
Friday 23 August 2013

Blog Air Is Flying Over There. Over Where?

While sitting in the cargo hold with Fred the iguana and Marvin the kiwi, I anxiously waited my arrival at the site that I was going to guest post.

Yes, Blog Air, after being in a holding pattern, after experiencing some turbulence, my guest posting has landed at the lovely and affable Damyanti's blog.  The captain, Penny the Pawlet, switched on the "unfasten your seatbelt" sign.  If you wish to note my second attempt at a proper landing on her site, you will discover it here at the arrivals section : Would You Join Gary Pennick's Blogger's Got Talent?  

Damyanti is a kind, caring lady.  If you've never been to her site, heaven forbid, I would kindly ask you to check out the site and her other postings.  Thank you.

Thank you, Damyanti, for allowing me to guest post again.  A somewhat different posting.  It could be considered cynical, sarcastic, even!  I know, I know, hard to believe I could be like that.

I want anybody who graces me by reading my tongue-in-cheek posts, if you haven't figured it out,  my satirising blog hops and blog fests and the challenge about the alphabet that goes on and and on and on,  is actually ironic promotion for those who consider participating.  All I ask is that those who do participate don't put too much pressure on themselves.  Have fun and embrace the ideals of positive interaction. 

In other news and just for the heck of it and fill up more space on here, I leave you with this.
A multiple choice question about Sally Field.

A: You like her.
  B: You hate her.
                     C: You don't care either way.
             D: Who is Sally Field?
            E: Nun of the above. 


  1. E. Nun of the above :)

    Gary (and Penni) you never cease to make me smile my friend with your musings and witty anecdotes. I shall visit your friend's blog.

    1. Hi Keith,

      Nice of you to fly on over :)

      I thank you for visiting Damyanti's blog and leaving such a thoughtful and timely comment.

      Hope you had a good weekend.


  2. Just love the post as ever, so clever.

    1. Hi Carole,

      I thank you for that. Although Penny might not agree :)

      Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Carole. Wishing you and your husband some peaceful times.


  3. Happy to follow where ever you lead, at least in blog land!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Thanks and welcome to the blogland maze :)

      A happy Sunday to you, Yolanda.


  4. Replies
    1. Hi Alex,

      Thanks and you cheque's, or check's in the post!

      Wishing you a good Sunday, Alex.


  5. Sally Field made for one fun cat, so we like her for that.

    1. Hi Pat Hatt,

      Sally Field
      A Sassy cat
      Headlining the mat

      A good Sunday to you
      This be true.


  6. She was and still is my idol - cute as a button. Where does that saying come from, Gary? Since when is a button cute? And since when is a flying nun in an obnoxious hat that looks like a deformed, dying vulture adorable? Since Sally Fields did that show. I watched it all the time. Now, I'm flying over to your guest post.

    Be well.

    1. Hi Robyn,

      Golly gosh and Gidget! Cute as a button? Can a button be cute? You pose a very important question. I think the Flying Nun should bless your lil' ol' cotton socks :)

      I shall never look at her hat in the same way. I got quite a buzzard out of what you observed. Happy landing over there. Thanks for dropping in here.

      Hope you are enjoying your Sunday.

      Gary :) x

  7. I used to love the Flying Nun! Reminds me of my childhood.

    1. Hi JoJo,

      I still love me some Flying Nun. Those were the days. Along with classic American TV such as "My Mother the Car."

      A pleasant Sunday to you.

      Gary :)

  8. Replies
    1. Hi Julia,

      Thank you and I did see you there :) I'm accumulating some serious air miles.

      Hope you are having a nice Sunday.

      Gary :)

  9. Sally Field? I like her, I REALLY LIKE HER! Even though she was kinda needy in that Oscar acceptance speech.

    1. Hi Debra,

      Ah yes, you picked up on my thinly disguised alluding to her rather bizarre acceptance speech. She really, really likes you. We all do!

      Have a good Sunday, eh.

      Gary :)

  10. All that to say you're not home. Damn, you're wordy. I trek all the way across the pond to see you, only to have to venture even further to the far east. And guess what? You weren't over there.

    I guess I should have just hit the link. I'll do it later...nap first.

