
Wednesday 27 March 2013

Fact Or Fiction? Introducing Colin Hall.

Back on January 4, I made a special announcement that an author I've been interacting with in the background, was on the verge of having his intriguing book, with some very unique angles, published.  As of April 2, 2013, the book, "Fact or Fiction?  The Paris and M6 Crashes" by Colin Hall, will be available for purchase.  It can be pre-ordered as of now.

Here's the official front and back cover reveal of Colin's book
Here's a list of reports Colin's book is based upon.
Here's the list of chapters.

Below is a message forwarded onto me by Colin Hall.  It's a draft press release he would like me to share with you. 

"Now you can finally find out about the sensational events that have been sweeping the internet: what’s behind the Paris and M6 crashes and are they fact or fiction? Better yet, you can join in and add your own opinions and findings to the conclusions.
Released by Markosia, Colin’s book gathers in one place a whole host of information, together with blogs and websites reporting the global phenomenon that is The Paris & M6 Crashes: Fact or Fiction?
Colin comments on the reports written by the journalist Mark Collins - the man who first brought the crashes to the World’s attention and who, alone, claimed to have access to witnesses and officials.
Best described as ‘living literature’, the book charts a journey, looking for answers in an attempt to uncover the truth behind the reports into the alleged M6 and Paris crashes. But does the book resolve the questions or simply raise more? That’s for you to decide. Allegations of disappearing passengers, injecting of dead bodies and mysterious extracts from what appears to be a diary: how much is fact and how much is fiction?
Or has it all been an elaborate hoax? This book explores the theories and the conclusions with some very surprising results.
Step into Colin’s world, look at the information that’s been gathered, examine the blogs, review the codes and see why the Fortean Times described this mystery as ‘modern folklore’.
My interest was piqued when I accidentally stumbled across a mass of online reports about the so-called 'M6 Paranormal Crash', as I delved further into the subject I also found reports about another crash in Paris and then an arrest that had allegedly been made in Manchester.
Given my professional background it was always going to be within my nature to explore these reports further and understand exactly what I had stumbled upon."
More information that will give you a better idea about Colin's book can be found here : The double crash

An interview with Colin Hall and to give you some more insight, can be found here : 
Fact or Fiction-Author Interview

Colin Hall on Twitter is here : ColinZHall

Colin Hall's Facebook Page is here : Colin Hall

Further information on how to purchase Colin's book on a worldwide basis, can be found here : Fact or Fiction? : Markosia

It's been quite the adventure supporting Colin in the background.  I'm very excited for him and I wish him every success with his book.  


  1. Thanks for sharing. Good Luck and good wishes to Mr.Hall.

    1. Hi Munir,

      Pleased to share. We both wish Mr.Hall the very best with his book. Thank you, Munir.

      Gary :)

  2. Hi Gary,

    Intriguing, to say the least. What would we do without conspiracy theories? True or not, they are us think.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      Conspiracy theories, cover ups, all the making of an intriguing book. Thank you, Arleen.

      Gary :)

  3. I couldn't help but smile when I saw his chapter notes written on the back of cardboard with sweat stains from his drink of choice. He definitely lived with his book actively on his mind at all times.

    Definitely a good sign of a good writer.

    1. Hi lotta joy,

      That just about sums Colin up. I've met Colin in a pub and I was waiting for him to scribble some notes on a beer mat! :)

      Thank you, lotta joy.

      Gary :)

  4. Wow, now that is something I could WONDER about for sure.

    1. Hi Dizzy-Dick,

      Indeed and I seemed to WONDER and then I WANDER over to your site. And before I disappear (which has two "P's) :) I thank you for commenting.

      Gary :)

  5. Thank you for yet another generous introduction to an author. I hope that Colin has all the success he could wish for...

    1. Hi Elephant's Child,

      My honour to introduce Colin. We both wish he much success. Thank you, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  6. You are so kind to help these authors out by tooting their horn for them. Now I am heading over to check out the interview.

    1. Hi Terry,

      Thank you and I've been known to toot a few horns. Well the guy driving in front of me decided to test his brakes for no apparent reason. Sorry, what am I doing? :) Have fun checking out the interview with Colin. Thank you, Terry.

      Gary :)

  7. Intriguing! And it's certainly a very original as far as design and layout.

    1. I think my cluttered way of working also contributed to the layout in the end!



    2. Alex and Colin,

      Nice to see your interaction.

      Gary :)

  8. Very original indeed
    As you show off another at your feed
    Sure much will come due
    For him now that he's been shouted out by a modest internet superstar like you haha

    1. Hi Pat,

      Original in an unusual way
      I like folks to have their say
      I'm a mere man
      Penny's the superstar with the plan

      Gary :)

  9. Gary, Colin is lucky to have a friend like you. I've noticed that you always share your friend's posts on FB and on Twitter. You have a good heart my friend.

