
Tuesday 10 February 2015

The Talking Feral Fridge.

This will be the last post I ever publish on this computer. A computer now so slow that I find myself trying to will the bloody thing to load up by spinning the wheel on my mouse.  A mouse as in a computer mouse, although both can be rather fond of wheels.  

Trying to get to your site and comment has become a frustrating, flustered futility.  

So, for no apparent reason whatsoever, I shall publish one of my coolest posts ever to end the usage of this computer.  
I'm sure you have observed that fridges do indeed "talk."  I mentioned the uniqueness of each fridge's "voice" in a previous post.  The above fridge is my old fridge.  The above, old fridge now resides at my son Tristan's new place.  The old fridge makes a sound like a squealing pig with a rumbly tummy.  That sound can now continue to delight my son.  
My new fridge, which I've been told is classified as a "domestic appliance" doesn't seem domestic at all.  I would consider it, if anything, that the screeching sounds are more reminiscent of a wild animal than a domestic appliance..  The noises emanating could, however, be considered the sound of a "gross domestic product."

My new feral frost-free fridge fluctuates flatulence factors forebodingly.  Yes, in other turds, in other words, it can sound like a gurgling fart.

It also has this uncanny knack of sounding like Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar in one of her whining moments.

I heard that whining noise the other day.  "Are you okay, Penny?"  I inquired.  Only to suddenly realise that Penny wasn't with me and I was talking to the talking feral fridge.

A Fridge Too Far
How very polar
Fridge on the River Kwai 
Um, nice try
A Fridge over Trouble Waters
It never falters
No surprise
The Fridge of Sighs.


  1. My own computer was slowing down and overheating and I was worried that I was going to lose everything. That happened before and I lost hundreds of pictures of my kids when they were just little. Even though I could not really afford it I bought a new laptop. I have to say that I love it! It even has a touch screen! wooooooooot!

    Now I want to hear your fridge.

    1. Hi ditchingthedog,

      That's a real bummer what happened to you, my friend. This new computer I'm now typing from has a touch screen and it takes some getting used to. So does having a computer that actually works.

      *Gurgle, belch and whine!* The fridge has spoken :)

      Happy Sunday and thank you.


  2. How about "London Fridge is Falling Down"? Sorry, that's all I've got, LOL! My fridge makes a very loud clicking noise every once in a while when I least expect it. I suspect it's related to the frost-free aspect too, somehow.

    1. Hey Debra,

      Nice one. How about the Lion's Gate Fridge? :) The frost free aspect may well be the cause of the clicking noise. I remember my other frost free fridge needed a lot of defrosting. Go figure, eh.

      Happy Canadian flag day!


  3. Our fridge too is very talkative. Very, very talkative, and I am glad I don't speak fridge. I am pretty certain that some of the things it says require its mouth being scrubbed out...
    I hope you get a new computer quickly. You have been missed.

    1. Hi Sue,

      I wonder if your fridges says "strewth and crikey" :) A profanity fridge, you never know.

      I'm now typing from my new computer and what a difference. Shall be visiting you soon, my kind friend.


  4. Computer problems can be a pain in the processor!
    Lightning burned my laptop and my fridge, so now I have a faster cpu and a colder cooler fridge.
    At least that is what he keeps telling me, I just tell him to hand over the ice!

    1. Hey DAVID,

      You got that right, my good friend. Nice of you to RAM that point home :)

      I know you had computer issues and burning a fridge is most certainly different. Ice one, good sir, ice one.


  5. Hello Gary,

    Oh dear, computer problems can be so irritating and, needless to say, expensive to rectify. Usually the computer geek simply pronounces death by overheating and it is cheaper to buy a new one than put right the malfunctioning parts.

    It sounds as if your all singing, dancing, talking fridge might actually be better than a computer. Have you tried blogging on it?! The best fridge we ever had was an ancient Russian model which was left behind in the small flat we bought when we first came to Budapest. It had no shelves so everything had to be stacked on top of everything else and it made a noise like a railway train rattling through a station. But, it never went wrong......indestructible we thought!

    1. Hello Jane and Lance,

      Yes, computers can be an expensive nightmare. Although, my computer, which is now safely disposed of, was on an old Windows system. I'm delighted to state that I'm now typing using a new computer. Which means, I've run out of excuses!

      Strangely enough, I have indeed tried to use my fridge to do a blog. I ended up making an iced of myself. If you ever see a fridge speeding along some train tracks, I reckon you two would not be surprised. A fridge to far and yet indestructible!

