
Friday 6 September 2013

An Ongoing Story Of Love.

Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, has been rather poorly for over a week.  At times, still her usual playful, energetic self.  A lot of the time, just lying down.  Staring at me with her dark brown eyes that seemed so sad.  Her appetite had gone.  Even chicken, which she loves, was refused.

After five days of her barely eating anything, I took her to the vets.  That was on Wednesday, September 4.
What a charming old house that Moorlands Veterinary Centre is located in.  In we went.  I held Penny in my arms.
After reporting into reception, we sat in the waiting area.  Visualise a packed out waiting area.  There was a frenzy of excitement.  Humans were thrilled. Cats in cages and dogs on leads, all started to react.  Yes indeed, they realised that a celebrity was amongst them.  No, not me!  Of course, I mean, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!
"Penny Pennick.", the friendly lady veterinary assistant stated.  "Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, actually!", replied Penny.  Okay, I made that up.

The vet checked Penny out on the very table you see in the above photo. Checked her belly, all fine. Checked inside her mouth, brave man, all fine.  He told me she was in good health and was puzzled as to why she wasn't eating.  I mentioned that it might be coincidence, but she'd stopped eating the day my son, Tristan, had gone off to Crete.

He replied that her behaviour might well have something to do with her missing my son.  He stuck a needle in her butt region that was a booster shot to hopefully stimulate her appetite.  He also stuck another needle in her butt area that contained vitamin B12.  He told me to monitor her situation and see how things went over the next few days.

Back to reception and had a chat with the staff.  They were very keen to ask about Penny.  I told them that she wasn't even eating chicken out of my hand.  I also mentioned perhaps because the chicken was alive might have something to do with it.  Yes, we all had a laugh over my silliness.
Oh look!  Some staff members and a few animal fans of Penny's, seeing her stroll off back to her waiting limo.  Okay, I made that up, also.  We don't have a limo.  Hard to believe, I know. 

Since returning from the vets, I have managed to hand feed her a few morsels of chicken.  And no, not a live chicken.  As I fed her, the relief and the love I felt for Penny went beyond words.  "Good girl!", I cried, "Good girl!" 
This photo is nearly thirteen years old.  My son is twelve and Penny is a two month old puppy.  This would be the start of an ongoing story of love between a boy and his puppy.  The day he went to meet her, the day their eyes met, I knew, I just knew.......
In five days time, Tristan will return from Crete.  Once again, they can snuggle up together.  A young man and his dog, an ongoing story of love.


  1. Oh. Such love. Gary, Penny, Tristan - my heart hurts for all of you. I so hope that Penny picks up when Tristan returns. Hugs and love to you all.

    1. Hi Sue,

      Your thoughts are embraced, my friend. My son will be back this Wednesday. Penny seems a little better. Ate some hand-fed food.

      Thank you and have a lovely Sunday.


  2. Awwwwwww Give Penny our love! And I hope she's soon back to normal. Please keep us updated.

    1. Hi JoJo,

      I have forwarded on your love to Penny. Thank you. It's Saturday evening and she's a bit better.

      Have a great weekend.


  3. I'm glad she's eating and I'm sure she'll be even better when your son comes home. I feel something in my heart when my beloved animal companions are going through a change.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      Thank you. Her appetite has returned a little bit. Looking forward to my son's reunion with Penny. She will probably go into an excited frenzy. You know of what I sense when it comes to our beloved animal friends.

      Wishing you a happy weekend.


  4. Poor little she must miss him. How YOU must miss him.

    1. Hi Delores,

      She sure does miss him. Okay, I kinda' miss him :)

      Have a good weekend, Delores.


  5. Dogs become quite attached to some people. I had one dog that wouldn't eat when I went away.

    1. Hi Dizzy-Dick,

      They sure do. It just proves how attached our beloved animals can become. Thank you, good sir.

      A pleasant weekend to you and your loved ones.


  6. Poor Penny is pining! Would it help if you called Tristan long distance or skyped with him or something so she could hear his voice? That might perk her up a bit.

    1. Hi Debra,

      Indeed she is. A wonderful idea, my friend. Alas, I've tried to contact him and he hasn't got back to me. Maybe before he gets back, he will respond. Must be partying in Crete.

      Thanks for that. Have an excellent weekend in Edmonton.


  7. It's always a worry when an animal stops eating. I think Debra's suggestion is good - it might help if she could hear Tristan's voice. I hope her appetite recovers soon.

    BTW - one of the things I miss about England is being surrounded by beautiful old buildings like that. I still can't get used to people referring to a 30-year-old house as "old".

    1. Hi Ian,

      Really nice to see you, Ian. Thankfully, she's now eating a few morsels. Debra's suggestion is indeed good. Now if only I could get contact with him. Kids, eh.

      Yes, that's one of the endearing qualities of here. Such a grand old building in a nice location, where the vets is located. I thought a ten year old was old in Canada, eh.

      Have a good one on Vancouver Island.


  8. She just misses Tristan!
    Yes, good idea - let Tristan talk to her over the phone or Internet. Maybe she'll perk up even more. Glad she is eating something.
    I don't think many vets here have such a cool looking building!

