
Thursday 12 July 2012

Long To Rain Over Us.

Today's forecast for Britain is rain, followed by more rain, followed by heavy showers, followed by more rain, followed by yet more, somewhat heavier rain and finally easing to a  torrential downpour.  
Yes, in Britain, it's been raining a lot.  It's raining cats and dogs.  Ha, ha, watch out for the 'poodles'.  It's coming down in buckets and even hailing cabs.  It's raining men!   Hallelujah, right?  Heck, even the Queen is 'raining' over us. 

According to British weather sources, the cool , dark, dismal and wet conditions are due to the "jet stream" being too far south for this time of the year.  Not so sure about "stream"....seems more like a 'jet raging river' has overflowed these shores.  I've basically given up on what you see in the above photo.  Yes, I kept bringing in the solar lamps and put in fully charged batteries.  Only to take the fully charged solar lamps back out to my garden and have them fade to a flickering glow within a couple of days.

It seems but a distant memory that we had a clear night sky.  Oh how I miss the drop of moon falling from the leaves.

Here is a photo of a sunny July morning.  I fondly recall such days.  And yet, I know, despite this awful weather, I have much to be grateful for.  For I realise what horrendous extremes that many in our world have been experiencing.  There are many who would love to have a share of our rain.  The worldwide weather has been of great concern.  I hope all is okay with you and that your weather is bearable.  


  1. We've been having rain, but accompanied by high humidity. Trade you!

    1. Ah Alex,
      We've been having rain since they announced a "drought" back in late March. June, the wettest, coldest, dullest June ever recorded.
      We have had cold, rainy weather with high humidity. Still want to trade?

  2. In America it's a drought in most places. Mother Nature really needs to learn how to even things out.

    1. Hey PT,
      It's been quite the extremes. We do need a bit of balance. Hopefully, the parts of North America that are experiencing the heat and the drought, will soon get some welcome relief.
      Take care.

  3. I feel for you, good buddy. It's too hot here. My feet hurt. Heck, my teeth hurt. My ankles are swollen. Oh god--my stomache's so swollen I can't see my toes! Oh, right, too much ice-cream for dinner.

    I'm sorry you're wet, Gary.

    1. Hi Joylene,
      Thank you. I'm kinda' guessing that there is no ice on the lake. Of course, I'm getting reports back about the weather in BC from all my friends and family. When I talk to them on the phone, they try not to laugh.
      I'm sorry it's too hot there. Seems like you are having a 'swell' time. Ice cream? Heck, a bowl of hot soup is what I need to warm me up from this continual cold and rainy weather.
      Take care, eh! Now then, must grab the canoe and go for a trip around the garden....

  4. Never mind the jet stream, Gary, surely you must have realized from your years in England that it's Wimbledon and cricket that brings on the rain!

    1. Hi Ian,
      Of course you're absolutely correct. Time to end Wimbledon and cricket!
      Enjoy your weekend on Vancouver Island.

  5. We had the most awful rain last night Gary, here on the sough coast in Bournemouth. Where oh where is summer? As you say we have much to be thankful for weatherwise , but surely one day on the beach isn't too much to ask for? Not only could it be Wimbledon and Cricket there is the small matter of the Olympic Games.
    Have a good day.

    1. Hi Yvonne,
      The rain seems to have been relentless since they first announced we were in "drought" conditions and issued those hosepipe bans, which, not surprisingly,have now been lifted.
      We are mostly okay compared to what some are enduring with the heat waves. However, a day on the beach and a bit of sunshine seems such a long time ago. I have heard this could well be the wettest summer Olympic games, ever. We can only hope that's wrong.
      Here's to you having a good weekend and a day on the beach.
      Gary :)

  6. I agree with everything you say in this post!!!! And also, about being grateful (I suppose - she said grudgingly) for our weather. It actually IS better than the weather conditions other people get.

    1. Hi Jenny,
      Thanks and through somewhat gritted teeth, I do know we have to be grateful. I think constant rain is a bit more bearable than the excessive heat in parts of North America and eastern Europe etc.
      Here's to a better weekend for you :)

  7. Yes, you are right, it could be much worse, but it would be nice to see the sun for a while and not just get tantalising glimpses through the dark clouds every so often - but then, we certainly do appreciate it when we get it :-) x

    1. Hi Teresa,
      For sure, it could be even worse. Those teasing moments when the mysterious glowing orb in the sky, peeks out from the clouds, is cause for uncontrollable celebration :)
      Gary x

  8. OH DEAR! You are literally weathering the storm! Your photos did not download on my ridiculous mobile device, so I am left to imagine what you posted. A photo of dear Fidelina with an umbrella in a saturated garden patch, a photo of Penny's muddy, but double paw prints re your newly swept floor, or perhaps one of your good self holding a hair dryer? I will stop doing rain dances and shake things up with some solar worship. "SUN! PLEASE SHINE IN BONNIE LEEK!"

