
Wednesday 1 August 2012

Get One Award And Get One Free.

Oops, once again, I'm running a bit behind in acknowledging awards.  So, without further delay, you will note I got two awards for the price of one. I was stunned to discover that Petronela Ungureanu aka unikorna at this site, Why I Wake Up Every Day, has bestowed the above awards to shy, humble and oh so unassuming me.
Both of the above awards, the "Fabulous Blog Ribbon" and the, "one Lovely Blog Award", asks that I mention who bestowed these awards upon me.  Right then, done that part in the above paragraph.  I'm also asked to forward the awards onto seven bloggers.  Like the lovely Petronela did, I'm going to forward both awards to my seven lucky recipients.  I'm also supposed to, in accordance with the Fabulous Blog Ribbon award, mention five fabulous moments in my life.  

So here are the five fabulous moments in my life.

1 : The day I bought my first home in Langley, British Columbia, Canada.
2 : The day I got married.
3:  The day my son was born and I insisted that my then wife held off from delivering our baby son until it became October Ten to avoid any confusion.  I realised that one day he might move from England to live in North America where they do the dates in reverse. Thus 10/10 works either way.  Okay, I'm kidding about  asking her to hang on until past midnight.
4 : The day I took my son to go and get Penny the Jack Russell puppy and one day, modest internet star.  The look on his face as they first met, was priceless.  
5 :  Tuesday, July 31, 2012.  The day my son was offered, after so much heartache, a temporary job, starting September 3.  And finally, after such a long time, he smiled.  

And now the seven recipients.  I would like each of them to know there is no obligation to acknowledge and I don't need you to make note that I bestowed these awards upon you.  If you so desire, just place the photographs of the awards proudly on your site.  

4 :  A Likely Story   
5 :  PT Dilloway   
7 :  Elephant's Child   

If you have never been to Petronela's blog, I would kindly urge you to do so.  Her site is not only beautifully written, but an awesome visual delight.  Thanks again, dear lady.


  1. A job??? Fantastic news!! Whoop!! Bet he was grinning from ear to ear. And bet you are, too!
    Much to congratulate you on - TWO awards, your son's job, the return of your sanity... well, okay, the latter is not guaranteed yet...
    Seriously, congrats and enjoy!!

    1. Hi Kim,
      Yes indeed, an actual job and not through one of those horrible job agencies! As you will know, we feel so much better when are kids are feeling better :)
      And two more awards, my son getting a job and sanity is something I shall work on. Oh and I've changed my photo icon back to me. Sorry Penny!
      Thanks Kim for the congratulations and you stay positive, eh.
      Gary :)

  2. Yay, I won! Congrats for your son. Hopefully that temporary turns into something longer.

    1. Hey PT,
      I appreciate your ongoing interaction and I really enjoy the banter we share between our sites. Thanks for your kind thoughts regarding my son. A positive step in the right direction.
      Take care and thanks again.

  3. Dear Gary,
    So, yet more awards, eh? Your virtual trophy cabinet must be brimming! And might I add my congratulations to Tristan on finally having some luck and landing a job. It ain't easy out there at the moment, so all the very best to him.
    Stay hairy, my friend,
    Very Best Wishes,

    1. Dear David,
      Ah yes, more awards and another three in the pending tray. I'm so not worthy.
      Of course, the main highlight is that my son has finally managed to obtain a bit of work. As we both know, this grim economy has taken its toll on lots of folks mental health well being. May this be the start of a positive turnaround for all. Thanks for your kind thoughts regarding Tristan.
      I shall attempt to become even hairier.
      All the best to you, David and talk soon.

  4. Hello Gary:
    We are delighted to read of your awards but, even more so, to learn that your son, after such a troubled time, has a job offer starting in September. We do so hope that this may become permanent and that it will work out well for him.

