
Sunday 29 July 2012

Interview With The Star Of This Site.

I've noticed that on a number of blog sites that fellow writers have been interviewed.  So I thought it would be interesting if Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star, would possibly share her thoughts about writing.  You may be aware that Penny does the occasional  guest posting on this site.  To my delight, Penny agreed to let me interview her and get an insight into her fascinating writing ideas.

Thank you Penny for allowing me to interview you.

Question 1 :  Before you settle down in front of the keyboard, do you have any rituals you like to follow?

Answer :  "Before I get settled down in front of the keyboard I go outside in the garden and have a ceremonial crap.  Then I come back inside, roll around on the carpet, wag my tail, go to the kitchen, check out the food before finally heading to the keyboard to paw out my must read articles."

Question 2 :  Why do you write?
Answer :  "Ah Gary, the reasons I write are numerous.  I write because I wanted to help you with your writing skills.  I write because I consider it most therapeutic.  Indeed, my human, I write to teach humans that we animals are an example of unconditional, non-judgemental love."  

Question 3 :  What inspires your writing?

Answer :  "When Tristan or you take me for walks, I observe, I listen, I sniff.  And with my senses full of the magic of the great outdoors, I find myself inspired to write about the simple goodness that's all around.  And I'm very sensitive to your son and yourself.  I write to try and bring you both comfort through these daunting times."

Question 4 : Do you have any writing suggestions for aspiring authors?

Answer :  "Write from the heart.  Make your writing intimate.  Write in such a way that your reader really feels like you're 'talking' directly to them.  Make your reader care about the story.  Most importantly, grab and hold onto the reader's attention from the very first sentence.  Never give up and pursue your dream.  Do your best to make your dream a reality."

Question 5 :  I can see you're getting tired, Penny.  Thus, just one more question.  You are known as Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star.  Does this fame come at a price?

Answer :  "As you know and I will share this with the person or animal reading this, I'm forever being hounded by the pesky 'puparazzi'.  You might not see them, Gary, but they are always lurking in bushes, around corners and trying to get that exclusive photo of me.  Oh, before I go and piddle on your bed, Gary, I'm writing a book titled, "My Previous Bark", which recalls my days of when I was a puppy and the day I chose the humans I would live with.  I shall never forget the day when little Tristan and I first saw each other...."

Thank you very much, Penny.   "You're welcome and with that I shall now sneak off and piddle on your bed!"


  1. Now there's a pup with her priorities in order.....poop, food, write and piddle (not necessarily in that order). Excellent interview Penny and great advice. (Oh, and, nice write up Gary.)

    1. Hi Delores,
      Thank you, my human friend. I've always got my priorities in order. I've found my rituals to of be much inspiration so that I can thrill you with my 'pawblishings'.
      Glad you liked my interview and my great advice. I shall pass on your notation to that human I so kindly allow to live with me. You may also notice that I decided to you my icon. Got a bit tired of seeing Gary's puzzled looking face when I left comments.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  2. Hi Penny!

    I hope you were joking with that last comment about your Human's bed.

    I enjoyed your insights. We could all learn much from you. Humans could learn much from all of us pawed ones.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Hi Hawk!
      Oh yes, I was kidding about my human's bed. I didn't piddle on it, however I...
      I knew you would relate to these insights, Hawk. We animals have many lessons to teach our human friends. If only they would listen. Thanks, Hawk.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  3. Pesky puparazzi are always after me as well, Penny!
    The ceremonial crap wins it.
    Penny needs to guest post more often. Wise writing tips from a wise dog who knows where to piddle.

    1. Hi Alex,,
      Ah yes, the puparazzi hound you. Heck, not only that but a bunch of humans are lining up to interview you on their sites. If you are really good, one day, I, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star, might help you out and interview you.
      Ceremonial craps are conducive to my writing flow.
      I would guest post on this site more often. It's just that I don't want Gary to feel jealous. You may see that I always write in a direct manner and try to make it an intimate experience. With that, my human friend, I shall go for a piddle.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  4. wow, Me and Penny have so much in common! lol!

    1. Hi Ray,
      Yes we do, Ray. Was that you I saw in my garden? Arf! Arf!
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  5. Penny, how long did it take your human to get you into position for that photo? Beau started having hip pain tonight and his humans are seriously scared. HE seems okay, but you know how humans are. Do you canine wonders ever stumble just to scare us?

