
Wednesday 15 August 2012

More Tales From Wales.

On Wednesday afternoon, August 8, I set out for my latest adventure to Cardigan, Wales.  From Leek via Market Drayton, Shrewsbury, Welshpool, Newtown, Llangurig, Aberystwyth and finally, Cardigan.  A distance of about 157 miles and a driving time of slightly over 4 hours.
Yes indeed, driving in Britain can be quite the long, drawn out process.  Unless you are near a motorway.  Even then, a motorway can seem more like a gigantic parking lot.  And thus, with little choice and with no satellite navigation, I encountered the occasional mystery roundabout.  This would be the roundabout where I'm expecting to see a name of a place I've mapped out.  Only to find that the roundabout indicates I'm heading for 'Upper Lower Piggy Bottom'.  This means I end up going around and around and around the roundabout until I decide to follow that very slow moving tractor.
For the next few miles, I'm stuck behind a tractor, going uphill, on a narrow, winding road.  There is now a long line of cars behind me. Finally, there is a safe opportunity to pass the tractor. Just as I'm about to pass the tractor, the driver behind me overtakes me and the tractor.  I still have time to overtake and now I'm starting to accelerate to an amazing 40 miles per hour.  Then I get stuck behind a motorhome, going uphill, on a narrow, winding road.  

However, the journey was worth it.  My friends, Julie and Philip, took me from their home near Cardigan, to this location, Cenarth Falls.  A distance of about 9 miles south of Cardigan.
Here is the bridge at Cenarth Falls.
The next day, August 10, we headed to Tresaith beach, about a 10 minute drive north of where my friends live.  Here is the signpost to the beach.  Getting to the beach from the nearby town of Aberporth, entails walking down a steep path along some very high cliffs.
A view from the cliff on our way to Tresaith beach.
My friend, Philip, taking in the breathtaking panorama.
And a couple of canoeists on such a glorious, sunny day.
A first glimpse of Tresaith beach.  Do you see the waterfall in the middle of the photo?
Tresaith beach.
The waterfall.
A look back towards the beach from near the waterfall.
Evening was drawing in and the sun cast sparkles of light upon the sea.
On this, the third day of my journey, I looked upon the reflections in the sea.  And yes, fleeting glimpses of dolphins, brought on a sense of excitement, of awe, of wonder.  There they were, a trio leaping in and out of turquoise waters.  I listened to the crashing waves and the crying of the seagulls.  I dipped my toes in pristine seas and I knew, I just knew, that the positive journey that I felt in Wales, was only the beginning.


  1. That was a whale of a Wales tale Gary....I just love it when folks go on vacation and then share their photos. I feel like I've had a mini vacation myself. May the positivity continue.

    1. Hi Delores,
      A whale of Wales tale, indeed. Thank you for enjoying the photos of my positive adventure.
      Kind wishes, your way, Gary

  2. Hi Gary;
    I could just run and dip my eager toes in to that lovely cool looking water. How lucky to see Dolphins too. I hope your holiday was as delightful as your pictures lead one to believe. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Hi Heather,
      And the water was surprisingly warm to the toes. Such a shame I couldn't manage to get a photo of the dolphins. Still, quite the experience.
      The trip was a positive delight and my pleasure to share.
      In peace, Gary

  3. That definitely seems worth the wait to get there.

    1. Hi PT,
      Ah yes, the 'safari' to get there made it all the more worthwhile.
      Thanks, friend.

  4. These are beautiful sights, even if the drive to get there was a little frustrating

    1. Hi Heather Murphy,
      Indeed, despite the somewhat frustrating journey to get there, the end result was to be in awe of the beautiful sights.
      Thank you.
      In kindness, Gary

  5. Awesome photos! Never been to that part of the British Isles. But any part is amazing.

    1. Hi Alex,
      Thank you for thinking the photos are awesome. There is much beauty to behold in this fair isle.
      Kind wishes, Gary

  6. How absolutely beautiful, and such beautiful days you had, as well.

    1. Hi Susan,
      A beautiful location and a beautiful time. Magical moments to savour.
      In kindness, Gary

  7. Oh how wonderful. And thank you so much for sharing it with us. Dolphins, sunshine, ocean, panoramic views. Wow.

    1. Hi The Elephant's Child,
      It was my delight to share these photos and the experience. This will be a treasured memory.
      Kind wishes, Gary

  8. Awesome, Gary - both the beautiful scenes, and the positive thoughts. Looks like you had a great trip!

    1. Hi Kim,
      Thank you, Kim and it was a most inspirational, positive trip. I must try to get away more often.
      In peace and positive wishes, your way, Gary

  9. The photos are as beautiful as your story. I love the names of those English towns. What lovely places. Ah, to be near a beach where the water is warm enough to stick my toes in!!

