
Wednesday 14 October 2015

The Wisdom Of The Wee Folks.

My last post, way back when, was more from a personal, family angle.  My concerns for my son and his health.  My ongoing battle to work through my fog.  To see clearly that brighter future on offer. My son is much better and he's back at work.  The fog begins to lift. 

And yet, my friend, you are very much an integral part, a catalyst in my working through all that has impacted me so profoundly over the past year.  The emotional and physical upheavals have drained me.  I'm slowly getting there and in part, thanks to you.

This "electric family", this community of caring beyond my screen, is one that leaves me with gratitude beyond any suitable words.  Thank you.
I sat there in the deafening hush of the living room.  My mind's eye vaguely noticed fleeting visions. Of blurry blacks and greys.  The mind's eye hankered back to a time not so long ago.  Back to a time when the wee folks danced, sang songs of joy, in an enchanted garden that now seemed but a distant dream.....
I concentrated, oh how I concentrated.  Fidelina, the beautiful fairy princess, her husband, Geoffrey the garden gnome and their boy child, Einahalk, came more into view.  Somewhat clearer, the vision started to take on dashes of colour.
Then the brilliance arrived.  The resplendent colours, symbolic of hope, of renewed optimism, washed upon my inner vision.  The wee folks spoke.  Gentle, whispered words of hope.  Words of wisdom from the wee folks.

I visualised my son.  A sense of pride consumed me knowing that my son is adapting so well.  Yes, he has started his life in his own home.   I celebrate his independence and come to terms with my reality.  A reality I'm determined to make the most of.
I opened my eyes.   Stared across the living room.  There she was in all her sweet innocence.  Penny the loving dog and three of the garden gnomes.  Three garden gnomes from the community of wee folks who travelled from an enchanted garden.  They make the most of a new situation.  The past meets the present.   What an image of inspiration.


  1. Love it! One of the best things about the future is that it always holds Hope - and Hope is such a powerful thing.
    So glad to hear your son is becoming more independent - that requires such strength. Strength which he's learned from you!

    1. Hi Jemi,

      Thank you, my lovely friend. Hope is the focus that keeps us going. Powerful, indeed.

      I'm very proud of how well my son is doing as he does make that statement of his independence. Mixed emotions amongst the lessons.

      Have a nice weekend, eh :)


  2. You are an awesome dad and I am sure that it is because of your support and understanding your son has become a wonderful and productive part of society. If only people who need people have some one like you, there would be so much love.
    Great post.!
    Love to Penny as well for being there for you.
    Take care.

    1. Hi Munir,

      You are most flattering. Thank you! I do believe that being a single dad was quite the incentive to display added qualities that I found from the inner reaches of my soul.

      Penny thanks you for the love. Such a wonderful dog who has been here for me in the darkest of times.

      Have a lovely weekend, Munir.


  3. That final photo is just so gorgeous and magical! Best wishes, eh?

    1. Hey Debra,

      Thanks for that, eh. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!

      A good weekend to you, Debra.


  4. I am glad the colours are coming back.

    1. Hi Birdie,

      Thanks and a bit of resplendent colour is quite the tonic.

      Have a nice weekend.


  5. Replies
    1. Hi Pat Dilloway,

      Yep, got real colourful towards the end.

      Have a good one, dude.


  6. It's wonderful to see Penny amongst the gnomes and all the sparkly goodness! Many hugs to you, my friend. May the colors brighten your life and strengthen your reach for serenity. :)

    1. Hi River Fairchild,

      Ah yes and Penny was mesmerised by the glowing lights. Numerous hugs back to you, my kind friend. The colours doth return in that symbolism of serenity you so note.

      Have a peaceful, positive weekend, River.

      Gary :)

  7. This wee woman appreciates you, Dear Gary, for keeping the electric family charged with love and caring. So glad you're seeing new colors and bursts of light. xo

    1. Hi Robyn,

      The wee woman with the abundant heart :) Electric friends within the electric community. Energised by that love. Full charge ahead.... The colours on the periphery become more centralised, my lovely friend.

      Have a peaceful, hopeful weekend, Robyn.

      Gary xo :)

    2. Love and continued brightness to you, Dear Gary. xo =o)

    3. Hey Robyn,

      Bless you, my sunny friend. Have a peaceful, positive weekend, dear Robin.