    1. Hi Alex,

      It sure seems that she is missing her brother. If I could get my son to switch on his mobile phone or cell phone, that would be a start. The dude must be in party mode in Crete.

      Oh yeah, we have some real cool buildings over here. As you know. And yep, I reckon not too many vets have a place like that over there.

      Have a peaceful weekend, Alex.


  9. So glad you took Penny to the vet and that she got a good check-up (that was a mighty pretty office building). She will probable be her old self when Tristan returns.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      It was certainly the best move. Certainly couldn't risk that she might just start eating again on her own accord. She's in very good health for her age. It's a really nice building in a park setting. I'm sure she will be as zippy as normal upon his return. Thank you, Arleen.

      A positive weekend to you.


  10. People always say that animals are not capable of complex emotions but I have never believed it.

    When my step brother died in 1979 (he was 9) our dog ran away that same night. We got a call from someone way up the road that knew our family that said he was sitting outside their house and howling the saddest cry they had ever heard. He had never run away before and never did it again.

    1. Hi Birdie,

      You have stuck an emotional chord with your powerful comment, my friend. Animals, as we both understand, have emotions that are pure of heart. Humanity could learn so much from their lessons.

      Through such a painful, traumatic time, I visualise, I hear the howl of that beloved dog. The pain was shared in so many ways the day your step-brother passed away. Bless you and your loved ones.

      A peaceful, thoughtful weekend to you.


  11. Hoping Penny feels better soon.

    And that is such an awesome building for a vet's office, or, you know, for anything else.

    1. Hi M.J.,

      As I type this, Penny is snuggled up near the fireplace. She seems somewhat better, thank you.

      It's a great vet's building. I'd take it over and turn into a dedication museum for me:)

      Have a lovely weekend.


  12. I'm so glad she's eating again. Patches did that too the first time I left her for a few days, but now she's such a part of all our lives, when one of us goes missing she manages, but still watches the door for the return. But her greeting anytime we come home is so awesome, although if she's slow to greet us, we know we left the door to our room open and she's been sleeping in our bed. I'm sure when Tristan comes home she'll perk up.
    Patches says hi!
    Lovely photo's! Patches loves visiting her vet - they make over her so much, you'd think she was a star!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Thank you and to have her eating just a little bit, is so encouraging. I can just imagine how Patches reacts upon your return. Interesting point about you leaving the door to your room open. Maybe I should put Penny in my son's room and have a sniff around. Then again... I'm sure she will knock him over when he gets back.

      Penny says hi to Patches.

      Patches is a superstar and the vet knows that! :)

      I'm heartened by your upbeat email. Shall reply when I get some more time.

      A peaceful, hopeful weekend to you and your loved ones, Yolanda.


  13. I have been wondering about Penny and how she got on. It is such a worry when they stop eating and such a relief when you manage to get them to take a few morsels. Hope she is better and eating properly again soon xx

    1. Hi Teresa,

      Thank you, Teresa. I know you can relate to the worries we can have for our beloved animals. She does seem somewhat better and eating a few morsels of chicken.

      Penny says hi to Indy and Fizz :)

      Wishing you a lovely Sunday.


  14. Poor Penny, hope you are feeling better soon. I expect you are missing Tristan. My cat sometimes gets sick if I go away too. Your vets looks like a cool place, ours is on an industrial estate. The vets are very kind though.

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Penny does appear to be in slightly better spirits, thank you. She seems to be pining for her brother, Tristan. I'm getting a number of people making mention that their beloved animals can sometimes get out of sorts when they are missing their humans. The main thing sure is the attitude of the vets. I found that out last year when we changed vets.

      Wishing you a wonderful Sunday.


  15. Hi Gary and Penny,
    Sorry that I haven't been commenting recently on your blog, but as you know, I've been a little preoccupied with my volunteering.
    Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that Penny is a bit down in the dumps. As others have said, she would seem to be pining for Tristan, and I do hope that she starts to eat properly again soon. It's a touching story, and just shows how animals and their owners do form strong bonds. And, I do hope that you, Gare, are coping with this and also Tristan being away. I had expected to hear from you about a possible visitation, but fully understand, after reading your post, why you may have been preoccupied yourself.
    Best Wishes and Take Care,

    1. Hi David,

      No worries and I fully understand about your volunteering commitments.

      Now that we've had that chat on the phone, you'll know that Penny has been a bit better and had a few nibbles of chicken. I know there are folks who just don't get the fuss over the animals we can have in our lives. Yet, Penny is clear demonstration how much our blessed creatures can impact on us. And us on them.

      It's been a difficult time, David. I look forward to seeing your fine, intellectual self on Sunday evening.



  16. I couldn't help getting a bit teary eyed behind this. Penny is a modest internet star, but she's a pup who knew and knows love first. For years she's been graced with you and Tristan to be her biggest fans and I suppose it's no surprise she's at a loss of normalcy without Tristan there. I do hope she picks up very soon and I send virtual doggie treats *Hugs*

    1. Hi Angela,

      I was a bit teary-eyed when I typed this. Penny is always a puppy and even as the puppy got bigger, the bond she has in our lives, grew bigger. She will soon be okay. Just having her eat a bit is so uplifting. Now she waits for the return of a human brother. Penny is appreciatve of your virtual doggy treats, Angela. Hugs to you, my friend. (( ))

      Enjoy the remainder of the weekend.