    1. I think you might upset a few Welsh people with this comment!

    2. Hi Nancy,
      Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Of course, some of the towns are in Wales :) I reckon that the water near where you live is warm enough to dip your toes in.
      Take good care,

  10. Hello Gary:
    What we find so reassuring is that there are still to be found beaches such as this one within the British Isles which remain unspoilt. During the years we lived in Herefordshire we would often make forays into Wales, not least for some wonderful scenery and spectacular coastline. But getting there on narrow, twisting roads always took time!

    1. Hi Jane and Lance,
      It is most reassuring that one can find unspoilt beaches within this pleasant land. The water was pristine and the beach was clean. Ah Wales, the long and winding roads were half the adventure.
      Thank you both.
      All the best, Gary

  11. Hi Gary. What amazing photos! They seem so rich in colour. I feel as though I am on holiday with you. A smashing 'feel-good' post.
    Click here for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hi bazza,
      Thanks for that. The vivid colours were awesome and I'm glad you could immerse yourself in this 'feel-good' post.
      In kindness, Gary

  12. Dear Gary,
    I hope you had a wonderful time, my hairy friend. And judging by this post that's exactly what you did. The photos you've taken are beautiful, and you even got to see some dolphins! What can I say, I'm a little bit envious!
    Very Best Wishes, and so glad you had a good break,
    Your pal, David.

    1. Dear David,
      I had a wonderfully hairy time. Thank you for thinking my photos are beautiful. Yes, got to watch three dolphins soar in and out of the water. Now I have an um 'porpoise' in life.
      Thanks for your good wishes, David.
      Kind wishes, your hairy buddy, Gary

  13. How beautiful - I love the photos and now I want to go there. I've only been to Wales once, a very long time ago. The beach looks wonderful and best of all, not crowded! So glad you had such a lovely time x

    1. Hi Teresa,
      Thanks and I hope you soon get the opportunity to visit Wales and the lovely beaches.
      In peace, Gary x

  14. the klahanie travelogue, nicely done. more please!

    1. Hi Ray,
      Ah yes, very good, the klahanie travelogue. Thanks and I shall endeavour to submit some more photos.
      Take care, Gary

  15. Oh what a beautiful place! Beautiful!! Worth going round and round Upper Lower Piggy Bottom!!! Look at these vistas!! Yay! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,
      Yes, to get to such a place in a roundabout sort of way, via 'Upper Lower Piggy Bottom', made it all worthwhile :)
      Thanks and good wishes to you,

  16. Beautiful photos and wordage to boot. Thank you. (Waterfall leading into the ocean? Wow.)

    I spent many hours being driven about my grandparents in England, through the dales and moors, around winding country roads, being a "knight of the road" as my granddad pulled over to let cars pass about 1,000,000 times. :)

    1. Hi CarrieBoo,
      Thank you for such a nice compliment. And yes indeed, a waterfall cascading down a cliff by the beach.
      Your granddad was a definite "knight of the road". If only more would pull over and let the traffic pass.
      Thank you, my friend.
      Kind wishes, Gary

  17. Beautiful photographs and humorous as ever. Thank you.

    Just to humor my linguistic tendencies (and because I gave a paper on Welsh English in my accents seminar at uni), pray tell how you pronounce Llangurig, Aberystwyth, and Tresaithe?

    Have a great day,

    1. Hi Chris,
      Thank you kindly, my dear friend.
      Oh my, bit difficult to explain the pronunciations. As you may realise, the way a Welsh town is pronounced in English is rather different in Welsh. Maybe this will sort of help,

      Cael diwrnod gwych to you :)

  18. PBS aired a series this summer called The Coast. They showed some of the areas you photographed. Breathtaking. My heart yearns to go there. I'm so glad you were able to, Gary. A book in the works, maybe? I'd place it on my coffee table and tell all my visitors that I knew you when.