      Gary x :) o

  8. I am so very glad that the darkness is lifting and the colours and sparkle returning.
    Heartfelt hugs and oceans of caring.

    1. Hi Sue,

      Thank you, Sue. I just hope the hazy fog stays lifted. The colours are so much nicer this way.

      Hugs back to you from one side of the world to another. Have a very nice weekend.


  9. Hi Gary - this is so good to read and to know the load is lifting and you can see more and more light - it's never easy .. but knowing your son is back working again and sorting his life out - means you and Penny and the lovely gnome family can relax and see a future. Take care and with lots of thoughts - Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Thanks and the light has started to shine through the fading remnants of the fog. It has been a very challenging time. Yet, the challenge will be a defining moment for us. The wisdom of the wee folks, my son, the adorable Penny and my friends out there in the electric community, all such magical catalysts. I'm grateful to you and the interaction we share, Hilary.

      Have a lovely weekend, my kind friend.


  10. It's so good to read this post Gary. I'm glad your son is back in work and the future is becoming brighter for both of you. The photos are lovely, especially the last one - it looks really magical. Take care my friend, and please post again soon. x
    PS - Please keep the photo of Penny as a header, she looks so adorable :)

    1. Hi Eunice,

      How very nice of you. My son has been back to work for almost two weeks. He seems much better and thank goodness he took time off work. A brighter, more optimistic time ahead. Delighted you like the photos. The magic lives on. I shall do my utmost to post again soon. If not, Penny can post for me :)

      I shall keep up that header photo of Penny for the foreseeable future.

      Hugs and thanks, Eunice. Enjoy your weekend.

      Gary x :)

  11. The last picture is one to be treasured.
    Take care x

    1. Hi Eileen,

      Treasured for all the magical love that comes across.

      Be well, my lovely friend.

      Gary x

  12. Wonderful post Gary, awesome pictures and a joy to read.

    ps: think I have problems with pc, only seem to get comments from Goggle plus followers not Blogger. can you try it for me please?

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Thank you for such thoughtful words, Yvonne.

      I shall be over fairly soon. Most odd about the Blogger situation.

      Take care and here's to you having a peaceful weekend.


  13. I am reminded of one of my favorite poems by Alexander Pope.
    Hope springs eternal in the human breast,
    Man never is, but always to be blessed.
    The soul, uneasy and confined from home,
    Rests and expatriates in a life to come.

    Always, always have hope, Gary.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      I too am reminded of that wonderful poem.

      Hope tells me that the road ahead will have the occasional pothole. Each pothole further apart and easier to climb out of.

      Thank you, Arleen.

      Have a very nice weekend.


  14. Hey, lookie here, comments enabled! Shoot, this is a lot of pressure and I'm fresh out of fart jokes. Glad the fog is lifting.
    Now, sincerity aside, the last bit, including photos, made me feel like I was high on ecstasy. But renewed optimism sounds good. Cheers to you, sir!

    1. Hey Pickleope Von Pickleope,

      How very weird me having the comments switched on! :) Perhaps the fart jokes, or past fart jokes, were the cause of the foggy cloud......

      Yeah and far out, maaaannnn! Psychedelic, groovy, trippy, photos and welcome back to the 1960's.... Optimism be quite the deal.

      Have a far out weekend.


  15. How can the darkness not lift with that last shot, an awesome one indeed.

    1. Hi Pat in the Hatt,

      Awesome from the pawesome pooch. Thank you and have a pawetic, um, poetic weekend, my kind friend.


  16. A beautiful transition! So happy to see the fog lifting. I love the last photo, especially because Penny is in it.

    1. Hi Martha,

      Transition was the mission. Fog begone. Penny is pawsitively thrilled you love the last photo :)

      Have a great weekend, eh.


  17. Glad the darkness is lifting! We are here for you.
    And the photos, their transition - just amazing! Quite the photographer, Gary.

    1. Hi Alex,

      Thank you, kind sir. The electric community has been there and no matter the fog, I could sense the charged, positive atmosphere.

      Thanks for such compliments in regards to the photos, Alex.

      Have a good weekend.


  18. This almost brought tears to my eyes. So glad you are emerging from the darkness and your son is doing better. The transition of the photographs was beautiful and inspiring. Hugs to you, Gary.

    1. Hi Julie,

      Yes, the situation has improved. Inspiration from my son, from Penny and from all of you amazing folks beyond my computer screen. I'm heartened you liked the transition conveyed via the photos.