    1. Hi lotta joy,
      It was no problem at all getting into position for that photo. My human's son, Tristan, was standing behind me watching what I was typing. Gary, the old dude, was standing in the background with a treat trying to get my attention.
      I sure hope Beau is okay. When I was a little puppy of about two months old, I started limping very badly. I was taken to the vets and the vet said I had a degenerative bone disease that can happen especially to Jack Russell dogs. The x-ray revealed the bones in my left leg were shattered. He cleared out the bone fragments and removed my left hipbone. He assured us that muscle would grow in the place of the removed hipbone. I sometimes limp a little but mostly I'm okay. We never mean to scare you. We love you, unconditionally :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  6. Penny really needs her own column or talk show.

    1. Hi PT,
      I have be approached by 'The Daily Beagle' to do an advice column for humans who would like to know more about writing and the art form of rituals. My talk show is going to be on the "Fox" television network.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  7. Hi Penny. It's me, Maggie. I am a puppy. My humans won't let me sleep with them. I have to pee on the kitchen carpet. Know what I did today? I peed on daddy's shirt! Does your human let you bite him? Mine yells but my teeth hurt and people taste good. I hope when I get bigger, I will be a star like you. Love, Maggie. I think that's my name. It might be No-No.

    1. Hi Maggie!
      Oh my, you pee on the kitchen carpet. Bet that gets quite the reaction. Did daddy wear the shirt and then realise you piddled on it...I give my human's playful nibbles. I'm aware what my chompers could really do. My humans are not on my menu :) Besides, just the smell of them puts me off!
      I'm sure you are going to be a big star, Maggie. I mean, a young puppy already typing away on the peeboard, oops..keyboard.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  8. What a brilliant interview - thank you Penny and Gary! You really do have a writerly mind, Penny :-) x

    1. Hi Teresa,
      Really pleased you liked my interview. Thank you for reading this and I shall make sure Gary reads your comment. Thanks, Teresa.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  9. M'lady Penny your wisdom overwhelms me and I must confess you seem even more talented than your fur daddy, if that were even possible. Allow me to paw, sorry, to bow gracefully :).

    1. Hi unikorna,
      I'm heartened, my human friend, that you appreciate my wisdom :) If it wasn't for me, my human daddy wouldn't even write as well as he does. He has lots to learn, but I stay determined in helping him. I shall 'bow wow' gracefully to your thoughtful comment.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  10. A wonderful different post and a pleasure to read the interview.


    1. Hi Yvonne,
      I'm delighted you found my interview a pleasure to read. I'm doing what I can to help humans in their writing skills. I even do a bit of 'pawetry' :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  11. Hello Gary:
    What a Top Dog Penny is. Surely she will soon be hosting her own Canine Chat Show with prospective canine celebrities queuing round the lamppost for an appearance.

    1. Hello Jane and Lance,
      I've been considered to be a bit of a 'Hot Dog'. A talk show is in the works. The studio setting will include doggy blankets, squeaky toys and a variety of tasty morsels and beverages for the guest dogs. We are even bringing in a guest cat who will be in for a big surprise...Things could slow down somewhat if there is a lamppost or a fire hydrant, or a tree to have the canine celebrities queue by to get on my show...
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  12. Beautiful Penny!!! Hope you enjoy your piddle!!! LOL!! Loved your interview. Best. One. Evah! And I've been round lots of these writerly interviews!!!! LOL! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty!
      I had a lovely piddle, thank you! I knew you would love this interview of me, yes me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star! :) My interview sort of takes the um piddle out of all those other writerly interviews! Arf! Arf! :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  13. Well done Penny! Great interview by you and your human. It sounds like you live in a wonderful world full on inspiration

    1. Hi Heather,
      Thanks for that. I'm very pleased you liked my interview. I appreciate all the wonders around me and that inspires my writing that I pawblish :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  14. From Bazza’s cat Ginger:
    Pray tell dear doggy; when you go for a walk what is it exactly that you like to 'sniff'?
    Click here for Ginger’s owner, Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hi Ginger,
      Or in your case, Ginger, 'prey' tell. I certainly wouldn't be sniffing you. I have standards. I sniff blades of grass and the genitals of other dogs. I reckon sniffing genitals would be an interesting way for humans to greet each other. Whatcha' reckon, Ginger?
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