    Oh...and about Sally Field? I really like her.

    M.L. Swift, Writer

    1. Hi Mr. Swift,

      I dropped back over to my site as Swift as I could. I'm home and here's a cup of British coffee. Yuck! :) I'm not wordy. I have a limited vocabulary. I was there and you weren't there. Now I'm here and you aint here.

      You checked the link and you landed safely over there.

      Sally Field, really, really likes y'all :)

      A good Sunday to you and I hope you enjoyed your birthday parade!

      Gary :)

  11. E. Nun of the above. :0) I'll go now and hop a plan to your other location.

    1. Hi Sherry,

      E and thanks for letting me know. I was super delighted with your comment over at Damyanti's site.

      Wishing you a pleasant Georgia Sunday.

      Gary :)

  12. Hey, look under there... i want to show you something?

  13. Forget about Sally Field, *who* is Alejandro Rey???? Ow, ow! He is smokin. Now I'm going to have to google him. That intro was classic! Gosh, so much has changed. And the music...

    Just came from your fabulous guest post. Still experiencing a mixture of laughter and fear (of being one of those bloggers).

    :D <----Big smile

    1. Hi Morgan,

      Who is Sally Field? Who is Carlos Ramirez? It was American TV at its finest. Right up there with another American classic, "Gilligan's Island."

      You could never be one of those bloggers. Relax, Morgan. Although I still think somebody should set up a blogfest in your honour or honor, apologies to my English, English spell check! :)

      Wishing you a wonderful Sunday.

      Gary :)

  14. Oh, I do like Sally Field but not seen her stuff for a long while, she's a good actor when she's ready mate.
    Just loved your Bloggers got Talent, and left you a comment. Move over Simon in regards to these talent shows, and let Gary or Penny take the big seat :)

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      And Sally likes you, she really, really likes you. I don't even know if they showed The Flying Nun in Britain. Would be such a shame if it wasn't shown :)

      Thanks for the nice words and the comment. Yep, get rid of Simon Bowel, the dawg and her confused human are taking over.

      Hope you had a good weekend.


  15. What Debra She Who Seeks said (because she stole my line)....

    1. Hi rhymeswithplague,

      Debra and your good self might know that I left it that way so somebody could add the extra parts. Sorry Debra beat you to it.

      Hope you are having a nice Sunday.


  16. C
    gone to find your guest pawsting

    1. Hi Delores,

      Thanks and I C U over there...:)

      A good rest of your Sunday and enjoy your paving.


  17. I adore Sally field
    Even when she had that hairdo from hell in BEYOND THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE

    1. Hi John,

      I agree. Sally Field is totally adorable.

      Hairdos from hell, indeed. I know all about that!

      Hope you managed to have a relaxed Sunday evening.


  18. Dear Gazzas-iver Travels,

    Glad Blog Air got you back to Blighty in one piece :)

    I gots to go check out Blogger's Got Talent, (but sheesh, remember I said you don't have to write a full post about ME :)

    Have yourself a dry, warm and clear weekend (I realize the weather in EngUland can be horrific, so feel free to pick two out of three :)

    Cheers, mate :)

    1. Dear Flew Da Koopmans,

      Blog Air, the blogger's favourite airline :) With Penny the pawlet, all was fine and I came back in almost one piece. A bit 'shattered' after the flight, however!

      Blogger's Got Talent is chock full of categories that you could enter. I really, really should have done a tribute posting to YOU. Yes, you, the blogger who should have a blogfest dedicated to your amazingness n'stuff. I'm in awe of you, Mazza.

      I had a dry, warm, clear and sunny weekend in lil' ol' England. Hope you were sitting comfortably while you read that. Watch out for flying coconuts.....

      Hope your weekend was a de'lei'ghtful one.

      Cheers, old chap :)

      Gary :)

  19. E! :-) cos I totally lurve her!! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,

      I knew you would. I also note you are becoming even more American, y'all. I bet she just lurves y'all.