    1. Greetings Jane and Lance,
      Thanks so much for that. Indeed, the most encouraging notation in my posting was that my son, after much torment, has finally obtained a bit of work. It has been most distressing seeing him so distraught. His qualifications have not been utilised and we hope this is the start of something optimistic for him, for all those going through a similar plight.
      Thanks again.
      In kindness, Gary

  5. Hi, Gary;
    isn't it interesting that there are only two or three truly touching moments in one's life, making the rest just a filler.

    1. Hi Aliza,
      Yes, those profound, momentous moments in our lives that define all that resonates in our hearts.
      Thank you, Aliza. I appreciate your kindness.
      In peace and respect, Gary

    2. Don't you think, Gary, that it's the heart that is the place somebody knows that it was a right moment.

    3. Hi Aliza,
      I would say you are correct. Thanks, Aliza.

  6. Oh Gary I am so touched by your beautiful words. You have no idea how much they mean to me :). I was also impressed about the 7 fabulous moments of your life. I haven't experienced motherhood yet, but I keep discovering new reasons to have this experience, and your delightful reminiscence has an interesting contribution.Your kids (I include here Penny as well) must be so proud of you :).
    I shall visit all your 7 friends, I am sure they are (almost) as fascinating as you. Kisses on the cheeks.

    1. Hi Petronela,
      You are most welcome. My words extol the virtues of your ongoing kindness and sincerity. I feel blessed to have the great fortune of our interaction :) And thank you for considering me for those awards amongst that fine group of bloggers you bestowed the awards to.
      May the joys of parenthood touch your reality. My kids, Penny and Tristan, I hope, are proud of me and all I've done to create for them, a peaceful, positive environment. Quite the challenge during the difficult times.
      I have noticed that you have visited my seven blogging friends. Almost as fascinating as me. Almost LOL And that is more proof of your embracing the magical ideals of a sharing, caring blogging community.
      May more people come to realise the wonders of your enchanting blog.
      Hugs and admiration, your way, Gary :)

  7. He got a job???? Yippee!!!! Congrats to Tristan. He must be so excited.
    Great new look on the blog Gary. I love that molten gold sky.
    Congrats on the awards. No one deserves them more than yourself and thank you so much for passing them on to me.
    Have a positively delightful day.

    1. Hi Delores,
      He sure has. And now he can enjoy the next month without all the pressure he has felt. These have been tough times for him and I have done what I can to encourage him and make him realise the job situation is not his fault. He is thrilled at the prospect of having some money and some independence.
      Thanks for liking the new look on my blog. I took that photo from my kitchen window.
      Thanks for the congrats and your kind words. It was my great pleasure to bestow those awards onto your very supportive self.
      All the best and peaceful thoughts, your way, Gary

  8. Congratulations, Gary! Your five moments really are fabulous, particularly the most recent! I wish you many more fabulous moments and smiles :-)
    And thank you so much for nominating me - I am beyond chuffed to receive a pair of lovely awards :-)
    I shall visit your other nominees later, but for now I have been to Why I Wake Up Every Day and what a wonderful blog that is :-)
    Good luck to your son in his new job and fingers crossed that it becomes permanent x

    1. Hi Teresa,
      Thanks for the congratulations :) And that most timely latest fabulous moment, is a moment I have dreamed about for my poor son. May his smile and my smile, beam ever brighter.
      My honour to nominate you. I have great respect for you and your positive interaction within the blogging community. I'm sure you will find the variety of recipients in my list, most fascinating. "Why I Wake Up Every Day", is most assuredly, a wonderful blog :)
      Thanks for the kind wishes in regards to my son's upcoming job. May this be the start of fresh hope.
      Take care and congrats to you.
      Gary x

  9. Congratulations! Those are all wonderful moments to remember.

    1. Hi Alex,
      Thank you, my friend, for the congratulations. Most appreciated. And indeed, wonderful moments to cherish.
      All the best and happy writing to you.