    2. Why bother to sniff the genitals of others when one's own are so handy? Luv, Ginger.

    3. Hi Ginger,
      Seems like you've been watching your human, bazza, again.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  15. “Before I get settled down in front of the keyboard I go outside in the garden and have a ceremonial crap.  Then I come back inside, roll around on the carpet, wag my tail, go to the kitchen, check out the food before finally heading to the keyboard to paw out my must read articles” - Are you sure it isn't Gary who does this Penny.....are you covering for him here?
    Great interview Penny, you're a natural and I agree entirely about your thoughts on writing. Lardy would be writing this, but she's spending an inordinate amount of time licking her arse at the moment. Tsk. Love and Peace Penny. :)

    1. Hi All Consuming,
      I'm not covering for him. I can barely get the guy to do a few basic tricks. However, much to the bemusement of our neighbours, I managed to take him out in the garden for his own ceremonial crap.
      Thanks for thinking this was a great interview. Hope you were taking notes.
      Are you sure it isn't Lardy typing this? Lardy, if it's actually you, tell your human to use toilet paper. Arf! Arf! :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

    2. Ah Joylene,
      "ROTFLOL!!!" Is that some kinda' human text language? Arf! Arf! :)

  16. Happy peeing, Penny. Happy laundrying, Gary. Nothing like the fresh smell of clean laundry after your adoring pet has blessed your bed. I knoweth from where I speaketh. One or two of mine have also blessed us with some projectile puking. Lovely.

    Anyhoo, I digest, I mean digress... I owe Penny an apology and I'm here now swearing I'll no longer hide in the bushes with my camera. [head hung low]. I'm beside myself with shame BUT Penny I adore you!!!


    1. Hi Joylene,
      Piddle, piddle, piddle and piddle...and oops! What a good idea, I should tell Gary to wash the bed sheets. Thanks for the idea of projectile puking. I have a plan!
      Aha, so that was you hiding in the bushes with those puparazzi pooches that hound me. Never mind, I will forgive you. What kind of camera do you have? Probably a Polaroid...but that's another story...Arf! Arf!
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  17. Parker says, "I think I'm in love." And, "You had me at crap."

    1. Hi Parker,
      Watch this, I've been practising. How's it goin', eh? Do you think we can have an internet affair, Parker? I love Canada!
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  18. Love Penny! This is so true --> we animals are an example of unconditional, non-judgemental love! Keep up the good work Penny ... and Gary too :)

    1. Hi Jemi,
      Awe thanks for that. And yes, we animals want to teach humans all about the ideals of living in a world where no judgement is made and rejoice in the diversity.
      I shall do my beast, sorry, my best, to keep up the good work. Hopefully, Gary will continue to learn from me.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  19. Awesome interview! It was interesting to get her perspective--and I love the writing advice.

    1. Hi The Golden Eagle,
      Wow, I like it, a writing bird :) Yes, a 'pawesome' interview. I'm very encouraged that you loved my writing advice. Thanks.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  20. Despite sharing my world with cats, I am in awe of Penny's wise counsel. Thank you Penny, and thank you Gary for passing her wisdom on to us.

    1. Hi The Elephant's Child,
      I think that's wonderful that you share your world with cats. Of course, cats, just like us dogs, have much to teach our human friends.
      It was my pleasure to share my thoughts on writing with you and I'm very pleased that Gary asked to interview me.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  21. i am in awe of Penny she is not only wise bu inspiring. thank you for sharing your interview with this amazing writer

    1. Hi becca,
      That is such a nice compliment. I do like to inspire and I wish you much happy and thoughtful writing endeavours :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  22. LOL!!!! You and Penny are the best. Perhaps two hosts for your talk show, that way we have both human and dog advice to learn from??????? I do love your posts :)
    Greetings from sunny Victoria, Suzanne

    1. Hi Suzanne,
      Ah, thank you, my Canadian human friend! :) Gary, the human I so kindly allow to live with me, is being taught new tricks, writing tricks, by me. I tried to teach him to roll over, shake a paw and play dead, with no success :) Yes, a show where my human can be my sidekick and I could use him in all my jokes. And yes, some philosophical advice from me and some mumblings from him. Arf! Arf! We appreciate you liking our posts and thank you for passing on that award that you so richly deserved on your lovely blog.
      Greetings from cloudy Leek, Staffordshire, England.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  23. This is pretty funny! I really enjoyed reading this post.

