
Friday 31 May 2013

Dragon And On In Hope And Friendship.

Okay, what the heck, I've received another award.  And, what the howl, the award has a bunch of wolves on it.  Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar looked at the photo and started howling.  

"Semper Fidelis" comes from Latin and means, "always faithful" or, "always loyal".  The motto is used by the United States Marine Corps and also the Mexican Navy.  Incidentally, the motto is on the Coat of Arms of the city of Exeter, Devon, England, which can be observed in the right photo.

Now then, back to the award.  Al Diaz, over at, Father Dragon Writes, very thoughtfully bestowed the "Semper Fidelis award" upon me.  In the spirit of the meaning of the award, I do try to maintain an always faithful, always loyal demeanour.  I know I've been blessed getting to know Al and I know you may well have been blessed visiting such an open, honest, thoughtful and clever blog.  Al, I'm most appreciative of receiving the award.  Thank you, my friend.

Oh no, here are the rules :

1 :  Add the Semper Fidelis Award logo somewhere on your blog.  
2:  Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.  
3 :  Nominate five bloggers whose loyalty, friendship you value and you consider being part of your "pack of wolves".   
4 :  Post something special for each one of your nominees and dedicate it to them.  Such as a quote, saying, poem, picture.  Anything you think would pertain to that person.
5 :  Let the nominees know that you've nominated them.  

Okay, those were the rules.  I hate rules.  Now I have to pick five people and hope I don't upset anybody I might have overlooked.   Such a dilemma and please forgive me.  Pretty please.  Here goes......

Ah yes, the ever smiling, Tammy Theriault.  I've had the great privilege of much good natured interaction with Tammy, via an interview and quirky comments.  And beyond the joking around, lies a sincere, kind lady who is the epitome of awesomeness.  If you have never visited Tammy's site, why not?  You can find the happy, smiley Tammy, here, Tammy Theriault

Tammy, I dedicate the award to you and much success with your recently finished book, "Living RunAway".
Here is my dear friend, Kim Thomas.   Kim is a remarkable lady and has a passion to see vulnerable creatures treated in a humane, caring way.  On her site, which is more like her beloved dog, CindyLu's site, you can experience the concern and caring demonstrated by Kim.  Her site can be found here, CindyLu's Muse.   Kim, I treasure your friendship and I'm wishing that your life continues to move on in a more positive way.  I dedicate this award to you.
My kind friend, Sue, over at her site in Canberra, has meant a huge amount to me with her supportive interaction.  When I stayed online all of Christmas Day to be there for others who might have been lonely, or just wanted a chat, Sue checked in on me to see how I was.  I haven't forgotten how much that meant to me.  Above is a photo of her two playful cats, "Jazz and Jewel".  You can discover her marvellous site with superb photos, here, Elephant's Child   Sue, my kind friend, I dedicate this award to you.

One of the most supportive and nicest ladies I have the pleasure of interacting with is Delores.  Delores graces me with a comment on a regular basis  She leaves some of the nicest comments I receive.  Delores even had a virtual blog party for me to celebrate my fifth blogging anniversary, what she noted in an after post was this, Speak Up.  To discover Delores' blog as it is now, please go here, thefeatherednest.  Delores, I value your friendship and I dedicate this award to you.  

How could I possibly forget Tina Downey?  Tina and I have had plenty of good natured banter.  While I satirised the alphabet challenge so near and dear to her heart, she took it all in her stride.  Tina shares with me the powerful gift of empathy as we both try to reduce the unfair stigma that still surrounds mental health issues.  Much respect and admiration to you, dear friend.  Tina can be discovered here,  Life is Good.  Tina, I dedicate this award to you.

That's five folks, right?  Yes, I really hate this dilemma.  Who to pick and not hurt anyone's feelings.  And yes, they are all ladies.  What can I say.  Only this, those who have been included in my list must not feel obliged to acknowledge the award.  It's entirely up to you, ladies.  Thank you all for your friendship and it's party time at my place!
Ha! Ha! And Ha!   When our delightful Mexican friend, Al Diaz, posted something special about me, yes me, Al not only said some very kind things about me, yes me, but there was also a matching photo to evidently represent all of Al's nominees.  Much to my surprise, the above photo supposedly relates to me.

