
Wednesday 2 October 2013

Stilts And Stairs.

I've been rather in the background lately.  Challenging the latest bout of deep depression.  A state of despair so debilitating that just switching on the computer is a struggle.

Once again, despite the exhaustion I'm feeling, physically and mentally, I'm going to use the positive therapy that is the wonder of the written word.

While sitting in my darkened living room, the only sounds, the ticking of numerous clocks, I got to thinking about my involvement in "Sanity Fair."  A yearly one day event on a Saturday, in mid-June, in Stoke on Trent.  Sanity Fair, a street festival of well being that aimed to bring further public awareness about mental health.  A street festival with the purpose of reducing the unfair stigma attached to mental health issues.  

Sadly, Sanity Fair is no more.  The memories linger on.  

During the 2008 Sanity Fair, I got to help out the events coordinator.  One of the requests from the events coordinator was for me to go and get three people who were located in a room on the third floor of the nearby library.  

Not exactly sure where they were on the third floor, I asked the library's receptionist.  "Excuse me, I'm looking for three clowns.  I've been told they are in a room on the third floor, but I'm not sure which room." Looking rather bewildered, she said she wasn't sure which room the three clowns were in, but I shouldn't have much trouble identifying them.

Up three flights of stairs I went.  The very first room, as luck would have it, I found the three clowns.  For some stupid reason, I asked them, "Are you the three clowns I'm looking for?"  Considering there was apparently no other clowns on the third floor, unless you include me, I had the clowns I needed.  

To my amazement, said clowns had stilts on. When they stood up in the room, their heads touched the ceiling.  I thought they would of waited to put their stilts on. We all went down the three flights of stairs. Visualise three clowns on stilts walking down three flights of stairs.  Indeed, visualise the perplexed looks of the people in the library as we walked by.
Here is a photo of the three clowns on stilts.  

I'm feeling better now.  Thinking back on that rather surreal moment makes me feel like I'm the fourth clown on stilts.  


  1. They look fun!
    I'm glad I don't have Coulrophobia!
    Have an awsome day!

    1. Hi DAVID,

      Everything they said was over my head!
      No fear of those clowns, stilts and all.
      An awesome day to you, good sir.

      Gary :)

  2. Thoughts can sure run through that gives us a new view, never would have figured you for a clown on stilts though, beats a mime

    1. Hi Pat,

      I'm a a clown on stilts. It's one of my guilts. Marcel Marceau CD for you. Happy listening may not be true.

      Gary :)

  3. Glad the memories of those clowns made you feel better!

    1. Hi Alex,

      Thank you and recalling a surreal moment certainly helped.

      Gary :)

  4. They navigated stairs on sillts?! Wow!

    1. Hi JoJo,

      It's true and a "flight" of stairs almost came true!

      Gary :)

  5. I think it's pretty great there's an event like that to help raise awareness. I would have loved to see those guys coming down the stairs :) I'm not fond of clowns but I always have an appreciation for wicked skills, wow!

    Keeping you in my thoughts....

    1. Hi The Words Crafter,

      It was a festival of hope and did indeed brought further awareness about mental health concerns. Quite the visual, isn't it. Clowns, no. Clones, maybe. Clones on stilts, perhaps.

      Thank you for you kind thoughts, my friend.

      Gary :)

  6. As kids my older brother and I had stilts. We would get on top of the garage and launch off, doing crazy one stilt tricks. I was pretty good at it and called myself Stilt Chamberlain. Hahaha Good times and even better memories! I bet I could walk on stilts today no problem.

    1. Hi Stephen,

      Wow, stilts and leaping off the garage. That would of been something for YouTube. Go find those stilts, my friend. Stilt the "Wilt" Chamberlain, in my case.

      Gary :)

  7. Oh, I have to add I would slam dunk a basketball on stilts in our driveway. Hence, the name Stilts Chamberlain.

    1. Aha, Stephen,

      Now that's a visual. I'm now thinking of the song, "Sweet Georgia Brown."

