
Wednesday 4 November 2015


I get a number of junk phone calls.  Often, I look at the number displayed and ignore the call if I don't recognise the number.  If no number is displayed, I definitely wont answer.  I subscribe to a telephone preference service which, in theory, blocks out nuisance calls.  That makes no difference to the scammers.

However, on Monday morning, the phone rang and I couldn't resist answering.  The noisy chatter in the background is often a hell of a hint that you're getting another junk call.

"Um.....hello...", I responded.  "Mr. Husband?", came the reply.  "That's not my name.  My husband days are over.", I continued.  "Mr. Husband, this is Greg from 'Windows'.  "Really, Greg?  Greg, my windows are just fine, thank you!", was my next response.  "No, no!  Your 'Windows' system on your computer is having serious problems and we can fix them for you."  "How do you know I have a computer?  Which computer?"  "Believe me, your computer will blow up within 24 hours if you don't let us access it right now!" 'Greg' responded, rather impatiently.

"Okay, 'Greg', I'm switching on my Etch A Sketch, Version 10.1.  Doh, 'Greg', the Etch A Sketch is upgrading!  And 'Greg', you should be ashamed of yourself trying this scam!  This scam has conned vulnerable people out of money fixing a problem that doesn't exist.  And 'Greg', Greg is not your real name!  I know you people use fake names."  *Click* followed by a ring tone as good old 'Greg' hung up on me.

You might be well aware of this particular scam and a few other devious cons going on.  They are a disgrace and this is a warning.

What one should really do is in the list below.
  • Do not allow remote access to your computer.
  • Hang up the phone when you identify that the call is uninvited.
  • Never divulge passwords or pin numbers.
  • Microsoft or someone on their behalf will never call you.
To end this post, here's a poem for the scam artists.  Apologies to Dr. Seuss.



  1. Yep, I've had a few of those calls. My usual response goes along the lines of "Reeeeally? That's odd because we only use Macs in this house, dumbass!" One of these days, when I have time to burn, I'm tempted to string them along pretending to follow their instructions and reading out a load of invented "error messages" that are preventing me from giving them access...

    1. Hi Ian,

      Delighted to see you, good sir. Excellent response and I once went through a good part of their procedure and as soon as I said my Apple computer was getting confused, they hung up. When you've got that added time, I almost pity the scammer.

      Have a good Sunday, Ian.


  2. We've gotten those calls, my husbands lectured them, I've screamed, literally, screamed until my throat was hoarse. Surprised myself with that one. The calls stopped for awhile, but just today we got another one. Then I saw on the news that a family had sent them money to help. And another old lady got taken for $5000 because someone convinced her she won a Mercedes and she needed to send them money to get the car. I can't believe people fall for this stuff, but they do, it's why they keep doing it. Daily I receive at least 10 emails telling me I've won millions in the lottery or that lottery, or that someone just wants to give me millions. Unbelievable! My suggestion, get a police whistle and keep it by the phone, they'll stop eventually or have to use pat of the money they've scammed to buy hearing aids! :)
    Lots of hugs and puppy kisses for Penny!

    1. Hi Yolanda.

      Wow and you two get your fair share of those junk calls. They can totally infuriate, that's for sure. Sadly, enough people fall for their crap that they can keep their scams going. A police whistle sounds like a great plan and in my case, a great way to piss off my neighbours at the same time :)

      Hugs, love and a bonus doggy kiss from Penny to you, Yolanda! x

      Gary :)

  3. Etch-A-Sketch - awesome! Very clever, Gary. No, never give any of those scam artists a chance.
    And happy to be commenting her again.

    1. Hi Alex,

      Thank you and your upgraded Etch-A-Sketch should be working most excellent once you send me the money to sort it out. Yep, never give them any chance to scam you.

      Glad to have my comments switched on and to see a comment from you. Or maybe it's one of your clones. Yikes!

      Have an awesome Sunday, good sir.


  4. I do not like them, Scam-I-Am. I don't answer the phone unless I know who's calling. The problem is that spambot can take over phone numbers so it appears that someone we know is calling. One day my phone rang. It said I was calling myself. I couldn't resist answering. I wasn't there. What a disappointment because I'd love to chat with me.