  17. A wonderful blog and pictures. Hope Penny recovers to her normal self soon.


    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Thank you for your kind words, Yvonne. Penny seems to be a little better.

      Wishing you a peaceful Sunday, my friend.


  18. Beautiful story. I'm glad they have each other, and I'm glad Penny finally ate a little. Hope it continues.

    1. Hi S.P.,

      Thank you, my friend. The bond between Penny and my son is so wonderful. She ate a little bit today. I still have to mostly hand feed her.

      Wishing you a lovely remainder of your weekend.


  19. Gary (and Penny Pennick, the internet superstar),

    Honestly, what a touching story. Truly. Let this side of you show a little more often.

    Penny is older than I thought. I love my dogs. I love people who love dogs the way that we do. I hope she snaps back to her usual self.

    Take care, Penny.

    M.L. Swift, Writer

    1. Hi Michael,

      I thank you for that. As you know, we only recently got to make our acquaintances. In actuality, a fair number of my postings are more like this. You just happened to first visit when I was doing some of my more silly, surreal postings. I experiment and I do variety.

      Penny does look young for her age. From one dog lover to another, much respect. Penny will soon be on the mend.

      Thank you, good sir. A pleasant rest of your weekend.


  20. "Penny Pennick" just doesn't have the joyous feel of "Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar" now, does it? I'm so sorry the Penny's appetite left when Tristan did. But it's good that you finally got her to eat something, even if it is a dead chicken.

    I don't remember if I told you, but Jethro went to live in that great doghouse in the sky at the end of May, just three weeks before his ninth birthday. It has been very tough on Mrs. RWP and me, as in one way we don't want to have another dog for a very long while because the pain of losing one is so great, yet in another way we love every dog we see.

    I think the idea about letting Penny hear Tristan's voice on the telephone or see him on Skype is a good one. I know she loves you too, Gary (who wouldn't?) but Tristan is apparently at the top of her list. Jethro was like that with Mrs. RWP and me. He might have slept on my pillow next to my head and let me scratch his ears and rub his belly, but he was Mrs. RWP's shadow, and moved every time she moved. Accompanied her to the loo, even.

    1. Hi rhymeswithplague,

      Agreed. Her catchy name on the internet speaks of joy, of understanding, of caring. Thanks and she is seeming a little perkier now. She seems to prefer dead chicken.

      You not only told me about your beloved Jethro, but I duly commented on your painful yet poignant posting about Jethro. I do understand that the pain of losing a treasured furry family member, can impact in such a way that the thought of replacing our friend, seems like a distant possibility. It's heartening you love every dog you see.

      Sadly, still no contact from my son. I just got a message on my phone informing me that the text message I sent four days ago, failed to get through. Yes, I'm in second place in our house. Penny follows Tristan everywhere. Even to the can, man! :)

      Thank you for such a thoughtful comment, kind sir.

      A peaceful remainder of your weekend.


  21. Gary
    You do know it is time to spread your wings and write a book!

    1. Hi Ray,

      Flattering of you to say that, Ray. My wings are about to spread, my friend.

      A good Sunday to you.


  22. Our pets really are family aren't they? I sincerely hope that Penny gets better soon. I'm sure she was just missing your son. Keep us updated my friend.

    1. Hi Keith,

      Treasured family members and not really a pet, as such. Penny appears to be on the mend, thank you. I shall update when Tristan returns. Thank you, Keith.

      A happy Sunday to you.


  23. Poor Penny. I hope she is back on her eating schedule soon.

    1. Hi Diane,

      Poor Penny is slowly getting back on track. Still just a few nibbles, but a definite improvement. Thank you, Diane.

      Have a wonderful Sunday.


  24. I think Penny's spirits will brighten when Tristan comes home. In the mean time, hugs to both of you!

    1. Hi Elise,

      Thank you and I've no doubt Penny will be much happier when Tristan, her human brother, returns. We are both grateful for you hugs, Elise.

      Avoir un beau Dimanche


  25. I hope she isn't sick or anything. My avatar Blue II died this week and I don't think I can take losing two Internet superstar dogs that close together.

    1. Hi Pat,

      She was sick a little bit. However, that was in my car on the way back from the vets. Oh man, I'm really sorry about your avatar Blue 11 dying. Penny will try and maintain some superstar dog momentum in honour of Blue 11.

      Try to have a good Detroit Sunday.


  26. Poor lamb. And poor you too, the depths of love we have for our canine and feline companions is infinite and skypeing Tristan is an excellent idea. Love and hugs to her. Im sure she'll perk up again when he's home, but i know how hard it is not to worry. x

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Yeah, she kinda' reminds me of a lamb. I've really felt quite helpless during these days of Penny being so out of sorts. Yes, you totally understand the love we have for our animals and the love they share with us. If only I could make contact with my partying son in Crete. She'll most definitely be fine upon his return. Thank you, dear lady.

      Snoop Bloggy Dog high paws the Lardster! x

      Have a lovely Sunday.


