
Tuesday 28 May 2013

It's Happy Tag Time!

Yippee, I've been tagged!  Now the tagged I'm referring to has nothing to do my with blogging parole tag. The tag that means I can't write beyond my blogging curfew which starts now and ends later.  So, please don't inform the blogger police.

Three amazingly nice people have laid a happy tag on my shy and humble self.  It's the, "Five Things That Make Me Happy", tag.  You might have figured out that I have to list five things that make me happy.  The three amazingly nice people that bestowed this upon me are Jeff, over at, Stands of Pattern, Yolanda, over at, DEFENDING THE PEN and the ever smiling Tammy, over at, Tammy Theriault . Thank you, you three fabulous folks, very much and now I shall list five things that make me happy.
1 : My son, Tristan, made this snowman on March 29.  This made me happy and I was happy to add the scarf and the Vancouver Canucks toque, eh.                                                                     
2 : Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, has her very own special award that she sends out every once in awhile. No rules, no links required back to this site. Just spreading happy wishes around the world.  This makes me happy.
3 : Tresaith beach, mid-Wales. This brings back fond memories of a perfect early August day last year.  It was a happy day on a happy beach with happy friends.  And now you can click on this photo to make it larger and have a wander around the beach. That would make me happy. The recollection makes me happy.
4 : A view from my garden.  A drop of moonlight falls from the leaves.  A magical site on a magical night in my magical garden.  This makes me happy and at peace with nature.
5:  The fox I observed in my garden from the living room window last summer.  This vision, along with the beaming smile that returned to my son's face, made me very, very happy.

I now have to pick five folks for tagging purposes and if they so wish, submit five things that make them happy.  I know that Jeff, Yolanda and Tammy have made me happy picking me to reveal five happy thoughts.  So who the heck shall I pick?  *Taps fingers on table.*

1 : The lovely, the adorable and gosh darn nice, Joylene.  Joylene Nowell Butler, Suspense Author

2 : The man who may also be a cat.  How about that.  Time to rhyme five happy thoughts?  I eagerly await your poetic reports.  Pat Hatt is all of that.   He can be found, with rhyming abound, here, me dear :  It's Rhyme Time

3 :  And here's my friend who calls me "quotidian."  Dave, are you ready to put up five happy thoughts?  A Day in the Life

4 :  Perhaps Elise would partake in this?  Five happy thoughts to make your day.  Elise Fallson

5 :  Okay Rob, what do you reckon?  After this, we can have a blogfest about not having a blogfest.  Five happy thoughts to share with us, Rob?  ...The Slightly Eccentric Diary of Rob Z Tobor...

Just wanted to let the five incredibly lucky recipients know there is no obligation to do this. I leave it up to your good selves.

Thank you, Jeff, Yolanda and Tammy for tagging me in such a happy tag.  That's it, I'm going for a lie down now.....


  1. All beautiful and delightful things that must make you very happy indeed. I especially like the whimsical drop of moonlight - so lovely. :-)

    1. Hi Lexa,

      Thank you, dear friend. Happy drops of moonlight, your way.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  2. Your happy things made me smile, just knowing how much they mean to you!
    Happy tagging, happy day to you!

    1. Hi Kim,

      Happy to see your smiling face :) Such happy visions I doth share and happy day to you.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  3. You live in a place of beauty!
    I LOVE snowmen. My grand daughter and I made one a couple years ago. I have pictures on my phone but that's where the pictures stay-old phone.

    1. Hi middle child,

      Indeed, I'm blessed to live on the tranquil outskirts of a small English town.

      Treasured memories of the snowman you and your granddaughter did create. That's lovely, my friend.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  4. i do five ruled over your five! oh, i thought we were talking about m bad. congrats my happy friend!

    1. Hey Tammy,

      You do declare. And I declare that your radiant smile doth glow and makes everybody who sees you happy to see you happy. Thank you for being one of three of my adoring fans who tagged me in the happiest possible way. Thank you, ever smiling Tammy!

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  5. Gorgeous. And it is only right and proper that you, who make so many of us happy, should add this award to your overflowing award stand.
    And the moonlight and the fox in particular would have had me smiling so broadly my face hurt. And I hope that Tristan's smile still brightens his, and your world.

    1. Hi Elephant's Child,

      I thank you, kind friend. I'm so glad that I can make folks happy. My award cabinet needs a good dusting :)

      I also find those two photos awe inspiring and bring a contented smile to my face. And yes, the beaming smile remains on my son's face and thus, mine. Than you very much.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  6. Hi Gary - so wonderful to see your happy thoughts .. I'd rather not think about the snowman .. that white stuff still hasn't departed far enough away for comfort! But the Vancouver Cnucks toque and scarf give him some wellie ... love Penny - she's a love and so caring for all around her; then your beach - I can remember you were happy just being, enjoying the sun, the sea and the sand .. love the seaside. Then the moon drop and the fox .. I saw three in the garden here the other day - that surprised me ..

