
Sunday 31 March 2013

Zap My Zipper.

The following posting was typed in front of a dead studio audience.  And no, that's in no way a reference to those participating in the "A to Z Challenge, April 2013".

*Singing*  : "Z - Y - X - W - V - U - T

S - R - Q - P - O - N - M - L - K

J - I - H - G - F  and E

D - C - B  and A

Now I know my Z - Y - X's

Wont you sing this song of perplexes."

Or maybe you prefer seeing uʍop ǝpısdn ʇǝqɐɥdןɐ ǝɥʇ

"Z" is for "Zap" as in "Zap My Zipper"
"Zap" it enough and I become a stripper.

"Y" is for "You"
This be true
And why is "You" spelt with a "Y"?
Makes no sense to this guy.

"Y" is for "Yabba" as in "Yabba Dabba Doo!"
Mix it together with these two
Fred Flintstone meet Homer Simpson and what do you know
It suddenly becomes..... "Yabba Dabba.....Doh!"

"X" is for "Xerox"
Think out of the box
Do you copy?
A photo of your bum for all to see?

"X" is for "Xenaphobia"
Things that scare you from afar
Such a fear of that warrior princess
Something you need to fear much less.

If you are participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge (April 2013), I do wish you well.  May you embrace the ideals of a sharing, caring blogging community.  Rejoice in the all different, all equal diversity.  Learn from each other and make such knowledge a force for good on our fragile planet.

Yes, this posting was typed in front of a dead studio audience and they are getting restless.  In fact, they are heading towards me.  "Z" is for "Zombies!".........


  1. I've just put my post on for the challenge before going to bed. I too got an alphabet song playing,

    Loved your post, hope you sleep soundly.

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      I'm glad you put up your post for the challenge I could never get involved with. I shall read your postings. The alphabet song with a bit of a twist :)

      Thank you for your comment and your wishes of me getting some sleep.

      Have fun with the alphabet and enjoy Easter Monday.

      Gary :)

  2. How did you type those words upside down!?!?! Wow!! I am in super AWE! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,

      It was easy I turned my keyboard upside down sıɥʇ ǝʞıן ƃuıdʎʇ puɐ

      You take care, y'all!


  3. I am not doing the A-Z but I will be reading your posts. Yeah.... how did get those upside down? Wow... Have a good night, I am headed to watch some TV

    1. Hi Terry,

      Neither am I and never would subject myself to the darned thing. Strangely enough, I promote the challenge that states this stuff about sharing and caring. I look forward to the hosts ahem, making mention of my good natured, satirical alternatives.

      "Yeah.... how did you get those upside down? Wow.." Answer : uʍop ǝpısdn pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ʎɯ ƃuıuɹnʇ ʎq :)

      Enjoy your evening of TV. I'm going to lie down in a darkened room.

      Gary :)

  4. Great alphabet song....maybe you could do a tutorial on upside down words?

    1. Hi Delores,

      Thank you for liking my alphabet song! Sure thing, spɹoʍ uʍop ǝpısdn uo ןɐıɹoʇnʇ ɐ

      Thank you, Delores. And enjoy the alphabet challenge.

      Gary :)

    2. Hmmmm...most helpful Gary. Thank you very much. Now I've had to stand on my head twice to read your words of wisdom. I'm an old lady Gary......this isn't good for me.

    3. Hi Delores,

      No, I hadn't forgotten you. I've typed this the right way round. So if you are upside down, you're wasting your time :) You are not an old lady, young lady! So there!

      Gary :)

  5. Zipper Zapping Zombies? Shuddering at the horror! Come May 1, we all may be zombies! Put Penny on guard duty! ;-)

    1. Hi Jeff,

      It aint easy typing this when you've got zipper zapping zombies chomping on your bits. "Get away from me....!" Okay, where was I? Oh yeah. Anyone involved in the alphabet challenge may well turn into zombies :) I shall be setting up a therapy and detox program on my blog for those who find it gets too much!

      Thank you, Jeff. And thanks for that other interaction. I was most grateful.

      Gary :)

  6. Not sure how you got words upside down
    But a fun rhyme in your town
    As you go away
    To a zombie display
    Which may come due
    For Z at my zoo
    Some will find it eww
    But so fun to do
    Prob an app for the upside down though
    Am I correct at my guess today at your show?