    1. Hi Gina Gao,
      Thank you and I'm glad you enjoyed this pawst, I mean, post! :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  24. Great interview Penny & Gary. I love the 'hounded by the pesky 'puparazzi' That's a killer line!

    1. Hi Madeleine,
      Thanks for liking the interview. Ah you noticed the word "hounded" in regards to the pesky puparazzi :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  25. Nice interview. I do like Penny very much, she's smart as well as cute.

    1. Hi River,
      Thank you. I like you very much and even more so now that you mention I'm smart and cute! :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  26. A pup after my own heart. Penny is very wise:)

    1. Hi nutschell,
      Thank you very much. I have been told I have much doggy wisdom :)
      I notice you interview humans. You see, interviewing animals can give you a whole new perspective.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  27. THIS I LOVE " "Write from the heart. Make your writing intimate. Write in such a way that your reader really feels like you're 'talking' directly to them. Make your reader care about the story. Most importantly, grab and hold onto the reader's attention from the very first sentence. Never give up and pursue your dream. Do your best to make your dream a reality."

    We have a HUGE FAVOR!! Please install the "follow by email" option! We no longer use our blog roll because it takes over 3 hrs to go through them all! When we follow by email we are ASSURED to not miss a post!

    1. Hi Caren and Cody,
      Wow, that was really neat what you quoted. Oh yeah, I wrote that :) Arf! Arf!
      I figured it out and pawed in the "follow by email" option. In between naps, it takes me several hours to go through my blog roll, comment back to each human or animal on here and spread my words of wisdom all over the internet.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  28. Replies
    1. Hi Dixie,
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  29. Dear Penny (and hairy human, Gary),
    How good of you to share your writing tips with us mere mortals, Penny. Your writing style is intimate and it does indeed seem as if you are talking directly to your readers. I suppose your human, Gary, ain't that bad at writing, too.
    Very Best Wishes, or should I say, arf! arf!

  30. Dear David,
    Yes, my mere human friend, I believe you should right in a way that is an experience with you and the reader. I do not write to an audience, but an individual, whether man or beast. Gary, my mere human, is slowly learning the writing lessons I teach him.
    Arf! Arf! Back at you, my human friend.
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  31. Hello Penny! Oh, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and humour. It is indeed inspiring to read your interviews with Gary. How kind of you to put up with him and Tristan. What a big heart you have. I love your writing and don't tell Gary but really you are my favourite author on this blogging community. Don't want to hurt the bloke's feelings. Take care. TTFN

    1. Hi Heather,
      Excuse me if my silly human's icon shows up. Just please realise it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star, replying :)
      Ah, the things I tolerate. I've tried training Tristan and Gary to do a few simple tricks. No luck with them at all. Oh well.
      I'm delighted you were inspired by my interview. I shall keep it a secret that you love my writing over Gary's. He would be devastated. Thanks for considering me your favourite author in the blogging community. You are a very nice human and say hello to Bean for me, eh.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  32. I can't believe it - but apparently I've been missing out on some of your postings. Our friend Kelly posted links on our favorite social media site, and not recognizing the titles I've headed over. Time to catch up I guess!

    Dearest Penny, no matter what you do, you're always a star. Good luck working to help Gary - I've heard he's quite the handful, a challenging human specimen to say the least. But if anyone can domesticate him, I'm sure it'd be you.

    Your BFF,
    CindyLu xx

    1. Hi CindyLu and hi to your human, Kim,
      Ignore the photo icon. It's a photo of the human I so kindly allow to live with me :)
      I'm much obliged you would comment on this archived posting. Don't worry about catching up. Okay, it's okay if it's one of my um 'pawstings'. Good of that human Kelly to put up the links from this site on our favourite social 'notworking' site :)
      I'm doing my best to train him in being a better writer. I'm doing my best to make him roll over, shake a hand, beg and play dead. I shall continue in my quest to domesticate my poor human, Gary. And I shall continue to try and help all those other humans become hopefully better writers.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.