
Wednesday 18 July 2012

Very Much Like A Newborn Child.

The wonders of nature enchant me, allure me.  I've been feeling rather sad and the words typing in my head were words of woe, of sadness, of doom, of gloom.  I needed some inspiration and the wonders of nature, called my name.  Cast aside those dreary thoughts, said the world outside my window, and let the words of awe, of appreciation, bring you from the clouds of pain and into the rays of hope.  
For the last few days, three foxes, a vixen, a reynard and their cub, have been wandering through my garden.  Several times I tried to discreetly photograph them all together.  All I managed was a bunch of blurry photos.  The above photo is about the only one that turned out fairly well.  This photo was taken from my living room window.  And like a fleeting fox, the fleeting negative words that had typed away in my mind, vanished as I marvelled at such a captivating vision.
Today we had a glimpse of that mysterious glowing orb in the sky.  Enough rays of sunshine to make the solar lamps glow.  I sit here on a gentle early morning and I listen very carefully.  Outside is the haunting sound of a fox.  A sound very much like that of a newborn child.  Today is going to be a very good day.


  1. Nature has many calls. A good one has answered you.

    1. Hi Ray,
      What a profound comment. Thank you, my friend.

  2. There's a fox that lives somewhere on the grounds where I work. Which is odd since it's in downtown Detroit.

    1. Hi PT,
      Actually, I'm not that surprised. Seriously, foxes have been seen in built-up city areas. Much to do with them hunting for food as the weather patterns have upset their natural instincts. Then again, I've heard you also have Detroit 'Tigers' and 'Lions'.
      Have a good one and happy writing.

  3. Your photos are exquisite--almost paintings. Living in such a green and wild place must be wonderful. Could I use the fox photo as a prompt sometime, giving you credit?

    1. Hi Susan,
      Thank you for such kind words. A number of folks on Facebook have mentioned they thought the fox photo looked rather like a painting. I'm blessed to live in such greenery.
      It would be my honour if you so wished to use my fox photo as a prompt sometime. Credit or no credit, may you find much inspiration within that photo :)
      Happy writing to you, Susan.
      In kindness, Gary

  4. Wow, what a beautiful post. At first glance, the picture of the fox looked like a painting. And the image of your garden at dusk is full of magical wonder. I'm happy to hear that you had a good day!!! I also find being out in nature, feeling centered, always gives joy the front row.
    Many blessings to you, Suzanne

    1. Hi Suzanne,
      Thank you so much. Your compliments are treasured. Coming from a lady with your artistic flare, this had made a good day, even better.
      I sensed that you embraced the cleansing qualities that truly are the great outdoors.
      Many blessings to you in beautiful Victoria.
      In kindness, Gary

  5. Nature will do that every time! Who could resist the beauty and wonder?

    1. Hi middle child,
      Indeed and sometimes the therapy of the gifts that nature offer us, can transport us from our daily woes.
      Thank you,

  6. Yep, Mother Nature has a wonderful way of slapping the sad right out of you, doesn't she?

    1. Hi Susan,
      Mother Nature gave me a good ol' slap and told my sad thoughts to go away :)
      Have a peaceful day,

  7. Lovely - your uplifting post and gorgeous pictures. The fox one looks like a beautiful painting x

    1. Hi Teresa,
      Thank you very much. The fox photo does look like a beautiful painting and I find it most inspiring.
      Thanks, Teresa.
      In kindness, Gary x

  8. That fox is so beautiful! Nature gives us so many opportunities to uplift ourselves. We only need to be open to the beauty around us.

    1. Hi Misha,
      The fox is a beautiful creature, for sure. The great outdoors beckons us with the chance to feel better about things. Indeed, such inspiration inspires your writing :)
      Thank you, my friend.

  9. What a wonderful gift to get an upclose look at a fox...I always feel like I've been given a gift from the universe when I'm allowed to see wildlife. I hope you have many more of these "good" days Gary.

