
Wednesday 28 August 2013

You Can Count On Words.

Total word count for the day is eight, no ten. no twelve, no fourteen, no, no seventeen!  Wait a moment, now it's twenty two. What am I doing?  Why am I counting my words?  Now the word count is forty three.

Oh my, the life of you writers. You think of your Flash fiction projects.  However, we wont talk about that. You like to reveal your latest cover.
Here's my latest cover reveal.  You can see Uranus and you might end up with asteroids.

Yes, you continue to perplex the unaware with your acronyms.  "YA", you do it all the time.  So, an "MC" is not a "Master of Ceremonies"?  And an "MG" is not an old British sports car?

And what's a "POV"?  Oops, this is that British legend "POB", which probably means, "Piddle On Book."

*Blurb!*  Excuse me, indigestion....
You might think I've got "time on my" hands.  You would be correct.  I'm still, however, in desperate need of a clone, or a cloning machine.  Even with the help of Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, we still struggle.  Makes it difficult to "WIP" up a number of words.  "WTF"?  You may ask?  "WTF" means "Writers Trying Fiction."

As a kind gesture, because I realise how important word counts are to you, the total, so you don't have to check is, two hundred and fifty four plus one word equals two hundred and sixty four.


  1. Damn, counting all those words had to bring strife. Maybe to urnas you should send such a life haha WTF means that? geez could have fooled the cat. But I still have TFB and IDGAS, so I'm covered.

    1. Hi Pat and the cat and all things that go bump in the night. I have no idea what you're talking about. About normal, then! :) Although "IDGAS" can apparently being alleviated by using Pepto Bismol.

      Thank you Pat,

      Gary :)

    2. Hey Elise,

      Did you notice my typo? Should of put "be" instead of "being". Doh! Which reminds me, you have a new posting!

      Gary :)

  2. Gary you have a thing against blogfests and I have a thing against acronyms - never know what they stand for!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Blogfests? One moment....Arggghhhhh!!!! Okay, ah yep, we share our bewilderment over those acronyms. What's an acronym? LOL? What does "LOL" mean?

      Thank you, Yolanda.

      Gary :)

  3. So this is probably a bad time to ask you to be part of my blog tour for my cover reveal...

    1. Hi Pat,

      It's always a bad time to ask me. I'm kidding, if it was for real, I'd be almost glad to help. I mentioned you before, I could do it again.

      Gary :)

  4. NO MORE BLOG FESTS!! Just keep Penny's paws busy and soon you'll have 98,000 words, which was how many it took to finish my first book. My second one? It's harder to do! I'm starting to count commas, periods, and the spaces between the words.

    1. Hi lotta joy,

      AGREED! Penny has time on her paws. Although I don't think she would have so much time as to count that many words. Amazing how you managed to count 98,000 words. Must have been frustrating if you were counting them and you got distracted and had to start counting all over again. Don't forget to count your exclamation marks!!!

      Thanking you.

      Gary :)

  5. If you add the applause from yours and Penny's adoring fans, your word count is now astronomical - like your cover.

    1. Hi Sue,

      Penny and I shall add up the claps and add them to the total of ta da's! The word count is even more if you add the "space" in between. My cover is out of this world.

      Thank you, Sue and gidday.

      Gary :)

  6. I like your cover reveal--I'm assuming the one with the disco ball above it is Penny's. I can see Uranus all the way from the States--very impressive! I've got a fun case of flash friction, I mean, fiction taking time off my hands--perhaps I should borrow your pen:)

    1. Hi Samantha,

      I thought you'd like my cover reveal. The disco ball is Penny's and she'd tried to knock it down. I'm sure that in the States, that on a clear night, you can see the rings around Uranus. Flash friction and flash fiction, go hand in hand. I shall be sending you over my pen. I've already made an ink of myself.

      Thank you, Samantha.