    1. Hi Keith,

      That's very nice of you to say, my friend. I do work discreetly in the background and try to bring awareness of others. You and I embrace the ethos of sharing and caring. I'm grateful to have met you. Thank you, Keith.

      Gary :)

  10. Another interesting book. Now I know I need to pay more attention to the news.

    1. Hi Diane,

      The story that involves this book is on the internet. I'm hoping that Colin's book will stir much interest.

      Thank you, Diane.

      Gary :)

  11. Very intriguing. I don't know much about either the Paris or M6 crashes, but your book looks like a really interesting read. Good luck with everything, Colin!

    1. Hi Elise,

      I reckon if you type in Paris and M6 crashes, it will lead you to all sorts of info. Thank you, Elise.

      Gary :)

  12. Sounds like a very interesting book indeed.

    1. Hi Damyanti,

      I hope you manage to check out Colin's book. Thank you, Damyanti.

      Gary :)

  13. Creative artwork! Would definitely entice me to give it a look :)

    1. Hi BZ Dogs,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar sends you pawsitive wishes! :)

      The artwork is certainly different. Thank you.

      Gary :)

  14. This is a writer after my own heart. I'm trying hard not to accumulate pieces of cardboard, napkins, old envelopes full of my notes. LOL. But you have to record them while you can, right! Great sounding book, Gary. Please give my best to Colin. I'm cheering for a huge success with his book.

    1. The table was covered in bits of paper at one point! The illustrator I worked with did a great job of unraveling it all!



    2. Joylene meet Colin. Colin meet Joylene.

      Ah yes, a writer after your own heart, Joylene. And what a heart you have, my good friend. I've got a house full of scrap notes. Hell I've got notes to remind me where I left my other notes. Thank you, Joylene and Colin.

      Gary :)

  15. Replies
    1. Hi Julia,

      It is intriguing. And thank you for thinking it's a nice review. Thank you, Julia.

      Gary :)

  16. Yay for Colin! Hope he's a big success!

    1. Hey Jemi,

      Yay, for sure! Thank you, Jemi.

      Gary :)

  17. I shall be calling on Colin, he sounds interesting!

    1. Hi Willow,

      Colin, you have a visitor! :)

      Thank you, Willow. Your blog is delightful.

      Gary :)

  18. Hi Klahanie,
    You've been highly recommended by the woman behind My Journey with Candida, so I've joined your following. I see I've been missing out on good info and pure fun, but it's never too late to jump aboard.

    1. Hi Robyn,

      Ah yes, the lovely Terry :) I'm most grateful to her and she's been very interactive with my shy and humble self. Very kind of you to link into our site. A site that Penny the dog sometimes allows me to type on. It was a delight visiting your blog and yes, the icon of Penny is now at your site.

      Welcome, my friend.

      Gary :)

  19. Intriguing. I always love a good mystery mixed with a conspiracy theory. Who doesn't? Thanks for passing his book along.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

    1. Hi Shannon,

      Intrigue, mystery and a bit of a conspiracy theory. Ah yes, fact or fiction? Glad to bring further awareness of Colin and his book. Thank you, Shannon.


  20. X-files revisited. Love the coffee stains on the pages.Good luck Colin.

    1. Hi Madeleine,

      X-Files with a M6 and Paris twist :)

      Gary :)

  21. I am totally red faced to admit I had no clue about a crash.

    Maybe I'll just say hi to Penny and best of luck to Colin. :)

    1. Hi Elizabeth.

      No need for the red face :) It's out there on the internet.

      Penny says hello back to you and we're sure Colin will do very well. Thank you, Elizabeth.

      Gary :)

  22. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone on here for all your kind wishes & support - Gary's been a great support & has written a great post in support of my debut book!



    1. Hi Colin,

      It's been quite the adventure interacting with you. I'm wishing you much success and fulfilment with your book. I thank you for your kind words. Our shared encouragement and support will most certainly continue. Thank you, Colin.


  23. As an American, it is within credibility -- and my RIGHTS, dammit!! -- to have no idea what you're talking about.


    Pet the pup for me, would ya?


    1. Hey Pearl,

      You need to be more "A Lert"! Often, we have no idea what you're talking about :)

      "Pet the pup"? Is that some sort of euphemism? Thank you, Pearl. Now get back on the bus, dammit!

      Your starstruck fan,

      Gary :)

  24. I've never been one for conspiracy theories, but these days, one never knows anything for sure.

    1. Hi Susan Kane,

      Perhaps it's conspiracy writers conspiring to sell more books about conspiracy :) Who knows.