    1. Hi Delores,
      Absolutely! A wonderful gift and a gift we all should cherish. When I'm down and need a 'tonic', the wonders of nature, refresh me. Thanks for your good thoughts.
      May you have many good days, my friend.
      Kind wishes, Gary :)

  10. Even if you never capture the foxes in a photo, they will live forever in your mind, and that's what matters.

    1. Hi Alex,
      Oh yes, the actual realisation of getting a few more fox photos, is not the ideal within this. As you know, the thoughts of wondrous times, live on. And these thoughts become words that you write and you share.
      Thanks, Alex.
      In peace, Gary

  11. At first I thought it was something like one of those Seurat paintings of parks and riverbanks and not an actual photograph of a fox. Well captured!

    During my year in Scotland, the British island greeted me with the most beautiful Indian summer when I arrived. Little did I know that the ten months after October would be nothing but drizzle, wind, and going to Tesco in my down jacket at 12 degrees Celsius. In August.

    Nature has the same effect on me, and I type this surrounded by my zoo - the cat is snoring on the chair next to me and the birds are dozing off in their cage not three feet away. Does using both metric and non-metric qualify as mixing metaphors?

    All these silly droplets from this keyboard are just small efforts at showing appreciation for the positivity you have been strewing across the blogosphere so methodically, and wishing you a day of high spirits. Be well, and let nature keep lifting you up.

    1. Hi Chris,
      I see what you mean in regards to Seurat paintings. And yes, most assuredly, it is an actual photo of the magnificent fox.
      Ah yes, the great and unpredictable British 'summer'. 12 degrees C in August in Scotland. That warm, eh :)
      I have always sensed through your thoughtful and transparent postings, that you would be in touch with the natural, positive environment that nature offers us. Mixed metaphors is fine. Your 'zoo' brings you comfort and metric and non-metric proves you can use either measurement. A bit of a milestone, or maybe a 'kilometrestone' :)
      I'm heartened that you realise that I work very discreetly in the background trying to interact, to bring further awareness and encouragement to those such as you who embrace the ideals of a sharing, caring blogging community. You are most kind and your electronic tonic words, resonate profoundly.
      Thank you for your kind words and may the gifts of nature continue to inspire you along that positive road.
      In kindness and peace, Gary

  12. Awwww Gary! I think this beautiful fox family found you for a reason! To comfort you and give you strength! This family are born survivors and by golly they adapt and evolve to survive and sense a fellow spirit in you! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,
      Wow, what a lovely way to put it! :) And those born survivors just prove we can adapt and make the most of our lives.
      Bless you,

  13. Nature does wonders for the soul! These pictures are beautiful but I'm sure the real thing was even better

    1. Hi Heather,
      Oh yes, nature is such a gift for the soul. To actually be here and see those foxes in my garden, is such an awesome sight.
      Thanks, Heather.
      In kindness, Gary

  14. I prefer animals of any species to humans of only one species. Right now I'm trying to make friends with a lizard...I feel, all the time, that I'm only here to make their lives safe. So it's usually a "fail" for me. I can imagine how I'd react to foxes....or opossums...or skunks. I'd be placing gifts of food.

    You can usually see me running down the street or into the scrubs, trying to make contact with strays that have been abandoned to the world. I'm the one dragging a bag of Kibbles and Bits if you ever see me.