    1. Is that you Pat Hatt?
      Change your shirt for your armpits splat!
      I mentioned how I got them upside down
      Easy to do in my town
      I go away
      For here I can't stay
      Zombies be munchin'
      By bones are a crunchin'
      You live in a zoo
      That be true
      If they let you out
      I'll give you a shout
      The typing has come from a land down under
      Figure it out is you still wonder....

  7. I hear that dead audience is a tough should have brought Penny out to pinch hit for you! :)

    Take care, my friend!

    1. For the life of me, a dead studio audience just wont laugh. Okay, they are making weird groaning noises but....

      Pinch hit? They don't play baseball in England. Okay, people have been known to buy baseball bats over here. But not for baseball, if you know what I mean....

      Thanks Mark and you take care, my friend.

      Gary :)

  8. You again manage to confuse readers with your mad skills. You are the man! I just figured it out, but will I remember how I did it? No.

    1. Hi Susan,

      I confuse myself :) I ate an upside down cake! :)

      Thank you, Susan.

      Gary :)

  9. I am ready! Finished my posts last night. Next year - not quite such an ambitious theme.

    1. Hi Alex,

      That's great. However, what about my posting? I make note of your posting when I leave a comment on your site. Thank you, Alex.

      Gary :)

    2. My apologies, Gary. I think my brain had finally shut down when I read this last night.
      I think you are on to something with the Yabba Dabba Doh. I foresee a Simpsons episode where Homer meets Fred.
      And how did you get those words upside down?

    3. Hi Alex,

      No worries and thank you. Maybe I'm too sensitive. It's just I did put a bit of effort into this silly posting.

      Homer and Fred meet the Jetsons.

      It's an upside down application that can be found on the internet.

      Be well and I'm heading to your site very soon. Lucky you! :)

  10. Gary,
    Run, Faster.... Grab a pitchfork. Zombies...Yipes.
    Love and peace

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      All I could find was a shovel. I can dig that! :)

      Love, peace and enjoy the alphabeting,

      Gary :)

  11. Zombies... Yikes. I see you're tackling the dangerous part of the alphabet first!

    1. Hi Robin,

      Indeed, some of the more dangerous parts of the alphabet Zombies and Y for some reason, it's X rated! :)

      Thank you, Robin.

      Happy alphabeting,

      Gary :)

  12. ¿ƃuıpuǝ uɐ ʇɐɥʍ 'ʍoʍ 'puɐ ʇɥƃıuoʇ pɐǝp ƃuıʞlɐʍ ɟo puǝ uosɐǝs ǝɥʇ pǝɥɔʇɐʍ ʇnq 'sǝıqɯoz ǝʇɐɥ ı
    ¡ʞɔıɹʇ ǝɥʇ uɹɐǝl oʇ ǝʌɐɥ llıʍ ı ˙ʇsod ǝuo uı llɐ sǝıqɯoz puɐ ƃuıdʎʇ uʍop ǝpısdn 'lnɟɹǝpuoʍ s,ʇı ʞuıɥʇ ı 'ʎɹɐƃ

    You do have your sword, right? Or do you prefer a bullet to the head --- for wiping out zombies!

    Hope you have a wonderful week! Excellent post!

    1. Hi ǝǝuǝɹ ɐpuɐןoʎ,

      Seems you have been eating an upside down cake! :) It sure is wonderful typing upside down. Very awkward doing that because all the blood rushes to my head and the zombies get even more frenzied. I shall have to teach you the trick of typing upside down. There were some 'walking dead' tonight. Really? Reminds me the British government. Love to see an ending to them...

      I wipe out zombies by getting Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar fart on them. Destroys the nastiest of zombies! :)

      Thank you Yolanda. May you have a peaceful week.

      Gary :)

    2. Not yet, but tomorrow is my birthday, so I'm in! Apple pie is my favorite, or strawberry shortcake, although it has been ages since I've had pineapple upside down cake. What's your specialty?

      You know my dog, Patches, she would probably be just as lethal, thanks, always hated guns!

      Happy IWSG day!