      Gary :)

  8. I'm glad you found a bright memory to lighten up your day.

    1. Hi Delores,

      We both that thinking of a pleasant memory, even a surreal one, can help to see the light again. Thank you, Delores.

      Gary :)

  9. Ah, who wouldn't smile at a memory like that. Think of some more things that would make you happy.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      Thank you and yes, focusing on some enjoyable memories can make the present put into a better perspective.

      Take care, Arleen.

      Gary :)

  10. Every one needs to feel down every now and then just to enjoy the happy times better. Now, find that happy time and have a great day!!!

    1. Hi Dizzy-Dick,

      I do my best to work through my illness. Some days, my illness is worse than others. What I try to demonstrate, as you note, is that others who might be having a downer time, can realise that the good times will happen again.

      Be well and smile, sir.

      Gary :)

  11. Oh Gary. I am so sorry that you are battling depression again. Surely Penny doesn't encourage you to associate with the Black Dog.
    Sending hugs. You are a wonderful person, and cherished by me and many, many others.

    1. Hi Sue,

      I appreciate you good thoughts, Sue. I have these bouts and I do challenge them. I also like to think my transparency can be of help to others who might be struggling. The community we share is of immeasurable help. I thank you for that.

      Hugs to you and your kind thoughts.

      Gary :)

  12. Those are AWESOME clowns. Hugs to you, Gary. Fight on!

    1. Hi Debra,

      For sure and then you had me staring up at those AWESOME clowns! Hugs back to you and the fight continues with positive resilience.

      Gary :)

  13. Not just one clown on stilts, but three - I think I've done that! Sometimes getting out of that deep, deep hole requires the backs of six clowns on stilts standing on each others shoulders! I'm glad you could do it with three!

    Patches says Penny wants to go for a walk - now how would she know that?

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Ah yes and you noted an analogy in this. I knew you would see that angle. And from on top of the stilts, the view can be very nice. Stilts on stilts on stilts..

      Could please tell Patches that Penny has gone for a walk and we both feel better. Clever Patches! :)

      Thank you, Yolanda.

      Gary :)

  14. A big hug your way my friend. I enjoyed the story of the three-or four- clowns.Very sweet!
    Keep writing my friend. You are not alone.
    Thank you for the comment on poetry. I agree with you. Let me add the following: poems are like friends. There is chemistry with a certain poem or there isn't.
    In our case there is a lot of chemistry, so I think we would enjoy similar poems.

    1. Hi Julia,

      Thanks for the big hug, Julia. Writing sure can be therapeutic. I do wish to have my transparency be of help to others along the way. Indeed, none of us need feel alone. I appreciate that, Julia.

      "Poems are like like friends." I like that. And your friendship is poetry I embrace. Now for some Dr. Seuss :)

      Hugs to you, Julia.

      Gary :)

    2. Thanks, Gary. Our friendship is poetry. How funny. An Insightful Encounter is a poem about friendship. I was not going to mention it but since you made this comment here I will say it. I wrote it last July after a dream I had, and you were in that dream. What an amazing coincidence that you wrote this the other day and then this poem was accepted.

    3. Hi Julia,

      Wow, how incredible is that. And to think that I was part of your dream. Poetry in motion across the ocean. Be well and poetic peace your way.

      Gary :)

  15. Hi Gary,
    Ah, the halcyon days of Sanity Fair. As you would know, through my involvement with MAGMH, I also got to help out at that wonderful event. It's sad that it is no more. But at least we have our memories, as you say, Gare. And yours appear to be a little more on the surreal side than mine. My, what wonderful clowns! And on stilts too!
    Also, I'm sorry to hear that you're battling the old "black dog" again. You should tell Penny to behave herself! But seriously, though, if there's anything I can do, just let me know. It's difficult to know what to advise at such times, but know that you're not on your own, and I'm only at the other end of the phone. That's a scary thought, I know, but just thought I'd say it!
    From one clown to another, Very Best Wishes, your way,

    1. Hi David,

      Ah yes, those were the days, my friend. You were an integral part of Sanity Fair via your involvement with MAGMH. Maybe we can get the festival reinstated. Maybe we could have you on stilts leading the parade. That would be good.