      Hugs to you, Julie. Have a lovely weekend.


  19. I'm glad that the colour is returning to your life! And the wee folk! AND PENNY!!!!!

    1. Hi JoJo,

      The colours are beginning to immerse all around me. The wee folks and the adorable Penny sure make a magical, colourful impact. Quite the sight seeing Penny posing with some garden gnomes :)

      Have a terrific weekend, JoJo.


  20. Oh my gosh, love the last photo. And I love hope. It's the best.

    1. Hi Ivy,

      Thank you and that last photo is rather symbolic of hope.

      Have a real nice weekend.


  21. So glad you are moving forward from darkness to light. You can't help but progress surrounded as you are by good wishes, the faithfulness of beautiful Penny and the respect and admiration of your son. The wee folk show by example how to make the most of every situation. Love that last shot with the twinkling lights.

    1. Hi Delores,

      It is very much thanks to the caring I sense from you and all those are nice people that brings me such positive, determined energy. The love of my son, Penny and the wise words of the wee folks is such a bonding force. Really pleased you like that last photo.

      Have a great weekend, Delores.


  22. Well Written Mr G . . . . All the best to you, your son, Penny and the Wee folk.

    1. Hi Rob,

      I appreciate that, Mr. R. We all thank you for those best wishes. Here's to you having a lovely weekend, good sir.


  23. So wonderful to hear that things have turned around. Hubby and I are at the beach and it's a beautiful break, for both of us. So renewing! Life does have its ups and downs and then there is found some peace - we are blessed.
    Sending you, the little folk, your son and Penny lots of healing hugs and best wishes - special kisses for Penny!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Thank you, my dear friend. May you and your hubby have a wonderful beach of a break. The beach of dreams, perhaps. Yes, counting the blessings. Focus on the positive possibilities.

      We all thank you and Penny thanks you for the special kisses! :)

      Enjoy your beach time, you two.


  24. It's knowing that the Wee Folk really exist that fills me with confidence for the future!
    Best regards, Azzab
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s fabulous Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hello Azzab, old chap,

      We both know and for that matter, Sir Tom Eagerly knows, that the wee folks are real, very real.

      Einahalk says hello!


  25. Lovely to read this uplifting post and see those magical pictures, especially the last one with sweet Penny xx

    1. Hi Teresa,

      Thank you, Teresa. I'm very pleased that you thought this was a lovely read. Fur sure, that last picture shows Penny at her cutest :)

      Take care and here's to a nice weekend, Teresa.

      Gary xx

  26. Sparkling lights always are sign of brightness and future. Penny is enjoying the company. We should get our gnomes together for party?

    1. Hi Susan,

      Nothing like a few twinkly lights to brighten the mood for the future. Penny had a pawesome time with the garden gnomes. Party time for the international gnomes.

      Have a sparkly weekend, Susan.


  27. Such gorgeousness.
    LOVE and HUGS and kisses from MN. xxx000

    1. Hi Kim,

      Thanks for saying that, my adorable friend.

      Hugs and love, back to Duluth, aint that the truth! :) xxx


  28. It seems like is simply one adjustment after another. I'm glad that Tristan is doing well in his independence. I continue to think of you, my friend, with hope that the fog fully lifts.

    1. Hi Robin,

      One adjustment after the other. Each adjustment, a lesson in determination to keep moving forward. Thank you and my son is adapting very well to his new adventure. That's something I focus on. Your words are uplifting. Much like the blur of the fog lifts.

      Have a peaceful weekend, Robin.


  29. I love the pic of Penny and the gnomes. I'm glad your son is doing better. :)

    1. Hi Medeia,

      Thank you for that and thank you for your thoughtful words in regards to my son.

      A lovely weekend to you, Medeia.


  30. Penny looks very happy with her friends in that last picture.

    I'm glad the fog is lifting for you, Gary. We always worry about our kids, but we have to trust we did a great job bringing them up too.

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      Penny did seem content and the bleeping light on my camera seemed to mesmerise her :)

      Thank you and although the fog tries to linger, I must keep it at bay. I suppose bringing up my son on my own just made me feel insecure not having a partner to discuss my worries and yes, my joys about him.

      Thank you, Annalisa.


  31. Penny is so precious. Just seeing her photo uplifted this tired old girl.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Precious, indeed! The photo had a desired impact on you, young lady!