    Happiness is peace and just quiet, no worries and lots of smiles, laughter and enjoyment in life .. my thoughts for all of us in life ahead ..

    Cheers for now .. we had much sunshine yesterday .. bliss! Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      I thought I would share some happy thoughts via some of my photos. That snowman was a reminder that winter was still hanging around. And now the weather has gone back to chilly and rainy. Oh my. Ah yes, I'm a Vancouver Canucks fan and the toque brought back some memories of the times I went to ice hockey games. Penny is symbolic of non-judgemental love. That beach in Wales was a magical experience. I was pleased how well that moon drop photo turned out. Three foxes in your garden. That must have been quite the vision.

      Happy, reflective times ahead for all of us. We have to make this so for the betterment of humanity.

      I heard of the sunshine you received on Monday. As for us up north, back to the umbrellas...

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  7. These are indeed happy things. (: Merci Gary for passing along the smiles, I shall try to think of things that make me smile. I assume they have to be legal, right? ;)

    1. Hi Elise,

      Happy stuff, eh. I thought you might like this, Elise. I know you like blogfests and blog hops and really happy, smiley things! :) Legal things that make you happy? Actually, I couldn't possibly imagine you thinking of something that made you smile that wasn't legal. I know how sparkly clean you are, right Elise?

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  8. Very happy things and lovely pics to match.


    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Thank you and I'm glad the photos and the happy thoughts worked well together.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  9. Happy thoughts indeed, Gary. Must confess I shivered when I saw the snowman, thought you might have snow again!

    1. Happy and mostly warming thoughts :) Perish the thought of more snow. Yikes! However, a few days ago, some flakes of snow were falling on my windscreen. Bizarre weather up north.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  10. Awwww seeing these pics make me happy too!!! Yay for gettting tagged and for having your son, the snowman (in March?!?!), lovely Penny and such views and wildlife to brighten your day!! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,

      I'm happy these photos made you happy! :) Yay for being tagged and yay that the blogging 'police' haven't found out I broke my curfew. Yes, a major snowfall at the end of March up north. Penny and other wildlife sure can brighten my day.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  11. Mr. Snowman looks mighty sharp in his Canucks toque!
    The moon photo is really amazing.
    Excellent choices, Gary.

    1. Hi Alex,

      Mr Snowman was ready to play ice hockey! The Canucks could of use him in the play-offs.

      I love that moon photo.

      Thank you, Alex.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  12. Showing us those five particular things that make you happy made me very happy indeed. Great post, Gary! (On days like this, I think about giving up blogging altogether.)

    1. Hi rhymeswithplague,

      My good friend, if this happy posting brought you some happy thoughts, than I'm doubly happy.

      On days like these, I would hope you find the therapeutic reasons to blog. You know you will never be alone and this community can pull together to be there for each other.

      In kindness and goodwill,


  13. Every time I see that lemon drop of moonlight on your blog it makes me smile. Congrats on being tagged and on making all of us smile on a regular basis.

    1. Hi Delores,

      I know how much you like that moonlight photo. It does give one a reason to smile and be in awe of nature. Thanks for the congrats on being tagged and may we all smile together in a happy cause.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  14. I would love to have such a garden view of the moon. Quite a lovely view sir. And I have only seen one wild fox in my lifetime! They are elusive creatures.

    1. Hi Keith,

      I'm blessed to have some amazing views from my garden. A garden I created as a labour of love. Last summer, we had a regular gathering of three foxes in our garden. They are certainly elusive when it came to taking a group photo.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  15. I love that snow man.... but am very happy we aren't getting any snow now. We are in our Spring of the year.... No more snow... YAY!!!

    Congratulations on being tagged.... I am happy no one tags me. LOL

    1. Hi Terry,

      And that snowman loves you. Well it would except it's all melted now. Spring? What's that? LOL

      Gee thanks for the congratulations on being tagged. I was going to tag you, but I knew you would be happy beyond your wildest dreams in being tagged! :)

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  16. Oh... happy thoughts and imagery...

    1. Hi Jeremy,

      You are looking mighty reflective in your photo. Happy thoughts and imagery are giving you that contemplative look :)

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  17. great list! And I was wondering where that beach was that's in your header picture! I'm a Canucks fan too but I get endless shit about it from my Bruins fan friends. One of them got downright nasty 2 years ago when the 2 teams played for the Stanley Cup.