  27. Penny the Jack Russell dog and internet super star is indeed very very special. I adore her, and I especially like the made up stuff her master writes about. So relieved she's eating. So glad Tristan will be back soon. Big sigh of relief all round.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Thank you, Joylene and yes indeed, Penny is a modest internet superstar! Bless her and she adores you, one of her bestest fans. Did I make something up in my story? Oh yeah, now I remember :) It really is a big relief she's having something to eat. I was starting to get really scared. And Wednesday, Tristan, the party dude, will return from Crete. And guess who has to get him from Manchester airport at seven in the morning...

      Have a good Sunday, eh. Darned B.C. Lions lost to Hamilton.


  28. Oh, this made me tear up. What a beautiful post. There's nothing quite like the love we share with our pets. I'm so glad Penny is eating a bit again and that her boy will be back soon. <3

    1. Hi Julie,

      I'm grateful for what you said. Absolutely! The love we share with our animals, is a powerful bond. Yes, Penny is having a few nibbles. And soon her human brother will be back.

      Thank you, Julie. Have a happy Sunday.


  29. Yeah she misses him, they really do get attached in every way and when they are apart, never the same as when together.

    1. Hi Pat,

      She certainly is, my friend. They are very much attached and the pining when he's away, is proof of that.

      Have a good Sunday and say hi to the cat.


  30. What a sweet post, Gary.
    Our dogs are like an extension of our souls. Always there with their unconditional love. They seem to understand our emotions without judging us...
    I will send lots of extra hugs and kisses for Penny today!
    Have a lovely weekend my friend.

  31. By the way, I love the new blog picture. I wonder how you did it. I'm impressed.

    1. Hi Julia,

      Thank you and what a beautiful way of expressing it, my friend. How very true, our dogs are "an extension of our souls." Humans could learn a lot from their unconditional, non-judgemental love. Their senses are finely tuned.

      I know that Penny sensed your extra hugs and kisses, Julia.

      Delighted you like my new blog header. Went to blogger dashboard. Clicked on "more options", which is the section just to the left of "view blog." Clicked on "layout". Clicked on "header" Edit. Gives you the option to add a photo and set it up the way you like.

      You also have a lovely weekend, my friend.


  32. The love between a child (even when said child is a grown man!) is magical. Prayers for Penny and for Tristan's safe and quick return!

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      You are so right. From puppy to big puppy. From child to bigger child as in childlike wonder, never diminishes with such magic.

      Thank you for your prayers and I'm sure all is going to be just fine.

      A wonderful weekend to you and your loved ones.


  33. What a beautiful place for a vet's office. Poor Penny, I hope she feels better soon. I know this is odd, but is her throat okay? Emma went through a phase of not eating a couple of years ago and after lots of tears and vet visits we discovered that she had an abcess (possibly from eating something she shouldn't have) in her throat and had developed MRSA. It sook a surgery and heavy duty antibiotics, but she's all back to normal now. Just thought I'd mention it. Anyway, I hope she's doing better and that you both have a wonderful reunion with your son.

    1. Hi Danielle,

      It's a lovely location. Thank you and her throat seems to be fine. She's starting to eat a little bit and there's no noticeable discomfort. I'm very sorry to read about your poor Emma going through such an awful time. Not only for her, but for all involved. Thank goodness she's back to normal. I do appreciate what you mentioned.

      She's doing a bit better now, thank you. It should be quite the scene when her human brother returns.

      Have a wonderful Sunday.


  34. I love my dog and I hate when he's not feeling well. I feel frustrated and scared. I'm so sorry Penny has been under the weather (by the way, my childhood dog was named Penny). I will be hoping for a good update when your son returns, in the meantime, kisses on her little nose and hugs to you.

    1. Hi Julie Luek,

      Your love for your dog resonates in your comment. I certainly know of the frustration and those scary feelings. Penny is doing a bit better as of three in the morning on Sunday. Turns out my ex-wife gave Penny her name. As in Penny Pennick. I'm sure I shall have a good update upon the return of my son.

      Ah yes, a kisses on my little wet nose, um kiss on Penny's little nose :) Hugs back to you, Julie.

      Wishing you a peaceful Sunday.


  35. You know, I'm not an animal person and this has me all gooey inside... no lie. A little piece of my heart just melted reading this. So sweet. And I can't wait for your son to be home! Will you update us with the reunion? This relationship is precious! Poor Penny--I'm so glad she's eating again!

    Amazing vet place (LOL--I can't think of what they're called) Beautiful pictures. :)

    1. Hi Morgan,

      Oh really? You do surprise me. Or maybe you're a party animal :) See, an animal story can make you feel all gooey. All the makings of a Disney movie. I can wait for my son to return! I shall be happy to update the reunion as my dude gets slobbered on by the dawg. Or is it the other way round...

      Thanks and it's such a relief she's had a little bit to eat.

      The veterinary clinic is quite the place. Perfect for a celebrity dog such as Penny. Glad you liked the photos.

      Have a peaceful Sunday, Morgan.


    2. Hi Morgan,

      Thanks for that big smile! :) And Penny is smiling at you :)


  36. Big hugs to Penny. She is an internet superstar and we all love her and want her to get better soon. I took my B-12 this morning and loved the chicken I just ate. Maybe there's a connection.

    1. Hi Eve,

      Thanks for the big hugs to Penny. I'm sure that the internet superstar will be back to her usual zany self by Wednesday. B-12 and chicken loving. You might be right about some connection.

