
Friday 25 October 2013

Lexa's Cover Reveal Is A Challenge.

I had a hunch that to coordinate the following group venture that time zones would need to taken into account.  And oops, I have only just read the email reply to my query about when I should post up this posting.  So, whatever time zone you're in, here goes and have fun......

Lexa’s Cover Reveal Challenge 

Can you find the error on this cover? 
To win a prize, find the cover error in each of these 10 blogs: 

Alex J. Cavanaugh - Alex J. Cavanaugh
PK Hrezo  -  PK HREZO 
Father Dragon Writes  - Father Dragon Writes
Bards and Prophets - Bards and Prophets
The Write Game - The Write Game
Ellie Garratt -  Ellie Garratt
klahanie - klahanie
Julie Flanders -Julie Flanders 
In High Spirits - In High Spirits
Mainewords - Mainewords

For the correct cover, rules, and prize list, go to Lexa Cain’s blog -
Lexa Cain

Soul Cutter releases from MuseItUp Publishing on December 6, 2013. 
MuseItUp Publishing

And away we go.  A posting puzzle pleasantly perusing possibilities.....


  1. Did you notice I'm here first? Do I get a lollypop? And how come your cover for Lexa's book is so much better than the one I have on my blog?

    1. Lee, your reply comment from me ended up below Alex's and RPD's reply from me. What the heck, eh.


  2. Replies
    1. Alex is second. And Lee's comment is now down below. It's going to be a weird evening, methinks. Yes, evening. Time zones.

  3. And did you notice I'm here 2nd unless when I press publish, someone else gets in before me. It has happened as I take to long to type. Anyway, it would take me all week to find out what the error is on each site. I never win prizes, so have a great weekend mate, we're battening down the hatches for the big storm that's about to break on Sunday with heavy rain, high winds of 90 miles per hour. Isn't England exciting right now :(

    1. I knew it would happen. Alex J Cavanaugh got there before me. Hope Lexa's book does well too.

    2. HI Rum-Punch Drunk,

      You ended up in third. That's the thing with thinking you are second when you might be third. And poor Lee's comment, which of course was first, ends up with a reply comment from me below you.

      I'm ready for the storm. Batten down the British Blogs. Have fun, my friend.


  4. Hey Lee,

    I posted up but a few seconds ago. I actually sent an email about time zones. Figured it should be a coordinated thing. And so who ends up posting up last. Yep and doh! You get two lollipops. I must go see your cover. Yay to being first. And yay to them fixing this comment format. Or have I spoke too soon...


  5. I should read the rules to this contest and then post.... I found it!

    1. Hi Robin,

      There you go. I might just go read the rules myself. Have fun and a good weekend to you.


  6. Couldn't find nothing on Alex's one but glasses are obvious on this one. She trying to tell you something? You look but don't see? lol

    1. Ah million man Pat in the Hatt,

      Maybe we should all get some glasses, pass wind to the masses and all toot in common.

  7. I caught this one, too... but I agree with everyone - what a fun way to do a cover reveal :)

    PS... good luck to the Brit Blogs.... I shall be thinking of you all when I open up my cocktail umbrellas :)

    PPS..... Mahalo, Gazza, for the kinds comments the other day. You are truly a man amongst dog owners whose dogs are called "Penny." :)

    1. Mazza!

      I heard you caught something :)

      British Blogs Battening Hatches. You know what you can do with your cocktail umbrellas...

      Always a delight to comment on your site. It's done with dogged determination.

      Peace, dude.


  8. We were plotting to shoot spitwads your way, but you posted before we could gather our straws.

    I found them all! Woohoo! :D

    1. Hey Melissa,

      I did sense a bit of spit. I also made mention of it being coordinated based on one time zone. By the time I got home to find out, I ended up being last to post. Hit me with a wet noodle. That will do me.

      Glad you found them all.

      Gary :)

  9. Time has a way of taking up time.
    Unless you're clueless like me.

    1. Ah DAVID,

      Time flies. Yes, those are the flies wearing watches.

      Gary :)

  10. Okay, that one was pretty easy to get, as is the one on my site. In fact, I'm pretty sure they go together. All they're missing is a cigar. :P

    And I LOVE the photo at the top. :)))

    1. Hi L.G.,

      Smokin'! Have a cigar :)

      Glad you like the top photo.