Am I now going to go on a rant?  Of course not.  This means I wont go on a rant about blogfests, or bloghops, or blog parties, or reflection posts about reflection posts about the amazing alphabet challenge. This also means that I will most definitely not rant about the fact that whenever a bloghop or whatever is on, virtually my entire blog list is on that bloghop theme.  How much of the same stuff repeated, over and over and over again, can my frazzled brain take..  The good thing about those themed posts is I can copy and paste my comment to each person involved in the blogfest, or bloghop, or blog party, or book tour, or whatever..."Argggggggghhhhh!  I feel better now!"

Finally, yes finally, thanks again, Al Diaz at, Father Dragon Writesfor your kind gesture.  Like you've been here for me, I shall continue to be there for you.  Despite some of the silly stuff I write, I want you to know that my true ideal is to share the gift of empathy and understanding.  That's powerful.

Before this posting starts to ahem, dragon, it will suddenly end!  


  1. When I saw the photo Al posted for you, I laughed!
    Tammy has a great sense of humor. And Tina is just all kinds of awesome. So is our treasured dragon friend.
    Congratulations, Gary!

    1. Hi Alex,

      I chuckled at the photo Al posted of me. I have no idea why Al thinks I'm like that!
      Tammy, Tina and a fiery dragon friend. Who could ask for anything more? :) Thank you, Alex.

      In friendship,


  2. Congratulations sir. You definitely deserve it.

    1. Hi Michael,

      Thanks, but gosh, I'm not worthy! :)

      In friendship,


  3. The thing I liked the best of the post is the "Ha, Ha and more Ha!" Hahahahaha. I so much enjoy the Ha! Posts. They're my weakness. I am really glad you accepted the award and I didn't have to bite your leg. :D Gift of Empathy and Understanding are the greatest treasures someone can offer me. And I am forever grateful to have met you. :)

    1. Hi Al,

      "Ha, Ha and more Ha!" Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.........and ha......

      I like fun posts and they make me happy. Oh my, back to the happy theme :) Nah, you didn't have to bite my leg :) I was almost, well almost glad to receive that award honour from you kind self. Seriously, thank you for thinking of me.

      My friend, I firmly believe that when we help each other, we help ourselves. Your words resonate and I know that the gratitude is, most profoundly, mutual.

      In peace, goodwill and friendship,

      Gary :)

  4. Another day, another award. I hereby nominate you for the award for best awards post.

    1. Hi Pat,

      I know, yet another award! I hate awards. Maybe I should say I love awards. I hereby nominate you as a major co-host in next year's amazing alphabet challenge! Yay! :)

      A good weekend to you in Detroit or wherever you are.

      Gary :)

  5. Congratulations and Best Wishes for your future blogs. You certainly are a fine candidate and worthy recipient of this award. When I first read about this award I thought that this is meant for people who care for their children like the way you do, but when I read about the people who you are passing the award to I realize that they are all different genre. I agree with you about the difficulties of having to pass the award to yet another blogger or even more bloggers. Again enjoy !

    1. Hi Munir,

      Thank you for the congratulations and your best wishes for my future blogs :) I really do struggle with awards and passing them on for several reasons. I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings and I don't want anybody nominated to feel obliged to acknowledge the award. Thank you for your encouraging words and I wish you a peaceful weekend.

      Gary :)

  6. Yay for your amazing award and yay too for your gorgeous and ever so fabulous pack of wonderful wolves here!!! Have a lovely weekend! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,

      Yay to awards or maybe not! LOL Oh yeah, a fine selection of "wolves", me thinks. A lovely weekend to you, my friend :)


  7. Replies
    1. Hi Arleen,

      You are very kind to say that. Thank you, dear lady.

      A peaceful weekend to you.

      Gary :)

  8. Congratulations Gary well deserved.....and Jack.


    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Thank you for the congratulations, dear friend. I'm so wishing you a wonderful weekend and some sunshine.

      Gary :)

  9. I was so happy when I saw your name on Al's list, Gary:) Btw, Al isn't the only one thinking about you lately...

    Have a great weekend, my friend!

    1. Hi M.J.,

      That's very nice of you to be happy when you saw my name on Al's list of truly fine people. I was also deeply flattered and honoured of the mention of me on your thoughtful blog. And thank you for putting in the link because going through Google+ is a nightmare trying to find which blog of yours to check out. Thank you, dear lady and a peaceful weekend to you.