      Have a rocking good time in the desert.


  37. Hi Gary .. that's a relief hearing that Penny is probably just boy-sick .. and I'm sure you'll both be very happy when Tristan is back home ... and I hope he's had a lovely time in Crete ..

    Cheers and happy weekend .. with big cuddles for one and all .. and I agree the Vet's practice looks amazing and what a lovely photo - promotional shot or otherwise .. it gives a great ambience ... Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Thank you and yes, probably just feeling down over Tristan not being here. I'm sure Penny will be happy to see him return. Okay, I'll be glad to have him back. I'm sure he's having a great time in Crete.

      It's a very nice vet's practice location. Of course, the promotional shot really was the staff seeing Penny off :) Hugs to you and have a happy Sunday, Hilary.


  38. It's such a worry when they're ill.

    Give my love to the internet superstar and tell her to get well soon.

    1. Hi fairyhedgehog,

      It surely is. Especially when you're not quite sure what's going on.

      I shall duly pass on your love to Penny. She is getting better, thank you.

      Have a lovely Sunday, my friend.


  39. One of the great problems of having a dog is that they have shorter lives than us, It is really tough when they get older, I hope Penny will be OK and back to her self soon......

    All the best

    1. Hi Rob,

      Oh yes, if only they had longer lives. It seems so unfair. Penny is usually, even at her age, a very lively dog. I thank you for your well wishes for her, Rob. I'm sure she will be back to her zippy self, very soon.

      Have a great Sunday, good sir.


  40. For one horrible moment I thought the news was going to be bad... Very bad.

    So glad to hear that the gorgeous Penny and modest internet superstar is feeling a little better. And I have to agree with the vet ... they do indeed miss us terribly when we walk out our front doors - even for a few hours.

    Much love to Penny. Give her a snuggle for me. Oh, and you take care of yourself too, dear Gary xoxo

    Oh, I love your new blog header!! :)

    1. Hi Wendy,

      Thankfully, this seems to be a case of Penny missing Tristan and that this shall pass upon his return.

      She is seeming somewhat better, thank you. A few hours away by us, must seem an eternity to our animal friends. The vet was very kind and soothing with Penny.

      I shall pass on your love to Penny. I shall even attempt to snuggle her. Heck, I might even take care of myself.

      I hope all is well with you, Wendy. You've been through some sad times and you are in my thoughts. Hugs and a peaceful rest of your Sunday, dear lady. xo :)

      Ah yes, the header is from the children's section of Alton Towers. I was there on a cold March morning with Tristan when he applied for a job, unsuccessfully, at Alton Towers.


  41. I'm glad it was nothing but a chronic case of loneliness and nothing more serious than that.

    Did you not explain to PTJRDAMIS that your son would be going off? I'm telling you, many dogs deal with separation anxiety much better if you have several talks with them about it before it happens, explaining where the loved one is going and why. You have to do it several times because dogs have short-term memory loss. Do it next time and she should be much better. Puppy-dog kisses for a peaceful heart. Writer’s Mark

    1. Hi Nancy,

      It certainly appears to be a situation of poor Penny missing my son.

      Here goes. I'm going to blame my son. He should have had a few heart to heart chats with her before he took off to the airport. I've conversed with her since. Tried to explain that he's off partying with some of his buddies on an island named Crete. I told her it was a real sunny, warm place just south of Greece. I did try. Still, she's getting better. And upon his return, she will be back to concerning herself with stuff like the pesky 'puparazzi' that forever hound her.

      Thank you, Nancy.

      And a peaceful Sunday to you.


  42. OH! How sweet! And scary!!! I'm so glad she's eating. Animals have feelings and I'm glad your vet understood this. BTW, that's the coolest vet clinic EVER. Fitting for a Modest Internet Superstar :)

    I'm seriously loving your new cover pic!

    1. Hi The Words Crafter,

      Thank you so much. Yes, it was also scary. When she completely stopped eating, I started to freak. The vet was awesome and I'm glad we now take her to that clinic. Indeed, that vet clinic is most apt for a celebrity dog! :)

      Glad you love my new header :)

      Have a wonderful Sunday.


  43. This touched me Gary. I hope Penny is feeling better. We have live turkeys in our yard. Do you think that would boost her spirits and appetite? What about bear and moose? Pawsitive thoughts your way.

    1. Hi Rebecca,

      How lovely to see you, dear lady. Penny does seem to be feeling better. It's almost four on a Sunday morning and she just had a little bit of chicken. Can she come play with the turkeys in your garden? Sure they would get her hungry. She might bear some moose. She might even wander up to Canada and have some Tim Hortons coffee, eh.

      Thanks for the pawsitive thoughts, Rebecca.

      Wishing you a lovely Sunday in your ongoing new adventure.


  44. Just this morning I was wondering how was Penny doing. It is good that she is eating but if it is Tristan she misses, it works that she could hear him even over the phone. I've used that trick with my brother's dog when she had stopped eating and it works marvels. Try it. Sending Penny lots of Dragon hugs!

    1. Hi Al,

      That's very nice of you to have been wondering about Penny. Yes, thankfully, she's starting to eat a little bit. Wow, that's really nice about your brother's dog. I wish I could get in contact with my son. I think he's having a good time and now it's so close to him coming home, I'm sure it's all going to be okay.

