
Saturday 24 December 2016

The Wee Folks Seasons Greetings,2016.

Ah, behold the wondrous magic bestowed upon us by Fidelina, the beautiful fairy princess, her beloved husband, Geoffrey the garden gnome and their boy child, Einahalk.  They, from the land of the wee folks, drenched in symbolism, of love, of hope, of compassion.

The wee folks, a celebration of diversity in an all different, all equal world.  

Observe their joy as the wee folks sense the simple enchantment of twinkling lights. 

A fun time to be had as the festivities of free minds rejoice in their passionate desire to see us, the big people, learn of their non-judgemental ideals. 
Their sweet innocence doth be a marvel to see. 
 True love has no boundaries. 
                                                                Group embrace. 
A snowy scene from yesteryear in the enchanted garden where they once lived. 

The warm, reassuring glow from within my living room where the wee folks now reside as they pass on their lessons for me to learn, for you to learn, for all of us to learn. 
And thus, the setting sun kissed the western horizon. Evening cast hopeful shadows on the sleepy town of Leek, Staffordshire, England.  Tis the wish of the wee folks, such scenes of wonder would result in the dawning of the new day.  A new day of compassion amongst us of the big world.  

Penny, the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, along with the wee folks, leave you with some prose for thought.

In the past year
We've seen your fear
Not aligned
Man unkind 
Hatred for those 
Who chose 
To live in peace
Make the hatred cease
Make compassion contagious
The premise not outrageous
Peace to you all
Our impassioned call.


  1. Hope a great christmas is had at you wee folks pad!

    1. Hey Pat in the Hatt,

      We were all glad at the wee folks pad
      Seasons hello, to you, good fellow.


  2. A huge thank you to the Wee Folks and Penny (and Gary).
    And best wishes that their/our dreams come true.
    Thank you, one and all.

    1. Hi Sue,

      Penny, the wee folks and I, thank you for being one of those who embrace their ideals.

      In peace and hope,


  3. Merry Christmas to all, big or small! xo from Kingston, Ontario!

    1. Hi Martha,

      We hope you had a lovely Christmas. In kindness, the wee folks, Penny and Gary, residing in Leek, Staffordshire :)

  4. This is just beautiful, thanks to the wee folks and Merry Christmas and a peaceful Happy New Year to all of you. Gary, Penny and Tristan.

    1. Hi River,

      We all thank you kindly. Hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and that 2017 is finally the beginning of a better reality.


  5. Merry Christmas, Gary! What a cheerful, uplifting collection of photos! Special love to Penny the Pawesome!

    1. Hi Vidya,

      Thank you and all of us here hope you had a peaceful time. Delighted you liked the photos, Vidya.

      Special, pawesome love and magic, your way.

  6. Love the photos! Sending some good thoughts your way, too.

    1. Hi Riot Kitty,

      We are heartened you love the photos. Thank you for the good thoughts and thus, more good thoughts your way, kind friend.


  7. Hi Gary - I do hope you have a peaceful blessed time .. the wee folks with their love and light welcome us all. Yes let us hope the world can come together and we can all be more generous to others, more caring and more thoughtful to all in the world ... my thoughts to you ... and hope for a much much better 2017 ... take care and sent with hugs from down south - Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Thank you for your treasured words, my lovely friend. We here, echo your wise, hopeful thoughts.

      Here's to that hope of a much, much better 2017.

      Thank you, Hilary.


  8. A beautiful collection of photos of the wee folks in their enchanting land, I really love the first one. Wishing you, Penny and the wee folks a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year x

    P.S. I started a new blog a while ago, would love for you to hop over and have a look when you have time -

    1. Hi Eunice,

      We appreciate your liking the enchantment conveyed within the photos. Do so hope you had a marvellous Christmas and may 2017 be one of positive inspiration.

      Thank you for letting me know about your new blog. I shall check it out very soon.

      In kindness,


  9. Merry Christmas to you, your son, Penny and all the Wee Folk too! Wishing you special Christmas blessings, Gary!

    1. Hi Debra,

      Thank you for that. It was a special, quiet Christmas. Hope you had a lovely time, my fine Canadian friend.


  10. Happy Christmas to you, Penny, your son and the Wee Folks! Hope you have a great, and peaceful day. Your scenes are so magical!

    1. Hi JoJo,

      We thank you very much. Sure hope you had a magical Christmas. Thanks for liking the scenes of wonder, JoJo.


  11. May the wee folks wish come true...oh please let it come true. Merry Christmas Gary to you and Penny and Tristan and all the wee folk whose gentle hearts have sent us this peaceful message.

    1. Hi Delores,

      Oh yes, we embrace the wishes of the wee folks. Thank you for the Christmas thoughts. Hope your Christmas was a wonderful time, my very kind friend.