      Hope you had a good weekend and y'all come back now, you hear? LOL

      Gary :)

  20. I love Sally Field. I saw an interview with her and someone (can't remember who now) that was very interesting. Apparently Sally didn't want to do the show The Flying Nun after Gidget. She turned it down the first time. However, she was pressured by her father to take the role of The Flying Nun. He told her things like, "You will be finished in this industry if you don't take whatever they offer you." That kind of support is really not helpful. So, despite that gut feeling that said "No," she did it. She hated filming that show from start to finish. It succeeded for a long time in undermining her credibility as an actress (her instincts were right about NOT taking it). However, her career eventually got back on track because she persisted and stopped listening to the opinions of others about her career. There are plenty of lessons in that story!!!

    1. Hi Robin,

      What a thoughtful, informative comment. In fact, your comment is a posting in its own right. I recall hearing something similar about Sally's reluctance to take on the role. Yes, especially after being Gidget. Her father's pressuring was rather misplaced. Taking on that role could of finished her credibility in any future endeavours. To be typecast certainly limited her options. Yet, like you note, lessons to be learnt from her story. Her resilience shone through.

      Thanks for that. And I got to visit your site using my son's computer and no problem loading. If only he would let me use his computer. Hmmm...he's going on holiday for two weeks....

      Hope you had a lovely weekend, Robin.

      Gary :)

  21. What a surprise. Not. Loved your guest post, but am cringing about the category I fill. And overflow.
    And my multiple choice answer is E - for excellent. I love your nunsense.

    1. Hi Sue,

      Thanks for liking my guest post. You have no need to cringe about any of those categories. *Yawn*....sorry what did you type? LOL

      E is for Eek...I love your "nunsense"! Nice Nun, um nice one.

      Hope both of you had a peaceful time over the weekend, Sue.

      Gary :)

  22. I loved your guest post! You had me giggling and groaning at the same time. (And, no, it wasn't just because of the bad food I ate at lunch.)

    E. Nun of the above -- because I adore Sally Field! <3

    1. Hi Lexa,

      You are way too kind. Thank you :) I think you might have got indigestion from reading my rubbish.

      The Nun of the above, adores you! Yay and let's giggle :)

      I hope your weekend was peaceful, Lexa.

      Gary :)

  23. Wow. I have been away from blogging for too long! Am unable to jump in here.
    But about Sally Field? Well. She just plain scares me.

    1. Hi middle child,

      It's so nice to have you here :) Sally scares you and yet she really, really likes you. That might be an even scarier thought.

      I do so hope your weekend has been okay.

      Gary :)

  24. I'd have to say A because life is like a box of chocolates....

    1. Hi Eve,

      Life is a box of better chocolates when you eat European chocolate :)

      A happy remainder of your weekend, Eve.

      Gary :)

  25. LOL!!! I forgot about Sally playing a flying nun. Crazy stuff!!! Thanks for the laughs!!!

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      How could you forget that our American buddies could make such classic TV shows? Of course, Canadian shows, such as "Second City Television" and "The Beachcombers", puts any American show to shame!

      Thank you, Suzanne and enjoy your new hairdo, eh.

      Gary :)

  26. I love Sally Field, I grew up with her and loved the movie Sybil too. It took me a long time to not see her as one or of her Sybil characters, especially when she did emotional scenes. That movie inspired me to encourage people to share their 'secrets'. I think your Bloggers got Talent Awards should have linky list under each category so other bloggers can nominate each other...

    1. Hi Ida,

      I didn't realise you grew up with Sally Field :) Bet that was fun and a giggly good time. Okay, ignore my silliness. She certainly displayed her acting skills in Sybil. Share secrets, eh. I suppose my mental health concerns aren't a secret. I wouldn't want them to be. I always think of her as The Flying Nun, or Gidget.

      Ah yes, a Slinky, or a linky list. I could keep nominating myself in everything. I just love to win stuff! :)

      Hope your weekend was peaceful and pleasant, Ida.

      Gary :)

  27. Of course I know Damyanti. You know, from that (alphabet) thing...heading over there now!
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hi Tina,

      You sure do know Damyanti :) I know you are co-hosts of that alphabet monster! Thanks for going over and leaving a comment, my friend.

      I do hope you had an upbeat weekend, Tina.