      Thanks David and it's always a pleasure to have a chat with your good self. As you will know, it's an environmental situation that come sometimes get the better of me. Penny has just told me that we are both excellent clowns. Cheers, good friend.

      Gary :)

  16. Probably not a good idea to ask me to imagine this because now the room's spinning. Yes, I am that ... hmm, influenced by the vividness of your words!.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      I think it's time to sit down, relax and smile. I shall put my stilts off to the corner of the room. Put your feet up, Joylene. Best to remove the stilts first or you might poke them through the wall.

      Be well, Joylene.

      Gary :)

  17. Sorry you have been down of late, Memories can work wonders, Here's to happier days.... for both of us.

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      I thank you for your thoughtful words. We work through these moments. I hope you know that when I do such postings I have dear friends such as you in mind. Happier days and may those memories inspire that better tomorrow.

      Gary :)

  18. Hey Gary,

    Wassup, me old codger?

    Sounds like you've come through some difficult times and I'm surely glad you felt good enough to share the comic clowns chapter.

    No sugar coating, but I hope you know there is an Irish lad in Hawaii who has a smile on his face, with arms open wide for his mate in Leek who may (or may not) be in the mood for a ManHug.

    And, if you're not in the mood, well tough tittie, said the kitty... you're getting one anyway.


    Do you think my hugs grow on trees... is that what you think I am? A tree hugger?

    I'll have you know I'm no such thing - for the most part :)

    Take care, my amigo.... it's been cold on the humor front this past while without your constant comments... but no rush... we be here when you go there...


    1. Hey Mark,

      Ah, me old mucker, just a bit of an environmental challenge that has left me rather exhausted. We do get through though, we do indeed. The recollection of the clowns is proof that I can refuse to allow my depressive state to overwhelm me. I try to write such postings as a demonstration to those who might be struggling, or not, for that matter.

      A man hug from your man huggy self is most appreciated. I'm sure your hugs go beyond hugging trees. Although things might be growing on you :)

      After I catch up with commenting here, I shall try to go there and there and there....

      Hugs to you Sir Mazza (( ))

      Gary :)

  19. I can barely walk on my own legs. I get bruises just thinking about how often I would fall off of stilts. Glad you're feeling better. Hope to see you around.

    1. Hi S.P.,

      I wont be recommending stilts to you then :) Feeling better and I thank you for that. Shall try to be around soon.

      Gary :)

  20. Laughter really is the best medicine isn't it? Whenever I'm feeling down I watch sitcoms (The Office is a fav) and the laughter begins to make me feel better. Of course I know it's not always that simple. I sincerely hope the sadness dissipates my friend. Please know you're treasured among all of us here in blogland.

    1. Hi Kitty,

      Totally agree. Always maintained that laughter is the best medicine. Whenever I'm really down I remember that parts of my life are like a sitcom :) "The Office." Ah yes, the original British version or your version. It can be quite difficult to cope. However, with the knowledge of being all here for each other, the coping becomes so much easier. Your kind words are appreciated, Keith.

      Gary :)

  21. Libraries are such great places!! Lovely Gary - maybe there should be a blog blast once a year to celebrate Sanity Fair! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,

      Libraries can be surreal places, at times. Let's hope we can keep more of them open. A Sanity Fair blog festival. I could almost get into that.

      Be well,


  22. I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling a little depressed at the moment Gary. I hope this passes soon and I understand that it's a process you can't always control. But I'm glad that you're still fighting and this post had upped the mood a little. I just can't imagine why the clowns wanted to walk the stairs on stilts either, rather than put them on when they were outside. Maybe that's why they are clowns, who knows! ha ha ha.