    1. Hi JoJo,

      Thank you for thinking it was a great list. Yes, a beautiful beach in mid-Wales. Evidently, we are supposed to keep quiet about being a Canucks fan :) I was in Vancouver when the Canucks lost to the Bruins in seven games. Things got pretty nasty and it's a shame that that person got nasty with you. All the best, eh.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  18. Great picks indeed, love the fox one as he walks about taking heed. Happy is sure fun, to give a run, rhyming sure makes the cat, flappy at least at our mat.

    1. Hi Pat,

      Thanks for liking my picks
      Sometimes it all just ticks
      And note the fox
      Not wearing socks
      Happy is good
      And I know you would
      Flappy flappy
      So very happy

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  19. I'm so glad to see your happy list. It's fun just to think along those lines, to stop and consider, especially in the hum-drum of everyday problems. I found it interesting when I was first tagged that the list did not come so easy. I was tired, overworked - simply drained, but once I sat down to think about it (after a nights rest) it was a pleasure to compile, to consider, to remember, and to make it happen. It made me appreciate all the more those simple things, and I made sure I cuddled close with hubby and Patches, went for that walk in the cool sunny weather, and realized how important it is to think of happier things when most of the time we are hit with the unhappier.
    Thanks for accepting the 'tag' and post such beautiful pictures. I love the fox!
    Wishing you a Happy Day - Everyday! Remembering that smile - always and forever!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      I thank you for tagging me in such a happy, thoughtful tag. And yes, you thought it through, realised that after some well earned rest, that the happy ideals did flow. You understand the importance of all that is near and dear to you. Comforted in a happy environment that is so integral to your life.

      Although I'm rather reluctant to tags and such, I was happy to show the happy things that are in my world. The fox is a rather magical photo.

      A happy day and a happy forever to you and your loved ones.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  20. Love your happy things. :) I had no idea your header was a beach in Wales. It made me realize I have no awareness of what the Wales coastline looks like. Time to Google it!

    1. Hi Laura,

      I'm happy you love my happy things :) Yes, Tresaith beach in mid-Wales, near the town of Cardigan, Wales. Amazing coastline and I saw some dolphins! Happy Googling and I believe there is an interview folks should be reading over at your superb site :)

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  21. Always nice to see you happy, dear friend. Love that picture of the tree branches dripping the moon...
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hi Tina,

      I could get into being happy! :) I'm really happy you loved that moon drop and tree branches photo.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  22. I'm not a big hop/awards/tagging person, but I really am enjoying this particular go-around. It makes me smile to read (and see) what makes others happy. I will be adding to the cycle on Wed.

    1. Hi Julie,

      I'm definitely with you on that. When it comes to blogfests and blog hops and blog parties, I've been know to satirise the heck out of them. However, like your good self, this happy tag is a good reason to share our happy thoughts. I look forward to your cycle on Wednesday :)

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  23. That picture of the fox is amazing! How cool. So is the snow man. He is definitely smile provoking!

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      Thanks and it took several times before I finally managed to get some semblance of a photo of a fox. The snowman is well cool. And before I make an ice of myself, I bid thee a happy day :)

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  24. Love that drop of moonshine! Thank goodness for cameras. As one who can't paint or draw a lick...I can capture almost anything with my lense, or my writing. And to combine the two is what makes blogging so fun and cathartic.

    I hopped over from Ms. Faustus.

    1. Hi Unlocked,

      That's an intriguing blog name you have. Thank you and I was most delighted how that moonshine photo turned out. I think I might be able to draw a lick :) Blogging and the combination of words and photos is indeed cathartic and a positive resource.

      Ah yes, the lovely Chris. What a marvel she is and from my quick look at your site, so are you.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  25. I love the fox! That is beautiful.

    Penny makes everyone smile.

    1. Hi Diane,

      And to think that fox was a fleeting vision I saw from my living room window.

      Indeed, Penny brings joy and smiles to all who know of her.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  26. Hi Gary,
    Happy? What's that then? Seriously, though, Gare, thanks once again for thinking of me and my little, humble blog. We thank you immensely (with not one hint of sarcasm, you might note). Now, to write my response to being tagged. Five things that make me happy? Being your friend, and talking of quotidian things are but two! Thanks, Gare!
    Very Best Wishes, and hoping to see you soon,

    1. Hi David,

      Oh happy daze, I mean, days. You are a good friend and I would love to see you share five of your happy thoughts to an expectant world. Your first two happy thoughts are one heck of a happy start, my hirsute and esteemed buddy.