    1. Hi Janie,

      Exactly! They are getting more devious. The other day, a local number was displayed and yet the dude, um "Greg", was most likely calling from a call centre in Calcutta.

      You have just received the award for today's most surreal comment, Janie! :) With that, I'm now going to mumble to myself in a darkened room.

      Have a surreal Sunday, Janie.

      Gary :)

  5. Hahaha! I love the Etch-A-Sketch and Dr. Seuss additions. On a more serious note, we've gotten some calls here with that type of nonsense. I just hang up. But this is a serious problem because there are innocent and vulnerable people out there that get scammed.

    1. Hi Martha,

      Yes, a bit of ironic humour with a serious message. Thankfully, you are not fooled by these idiots. If only more people realised that these scams are nothing but devious ways of robbing the most vulnerable out there.

      Thank you for that, Martha.

      Have a good Sunday, eh.

      Gary :)

  6. We get those calls too. And they hang up on me when I ask them to put their concerns in writing.

    1. Hi Sue,

      Nice one and could you put that in writing. Actually, I suppose you already have :)

      Enjoy the remainder of your Sunday.

      Gary :)

  7. I love when they call you and then tell you to hold.

    1. Hi Pat,

      Please hold while I think of a reply to your comment....

      Gary :)

  8. I hope everyone copies your final list Gary and shares it! Well done!

    1. Hi Rose,

      Awe and thanks for that. I appreciate your comment and let's hope more folks do not fall prey to these scam artists.


      Gary :)

  9. I seldom answer the phone because they are usually scammers or politicians (Same thing).

    1. Hi Arleen,

      I don't blame you. I had a phone call the other day and it sounded very much like the alleged Prime Minister of the UK aka David Cameron.

      Have a great Sunday.


  10. I tell them them thanks for letting me know but I'll take the computer to the repair shop right away, then hang up.

    1. Hi Eileen,

      Nice one! Knowing my luck I'd actually take my computer to a repair shop and be greeted by the same person I was talking to on the phone...

      Have a good Sunday, Eileen.

      Gary :)

  11. Wise advice, some horrible scams out there and some sound so plausible. I don't like those automated ones, sometimes get several quite close together - annoying to say the least! Great poem, Gary.

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Thank you. There are so many scams going around and yes, they could seem convincing to those not aware of such stuff. Those automated calls do my head in. Thank you for liking the poem, Suzanne.

      Have a nice Sunday during this very mild weather.

      Gary :)

  12. Hi Gary - I'm very wary of answering the phone - and just don't do it - unless it's someone I know. Even applies for hospital calls and the doctor - they have to leave a message .. and then I get back to them. A nuisance but that's the way life is. When I give out my number I remind them they'll probably need to leave a message as I don't answer calls I don't recognise ...

    Love the poem .. and some things can be so irritating ...cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      I know what you mean and it's a sad state of affairs that we have to be wary of answering the phone these days. I also have a number of calls that go to answerphone. The one bummer about that is that some of my friends have ex directory numbers which means I wont answer the phone to them. Yes, answerphone time for them also. Good added advice, Hilary. Thank you.

      Glad you loved my attempt at some form of poetry.

      Have a pleasant Sunday, Hilary.


  13. HAHA! You have made an entertaining post out of something that most people just grouch about, thank you! :D I know someone who was conned out of thousands of pounds by people who said she needed to transfer money from her bank account to make it safe.I don't know if this is part of that same computer scam.

    1. Hi Jenny,

      Thanks and I know this is a serious issue with a bit of light-hearted, get them back, type of angle to it. That's awful about that person you knew. What a costly lesson and a warning to never give out your bank details.

      Have a nice Sunday, Jenny.

      Gary :)

  14. I've only seen these scams via email. I'm shocked by how many people are getting these calls judging solely by the comments. It's sad that people fall for these calls enough for them to keep making these calls. Well, Mr. Husband, I'm glad you saw through their ruse...but seriously, there's a virus on your etch-a-sketch, and if you forward me just $200 in bitcoins, I will gladly clear it up for you.