      Gary :)

  28. Thank you, Gary, for your constantly kind support x

    1. Hi Carole,

      So nice of you. I'm sorry I cannot visit more often. A clone would be very handy.

      Thank you, Carole.

      Hugs (( ))

  29. PS Thanks for your comment about how I had my commenting set up. I *think* I've changed it so that you can see the post above the comments now. :)

    1. Hi JoJo,

      I was glad that changing your comments set up worked for you. It does make it easier to continue to see your photos while commenting :)

  30. I love the Nun of the Above. But it begs a question. Is Sally truly a Nun of the Above? Or was she simply portraying a nun so the network would pay her? Or do they? Who did pay Sally to pretend to be a Nun? Inquiring minds want to know. Or is it uninquiring minds? Hmm. And was Sally really a Nun of the Below? Hmm.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      I had a hunch, but it's better now. I had a hunch you'd like some Nun of the Above. I'm sure that Sally was actually a Nun and she gave all her earnings to a Nunnery in a remote Austrian village that remains anonymous. To be uninquiring would be to no longer be inquiring what your inquiring mind had been inquiring and thus you have become uninquiring.

      Sometimes she was Nun of the Below. However, an innuendo at this time would get me into a bit of trouble, me thinks.

      Hope you had a good weekend, eh.


  31. I shall go to Damyanti's to check you out, Penny. I do like Sally F but I don't like that she pushes drugs for old age. But, I still like her.
    I will fly there with a nun.

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      You did fly over and Nun too soon. Thanks for taking the trip before Fall. I wouldn't want drugs for old age. I'm trying to stay young. Sorry, being a pedantic idiot! Yes, we really, really like her.

      Hope your weekend was fun with a Nun on the run.....

      Gary :)

  32. Blogging about nuns could become a habit . . . . . .HAH HAHAH HAH HH AH HAh ha hah ha hah ahh ah hah ahah hha ha ha ha ha ha

  33. Aha Rob,

    Indeed, my esteemed friend :) Your comment is somewhat like a nun on a clown. Virgin on the ridiculous....

    Ha and ha and an extra, bonus ha.

    Gary :)

  34. Thanks for the kind words, Gary. Now I'm very shy :)

    1. Hi Damyanti,

      You are most worthy of kind words. I'm flattered you would even consider me to guest post on your superb site. Being shy is an endearing quality :)

      Enjoy your Sunday, my friend.

      Gary :)

  35. Hmm ... Marvin the kiwi. I must check his passport is up to date. Or, as he will be sitting in the cargo hold with such esteemed company (your good self no less and Fred the iguana) will that bothersome required be flagged?

    As always, superb post. Then again, there is nun other :)

    1. Oh crap, meant so say 'that bothersome 'requirement' be flagged. Sorry!

      As you were ...

    2. Hi Wendy,

      I'm sure Marvin's passport will be just fine. A bit of tinkering with it and he's good to go. Fred the iguana might have a clearance problem upon landing. He's be unable to poop. When he does, that might require somebody to flag the situation.

      No problem with your typo. Get an extra comment! Yay! Yes, it was Nun other than Wendy.

      As you were, also.

      Hope you had an enjoyable weekend, Wendy.

      Gary :)

  36. GARY!!!! So things have slowed up here a bit maybe??? I have always liked Sally Field... even when she was dumb enough to date Burt Reynolds. I am heading over to see your guest post now... sharing this too!

    1. Hi Terry,

      Things have slowed down a tiny bit. I cannot find a clone. I'm typing back at gone three in the morning. Burt Reynolds. Ah yes, some folks think my moustache, or mustache, looks a lot like his. Maybe I could fool Sally! :)

      Thanks for the share and yes you have gone and visited. I quote your comment, " bet I could enter and win a few of those for sure."

      Shall be over shortly. Where is my clone. HELP! LOL

      Enjoy your upcoming Sunday.

      Gary :)

  37. Replies
    1. Hi Tara,

      Thanks and I'm glad you did POP over :)

      Hope you had a nice weekend.

      Gary :)

  38. Replies
    1. Hi Misha,

      Thanks for travelling over there. You might realise I was going to comment, but put if off for another time...

      Hope you had a good weekend, Misha.