  12. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Gary, with best wishes from beautiful BC.

    1. Hi Ian,

      Thank you, Ian. Hope you had a delightful Christmas on beautiful Vancouver Island.


  13. Merry Christmas Gary, hugs and love to you, Penny, your son and all the wee folk. Let’s hope for a peaceful and Happy New Year for all. xxx

    1. Hi Barbara,

      Thank you so much for your hugs and loving thoughts to all of us here. Do so hope you had an enjoyable Christmas. Here's to a much better year in 2017.

      Hugs and hope,

      Gary xxx

  14. Wishing you, your son and beautiful Miss Penny a very happy Christmas and peaceful New Year.

    1. Hi Eileen,

      We embrace you peaceful words, my amazing friend. Hope you had a happy Christmas and a fantastic 2017.


  15. Gorgeous photos Gary, tay safe and keep smiling, lots of love to you, your son and the amazing Penny the Pawesome Superstar! X M

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Thanks for that. Staying safe and maintaining the smiles are great thoughts to adhere to. On behalf of the family here, wishing you an amazing and healthy 2017.

      Hugs and hope,

      Gary X

  16. Replies
    1. Hey Barry,

      Thank you, old chap. Same to you and yours for 2017.


  17. Agreed! Let's make compassion contagious!!! 2017 will be the year!
    Wishing you all the best :)

    1. Hi Jemi,

      Contagious compassion will be epidemic we truly need in 2017. All the very best to you, my lovely friend, for 2017.

      Gary :)

  18. Replies
    1. Hi Ivy,

      Thank you for such nice, thoughtful words, Ivy. Here's to a wonderful 2017 to you and your loved ones.

      Gary :)

  19. I'm impressed. Did I mention you are being missed? I did not.


    Here it comes....


    You, sir, are being missed.

    THERE. I said it.


    1. Hi Blue,

      My good sir, I'm impressed that you are impressed. I'm heartened to have been missed. You will know, all to well, of the struggle.

      Yet, we carry on, indeed we do.

      Thank you, my esteemed, sincere friend.


    2. Yes, I know of the struggle. That doesn't stop me from wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR, Gary, never scary, always, invariably flairy.

      So it is...
      As I'm doing the Happy New Year biz.

      Carrying on is all we can do. Maybe this year with a hint of a smile.

      Remember that some people care.

      Blue (not... Scooby Doo)

    3. Indeed you do, Blue. This be so true. HAPPY NEW YEAR, MINUS THE FEAR.

      Blue, thank you for caring, caring and sharing. It's what we do, Blue.

      All the best to Blue and all the beast to Scooby Doo..

      Gary, Gary, nary contrary......

    4. I'm back to square one, Gary. Say something that makes me smile. It's what we do, all right. Day or night. Saturday or Sunday, a horrible day or a Funday.

    5. Oh Blue
      Say it aint true
      Back to square one
      Not any fun
      Soon, I shall visit you
      Your feelings must never devalue.

      We shall have a laugh or two
      Positive focus, I send to you.

      Gary, Gary, nary contrary....

  20. You are a kind and compassionate human being my dear friend. May the new year bring goodness your way :)

    1. Hi Truedessa,

      Thank you and you, my inspiring, caring friend, are part of the ethos of all of this.

      Here's to you have a hopeful, positive 2017.

      Gary :)

    2. Howdy, True Blue!
      Where's my blue suede shoe?

      (I just had to do that, Gary....)

    3. Ah Blue
      Do what you need to do
      Grab a shoe
      Without any poo :)

  21. Very festive!

    Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2017.

    1. Hi Patsy,

      May the festivities continue.

      A belated Happy Christmas and an upcoming, wonderful 2017 to you, Patsy.

      Gary :)

  22. Hey Pat,

    Thank you, good sir. Hope your Christmas was a nice one.


  23. May we learn to live as freely and respectfully as the Wee Folk.
    Happy, healthy 2017 to them, you and yours.

    1. Hey Laura,

      Ah yes, the lessons of the wee folks. If only we paid heed to their wisdom.

      A very positive and peaceful 2017 yo you and your loved ones, my dear friend.


  24. Dear Gary, I read your previous post, I am so sorry about your car, I hope it is all sorted out soon. I hope you had a nice Christmas... I guess all we can do is enjoy those fleeting moments here and there where things are nice and normal. I'm sure you understand when I say that it seems over here in the USA, I've been living in a surreal world for the past couple of months. I think I'm in a dream and need to wake up, but when I do it just gets worse! Oh I want to run away and live with your Wee Folk, where things are nice and people are kind. But since I can't I will join you in standing up and making the best of it and hoping for a better year ahead. Happy New Year to you and your family and your dear Penny! ~ Diane

    1. Dear Diane,

      Thank you for such a kind, thoughtful comment, Diane. I'm hoping to get my ridiculous car situation sorted out in early January. My Christmas was most peaceful, thank you. I hope yours was also.