      Penny appreciates the dragon hugs, Al.

      Wishing you a wonderful Mexico City Sunday, my friend.


  45. You are making me cry (almost) again, Gary! Your story is so touching. But I've gotta say: WHOA! That is a vet's office?? My goodness. That looks like a castle. Penny is very smart to play sick. I'd do it too, for a trip to that vet's office.

    Have a peaceful weekend, my friend.

    1. Hi Robyn,

      Awe, thanks and I know this is a bit of a tear-jerker. Yes, that really is a vet's office. Most fitting for a superstar dog and yes, she knows that going there means she gets spoilt rotten.

      And kudos to you for that interview, Robyn.

      Have a lovely Sunday, dear lady.

      Gary :)x

  46. Hi Penny! I hope you are feeling better. I had a bout with cold water tail. My human didn't know why my tail was hanging straight down..She looked up broken tail and there it told her about cold water tail. See, my other human and his friend were trying to teach me how to swim. They say I am s'posed to swim cuz I'm a Labrador Retriever. But I don't like to swim. And the water was cold and so....but I am all better now. You are still my idol!

    1. Hi Maggie,

      Penny is zonked out right now. She is getting better, thank you. I've never heard of a cold water tail. I'm glad your tale about your tail had a happy ending. Penny will be wagging her tail when she reads your comment later on.

      Glad all is well with you, Maggie. Penny adores you! Say hello to your humans for us, please.

      A pawsitive Sunday to you.

      Penny's human,


  47. Oh I was really scared there for a minute. It must be Penny missing your son. I hope he hurries home!

    1. Hi Gwen,

      It made for a few scary moments. It sure appears to be Penny missing her human brother. He shall be home on Wednesday morning. Thank you, Gwen.

      A lovely Sunday to you, my friend.


  48. I am so glad she's feeling better and that Tristan (what a wonderful name) will be back soon. Special hugs to Penny the Pawsitively Pawsome Internet Superstar.

    I enjoyed the photos, Gary - that building is so very charming. I can just imagine Penny in a pair of funky shades and waving to her adoring fans. :-)

    1. Hi Vidya,

      Thank you, kind lady. Penny is certainly improving. Tristan, as in, "All Creatures Great and Small", shall be back on Wednesday morning. Shall be quite the reunion. I shall pass on your special hugs to the internet superstar :)

      I really like the vet's building. How did you know Penny was wearing a pair of funky shades? :)

      Wishing you a happy Sunday, Vidya.


  49. Oh, that's such a beautiful love story of Penny missing your son. Dogs are such wonderful animals and so loyal. Give her a big hug, wrap her up in one of your son's clothes so she can smell him as she sleeps. Maybe you can try to skype him for Penny's sake, but he'll be back in no time. Bless her.
    What a beautiful building, very luxurious.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      Thank you for your thoughtful comment, my friend. She's snuggled up by the fireside and looking quite content. I shall give her a big hug. As for my son's clothes, I shall see if he left any clothes here. Alas, still no contact from my son. Still, as you note, he'll soon be back.

      Quite the building, alright. A place befitting a diva dog :)

      Wishing you a pleasant Sunday.


  50. Has she done this before when Tristan has been away? I remember when my dog used to look really sad, I would wonder and ask him why, because his life was great. I was the one with all the problems! :) I hope she feels much better soon, I know that will make you a very happy man.

    1. P.S I love your new cover photo it looks very enchanted

    2. Hi Ida,

      A very good question. The last time he went away for any length of time was about six years ago. She wasn't anything like she has been this time. Your dog sensed your problems and it seems took on a sad concern. Penny has gotten a little better, thank you. This has made me feel so relieved and that makes me happy for the both of us.

      Tis a magical musing. That photo taken on a cold March day, a couple of years ago at Alton Towers. A splendid place about fifteen miles from where I live.

      Wishing you a peaceful, positive rest of your weekend, Ida.


  51. such a sweet sweet story....what??? No limo!!!!??????? LOVE your vet, it IS charming! That photo cracked me up of them all seeing you off lol. Tweeted!

  52. oh and I hope that Penny's appetite has returned!

    1. Hi Caren,

      Thanks for that. The limo is being serviced :) Quite the vet's location. Aha, yes, there they were seeing Penny the diva dog, off :) Thanks for the Tweeted. Wonder what a "Tweeted!", is. LOL

      Her appetite has slightly improved.

      A wonderful weekend to you and your loved ones.


  53. What a lovely love story. There is such a powerful bond between dogs and humans. Our dogs get very in tune to our emotions and presence. I am glad that Penny isn't suffering from a sickness- though - being sad and missing someone can hurt a lot. I am sure she will be back to her regular superstar self once Tristan gets back home. :) Thank goodness she is eating a little.

    Oh- I love the new cover. How fun and magical. :)

    1. Hi Jess,

      You are most kind. You have stated so well that powerful bond between dogs and humans. It's truly amazing how in tune to our emotions they are. Yes, thankfully, Penny is not of any medical complaint. She is perking up a little now. Had a bit of food and that's such a relief. She might even sense that her brother will be returning very soon.