    1. Hi Pickleope Von Pickleope,

      Yes, the email scams with the virus links one should stay well away from and promptly delete. It's an epidemic of these scam calls. A lot of people are becoming aware. Sadly, a lot of people still get caught out because they can seem so convincing because they have stolen data which makes them sound legit to the vulnerable.

      I'm sending you the money right now. Please click on my comment and it will be forwarded to you. Thanks for that, an Etch-a-Sketch that now makes a great cup of coffee....

      Gary :)

  15. I answered once and just let the cat meow into the phone lol as soon as a scam number calls me I check on the internet to be sure it is one and then attached "idiot is calling" as a ringtone.

    1. Hi Pat in the Hatt,

      Nicely done. You and the cat had some fun. Searching on the internet for the number that calls can make for some interesting reading.

      Have a nice Sunday, yes you and the pesky cat!

      Gary :)

  16. I never answer my landline...and in fact it's not even hooked up. I will still get the phone number of incoming calls pop up on my cable TV but since no one we know has the home number (and I don't even know what it is), I assume they are scams. I used to get scam calls at my office in San Francisco. They would launch into their spiel and I would interrupt with, 'Just cut to the chase, how much is this gonna cost me?' They'd hang up. haha

    1. Hi JoJo,

      In my case, when my landline rings, I wonder what that strange sound is. Sometimes, well almost, it's nice to actually talk to somebody. Glad to see you've got it pretty well sorted out, JoJo. Scam calls and ask them how much it will cost. Then you get the clicking noise!

      Have a good Sunday.

      Gary :)

  17. What's sad is ho0w many people fall for this. I'm so glad we got rid of our landline and I only answer my cell if I know the caller.

    1. Hi Diane,

      It really is distressing to know that a number of people do fall for these horrible scams. Such is their devious ways, they can actually come through as a recognised number these days. Hopefully, they cannot do that via your cell phone or mobile phone as I would call it.

      Have a nice Sunday, Diane.


  18. Good advice, Gary! Love that Etch-a-Sketch computer too, LOL!

    1. Hi Debra,

      Thanks. Etch-a-Sketch computers are cutting edge technology in Canada, eh! :)

      Have a good Sunday, Debra.

      Gary :)

  19. Etch a sketch. LOL

    I hate scammers. I'm like you. I won't answer the phone either, but sometimes they slip through.

    IWSG #115 until Alex culls the list again

    1. Hi Melissa,

      One moment, please. My Etch a Sketch is upgrading..................................

      Yes, sometimes I let the scammers slips through when I'm in the mood to take the piss.

      IWSG aka "I Was Seeking Gary." Sheesh and who is this Alex? LOL

      All the best, Melissa.

      Gary :)

  20. So, sending money to that Nigerian prince is legit?
    Thank goodness.
    He was so nice.

    1. Hi Al,

      Yes, it's totally legit. You are now a filthy rich dude. Congrats Uncle Al!

      Gary :)

  21. My husband pretends his our newly acquired butler and repeats everything the fellow says just in case the fellow forgot what it was he was saying.

    "You have a serious problem with your windows computer, sir."
    Husband, "You have a serious problem with your window's computer, sir."
    "No, sir YOU have a serious problem with your window's computer, sir, and we can fix the problem for you, sir."
    Husband, "You have a serious problem with your window's computer, sir, and we can fix the problem for you, sir."
    "No sir, it's YOUR window's computer that has a serious problem, sir."

    This goes on for awhile until finally the poor fellow hangs up muttering something I can't say to you in case Penny's listening.

    I told my husband we should probably adopt the poor fellow because he lives in India and he's probably unhappy with his job, his mother-in-law, the noise, pollution. Husband didn't think adopting him was the answer. Or should I send money? No, that's the Nigerian prince I'm suppose to send money to.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Your husband is on to something. Your husband is on to something. I'm liking it, a lot. I know we should just hang up, but hey, what the heck, sometimes we need to take them for a ride along confusion lane.

      Speaking of the poor fellow, yes, in my case, the chap had an Indian accent as yes, of course he name really was "Greg", or not.

      I should inform you that I'm now rich beyond my wildest dreams thanks to a Nigerian princess!