      What's been happening in America, I believe, may well be cause for worldwide concern. Surreal and almost like we're in some sort of bizarre reality TV show. Maybe it's just a dream and we will all wake up to a wee folks world. Immerse yourself in that thought.

      Here's to you and your loved ones see a peaceful revolution where we celebrate and learn from diversity. Happy, hopeful 2017.


  25. Stick together with the wee folks in 2017, and you can't help but be happy, that's what I say! How lovely they are. And all the best for the coming year.

    1. Hi Jenny,

      Welcome to the world of the wee folks and a better way in 2017. Their sweet innocence, their appreciation for nature's balance, an ideal we shall embrace.

      Here's to a wonderful 2017 to you and your loved ones, Jenny.


  26. I'm ready to trade in my life for one with the Wee Folk this 2017. They look so compatible and sweet. I could use a huge dose of that. May this year find us both some and deliver it on our doorsteps.

    1. Hi Lee,

      The wee folks welcome you to the 2017 that you can make become a wondrous, magical reality.

      On your doorstep, there waits a promise of hope. Happy 2017, Lee.


  27. Love visiting with you and Wee Folk. I can easily imagine myself shrinking down and joining their world. Looks lovely!

    Wishing you a 2017 that is happy, healthy and all around great. :)

    1. Hi Jess,

      You are now immersed in their enchanting world :)

      Thank you for your lovely wishes, And a wonderful 2017 to you and yours.

      Gary :)

  28. The Wee Folk are a good example for the rest of us. Peace and joy on earth seems obtainable watching them. Thanks for sharing this, Gary. The lesson is heeded. Best to you and Tristen in 2017. It's a whole new year full of promise. 2016 is behind us.

    1. Holy Crap, I forgot to wish Penny a marvellous new year. So sorry, Penny! Yikes, forgive this ole woman.

    2. Hi Joylene,

      For sure, the wee folks do teach us lessons. If enough of us big people paid attention to their lessons, what a joyous world this would be.

      Thanks for the 2017 wishes for Tristan, Penny and this old dude! :)
      Be well and may all your loved ones have a magical New Year.


  29. Beautiful post. I hope that your Holidays were as fun as this post. Love the poem. I worry a lot about human beings, but I do not know the language of people who choose to destroy. I can only pray that one day fear will be a thing of the past. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. May the new year bring lots of happiness to you and good health too. Amein,

    1. Hi Munir,

      Thank you. The wee folks, Penny and I rejoice in you thinking this is a beautiful post. Our holidays were one of quiet, reflective times. I hope, in your own way, you have had a marvellous time.

      Indeed, the language of hate are words we will never understand. Bless you and here's to you and your loved ones having a most peaceful 2017.


  30. The Wee Folk, and of course Penny, are very wise. If only the world would listen. What darling pics and, as cute as the Wee Folks are, Penny steals the show. She can't help herself, that's how it is for superstars.
    Hope you had a wonderful holiday, Gary and I wish you and Penny a Happy 2017!

    1. Hi Julie,

      Their wiseness are all part of the inspiration we grasp in hopes of that better world in 2017. So very pleased you like the photos, Julie. Indeed, Penny always ends up getting the spotlight :)

      Thank you for you kind words and all the very best to you and your loved ones in 2017.

      In peace and hope,


  31. I am most embarrassed for not only my lateness in wishing you well, but in my lack of connection with you most recently. Times does fly when life changes in a way you don't expect.
    May your New Year bring many blessings for both you and Penny!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Bless you, yet tis I that's embarrassed for my lack of interaction over the last year. And yet, your words are treasured, my good friend.

      Many blessings for a magical, wondrous 2017 to you and your nearest and dearest.

      Hugs and thanks,


  32. Hi Gary, lovely to see a new photo (top of your blog) and post from you. Thanks also for visiting my blog. Happy New Year, Barbara x

    1. Hi Barbara,

      Thank you for your thoughtful words, Barbara. Ah yes, the header photo, going back a few years. My pleasure to visit your excellent blog.

      A wonderful 2017 to you.

      Gary :) x

  33. Awfully late with my greetings, but here's wishing you, the family and Penny a pawsitive and happy new year :). Hugs to you, Gary.

    1. Hi Damyanti,

      Your greetings are embraced, no matter when :) Thank you for your kind words. May this year be one of hope, of love, of compassion being contagious.

      Hugs back to you in Singapore.



I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.