      Gary :)

  11. The glasses were a nice touch.

  12. Well, this was an easy one, for a change, hahaha.
    Gary, greetings to you and to Penny. I came to invite you both to drop by the Dragon Cave and take notice of the great event where you and Penny are among my guests of Honor. I am counting on your presence. I leave you dragon hugs! :)

    1. Hi Al,

      Eye, eye, it sure was! ;)

      Penny and I were most honoured by the invite. Thank you, kind dragon :)


  13. I've looked and looked but no can see the mistake.

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Some of them were a bit tricky. I think the one on this site was right on the nose :)

      Gary :)

  14. Replies
    1. Hi Kate,

      It was funny and we had a Pharaoh time.

      Gary :)

  15. She's so clever. I'm not sure about the error. Why is everyone finding it so quickly?
    I'll hop around the other blogs.
    Good day, dear Gary.


    1. Hi Robyn,

      Yes, Lexa is one clever lady. Which reminds me, Lexa, where are you? I don't know what the errors are. Hey, keep hopping back to this blog. Gosh, desperate for hits or what, eh :)

      Good whatever time zone to you, dear Robyn.

      Gary :) x

  16. Great idea for a cover reveal, spotted this one! Hope your weekend is a good one, Gary.

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      A very clever idea, indeed. I was going to put some spots on this one. I think I had a good weekend. Thank you for asking and I hope you had a dancing good time. As for that lady comedian....

      Gary :)

  17. Such fun for a cover reveal, but I am curious about this first, second, and third commenter is there a prize involved? LOL

    Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend! All, but especially you Gary!
    Oh, and don't forget to ask Andrew about the goats!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      You win a prize for having the awesome pleasure of knowing me :)

      I hope All had a wonderful weekend. I hope you had a wonderful weekend, Yolanda. You superstar, you.

      The goats? Ah yes and how is Billie?

      Gary :)

  18. You wouldn't hit a sarcophagus with glasses, would you? You can always schedule posts in Blogger. I usually schedule mine around 9am Eastern Standard Time, not that anyone bothers to reply until noonish.

    1. Hi Pat,

      Yep, it really Sphinx. I would schedule a blog if I had known what time the blog was scheduled for. I think everything should be just related to my time zone. Yes, I own Greenwich Mean Time.

      Gary :)

  19. This is only the second error I've been able to find today. Must. Keep. Looking.

    1. Hi M.J.,

      I think the biggest error is my blog site. Happy looking :)


  20. I have held back the spitwads in favor of showering you with punch, Gary. Yes, that special punch...
    Congrats to Lexa!

    1. Hi River Fairchild,

      Perhaps I had a sneaky plan and deliberately didn't post up sooner. Maybe I've become a self-obsessed blogger desperate for hits as in visits on my site. Here's a nice Hawaiian Punch! :)

      Yay to Lexa. Lexa, where are you?

      Gary :)

  21. I can't find an error but maybe the book is supposed to be about a cobbler who made very bad mistakes in the shoe factory and he turned out to be a sole-cutter? Therefore the mistake is the typo in the title? :)

    1. Hi Eve,

      Sounds like a load of old cobblers. Time to heel, perhaps. A typo in the title. Why not.

      Gary :)

  22. I don't have a clue about what you're doing, or -- more importantly -- why. I can't think of a more useless way to spend an afternoon than than skipping about from blog to blog looking for errors, planted or otherwise, on book covers.

    That having been said, you da man, Gary.

    1. Ah Mr. rhymeswithplague,

      I have no idea what I'm doing. I guess it's me being altruistic. Go on, spend a useless afternoon hopping from one tedious blog to another. You know you want to. After all, you visited this tedious blog :)

      Having said that, you da man, Mr. rhymeswithplague.

      Gary :)

  23. Woo Hoo. Congratulations Lexa - not least on having such wonderful friends.

    1. Hi Sue,

      Woo hoo back to you, Sue. Congratulations to Lexa for having such wonderful friends. Lexa, where are you? Help me!

      Gary :)

  24. This one I caught. I think I like the error Lexa chose for you the best, Gary. What a creative cover reveal.

    1. Hi Julie,

      This one was easy. Of course, Lexa would save the best for me :) A very interesting reveal. And so is the cover reveal.

      Gary :)

  25. This is so much fun! Congratulations to Lexa. :)

    1. Hi Christine,

      Ah what fun we had. Who is Lexa? :)

      Gary :)

  26. The dude is wearing glasses!!! I got it, right?

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      This dude is wearing sunglasses. You know me, being a celebrity, I have to wear sunglasses :)

      Gary :)

  27. Spotted this one right away... Love the cover, Lexa.

    1. Hi T.F.,

      It was easily spotted. I'm sure Lexa is pleased you love the cover.