    1. Hi THE SNEE,
      I really appreciate you going to such effort to leave a comment. Your visions of what photos I put up would have been ideal. Unfortunately, the weather has been so bad that I've been unable to get to the garden to see Fidelina. Penny takes one look outside and rushes back into the house. Barely time to get her paws muddy.
      I do so hope your solar worship works some wonders for Leek and all of this extremely green and still quite pleasant land :)
      Thanks Rebecca and enjoy your weekend.

  9. Hi again Gary,

    I am battling my mobile and can't properly type. what I meant to say above was, Penny's muddy, but adorable paws on your newly swept floors. May I also suggest a sun hat. Mother Nature might get confused by your actions and send the rain clouds where they are actually needed! Stay dry Gary, rainbows are the net step to the sun. Hmmm? Did I read that on a fortune cookie?

    1. Hi again, Rebecca,
      Aha, a sun hat. What a great idea to confuse Mother Nature. Perhaps the weather would realise enough is enough of the rain in one spot and start sending to the places in the world that really need it.
      I remember seeing a rainbow. I think I was talking to Dorothy at the time and her annoying dog, Toto. And amazing what you can read in a fortune cookie :)
      Thanks for this second comment, Rebecca.
      Balanced weather wishes, your way, Gary

  10. Hi Gary,
    The weather is affecting us all, in different ways, but we as humans are able to `cope` with this a little better than our furry and feathered(and not so furry and feathered) friends. The wildlife is having an awful time, thousands of young wading birds have been drowned before they can fly, insects such as butterflies are being killed by the heavy rain before they get a chance to breed, it`s all looking pretty grim for the future, or am I being melodramatic? I hope so, but fear not.
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

    1. Hi John,
      I was so hoping you would possibly comment and mention the adverse affects this bizarre weather is having on our vulnerable wildlife. Your valued expertise gives the added dimension on the plight many on the animals are suffering.
      And like I mention, we have much to be grateful for. We indeed find ways to cope. We wish that a more harmonious balance soon returns for all living creatures.
      Thanks for your thoughtful comment, John.
      May you have a peaceful weekend.

  11. It's really warm here with outbreaks of rain! I just hope August will be a bit more settled. Please let us have one month of summer, ye gods of jetstreaming weather! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,
      When you say "really warm", that would be really warm compared to the highs of about fifteen C we have been having. We can only hope that we have at least an hour or maybe two of summer. Now then, jet stream, go back north where you belong :)
      Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  12. Oh Gary pleaseeeeeeeee send some clouds my way pleaseeeeeee. We are melting here in Eastern Europe, the plants are dying and we expect 41 degrees this week end...
    I send some sunshine to your beautiful garden to brighten your nostalgia :). Kisses.

    1. Hi unikorna,
      I would be totally delighted to send some clouds your way. The heat you have been having in Eastern Europe is just way too much. Just a bit of balance, some bearable temperatures and some much needed rain, is something I so wish for you.
      Thanks for the sunny wishes for my garden. It would be nice to move on from nostalgia and actually see the flowers blooming:)
      Kisses of rain, your way, Gary

  13. One day of gloom and raining skies is so cozy! Turn the lights on! Feel the contentment!

    Two days of gloom and rain falling from the skies and I'm thrown into a full blown, clinical depression!

    1. Hi lotta joy,
      Ah yes, the sound of rain on the roof can make you feel cosy. A gentle ambience to be had.
      After nearly four months of constant rain, me thinks a lot of folks are getting very down. The British can usually have a bit of a laugh about the weather. The laughter has all but stopped.
      Hope you have a nice weekend.
      Gary :)

  14. Today we had thunder and lightning and two handfulls of rain thrown down hard on us. This is the first rain in over two weeks. You're soggy and we're crispy. Life just isn't fair.

    1. Hi Delores,
      Yes, exactly and that's what I was alluding to in this posting. The weird extremes we are having around the world are causing havoc. It has rained constantly here since the end of March. Love to see you get a bit more rain and us a bit more sun. That seems fair.
      Enjoy your weekend and here's to a bit more rain for you.
      Gary :)

  15. Hi, Gary;
    i'd sing too if there was raining over here. It doesn't look that awful from the inside, especially if there's a glass of tea near by.

    1. Hi Aliza,
      Ah yes, long to um rain over us and with my next cup of British coffee (wish me luck), I shall stay indoors and marvel at the rainy British 'summer'.
      Have a good weekend.
      Gary :)

    2. Gary, hope they had good coffee crop in Britain this year. Have a good weekend too.

    3. Hi Aliza,
      Very kind of you to make another comment. Growing coffee in Britain would be quite something. I shall head for the British 'mountains' and set up a coffee plantation :)
      Thank you for the good weekend wishes.