      Take care, eh. Take care, eh.

      Gary, Gary.....

  22. Seems like we get one of those scam computer calls twice a week (or more). I like Joylene's solution above. I think I'll try that next time...

    1. Hi Robin,

      They can be quite the aggravation. Usually they call at the most inconvenient of times like any time! Yes, try Joylene's solution and have a bit of fun.

      Have a very nice Sunday, Robin.

      Gary :)

  23. I don't like them either.

    1. Hi Delores,

      They are exactly our friends. Thank you, Delores and enjoy your Sunday.

      Gary :)

  24. Yeah, gotta be careful who you let have access to your computer. The Windows 10 update is giving a lot of scammers an opening. Like they need an excuse to scam somebody. I think my etch a sketch needs an upgrae too :)

    1. Hi Donna,

      You can never be too careful with your computer. Ah, the scammers want to try their devious scams on Windows 10 updates. No surprise there. If you let me remote access your etch a sketch, I can upgrade it for a nominal fee :)

      Take care, Donna.

      Gary :)

  25. Love that I Am Scam poem! I don't get any scam calls, lucky me and I sure as heck wouldn't be allowing any remote access to my computer.

    1. Hi River,

      Glad you liked the poem :) I seem to be getting more scam calls since my internet service "unprovider", Talk Talk got hacked into and jeopardised my data and the data of four million people in the UK. Most pleased you wont be allowing any remote access to your computer and that you don't get those dreaded scam calls.

      Enjoy the remainder of your weekend, River.

      Gary :)

  26. It's rare that I pick up for strange or blocked numbers. I'm also known to hang up. I'm definitely not giving info or opening email attachments or anything like that.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      That's the way to do it. Some good, cautious advice by you. Thanks for that.

      A peaceful Sunday to you.

      Gary :)

  27. Good for you Gary. Glad you out talked the scammer. they are insidious and invidious beings with no soul. Dr Seuss would be proud, too.

    1. Hi Madeleine,

      How lovely to see you :) Thanks and I just couldn't resist given the scammer the runaround. Serves them right, those nasty people. Dr. Seuss is on the loose.....

      Have a very nice Sunday, Madeleine.

      Gary :)

    2. My mother used to do the same. :O) Thank you Gary. I hope you did too.

    3. Hi Madeleine,

      Thank you for the follow up comment. Your mother was quite the character :) Sunday was a day of hanging onto my hat and preventing the dog from flying away. Quite the breeze! :)


  28. I do not like them here or there.
    I do not like them anywhere!

    I did, however, enjoy your post and good on you for sorting out ‘Greg’

    1. Hi Barbara,

      "Would you like them
      in a house?
      Would you like them
      with a mouse?"

      Thank you and "Greg" may have changed his name again.

      Have a lovely Sunday, Barbara.

      Gary :)

    2. I would not like them anywhere!

    3. Hi human, Barbara,

      I quite like a mouse, but that's another tail, um, tale :)

      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

      Penny xx

  29. "My husband days are over." LOL! I love the poem.

    Personally, I'm sick of spam emails. It used to be that you could block senders I have to see the Viagra subject line in my spam filter.

    1. Hi Riot Kitty,

      Um, "Mr. Husband" is well pleased you like the poem :)

      Ah yes, spam emails and Viagra. The Viagra one really sticks out....

      Thank you and have a good Sunday.

      Gary :)

  30. Glad you gave it to "Greg." I hate that they're often able to victimize the elderly with these scams.

    1. Hi Shannon,

      "Greg" or "John" or "Mary" are often people with very strong accents from the sub-continent. They have evidently been told to use "western" names to make us feel more comfortable with their call. It's all very sad. I'm livid over how they manage to victimise the elderly and the gullible.

      Thank you, Shannon.

      Gary :)

  31. I have Caller ID, Darling. This HELPS greatly.

    Love from you & Penny. xxxxx

    1. Hi Kim,

      I also have caller ID. Let me tell you their latest scam, they will use a number that you recognise, only to discover it's not who you thought it was. I mentioned in the post I have caller ID.

