
Tuesday 7 August 2012

The Cardigan That Suits Me.

No, not that type of cardigan!  Never see me in a tacky cardigan, complete with pipe and comfy slippers. Oh no, not me.

No, I'm referring to Cardigan, Wales.  This is a photo of the harbour in Cardigan, Wales, I took last July.  I've been wanting to visit my friends again for just over a year.  Yet my concern for my son's well being, made it difficult for me to contemplate even going away.
Now that he has some upcoming temporary work, I can finally feel okay about heading to the Cardigan that suits me.

And through the field of maize, once again, I shall cast my eyes upon the enchanting beauty of Cardigan, Wales.

Once again, I shall look out beyond the beach and drift away to the island of positive thoughts.

Can you sense the gentle, soothing ambience?

My journey back to this wondrous place begins on Wednesday morning.  I shall be staying with my dear friends, Julie and Philip, who have set up a new mental health charity.  Now is my chance to finally be a part of their worthy endeavour.  Now is my chance to start living my life again.
I shall be gone for the next few days.  I'm staying away from a computer and going to my own "klahanie".  Klahanie, a word from the Chinook tribe of the Pacific North West coast of North America meaning, "the great outdoors".
Peaceful and positive wishes to you, my friend.


  1. Enjoy yourself, it sounds wonderful Gary :) x

  2. Have a wonderful, peaceful time - it looks beautiful x

  3. Gary those are some astonishing landscapes. I smell romance here :). Maybe you'll sun into some mythical mermaid who'll steal your heart :). I hope you'll bring plenty of photos to illustrate the event :).

  4. Hello Gary:
    Cardigan Bay is simply stunning and we are sure that you will enjoy the very best of times with your friends there. To be involved with their mental health charity will, we know, be a cause very dear to your heart and it will be so good to have a role in its development.

    Wishing you safe travels and we look forward to your return to the keyboard with tales of your adventures!!

  5. Have yourself a wonderful, relaxing, peaceful time. We'll all be here when you get back. Hey...will you be anywhere near Trelawnyd? You could stop in and see John the Dogs.

  6. You're going to have an awesome time! It's been years since I visited Wales, but I remember the country is very beautiful.

  7. Phew! That's a MUCH better cardigan for you!!! What a beautiful place - enjoy your klahanie! :)

  8. Wait, so is that where the cardigan sweaters come from? You should get a closetful and then you can change into one each day like Mr. Rogers. You could even train Penny to fetch you the slippers.

  9. a nice story with a happy ending and an answer to the question Why klahanie and what does it mean. have a nice time

  10. Wow, it's beautiful!
    I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time there :)

  11. For cryin' out loud.

    I didn't know there IS a Cardigan, Wales!

    *hangs head, slight smile...*


  12. I clicked to read more about your sudden cardigan fascination, Gary! I should have known you'd be talking about some other thing! hehe. That's nice that you'll be away from the computer with some good friends. Is Penny going as well? Have a fantastic time with your buddies please :)

  13. Have fun Gary! I hope the weather cheers up a bit for my friend, but then again, it doesn't matter what the weather throws at you, you will just beat it back with positive thoughts! :)
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  14. Thank you for explaining the word klahanie!! My goodness!!! What a great word!!

    Awwww enjoy Cardigan!! Another great name! So glad your boy has some work and so glad you are able to relax a little! Yay!!

    Please return soon oh but enjoy your break! take care

  15. Oh what a beautiful place! I've always wanted to do a tour of the British Isles, and am especially enamored of Ireland, having read oh so many novels set there. I wish you a wonderful trip! Also great that you get to pursue your passion.
    Congrats to your son on finding work. I don't know about your economy, but all reports of our "recovery" are completely exaggerated. Pretty sure the world knows that. Oh how I hate election year...
    In friendship always,
    Tina @ Life is Good

  16. Oh, I didn't know what 'klahanie' meant either. Very cool. Wow, not many a parent would stick around like that to make sure their kid is all sorted (very glad to hear he is now)... when I grow up, I want to be just like you. :) It looks absolutely beautiful there. Last time I was in Wales (a loooong time ago), I was playing a footy match near the cliffs of Cardiff. Ta ra, Gary!

  17. Wow Cardigan looks beautiful! Enjoy your time there!

  18. Have a wonderful trip, Gary! Stare out into the horizon once for me!

  19. I hope you have a wonderful time! :)

    I'd wondered what "klahanie" meant, if it meant anything; I love the definition.

    Beautiful pictures.

  20. Have a great time! It looks beautiful!

  21. Have an absolutely wonderful time in that beautiful spot. I am so happy for you that you are finally able to claim some of your own life back.
    I knew a man who spent around ten months of the year in grey cardigans. I used to say (not completely in jest) that if ever there was a 'dorkmasters international' he would win it hands down.

  22. Have a safe and happy trip, Gary, and a wondrous visit. Yes, it does look very soothing. It's going to make your spirit quite happy, I bet. Safe journey.

  23. I have been browsing and reading your blog these past couple of days and I can simply say that I am in awe. In many of your post's the words you write echo some of my past and present thoughts and than there are the post's that clearly express your creativity, talent and individuality. Thank you and have a wonderful trip!