    It's always the charities or events that do good are the ones to be shut down or closed first. Such a shame to hear Sanity Fair is no more.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      My good friend, like always, I will be just fine. It shall pass and the remnants of the latest bout are mildly lingering on. For someone who doesn't have a diagnosis of mental illness, it can be difficult for them to understand just how debilitating it can be.

      I never did understand why they put the stilts on so soon. You really would of thought they'd of waited until they got downstairs and outside. Still, as you note, maybe that the clowns type of logic.

      In these trying times, festivals such as Sanity Fair are even more vital. A lot of folks are hurting out there. And yes, it's all about funding and priorities. It does make me wonder.

      Take care, my friend.

      Gary :)

  23. Gary, really sorry you've been feeling depressed. Maybe you could put a clown wig on Penny?

    I could never walk on stilts. I can barely manage high heels.

    1. Hi Diane,

      I will be okay, thank you. I think I might put on my clown wig. Or my Jessica Rabbit wig.

      Coincidentally, I'm not much good wearing high heels.

      Gary :)

  24. Someone had to say it, and it looks like it's me "These are not the Clowns you're looking for" *waves her lightsabre about using the force.
    Always good to have a post off you Gary, I know the darkness well and how hard it is to shift even a millimetre out of it's shadow at times. Thank you for the Clowns. The picrure is ace, excellent costumes. I know few clowns myself actually....*laughs. - Have a hug - *hugs him. x

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Oops and I guess it's back to a new clown search :) I just visualised um "Daft" Vader.

      I know you know of this darkness. Thankfully, we both know of clowns to brighten our days. Okay, when we find the correct clowns. Hugs and laughs to you and and all your clown buddies :)


  25. LOL! That's awesome.

    Dude, (yes, I did just type dude,) let me sprinkle some of this liquid sunshine into your hands. Better yet, get out and soak some up, eh? I know how sucky depression can be, but you can get out of this--one day at a time. And you are awesome. Don't forget that.

    1. Hi Crystal,

      Awe and this dude thanks you. Liquid sunshine is something we have an abundance of, but a bit more never hurt. One day at a time is all we do. We get there, don't we. You are even awesomer! So there! :)

      Thank you, Crystal.

      Gary :)

  26. Hi Gary - that's a great pity they've stopped the Fair - I guess people run out of steam organising things like this -

    However the clowns look such fun - great costumes .. and yes I'd be surprised to see stiltwalkers coming down the stairs in the library ...

    we had stilts for a while .. but they were hold by the hands ones .. so cheating probably!

    Glad this has distracted you somewhat .. with thoughts - Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      It was a pity. A combination of funding and coordination of such an event. We had a large number of charitable organisations at Sanity Fair.

      Clowns were fun. A bit strange they had the stilts on so soon. Still, who is going to question a clown.

      Ah, those type of stilts. I guess you're half way there with them.

      Thank you and this was a positive distraction.

      Gary :)

  27. Sounds like a tall story to me . . . . . . . .HAH HAH AH HAHHAha ha hah ah ah ha hah ah hah aha h h ah ah ha ah hah ah haha hah ah ha ha ha.

    I hope the depression eases a bit soon. take care

    1. Hi Rob,

      Trust you! I figured this story would leave you up in the air......

      I'm getting better, thank you, kind sir. All the best, Rob.

      Gary :)

  28. So the Sanity Fair is gone, but the memory lingers and that's one positive. The other three are those clowns. I want them. I need them. Even more than clones. Really.

    Take care. Be well. And remember we always have SADOTY to cheer us up.

    1. Hi Lee,

      Ah yes indeedy do, the memory of Sanity Fair lingers and that is a most positive linger. The three clowns have been informed of your wants and needs. They can do amazing things with stilts. If I inadvertently send you three clones with stilts, hope you don't mind.