      Take care of yourself and Mr. Liverpool! :) xx


  32. talk about scams - lol - someone left a message on my phone- important call this number right away, the IRS has filed a claim to sue you...the IRS doesn't call anyone they send a notice by certified mail. So, I just hit delete. I checked the internet and sure enough there is a big scam going around.

    I have heard about the Microsoft one but, Microsoft doesn't call anyone either they are just trying to get access to your computer.

    Be careful my about those Moody Blues...walk in peace and calm...

    1. Hi Truedessa,

      It just goes to show how devious those evil people are. Thank goodness you were aware of that scam.

      Indeed, as mentioned in my post, Microsoft would never call anybody and they sure make that clear. So sad that vulnerable people are falling for the scam from folks claiming to be from Microsoft. Thanks for highlighting this, my kind friend.

      "I'm just a singer in a rock and roll band...." as the Moody Blues sang. In peace and calm, your way,

      Gary :)

    2. ok, now you have stuck another song in my head

      Music is the traveler crossing our world
      Meeting so many people bridging the seas

    3. sing along time Gary...where is Blue he should join us...

    4. Thanks for the follow up comment, Truedessa. I was just about to work my way over to your site when your latest comment showed up :) Now I shall have to visit your site later on. It's gone three in the morning in this here time zone....

      More Moody Blues musings, my friend. Songs that end up circling around in our minds, our hearts, the very fibre of our souls, perchance.

      "Lovely to see you again my friend.
      Walk along with me to the next bend."

      Where is Blue, this be true.


    5. Hi Gary,

      Just dropping in with a warm hello...How are you these days?

    6. Hi Truedessa,

      How very thoughtful of you to drop by. Thank you for that. I'm in a very sombre mood as I've been deeply impacted by the horror that's been impacting the true essence of humanity.

      Be well, my lovely friend.

      In peace and hope,


  33. I just tell them I don't have a computer. But it is scary how many vulnerable people are easily taken in.

    The scam I warn people of is where your 'bank' call and alleviate your worries by inviting you to hang up and phone them back. The people on the other end DON'T hang up, so you get back to them (probably with a different person/voice, so you think you're safe). Always use a different phone and use the number on your card/bank statement!

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      Me too, I told them in another conversation that I didn't have a computer and the guy screamed at me and called me a liar! Charming! Indeed and this post is hopefully a post of caution because there are the vulnerable who get are conned by what seems a convincing phone call.

      A very good point you make and thanks for adding that.

      Enjoy your Sunday, Annalisa.

      Gary :)

  34. We used to get these calls 2-3 times a day until one day while my wife was listening to the chap talking I took the phone from her and I pretended to be from Microsoft intercepting the phone call. They stopped phoning us after that for a long long time.

    What they do if lock your computer if you give them access and then you have to pay several hundred pounds to unlock it again.

    If you say you use Linux they also go away.

    It is sad that people con the vulnerable of society like this, there are some very nasty folk out there.

    1. Hi Rob,

      I stopped getting those phone calls for quite some time also. I like the ploy you used.

      Sadly, a number of vulnerable people are falling for that scam and having their computer taken over.

      I told one guy that I was using an Apple computer about ten minutes into me pretending to be going through the procedure with him.

      Those scam merchants are most certainly nasty folk.



  35. It's sad really, how many people still fall for scam phone calls because they scare people so badly. These people need to be caught and jailed!

    1. Hi Elsie,

      Indeed, those scam phone calls can seem most convincing to the unaware and the vulnerable. They should raid these call centres and jail the lot of them!

      Thank you, Elsie.


  36. I never answer the phone if I don't know the number either. We are on a Do Not Call list, though, so it keeps much of the scammers away. Have a wonderful week! :)

    1. Hi Christine,

      I generally don't answer the phone when the number displayed is one I don't recognise. Sometimes, I just can't resist getting my own back at these awful scammers. Are equivalent telephone preference service does not stop them. They randomly call numbers. A lovely week to you, my friend.

      Gary :)

  37. Oh yes, I've had a few of those calls even being signed up to the Telephone Preference Service, but I guess a scammer will do what they have to do in order to get the dosh on board. I also guess it's an age thing because if you are of a certain generation, you know not to give your password, pin etc up but once again scammers are up to date as to know how to get you to divulge. Nice to be here again, and what are you doing for Christmas? ie: phonelines open like in the past..... Good man.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      Very nice to see you, my friend.