    1. Hi lotta joy,
      I agree with that. I prefer our friends in the wildlife to humans. Lizards are cool. I tried to make friends with an iguana in Cancun, Mexico. With little luck.
      I know what you mean about trying to makes their lives safe and help them. Myself and some of my neighbours have been giving the foxes a few bits of bread and some biscuits. Some folks probably would disapprove of that. Yet, we have had no trouble with the foxes.
      You are a good person. If I see you jumping out of a bush with a bag of Kibbles and Bits, I will probably be startled and then go, "Oh hi, lotta joy!" :)
      All the beast, I mean, best, to you
      In kindness, Gary

  15. nature is like the best told story you never know where your going or how it will end beautiful

    1. Hi becca,
      You've summed it up beautifully. Thanks, becca :)
      Peaceful nature wishes, your way, Gary

  16. I love the picture. And I can relate to your dilemma. I sit out front hoping to capture the eagles fishing. Not easy to do. If I do get a shot, they generally are too far away to see in the photograph. They're not very cooperative. Your photos are spectacular, always. Your eye for detail is wonderful. Anyone can see you love your home. That's inspiring, Gary.

    1. Hi Joylene,
      Thank you, my friend. What I find incredible is just as you think you are going to get that perfect photo, the foxes, or the eagles, sense this and take off. Then you look at the blurry photo and go yikes!
      Thanks for such nice words. I'm blessed where I live and nature, just like for you, wanders right by my home. You inspire me, Joylene. Thanking you.
      In peace and wonderful wildlife photos, your way, Gary

  17. Strange things happen in your magical garden Gary :). I must mention how beautiful the first photo looks like...I initially thought it was a painting :). Are you some wizard and I don't know?

    1. Hi unikorna,
      Strange, enchanting and yes, magical occurrences in my garden. If it isn't gnomes, a beautiful fairy princess, pixies or elves, it's foxes :) It does look like a painting from the canvas that unfolds from the wonders of my garden.
      Yes, I'm a wizard. Although I'm not very good at 'pinball':) Bewitching and fairy tale wildlife wishes your way, Gary :)

  18. wow! that's a great picture there. I've never seen a fox in person. :D

    1. Hey nutschell,
      My friend, The Writing Nut. Thanks for liking the picture :) It's quite the amazing moment to suddenly realise you have a fox right there nearby. Shall be visiting your site, real soon. Always enjoy interacting with a 'peanut'. What the shell, eh :)
      Take good care and happy writing,

  19. Hi Gary,
    What a treat! Unusual to see 2 adults with one cub as they normally have more, but such are the vagaries of nature, you never know what you are going to get! ;)
    May this peaceful sighting bring a sense of peace to you my friend.
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

    1. Hi John,
      I've been informed this is highly unusual to see two adults and one cub. Perhaps they are even more foxes than I've actually seen.
      This peaceful sighting was such a calming relief to the sadness I have been feeling. To marvel at the magic of nature, took it all way. Here's wishing you a peaceful, positive day, my friend.

  20. Hi Gary. Every season foxes are seen nearer and nearer to the centre of London. I had a mother and cub run across the road in front of me this week; it was quite a sight.
    Incidentally are you familiar with the Fleet Foxes from Seattle, Washington state? (See:
    Click here for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hi bazza,
      Oh yes, I've heard about and seen the footage of foxes being observed within the city limits. Recently, you may have seen it, Channel Four had a live show tracing the patterns of foxes. I bet that was quite the sight for you to see those foxes.
      Ha ha, yes, I am familiar with the "Fleet Foxes". I also have a copy of "Fox in Socks" by "Dr. Seuss"
      Cheers, Gary

  21. Hi Gary

    great photo of the fox...hope you manage to capture the whole family together. Appreciating what we have on our doorstep is sometimes the key to happiness:

    "The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.”
    ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

    Take Care


    1. Hi GEM,
      Thanks for that and I do hope I may still get the chance to photo the entire family together.
      Indeed, appreciation and be grateful for all that is positive in our lives, right outside our door, is conducive to a better sense of well being.
      And thank you for that extraordinary quote :)
      In peace and much happiness in your adventure, Gary

  22. Hi, Gary;
    that is such an elegant post. Indeed, nature cycles are so full of meaningful significance that we cannot help but think in metaphors.