      Thank you, Susan.

      Gary :)

  25. Wow. That's pretty interesting. Where is Colin now? He hasn't been harassed by the men in black yet, has he?

    1. Hi Static,

      We were actually tapped up about the Paris crash & had to give assurances that there were no references to the other major crash in Paris in the late 90's - I think the fact that the same hospital was name checked caused alarm - or at least so I'm told.

      So not the men in black exactly, but a bit freaky.



  26. Ah Static,

    Colin is in a secret location and partying with Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. Must go now...somebody or something is knocking on my door. And being 3:15 A.M, I'm pretty sure it aint a double-glazing salesperson....

    Gary :)

  27. i love the creativity o f the cover and back cover. books with this content, fact or fiction, are just freakin' fun reads period. and hey, it's never too late to learn new things, right? although you know everything kinda sorta, right gary???

    your welcome gary! hahahaha...

    1. Hi Tammy,

      Oh yeah, creativity of the front and back cover. It's a freakin' fun read and will intrigue. You're pretty creative in the way you spell, Tammy! :)

      I'm but a shy, humble and oh so modest man. I cannot even begin to compete with the gnomes, the fairies, the pixies, the elves, or even Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

      Gosh, your comment was worth the wait! Thank you! You're, not "your", welcome for my reply comment! :)

      Gary :)

  28. Hi Gary .. Colin's book looks intriguing to say the least - especially if it unravels some fiction ... or brings more questions into the limelight ..

    I must listen to his interview .. or read ... I do wish him well in his quest - sounds as though it might make a good film/tv programme ..

    Happy Easter and don't get too cold ... give Penny a cuddle for me - with thoughts to thee in the colder north ... Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Thanks for your kind comments about my book & I do hope to shed more light on the subject matter.

      The book is very much about opening up the debate & posing my thoughts & seeing what others think as well.

      A film or TV show would be a great idea as well!



    2. Hi Hilary

      I'm most glad that Colin has interacted with your good self. We both wish him well in his quest.

      Happy Easter to you, Hilary. It's somewhat warmer now, thankfully. I shall give Penny a cuddle. Stay warm and smile. Thank you, Hilary.

      Gary :)

  29. I followed and friended Colin, I wish him good luck with his book, the publishing world is harsh out there and he need a friend like you :)>

    1. Hi Petronela,

      That's very nice of you to befriend Colin :) I know he will be grateful for your good luck wishes. And I'm very proud of you getting your book published, my dear friend.

      Gary :)

  30. That looks like a very interesting book. And since I read one book a week, I might just give it a try.

    1. That's great - I appreciate it!

      I hope you like what I've come up with as a set of plausible possibilities to the whole thing



  31. After reading your comment on my blog about how you'd been working behind the scenes with a "mystery writer", I may have made some (ahem) slightly inappropriate comments in response. I thought you were kidding, and talking about Penny, the pawsitively amazing pooch. So, believe me, I meant nothing detrimental when I suggested Colin wags his tail when he sees you coming, and barks to get your attention, and um, licks your hand... HA!

    Seriously, this sounds like an intriguing book. The best of luck to Colin on selling a bazillion copies, while successfully keeping the men in black at bay. And to you, Gary, you're a peach to highlight so many writers and their books.

    Happy Easter, my punny friend. (That's punny... not puny!)

    1. Hi Susan Flett Swiderski,

      Your comment was absolutely fine over at your brilliant site. If anything, Colin, may well wag his tail, but that's another story. I know he would be delighted to think he would be compared to Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :) Penny is going to try and teach Colin a few simple tricks like beg and roll over!

      Thanks for passing on your best wishes to Colin. Actually, I'm getting worried that the dudes in black might come a knockin' at my door. I try to bring awareness to some new writers who aren't necessarily on those blog tours. It's nice to be able to feature writers folks aren't familiar with. Thank you for your kind words.

      Happy Easter to you. I shall be having 'puncakes' for breakfast!

      Gary :)

  32. Conspiracy theories keep us all on our toes!

    1. Hi John Gray,

      Yep, conspiracy theories formulated by ballerinas, keep us all on our toes!

  33. Mmm, sounds interesting. Hope all is well Gary, thinking of you and stopping to say my hello's and send you well wishes:-)


    1. Hey Madison,

      It sure is interesting and it was interesting being somewhat involved in the background. I'm a little bit stressed with situations in my personal life. I'm determined to maintain a positive focus :) Thank you for your hello and well wishes, Madison.

      A peaceful, positive Easter to you, my friend.

      Gary :)

  34. Replies
    1. Hey Misha,

      Colin will be encouraged. Enjoy your Easter Sunday.

      Gary :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.