      Telephone preference service is almost a waste of time, it seems. The scammers do seems to have more success with folks of a certain age. Of course they are also stealing data that can make them seem convincing when they call. I know, of course, to never divulge any personal info.

      I might just stay online again all of Christmas Day. Focus on those who might need some interaction on what can be such a lonely day.

      Cheers, my friend and once again, nice to see you.


  38. Dr. Seuss would be so proud. Well said, Gary!! I have caller ID so can see who is calling, but I hate how they scam people who fall for it. My poor mom was so taken by one smooth-talking caller that she gave out her personal ID. She had to cancel her credit cards and stop a transaction at her bank. We still worry about Social security fraud. It just burns me that people get away with stuff like this!

    1. Hi Sharon,

      Thank you and Dr. Seuss, footloose, in a caboose with Mother Goose :) Even called ID can get manipulated by these nasty scammers. That was horrible what happened to your mother. Evil, evil people and this should be publicised more by the media and our governments.

      Thank you, Sharon.


  39. Junk phone calls make me mad. I always get right to the point, "No thanks and stop calling this number!" I usually don't answer numbers with strange area codes but if one pops up with my area code, I wonder who it is and it's always someone doing a scam or trying to sell me something I don't need. Grr!

    1. Hi Chrys,

      I have gotten straight to the point, just like you do. So much so that they phoned me even more! To think that technology is such that your caller display can indicate a local number and yet it's a call from a scam artist in India,etc. Grr! Indeed!

      Thank you, Chrys.


  40. You tell 'em Gary! They piss me right off. I keep a vintage horn next to the phone and honk it down the line sometimes. Cheers me up. *laughs* x

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Yep, I tell em or I pass over the phone to the dog who whines a bit and then licks the phone! A vintage horn, great idea! I might just get a vintage horn from a Ford Model T *awooogah!*

      Happy *laughs*, Michelle :) x


  41. Hey Sir Gazza of the Clan McYouNoScamMe,

    Good on you for wasting a few minutes of Greg's time, cos he does it for eight hours a day :)

    Thanks for stopping by and your dry humor never fails to bring a smile to my face:)

    Take care and stay witty, my friend :)

    1. Aha and it's one and only Sir Mazza!

      Yep, good old "Greg" who seemed to think it was okay to try and con me. Hard to believe that anybody would do that.

      Moi? Dry humor, um, sorry, proper English spell check, make that, "humour"! :) You have such a smiley face, Mark. I could see your mug on a mug.

      Peace out, dude and thanks for visiting :) A nice weekend to you, Scooby-Doo...

      Gary :)

  42. Hey me again:)

    I'm not sure if you'd see this, so here's my response to your comments on my blog:

    "@Sir Gazza: You crack me up. (I did, however, order you 3 executive business cards declaring you the International President of "Koopies Groupies" :) "

    Couldn't resist it!! Koopies Groupies... too darn funny!!


    1. Hello, "me again:)",

      I did indeed see your response, my illustrious friend. I'm the number one "Koopie Groupie"!

      Gazza :)

    2. By the way... GREAT Job by the fans in Wembley Stadium last night.

      True class!

      See you lot in Euro '16 ... in France :)

    3. Hey Mark!

      Yes it was! I watched the game and I didn't even care about what the score was. So much more than a game of football.

      See you at Euro 2016, in France, my friend :)

  43. I am glad you were too smart for this scam! I have heard of this one, but I know people often get tricked by things like this. I have a friend who gave out their bank account info to someone who said they were from their bank. Scary how it happens!

    1. Hi Jess,

      I'm glad I'm very alert when it comes to such scams. This particular one has been ongoing for quite some time. They have phoned me four times. Okay, I've answered the phone to them four times. They might of called even more than that. Your friend, how horrible for them. Of course, one should never reveal any bank details, no matter what.

      Thank you, Jess.