      Thank you both.


  6. Sorry to hear of your continuing computer problems Gary, I hope you get something sorted out soon.

    My fridge is so quiet that I often have to listen hard to hear if it's still working, but I do have a door which sometimes says Hello-o-oo in a very sexy man's voice :)

    1. Hey Tigermouse,

      Thankfully and with much relief, I have sorted it out. Now typing with a new computer!

      A fridge that's the strong, silent type. *Hello*, in a hushed voice :)

      Take care and thanks,


  7. I hope you're able to get a new computer of some sort soon.

    1. Hi fairyhedgehog,

      Done and now I can actually get around the internet. Thanks for your kind wishes, my lovely friend.


  8. Oh, Gary, now you're talking to your fridge!
    Will you be getting a new computer? Because we hope this isn't like the last post ever. We'd miss you. And the A to Z is coming up...

    1. Hi Alex,

      Have had some real cool chats with the fridge.

      I now have a real computer! This means I have um, run out of excuses because this computer actually loads up!

      How could I forget the alphabet challenge? Quite easily.....


  9. Get a new computer soon Gary....we're all missing you here. Oh..and my fridge says to say hello.

    1. Hi Delores,

      Consider it DONE! Thanks for missing me. I missed you, my kind friend, along with all my other kind friends. My fridge says. "have an ice day!"


  10. Late at night, when all is quiet, I'll hear a distant, yet-all-too-close ker-clunk as though a burglar tripped, sending me running with a blunt instrument ready to bludgeon any intruder, only to realize, "hey dummy, that's the refrigerator, the same one you've lived with for years now." So, yeah, I feel your pain in regards to talking appliances.

    1. Hi Pickleope Von Pickleope,

      It might well be a fridge running from the law. Such a fridge should spend thirty days in the cooler. The fridge of sighs for the both of us, methinks.

      Thank you, my friend. Have an ice day.


  11. I had a fridge like that in my house out in WA when I first moved in. Hope you get your new computer soon before this one totally dies on ya. I take it you have moved everything off your hard drive?

    1. Hi JoJo,

      Those west coast fridges are chatty at the best of times. I have the new computer of which I'm actually using right this moment. I transferred over everything from my hard drive.

      Thank you, JoJo.


  12. hmmm you may want to get ear plugs. A talking fridge can be hazardous to ones sanity. They are just rude

    1. Hey Pat,

      Ice see what you mean. Thank you and have an ice day, eh.


  13. When you replace your old and slow computer, may I suggest a tablet. They are less expensive and so very convenient.

    My fridge gurgles and makes violent sounds when it pops out ice cubes. However, I don't mind the noise as at least I know it is working.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      After using that other computer, I think I need a tablet or two. I've actually bought an all in one computer which is rather like a larger version of a tablet.

      Good point. If it makes noises, the darned thing is working.

      Thank you, Arleen.


  14. It will take some time but soon you will be able to understand its new language. . .

    1. Hi Dizzy-Dick,

      So far, I've frozen up trying to learn its new language.

      Thank you, good sir.


  15. Put your old computer to rest and get a new one, Gary. We need you on the blogsphere. Dragon and dwarves would miss you if you would go for good. You really made us laugh with your feral fridge. Dragon Hugs!

    1. Hi Al,

      The deed is done. The old computer has been sent to its resting place. I shall now be able to come and visit you, the dragon and his gang of dwarves :) The fridge says hi.


  16. Sometimes fridge noise startles me. Mine isn't too bad. I hate it when they leak and I have to clean a puddle off the floor.

    My computer crashed a few weeks ago. It was a nightmare.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      Like a fridge over troubled waters when they leave a puddle.

      My computer crashed about two years ago and had been getting progressively worse. I share your pain.


  17. For the Brits, that is quite a large fridge. Whether it chatters too you or not. I remember the tiny fridges we used to have and my surprise at the fridges here when we arrived.

    So go get a new computer Gary.

    1. Hi Jo,

      I have a very large fridge and fridges are getting larger here. The double sided fridges over here are referred to as "American fridges."

      New computer has been purchased and what a difference.

      Thanks, Jo.


  18. Do hope your new computer arrives soon. My poor computer is on the way out too, funny enough it's the hot and cold water dispenser in my kitchen that makes the most noise. Almost like the two are competing with each other, the fridge and the dispenser that is.
    Me, I'm feeling broken - and this time I don't think there is a way to put it all back together again! The end has been reached, and since tomorrow never arrives, I've quit waiting. I sorely need my Patches!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Oh yes, I'm using my new computer. Frustrating when the darn things stop working properly. Seems you may well need a new one.