  16. I agree with you Gary, there are still places in the world that are much worse off. Although at times we British think it is raining every day, it probably isn't. We still do get some breaks in the weather even for just a few hours so we should try to enjoy those few moments when the sun does come out. At least when the rain falls I do more writing! Have to stay positive don't we and of course stay safe. Take care and hope the sun comes out specially for you this weekend. Di x

    1. Hi Diane,
      I keep thinking about the fact we are not suffering through extreme heat like so many places are. It seems like it's raining almost all the time in 'Leak', I mean. Leek. I went outside and tried to stay under this tiny break in the cloud :)
      Seriously, enjoy those moments of um, sunshine and yes, the rain gives you an opportunity to do more writing. A good, positive outlook, Diane. And I reckon you will have finished ten lengthy novels by the end of the summer! :)
      Thanks for the sunny wishes. Hope you get some sun by Sunday.
      Gary x

  17. I like all weather and chose to find some way to enjoy myself in spite of it. Of course there is that pesky jet stream... and I wonder who's behind the curtain?(shh)

    Oh and congratulations on your recent blog award! I enjoyed the items to shared about yourself. ~dixie

    1. Hi Dixie,
      I like all types of weather and like you, try to make the most of it. I'm having an awesome time paddling my canoe in my garden :)
      Speaking of curtains, no doubt, with all this rain, it's a 'shower' curtain.
      Thanks for the congrats on my latest award that will go into my bulging trophy cabinet. You weren't in a remote British Columbia forest, by any chance? :)
      Have a good one.

  18. Ah yes, I remember it well! I think we had summer in Spring, so autumn is in summer, so I guess we've got winter next...
    Super photos. Keep warm and dry.

    1. Hi Madeleine,
      I've suddenly got a song going through my head. Ah yes, I remember it well..Actually, British summer is the slightly warmer part of the British winter.
      Thanks for liking the photos. Hope you manage to keep warm and dry :)

  19. Stay safe bro... I would kill for some rain over here in the USA

    1. Hi Jeff,
      Thanks and I shall do my best. Don't do anything drastic. We would love to send you some of our rain.
      Take care,

  20. Still drenched, eh? We've been parched here, cracking earth and desert-dwelling weeds are about all you see. The leaves on trees and bushes have been hanging in withered form. Pretty serious, and the opposite of what you've been having. Extremes are just no good, though, no matter which end. Hopefully Mother Nature will calm down a bit very soon and offer us all some more tempered weather!
    Keep dry (and those solars charged!)

    1. Hi Kim,
      Actually, on Sunday we had a bit of a break in the clouds and I 'swam' in my garden :)
      The awful extremes being endured around the world are cause for great concern. For the plants, the trees and the wildlife. At least, to some degree, most of us humans can cope. I do so hope you get some much needed rain. If only things would balance out.
      A hint of sun and I put back out some fully charged solar lamps into my garden. Be interesting to see how long the glow lasts this time.
      I wish for you a bearable and peaceful weekend :)

  21. Our rivers and streams are low but nothing near what's on in the Midwest. The heat/humidity cycle doesn't end. We're going into the second heatwave of the Summer and it's just mid-July. Whether wet or dry, the food crops will suffer. As the first crops go to big petro companies our food prices will rise. Joy.
    Hang in there, Gary. Winter is coming...

    1. Hi Laura,
      You have been having some terrible extremes over there, in many parts of North America. I hope your latest heatwave doesn't last too long. A nice balance of rain and milder temperatures would be so much better. Yes, crops are suffering. Over here, prices have risen on potatoes due to the low production. The chip shops will have to raise their prices.
      Winter, that will be good. Might get some decent weather and warmer temperatures :)
      Hope you're having a bearable and positive weekend.

  22. Dear Gary,
    Ah yes, the rain. Fortunately, today has not be too bad in lil' old Stoke-on-Trent, with sunnny periods in between the, yes, rain. Oh well, maybe we'll get to have a summer next year!
    Very Best Wishes, your way,

    1. Dear David,
      In 'Leak', I mean, Leek, we had a similar sort of day as you on Sunday. Summer will still happen, it might not happen until October this year, but it will happen.
      Oh and thanks, your birthday card for shy and humble me, arrived on Tuesday.
      Take care and get the suntan lotion ready, I state somewhat optimistically.

  23. It rained here on Friday. I think it was the first rain in two months. We are so thankful for it. The crops are struggling here.

    I'm thinking you guys are getting all of your rain out of the way for the Olympics???

