Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Our Movements.

Where am I?  Ah yes, I seem to have experienced a movement.  When I actually have more time, I would like to share my movement with you.  No, not that type of movement!  I'm referring to the movement of my belongings from one location to another location.  To the movement of my son's belongings into a temporary location until his own place is ready to be occupied on August 18.  To the movement of Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar who is staying with me for one week.  

I've gone beyond busy as my movement entailed attempting to organise a double movement.  Getting my son sorted, along with all the bureaucratic miscommunication, has left me totally exhausted.  

Yes, speaking of movement, there has been a lot of crap involved.  I feel jet-lagged and considering I'm still in the same time zone, that makes it doubly weird.

I shall now try and do some catching up in blogsville.  That and unpack a box.  Further details of the most stressful movement ever in my life, shall be published shortly.  The positive thing is that I'm very proud of how well I coped while those around me were freaking out.

While trying to somehow get back into the blogging community flow, I've switched comments off on this blog post.  

In the meantime, if you would let me chew on your fingernails, that would be greatly appreciated.
This is a sneak preview view from my new home.