    3. Hey Yolanda,

      An early happy birthday wish to you! :) And to think, if you so wish, you will now be legally old enough to purchase alcoholic beverages. I should of known y'all would like apple pie as your "favorite".... apologies to my English English spell check! My speciality is angel cake. Just like me, an angel cake.

      Patches meet Penny. Penny meet Patches. *fart* *fart*....

      What day? "IWSG"? "I Was Seeking Gary" day? Why thank you :)

      Thank you for the bonus comment, Yolanda.

      Gary :)

  13. Loud smiles at this delightful post. At one stage we had a cat called Zero. She rapidly became Zerox - the reproducing machine. Faster than a speeding bullet she was...

    Have a most excellent week.

    1. Hi Elephant's Child,

      I'm really pleased this posting made you smile :) A regular 'copy cat', then....:)

      Thank you, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  14. Enjoyed your song Gary, and loved the upside down writing as I just wasn't expecting to see that, so a very nice touch. And you managed to fit in a poem too. What a great way to start the challenge. I wonder what you will do next? I'm sure it will be a good one :) Enjoy and I wish you all the best to the finishing line.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      I hope you sang along :) Ah yes, upside down. That'll teach me to turn my keyboard around like that. Even a bit of surreal poetry for good measure. I'm actually not doing the alphabet challenge. However, being a non-conformist rebel, I do like to do the occasional satirical posting in regards to it. Those doing the darned thing I wish well and I shall start up a detox program for them :)

      Thank you and continue with that superb blog of yours.

      Gary :)

  15. ssǝɔuıɹd ɹoıɹɹɐʍ ʇɐɥʇ ǝʌoן oʇ uɹɐǝן puɐ ɐıןןıɥdouǝx oʇuı ɐıqoɥd ɹnoʎ uɹnʇ

    Your line - "Fred Flintstone meet Homer Simpson and what do you know
    It suddenly becomes..... "Yabba Dabba.....Doh!" is share worthy.

    1. Hi Ida,

      For sure, I personally love that warrior princess :)

      I thank you. Fred thanks you. Even Homer thanks you.

      Be well and enjoy your alphabeting.

      Gary :)

  16. Hi Gary - well the zombies are drawing everyone in .. and that upside down stuff is enough to make this northerner feel slightly unwell!

    We'll enjoy our time here and look forward to crossing paths perhaps with Roland's zombies ...

    I need a sit by my Aga!

    Cheers .. and I love everyone's comments - Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      The zombies are drawing ever closer. I even handed them some pencils. And that upside down stuff makes me think I'm in the south.

      Ah yes, Roland, Roland on a river...Sorry, I'm crazy!

      All we here is Radio Aga....Stay warm and I used to have a pot-bellied stove.

      Happy A to Zedding, Hilary.

      Gary :)

  17. Loved your rhyme.

    Now RUUUUUN!!! Don't let the zombies get you!

    1. Hi Misha,

      Just in time to like my rhyme....

      Oh I ran and that's the good news. The bad news is that I'm at your site now and the zombies have followed me there! :)

      Happy alphabet challenge, Misha.

      Gary :)

  18. Great Gary! Had to turn my laptop upside down!

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Oh no, I had to turn my monitor upside down to read your comment!

      Gary :)

  19. Gary, you have a lovely singing voice. Is that Penny harmonizing in the background? Simply love-o-ly!

    1. Hey Joylene,

      Why thank you for noticing my lovely singing voice. That harmony in the background is Penny farting. Simply love-o-ly!

      Thank you, Joylene. I'm humming the theme tune to "Hockey Night in Canada", eh!

      Gary :)

  20. Too cute! And pawfect for April Fool's Day too! Wishing you only good things, kind blogging friend:)

    1. Hi M. J.,

      Very kind of you, dear lady. Me thinks that April Fool's Day is most apt for the start of that darned alphabet challenge. Thank you, M.J. and have fun.

      Gary :)

  21. Clever :) I thought of doing the A to Z but I am simply not creative enough to come up with a post every day :)

    1. Hi Keith,

      Thanks for that. I thought of doing the A to Z for all of about ten seconds. Then I returned to my senses. I think we both do our own stuff. And of course, I'm going to say you are creative enough. I mean. Look at how many comments you get on your thoughtful site. Heck dude, you could put up a photo of a dead skunk and get more comments than I would ever get. How do you do it? I want to know the secret. Dammit! :)

      Be well, you existentialist type dude!