  10. Congratulations to you for the awards and to your son for the job!

    1. Hi Heather,
      I'm very thankful for your congratulations and noting my son has finally got a job :)
      Kind wishes and inspirational writing to you.
      Gary :)

  11. I really do love your blog and hate it when I don't check in. Now that I have I'll also be checking out your nominees.

    1. Hi Donna,
      You are most kind, Donna. I'm rather guilty of not visiting your blog as much as I should. That needs to be rectified.
      I'm sure you will find the nominees, most fascinating.
      Thank you, my friend.
      Kind wishes, your way, Gary

  12. Tristen got a job! Fabulous. It's just the beginning of great things to come. Yay! I lived in Langley back in 1971, just behind main street and the bank. It's too long ago to remember the street name. It was a huge house converted to apartments. I worked for Goodbrand Construction as a flag girl. Wow, haven't thought about that in ions.

    1. Hi Joylene,
      He sure has. Here's hoping that this is the catalyst that helps him move on with his life.
      Ah yes, Langley eh. You lived in the more established part of Langley. I lived within walking distance of Willowbrook Mall.
      What's a "flag girl", me wonders.
      Thanks for the kind wishes in regards to Tristan.
      Take care, eh.

    2. I was holding the STOP sign so you wouldn't drive into the loader or tractor or whatever.

    3. Thanks Joylene. I kinda' thought it might be something like that. I "Googled" "flag girl" and all I got was some reference to cheerleaders!
      I should purchase a STOP sign. Might keep all my adoring fans at a safe distance. Yes, Joylene, I'm delusional!

  13. Having any job now, is a cause for congratulations. And I do believe parents worry more about their child not being able to get a job than the child himself.

    1. Hi lotta joy,
      Indeed and my son has seen his qualifications go to waste. It has been nearly four years since he had any meaningful employment. Yes, how true. We take on the pain of our children and we do all we can to reassure and encourage them. My son has worried a great deal about his lack of work. He wants to be independent and move out to that world beyond our door.
      Thank you, my friend.
      Kind wishes, Gary

  14. Really love those fabulous moments. They made me smile.
    Congratulations to your son and good luck!

    1. Hi Marta,
      How lovely to have you visit :) I'm glad those fabulous moments made you smile.
      Thank you for your kind thoughts for my son.
      Happy writing to you, my friend.
      In peace, Gary

  15. Thank you so much for the awards.
    I love that your son has temporary work and is able to smile again. I suspect that you and Penny are smiling with him.

    1. Hi The Elephant's Child,
      You are very welcome for the awards and please don't feel any obligation to make note of it. It's just my way of showing appreciation for your lovely blog.
      Thank you for your kind thoughts in regards to my son and the return of his smile. Indeed, we have three smiling faces here. Penny has put on her best toothy grin :)
      Take good care.

  16. You've worked very hard for these two awards! Well done.
    Many blessings to Tristan.
    Take care, you fabulous, lovely blogger!

    1. Hey Dixie,
      That is most kind of you. Your blessings for Tristan are warmly embraced.
      I cherish our ongoing interaction in the blogging world. You, dear friend, are a marvel :)
      In peace and good wishes, your way, Gary

  17. Dear Gary: Sorry to be such a poor correspondent these days, particularly as, despite your disclaimer, you have been so good! Your list is lovely, most of all the last entry--hooray! May you, your son, and Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star have many fine days ahead.

    1. Dear Susan Scheid,
      No worries. I'm glad you commented when you had the time. You've been having a busy and exciting time.
      Thanks for liking my list. Just awesome news that my son has finally got some temporary work. Thank you for such kind thoughts to my son, to Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star and to shy, humble me :)
      Have a lovely weekend, Susan.

  18. Sounds like celebrations are in order! Congrats to you for the double honor and to Tristan! Great news!!!

    1. Hi Laura,
      Indeed, party time! :) Thanks for the congrats on my double honour and of course, the best part is my son actually getting a bit of work.
      Have a peaceful weekend, Laura.