      Gary :)

    2. The first thing I noticed about the Uranus too. Fancy seeing that all the way from India! :P

    3. I am off to retrieve my mind from the gutter.

      With due apologies :D

    4. Ah Vidya,

      Oops, the first thing I noticed was I can't find poor Pluto. I had no trouble finding Uranus, however.

      Have a fun day in India and please let me know if you find my strolling brain in the gutter :)

      Thank you, Vidya.

      Gary :)

  7. i think i have entered the twilight zone...i think i have entered the twilight zone...i think i have entered the... wait, what just happened?

    your welcome for this very "great post" comment,
    your superstar for eve-a Tammy -t-

    1. Hey Tammy,

      I think you entered Groundblog Day....I think you entered Groundblog Day....I think you entered Groundblog Day....

      Great comment! Thanks for sharing!

      You is da bestest, smiley-face, tam-bare..

      Gary :)

  8. I see what you're doing there with those cosmic covers and that time on your hands. Live Long and Prosper to you too ;-) x

    1. Hi Teresa,

      It all made sense to you. May the farce be with you! You can count on that!

      Thank you, Teresa.

      Gary :) x

  9. Nice cover! I love blue with gold and silver stars.

    It's weird about word counts. The only time I'm obsessive about them is during NaNoWriMo but I'm not sure I can do it this year because I'm starting a new job that involves a lot of training. Yay, training!

    At the moment, I'm not writing I'm crocheting and I don't have a stitch count. I wonder what it is that makes us want to count words when we write. I suppose it's the only way to measure how much we've done.

    1. Hi fairyhedgehog,

      I'm pleased you liked my cover reveal.

      I don't count my words, usually. I've heard a number of folks like to get involved with that word count thing that I thought had something to do with "Mork and Mindy". :) Still, hopefully the distraction of your new job and the training, will keep your mind of that NaNo NaNo, or whatever it is.

      You can crochet and type at the same time? Sorry, I'm being silly. I just look at the amount of space I've used up. If it's more than a paragraph, I know nobody is going to bother reading any more.

      Thanks and lovely to see you.

      Gary :)

  10. Your cover is awesome. I'm making a new one with patchwork. ;-)

    I don't really worry about word-counts, unless I'm trying to do NaNoWriMo.

    1. Hi Misha,

      I'm looking forward to your patchwork cover reveal :)

      Oh no, there's that Mork from Ork reference, again!

      Thank you, Misha.

      Gary :)

  11. Hi Gary .. that POB is ridicoolous! Crumbs where do you find them?! You definitely have way too much time on your hands .. time to bring Penny back in I think ...

    Rather too many patterns on the covers ... lovely clear nights we're having to see the stars though .. I'd rather see real ones! Cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      You gotta' love a bit of POB! POB was easily found and POB is my hero. Penny might take over on a permanent, or is that pawmanent basis. Unless she has too much time on her paws.

      And real stars you shall see, my friend.

      Thank you, Hilary.

      Gary :)

  12. What littlelotta said. She knows her onions re writing. Procrastinating aside and head to the grindstone, with breaks for tea and cake of course. When you're a famous (more famous that is) author, don'r forget those your mates eh? ;)

    1. Hi Michelle,

      She knows her writing onions? Okay and I wont procrastinate and comment back to you in a week's time or so. I just had a cup of coffee and some double-clotted Cornish ice cream. I'm not famous at all and never will be. As for you, fair maiden, you are the famous one. I just hope you remember, shy, humble and oh so unassuming starstruck fans like me! :)

      Thank you, Michelle.

      Gary :)

  13. I have one of them comp lit degrees but I honestly don't get the fascination with this flash fiction thing. I mean, I suppose you could call "The Old Man and the Sea" flash fiction in comparison to Moby-Dick (ha. see what I did there). Short forms are just short forms, nothing special about them. Now, if a blogfest threw an epic-writing party (not an epic writing-party), that would be something else.