      Gary :)

  10. Congrats Gary, I see you pass it on to beautiful ladies :)>

    1. Hi Petronela,

      Thank you for the congrats. Passed onto beautiful ladies and a comment from you, a beautiful lady :) A lovely weekend to you, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  11. Once more congratulations are in order as you place yet another award on your already groaning awards shelf. And what do I see? My insignificant self has been nominated as well? Thank you so much...I will do my best to post something truly worthy. owooooooo.

    1. Hi Delores,

      Thanks for that. My trophy cabinet is groaning. Maybe that didn't sound quite right. From one shy and humble blogger to another, it was my delight to bestow this upon your good self. Incredibly, you put up a posting about your award about thirty seconds afterwards. You must type really fast! Yay to you, Delores :)

      Have a good weekend, eh.

      Gary :)

  12. Hahahaha! Arrggggghhhhh! Oh, sorry, that was the wrong rant...
    Love it, Gary. Congrats to your picks and I howled with pleasure when I recognized the Bad Kitties themselves, Jazz and Jewel, perched on top of the fridge.
    Love the puppy rant photo Al made for you. ;)

    1. Hi Laura,

      "Argggggggghhhhh! I feel better now!"

      Howl the heck are you? My picks are pawfect. Jazz and Jewel are well kewl! :)

      Yes, Al did an amazing job with that photo. Still puzzled that I'm thought of that way! Hahahahahahaha....and ha!

      A lovely weekend to you, Laura who was included in Al's list of the bestest type folks n' stuff.

      Gary :)

  13. CONGRATULATIONS and I am so happy to see our dear friend Kim as one of the recipients! Adore her!

    1. Hi Caren,

      Yay and thank you kindly. I knew you'd be pleased to see the adorable Kim on my list. I adore the both of you :)

      A lovely weekend to you and your loved ones, Caren.

      Gary :)

  14. Thanks!! I don't have to grow a bunch of hair on my back to be part of the pack do i?

    Ur welcome for the clever comment ;)

    1. Hi Tammy!

      Almost a heartfelt comment by your amazing self. No, stick with the hair you already have on your back!

      Ur welcome for the clever reply :)


  15. Thank you, my beloved internet friend, for not nominating me. I hate rules. I'm a REBEL! I actually taught Beau to howl. He studied me, actually rolled his lips, and after a few attempts, he's now a magnificent howler like his mama.

    1. Hey lotta joy,

      Despite you so kindly making mention of the lovable me in one of your most recent postings, I deliberately didn't include you, because I know you are a rules rebel and I like that. May you and Beau have a howling good weekend :)

      What the howl am I talking about....


  16. Awww so well deserved. Graciously accepted ;)

    1. Hi Julie,

      Thanks for thinking I'm deserving. I really have a dilemma with awards.

      A happy weekend to you, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  17. Congratulations on you award and may you receive many, many more. :)
    You picked a great group and I will pop in on them.
    A song like that....

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      Thanks for the congratulations. Hopefully, I will not get any more awards! :)

      Have fun popping in, dear lady.

      May your heart sing with joy.

      Gary :)

  18. HOOOOOWLLLLL!!!! Oh Gary, I am touched (and not just in the upper story) and honoured. Jazz n Jewel and I are honoured to join talented people and dance beneath the moon in your pack. I will have to give this some serious thought, and will respond next week some time.

    1. Hi Elephant's Child,

      Howl are you and Jazz n Jewel? You are touched in the best way possible. As for my head, well...Dance in the moonlight howl with delight. Give it some thought and take your time. No obligation and just have fun. A wonderful Sunday to you, Sue.

      Gary :)

  19. Congratulations on the award and I was finding it very interesting that you were choosing all females to give it to. (hubba hubba)

    Kim is lovely, I don't know the other bloggers (yet).

    Happy blogging my friend!

    1. Hi Sharon,

      Thank you for that. Yep, all ladies and a big party at my place. LOL

      Kim is a good friend and I know you will find the others in the list to be most supportive and encouraging.

      Happy weekend to you and say hello to the seagulls :)

      Gary :)

  20. The Marines had to settle for Semper Fi.
    It was tough to find the Latin for "Let's Just Kill Something."

    1. Hi Al Penwasser,

      They did settle for an abbreviation. The few, the proud, the Marines. I think that's how that American ad went.

