing they help is themselves. Okay and the bankers who caused this crap.

      Great comment. Excellent comment. Thanks for sharing! :)

      Forever and ever and a day...

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  46. I never go political - but seeing as it's you and I love you, man (paws to wipe tears) I do have to say I am, for the first time in my life (18+) AB-SO-LOOT-LY pissed off with all politicians.

    I was a member of one U.S. party, but the last two years has caused excessive gas, burping and other nasty bodily things - simply because I can't trust ANYONE.

    They're all a bunch of Bankers.

    Thanks for letting me vote :)

    1. Human Mazza n'stuff,

      I tried not to go pawlitical, but with the way things are, we need a change and fast. And now you are pissed off. Time for a revolution, my human friend.

      It would be nice to think that there was more than just two main parties in the USA. It's like having a sports league with only two teams.

      A bunch of Wankers....

      Your vote has been cast and I thank you.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  47. Accounting has taken over so much of the world, hasn't it?

    They did a recent poll in the U.S.: more than 57% of people would be okay with a wholesale "booting" of EVERYONE in politics. A massive 52-card pick-up of the whole system. :-)


    1. Hi Pearl,

      Indeed and accounting that takes money from the poor. Where the hell is Robin Hood?

      Get rid of the lot of them! And chuck those cards and see where they lay. Get rid of the Jokers in the pack...

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  48. That chap on the left eating with Prime Minister David Cameron., Trust me... you don't want to know him.

    1. Hi Terry,

      I trust you. If he's half as bad as Cameron, he must be really evil.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  49. lol - And here I thought we were having enough trouble in North America...thanks for the update, Penny. Glad I didn't have a drink in my hand when I read it.

    1. Hi M.J.,

      You are having troubling times in North America. Now you know what a bunch of crap we are enduring in Britain. You can have a nice cold drink now :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  50. Penny, you will make the best paw minister ever, no doubt. Lucky Brits!

    Cameron's slogan is perfect, sadly.

    1. Hi Julie,

      The next and first Paw Minister of Britain. Britain needs a bit of luck :)

      Cameron will live to regret his slogan.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  51. Penny! I'd vote for you if I could. I'd sure like to know how your human got that campaign poster of you up there. He did a great job.
    Can I please move into one of the houses in your header picture? I'd love to live with that view. *sigh*

    1. Hi River Fairchild,

      We shall have you take out British citizenship. We could use a few more votes. My human is one of my many campaign managers and he shall be putting up more posters. I shall tell him you think he did a great job on that poster.

      I shall see if one of those houses is available :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  52. You're smarter about politics than I am, Penny. You'll have plenty of time to learn a lot more before 2015.

    1. Hi Carol,

      I'm smarter about politics or pawlitics than anybody who is elected in Britain. I am getting the campaign in full swing by the beginning of 2014.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  53. I wonder what many of your compatriots feel about these invaders into your land. Maybe your slogan, Penny, can be, "Born in the land, for the land!" (You are a native, aren't you?) and maybe have a photo of yourself enjoying the land with other homebredians.

    1. Hi Nancy,

      My "compawtriots" are finding it rather amusing that a Canadian is running the finances. We consider Jim Messina has been brought in as a desperation move by a corrupt, evil party known as the Conservatives. I am a native of all lands. Born of the land of hope. And a photo of all of us enjoying a worldwide land of hope. I hope :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  54. As they say, there goes the neighborhood!

    1. Hi Ray,

      Or, "neighbourhood!"

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  55. I vote Penny for the Prime Minister of England. I'm sure she'd do a better job than any of those other characters!

    1. Hi Sherry,

      I'm going to be Paw Minister of Britain. I might even come over and sort the mess out over there. Dogs could teach all those characters a thing or two or three or....

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.

  56. I'm so glad your country is as stupid as our country. There's always comfort in knowing that we have so much in common. And now we can watch as Jim Messina feeds promises through your Conservative Party's candidates, then express delight when the winners do the 180. Let's see, I believe I have a quote from that guy eating a good old American hot dog in the photo above. Something about reducing the budget, I believe. Hmm. So far he's outspent any other president in the history of this country. Is Britain at all interested in sending us a Queen or something? If Penny does run, call me. I'll do a campaign fund raiser.

    1. Hi Lee,

      Ah yes, a shared stupidity. Kinda warms your heart, or not. Now Jim Messina can do propaganda for a right wing party. Hey, money talks, evidently. I actually know that those two guys stuffing hotdogs both want to reduce the budget, the deficit. Of course, they do that by spending more money on those who don't need it. Incidentally, the two idiots in that photo were at a NBA basketball game. Yes, basketball, invented by a Canadian, eh. It gets even more bizarre. You can have the lil' ol' Queen! She's costing us a fortune. Besides you just lurve the lil' ol' Queen. Your pawtential, um potential campaign fund raising would be warmly welcome, my famous human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the peaceful pawlitician.


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.