
Monday 3 June 2013

Fairy Lights And Garden Sights.

'Twas a magical night 
And all seemed right.
The lights doth glow
The breeze doth flow
A garden so mellow
   For this grateful fellow
It was dusk.  Long shadows cast reminders that this was the end of a sunny day.  The serenity of this enchanted garden, pleased the birds, pleased the wee folks. The birds sang in harmony with the wee folks.  Sweet tunes of hope, of joy, of love.

Music from the wind played through the trees 
Leaves did rustle in the breeze
This be nature's symphony
Songs that set me free
Eleven O' Clock on Sunday night.  I stood at the end of my top pathway and absorbed the moment.  I am blessed and I want to share my optimism for a better future for you, for all of us.  Together, in this all different, all equal diversity, we can make it happen.
I was about to head back inside.  Lo and behold, a fleeting glimpse of some of the wee folks.  Even from a distance, I sensed the joyful ambience of Fidelina, the beautiful fairy princess, her husband, Geoffrey the garden gnome, their boy child, Einahalk and the watchful. loving gaze of Venentia, the sister of Fidelina.
Back inside and one last look at my garden.  A garden created out of peaceful defiance to those once around me, who instead of respecting nature, destroyed it.  Where once there was squalor, now there was beauty.  In my solitude, I look out, I see, I really see, I smile.  


  1. Oh that was so sweet and lovely, Gary. I love twinkling lights, they bring magic into the night.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      Most kind of you, dear friend. And with the vision of magic that the twinkling lights bring, I thank you.

      Gary :)

  2. You've got a beautiful evening garden, Klahanie. Those colorful lights are pawsitively delightful! Ah, lights in the evening garden are soothing and wonderful, and they keep the wee folk from being scared of the dark too :)

    1. Hi M.J.,

      Thank you, dear lady. Those light have added such an extra dimension. A gentle ambience. The wee folks think of them as their symbolic lights of hope.

      Pleasant, glowing wishes, your way,

      Gary :)

  3. What a lovely respite your garden must be, and such a beautiful testament to your enduring sense of hope and positivity! Keep us lifted up, my friend, and enjoy that beauty and serenity :)

    1. Hi Kim,

      It is indeed a lovely respite. It's a huge garden with so many different aspects to it. It was created out of peaceful defiance and the positivity shines through. Your comment uplifts me and that's a wonderful outcome. Thank you, Kim.

      In hope and magic, your way,

      Gary :)

  4. That poem all but dances. And your photos capture the wee folks well. You've created a magical setting for them, and in return, they bring you joy.

    1. Hi Alex,

      You summed it up very nicely, kind sir. The magic and the joy I sense, is returned to me with the ideals of the wee folks and what they wish for humanity. Thank you, Alex.

      Gary :)

  5. Gary your garden is so beautiful....what a lovely, peaceful place to recharge.

    1. Hi Delores,

      A beautiful garden and a serene place that does revitalise me. Thank you, Delores.

      Gary :)

  6. I dig that poem - and the lights. I came this close, this close to buying outside lantern fun lights yesterday.

    1. Hi The Happy Whisk,

      I dig that you dig the poem and the lights. Dig and gardens, works for me. I reckon you are going to get those outside lanterns. What fun you will have! :)

      Gary :)

  7. Beautiful. A place to recharge and absorb serenity. Love it - and I also really, really love fairy lights.

    1. Hi Elephant's Child,

      It sure is. A sanctuary for the soil and soul. I'm delighted how well the solar fairy lights are doing. Even on cloudy days, they've been lighting up in the evening.

      Enchanting thoughts, your way,

      Gary :)

  8. Aloha Gary,

    Loved the post - and I am no fan of poetry.

    Let me know if you ever need a restock on the wee people.

    I'm originally from Dublin, so I know a few out-of-work Leprechauns who could always use a steady 11-month gig from April 2 to March 1.

    1. Greetings Mark,

      I'm not really into poetry either. I sometimes dabble a bit just for the heck of it.

      I'm fine with an abundance of wee folks, thank you. I'm got playful pixies, happy hobgoblins, frolicking fairies and gleeful garden gnomes. All content in the knowledge that in their world, they have Universal Elf Care.

      Coincidentally, one of my neighbours is from Dublin. When he's inebriated, I struggle even more, to understand what the heck he's talking about. A few jobless Leprechauns would make for an interesting scene in my garden. I wonder if they would bring some "Lucky Charms". They're magically delicious. Don't you know....

      Thank you, Mark. And, "Book 'em, Danno!"