      Gary :)

  28. I'm terrible at these games, because I'm a lazy sloth, but still so happy I came to visit. It's been awhile, you see. All caught up in my own blog life. But now I remembered that I love your blog. So I'll be back. Oh yes I will.

    1. Hi Donna,

      Oops and yes, it's been awhile for the both of us. Oh how I miss the farm animals. Did that sound right? I will visit you and lovely to see you again, Donna.

      Gary :)

  29. Doesn't it kinda seem like cover reveals are similar to blogfests? I don't know. I'm just thinking and I know thinking can get me in trouble. That's why I don't think much.

    Oh, and best wishes to Lexa!

    Check out my interview with viral blogger Liza Long
    Tossing It Out

    1. Hi Lee,

      Cover reveals are sneaky versions of blogfests. I think we should have the A to Z of cover reveals. You can use that one. Go on. think away.

      Good for Lexa :)

      I visited, I commented and yes, maybe sometime, I should have the privilege of guesting on your site. Thank you, Lee.


    2. A to Z of cover reveals? I like it. Damyanti and maybe others did something somewhat similar last year, but not cover reveals.

      My guest post offer stands!


    3. Hi Lee,

      I thought you might like that! Damyanti likes the A to Z of just about everything.

      I shall contact you regarding a guest post, Lee. Thank you for that.


  30. Hi Gary; hope you have a great weekend.

    I found the error; this is really an exciting game. Your header makes me want to go put a puzzle together instead though :)


    1. Hi Donna Hole,

      Thank you and I think I had a great weekend. Hope yours was great.

      The error was right on the nose in this neato game. You should make that puzzle, Donna :)


  31. I trip over my own feet almost every single day because I am not paying attention so there is no way that I will find errors. I do see it on your picture though!

    1. Hi Birdie,

      Ouch, I just tripped over my feet....There was an error in my picture? Okay! :)


  32. Yey! Timezone issues made me visit this blog way too much yesterday, looking fo this post. But I enjoyed a little read while I was here :D

    Shah X

    1. Hi Shah,

      It worked! Holding back the posting got you to visit my obscure site more times than needed. Glad you enjoyed your little read on here :)

      Gary x

  33. No, I can't find the error, Gary. But it doesn't matter to me if there's an error on the cover because I don't judge books by their cover. What about you?
    Thank you for the comment you left on my blog and for taking the time to read and reread my story.
    It means a lot to me.
    Have a peaceful weekend with your lovely family.

    1. Hi Julia,

      I like your style. I try not to pass judgement on any cover or anything.

      My profound honour to read you words of such powerful articulation, my friend.

      My weekend was peaceful, thank you. I do hope that your weekend was a calm, reflective one.

      Hugs to you,


  34. I found the error. I'm once again looking puzzled at everything else mind you. I just can't get the hang of all the blog challenges, but it's nice to see so many folks having fun for sure :)

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Ah yes, the error. I put on my specs and there it was. I can't be arsed with those blog challenges. Which is kinda' of ironic, considering I sort of help those who do this type of stuff.

      Be well, Michelle.

      Gary :)

  35. Haha, so far this one and the one with the stache are my two favorite ones. (;

    1. Hi Elise,

      I like the one with the cartoon chipmunk in the background of the cover....

      Gary :)

  36. Ooooo... how very hipster of the Egypt guy... niiiiiice... :)

    Gary, you're downright awesome. You sure do know how to make people laugh and find joy in life. Seriously such a rare and awesome quality. And I've missed your posts! I've been slacking. But not because I need clones like you--just because. :) Hope you are FABULOUS.

    1. Hi Morgan,

      Egypt type dude is quite the spectacle.

      You are incredibly nice to me, Morgan. I know it's good to try and bring a bit of comfort into each of our lives. Don't worry about missing my posts. I'm sure you haven't missed much :) I'm fantastically wonderful, thank you. And guess what, so are you! :)

      Gary :)

    2. You and your puns!!!!!! (Looking at the ones below me too)

      So entertaining. I don't have your kind of witty wit. Tragic. I'll have to live vicariously through you!