      Gary :)

  22. Cute song!

    My posts are ready and I didn't even have to use zombies for Z.

    1. Hi Diane,

      It sure is a cute song. I hope you sang along.

      Aha, no zombies for "Z". Did you use 'Xenaphobia' for "X"? Probably not!

      Happy alphabeting, Diane.

      Gary :)

  23. "Yabba Dabba.....Doh!" That made me laugh! And, you had me singing the abcs backwards, which I can now assure you, I'm terrible at. :D

    1. Hi Elise,

      Fred Flintstone meet a great big dog. Yabba Dabba Scooby Doo! Yikes! Okay lets all sing the Z Y X's ! :)

      I'm sure when you sing all of France rejoices!

      Happy alphabeting and an analogy, your way,

      Gary :)

    2. Except France never rejoices. xD

    3. Elise? What? I thought that France rejoices knowing that you live there :) I mean, England has parades in my honour! I think I've mentioned before that I'm slightly delusional. Okay, a lot delusional! :)

      Thanks for the bonus comment!

    4. LOL, Elise! Thank you for the bonus, bonus comment :)

  24. You and your human friend are a playful duo. Yes, good luck to all who are doing the challenge - it's a wonderful community. Thank you for returning the blog follow too. I find dead studio audiences are the most challenging to liven up. But you're clearly highly skilled at it.


    1. Hi Robin,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar would have replied to your comment. However, after a day of trying to hide from the 'puparazzi' that often um hound her, she's gone for a well earned snooze :) Yes, the alphabeters are a wonderful community of sharing and caring. Well, most of them.

      It was my honour and Penny's honour to link into your site and for you to so kindly grace us with linking into this shy and oh so humble blog :)

      I seem to have a dead studio audience every time I try my stand up comedy routine. More like, sit down or better still, get off the stage. Thank you for your kind words, Robyn.

      Penny's alleged human,

      Gary :)

  25. You're so clever, Gary! Thanks for the smile and giggle!

    1. Hi Nancy,

      You are way too kind. I'm really heartened that I could make you smile and giggle. And you know I'm really proud of you with how well your book is doing! :) Thank you, Nancy.

      Gary :)

  26. I wish you were doing the challenge. Your posts would rock! Thanks for the encouragement.

    1. Hi Nick,

      Very nice of you to say that, my friend. However, I just couldn't commit myself to such a month long endeavour. I'd probably end up being committed! I wish you much happiness and fulfilment in the challenge. Rest assured, you will have my ongoing support and encouragement. Thank you, Nick.

      Happy alphabeting,

      Gary :)

  27. 'Yes, this posting was typed in front of a dead studio audience and they are getting restless. In fact, they are heading towards me. "Z" is for "Zombies!".........

    Love love love this post!! Enough said :)

    1. Gidday Wendy,

      Awe thank you. I know you know that my postings in regards to the alphabet thingy ma jiggy, are very tongue-in-cheek! :)

      Wishing you more rain, dear Wendy.

      Gary :)

  28. ZOMBIES!
    My fav Z of ALL time

    How sad am I?

    1. Hi John,

      ZAP those ZOMBIES! I can understand that being your most loved "Z"! I quite liked "Z-Cars"..

      You aint sad at all, my friend.

      Gary :)

  29. Replies
    1. Hi Caren or is it Cody?

      Yes it was. Or was it? I have no idea :)

      Thank you and Penny says "arf!"

      Gary :)

  30. I'm not taking part because I am an unsociable git.- "Z" is for "Zombies!".... I watched 28 weeks later last night, after having seen 28 days later the previous week. I may never sleep again.

    1. Hi Michelle,

      I'm not taking part because I value what's left of my sanity :) Besides, I might say it's a cynical ploy for people to accumulate 'followers' and blatantly self-promote. I might say that...oops! :)

      I hope you manage to get some sleep. I could always sing you the backwards alphabet song. That would lull you to sleep!

      Thank you, Michelle.