      Gary :)

  9. You really love your garden, the wee ones, the lights and the summer solitude. I understand that feeling because I had once created that kind of garden in the yard I've returned to. Alone and without care, that garden grew into weeds and the flowers died. Now I am working on bringing new life to the garden.

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      I have a passion that turned squalor into beauty. It was one man and his shovel. And the man, the shovel, won :) There were a few months recently where I almost said to heck with it. I lost interest because of some neighbours who were taking away our right to peace and harmony. We defied them and they are no longer negative. I visualise your garden being back to its resplendent glory. I know you will do it.

      Thank you, dear lady.

      Gary :)

  10. Long may your fairy lights twinkle in the darkness!! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,

      As long as we continue to get some sunshine, the fairy lights will glow. Here's hoping!

      Magical thoughts and sunny days,

      Gary :)

  11. I love the lights in your garden.

    It's a blessing to be able to create beauty out of ruin.

    1. Hi Misha,

      The lights are an amazing sight. My neighbours have thanked me for the light show.

      I turned what was basically a landfill, into something of beauty. Most fulfilling.

      Magical wishes,

      Gary :)

  12. Very nice Gary, I like all the lighting you have done... and your little story that goes with it.

    1. Hi Terry,

      Thank you for that. I'm most pleased that the lights are working. We have been getting sunshine and that helps. Glad you liked the accompanying story.

      Magical wishes,

      Gary :)

  13. Hi Gary! Long time, no talk. I have been quietly keeping up with you, and am happy that you are well. I love your garden lighting! I would like to see the twinkling in person one day. I have been busy here with painting, writing, parenting, gardening, etc. Still have THE SNEE, but not currently Sneeing.

  14. Oops! I got cut off by the computer comment cutter. What I was about to say was that I am glad you are still Klahanieing. I like knowing you are still out there writing, reflecting, creating and sitting in your garden with the lovely lovely wee folk

    1. Hi THE SNEE,

      Rebecca, lovely Rebecca, it's wonderful to see you here. I know that you have been busy. In your new adventure, you are maintaining positive resources and distractions. I'm really heartened by that.

      I hope you all will be able to make it over to lil' ol' England. I know the wee folks, a famous dog, my son and his alleged human dad, would be most delighted.

      Hope you SNEE real soon. Yes indeed, I still attempt to blog. In between dancing in my garden with the wee folks and a bewildered dog named Penny! :)

      I'm so glad you visited, Rebecca.

      Happy and smiling thoughts, your way,

      Gary :)

  15. It really does look like fairies dancing in your garden. It's beautiful, Gary.

    1. Hi Diane,

      The dancing fairies in my garden are smiling over what you said. Thank you for visiting the beauty in my garden.

      Magical wishes,

      Gary :)

  16. I could see myself spending many a peaceful evening outside in this garden. Quite serene I would imagine.

    1. Hi Keith,

      I have spent some very tranquil moments in the garden. Alone with nature and a sense of contentment. Moments to savour, my friend.

      Gary :)

  17. That was beautiful. Makes me want to string up Christmas lights in my house. (:

    1. Hi Elise,

      Thanks for that. It seems I only just took down the Christmas lights in my house :)

      Magical and sunny wishes, your way,

      Gary :)

  18. Around my place, I love it when the fireflies (lightning bugs) light up place. Nature can be beautiful all on her own.

    1. Hi Dizzy-Dick,

      I can imagine what a spectacular site that must be. Nature's very own fairy lights. The best. Thank you, good sir.

      Gary :)

  19. Look at you go and quite the show, guess we know how your garden does grow lol

    1. Hi Pat,

      Gary, Gary,
      Quite contrary,
      How does your garden grow...

      Magic time
      In enchanting rhyme.

      Gary :)

  20. Loved this! Hope you are well.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Hi Shelly,

      I'm heartened you loved this. Thank you. All is well. Hope you are smiling and congrats on your latest book.

      Hugs and magical wishes,

      Gary :)

  21. Very pretty pictures! I love garden lights. Also love your new header photo!

    1. Hi JoJo,

      Thank you and yes, garden lights that are actually working. You take fabulous photos, my friend. The new header. A boat in the harbour in the town of Cardigan, Wales.

      Gary :)

  22. absolutely loved this beuatiful

    1. Hi becca,

      I'm most appreciative. Thank you and you do such wonderful haikus :)

      Gary :)

  23. Great pictures, Gary! A lot of times, it's the simple (or even wee) things that can impact us the most.

    Take care, my friend!:)

    1. Hi Mark Means,

      Thanks for liking the pictures, Mark. You said it, my friend. Taking that special moment to appreciate the simple or wee things in our lives.