      SADOTY aka "Super Award Dodger Of The Year"! Now I'm into a mega cheered-up mood.

      Thank you and smiles, everybody.....

      Gary :)

  29. I read your post and thought I had nothing spectacular to contribute. Then I read an article on airport security, and they had this little gem there:

    The three Singing Sons of Beaches somehow reminded me of your Sanity Fair Stilts & Stairs clowns. I'm not sure, but there might be something in there for your next Blog Air post?

    Take care, my friend.

    1. Hi Chris,

      You always have something spectacular to contribute. Indeed, that was clever and I dare not miss my flight. I could tell you the time I had a tub of smooth peanut butter confiscated at Vancouver airport.

      Blog Air is always looking for new angles. Thanks for the thought. Maybe clowns on stilts walking down the aisle.

      All the best to you, dear lady.

      Gary :)

  30. My new friend...I'm so sorry you've entered the Zone of the Unsmiling. I hope those wickedly awesome clowns have done their jobs and cheered you a bit. Take care.

    1. Hi Carol,

      My lovely friend, the "Zone of the Unsmiling" will never get the better of me. I will not let the positive energy saboteurs get their way. The clowns have done the job and to recollect has returned the smile. Be well, Carol and thank you.

      Gary :)

  31. I love the idea of a Sanity Fair. Too bad they don't do it any more. (Why are govt's so stupid?) Those clowns must have been great fun to watch -- I bet they made a lot of people smile. I hope your smile comes back soon, Gary.

    1. Hi Lexa,

      It was a wonderful festival on so many levels. It was reducing the stigma. Governments, especially during these austere times, should understand how vital such fairs are.

      The clowns were a good laugh and they sang and played. Thinking about them has made me smile. And I smile with your kind thoughts. Thank you, Lexa.

      Gary :)

  32. So sorry you have been having a rough time lately. I am glad you were able to find something to bring a smile to your face. Clowns on stilts will do that. :) The fair sounds like a great idea- sorry it isn't taking place anymore. Sending you smiles and some happy thoughts.

    1. Hi Jess,

      I thank you for your kind words, Jess. Rough times lead to better times. I know that the positive distraction of sharing a happy moment would help me and hopefully others. Clowns, stilts and stairs and yikes! :) Hopefully, the fair can be brought back in some form.

      Happy smiles and thoughts back to you, my friend.

      Gary :)

  33. I don't know how they can balance and play guitar at the same time.

    I'm glad that writing eases your pain, Gary. Better days, and more clowns, await. Wait, maybe that doesn't sound like a good thing. Clowns who are dressed in costume for the purposes of entertaining people are to be found in the days ahead. That might not be so good either. At any rate, I send my love.


    1. Hi Robyn,

      There you go. Multitasking clowns! :)

      Thank you, Robyn and writing, verbalisation, does take the edge of the anguish. I know that you understand this is also an exercise in positivity that is aimed at others who might be feeling low. Metaphorical clowns ahead. And perhaps real-life clowns wearing crazy costumes. Wait, those are my neighbours!

      Peace, love and hope, your way,

      Gary :) x

  34. Visualise three clowns on stilts walking down three flights of stairs.

    I just did, Gary, and smiled for the first time this morning. Hugs.

    1. Hi Damyanti,

      And this was a result I had hoped for. Your comment and the knowing that you have smiled, has brought a positive warmth.

      Hugs to you and know I'm always here for you, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  35. Hello Gary :)

    Wow, your header picture looks like the mountains surrounding my home tow. Lovely.

    Those three clowns just show how you can accommodate any situation with enough practice. Nice to see a post from you Gary. Thanks for that visual. I need a story idea, lol.