      Glad you like the new header. I took that photo at a place called Alton Towers.

      Have a happy weekend.


  54. Love. Love. Love.

    What a gift Penny is. Xx WOOF.

    Where do you guys live?

    1. Hi,

      All you need is love...

      Penny is a very nice gift and an ideal that displays the unconditional love our animal friends share. WOOF, she replies.

      We live in Leek, Staffordshire, England. I always wanted to live in a place named after an onion :)

      A happy weekend to you.


    2. Ahhh, I knew you guys were English!

      My Husband is from Liverpool.

      Xxxxx WOOOOF.

    3. Aha,,

      Do you have a name? This might surprise you ,eh, but I lived a long time in Vancouver, Canada. I have a Canadian accent, but I was born in Chelsea, London.

      Does your hubby speak with a Scouse accent?

      Have fun, my friend.

      Gary :)

  55. Penny was such a cute puppy! I'm glad she's eaten a small amount, and hope she's eaten more since you wrote this post. You'll have to tell her that the whole of bloggyland is checking up on her!

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      Yes she was such a cute puppy. She still kind of looks like a puppy. It's quarter past four on Sunday morning and she had a little bit of chicken that I hand fed her.

      I must be crazy to stay awake this long. Just wanted to comment back and then comment to everybody on their sites in a few hours time.

      When she wakes up from a her latest snooze, I shall tell her bloggyland is checking up on her.

      Thank you, Annalisa. Have a lovely Sunday.


  56. I do hope Penny manages to eat a bit more and I'm sure she'll perk right up when Tristan comes home again.
    It's always a relief when pets start eating again. I remember years ago bringing my thin as a skeleton cat home from the vet who said she might not make it through the night. She did and lived another three years.

  57. P.S. can you give Penny something of Tristan's to sleep with until he comes home? Something with his scent on it, like a pillow off his bed? Or even just the pillowcase? A T-shirt?

    1. Hi River,

      Penny has eaten a few morsels. Mostly when I hand feed her. It will be one happy dog upon my son's return.

      Thankfully, your dear cat came around. Not seeing her eat must have been very worrying.

      Penny has been snuggling up to one of Tristan's pair of trousers. It does seem to help. I plug my nose, however! :)

      Thank you, River.


  58. Hey Gary, I hope Penny gets well! My cat got all depressed and went off her food last year when I went to Ontario for 2 weeks. Animals can miss their people terribly, and we can't explain to them what's happened. They don't know if the person they love will ever be far as they know, this state of profound emptiness will last forever.
    Hope she gets back to her old self soon.

    1. Hi Eve,

      Penny is getting better, thank you. For sure, your trip to Ontario must have seen a lifetime to your poor cat. It must be awful for our beloved animals not really understanding what's happening. And Ontario for two weeks. You should get an award for bravery :)

      Thank you, Eve.


  59. I was so afraid that this wasn't going to end well. Let's just say that having two of her beloved dogs pass this year has made me fearful. When they stop eating... egads. I am beyond relieved that things went better for Penny. She is a wonderful companion:)

    1. Hi Robin,

      Thankfully, lovely Penny is doing better. Lots of comforting tones and keeping her busy, is also helping. Yes, I freaked when she stopped eating. The passing of two beloved dogs must have been heartbreaking. They have such a profound impact on us, our non-judgemental companions.

      Thank you, Robin.


  60. I'm so glad that she's doing a tiny bit better. The love between a boy and his dog (whether modest internet superstar or not) cannot be fully appreciated until you see it in action. Hugs to Penny and what must be her very relieved human, the ever so thoughtful Gary.
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hi Tina,

      Thank you, dear friend. She's improving quite well. The love between a boy and his dog is a wonder to behold.

      Indeed, I was getting really scared about Penny. Hugs back to you from Penny and myself, her mere human :)


  61. I'm so glad Penny is feeling better. They take over our hearts, don't they? Loved your commentary on the visit to the vet...and the live chicken feeding, of course. ;)

    1. Hi River Fairchild,

      And as of three thirty on a Tuesday morning, she seems even better. Our beloved animals friends fill our hearts with joy. Thanks for liking the commentary on the vet visit. That chat with the staff, as I paid, really happened.


  62. Just in case you don't go back and see the answer I left to your comment on my blog; the painter you are trying to come up with a name for is Bill Alexander. Am I correct?

    1. Hi Dizzy-Dick,

      I have noticed your reply on your blog to my question. That's exactly who I meant. I thank your good wife for remembering. Much obliged, sir.


  63. What a beautiful story about Penny and Tristan! It's good that you took her to that veterinary castle, and I can't wait to find out about their reunion. I know you'll continue to take great care of Penny. Have fun with your wonderful son on Wednesday.


    1. Hi Julie,

      That's most kind of you. Ah yes, I like that, a "veterinary castle", fit for a diva dog :)

      The reunion will be quite something. I seeing a zippy dog knocking over a startled son. Soon be Wednesday.

      Thank you, Julie.


  64. I am not surprised... Pups are very sensitive about their humans... When I went out of town and had a friend stay with my lab at my place, my pup slept and waited by the front door the whole time...

    He never gave up food though... lol. Not my foodie ...

    I hope the reunion is wonderful!