      Your fridge can pour itself a drink as it rambles incessantly.

      I know your are in pain, dear Yolanda. Those who don't understand the love we share with our animals, just don't get it. A virtual hug your way. I'm sorry it has taken this long to reply. See you soon.

      Your friend,


  19. Good to see you haven't lost your sense of refrigerator-necessiti-ness. That and your sense of the sublime. I would like to suggest that not only is your fridge whining, plus dancing when you're not at home, (rumours run rampart throughout the neighbourhood), it's sending you a subliminal message from beyond the feral fidgety spectrum. My advice... when you get the new computer, be at full alertness for any signs that the fridge is speaking in new fraudulent whistling-type murmurs. Don't laugh, my friend. Since it's obvious the squirrels failed to take over the earth, the refrigerators have stepped up to the plate. Okay, they're dancing to the plate--so beware! And yes, I am a fiction writer, but I knowith from where I speakith.

    1. Hey Joylene,

      I heed your wise words, my bestest Canadian friend, eh. My fridge warned me about eating the science experiment in the lower rack. Alas, I paid no attention and thus, I spent the last week on the can, man. I think somebody shoved a squirrel up my butt.

      You are almost as fictional as me. I shall leave a science fiction comment on your site very soon. Sorry, I've been away for quite some time.

      Gary, eh!

  20. I remember this. So funny then and now.
    hope it all works out soon. Take care.

    1. Hey Dixie,

      Thanks for that, my kind friend. It's all coming together with my new computer. I can now get going after a really bad bout of the flu. Take care and I'll come and visit y'all real soon, you hear....


  21. We have one of those feral fridges. Sometimes it's so feral, it pees on stuff.

    1. Hi Diane,

      Like a fridge over troubled waters....


  22. LOL. My fridge sounds like something rotting inside. Maybe that is for the best; its telling me not to eat more sweets and get larger.

    1. Hi Donna,

      Speaking of something rotting inside, I have been absent the last week due to my stomach doing cartwheels. Your fridge love you and want you to kiss its ice :)

      Shall visit very soon.


  23. If only we could do without the refrigerators. The roomier, the more troublesome. Sometimes they seem like they grow things when not tended too. LOL
    I am glad that you are writing, but don't stress over having to comment.

    1. Hi Munir,

      I reckon one could live in an igloo. Just stick our food in the walls :)

      Thanks and I'm slowing getting back into the groove with my new computer.

      Take care, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  24. Nice. I hope you enjoy your new computer.

    1. Hi Lady Lilith,

      So far, so good. Figures I've been sick for the last week.

      Gary :)

  25. After reading your post, I'm now listening to my fridge. Mine sounds like I'm underwater in a submarine. From my fridge to yours, Enjoy the night!!!
    I always love reading your posts.

    1. Hey Suzanne,

      Wow and I wonder if your fridge has a periscope. Just water under or over the fridge.

      Thanks for your kind words. Hope to be up and running, like my fridge, fairly soon.

      Gary :)

  26. A flock of fridges - the fabulous & fantastic, the frumpy & foolish, the forceful, the featherbrained, flighty & frothy...
    Be careful what you say to these contraptions, they're temperamental and have a funny way of getting revenge.
    Don't burn your fridges.

    1. Hey Michelle,

      Alliteration overdrive from you fine self. Fantastically fun frolicking forward for fanatical fridges freezing forever :)

      So much for domestic appliances who are wilder than I realized. Watch out for maniac microwave ovens.

      I shall cross that fridge when I get to it...


  27. Fab post Gary! The first time my brand new fridge made its "noise" I went searching around the house for the most annoying hous-ie noise I'd ever heard and finally (after quite some time) narrowed it down to the fridge! It was scary! Mine also does the farty thing too. (Read the manual and it actually said not to be alarmed at the noises, it was perfectly normal) well ok then. :)

    1. G'day Rose,

      Thanks and I'm actually replying almost two weeks later. New computer and I got sick so I couldn't use it.

      Your fridge farts and it's good to know it um, runs.

      I shall visit your wonderful blog very soon.

      Gary :)

  28. I think it is quite refreshing to stay away from the internet, Gary.
    I've been doing it and I feel happier and more creative!

    1. Hey Julia,

      Yes, it's very refreshing staying when from the internet on my own terms. Most frustrating when you want to go on and check the creativity you share when you are on the internet! :)

      Happy creativity, Julia.