      Gary :)

  31. You're a clever boy! :-) You should think about doing the challenge... ;-)

    1. Hi Maria,

      Oh yeah! :) This clever boy would rather watch an entire day's worth of "Glee Club" than do the challenge! :)

      Thank you, Maria.

      Gary :)

  32. Unofficially speaking that was a quite good non-entry backwardly speaking. You are one of our top A to Z marketers. We should put you on the payroll. Well, if there were a payroll.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

    1. Hi Arlee,

      Yay, it's the poster dude himself! "Quite good"? I thought it was fantastically awesome! :)

      Yes and what irony, I promote your A to Z and I make mention of your fine self. I willingly volunteer my time to your cause. Maybe you might like to join my alternate challenge? Yes? No? Who am I?

      Thank you, Lee. Happy alphabeting, dude!

      Gary :)

  33. The Challenge is on its way and the first day is behind us. Twenty five letters and counting! :)

    1. Hi DL,

      Welcome to the alternate alphabet universe. Twenty three letters and counting, in my case :) Z done. Y done. X done! :)

      Thank you, kind sir. And thank you for linking into my blog. Enjoy the amazing alphabet challenge.

      Gary :)

  34. Oh Gary, that was amazingly clever, but then again, that's what I find when I come here, and in every comment you leave. The Force of Satire is strong in you my friend! Well done. And dead audiences? Talk about a tough crowd...

    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

    1. Hi Tina,

      Ah, the opposition team member has arrived! :) I really appreciate you liking my farcical take on things. And yep, the irony, eh. Here I am making fun and bringing further awareness of your gosh darned fun alphabet challenge!

      Enjoy the A to Z, Tina. Smile and keep embracing that positivity :)

      The dead audience seem to be rather lively. Which means um...

      Gary :)..........

  35. Well done, Gary!!!

    1. Hi Laura,

      I must be mad. Almost four in the morning! *Rubs eyes*.

      Why thank you for the applause! Oops, I think you stirred the zombies....must go now...

      Gary :)

  36. I find alphabet challenges extremely boring. I can't seem to concentrate long enough to keep my mind on what I'm supposed to be doing. My post last week was the exception that proves the rule.

    But I did want to say that I absolutely love, love, love the photo of Sydney from the water at the top of your blog. I don't mean there is water at the top of your blog, just that the view of Sydney across the water is an excellent masthead for your blog.

    But why did you do it? That's the question.

    1. Hi rhymeswithplague,

      Of course, you do realise that my posting is satirical with the slightest hint of cynicism. I would never subject myself to these blogfests or blog hops, or whatever they might call them. Like you, I do my own thing at my own pace.

      I do so hope you're trying to be surreal, my friend. I don't think my friends in Vancouver, Canada would like to have Vancouver mistaken for Sydney.

      So why did I do it? Because I'm from Vancouver and thought it might be nice to share one of my photos from my last trip back to Vancouver.

      Thank you, my friend.

      Gary :)

  37. Did you know I'm quite good at reciting the alphabet backwards? Well done, Gary. I've always enjoyed satire. I haven't written any in quite a long while, though. Right now I'm having too much fun doing research and letting the history geek in me play. I should really let her out more often.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

    1. Hi Shannon,

      I do now. Satire, grammar anarchy, is the way forward. Or is that backwards? You need to do some more satire, Shannon. Okay, after you have finished your mystery history theme. Satire, ah yes, now where was I? Thank you, Shannon.

      Gary :)

  38. Okay, you could have done the A-Z backwards and in record time! I'm so jealous, it took me a month to write my posts :)

    1. Hi Gwen,

      I have only done the first three letters of the alternative alphabet challenge. Z Y and X. May you enjoy the other challenge, which I've found out goes from A to Z. Very strange :)

      Thank you, Gwen.

      Gary :)

  39. That was delightfully weird!! :-)

    You have a lovely mind, Gary.

    Hello from Minneapolis, where it is SPRING! At long last SPRING!!


    1. Hi Pearl,

      I thank you. You do realise you're my inspiration! :)

      My mind is lovely in a crazy kinda' way.

      Hello from Leek, yes Leek, England, where spring is still having a battle with winter. Heck, we still have a snowman in our garden. Poor guy, should really remove the snow from him....

      Than you, Pearl.