    1. Hi Chris,

      You have a what degree? I don't understand why folks want to flash. I don't understand why folks want to do flash fiction. I do sea what you did there. Very nautical of you. And short forms are subject to interpretation on checking the internet to see what the hell these writers are talking about. They should not assume that everybody who reads their posts, knows what the particular acronym jargon means. How about an un-epic, epic writing party, non-party, blogfest, non-blogfest. In a flash, you could organise it.

      Thank you, Chris.

      Gary :)

  14. Uranus - nice touch!
    All those acronyms hurt my head as well, which is why I only use one - IWSG. And we all know what that stands for...

    1. Hi Alex,

      A nice touch. Yes I did planet to be that way.

      Acronyms and the only one that really matters. "IWSG" is the one I can relate to.

      Thank you, Alex.

      Gary :)

  15. Gary,
    Life just is, what it is. I like your latest cover and I'd hate to get asteroids. Then you have to sit on a doughnut. Or live in terror like a poor unraveling hand puppet. Does it bother me that I don't know what any acronyms mean? Does it bother Penny when she whizzes on a flower?

    1. Hi Manzanita,
      My latest cover reveal has a spaced-out significance. I must tighten up my asteroid belt. A ringed doughnut. You see two terrified hand puppets in the bottom photo. Does it bother me that I have time on my hands. Just having a bit of fun with those who insist on typing in hieroglyphics.

      Thank you, Manzanita.

      Gary :)

  16. That is the very cover I want to get for my grandson. He has just informed us that when he grows up he wants to go to outer space. I think maybe Mars as opposed to Uranus.
    By the way Gary...would you happen to be left handed?
    I love acronyms by the way. OMG in this house means Old Mans Grumpy (which happens a lot) LOL means Limping On Left which is what I do.

    1. Hi Delores,

      I shall sign him a copy of the cover. Mars would be a good destination for him to go to. I know I wouldn't want to go to Uranus. Especially after I found out they found rings around Uranus.

      I am right-handed.

      "OMG"! It means the same to Penny. I wont LOL at your LOL.

      Thank you, Delores.

      Gary :)

    2. Wondering why I asked about your 'handedness'? You wrote on your left hand with your right (write) hand..right..but the printing is worse than the printing on your right hand which you did with your left..right? Now I'm confused. Never mind.

    3. Hi Delores,

      You would be right that I wrote on my right hand with my left hand and I wrote on my left hand with my right hand. I thought the writing was crap on either hand. Maybe I'm borderline ambidextrous...

      Gary :)

  17. If you ever run for Prime Minister will you run on an anti-blogfest platform??

    1. Hi Keith,

      Are you on the right posting? Has the NyQuil kicked in? Hope you feel better soon and enjoy the "purdy colors" :)

      Penny is running as Paw Minister and she would plead her case to end all of those superficial blogfests.

      Gary :)

  18. Writers trying fiction

    Love it! We are all a little crazy aren't we? If I ever have a cover reveal I'll do it like yours. Very nice!

    1. Hi S.P.,


      I'm crazy without even writing a word or counting words. I'm sure we're all just a little bit crazy. May your cover reveal be revealing. Thank you.

      Gary :)

  19. I like a bed with large celestrial bodies. Going undercover is best, Gary.

    Be well, silly man.

    1. Hey Robyn,

      I'm sure you do. Did you planet that way? I'm an undercover reporter.

      Thanks and you be well also, you wild n' crazy chick! :)

      Gary :) x

  20. LOL! I think I'm going to vote that cover into the "Cover of the Year" contest. ;)

    You know, if you think our acronyms are bad you should take a look at the world of programming where the exact same acronym means a completely different thing if you're talking networking vs PHP. Eek! I spend too much time with computer geeks.

    1. Hi Crystal,

      Thanks for that. That cover would be a worthy winner. That's a wrap.

      "PHP"? "People Having Poops"? No? Okay :) You are also quite the poet. Eek and geeks and other freaks :)

      Thank you, Crystal.

      Gary :)

  21. Tee hee hee, you said 'uranus'. lmao

    1. Hi JoJo,

      Yes I did and I mentioned asteroids, or 'assteroids' :) "Imao"?