      Thank you, good sir.

      Gary :)

  24. Lovely, Gary - your garden looks so peaceful :-) x

    1. Hi Teresa,

      Thank you, Teresa. We had a few problems where the peace was broken for about six months. Our positive attitude has won and our environment is indeed peaceful, once again.

      Magical wishes and more sun, your way,

      Gary :) x

  25. What a magical place, indeed!

    1. Hi Susan Kane,

      And thank you for visiting this magical place :)

      Kind wishes,

      Gary :)

  26. I loved dancing in your world for a few moments. Thanks for creating it and inviting me in. :)

    1. Hi Julie Luek,

      I'm glad you came over for a dance in my world :) I'm honoured by your visit. Thank you, Julie.

      Magical wishes, your way,

      Gary :)

  27. It's very beautiful, Gary. I love the color lights adorning the place.It's amazing how much joy nature can bring us. And it is incredible that some people would rather destroy it. The poem is great! :)

    1. Hi Al,

      Thank you, good friend. I know we share our love of nature and trying to maintain a natural balance. There was a time in my neighbourhood that we had people living nearby who had no regards for their gardens on anybody else's garden. They have all gone and my example inspired others to make this a more pleasant environment. Thanks for liking the poems.

      Keep smiling and a positive wish I send you.

      In hope and peace,

      Gary :)

  28. This reads like a sweet lullaby. With that, I think I'll take that peaceful nap I've been needing. Thank you, Gary.


    1. Hi Robyn,

      "Twinkle twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky..."

      I hope you have had a nice nap. Mind the alarm clock :)

      Thank you, Robyn.

      Magical naps, your way,

      Gary :) x

  29. Cool Pics Good Sir...... I noticed the name of the little fishing boat, a long long time ago I worked on a ship called the Shearwater Sapphire or as it is now called Seamec Ii. It was almost new when I was on it, and it was very flash looking back then.

    You are a poet but I suspect you know it......

    1. Hi Rob,

      Why thank you, good sir. An interesting boating tale you doth tell. I bet it was quite the flash boat as it cruised in its heyday.

      I aint no good at poetry. But I thank you sincerely.

      Magical garden wishes,

      Gary :)

  30. Wonderful garden Gary looks so relaxing.


    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Thank you, dear lady. And immerse yourself in the magic. I know how much you need some magic and my thoughts are with your for better times.

      In kindness,


  31. just beautiful. I believe the wee folks retire to the cozy comfort of their homes inside of the knotty tree bark. They sup in bowls made of acorns......I want to go inside where they are one day

    1. Hi Caren,

      Aha, the wee folks have invited you for a bowl of good cheer from a bowl made out of acorns :)

      Magical garden wishes,

      Gary :)

  32. Those fairy lights shining in the darkness carried my mind to my childhood. I don't know why, but everything looks very peaceful and filled with magic cheer.

    1. Hi Julia,

      I can relate back to my own childhood. Perhaps you are recalling the wonder of looking at Christmas lights and the joy that gave you. Magical cheer is here and I'm delighted you visited, dear friend.

      Magical garden wishes,

      Gary :)

  33. I love that you light your garden, and take such pride in it! Awesome. It makes me feel peaceful just looking at it and reading your luscious poetry. Sounds Irish for some reason...
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hi Tina,

      Thank you and the gentle ambience of the lights has made it so magical. I wanted to create a sense of well being within this posting. I'm most encouraged you got a sense of peace from this. I must of been inspired by the wayward Leprechaun in my garden :)

      You be well and keep smiling :)

      Magical garden wishes,

      Gary :)

  34. You take the best pictures! Love the peek into your garden. I hope you, Penny & the wee folk are all enjoying a wonderful day! :)

    1. Hi Jemi,

      You are most kind in regards to my photos. Glad you enjoyed a bit of a peek into my garden. All of us are having a wonderful early morn after another glorious sunny day in England.

      Wishing you a peaceful evening, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  35. Beautiful, Gary. You've created a magical patch of serenity with your garden.

    1. Hi Susan,

      Thank you, lovely lady. The wee folks, Penny the Jack Russell and myself are delighted with the release of your book :) And yes, the garden, serenity for my soul.