  44. Love your Dr. Seuss impersonation but isn't wireless giving remote access to the neighborhood? LOL Just wondering.----There was a man named Greg, who didn't have a head. Not like he was dead, you see, this Greg just had to pee. Sorry. :)

    1. Hi Eve,

      Hey Eve, I do believe, that one is tireless with the wireless and remote access is such a gas which aint so good in your neighbourhood.....:)

      I'd like to stick a peg up Greg! Nicely done, you had some fun, Eve, I believe....

      Gary, Gary, quite contrary........

  45. Gary, Gary, I didn't know you were back to blogging. I've been absent too.
    What a calm and good-looking picture that is of Penny. Dogs make the greatest
    picture subjects. Spammers have already been hit with the hammer....right on
    head. A hammer to the head can make you dead.....dead like Fred...No not Ed.
    Spammers are bad news.

    1. Hey Manzanita,

      Lovely to note your wonderful self back in the weird, wide, wonderful world of blogging. Shall come and visit you, my friend. Penny and I are delighted you like the soothing photo of her. Dogs, when they stay still, are great for photos, fur sure! :)

      If I had a spammer, I'd spammer in the morning......Scam and spam is rotting ham. Bad news indeed and my feed. Gosh, who does that sound like. I should get on my bike or take a hike, if you like.

      Fred is dead, said Curtis Mayfield.

      Thank you, dear lady.

      Gary :)

  46. Brilliant! There is no way for me to match your Dr. Seuss perfection. Just say that was excellent.

    Oh, those people from India who are so very concerned about Windows? I have had many conversations with them. Will have to try your method. My righteousness gets me nowhere.

    1. Hi Susan,

      Thank you, Susan! :) Dr. Seuss, Bullwincle the Moose and Mother Goose....

      Ah yes, our friends in India what to sell you double-glazing. Yes, by all means, have some fun with them and waste their time and they would waste yours, the nasty idiots!

      Thank you, Susan.


  47. Love your poem, Gary!

    I respond to all scam calls with: wrong number and slam.

    Sorry to leave a link, Blogger won't allow my wordpress comment:
    Daily (w)rite

    1. Hi Damyanti,

      Thank you, my dear friend!

      Scam and slam! I like it!

      No worries about a link. I shall click on the link, what do you think....

      Thank you.

      Gary :)

  48. Hi Gary... We had the exact same scam attempt played on us... Hubs answered the phone... he (silly sod) began looking through the draw for our internet details... me (over hearing the conversation), glared at him and told him to hang up :) Good job one of us has some sense ;) Love the zeuss style poem... I expect you remember my Cam-I-Am poem... good old Zeuss, helping us to smile through thoughts of Scams and Cam's. ;o)

    Peace and blessing, Kimmie x

    1. Hi Kimmie,

      Wow, that was a close call, so to speak! Thank goodness you caught your hubby in time. What was he thinking? Cam-I-Am, of course!

      Thank you, Kimmie,

      Peace and hope, your way,

      Gary x

  49. I love how you handled the call! I never answer numbers I don't recognize, and hubby just never answers his phone at all, so we're usually safe. :-)

    1. Hi Danielle,

      Thanks for that. Trouble is that they now have the technology to have a number come up on your display that you recognise. So it may well be best to let it go through to answer phone and if it's from somebody you know then call them back. Then again, it's very sad we have to go to such lengths. Your hubby may be onto something! :)

      Thank you, Danielle.


  50. Too funny Gary!! I never answer the phone! I always let the machine pick up!

    1. Hi CraveCute,

      Thank you! :) Often, I let the answer phone answer the phone. Sometimes, I just can't help myself and end up talking to um, "Greg"!

      Gary :)

    2. Hahaha! My husband always answers and starts asking them all sorts of questions and tells them he charges $100 an hour consulting fees etc... they usually hang up on him!

    3. Hey Diane,

      Nice one by your husband! There was an actual situation over here where a guy charged a scammer company for his time and won compensation for his time. Anyway, *click* and I'm outta' here....:)

  51. Gary, you handled that very well. Those son's of guns! LOL I just got one the other day.....a recording saying " you just won a fabulous complimentary stay at our 5 star hotel, all you have to do is press 1" Now, if you ask me, I would have to say that pressing 1 may very well enable who ever these people are to tap into your phone and get all your info, but that might very well be my ocd thinking they are out to get me, who ever "they" are. I also think they now use automated scams more often, versus a real life scam artist. Probably to avoid getting cursed out. Who knows there's a trick for everything.