      Thank you, eh.


  32. What beautiful images! And what a beautiful image you inspire in my mind's eye of a promising future - one filled with the love of family and Penny, yet also filled with infinite possibilities. Enjoy the memories and rejoice in what's to come!

    Wishing you serenity and joy

    1. Hi Kim and CindyLu,

      Appreciate what you two have said. The images within the mind transposed to creations captured by a camera and shared with thoughts of hope. A beautiful comment and rejoice will be the focal point.

      Thank you, Kim and CindyLu. Penny sends doggy kisses xx


  33. Glad to hear the fog is lifting and things are getting better. Let's hope they stay that way. Your photo essay was magical.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Hi Lee,

      I'm thankful for you words. Hopefully, the fog will stay away and let me enjoy the clearer times on offer. Glad you liked the photo essay, good sir.


  34. I'm so slow at the moment tsk, but here I am at last. Love the photographs, especially the one of Penny on the sofa with the lights, that's a beauty! I'm glad to hear your son is on the up, may everything else be too. That sounds a bit rude now I read it back, but anything rising is good apart from damp in my books *laughs*. Take care Gary, Xx

    1. Hi Michelle,

      I think I'm slow at any moment! :) Always a pleasure to see you. Glad you especially liked the Penny and the wee folks photo. My son is doing better, thank you. I'm on the up and up some more! Rising Damp? Um, forget it. LOL

      All the beast, um, best, to you, my lovely friend.

      Gary xx :)

  35. Sorry for the lateness of my arrival but I am delighted to see the return of the wee folk. Penny looks so comfy sat amongst the lights and fae. It is good to know that the fog is lifting and that your son is doing well. Best wishes, Gary.

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      No worries and thank you for commenting :) The wee folks seem to start showing up a bit more around this time of the year. Penny takes her comfort very seriously. I think she officially owns all the furniture. The fog dissipates and my son is doing much better.

      Thank you for your kind comment, Suzanne.

      Gary :)

  36. Hi Gary,

    It is always a good feeling when the fog lifts and one is able to see light after a time of darkness. There is a magical realm out there we just need to open our eyes.

    wishing you peace and light my friend...

    A fan of the Moody Blues Club for sure...

    1. Hi Truedessa,

      The enchanting land of hope is just past the fog :) Clearer vision and lucid, happy dreams are on order.

      Peace, light and hope, may it continue to embrace your poetic passion, my kind friend.

      The Moody Blues Club, indeed!

      In peace and goodwill,

      Gary :)

  37. I'm glad that things are settling down for you. I hope the fog continues to lift and that this new chapter in your life is a good one.

    1. Hi Misha,

      Lovely to see you. Indeed, the settling down has settled down a bit more. The fog continues to drift away. Another chapter and a better adventure :)

      Have a peaceful weekend, Misha.

      Gary :)

  38. Hey Lord Klahanie,

    Perhaps it's time for a promotion... new phase, new beginnings :)

    Anyhow, we shan't talk about the rugby, but speaking of indomitable spirits, you, dear friend, are filled with one.

    I cheer on your son's independence and wish you and Penny much time to relax, reflect and rejoice that where there are certainly many valleys, it's always nice to get to the top of the mountain and enjoy the damn view for a change :)


    1. Greetings, Sir Mazza, lord of the Manner n' stuff,

      Promotion, or pawmotion, as Penny would bark! :)

      We shall not speak of the New Zealand, Australia final.

      The view from the top of the mountain reveals a positive panorama. I see the alluring focus of that better future.

      Thank you, kind sir. You are remarkable and we are all "remakeable"....

      Cheers and top of the mountain to you,

      Gary :)

  39. She looks either enthralled or stoned!

    1. Hey Riot Kitty,

      She was smoking your catnip! *Meow!*

      Gary :)

  40. Great news about your son!
    I saw mine this weekend. He's doing great, too.
    Isn't it nice to know we've done our jobs?
    I guess now they can put us on an ice floe and push us off.
    Wait, what?

    1. Hi Al,

      Thank you, kind sir. Ah yes, so comforting to see that our children turn into wonderful young adults.

      Before I make an ice of myself, I shall suddenly end this comment.