      Thanks for a different angle. Now please explain why it's called "Latin America".

      A good weekend to you, sir.


  21. Congrats on receiving your award, you truly deserve it and I really hope that you 'never howl alone' for true. I must check out the blogs you mentioned Gary, I'm sure they're good reads.
    I just love the picture that was chosen for you. That pup looks like it's gonna have a great funny character as time goes by and it's so cute too.
    Have a lovely weekend, I must learn to howl... :)

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      Why thanks for that :) I've been known to howl alone in my garden. Much to the astonishment of my garden gnomes :) They are all lovely ladies I have chosen out of the several million lovely ladies I could of chosen from. Oh yeah! Al Diaz certainly did a clever photo. I'm not so sure that Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar would like to share the spotlight :)

      What the howl. Have a howl of a good time, my friend.

      Gary :)

  22. Congratulations on the award, and great choices to pass it on to.

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      Thank you, dear lady. The choices were difficult and I hate this dilemma. A lovely rest of the weekend to you.

      Gary :)

  23. Congrats on the award!! I never find out about blog hops till they are in full swing and my posts are already scheduled.

    1. Hi JoJo,

      Thank you for the congrats :) I don't do blog hops and would much rather do my own thing. I find that they get too repetitive. So I personally wouldn't worry about it and have fun with your own scheduled posts.

      Have a great weekend, eh.

      Your friend,

      Gary :)

  24. Congratulations on yet another well-deserved award! It fits you greatly! Thank you so much for the unbelievable honor of being included in your special harem - wow! That's very classy, intelligent, and friendly company to be in. Truly honored, my friend.
    You are the best! Peace, and of course hugs to Penny :)

    1. Hi Kim,

      Gosh, you look just like the lady in the posting :) Thanks a lot, eh, for the congratulations. No more awards! Yikes! :) Seriously, you've been of great comfort to me with your kindness and understanding. In that spirit, it was my honour, or darn it, 'honor', to bestow this award on your dear self.

      Hugs to you and CindyLu :)

      Your friend,


  25. This award is perfect for you! And wow, thanks for putting me on the short list. I'm totally honored to be awarded this, and gratefully accept!
    I've seen that cat graphic floating around cyberspace and IMMEDIATELY thought of you. Did you really say that Al made it for YOU? IF so, I must go thank him. We love you Gary, even if you don't like the alphabet, or bloghops, you DO like reflecting. You do that all the time! So quit the whining about reflections posts. They're fun to read by the way! There's a whole list of them at my place, in a tab. Help yourself ;-)
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hi Tina,

      You are way too kind. This award is much more perfect for a dear lady like you. Delighted you would accept this award and have fun putting in all the links. Take your time, okay.

      Is it a cat? I have no idea. Yes, Al Diaz, lovingly constructed that photo for me. Most puzzling that I'm thought of that way :)

      What do you mean? You don't see me having reflections posts about reflections posts about reflecting on the reflections posts. I don't like bloghops or blogfests! I love the alphabet, but I don't need to be reminded of it for more than a month. Are you self-promoting on here, Tina? Heaven forbid. Yes, I'll check out your tab and who knows, I might even react and reflect.

      Now go and have a good weekend and that's an order! :)

      Your starstruck fan,


  26. Hi Gary. Congrats. still in Manitoba, so I'll keep this brief. Happy award!

    1. Dear Joylene,

      Very kind of you and I'm aware of your situation in Manitoba. Wishing some peaceful, reflective times for you and your loved ones.

      With respect and goodwill,


  27. Congrats on the win at your bin and some great picks too at your zoo.

    1. Ah Pat,

      I give this win to my next of kin
      Bin there done that
      But not with a cat
      Great picks it be true
      However this aint no zoo.

      Gary :)

  28. Jazz and Jewel look cool. That's probably because they are. Ain't nothing like a true friend. :) Congrats.

    1. Hi there, Blue,

      Jazz n Jewel are very cool. And so are you, this be true, even when adorned in blue. Thanks for the congrats and to you, I tip my hats :)

      Gary :)

  29. I loose awards, but I am happy . . . .

    1. Hi Rob,

      Nothing worse than loose awards. I try and keep mine stuck together :) I like knowing you're happy. You have a happy weekend. Okay :)

      Gary :)

  30. I love the puppy picture!

    Jazz and Jewel look just like my two kitties.