      I'm kidding, ROFG!

      Gary :)

  22. "Cover Reveal" <-----Dyyyyying!!!!!

    Hahaha... oh Gary... I don't know HOW you live in that brain of yours... is it exhausting??? Are you always making yourself laugh??? And are those your hands? Or did you grab a neighbor and make him be your hand model? These are all questions. I. Need. Answered.

    And word counts... sigh... I know I *try* to only focus on doing what I can each day, but those nasty little bugger numbers are taunting... WHY??? I need to forget they even exist or take a black marker and black the bottom of my computer screen out...

    1. Hey Morgan,

      Oh no, my cover reveal did have some "dye" involved.

      I don't live in my brain. My brain went for a stroll one day and never returned. It's exhausting trying to find it. I don't laugh. I giggle like a deranged lunatic, but I never laugh! :) Ha ha and ha...

      I don't even think about word counts. Okay, I guess I did think about words counts. I must of thought about word counts or I wouldn't of put up this posting with the title about words counts. Forget about word counts, Morgan. Which means, if you are subscribed to follow up emails, ignore that your comment equalled 102 words.

      Gary :)

    2. Oh dear... I'm not sure if I can continue a conversation using "dye/die" puns...

      And ooo... do you think perhaps our brains are off on a stroll together??? *pictures two pink lumpy masses with stick legs strolling down the road* Hmm... a little too sci fi for me. And did you just add an "and" in between laughs? LO and L!

      Where's Koop? This is usually the time he comes in and saves the conversation...

    3. Oh there you are, Morgan.

      I was just dyeing my new cover.

      Did your brain stroll past my brain? Or did they fall down the brain drain in the lane or did they refrain and hop on a train or a plane and are we insane...Brains on stick legs. Sounds like a British meal. LO and behold and L. What the L is going on here?

      The Koop is strolling around Honolulu looking for a lei. Hurry up, Koop! Let's go pester him on Twitter....:)

    4. Hahaha!!!!! Oh gosh... did I fall into a time warp of My Fair Lady??? Except for the rain in spain, we're talking about brains in planes???

      And good gosh, man... can you write ONE line that doesn't make me crack up???

    5. Oh gosh golly and gee whiz n'stuff! :) How did you know? Yes you have landed on My Fair Lady. "By George, she's got it!"

      Cracking up is good. I know I'm in bits, beside myself and all over the place.

      Your starstruck fan,

      Gary :)

    6. "Move your blooming... !!!!"

      "Cup, cup, cup, cup, of, of, of, of"


      Big smile. :D

    7. 'ello Morgan,

      "All I want is a room somewhere, Far away from the cold night air. With one enormous chair, Aow, wouldn't it be loverly?"

      Cheerio and a have a jolly good weekend.

      Gary :)

  23. Loved the cover reveal! Let me know if you find a cloning machine. I could use one - didn't find one on Craigslist :)

    1. Hi Gwen,

      Thanks for loving the cover reveal. I'm still looking for a cloning machine. Tried eekBay and no luck! :)

      Gary :)

  24. I love the cover Gary, very starry, nice. I just make up those acronyms as I go along, I'm too old to keep up to date with them all. You'd be amazed at how I can fit them into anything. For a long time I thought 'lol' meant 'lots of love' until someone started laughing at me, so I can imagine how many texts, emails I've sent where I was secretly being laughed at. Never mind.

    I like to keep it short but mind you, I almost died when I realised how many words I wrote last week. So, do you just say what you have to say, or limit it to word count? Dilemma.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      Glad you liked my cover reveal. I did um planet that way. Ah yes, acronyms and they keep changing in their meaning, anyway. David Cameron, our deluded PM, which means "Pissing Moron", got confused with what "LOL", meant. If you recall his emails to a lady from a certain tabloid. I'm sure your fans understand you mean well in your texts and emails. LOL.

      Yes, you wrote a wordy posting. I guess, you have to remember that a lot of us read a huge amount of blog posts. Wordy can cause a dilemma. Do I make out like I read the whole thing...