  24. That looks like a wonderfully peaceful piece of Wales. I'll have to add it to my list of places to visit should I ever become a millionaire.
    I also love the red cardigan pictured at the top of your post. Really! I love it! I'd wear that. With my jeans.

  25. Wrap yourself in your "cardigan" and experience some healing yourself. We put ourselves last on the scale of mental necessities, always shoving others to the forefront, don't we.

  26. That's a Cardigan I'll like myself! Great pictures!


  27. I hope you are having a good holiday.

    I'm another who wondered what 'klahanie' actually meant, and I definitely like the definition. It is a good positive word (from somebody who loves the outdoors, especially autumn).

  28. Such wonderful positive news. x

  29. I hope you come back all rested and ready to step back in again. It looks very nice and I confess I can almost hear the seagulls and the gentle breezes. Have some fun and great time just for you, Dear.

  30. How wonderful. Have a lovely and fruitful time away. Warm regards.

  31. Glad to hear that Tristan has finally got some work, albeit temporary...who knows what it could lead too! Enjoy your few days away, you deserve them :)

    Take Care


  32. Dear Gary,
    Apologies for the lateness of this response, but I sincerely hope that you have a great time away, and that the new mental health venture is a success.
    Very Best Wishes,

  33. Have fun basking in your beautiful surroundings! Julie

  34. Glad to hear some positive news for your son, finally. Hope you had/are having a good visit to beautiful Wales.

  35. Wonders never cease... you amaze... you old cardigan hokey you!

  36. A stunning Cardigan, at last!! What a paradise; one can almost feel the salt breeze.

  37. Greetings friends,
    As you may know, I usually try to reply to each comment. Give the personal touch. However, upon just returning after being away for five days, I think it better to give a collective response.
    This means, I arrived and returned safely. I'm hoping to post up some photos in the next couple of days in regards to my latest Welsh adventure.
    Thus, thank you for your kind comments, All Consuming, Teresa, unikorna, Jane and Lance, Delores, Alex.J, Jemi, PT, R.Jacob, PurpleMist, Pearl, Shanaz, John, Old Kitty, Tina, CarrieBoo, Misha, Laura, The Golden Eagle, Heather Murphy, The Elephant's Child, Joylene, My Meddling Mind, River, lotta joy, nutschell, Lost in Space, Carole Anne Carr, Heather P, Susan Scheid, GEM, David, Empty Nest Insider, Ian, Dixie and Susan Kane.
    I'm very grateful and truly blessed for your kind interaction. May we all be inspired by the wonders of "klahanie", "the great outdoors."
    In peace and positivity, your way, Gary

  38. Replies
    1. Hi Danielle,
      It is indeed a beautiful place :)

  39. Hi Gary .. beautiful photos .. I love those sandy bays, with gentle rivulets of tidal waters slipping away with the ebbing tide .. can't wait to see Cornwall again next month and early Oct ..

    Just so pleased you felt able to leave and have a break for a while .. that Cardigan is just great .. and would look so good as part of your nude portrait photo?! Previous post - I forgot that part ... how I cannot imagine - oh I know the younger man that's been exposing himself inadvertenly lately ... I'll just get back into my retirement suite down here in Eastbourne .. cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,
      Thank you and it is indeed a beautiful location. And I love Cornwall.
      It was good to have the chance to get away. Ah yes, that cardigan is just the type of cardigan that would probably make me look stunning, or stunned. I reckon I could do a 'nude photo' minus the cardigan, but have only a pair of slippers and pipe instead :) You have a great weekend in Eastbourne.
      All the best,

  40. I'm really happy that your son is finally going to get some work. I know how depressed and how depressed he was about that.

    Again, great pictures, my friend. Hey, I'll take that cardigan sweater thingamajig. lol.

    Cardigan, Wales looks like a great vacation spot with many wonderful photo opportunities. I bet you enjoyed your stay there, despite some concerns back home.

    I'll make this one a little shorter (comment, I mean, not my penis) so I can move along to your next post I've missed. You've been quite prolific in your writings, it seems, since I've been away. :) At least compared to "One Post a Month Kelly"

    Take care, Gary

    1. Hi Kelly,
      Thanks so much. It has been a very sad and anxious four plus years of torment. For him to get a bit of work will do him the world of confidence.
      Your cardigan sweater with pictures of Homer Simpson on it, is on the way. Enjoy.
      I had a most peaceful, positive time in Cardigan, Wales. A great place for photos and an inspiring time with my friends.
      Good thing your comment was nothing to do with your dangly bit. Good grief, that would have been the longest comment I ever got. Not like I've seen your penis. Which reminds me, where did I leave my microscope...
      "One Post a Month Kelly" is always highly anticipated. Indeed, the highlight of bloggy land :)
      Thanks, dude.
      Your starstruck fan, Gary

  41. I hadn't realized this was one and the same place as the one pictured in those photos from last year! I remember when you'd taken those - they are so peaceful and serene, so...klahanie ;)

    1. Hey Kim,
      Oh yes, the very same place I went to last summer. Putting up these photos from last year were a positive focus for my then impending journey.
      So "great outdoors" :)
      Thanks for commenting on this posting.
      In peace and hope, your way, Gary


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.