    Gary, if you picked all guys, I would be more concerned.

    1. Hi Diane,

      You can have the puppy picture!

      Maybe your two kitties could hang out with Jazz n Jewel :)

      Next time, I shall choose co-hosts of the alphabet challenge. That would be a cause for concern. Ha ha and ha!

      A lovely weekend to you, Diane.


  31. Whooo Hoooo.... how great for you to receive another award. I am thrilled for you. Tweeting it, facebooking it etc...

    1. Hi Terry,

      I told you I don't sleep. Yep, almost two thirty on a Sunday morning. Time zones! Another award and thank you. I hate awards! :) Thank you for sharing this on Twitter and um 'Farcebook'!

      Have a nice Sunday, which of course, I'm already in. Time zones! LOL


  32. I hate rules, too, but you did a pretty good job with them. Perhaps your rule-following ability is in the closet next to those blog-hopping bunny ears! lol
    Great post, Gary! :-)

    1. Hi Lexa,

      Yeah, you hate rules and I hate rules. No rules, rules! I broke my own non-rules by almost following the rules. I know how much you love my blog-hopping bunny ears. Jack Rabbit wearing a jacket.

      Great post, thanks for that. You forgot, "thanks for sharing!" Ha ha and ha!

      Gary :)

  33. Congratulations on the well-deserved award, Gary. You picked some awesome ladies to share it with.

    1. Hi Susan,

      Thank you, my dear friend. They are indeed awesome ladies and so many to choose from. I'm spoilt for choice.

      Hope you had a lovely weekend, Susan.

      Gary :)

  34. Awards and rules, so unexpected, so hard to follow, but you did it beautifully.

    So well deserved, and wonderfully passed on, you my dear, are an example of graciousness and love exemplified! Cheers!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Awards and rules, yikes and yikes! :) I really have a tough time with it all. Thank you for thinking I handled the situation okay :)

      You are most kind, dear lady. I graciously accept your thoughtful words. Cheers and good health.

      Gary :)

  35. Congrats on another award! I do enjoy the pic he made just for you. It's hard, isn't it, to not acknowledge an award, because those who bestow them do so out of the kindness of their heart, but I'm not fond of the rules, and stopped re-giving them, because I hate that whole "hurting someone's feelings" thing.

    Anyhow, you bestowed it upon some wonderful ladies!

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

    1. Hi Shannon,

      I thank you and I also want to say how much I've appreciating getting to know you better. Al Diaz has a lot to answer for :)

      It is such a predicament with these awards, for sure. I hate rules and of course, soon as I've bestowed the award to someone else, somebody comments and I think, oops, I should have included them. Penny has a nice simple award that has no rules and no requirement of a link back to this site. The award has travelled the world and that heartens us.

      They are wonderful ladies and Shannon, so are you.

      Gary :)

  36. Congratulations on your well-deserved award, Gary!

    1. Hi Julia,

      Thank you, dear Julia. I hope you had a peaceful weekend.

      Gary :)

  37. Hi Gary - I'm way behind the line .. but so delighted you were recognised by Al .. he's a great blogger and has a large heart - must be a dragon one ...

    Though the picture he's given you .. is just wonderful and I can year you saying those words ... but they're all spelt correctly .. no zalfabetz ..

    Then Tammy and Tina - both wonderful friends ... Tina and I banter away together too .. I must get to meet Kim sometime ..

    Cheers and do hope you all are enjoying some warmer weather .. mighty cold wind we have .. Hilary

  38. Hi Hilary,

    I very much appreciate you taking the time to backtrack to this posting. We both know how hectic things can be in the blogging world.

    Al Diaz, the dragon heart. I was flattered and yes, put into a dilemma in who to choose. You are, without doubt, one of my dearest blogger friends.

    "zalfabetz .. " I like that!

    They are all decent folks and the banter shared is a lot of fun. Kim, is a lovely lady with a caring heart for our vulnerable animal friends. Hope you manage to interact with her.

    The weather has gone somewhat cloudy, but the temperature is still pleasant. Hope you get some more warm weather.

    Thank you, Hilary.



I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.