      Gary :)

  25. Hahahaha. Loved your cover reveal. Never thought of doing that... very creative!

    1. Hi Robin,

      There you go. Next time you want to reveal a new cover, think bedsheets...

      Thank you, Robin.

      Gary :)

  26. Dear Gary;
    I think covering uranus is a very good idea indeed. I don't want to see your little asteroids, nobody does so good boy! Love the word count thang. I used to count stairs now I too count words. Just one mania for another, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

    1. Dear Heather,

      How's it goin, eh? I didn't think it a good idea to expose my asteroids or is that 'assteriods'. I knew I could count on you, Heather.

      And jolly good on your grades, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  27. Piddle on Book - was it a show for dogs? Did Penny watch it?

    1. Hey Diane,

      It was a show for frustrated writers who couldn't understand why '50 Shades of Crap', was so popular. Penny doesn't watch the show. She prefers watching "The Flying Nun".

      Gary :)

  28. That was one of your weirder posts. I mean THIS was one of your weirder posts. TG, I was beginning to worry that you're turned normal.
    POB... I always thought it meant Piss on Bob. Go figure!

    Gary, I have time on my hands too, so I went outside and listened to the hornets growl. They sound very angry. Mark my words, they gathering for some kind of takeover. Really!

    1. Hey Joylene,

      I've got some even weirder posts in my garden. You should see my fence. "TG"? "Tremendous Gary"? I shall continue on in my cause of thinking outside the blog, me thinks, well sometimes, me thinks, me thinks.

      You might have the correct meaning to "POB"! Thanks and I shall go figure.

      The growling sound might actually be a group of your starstruck fans waiting for your next book. Oh, I haven't forgotten your email. If I had a clone...well...

      Take care, eh.

      Gary :)

  29. Word count, clones.... Why do they matter?

    Your beds look beautiful, Penny. Which one is yours? Lovely cover with a picture of the ego in Uranus.
    Hugs to you and Gary, and a round of applause.

    1. Hi Julia,

      I don't care about word counts. I do notice folks put up fascinating stuff about how many words they've typed that day. Gosh. As for clones, they matter to me because I'm having a tough time keeping up and commenting on every site that has commented here and then some. I feel bad about how long it takes me to get to other sites.

      We wish they were our beds. If they were, Penny would have the one by the window. The ego has landed on Uranus :)

      Thank you, Julia.

      Penny's alleged human,

      Gary :)

  30. "Nice Vulcan salute! I must say, this is the best cover reveal I've ever seen. Just don't show Pluto, he's a small minded with a short temper."

    Oops, sorry Elise, I accidentally deleted your comment. Which means, the quote is above this. Which means I shall say, yes nice Vulcan salute and no I haven't been practising my Vulcan death grip! :) I'm delighted you like my cover reveal. Pluto is still rather upset and quite right, about being demoted from a planet.

    Elise's site is here :

    Gary :)

  31. Replies
    1. Hey Debra,

      I love what you said :) Time to snuggle up to the universe.

      Thank you, Debra.

      Gary :)

  32. Hey Sir Gazza,

    I am of not much time, alas, but *that* was awesome, mate :)

    1. Hey Sir Mazza,

      I know of your family's visit, my good buddy. I appreciate you commenting. Have a peaceful, positive time.

      Gary :)

  33. Clearly, you're spending too much time in the company of writers. Get a life. :)

    On another note, thanks for your emails. I needed those words just then.

    1. Hi Damyanti,

      I need to stay well clear of those writers. I don't want their influence to cause me to go into acronym overdrive. YA know what I mean? Might WIP me into a frenzy! I shall now go seek a life in the real world :)

      I do try to hopefully be of some comfort, dear lady. I'm honoured to call you a friend.

      Gary :)

  34. Gary, I don't know about the words, but I can certainly count on you to put a smile on my face each time I read yours!

    That's a beautiful cover. I now added it to my covet list.