      Gary :)

  40. Well you've got it all done and outta the way so good for you! ;D

    1. Hey PK,

      I've gone and done the first three last letters in the alternative to the A to Z :) Thank you and happy alphabeting, PK.

      Gary :)

  41. LOL. Love your response to the A to Z Challenge.

    1. Hi Golden Eagle,

      Thanks and I guess you've figured out I'm making fun of the A to Z :)

      Thank you, my friend.

      Gary :)

  42. Replies
    1. Hi Carrie,

      Thank you and imagine the blurb that could go with this posting :)

      Thank you, Carrie.

      Gary :)

  43. lol I still haven't figured out the X for one of my blogs :)

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    1. Hey Damyanti,

      I don't mind if you um copy my Xerox! :)

      Gary, host of the alternative alphabet challenge.

  44. Thank you so much for the wishes for A to Z. Already I am one day behind. I had a bad asthma attack today, that left me very tired.
    Your post is fun to read.

    1. Hi Munir,

      You are most welcome for the A to Z wishes. I'm sorry to read of your asthma attack. You must remember to not put pressure on yourself with this challenge. It's something that folks who are participating should duly note.

      Munir, I'm on my way over :) Thank you.

      Gary :)

  45. I like all the messages you convey on this post. Very creative and funny... I appreciate the irony.

    1. Hi Julia,

      Thank you for liking the underlying messages in my posting. A bit of irony, a bit of cynicism and maybe even a teensy weensy bit of sarcasm. Me sarcastic? Never, ever! :)

      Thank you, Julie.

      Gary :)

  46. You could get something going with a reverse challenge...maybe some of us would be goofy enough to try to do both at the same time.

    1. Hi Patricia,

      Oh yep, a reverse challenge. The alphabet in an alternate universe. I hope you are goofy enough to attempt both! :)

      Thank you, Patricia.

      Gary, the cordial host of the alternate challenge :)

  47. LOL! Thanks for the chuckle. I liked the 'dead studio audience' comment. I always think (when they say on TV, so and so is Live at...) 'I should think so too!' ;O)

    1. Hi Madeleine,

      I'm really pleased this made you chuckle. Your thinking was what I was thinking. Yes, I went to a "live" concert.

      Thank you, Madeleine,

      Gary :)

  48. Hey Gary, I love the photo of Vancouver!! I'm from North Van, and it's always good to see people from around my area. Love the upside down typing. I should try that...I'm one of the ones doing the A-Z challenge infront of a dead studio audience!

    1. Hey Eve,

      I've lived in West Van. I like North Van and I like the Seven Seas restaurant. It's nice to see you here. You know, my fellow Lower Mainlander, be a rebel, come join the alternate alphabet challenge! :)

      You do realise that I typed the upside down words from Antarctica :) Your audience shall come alive, my friend. You shall see....

      Take care, eh.

      Gary :)

  49. Hey, Gary! I found another site about gnomes! Here it is:

    1. Hi Susan,

      Thank you :) Stormy the weather gnome is a friend of the wee folks. I appreciate that. I guess you have figured out we were aware of that site.

      Gary :)

  50. I feel like I'm walking backwards. That's good, right? Actually, you've given me hope. I will get to Z. If Gary can do it, so can I. Thanks.

    1. Hi C.Lee,

      Backwards, upside down and everywhere in between :) When you reach Z in the other alphabet challenge, I will have reached A in mine. Or something like that. Thank you.

      Gary :)

  51. You've made me realize what a conformist I truly am. Kudos for you for doing the challenge your way. Or not doing the challenge, as it were.

    1. Hi cynk,

      Being a conformist is certainly an alien concept to me. I thank you for the kudos. And you would be correct, I'm not doing the challenge :) Thank you for your kind comment and have a peaceful weekend.

      Gary :)

  52. The leader of the alphabark challenge has spoken. Well, the servant of the leader of the alphabark challenge. Hello Penny.

  53. Hey Ann,

    Thanks for commenting on this archived post. Of course, my influence in regards to alphabet anarchy is thanks to that rebel dog, Penny!

    See at your site and yep, good old "Farcebook"! Penny sends you virtual doggy breath. Enjoy!

    Penny's alleged human,

    Gary :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.