      Gary :)

  39. I know I'm showing my age when I say I grew up watching the Flying Nun, lol! But you gotta love a nun who's in trouble all the time.

    I'm heading over to Damyanti's, but first I wanted to invite Penny to my blog today to meet my granddog, Chance. He's not an internet star like Penny, but he does have a part in my next book :)

    1. Hi Gwen,

      When you watched The Flying Nun, it had to be reruns several years later. A nun is trouble who could just fly away.

      Thanks for your comment over at Damyanti's site. I shall have Penny drop over to your site later on to meet, Chance. Penny the Flying Dog.

      Thank you, Gwen.

      Gary :)

  40. Of course, I had to see what you were up to on Damyanti's blog, so I did.

    I'll choose F on your multiple choice.

    1. Hi Lee,

      Yes you did and you are in line for a special tribute award on that show.

      I like your thinking out of the blog. "F" seems a good choice.

      Gary :)

  41. LOL. E.

    I do believe I've been to Damyanti's before, as I tend to make the rounds but have a hard time settling. Headed over...

    1. Hi Crystal,

      You managed to land over at Damyanti's blog and I hope you didn't have too much jet lag :) Thanks for visiting there and here. Am I back on my site? Dazed and confused, me thinks.

      Sally Field is your friend.

      Gary :)

  42. Another fun post!

    I LIKE Sally Field, but I don't even think SHE liked "The Flying Nun." It's right up there (down there) with "My Mother the Car" and "Camp Runamuck."

    1. Hi Susan,

      Thank you and fun we shall have!

      It seems she wasn't a big fan of the show. Although a big fan was what kept her aloft. "My Mother the Car", "Camp Runamuck" and "F Troop", were three of your favourite, sorry, favorite shows.

      Gary :)

  43. Heading over to read your guest post. I think I caught an episode of the Flying Nun once. Sally Field is adorable. And her co-star IS pretty smokin!

    1. Hi The Words Crafter,

      I appreciate you heading over to my guest post. I just flew back over here to reply to you. Seeing one episode of The Flying Nun is enough. Sally is just so cute. I'm going to be the co-star in the remake. Shudder.

      Gary :)

  44. All I can say (liar!) is that I'm glad you've returned safely.

    Just watched the video. LOL! Now why wasn't she stoned for being a witch? I have seen that show, but was so young, don't remember much about it. I do like SF, though, with my favorite movie of hers being Not Without My Daughter, and then Steel Magnolias. Going to read your tour/vacation/business class guest post. Writer’s Mark

    1. Hi Nancy,

      All I can say is that I'm delighted a celebrity such as your good self has visited there and here :)

      Good point. A stoned witch, I reckon. I wish I was so young I couldn't remember that show. Two excellent movie choices by the cute and lovable Sally.

      Your category suggestion, or non-suggestion, is being contemplated for next year's show.

      Be well.

      Gary :)

  45. Hoping to head over now!

    I have seen The Flying None- but not many episodes. I always thought it would be hard to wear that habit!

    1. Hi Jess,

      You did hop over and I'm glad you had a hoppy time.

      The Flying "None"! That makes sense. I suppose some habits make you high.

      Thank you, Jess.

      Gary :)

  46. Sorry I missed that last week. The categories were funny. If there are no volunteers, can we nominate people?

    I always liked Sally Field.

    1. Hi Diane,

      I'm just grateful to have you visit. Thank you being here and there....Ah yes, nominate people! I've got a few in mind. Not mentioning any names, Diane :)

      Sally Field, really, really likes you!

      Gary :)

  47. I will be so kind to judge your landing shortly. ;)

    I really really really like Sally.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      And noting your icon photo, you are waiting for my landing. After some turbulence, I got here.

      Even better, Sally super likes you :)

      Thank you, Medeia,

      Gary :)

  48. Hiya .. one and all ... one minute was enuff! Nope not flying that way either .. I'm grounded right now! cheers Hilary

    1. Hi human, Hilary,

      My silly human is jet-lagged. So I'm saying hello for him. "Hello!" You can enjoy your break between flights. Rest assured that Penny the pawlet will take you on a Blog Air flight.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.