    I remember the time on your hands. :D

    I love what Debra (above) says "Universe comforter"

    1. Hi Vidya,

      Nice to see you down at this part of the comment section :) I knew I could count on your good self to make me smile because you smiled.

      Ah yes, I'm glad you liked my beautiful cover reveal.

      Yes, I had time on my hands on 'Farcebook'! :)

      Debra did indeed leave a comforting comforter comment.

      Thank you, Vidya.

      Gary :)

  35. POQ still one of my favourites acronyms. Pob reminds me of the famous Aussie puppet Mr Squiggle, a very creative artist, if you are interested here's a good sample of his work, Recently I decided to do a 6 sentence Flash Fiction Blog Hop, but I got the theme confused with the thousand word FFBH. Dear Gary, do you think it will be acceptable to remove all of the fullstops and turn 1000 words into 6 really really long sentences? LoLa

    1. Hi Ida,

      "POQ"? "Players Of Quality"? "P**s Off Quick"? Mr. Squiggle! I nose what you mean. He reminds me of something out of Clockwork Orange...

      I think you should really go for it and turn a million words into six really long sentences. Flash Fiction goes rebellious.

      It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for Lola
      Lo-lo-lo-lo LoLa LoLaL :)

      Thank you, Ida.

      Gary :)

  36. Acronyms drive me crazy. They are very popular in the the World of Teaching (WoT).

    1. Hi Susan,

      I believe you. Over here we have "NUT" aka "National Union of Teachers."

      Thank you, Susan,

      Gary :)

  37. I don't know if I can forgive you for leading me to watch that POB video! Lord, help me get that tune out of my head!!!!!!!!!!

    !!!!!!!!!!! Well, FF hasn't hit the blogs yet, at least I haven't seen it... maybe I'll start that one. :) Writer’s Mark

    1. Hey Nancy,

      You know you want to forgive me. Admit it, you just lurve that POB video! :) You will be humming it in your apartment. In fact, you will hum it to total strangers. You will rejoice in having it going around and around and around in your head....

      "FF"? Fun Facts? Go ahead, start that one...

      Hope you manage to have a peaceful weekend, Nancy.

      Gary :)

  38. I'm going to make my comment before reading any of the other comments and then go back and read the other comments. (22)

    I sort of figures out on my own that POV is "point of view" and WIP is "work in progress" but I don't know what YA, MC, and MG are.

    Was it consciously or unconsciously that when you have time on your hands your hands take on the "Live Long and Prosper" shape that Spock on Star Trek was so wont to use? Or maybe you are a Jewish rabbi who is wont to make shins when praying over your flock? (Please forgive the redundancy. Because Jewish rabbi is redundant, you know.)

    1. Hello rhymeswithplague.

      Yes, "POV" evidently means "point of view". Not, "Pee On Vulcans." YA, MC and MG and subject to some secret jargon shared amongst those who are in the know. They seem to enjoy having me go searching to find out what the hell they're talking about. Even then, I can get it wrong.

      The hand formation was coincidental. I realised after the fact. Perhaps it was a subconscious sign. I have witnessed the Kosher kill. That was many years ago. That's as close to a Rabbi I've ever been.

      Thank you, good sir.

      Gary :)

  39. Oh this is so funny. When I first started hanging with the writers online, I was completely clueless about all the initials. I didn't want to appear stupid, so I slowly gleaned what the meant by context, but even with that, I had to ask about a few. Sigh. We're a funny lot!

    1. Hi Julie,

      Thanks. I really do wonder what the heck is meant with all those acronyms. Yes, I tried to put them in context like you did. Still, writers shouldn't assume everybody understands the lingo. As for me, I'm a smug amateur.

      Have a Rocky Mountain High type weekend. Whatever that means.

      Gary :)

  40. It's me again.

    I have not bothered with counting words since I wrote this Preface to my book Billy Ray Barnwell Here.