    May sunny skies be coming your way. :)

    1. Hi Sharon,
      I can imagine how relieved you folks were with a bit of much needed precipitation. Your crops are struggling due to not enough rain. Our crops are struggling due to too much rain. Oh my.
      Thanks for the sunny skies wishes. May you have some more rain :)

  24. I'm with Alex, I'll trade you, too. We had a record 106 as you might recall me sharing, but the forecast for the near future is still in the 90s. Gratefully, my Best and I leave for our celebration of her 50th birthday cruise to Alaska in two weeks. Cooler weather is in store. Patience is NOT one of the virtues God has finished teaching me yet!
    Tina @ Life is Good
    Post A-Z Road trip!

  25. Hi Tina,
    Okay, if you want cold, rainy, high humidity weather for four straight months, a trade would be great. Seriously, this article was about seeing some balance all around the world. There has been some vast extremes. You crave for some much needed rain. We desire some much needed sunshine.
    Wishing you enjoyable, cooler times in Alaska.
    And patience is something you teach yourself.
    Take care Tina and thanks for dropping by :)
    In kindness, Gary

  26. My dude, we just had an awesome thunderstorm in Bensalem, PA, where I live... it was awesome for its ferocity, but also awesome for how much we needed rain. Either way, it was a cool way to enjoy the season premiere of Breaking Bad! Thankfully the power didn't go out.

    You should consider joining up with us at Dude Write. Click my profile to reach the site, but it is basically a weekly get-together for male bloggers (since we are a minority in the blogging world).

    Whether I see you over there or not, I am glad I found your blog!

    1. Hi Youngman Brown,
      Dude, thanks for dropping in and it seems you weathered the storm :) Good to know your power never went out. And very good to know you guys got some much needed rain.
      I've linked into your site and I shall endeavour to check y'all out. You know us dudes, always multi-tasking!
      I had no idea dudes were a minority in the blogging world. Of course, I'm blessed with many lovely ladies who interact with me.
      Thanks for finding my blog. Let the good times roll and may you get some more rain.

  27. Mother Nature is a fickle woman. We're having our winter down under, and in the whole time since it began, we haven't had as much rain as you've had lately.

    1. Hi River,
      Of course, you folks are having your winter in the southern hemisphere. It seems that we are getting the wrong weather in the wrong hemisphere. Well, if you look at a weather map of Britain, that is. Crazy weather.
      Take good care,
      Gary :)

  28. I was looking at the weather map of the USA in today's paper. It is all orange, with yellow and green up in Canada. That means it is stinkin' hot here, and a bit cooler in Canada.

    Parts of the US are getting rain, and they don't need or want it. The rest is in drought-conditions.

    Send your rain by post!

    1. Hi Susan,
      Ah yes, many parts of the continental USA are having awfully hot weather. I know the Midwest is suffering really badly. I have noted that my friends in British Columbia are finally getting a semblance of summer.
      I shall post you an abundance of rain clouds :)
      I hope you get some much needed rain, very soon.

  29. It seems like there's either too much rain or too much sun in given regions. Hope the weather clears up soon in Britain!

    1. Hi The Golden Eagle,
      The weather extremes are unbelievable. I know how much some places crave some rain. And in Britain, we crave some sunshine. Even a few minutes of sunshine! :)

  30. I hope you have some sunny days ahead. It would be so nice if the weather could be a little more evenly distributed.

    I've passed an award on to you. You can stop by my blog to claim it.

    1. Hi Danielle,
      Sunny days ahead would be very nice. And yes, a bit of balance in the world's weather would be most welcome.
      Thanks for bestowing an award upon me. I shall be duly over to your site :) Thanks again.

  31. The poodles.

    :-) I can't get over the poodles...


    1. Hi Pearl,
      I try not to step on the 'poodles'. Man can they yelp! And they yelp in a French bark! :)
      Thanks Pearl.
      Gary :)

  32. Like I said on Facebook, last night, it finally rained here for more than 3 minutes. We've had record breaking high temps that have scorched the earth, cracked the ground and deadened the grass all summer long. There's been wacky weather all over the world. I'm hoping for some turn to normalcy but I'd also like to remain realistic enough to be prepared for worse weather. I've got the feeling it will get worse but I hope and pray for it to get better. That's my take on it.

    I know that the UK has had record breaking rainy weather over there. I feel sorry for you guys. Too bad we can't have a bit of a trade off. Oh well... at least it rained here, finally, for more than three minutes. I think I just saw a blade of grass. Better get the binoculars out, to be sure. :)

    And speaking of takes... Take care, dude.

    1. Hi Kelly,
      I know how horrible it's been for a lot of you, for complete opposite reasons to us. And indeed, the underlying theme to my posting echoes your alluding to some normalcy in the weather. Such extremes and the toll it's taking on our crops, our wildlife and us, is most worrying.
      I'm hoping you get some cooler, rainy weather and that we get more than a couple of days of sunshine this summer.
      Take a photo of that blade of grass! :)
      All the best, dude.


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.