      And you're a wonderful person, Gary. It's a privilege to know you. :)

    3. Hi Morgan,

      My ridiculous human is crashed out. Which mean, I shall reply to your extra comments. Have fun, have coffee and watch the zaniness.

      My human says it's a privilege to know such an amazing lady as you. It's all pawsitive :)

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  37. That's the difference between real life hero and comic book ones. you made this easy, Gary. Morgan's right, you're downright awesome.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      I'm a real-life comic book hero. I Marvel at you comment, Joylene. And you, just like Morgan are totally awesome. Thank you for your kind words.

      Gary :)

  38. Not sure about errors, but I have noticed that the sand dune is from Scotland. and Michael Cane has a hairier chest.

    And I note the cunning plan, I love cunning plans . . . . I had a cunning plan once but it was a long time ago.

    1. Hi Rob,

      Prepare to me thy dune and then take it back to Scotland. Michael Caine had the pleasure of meeting me in The World's End pub in Chelsea. Not a lot of people know that.

      I have performed a cunning stunt......

      Gary :)

  39. Replies
    1. Hi Leandra,

      Yes it was. Then again, I'm silly :)


  40. Hey, Gary. Hope you are well.

    Congrats to you, Lexa.

    Hugs and chocolate to you both.

    1. Hi Shelly,

      I'm marvellous, thank you. Hope all is well with you, my friend.

      And Lexa, Shelly has passed on her congrats.

      Gary :)

  41. Lexa is rocking BloggyVille at the moment!
    This is the only cover where I can see the mistake...
    And I hope you've recovered from those spitwads! LOL

    1. Hi Michelle Wallace,

      Lexa is rocking the world of blogging. Right Lexa?
      There is a mistake on the cover on my site? :)
      The spitwads have been almost wiped away! LOL

      Gary :)

  42. Wait a minute. I thought the mistake was the eye color. But on this cover they're brown. On Alex's they're purple. Now I'm confused. (What else is new?) ;0)

    1. Hi Sherry,

      Welcome to ongoing wonderful world of confusion :)

      Gary :)

  43. Hi Gary & Penny!
    Long time no visit from me. Can we blame it on the "bossanova"? By the way, I suspect glasses for pharoah are something new...hmm? Of course, after centuries of looking across the sand they might come in handy.
    I'll get back soon. Take care... and happy belated birthday to Tristan.

    1. Hi Dixie,

      How lovely to see you. Penny is thrilled you have come to visit :) Good point about the sand. During a sandstorm, glasses would of come in mighty handy.

      I'm really glad you visited, Dixie. Thank you for the belated birthday wishes to Tristan. Very kind of you.

      Gary :)

  44. How fun! Love this idea and wish Lexa the best of luck. This story sounds like a winner.

    Found it! :)

    1. Hi Jess,

      Ah yes, such a riddle, my riddling friend :) I know Lexa appreciates your kind wishes. Ah yes, you found my blog.

      Gary :)

  45. This cover was the most entertaining by far! Penny probably had a paw in helping Lexa with this one!


    1. Hi Julie,

      Of course, the most entertaining cover would be on my site :) Penny advised Lexa on this cover. You guessed correctly.

      Gary :)

  46. I've found nine of the changes, but there's one cover that looks exactly as it's supposed to be. To me anyway.

    1. Hi River,

      You found at least eight changes more than me. Then again, I haven't even looked :)

      Gary :)

  47. I have no idea, but I LOVE It!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 Xx

    1. Hi Kim,

      That makes two of us! Glad you loved it, even without having an idea.

      Gary :) x

  48. Replies
    1. Hi Crystal,

      I shall send you the glasses :)

      Gary :)

  49. Hi Gary .. I've really needed to find the answers at the back of the book to these cover differences .. I'm a dummy when it comes to these .. I guess I need x different screens and I can peruse all the covers at once .. still it has everyone amused ... Soul Cutter - good title for this week ..

    Cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      I'm clueless when it comes to such things. I know what you mean about needing different screens to have it make some semblance of sense. An amusing time all round. An interesting title, for sure.

      Take care, Hilary.

      Gary :)

  50. Replies
    1. Hi Beverly,

      I think this cover may have been the easiest one :)


  51. Just wanted to make special note to the lovely Lexa. I think it was very good of her to go and thank each person who commented here by commenting back on their sites. A nice, personal touch. Thanks for that, Lexa.

    Gary :)

  52. Replies
    1. Aha, human, John Gray,

      Paw chance, have you commented on the wrong pawsting?

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.