      Gary using his old computer still....

  29. At least a flatulent, talking, whining, feral fridge will be entertaining when Penny's gone to Tristan's. My 1-yr-old fridge turns on and off its cooling cycle with the ker-thump of a small building imploding. Entertaining. Right.

    1. Hi Lexa,

      Apologies for my delay and for not getting to your blog lately. Shall rectify that soon. Yes, the fridge is a replacement for Penny when she isn't here. Although the fridge doesn't do tricks like roll over, thank goodness!

      Happy fridge listening, Lexa :)


  30. But it looks so new and modern. Maybe it's trying to communicate with the other fridges that are nearby?

    1. Hi Elsie,

      It's chatting with my neighbour's fridge, methinks.

      Gary :)

  31. A Fridge too Far, even though it is only 8 feet from your recliner.

    1. Hi Susan,

      That explains the frost on my recliner.

      Gary :)

  32. Perhaps your fridge is just lonely. Maybe your other appliances have been giving her the cold shoulder. I hope the problem is resolved before she has a meltdown. I'll keep my fingers crossed that your next computer can coexist with your hot/cold fridge. Loved your poem, Gary!


    1. Hi Julie,

      Good point and ice see what you mean. A frosty response to the other appliances who have given the fridge the cold shoulder. Her shoulder is colder than theirs.

      Thank for liking my poem. Pretty cool, eh. Visit you soon, my kind friend.

      Gary :)

  33. Aloha old bean :)

    Been a long time - my fault, not yours - but hope you are well and I hope your new computer brings you as much joy as the domestic appliance that you chillingly speak of :)

    Cheers, Gazza - and all the best, mate :)

    1. Hey Mazza,

      Long time no icy :)

      It's both our faults, good sir. Although I've been really struggling to get any momentum going. I have my new computer just in time to get sick. Yuck and sigh....

      See you soon, my illustrious friend.

      Gary :)

  34. I'm getting excited for you about your new computer. I know the feeling because I was there. Now my computer usage has gotten so much more pleasant and easy. I haven't heard anything coming from my fridge. I guess if it were going to say anything it might say, "Fill me, I'm empty". We shop minimally since we don't use up food too quickly.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Hi Lee,

      I was very aware of your own computer frustrations. I know how you must be relieved to actually be able to zip about so much better. I look forward to finally getting so momentum going and visiting your good self.

      Your fridge is the cool, silent type.

      Cheers, good sir.


  35. Oh, my Gary, your equipment has such personality. I almost took a sledge hammer to my computer yesterday. The only thing that stopped me is that I couldn't find a sledge hammer. In other words, I feel your pain, and I'm very sorry. As for the talking, fridge...that's cold. Or is it hot? I guess it depends what it says to you. Mine tends to be frigid but groans on occasion.

    Hugs and love and all sorts of good things to you. xo

    1. Hi Robyn,

      Indeed and my fridge has so much personality, also :) If I had a sledgehammer, I'd sledgehammer in the morning, all over my old computer! I sense your pain and computer frustration. Mine has been acting like crap for about two years and it finally gave up.

      Your fridge is telling you how cool you are and to have an ice day! :)

      Visit you soon, dear lady.

      Hugs and cool love, your way,

      Gary xo :)

  36. I've met a few of those cold lugs before. We went to a friend's house for NY's eve and around midnight her fridge decided to rumble like it was bringing in the New Year! Scary!

    1. Hey Eve,

      May all "icequaintance".....

      Visit you soon as soon as I feel better.

      Gary :)

    2. Hi Eve,

      I'm a little better, thank you. I seem to be battling with chronic fatigue. Shall be seeing the doctor in a week's time.

      Hope you had a nice weekend, my kind friend.


  37. Your fridge sounds funny. :)

    Sorry to hear about your computer. My computer started crashing on Saturday. It will stay on for 30 minutes and then shuts off. I have been trying to save as much as I can, but I am not sure how much longer it has. :( Been using a laptop that is almost 10 years old and super slow. But, at least I have it while I save up for another computer.

    Good luck!!

    1. Hi Jess,

      My fridge has an English accent :)

      Sorry to read about your laptop. You did well having it last ten years. Mine became so bad that I could wait no longer. I've been way out of the loop for about six months. Sorry I've been unable to visit and thus, see you soon.

      Gary :)

  38. Before I bought my fridge, I googled the reviews talking about the hard hitting sounds that happen in the middle of the night. Then when I went to buy one, guess which one came in the color I wanted, and was on sale? Right. And it actually DOES make these loud BANGS and thumps! Beau finally got used to it, but I still think someone is breaking into the house.