      Ah yes, been a bit of a juggling act. I shall however darken your door very soon. Hey, another happy thought for you!

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  27. Hello Good Sir I will try and come up with five things that make me happy and get them tagged onto the bottom of a daily diary entry of my day. OOoooooo all this work, but I will give it a go, but I am a slightly unknown character hiding slightly in the misty shadows so mystery is everything.

    I have a plan that I might be able to base my five happy things on your five happy things in some cunning plan but that is not for tonight as it is dark and I will run off to bed shortly.

    But many thanks for remembering me Good Sir, I am pleased......

    1. Hi Rob,

      And from the mysterious character with the quirky posts, doth rise from the mists, five happy thoughts to share with those who know, or will now know of you, good sir. At your leisure, do this, if you so wish.

      Remember, you are thoroughly decent chap and that shines through in your comments.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  28. A happy tag, happy thoughts and pictures. Reading this post made me happy. Happy day, Gary!

    1. Hi Julia,

      A happy tag and a happy opportunity to share some happy thoughts to coincide with the photos :) If reading this post made you happy, then I'm happy. Thank you, Julia.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  29. What beautiful pictures they are, they made me smile too. The moon is amazing and the one with the fox seems like a painting I would like to do. They are all great, just as you are! May your life be full of happy things.

    1. Hi Al,

      I'm smiling cause your smiling over the beautiful pictures :) The moon was perfectly cast that night. A number of people have noted that the fox photo kind of looks like a painting. Perhaps you could do a painting combo of a dragon and a fox aka "Firefox" ha ha! You are also great, my friend. May you, may all of us, continue to embrace the happy things in life :)

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  30. I'm so happy you're happy, Klahanie :) That makes me happy too! The beach photo is so cool, and that fox, what an adorable little critter. All your photos are nice. I'm so glad your son is happy too. It's always nice when the kids are in good spirits. Best of the evening to you, my friend:)

    1. Hi M.J.,

      Thank you and I'm so happy you're happy I'm happy :) I love that beach. And that fox was an amazing sight. My son is still smiling. And I'm still smiling at the fact my son is still smiling. A peaceful, positive, smiley day to you, my friend.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  31. your five things were so great that they made ME happy! I want to visit that beach!

    1. Hi Caren,

      How's Mickey? LOL Glad you liked my five happy things. See you on the beach! :)

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  32. Hi Penny! Your daddy is an amazing photographer. Love, love Foxy-Loxie! It, along with the moondrop is a vision from a fairy tale.

    1. Hi Eve,

      Penny is having another one of her power naps. However, she will be pleased that you think that me, her mere human, is good at a bit of photography. Thank you for that :) "Foxy-Loxie!" says, "howl are you?" The moon drop, a fairy tale vision over my fairy tale garden.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  33. And here I thought I had already commented on this...sorry for being a bit behind (I'm still playing catch up, it seems!).

    Anyway, great list and those are all very smile-worthy things to highlight.

    I hope more rays of sunshine make it your way and have a great week! :)

    1. Hi Mark,

      Never any need to apologise, kind sir. It's a pleasure to see your good self here whenever you can make it. It's pretty hectic at times.

      Thanks for thinking this was a smile-worthy list.

      We could literally do with some sunshine in Britain. A good week to you, Mark.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  34. Replies
    1. Hi Rob,

      Duly noted, my friend. And a very clever take on it. As you will now know, I have left one of my um eagerly anticipated replies :)


  35. That view of the garden looks so dreamy, like a painting. I'm having a hard time believing it's your actual view. And that snowman has the kindest face of any snowman I've ever seen. Congratulations on the award/tag, Gary, and thanks for all the doses of happiness.


    1. Hi Robyn,

      That dreamy vision, besides yourself, is indeed my garden :) That snowman did have a pleasant face. Only thing missing was snow balls. Did I really type that?

      Thanks for the congrats on the happy tag. I'm sending you happy thoughts that your health will become even more radiant.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)x

  36. Is it me?
    But is that snowman handsome?

    1. Hi John,

      I can assure you that the snowman isn't you.
      However, the snowman and your good self are equally attractive :)

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  37. Ahhhh.......the beach! I'm so glad the warm weather is back.
    And THAT makes ME happy!

    1. Aha Al Penwasser,

      Perhaps you could send us some warm weather.
      And THAT would make US happy in the lil' ol' UK, OK?

  38. The snowman on March 29th is excellent! I love the fox in the garden most of all.

    1. Hi Susan,

      Surprisingly, the snowman has melted. I'm waiting for the return of the fox :)

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  39. Aloha Gary,

    I've heard so much about you - all good :) - but haven't had much time the past six months to travel outside my mini circle.