    1. Hi Michael,

      Your notation about your beloved Labrador is such proof of how they tune into a sense of something being out of the ordinary for them.

      I reckon your dog ate food by the front door :)

      The reunion has been a powerful, emotive time. Thank you, Michael.


  65. i totally stole the limo...sorry.

    wow, and gee, gary! how did i miss this? oh, yeah, i wanted to hold you in suspense of when i would comment. not nice? ok, i won't do that again ;)
    glad the little pup that is all grown up is better.

    tammy -t-

    1. Hi Tammy,

      Yes you did! And you totally forgot which side of the road to drive the limo on! Oops! I knew you'd eventually grace us with one of your eagerly anticipate comments :) I do understand you have other things to do in your life. Such as, watching your favourite, (favorite) movie, "Les Miserables" ha ha!

      Big little dog is getting much better. Thank you, tam-bear.

      Gary :)

  66. I don't know how I missed this. Must have been out to lunch. Haha I'm a slow eater.
    I rarely cry over humans.... don't know why but I don't but now take animals...... you had me crying buckets over this post. I guess I think human's can take care of themselves, they've got the fingers and the brain for this living but we've taken animals from their natural life in the wild so we are responsible for them. Penny is my favorite little dog, you know. I grew up with a little terrier that looked like Penny but they called mine a rat terrier. Cute name, huh? But the Jack Russels came on the scene after and I think are related to the Rat. I had that dog until I left home at age 18. I notice the Jack has a little longer nose but the body looks the same. My dog's name was Schnitzer. ( We are German) So you see, I really do love Penny.

  67. P.S
    What a mysterious new header. It kinda makes me think of Alice in the garden and falling down the rabbit hole. The wee ones will love it.

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      I'm sure you had a nice long lunch :) I appreciate you having visited, no matter when. I mean, it has taken me two days to reply to your thoughtful comment.

      Ah our blessed creatures can seem so vulnerable and with domestication, comes responsibility. Of course, Penny is still trying to domesticate me. Penny is encouraged by you considering her to now be for your favourite little dog. She is almost well enough to start typing again.

      Schnitzer, what a great name for a dog. A rat terrier, oh my :) And Penny is really sensing the love she is receiving. My son, Penny and this old human dude, are most grateful.

      The photo header was taken in the closed season in March, a couple years ago at a place named Alton Towers. The wee folks have been known to visit there.

      Thank you, Manzanita.


  68. Thank goodness. When I first started reading this, and you're talking about how lethargic Penny was, and how she wasn't eating, I started to get choked up. Oh, no, I thought. I've been through similar things with our dogs over the years. I'm sooooo glad she's just missing your son. How sweet.

    I like your new header. Book worm, are ye? Yep, yep. There's a LOT of us infesting the blogosphere.

    1. Hi Susan,

      I got choked up just typing this posting. As you understand, our dogs are so loved and when we seem them hurting, just like when our children hurt, we hurt. She continues to improve and I shall attempt to post about it.

      Glad you like my new header. I am the worm that ate the book. You writers n'stuff are infesting us and yet, thankfully, you made no mention of an acronym. WIP it good! :)

      Thank you, Susan.


  69. Poor Penny. She must miss him a lot.

    I think it's a terrier thing. We had a Jack Russel who would lose all lust for life every time my brother went somewhere without him.

    1. Hi Misha,

      She most certainly did. And now he's home.

      You might well be right As you know, Jack Russell dogs can be very energetic. To see the exact opposite can be most worrying.

      Thank you, Misha.


  70. No animal abuse this time, eh? (Unless you call those shots abuse. I think shots are abuse--a rare and truly evil form.)


    1. Hi Crystal,

      Only Penny dressing me up as a jack rabbit wearing a jacket. How humiliated was I :) She seemed to be okay getting a shot in her butt. Well funny when she proceeded to grab the needle and gave the vet a shot in his butt. Only fair, I guess! :)

      Thank you, Crystal.


  71. Two shots in one small terrier butt? Ouch. However, if she's perking up enough to nibble chicken, you did the right thing. Get that boy home from Crete and she'll be right as rain.

    1. Hi Lee,

      Yep, two shots in her butt. And I wont mention the stray shot in my butt. I've been barking mad ever since. She would take the occasional morsel of chicken if I hand fed her. The dude is now back from Crete. And the dawg is gaining back her appetite. Can rain be correct?

      Thank you, Lee.


  72. Wanted to pop back in and see how Penny was doing Gary. I've been sending positive thoughts and well wishes her way.

    1. Hi Keith,

      Penny is doing much better now, thank you. An amazing return to her more zippy self since the return of her wayward brother. Your positive thoughts and well wishes, are warmly embraced.

      Thank you, Keith.

  73. Good to hear she's on the mend. Thought I'd pop back to see how she was. Give her another hug from me :)

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Thank you very much for coming back to see how Penny is coming along. She's much better now that Tristan has returned. I shall hug her when I can get her away from her human brother. Hugs to Lardy from Penny :)

      Thank you, Michelle.


  74. Poor Penny! Hopefully she'll be much better when your son comes home.

    1. Hi Sherry,

      Thankfully, Penny isn't as poorly now. What a turnaround when my son came home.

      Thank you, Sherry.



I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.