  19. Congratulations on your awards, and to Tristan for finding a job ... quite an achievement in today's economy. Sounds like a celebration is in order. Love that picture on your header. I'd say it's a sign of brighter days to come.

    And thank you, dear sir, for your kind words regarding my mother-in-law's death. I do appreciate them.

    1. Hi Susan,
      I appreciate your congratulations for the awards. And yes, quite something he actually managed to secure some work. It has been almost four years of heartache and being screwed out of work by unscrupulous job agencies.
      That picture was taken from my kitchen window about a year ago. I knew one day the glowing warmth of it would be symbolic of brighter time to come :)
      Dear lady, along with the others who sent words of kindness to you during this sad and reflective time, I wanted to extend my condolences to you and your loved ones. Thanks, Susan.
      May your weekend be peaceful and positive.

  20. Your awards are well deserved without doubt, and I'm happy your son has got a job as it sounds like it has come at an ideal time. Stay happy Gary :)

    1. Hi All Consuming,
      That's very nice of you to think my awards are well deserved :) It is a great relief to my son and me that he has a bit of temporary work. With his improved outlook on life, I feel better about going and doing some projects away from the home.
      Thanks for your encouraging comment.
      May you have a happy weekend.
      Gary :)

  21. Thank you so much for the awards! You're very kind. I will be posting them soon. I've managed to fall very behind in blogging, commenting, and responding to comments. I am slowly but surely catching up though! I'm looking forward to checking out the other blogs as well.

    I like your great moments, they all sound very meaningful. And congratulations to your son on the new job.

    1. Hi Danielle,
      You are very welcome for the awards. I'm rather behind in responding back to your comment. Have been away. Well, that's my excuse :)
      Thanks for the congratulations to my son for finally getting a bit of work.
      All the very best to you and happy writing.

  22. Hi Gary .. got to library and I hope I can comment - I am so pleased for you and your son .. the third isn't that far away is it ..

    Great post .. I'll read everyone's replies at home .. just can't comment there .. cheers and I am so pleased for you both .. Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,
      I'm delighted to note that your comment is here, here on my blog and not stuck in an email! :)
      Thanks for your kind wishes in regards to my son and I. Much appreciated and very kind of you to comment on this archived posting.

  23. Congrats are certainly in order for you receiving not just one award, but two, at the same time. Wow! I think that may be a first for you since I've been reading your blog, dude. Let me know if I'm wrong about you getting two at exactly the same time.

    You certainly deserve both of these since they do define your blog and your writing, Gary.

    The best part of this post, to me, besides you getting the awards... of course, more importantly, was that last fact/moment in your life you gave out... #5... where you saw your son smile after getting a temporary job.

    I know you and he have been waiting far too long for that to happen.

    I want to give you a very sincere thanks for the two awards that you gave me, dude. I really appreciate them. while on your site, I put them on my own blog because I never know when I'll be interrupted. I will pass them on to others. When? I don't know, given the circumstances, but that will be the first thing I'm going to do when I get the time to create a new blog post. Whenever I get the chance, I'll check out the blogs you gave the same awards to.

    Take care, Gary. See ya on FB. Peace out!

    1. Hey Kelly,
      Thanks for the congrats, my friend. Yes indeed, I got two at once from the lovely Petronela. Awards, that is :)
      I'm flattered that you think the awards define my blog and my writing.
      Ah yes, thanks. My son has an upcoming job and it has taken the edge off in the house. Although, he went for an interview for an engineering job. He now has an anxious wait to see if he has gotten a job he would really like.
      It's my pleasure to bestow these awards upon your good self. You epitomise the true ideals of a sharing, caring blogging community. I'm grateful for that. I was going to inform you about the awards. However, I noticed that Petronela left a comment on your previous post mentioning her congrats to you.
      You take your time with this, Kelly. You've been under a lot of emotional stress and the most important aspect is that your life and your loved ones lives, gets better.
      Congrats to you and peaceful wishes.
      See you on your favourite social 'notworking' site! :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.