    Anyway, here I am. How's it going and cheers for a fun post - I snorted upon seeing the March Snowman :)

    Have a Happy Weekend :)

    1. Greetings Mark,

      It's a delight to finally interact with you, good sir. We have been in the circles within circles as I know we have both been interviewed by the same folks.

      It goes very well, thank you. I suppose you don't see that many snowmen in Hawaii! :)

      Happy wishes to you, Mark.

      Gary :)

  40. Very cool things to make you happy - and who wouldn't want to frame a dog? I'm pretty sure my husband frames our dogs whenever there's a suspicious smell in the air.

    1. Hi Charmaine,

      Lovely to meet you :) A snowman is definitely a cool thing to make me happy. Very good, dogs are convenient when the human farts and makes out it's the poor, innocent dog :)

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  41. Gary
    You are happy with the wings of nature and critters. A marvelous way to make those around you happy too. So tell me, now that you've aroused my curiosity, what is tossing? Is it something that would make me blush?

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      Flying about and noting the critters, that's me :) Happy pictures with happy thoughts. Okay, perish the thought I would make you blush. "Tossing" is a euphemism for, shall we say, a bit of self-satisfaction. Yes, the "M" word. No, not Manzanita, the other M word :)

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  42. Hi Gary. I love the idea of posting the photos to go along with the five happy things! Congratulations!

    1. Hey Dixie,

      I'm happy that you're happy that the idea of posting happy photos to correlate with happy things, has worked out in a most happy way. Thank for the congratulations, y'all :)

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

    2. Ah Dixie,

      A happy weekend to you, dear friend :)

  43. All your happy things make me happy too by reading of them. Penny's pic is brilliant hahaha. What a lovely idea. I might do a list of my own, when I remember, I'm rubbish at keeping up with such things. Great post :)

  44. Hi Michelle,

    Yay for happy stuff! :) I am happy that all my happy stuff made you happy. Ah yes, Penny's award. No rules, no links back to my site, just symbolic of our beloved animals non-conditional love. Thank you, Michelle.

    With happy thoughts,

    Gary :)

  45. How lovely, such nice things to be happy about.

    1. Hi The Wicked Writer,

      Why thank you and lovely goes so well with happy :)

      A happy weekend to you.

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  46. These are such nice pictures! This makes me happy too.

    1. Hi Gina,

      I'm happy you liked the pictures. I'm happy this makes you happy too :)

      With happy thoughts,

      Gary :)

  47. Those last two photos are so full of atmosphere! and I love the beach. I was wondering where it was when I saw it on your header!

  48. Hi Jenny,

    Thank you very much. High praise from an awesome photographer such as your good self. And yes, a magical beach in mid-Wales. Amazing place.

    With happy thoughts,

    Gary :)

  49. Thank you so much, Gary. You made my day. I needed that.

    We drove back to Manitoba. I was napping when Ralphie spotted a huge grizzly standing. His yell got my attention. Yesterday, a mallard duck strolled through our backyard at 6AM. Quite a nice wobble for a duck.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      And thank you. I truly hope when you have had time to chill out, that you might do this. It could be a nice, positive distraction for you.

      Seeing a grizzly bear is quite the experience and one I've also had. A wobbly duck. Sounds like the name of a pub.

      Take care, Joylene.


  50. It's been a while Gary, but I have caught up on happy lists, and the magic in the fairy garden, loved the fox pic too. We have our neighbours chickens and baby chicks wandering through and eating the weeds in our garden every day, so I hope the foxes stay in the forest for now. I haven't seen the deer since Winter. I was once so distracted that I didn't realise the traffic lights turn green until they was turning red again, the biggest shock was that the guy in the car behind me didn't beep, he just smiled when I looked at him in the mirror. He taught me that we don't have to always be in a rush :) Before I looked at your new photo I was sad to see your old one was replaced, but I love them both now.
    All the best

  51. H Ida,

    How lovely to see you and thank you for commenting on this archived posting. I'm delighted you liked the photos and the one of the fox almost looks like a painting. Hopefully the foxes where you live, will stay at a distance.

    I notice you are relating to more than one posting. I must confess that some of my traffic light story was a fictionalised satire attempt. No actual beep. Just being here by myself waiting for the light to hopefully turn green sometime within the next year.

    I keep changing the photo as a bit of a tour. The other header photo is, of course, in this posting.

    A peaceful rest of the weekend to you, Ida.

    Happy thoughts, your way,

    Gary :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.