    1. Hi Joylene,
      Oh yes, I'm very familiar with that series you note. It is such an awesome visual delight where I took those photos. I feel privileged to be so close to such a location. Even if the location seems to take an eternity to get to.
      A book with photos in it would be a great idea. Actually, I find taking photos a great way of reducing the amount I write and get to the heart of it.
      Very kind to think you would place it on your coffee table. You could amaze your friends and tell them you know shy and humble me! :)
      Thank you, dear friend. May you someday grace this land.
      In kindness, Gary

  19. Love the photos. You definitely managed to find a beautiful spot in Wales. Glad you had a good holiday.

    1. Hi Lost in Space,
      Thank you, my friend. This was a most positive distraction and it made me feel better about life.
      Kind wishes to you, Gary

  20. Water looks divine , such pretty color. These pictures are awesome, If I stare at them long enough I can actually feel the serenity. Glad you had such a nice time.

    1. Hi My Meddling Mind,
      Such spectacular beauty. Oh yes, immerse yourself in the serenity of it all. This was such a positive resource and thank you for your very nice comment.
      In peace and hope, Gary

  21. Klahanie, the most beautiful scenes I have ever seen. I had no idea about Wales. Isn't it odd that the only truly peaceful places are the ones untouched by humans. We have a way of trashing beauty.

    1. Hi lotta joy,
      Oh yes indeed, Wales is a truly beautiful and somewhat mystical place. It was a delight to note a place where humans were respecting the balance of nature.
      Take care, Gary

  22. Great photos Gary! You've really captured the beauty of the place. It looks idyllic. May its positive charm stay with you.

    Take Care


    1. Hi GEM,
      Thank you kindly. It was an idyllic location and I sensed a positive ambience. Thank you for those positive wishes.
      In kindness, Gary

  23. Wow, beautiful!!!! I love all the photos!!! A wonderful time had by all!!! :) Thanks for sharing!!!

    1. Hi Suzanne,
      I'm heartened you loved all the photos. And for sure, a wonderful time was had by all. My pleasure to share :)
      Peaceful wishes your way, in beautiful Victoria, Gary

  24. Oh thank you, Gary. A vacation for my eyes and lovely imaginings for my brain. How beautiful.
    In dreamland,

    1. Hey Laura,
      I'm delighted to share. A vacation for your eyes. What a wonderful way to describe the ambience you feel. May your dreams take you to tranquil shores :)
      In kindness, Gary

  25. Astonishing, magical places you're discovering, Gary. I would have driven behind a tractor 100 miles for those places :). Even more so, if you kept me company :).

    1. Hi Petronela,
      I'm drawn to astonishing, magical places. Sometimes that's my own garden and the 'wee folks' that live there in blissful harmony :) Now there's an enticing offer. Just think, we could deliberately stay behind a tractor to stretch out the journey and have a nice chat about life and beaches and dolphins :)
      You're a star, my friend.
      In kindness, Gary :)

  26. Those are gorgeous photographs! It's quite a dramatic landscape.

    1. Hi The Golden Eagle,
      Thank you for that. The landscape is truly dramatic. Stayed well clear of the cliff's edge :)
      Happy writing and remember, there's always a topic to write about or get a dog or a cat, to do a posting. Works for me! :)
      Kind wishes, your way, Gary

  27. Absolutely beautiful!!! What a gorgeous place - well worth the round abouts and tractors :)

    1. Hi Jemi,
      Indeed and a place I shall be returning to. Got there, somehow, once past the tractors, in a roundabout sort of way :)
      Kind wishes and a flying alligator, your way, Gary :)

  28. This was absolutely beautiful! thank you for sharing it!

    1. Hi Craziness abounds,
      It was my pleasure to share the photos from that awesome location.
      Have a lovely weekend :)

  29. Such beautiful areas to drive through! The beach looks really lovely, with all those big rocks.

    1. Hi River,
      There is some spectacular scenery on the drive there. It's one of the most amazing beaches I've ever been to.
      May you have a nice weekend :)

  30. Replies
    1. Hi Philip,
      Thanks for that and thank you for taking me to those places. I had a great time with the both of you.
      Have a good weekend :)

  31. Hey you! Thanks so much for dropping by my blog. Your comments always make me SQUEEL with delight! Love this post and these awesome photos. Perhaps Wales shall be my next day.