    1. Hey Dana,

      You would think that the reviews would let you know what sort of fridge sounds you could expect. Beau may ask the fridge to be a watch fridge and be on the lookout for weird people wanting to stray in and listen to your fridge.

      See you soon after me having a really bad dose of the flu.


  39. Gary, I thought your computer has grown legs and ran away. Good thing you don't have a demon possessed fridge.

    Hugs and chocolate!

    1. Hey Shelly,

      Of course, my other computer was on its last legs now that we know that computers have legs. My computer is possessed by devilled eggs.

      See you soon with some real chocolate and a virtual hug!


  40. I hope your new computer, when you get one, is super fast and trouble free.
    Talking fridges eh?
    Mine just makes very quiet rumbling motor sounds with a little thump as it shuts off.
    I don't even notice it unless I am standing right beside it and the kitchen is only 6 steps away from where I sit with my computer.
    The brand? Kelvinator; model NB400H-R
    Only a small fridge, but that's all I need.

    1. Hi River,

      My new computer is amazing even if my stupid internet service provider seems to have lowered my broadband speed. Must get after them.

      Talking fridges, strewth! :)

      A small fridge makes small talk, I reckon. Sorry about not being around much. Will visit soon.


  41. Oh no, that sounds like a very annoying computer AND fridge. I hope a new computer is on your way because we do not want to miss you and Penny in the blogging world!
    As for the fridge...I think they all do a type of talking of their own. I need to keep my bedroom door closed or my fridge would tell me bedtime stories all night ;)
    Have a great week, Gary, and a big hug for Penny! :)

    1. Hi Beate,

      The fridge just chatters away and continues to freeze as it should do. I am know typing from a new computer. Takes some getting used to. I have been well in the background during the computer problem times.

      Your fridge could tell you some really cool bedtime stories, dear friend.

      Hugs back to the both of you from Penny and her alleged human, Gary :)

  42. Hi Gary, talking to Penny is one thing but talking to a feral frost-free fridge is something else altogether. :-)
    I love the word Feral and must try using it in one of my posts – my daughter in law (in Australia) calls her neighbours the exact same thing - long story!
    Love to you and Penny, Barbara.

    1. Hi Barbara,

      Sorry about the late response. Have been feeling like crap for about a week.

      To mistake a fridge for a dog is quite something :)

      Feral neighbours! Know all too well about that one.

      Hugs to you from Penny and her alleged human, Gary :)

  43. I'm sorry about your old computer, but this is the funniest post I've seen in some time! This is the first I've heard of a feral fridge, I'll have to keep an eye err ear on ours to see if there are any signs it's going to turn! Hugs to you and Penny! ~ Diane

    1. Hi Diane,

      Ah yes, my old computer has been sent to the computer dumping ground. Nice to actually type and not have a computer that um, freezes up.

      Watch out for your fridge turning feral as opposed to being a domestic appliance.

      Thanks for the hugs, dear lady. See you soon.

      Gary and Penny :)

  44. Isn't it creepy when appliances make sounds of their own? I'm glad I'm not the only one! Sorry about the computer. :(

    1. Hi Riot Kitty,

      It sure is. We should form a support group for those of us who get creeped out by domestic appliances. Old computer has gone. Hello new computer! :)

      Thank you, my friend.


  45. I have a feral fridge. I expect it to attack one of these times when I'm on my way to the tamer, less aggressive trash compactor. We call him, Brutus.

    Bye bye old slow bits and bytes. Hello new spiffy ever-efficient and oh so speedy technical assistant. But just in case, buy the support. Experienced new computer owner here.

    1. Hi Lady Lee,

      I just knew you would have a feral fridge. A domestic appliance, I don't think so. Trash compactor is quite the garbage gobbler.

      Old computer has gone to the old computer sleeping grounds. I have support included in my applications. As for Windows 8.1 plus a bottle of ketchup, I haven't even looked at it.

      Thank you, celebrity author, Lee.


  46. I'm having a similar problem with my computer and trying to visit blogs on it is enough to give me a nervous breakdown. The pets run and hide at this point whenever I get on the damn thing. Here's to speedy new computers for both of us.
    Hi, Penny! :D

    1. Hi Julie,

      I so understand about the nervous breakdown bit, dear Julie. I am so glad to have finally got another one. The amount of screaming I've been doing could of got me arrested. I hope you get a new computer soon, for your sake and your beloved animals' sake.