      Magical garden wishes,

      Gary :)

  36. Sooooo sweet Gary!!! I feel right there in your fairy wonderfulland!!!
    Many blessings to you,

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Awe gosh! :) I can just imagine you out there dancing with the other magical fairies :)
      Peace and blessed thoughts to you, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  37. Hi Gary,
    Ah, the wee folk, and the magical fairy lights. For some reason, Gare, I've come over all warm and fuzzy. May the wee folks' world of diversity, where all are different and yet equal, live on!
    Very Best Wishes,

    1. Hi David,

      The wee folks, magical fairy lights and fuzzy wuzzy thoughts. You're a naturally warm and fuzzy guy, David. Hirsute, if you prefer. Indeed, kind sir, the wee folks, where stigma and bigotry are alien concepts. Here's to their world and an example for us.

      I know you anxiously wait for my darkening your door. It be soon. Peace an magical wishes, David.


  38. stop it! you are such a free & talented dude!
    and i love yesterday's cute puppy who dislikes blog obligations!

    1. Hi Tara,

      Okay, I've stopped :) Such lovely words from you, Tara.

      Uggghhhh! Blogfest, bloghops, blog parties! :)

      Magical garden thoughts,

      Gary :)

  39. You know Gary, my brother in the last days of his life told me that people always talk about going and seeing this place and that, but to him, nowhere was as comforting and as wonderful as his own back yard.

    I love how you created yourself an oasis, your own happy place. There is a powerful lesson in finding happiness right where you are, right at the moment.

    Your adoring fan.

    1. Dear Elizabeth,

      Your beloved brother was at one with the gentle solitude that can be found in a garden. That recollection of your brother resonates. Thank you for sharing that.

      Absolutely. My garden, an oasis in what was once a desert of despair. Symbolic of finding contentment in the now and sensing a satisfaction in our accomplishments. A wonderful comment, Elizabeth.

      From one adoring fan to another, peace and kind wishes.

      Gary :)

  40. Oh my goodness, this was so beautiful to look at and to read. Thanks for the virtual trip to your amazing garden. :)

    1. Hi Julie,

      I'm most flattered by your kind words. Thank you for coming along for a virtual trip through my enchanted garden.

      Magical garden wishes,

      Gary :)

  41. The weather in parts of the UK has been gorgeous in the past couple of days hasn't it? Your garden must have looked really nice as the sun was setting and the darkness came about especially with those lights.

    It's days like this when we forget about all the wrongs and concentrate on all the goodness life has to offer. It's nice to feel the sun on your skin, not to mention the Vitamin D, and it's nice to be free and breath. And it would be great to have a garden like yours Gary. Loved the poem too.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      Oh yes, at last, we sure have had some fantastic weather. It has been a spectacular sight as the sun set and the lights started to glow. I'm lucky to live in such a lovely setting.

      Indeed, I like to focus, take time out from this all too hectic world and just look, just listen. Sunshine and happy times. What a combo. Glad you enjoyed my attempt at some poetry. A bit on the twee side, but what the heck.

      Magical garden wishes,

      Gary :)

  42. So pretty! It's definitely a garden fit for fairies!

    1. Hi Sherry,

      Indeed it is. And a garden fit for some old dude who dances with the fairies! :)

      Magical garden wishes,

      Gary :)

  43. Such a lovely peaceful moment in time. So glad you were feeling blessed!

    "Together, in this all different, all equal diversity, we can make it happen."

    I think so too, all though sometimes, reading the news, watching the politicians, I wonder. But still, I do truly believe, good will win.

    Thank you for offering to help with my blog tour, I just sent off the edits, and feeling relieved but now must finish book 2 edits. So much fun, and panic inducing! :) send me an email at yolandarenee(at)hotmail(dot)com, and I'll send you the info. Thanks again.
    Lovely, lovely garden.

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Indeed, a moment of magic, captured forever. I'm blessed and I'm honoured that you would visit and become part of the experience.

      Yes we are up against a lot of corruption, greed and indifference. We hope, that through such adversity, through these austere times, that the good out there, will overcome the evil.

      Happy to help out with your blog tour, Yolanda. Please relax and continue at your own pace. I shall send you an email so you can forward the info. Keep smiling, my friend.

      Gary :)

  44. Such a delightful post, Gary, and so poetic! The wee folk certainly do look splendid against your twinkling garden lights. Quite a magical sight actually :)

    Let's hope your summer will be long and balmy so that you can enjoy many an evening with your wee friends :)

    1. Hi Wendy,

      Very kind of you, dear lady. It sure is a magical sight and the wee folks are looking most content :)

      An actual summer in Britain. That would be so nice. Thanks for that, Wendy.