    Surely you must know this, but if you are creating a document in Microsoft Word all you have to do is click on "Tools" at the top of the page and then on "Word Count" and you'll get lots of useless information.

    1. Hello me again,

      Oh? There's a way of counting words using modern technology? Thanks for the useless information. I knew I could count on you.

      Thank you and enjoy your weekend, my friend.

      Gary :)

  41. Very cute. I loved it. I need to write that on my hands because I get yelled at sometimes for wasting time instead of writing. Since when did I join the Army? Belly rub to Penny.

    1. Ah yes, the desert rocks and rolls,

      Hi Eve. Get that written on your hands. On the double! Penny really enjoyed the belly rub.

      Have a good weekend, Eve.

      Gary :)

  42. A small tip Mr Gary . . . . .That bed needs more Space

    HAH HAHHAHAH HAH HAH HHAHAH HAH ah hahahah ah ha hah ah hha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    1. Hey Rob,

      A small tit, Mr. Rob......That bed needs more SPACE and it's difficult to KLINGON!

      HAH HAHHAHAH HAH HAH HHAHAH HAH ah hahahah ah ha hah ah hha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  43. Glad to hear you have some time on your hands... better than running out of time.

    1. Hi Terry,

      Thank you. However, I must rush over to my sand timer and turn it around.

      Have a good weekend, Terry.

      Gary :)

  44. Anachronisms - questionable, but less time consuming.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      Subject to what a particular anachronism actually means. Time consuming if I want to check out what the heck they mean. And even then, it might not be the correct meaning.

      Thank you, Arleen.

      Gary :)

  45. OMG, cover reveal. You totally crack me up. Thanks, I needed that.
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hi Tina,

      "OMG"? "Our Marvellous Gary"? I'm glad you liked my cover reveal. Wishing you a positive weekend, Tina.

      Gary :)

  46. Being an aphorist, I try to make my words count and to use as few as possible.

  47. At last a cover reveal that actually reveals something BIG, like the universe. I give you this, you do not think small. You do not think small. You. . . wait, my needle's stuck or my CD's got gum on it. Back later.

    1. Aha, it's that lady with the unusual name. Hello cleemckenziebooks.

      Yep, when I do a cover reveal, I go for it on a grand scale. You know us dudes like to exaggerate things, apparently.

      Would your CD happen to be Bubble Gum music? "The Best of The Archies"? "The Worst of The Archies"? David Cassidy?

      Hope September turns out to be a good month for you, Lee.

      Gary :)

    2. Oh, David Cassidy. I'm impressed that you didn't come up with Lawrence Welk.

      I'm changing my name. I shall henceforth be named "shewhoshallbenamelessuntilfurthernotice." It's catchy, don't you think?

    3. Hello and welcome back under your new, catchy name, "shewhoshallbenamelessuntilfurthernotice.",

      Lawrence Welk? "Wunnerful, Wunnerful" and "Ah, One-uh an-uh Two-uh"

      May you have a weekend of staring at your David Cassidy posters and listening to the "1910 Fruitgum Company."

      Gary :)

  48. Oh Gary what would we do without your sense of humour, just love this post! Do you want some help to promote your cover reveal? Give me a shout if I can help!

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Thank you and I do like to satirise, just a tad. Yes, that would be nice, I need all the help I can get with my covers. Do you think you could tuck in the ends for me?

      Thank you, Suzanne.

      A happy weekend to you.

      Gary :)

  49. Hey! I think that monkey spit something disgusting at me! Luckily the zookeeper came and chased it away.

    You not only have "time on your hands," but with one of them you're also politely wishing us "Live long and prosper." Well, that's the least you could do after your rude monkey vomited on us.

    1. Greetings lovely Lexa,

      That's the adorable POB and POB is your friend. POB is the bestest glove puppet ever. POB is breathing on your TV screen. That is condensation, not spit. POB is very sad now. Please say sorry to POB. Thank you.

      Actually, I'm in the process of doing the Vulcan death grip. Make it so, number one.

      Thank you and POB still loves you!