      Thank you, Julie.


  47. The time comes when computers and fridges have to be replaced. I hated to lose the old computer, but now with the new one I wonder why we didn't sooner. Our fridge isn't as impressive as your feral one. Thanks for the cute post!

    1. Hi Connie,

      Fridges and computers. One needs replacing because it stops freezing. The other needs replacing because it starts freezing. I would of bought a new computer sooner. However, having just moved, I decided that buying a bed was a good idea.

      Thank you, Connie.


  48. Hi Gary. I hope you can be back to your brilliant best very soon!
    What computer did you decide to buy?
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s fabulous Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hey Barry,

      After spending the last few days having funs with the runs, I hope that I can stop talking shit and get on with it.

      I bought a HP Pavilion all in one computer. So far, so good.

      Chat soon, dude.

      Gary :)

  49. I hope you get a new computer soon. My old laptop was getting really slow too. Then if I pushed it, it would freeze. So annoying! My furnace talks. It's saying, please God help me make it through this long winter. Or maybe that's what I'm saying....

    Hugs Gary!!

    1. Hey Elizabeth,

      I'm using my new computer and basically ignoring Windows 8.1 :) Yes, fridges are supposed to freeze and yet we both know of another kind of freeze. Computers that become slower than parked cars!

      Your furnace may well have a heated conversation. See you soon, other than having the runs, I've runs out of excuses. A computer that actually works. What a concept.

      Gary :)

  50. Gary! I'm not gonna beat around the bush. I miss hearing from you. That's right.

    Hey, that's a talking fridge. I've got one too. It keeps wjispering, "Pssssssst Blue. Hey, Blue. No need to be on a diet. Come hither.... I've got something I know you'll like." That kinda thing.

    1. Hey Blue!

      I beat around a few bushes in my time. Just when I started getting momentum, I got very ill. I almost shit myself.

      Your fridge is trying to make an ice of you. Shall come and visit you very soon. That would be after I make another mad dash to the can, man.....

      Gary :)

    2. If you have chronic fatigue syndrome... you and I have yet anothet thing in common. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, Gary. Don't worry about visiting me. Take good care of yourself, you hear?

    3. Hey Blue buddy,

      I am having a blood test on Friday morning. Getting tested for a possible thyroid problem. Thank you, my kind friend. I totally empathise with you and I do wish to visit you very soon. And you take care of YOU :)


    4. I hear ya. And YOU take care if YOU.

    5. Cheers to you, Blue. You are true blue and kudos to YOU :)

  51. My fridge purrs. I'm fairly certain it's not much longer for this world. Do you get to take a bat to the old computer once it's replaced?

    1. Hey Shannon,

      Sounds like you have a domesticated appliance. Perhaps you could have your fridge cryogenically sorted out for a possible return. I took the old computer to the computer graveyard and placed in beside a Atari computer game.


  52. Replies
    1. Hey there, my favourite Whisk,

      Thank you and Penny most assuredly loves the new banner!

      Gary :)

  53. You might turn comments off on your latest post, but I can still comment here!
    We are here for you, my friend. Whatever you need to get you through. You are in our thoughts and our prayers.

    1. Hi Alex,

      Yes you most certainly can comment here. Your support and the support of so many has inspired me. You are a remarkable gentleman. Thank you.


  54. Yep, my fridge also makes weird noises when it is making ice and whoever designed this fridge (it came with the house) didn't know what they were doing.

    As a first time visitor, I appreciate your honest and can see how hard it can be some days and pray for you to maintain your sarcastic wit to help you through the depression.

    1. Hi sage,

      Your fridge may of taken on part of the personality of whoever lived there before.

      You are most perceptive, my kind friend. Sarcasm and yep, even a dash of cynicism helps me through the depressive state. That and the interaction within the blogging community.

      Thank you, sage.


  55. The pain is real and powerful Gary and just know you have the support of many. No need to comment back. I understand.

    1. Hi Maurice,

      You are a kind, decent man. I appreciate your thoughtful words. I shall duly, because of the exhaustion, not bother commenting back :)

      Have a peaceful weekend, my friend.


  56. Hi, I just wanted to say hello and let you know you have been missed. I know life can hurt sometimes. Take care my dear friend. I think you need a ((hug))

    1. Hi Trudessa,

      You are most kind, dear friend. It heartens me to know I've been missed. I'm working my way through a most exhausting time. I have doctors and nurses trying to sort me out. Hugs are embraced, A virtual hug to you, my kind friend.

      Gary :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.