      Gary :)

  41. I've so many thoughts about this post, Gary. It provides a hope and assurance that even in the midst of trials, life goes on as it should, and indeed, even if it's not as it should, it goes on anyway, one way or another. Who's to say what should and shouldn't be anyway? There's a profundity in this post that is stirring my emotions.

    1. Hi M.J.,

      Your comment resonates with understanding the essence of the underlying message that can be interpreted in so many ways. Each way displays that life is about choices and what decisions we make.

      Thank you for such a thoughtful comment, my kind friend.

      A peaceful weekend to you.


  42. Thank goodness for Penny and the garden gnomes. I hopeven things continue to go well for you and am glad your son is adapting so well.

    1. Hi Chrys,

      A contented dog and some magical wee folks. Quite the combination to make me see clearer. Still a bit of struggle but we are getting there ;) I'm very proud of my son and that's for sure.

      Have a very nice weekend.


  43. Hi Gary, I wonder if you really know what a gift you do have for the written word. I've read and duly absorbed your previous post, which, has left a huge impact on me. You convey your feelings through words so eloquently that one cant help but feel complete empathy in its truest sense. I've been missing for 5 months Gary and I have much to catch up on in blogland. Just know I'm wishing you well mate. I'll be back in Scotland in a couple of weeks so perhaps I'll enjoy a white Christmas instead of melting in the tropics! Oh and Penny is looking fabulous.

    1. Hi Rose,

      How lovely to see you, my kind friend. Thanks for such thoughtful words. Yes, we try to bestow that magical gift of empathy. A shared sense that we need not feel alone and overwhelmed with our feelings.

      Scotland shall be all the better for your triumphant return. Penny thanks you and I thank you.

      Gary :)

  44. This was a beautiful way to tell a story of hope, with the changing pictures. I'm glad your son is doing well and, as always, that you find the hope for yourself that you give to others.

    1. Hi Shannon,

      I appreciate your words, Shannon. I do like to incorporate photos with words. Yes, thank you, my son is going well. Seeking the hope does create hope for others. A sharing of gifts of hope and renewal.

      Thank you, Shannon.


  45. I've been a bit down myself as of late so your pictures did my heart good. Thank you for sharing them. Wishing you all the best and glad to hear things are looking brighter for your son. Hugs to you both. And a big one to Penny too!

    1. Hi Elsie,

      I'm sorry to read that you've been a bit down yourself. Which means, I'm heartened and hopeful because the photos were an ideal of being a positive focus, a positive tonic. I'm glad to share and this is what it's all about. Things continue to challenge and yet, I sense better times for my son. Which means, better times for me and of course, the lovable, huggable, Penny :)

      Thank you, Elsie.

      Gary :)

  46. Dear Gary, this is such a lovely post! How nice to see more of the wee folk and Miss Penny and to hear your voice through your words. Be kind to yourself Gary, there are a lot of people, including me sending you love and kind thoughts. Barbara x

    Sorry I had to delete the previous comment because I typed week folk rather than wee folk and that would never do :-) xx

    1. Hi Barbara,

      I appreciate your kind words, Barbara. The wisdom you share and the wisdom of the wee folks, accompanied by the adorable Penny, tonics for the words that echo my soul. I embrace you words, my amazing friend.

      Ah yes, the "week folk" comment has been completely removed :)

      Hugs and hope,

      Gary :) x

  47. I Loved your term of Electric Family... this Wonderful Community is indeed such a Blessing isn't it? And the Enchantment of your Gnomes and Penny made me Smile on a rather bleak dreary stormy Afternoon! Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

    1. Hi Dawn,

      How very nice to see you, my good friend. Electric friends within the electric family :) The community of bloggers is a force for inspiration and for good. We can change the world for the better.

      Smiles to you in the Arizona desert from me listening to a storm that is passing over the UK.

      In peace and kindness,


  48. I'm glad to hear that your son is doing better, and I'm glad you're feeling better about things. Isn't it wonderful how nice the blogging world can be?

    1. Hi Danielle,

      Thank you for that and my son is much better while my progress forward has been slow but nonetheless, forward. The blogging world, a joy of diversity and I'm grateful.

      Thank you, Danielle.


  49. I am so happy to hear that your son is doing better. What wonderful news! Certainly helps one feel better when those they love are doing well. :) Love the magic of the wee people!

    1. Hi Jess,

      Thank you for those kind words, dear Jess. When those we love hurt, we hurt. The wee folks send you magical wishes :)

      Gary :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.