    1. Hi Donna,

      The header photo is taken from Minter Gardens near Chilliwack, British Columbia. Glad you like it :)

      Practice and more practice. Maybe those clowns feel lost without their stilts. A higher perspective, maybe. Sporadic postings and I'm thankful you liked seeing a post from me. Go with the visual, Donna! :)

      Gary :)

  36. The Sanity Fair sounds like such a great event! Why on earth do people (the govt or council or whoever) always pull the plug on things that are important and benefit the general public...? I can never understand that!
    Three clowns on stilts trying to navigate three flights of stairs?
    The visual is priceless!
    Thanks for the early morning chuckles Gary!
    I hope you feel better soon!
    I'm sending you a boost of positivity all the way across the blogosphere. Here it comes-----WHOOSH-----

    1. Hi Michelle Wallace,

      Sanity Fair was a profound event and the general public got to understand a bit more through the awareness it produced. The local authorities like things that they can ego trip on. I guess this wasn't a priority to those who would fund it.

      It's quite the visual. And to think I witnessed it, along with a number of bewildered folks in the library. I'm delighted this good make you chuckle, my dear friend.

      Feeling better and that "WHOOSH----" has whooshed its way here. Thank you and I whoosh you a very nice day.

      Gary :)

  37. "Are you the clowns I'm looking for?" had me giggling. Especially when I imagined them saying no, and you having to go off in search of three other clowns. I'm really impressed they could walk down stairs in stilts too!

    I hope you're beginning to feel better. Lots of love and hugs x

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      Oh yeah, sorry, wrong clowns. The clowns you are looking for are in the next room! I kept thinking that the clown at the back would stumble and you'd have three clowns on stilts hurtling down the stairs and right out the front door.

      Better now, thank you. Hugs and love, your way,

      Gary x

  38. Yes, beat the blues. :)

    Those clowns are awesome and I can't imagine walking downstairs with stilts.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      Goodbye blues :)

      Or upstairs with stilts.

      Thank you, Medeia.

      Gary :)

  39. I'm giving you a HUGE HUG right now!!!! Do hugs help??? Not sure. I know they don't really help me when I'm down...

    Love you sharing your journey though, Gary. I think you're amazing. Truly. And you're helping so many by opening up and being honest. You say that Penny is the superstar, but I think *you're* the superstar. :)

    1. Hi Morgan,

      Wow and thank you for that HUGE HUG! :) Hugs are good. I suppose when you are really in a downer place, you have to work your way through it. Then enjoy a hug.

      I think that sharing is caring. I hope that being candid can help somebody else and thus that helps me. A bit of empathy which is quite the gift. Penny is cool with you thinking that of me, her mere human. Very kind and I'm blushing n' stuff.

      Gary :)

  40. I'm so sorry to hear that you've been visiting my land recently. I know what that's like. The Sanity Fair sounds like a really amazing idea to help many. What a shame it is no more. The thought of the three clowns on the stairs made me smile. Just can't help but wonder why they couldn't wait for you on the first floor...
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hi Tina,

      You kind thoughts are embraced. I know you understand. I know you will realise that I put up these postings to show that we can share our gifts of empathy. A priceless gift. Sanity Fair was a collection of humanity, all there in the cause of reducing the stigma. Making those who do not struggle, realise that it can happen to anybody. We do need to be here for each other.

      They were waiting for an official notification to come out and be part of the street festival. Why they had to be on the third floor and with stilts already on, is beyond my comprehension. Clowns, eh!.

      Take good care, Tina.

      Gary :)

  41. Gary,

    Sorry to hear you're in a funk, and I minimize it by saying "funk" because I know how deep depression can go. It can be crippling. Everything is a chore and you have absolutely no energy to lift your hands, much less get out of bed.

    But you get out of bed and go on. Take a short nap. Get up again. Stay in your pajamas all day if you'd like, but get up and do at least one thing.

    And if that doesn't work, perhaps talking to a pastor or therapist will help. Peace.

