
Friday 4 October 2013

Announcing: "Memories of Murder", by Yolanda Renèe.

It gives me great pleasure in announcing the release of Yolanda Renèe's mystery thriller sequel to. "Murder, Madness & Love". which was released on August 19, 2013.

Today, October 4, 2013, is the day that, "Memories of Murder", has been released.  Below, you will see the cover reveal, the blurb, an excerpt and links to purchase either or both books.  
Memories of Murder 
Yolanda Renèe 

Decades ago, the seeds were planted … 
Today, dark, fathomless eyes rake the image before him. One final task and the transformation is complete. Steady fingers screw intricately carved horns on each side of a stiff brow, and a gargoyle suitable for Notre Dame scowls from the smokey mirror in satisfaction.  
A jagged smile rips through his smooth, hairless face, and inked, reptilian scales caress his naked body.  
A laugh of hideous resonance emanates from his gut as the demons of hell welcome Lucifer into their fold. 
In a dungeon-like chamber, his Lilith awaits. The kidnapped daughter of a nun, groomed to fit the final piece in the complex puzzle for world domination. Will Lucifer marry his bride, on the summer solstice?  
Only two things stand in his way ... 
His greed ... 
And ... 
Detective Steven Quaid.  

Memories of Murder

Yolanda Renée

From a lair of downed tree limbs and forest debris, a man watches a young woman. He chronicles her every move. From the moment of her arrival, and through the three hours she works to record the scenery on her canvas, he barely moves a muscle. He is content—comfortable. His camouflage is so perfect that deer graze just inches away.
Tomorrow, you'll be mine. Your blood will assuredly be purer than the sweetest honey on earth. His stomach rumbles, and his saliva flows in anticipation of her taste. His unbridled joy almost costs him his concealment when a celebratory growl escapes his throat, and the doe takes notice. He stills himself and waits.
The woman looks directly at him. Seconds tick by in uneasy expectation. She sees me. He swallows hard, almost dropping his camera. She smiles. His body flushes with excitement.
His smile broadens, and then evaporates. No. He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and relaxes his muscles. The Scriptures have foretold of our first meeting. Patience, my queen, my love.
His hands drip with sweat; his heart pounds. He shuts the camera off and carefully lowers it to the ground. She shows no fear, and he sees every move as flirtation. Using the sleeves of his shirt, he dries his hands, mops his forehead, and turns the camera back on. He calms the urge to go to her. He stays silent, motionless, but vigilant.

An adventurous spirit took Yolanda Renee to Alaska where she hiked the Brooks Range, traveled from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez, and learned to sleep under the midnight sun.

She claims her vivid imagination as a blessing, a habit, a hobby, a calling and sometimes a curse.

She now resides in Central Pennsylvania with her husband, two sons, and Boston terrier, Patches.

Memories of Murder will be available October 4, 2013 ~ 

Available through Goodreads

You can also discover her first book, "Murder, Madness & Love", here : Curiosity Quills

You can find Renée here:  
Before I go, Patches, Yolanda's lovable Boston terrier, Patches, is working on a potential interview with Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, hopefully in time for Halloween.

Wishing you much success, happiness and fulfilment with both your books, Yolanda.


  1. Thanks so much Gary, this is awesome - I've been checking every five minutes to see if it was live and finally it is! I am over the moon, who what a feeling two books out one more to go in the Murder Trilogy!

    Your support is so appreciated!

    1. Hey Yolanda,

      It was my honour to hopefully be of some help in furthering awareness of your good self and your books. It is live and we live :)

      In peace and good wishes,


  2. Congrats on part II of your trilogy! Fantastic cover with a fascinating premise. Thanks for posting Gary, and I like your idea for a Halloween interview!


  3. Congratulations, Yolanda!!! Happy release day.

  4. Great cover, congrats to you Yolanda and Gary two thumbs up to you!

    Jeremy H.

    New Look, New Name and Same Stuff...

    Also, thought I would share this with you... this is the label I work for and we want to get a good turn out this year.. Maybe you like and then share?

    13 Days of Chills [2013] Win Prizes and More!
    Brought to you by "Howlin' Wolf Records", go ahead you should check it out! Remember this runs all month long and it's all about the score music from some of your favorite films and the mention of prizes doesn't hurt either.

  5. Congratulations, Yolanda!
    Gary are you just doing this for her Boston terrier, Patches?

  6. Congrats, Yolanda! The blurb sounds deliciously creepy. :)
    An interview between Patches and Penny would be fun!

  7. How interesting. Congratulations to Yolanda!


  8. I've seen this cover everywhere today! Congratulations to Yolanda.

    I can't wait to read this interview :D Have a great weekend!