    1. Hey Madison,

      How nice to see you, my lovely friend! :) You cannot be too careful and I know they have a number of tricks such as not hanging up when you think they've hung up. So, if you try to check something about the situation with your bank, for example, they make out like you are talking to the bank.

      Enjoy your um, stay at the 5 star hotel :) As for me, I just won a billion dollars as long as I pay the guy who phoned me and hand over my bank details, NOT!

      Thank you, Madison.

      Gary :)

  52. Good job rattling "Greg's" cage! That's where he belongs. Clever poem and Etch a Sketch! It was always fun to magically shake away my unsightly scribbles! If only it worked outside the red box. This was fun, Gary!


    1. Hey Julie,

      I do believe that "Greg" might soon be in a cage aka prison cell! What result that would be. Thanks for thinking the poem was clever. I should give Penny the dawg credit :) Etch a Sketch, those were the days when you didn't have to worry about the internet going down. I bet you were quite the doodler on your Etch a Sketch.

      In fun, you way,

      Gary :)

  53. Hi Gary. Sometimes I have some fun and keep them talking for as long as possible until it dawns on them that I am stringing them along. I too have a telephone preference scheme which does not work and when they phone from overseas it's not illegal (yet!) I actually once made a complaint to TPS about a UK company but they are toothless and useless.
    The sad thing is when they call elderly people and start talking about a car accident that, probably, never happened; vulnerable people can easily become upset but I suppose that's the price we pay for having a phone.
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s fabulous Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hi Barry,

      Ah yes, keep them on the line and toy with them until they finally figure out you've figured them out. I just love the way they slam the phone down on me! TPS is an absolute joke!

      There has to be more information passed onto to the elderly, trusting, vulnerable folk. Where I now live, they posted a leaflet through every door in regards to phone scams and to never reveal any details.

      Thank you, Barry.


  54. I fell for it. I was so desperate. Not only is it a con to get money for "fixing" a problem, they infest your computer and create the problem in the first place. I'm going to switch to Etch a Sketch too. You're a brilliant, clever man, Gary. I love your responses to Greg too. And I love you, friend.

    1. Hi Robyn,

      No way! They are nasty pieces of crap and yes, they actually create a computer problem that you didn't actually have. You are most kind, Robyn. Beware of scammers phoning you to fix your recently obtained Etch a Sketch :)

      Love and hugs, your way, my remarkable friend.

      Gary :) x

  55. "Believe me, your computer will blow up within 24 hours if you don't let us access it right now!" No kidding... Man, I need a call from Greg. Why doesn't he ever call me? I know... because you're a good guy and I'm Blue. Yes? ;)

    Stupid scammers.

    1. Hey Blue,

      Greg shall be calling you in regards to a crucial error problem with your Etch a Sketch! ;) You are True Blue and that'll do!

      Thank you, kind sir.


    2. Thanks for stopping by again, Gary. I've been sort of in the middle of things... foul politicians trying to cramp my style, and I'm a teacher for crying out loud. I need a break. I'm tired. Look up the word sarcoidosis and you'll know what I'm talking about.

    3. Hey Blue,

      And thank you for your follow up comment, my thoughtful friend. The politics, office politics, corruption and bullying, all in a day's work, it seems. I knew it well. You most certainly need a time-out, Blue. Thanks for that word and in conclusion of checking it out, I don't believe I could have that word happening to me. Take it easy, dude. Remember, you're one of the good guys, for what that's worth in this indifferent world.


  56. Don't understand people who do this! No wonder Scum & Scam are so close!!
    We've avoided a lot of these calls by getting rid of our home phone, but it's only a matter of time before they target the cell phones too!

    1. Hi Jemi,

      Yes, perhaps we should call them "Scambags"! Yes, mind your cell phones. Over here, they like to hassle us even on our mobile phones.

      Thanks, eh. Sorry, couldn't resist :)



I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.