    M.L. Swift, Writer

    1. Hi Michael,

      Indeed and there are many forms of depression and in varying degrees. The impact of the environment we live or nurture, can have a devastating affect on our well being. And a combination of genetics, can doubly enhance it all. Nurture, nature. Yes, even eating can seem a daunting task during such times.

      It's the duvet or doorway dilemma. I try to utilise positive resources and distractions as best I can. I appreciate what you have noted.

      I'm presently back seeing a counsellor. To verbalise can be powerful.

      Thank you, good sir.

      Gary :)

  42. The clowns on stilts probably cheered a lot of people up that day. It is a shame that Sanity Fair is a thing of the past. It's wonderful how you helped out at the event. Keep thinking those happy and positive thoughts my friend. I'm sorry that sometimes you are overcome with despair. Know that your writing is also therapeutic for everyone who is fortunate to read it.


    1. Hi Julie,

      I'm sure those clowns on stilts made a lot of folks smile that day. Some clowns to look up to. I was proud to be a part of Sanity Fair and we did get a bit of a mention on BBC radio. It would be nice to have such an event reinstated.

      Oh yes, always look for a positive when things can seem negative. I'm glad you know that my ideal is also to share the therapy and if it helps one person, that's a wonderful outcome. Thank you for your thoughtful words, Julie.

      Gary :)

  43. Clowns... freak my out... wait there is one behind you!

    1. Oh hi Jeremy! I wondered who that was behind me.....

  44. That's a shame they don't do the Sanity Fair anymore as it sounds like it was a fantastic event. What a great idea.
    I'm so sorry you've been struggling Gary. I'm glad these memories brought you some good cheer.

    1. Hi Julie,

      It really is too bad that Sanity Fair came to an end. It brought awareness and a good-natured day for all.

      We all have our times it seems to difficult to cope. I try to demonstrate by bringing on a pleasant memory so that we can feel better about things. Thank you, Julie. A good weekend to you.

      Gary :)

  45. Writing about such an incident would make anyone feel better! Too bad about the fair. Hopefully there'll be something else that will take its place, as it is a truly important topic.

    Glad you're making your way back again, and thanks so much for sharing. It's easy to forget that all of us bloggers have things going on in real world that affect our fun blogger lives. Writer’s Mark

    1. Hi Nancy,

      For sure. It's nice to reflect and get that pleasant feeling. I do hope an event takes its place. I do try to hopefully continue to bring further awareness via my site.

      Thank you, Nancy and I'm on the way back. Sharing and caring and relating can be therapy for us all. Ah yes, the real world can get in the way of a bit of fun :)

      A peaceful weekend to you, Nancy.

      Gary :)

  46. It sounds like these clowns were "high" and that you're telling us a "tall" tale, Gary :P

    Glad you feeling better, my friend, and I hope you have a great weekend.

    Take care!

    1. Hi Mark Means, well,

      The clowns were over my head. Just like you, they had a pun fair time.

      I'm better, I think I'm better. Well, maybe I'm better. Thank you, Mark. Wishing you a great weekend, also.

      Gary :)

  47. Thank you, The Wicked Writer. And sending you loving wishes that you get a decent rest. Okay, after you cleaned your kitchen cupboards :)

    Gary :)

  48. Thinking of you, dear. I know how insidious and horrible and dark depression can be.

    Love & Hugs from Minnesota. xxoo

    Btw, Clowns scare the sh*t out of me.

    1. Hi Kim,

      I'm grateful for that, dear lady. Insidious and can knock the stuffing out of you. You have my empathy.

      Love and hugs back to Minnesota from Staffordshire. xx

      Clowns on stilts gave me a scare. Thought they were going to wipe out on the stairs :)


  49. Just letting you know I am thinking about you and hoping that black dog leaves soon.

    1. Hi Birdie,

      Your thoughts are warmly embraced. Thank you. The black dog has gone away for a walk.

      Gary :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.