  9. Looking forward to the the meantime...I'm haeded to the Kindle Shop to see what I can see.

  10. Hmm...That sounds very interesting indeed, and well done to the lady in question for being so successful in print!

  11. I'm special, don't you know? Very special! I WON a copy of Yolanda's book! Yup, I'm special, very very special!

  12. I can't wait for Patches and Penny to get together. They'll take over the Net for sure.

    Congratulations to Yolanda, so happy for her.

  13. Congratulations on the release Yolanda.:)
    Hi Gary and Penny.

  14. Good luck with the book Miss Y

    And good luck with a dog interviewing a dog Mr G, although their priorities can be a little different to us humans.

  15. Kudos to Yolanda! (That girl's getting around!!) Writer’s Mark

  16. Congratulations, Yolanda! This looks exceptionally well done and scary.

    Love and lifting thoughts to you, Dear Gary.


  17. Congratulations. The book sounds terrifying. Can't wait to read it. Xx

  18. It's just like you Gary to help promote someone else. Best of luck to Yolanda!
    Tina @ Life is Good

  19. Gary has come to my rescue more than once, he is a saint! Thank you, everyone, but especially Gary for making this release day so very, very awesome.

    I was surprised by the great response - I think during the process I became so overwhelmed and then when the negativity happened it really threw me - then the day arrived and that silver lining shone through via friends like you! Wonderful - so very wonderful!

    I wrote a book - two - and now they are available for the world to enjoy. An amazing goal achieved. Thank you for helping me to share it!

  20. Congratulations Yolanda. Big, big congratulations.
    And thank you Gary - yet another blogger who excels in putting temptation in my weak-willed way.

  21. Fantastic cover and intriguing blurb, Yolanda!
    Gary, I look forward to reading Pawesome Penny's interview! :D

  22. Hey, Gary, Hi, Penny,

    Thanks for featuring Yolanda.... I had the pleasure of working with her on the blurb and I just LOVE the cover. She is an amazing writer!!!


  23. Happy release day to Yolanda!

    Great cover and blurb.

  24. Hi Gary and Yolanda - interesting .. what happens next?! Great cover and blurb - which I see Michael helped with too ...

    Now the meeting between Patches and Penny ... will be an interesting encounter ... looking forward to that - cheers Hilary

  25. Congrats to Yolanda! I love the cover and Detective Quaid sounds like quite an exciting hero. Have a great week, Gary! :-)

  26. Congratulations, Yolanda! "He sees every move as flirtation". Wow, that sounds very realistic to me, ha!
    I am the one who is fashionably late now, Gary. I look forward to that interview with the fabulous Superstar, Penny!
    Hugs to you and your loving family, my friend!

  27. These books do seem intense! The cover looks great and I enjoyed both blurbs! Wishing Yolanda the best of luck. :)


  28. So happy for Yolanda - I knew she's put a *lot* of hard work into this book (and its release:)

    Looking forward to the pre-nighttime interview between Penny and Patches... nothing like a dog day afternoon to bring a smile to one's face :)

  29. Hope your book does remarkable well, Yolanda. Congratulations on your launch!

  30. Hey Yolanda and all you fine folks n'stuff. Yes, normally I endeavour to reply to each person who so kindly graced me with a response. However, this time, I going to thank you all for giving Yolanda support and encouragement. I know that Yolanda has put her heart and soul into her books. I wish her success, happiness and fulfilment.

    Hopefully, Patches and Penny will rock the blogging world with a highly anticipated interview between the two of them. Probably make more sense than a lot of humans :)

    Smiles, everybody and welcome to Fantasy Island!

    Gary :)

  31. Awesome! If I wasn't waiting for my book budget to restock, I'd be all over this one. Wish list...

    Hey Gary, not seeing your rented clone anywhere today. Did it try to attack you in the middle of the night and end up a heap of junk? (Those government conspiracies, man... They're on to you.)

    1. Hey Crystal!

      Nothing like a wish list.

      And yes, my rented clone noted your reply comment on your site and just informed me of your reply comment on your site. Until they grab my rented clone, the government's of this world and beyond, will continue to be bewildered. Conspiracies are conspiracies made up by conspiracy writers to sell more books about conspiracies. Conspiring conspiracy writers must not make mention of my rented clone )

  32. Gary,
    I saw a link to this post for my $25 giveaway post. So, what does that mean? I always

  33. Hi Linda,

    My human is off spending some dollars. Good luck to him with that, what with us living in England. The link to this post is probably indicating how fascinated you are with this site. And yes, nothing like a bit of parsimony:)

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.