    1. Hi Aliza,
      Very kind of you to say. Nature and metaphors and our hearts sing like the birds of paradise.
      Thank you, my friend.
      In peace and kind wishes, Gary

    2. Hi, Gary;
      do you know if they caught the fox?

    3. Hi Aliza,
      I haven't noticed the foxes for a couple of days. I hope the foxes are left to be at peace in their habitat. My neighbours and I are having some exciting chats about them :)

  23. Excellent photo of the fox, how lucky to have such greenery and nature around you. I'm glad it lifted your spirits :)

    1. Hi All Consuming,
      Thank you for that. I feel blessed to live amongst such greenery and such abundance of wildlife. And such appreciation of seeing the foxes, has made me feel so much better and inspired.
      Take very good care and happy writing,

  24. Hello my Dear Friend! I always feel so very blessed and wonderful when the opportunity arises to be able to take such lovely pictures of nature in all her splendour. I believe those time to be messages if we pay attention. I'm glad you could see them all together and appreciate them. What a truly magical garden you have helped to create. It's a perfect place and time for them to be there. Big hugs always.


    1. Hey Heather,
      And you my lovely friend, have taken me back to those fond memories of the times we watched in awe at the birds in your tranquil garden. Each of our gardens, an sanctuary of peace and balance. And yes, there was also the bear :)
      You are so right. The natural environment has messages and lessons for those who would pay heed. Something we both embrace. Big hugs and lovely talking to you.
      In peace and good wishes, Gary

  25. Hi Gary! I finally figured out how to follow your blog! This was such a lovely read. In life right now everything is so hectic, it's nice to just slow down and enjoy the beauty that is right in front of us if we just pay attention. I'm so thankful of my kids for that. They force it on me lol. I look forward to more. Looks like i have a lot to catch up on! <3<3 Love you.


    1. Hey Margo!
      Wow, how neat to see your good self here and right after your mother's comment :) I'm glad you got that 'followers' application working. I hope you will do another posting when you can. And to savour the beauty of nature has such a calming affect. I'm real excited for you guys and that new life up in Kelowna. This is going to be such a positive adventure for you all.
      My love to you and your family.
      Gary x

  26. Ah, Gary, you old fox, you, tugging away at our heart-strings with this heart-felt posting. Your garden, as ever, looks wonderful, particularly with your new "friends" in it. I know you've worked tirelessly on your garden, and it's a credit to you, my hirsute friend. And it's also a credit to your dogged determination that you always manage to see the beauty and positives in things. Stay happy, Gare!
    Very Best Wishes,

    1. Hi David,
      Old fox or sly fox, perhaps. My garden which hasn't needed watering this um 'summer' has new friends to go and play with the 'wee folks'.
      Thanks David and my dogged determination to turn my garden from a tip into something special, has been most worthwhile. A positive focus and the garden is a great place to reflect on all the goodness of the natural environment. I shall try to keep up a happy focus. Here's to your happier times.

  27. How cool is that, having fox visit your garden?! Beautiful thoughts, Gary, very beautiful.

    1. Hi Kim,
      I had a couple of friends from Wales visiting me on Sunday. I was telling them about the foxes. Then we looked out my living room window, saw the fleeting foxes. We jumped around like excited kids! :)
      Thanks for such a nice compliment.
      In peace, Gary

  28. Hi!

    I always had admiration for the foxes probably because of the many stories that talk about them. Smart. I do not know if this is true, but to live in freedom have to be smart, since humans have exterminated many animals in nature. I've never seen a fox in freedom only in zoological.


    1. Hi Sissym
      Ah sim, as histórias e as lendas que estão relacionados com a fox. A fox revelou uma notável adaptabilidade considerando que grande parte dos seus desafios desnecessários foram provocadas por homens egoístas. Sabei someday ter a oportunidade de ver essa maravilhosa criatura nos confins. Muito obrigado, meu amigo. Com votos de felicidades e saudações.