      Gary :)

  50. Love your big cover reveal Gary! BTW, I'm not surprised that Penny's bed is neater than yours. Oh, and you've reached a record breaking 113 comments, but no one is counting!


    1. Hi Julie,

      Thanks! What does, "BTW", mean, by the way? "Back To Work"? :) Everything about Penny is neater than me. She's a diva dog.

      Although not counting and considering my total is double, well sometimes not double when somebody leaves an extra comment to tell me about a typo, my highest total was 139 comments. I should add more comments on here to get past that total. If I was counting.

      Although, who is counting, your comment word count was 33.

      Have a great remainder of your weekend, Julie.

      Gary :)

  51. A happy weekend to you, and many more to come, Gary x

    1. Hi Carole,

      Bless you, dear lady. Thank you. May you and your loved ones have a peaceful weekend.

      Gary x

  52. I actually love that bedspread.

    I enjoyed all the explanations for the abbreviations- they made me chuckle. ;)

    I will let you know if I find a cloning machine- or a way to freeze time.

    1. Hi Jess,

      Thank you and your free copy is on its way :)

      O I C. Thank you for that.

      If you do find out about a cloning machine, that would be fantastic! I know you can slow down time. My latest way is being on opposite sides of the bathroom door. Time really is dependent on which side of the bathroom door you're on.

      Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Jess.

      Gary :)

  53. You've got me chuckling.

    I love that cover! I'd feel like I'm sleeping under the stars.


    1. Hi Medeia,

      I'm glad you can chuckle :)

      I'm happy you love my cover reveal. Perhaps you are typing from a camp ground.

      Hope you are having a nice weekend.


      Gary :)

  54. 120 comments. Doesn't seem like you need this one. Probably won't even see it. Probably won't even answer it. Probably won't even go by my blog, because you seem to have forgotten about me already. TWICE. But that's okay. Seriously, it is. I'll manage. The twenty kids and I will be happy all alone in our shoe.

    M.L. Swift, Writer

    1. Hello Mr. Swift,

      I'm always appreciative of comments and the more I get, the more I think, a guy like me with relatively few followers, if you take into account the numbers of years I've been blogging and how proactive I am and how I can do a run-on sentence. I still need a clone. It is virtually impossible to keep up without a clone. You discussed the responding or not responding to commenting in a recent posting of your. If I spent less time commenting back to comments and more time trying to catch up, I would have caught up to you and Mother Hubbard.

      You are never forgotten. Who was the first to wish you a happy birthday on Farcebook?

      Be well, smile and please wait for my eagerly anticipated comment on your site. I hope you haven't written a very long posting.

      Gary :)

  55. Oh you never fail to amuse. Every time I need a lift, this is where I come. Thanks. Where are you on the IWSG today? I posted about you on JL Campbell's site. Thought she'd enjoy you, if she doesn't know you already. Have a great week!

    1. Yo Lisa,

      My crazee human, Gary, is having a nap. So I is commenting for da man! :) I'm grateful that my human's pawst, um post, amused you. That's what we both hope to do. Thankin' y'all for dat.

      I noted your comment on J.L's site and I think dat was well cool of you to mention my human. Yes, he still thinks that "IWSG", means um....

      We know J.L. but she doesn't know us very well. Hard to believe, I know.

      Y'all have a great week. You did a superb posting, Lisa.

      Stay chillin',

      Snoop Bloggy Dog in da Gangsta's Pawadise!

  56. Yup, we do get carried away stressing over our word count and if we don't make it, well...

    1. Hey J.L.,

      My human is out searchin' for a clone. Which means, I is commenting for him :)

      My human and I don't worry about word counts. What counts is da words yo wrote are what you like and what other will feel apart of. You always make it, me thinks...

      Stay chillin',

      Snoop Bloggy Dog in da Gangsta's Pawadise!

  57. Greetings John,

    Snoop Bloggy Dog is a chillin' right now. So I is commenting for her, yes me, her homie.

    A button is cute. And right as rain


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.