    1. Hi Donna,
      Hay you, sorry, I meant, hey you! :) Always an experience visiting your terrific blog. Makes me want to go swine and dine...
      Thank you for your kind comment in regards to this post and the photos. Much appreciated. If you manage to make it to Wales, I shall organise the parade in your honour :)
      Have a pleasant weekend :)

  32. What a delightful post, dear sir. I enjoyed the humor you used in describing the trip to get there, and the gorgeous pictures and words showing and sharing the beauty of Wales. I can certainly see how being someplace that breathtaking would lift your spirits. And now you have the pictures to refresh the experience for you whenever you'd like. Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. Hi Susan,
      Why thank you, dear lady. I'm most pleased you liked my attempt at some humour in regards to actually getting to Wales. Indeed, the beauty of such a wondrous land and the good company, certainly lifted my spirits. The pictures will capture such awesome memories. It was my delight to share these photos,
      Have a very nice weekend :)

  33. 'Upper Lower Piggy Bottom' - hahahaha, brilliant. What a beautiful set of photos, I'm glad the weather was good for you down there, much like myself, you deserved a lovely break methinks :)

    1. Hi All Consuming,
      There's quaint little pub in 'Upper Lower Piggy Bottom', named, 'The Hog's Butt'. Thank you for liking the photos. The weather was great right up until I left. I think we could both use another lovely break :)
      And thus, have a lovely weekend :)

  34. I don't "do" jigsaw puzzles, but most of your photos would make fantastic ones!!

    1. Hi lotta joy,
      Me either. Although, now that you mention it, some of them would make for interesting jigsaw puzzles :)
      Take care, Gary

  35. Super photos,Gary. Wales is a powerful wild place, which makes it even more special. Great trip.

    1. Hi Susan,
      Thank you. The wonders of Wales certainly make for some inspiring photos :)
      I hope you are having a lovely weekend.
      In kindness, Gary

  36. Oh wow Gary it sounds like a very peaceful, restful holiday. Following 'slowsteads' certainly adds a certain je ne sais quoi to proceedings. Frustrating too LOL!
    I love all those pics you've posted. My kind of break (without aforementioned slowsteads).

    1. Hi Madeleine,
      "Slowsteads", love it! :) It was a most peaceful, restful time. And getting stuck behind those trundling tractors and crawling caravans, all added to the adventure. I guess :)
      Thanks for your nice words regarding the photos. Great place to visit. Just be prepared for a slow journey along twisting roads...
      Thanks Madeleine.
      Hope you had a lovely weekend and happy writing.

  37. Hi Gary .. great views and what a lovely place - am so pleased you had such a great time .. I love Wales too ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,
      Oh yes, amazing views from a lovely place. Thank you and I had a most pleasant and inspiring time. Wales is magical place.
      Take care,

  38. God, I love those beach pictures, dude! Your beginning of your trip of going round and round (being lost, basically) is something I can relate to. I can especially relate to being stuck behind a tractor because I live in the Midwest (farmland area) in the U.S. It has pissed me off, as well, when I get stuck behind a tractor (that could easily park over on the side, if there's room and the farmer driving it- knows there's a bunch of cars behind him- if he had any sense).

    Ah, well. More importantly, you, your friends, Julie and Phillip all had an amazing time. Like you, vacation pics (yours, mine or whoever's) are great and fascinating to look out. for a brief few minutes, you can imagine you were there. I bet when you were there, you experienced a substantial amount of calm and peace. Well deserved, of course. great pics, all the way around. You know how to take a shot.

    Take care, Gary

    1. Hi Kelly,
      Thank you for appreciating the beauty in those beach photos. I reckon those tractor folks deliberately do it. They should have 'tractor lanes' and let all of us drivers get on with our trip. Although, in fairness, they will pull over at times, when there's actually somewhere to pull over and let the mounting traffic pass by. Then it starts all over again.
      Indeed, the most important bit was getting there and being with my friends. Friends who share my ideals of making this world a fairer, more considerate place. I found a bit of reflective inner peace when I was there. It was good to get away without worrying too much about home. Thanks Kelly and thanks for liking these photos. Coming from a terrific photographer such as you, that's quite the compliment.
      In peace and good wishes, Gary

  39. Hi Gary,
    I grew up in West Wales and I love how beautifully you've captured it. I came across your blog while looking for a photo for a fiddle lament I've written about Cenarth Falls. Would you mind if I used yours?

    Here's the link. I will of course remove the photo if you wish.

    Best wishes,

    1. Greetings Xenia,

      I'm am truly flattered by your kind and thoughtful words. Thank you. Such a magical part of the world. I have visited your link and I'm honoured you used my photo. No problem at all.

      A peaceful, positive weekend to you.

      Gary :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.