      Now in English, I hope what I wrote above, made sense :)

  29. That photo deserves a frame- it's art.
    I agree with you, nature and the Earth has restorative powers. Just staring out my daughter's big window when I was homeless helped keep things in perspective. Shots of deep space keep me well-humbled at how very little my troubles are and how much I should be grateful to have.
    Cultivate your good attitude and take tender care of yourself,

    1. Hi Laura,
      Wow, thanks for that nice response to the photo :)
      I know how much you appreciate and do your best to immerse yourself in the beauty all around, on this planet and beyond. What a positive focus you maintained when you were staying at your daughter's during such unsettling times. That's powerful.
      Thanks Laura and I shall take good care and I know you will continue to embrace the happier times that are standing in front of you.

  30. Love this picture! And you're absolutely right, nature does have a way of restoring our minds...also, sitting out on the patio with the solar lights on is pretty great too. Have a great day!

    1. Hi Eve,
      Thank you for the nice comment in regards to the photo. For sure, to appreciate nature can help soothe us. May you have a lovely weekend in BC and find comfort in the twinkling of the solar lamps.
      Kind wishes, Gary

  31. Lovely, Gary. Glad you returned to the positive path!! May the fox be with you. :))

    1. Hi Dixie,
      Thank you. May you continue along your positive pathway and be gentle with yourself. Ah yes, may the fox be with you. I think that was mentioned in the film, 'Star Wolves ' :)
      Have a peaceful day.

  32. Aw, what a nice story, Gary! And you live in such a beautiful place. I hope your heart finds peace and happiness, always.

    1. Hi Nancy,
      Thank you very much, Nancy. I continue to reach out for the positive possibilities on offer. The soothing aspects of nature, are such a magical tonic.
      And here's to you and continued writing success, my friend.
      Gary :)

  33. There is nothing more restorative than the magic of the natural world, is there? I love your vixen shot. I take many through glass, because it's the only way sometimes, isn't it? That blurriness I've decided is part of the magic.

    1. Hi Susan,
      Delightful to see you. Indeed, the wonders of the great outdoors are calming and inspiring. Sometimes taking photos through the window is about the only chance you get. The blurriness did add a magical ambience.
      Thanks, Susan.

  34. I thought the top picture of the fox was a good one. The way you described the words you described, concerning the doom and gloom, reminded of my own not long ago. Sometimes, all it takes is to get out in nature to give you a fresh perspective on life, change of heart or peace- or all of the above. But I bet you know this already. It may have already been said before in the plethora of comments put here for this post. That's one thing I don't really do much of... look at others' comments. Not that I don't believe the ideas of others don't matter- it's more like I don't wish to be persuaded at a subconscious level.

    Like movie reviews, I don't wish to have anyone else's opinions rattling around in my head but my own- That way so that I can come to my own conclusions. In any case, wonderful posting. Take care, Gary. I know you have a probably a couple dozen close friends you can turn to, to talk to, write to, but I just want you to know: I'm just an email or PM on fartbook away if you want to do so.

    As for myself, I've been feeling a lot better.

    1. Hey Kelly,
      Thanks for liking that foxy photo. I know that we both understand that sometimes we just need to distance ourselves from the negativity that can overwhelm us and rejoice in the magic of the great outdoors.
      I think it's good that you don't inadvertently get influenced by previous comments and give your own clear, concise response. The overall consensus was very much along the lines of what you articulated so well.
      I appreciate your support and interaction and your input via other resources is highly cherished. And you know you will always get my encouragement and understanding. The best part is you are feeling a lot better. That's one heck of a result and may it continue.
      In kindness and respect,

  35. i always feel better when i immerse myself in nature... the trees, the animals and birds, the flowers, the ground. it always feels welcoming of me.

    1. Hi Joanne,
      My dear friend, I have always sensed that you rejoice in the magical and enchanting balance that the wonders of nature offer us.
      May the great outdoors bring you continued warmth and comfort.
      Thank you, Joanne.
      In peace and hope, your way, Gary


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.