      Magical and enchanted wishes, your way,

      Gary :)

  45. Hi Gary - I'm late .. but here - delighted to read the optimism here and sure hope the faery lights and magical garden delights keep you in good stead for many a week, month and year ahead ..

    I think quietly sitting in your garden listening to the insects, the hobgoblins chattering quietly ... the gnomes holding guard over you all .. may we all have optimism and lots of happiness ahead .. and I'd love the peace you evoke here ..

    Cheers .. Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      You're never too late and your comments are always appreciated. I know how hectic it can be just trying to keep up with so many people.

      You have noted what this posting was all about. In fact, this posting was certainly about an ideal of peace, reflection and positivity. Thank you for your kind thoughts.

      Magical wishes, your way,


  46. Magical setting, Gary. Sorry I've missed so much. Was away at a family funeral. Saw photos of my grandparents when they were first married. In every pic was a Jack Russell dog sitting between them.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Thank you. I do understand you've been away attending that family funeral. I hope you have had a modicum of comfort through it all, Joylene.

      In kindness,


  47. This is so beautiful. So much prettier than any garden I have been too. We all need to be happy. Thank you for sharing your "Happy Place" with all of us.

    1. Hi Munir,

      Thank you and I appreciate your kind thoughts. We all need that place where we can find some gentle contentment. Be well, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  48. The only thing I love more than fairy lights are the wee folk. And I love that you share them both with us. Thanks for that peaceful magic.

    1. Hi Laura,

      The fairy lights are lovely, indeed. And the wee folks are sending you thoughts of love and hope. We all thank you for visiting the magic of this shared experience.

      Hope you feel better soon and that the weekend turns out to be just fine.


  49. The more I read you the more I want to know. I love your lights, your wee folk, and the interesting hint at what was there on your land before you. Did you take before and after photos? Did you even need to? Who wants to remember desolation when looking at peaceful beauty. Never mind my curiosity. Thanks for a stirring post...

    1. Hi Lisa,

      You are very kind and I'm grateful to know you. All that happens in my garden is truly a statement of turning something ugly into something beautiful. I would of taken before pictures. Trouble is, unless I took a photo from a helicopter, it was difficult to capture the extent of the mess. More a question of garden, what garden?

      Thanks for thinking this was a stirring post.

      Magical wishes, your way,

      Gary :)

  50. Just stopping by to say "thanks" for visiting my little place on the net. Glad to know you were Feeling Nosey today! And what a treat to interview a pawblisher, heh heh.

    And thanks for following!

    1. Hi there Nosey type dude,

      Thanks for dropping by. No problem visiting your site. I got nosy. Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, an acclaimed 'pawblisher', my friend.

      Thanks for following back. Gosh, I think I now know how to accumulate followers! LOL


  51. A nice idyllic bit of verse to capture a lovely place and occasion. Colored lights are not just for Christmas.

    Wrote By Rote

    1. Hi Lee,

      I appreciate that. Just a touch of dabbling in poetry. Actually, up until about two weeks ago, the weather was more like Christmas.

      Take care, Lee.


  52. There are few things as romantic and inherently magical as fairy lights in trees. A very famous NY restaurant, Tavern on the Green, has all the trees outside its windows strung with lights. It creates such a lovely dining experience. (Or it did when I lived in NYC 20 yrs ago!) :-)

    1. Hi Lexa,

      Agreed. There is an air of romance and magic amongst the beauty of the fairy lights. That restaurant is New York city sounds wonderful. Hope the food was as good as the ambience.

      More magic, your way,

      Gary :)

  53. am I suppose to be looking for the gnome?

    1. Hey PTM,

      If you look very closely, you will see your friend, "Lamb Chop."

  54. Very beautiful post. I saw the fairies in the lines of your verse and the lights in the trees even before you actually put a photo of one of them in the post. Remarkably talented and yes, hopeful!

    1. Hi Eve,

      That's most kind of you. Thank you. That's very encouraging and the photos added that extra magical touch. Wow, how flattering of you, Eve.

      Magical wishes and hope, your way,

      Gary :)

  55. Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden with us Gary! Everything you write has a magical quality all it's own.


    1. Hi Julie,

      It was a delight to show you my enchanted garden, Julie. I'm truly heartened by your comment. Thank you, dear lady.

      In magic,

      Gary :)

  56. The garden lights are so pretty! I love you what you say about a better future. We can make it happen. :-)

    1. Hi Danielle,

      Thank you and the garden lights are on as I type this. A beautiful sight. A better future in a diverse, all different, all equal world. We sure can make it happen :)

      A happy weekend to you.



I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.