
Sunday 14 December 2014

A Pawed Poolitcal Announcement.

Hi there, yes it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!  While my human brother, Tristan and my human dad, Gary, are still going through major upheavals in their lives, I told Gary that I would take over his blog, yet again.

These have been challenging times for me also.  I've had to adjust to living in two different homes.  Although it's been unsettling, I'm now familiar with the routine of spending half the week with Tristan and the other half with Gary.  The transition and adapting has been quite the hectic adventure for the three of us.

So while Gary contemplates actually writing another blog pawst, I shall tell you with what I've been up to at Gary's place.
Gary purchased a brand new, luxury bed.  The brand new, luxury bed, is now mine.  Last week, I was feeling poorly.  I proceeded to poo on the brand new, luxury bed.  Such was my poor tummy that my poo seeped through to the mattress.  This left a a stain that Gary feverishly removed.

However, there's more.  Having a rumbly tummy, I went on a three-day pooping extravaganza.  This meant that Gary was rushing around after me with a wet sponge and cleaning products.  Thankfully, the cleaning products did a good job of removing the offending stains on his brand new, luxury crapets, um, carpets.

Each time Gary rushed me out of his apartment and carried me down the three flights of steps, once outside, I couldn't go.  He'd bring me back in.  Back in time for me to continue my pooping extravaganza.

In one last pooping glory, I got up beside Gary on MY brand new, luxury bed he'd cleaned.  He awoke to a pungent aroma, a poopy bed and a brown trickle down his top.  Never seen the old guy jump out of a bed so quickly!

I'm pleased to report that I'm now back to normal.  My eating is just fine and the runs have run away.  Gary and Tristan are taking me to the vets as a precautionary measure now scheduled for the upcoming Monday.
Here's a bit of a Christmas theme in Gary's ongoing creation within his new home.  That's not a real fireplace, but what the heck, it gives a cosy ambience.  The carpets have now been fully cleaned.

So this was sort of a "Pawed Poolitical Announcement."  I know that David Cameron is into Poolitics and I'm sure he loves my comments on his Twitter feed.

*Okay, Gary, I'm all pooped out from doing this pawsting.  Maybe you might get the hint and actually write your own blog pawst!  Arf!*


  1. Sorry, Penny! Hope you really are pooped out now.

    1. Hi human, Alex,

      No worries, I'm totally pooped out. As for my human, Gary....oh no!

      Pawsitive wishes,


  2. Hmm...more like a poosting ;) Poor dear Penny, sounds like you suffered immensely this past week. Yeah, it wasn't a picnic for Gary either, but hey - he wasn't the one with the sick tummy, right?!
    So glad to hear you're all better now, the plumbing's back to normal, and the stains and messes are history. Take care, my furiend! (Best wishes to Gary, too!) xx

    1. Hey CindyLu,

      Very good, a poosting! Something you can relate to? Ah yep, I spent four days of letting my butt gush. I felt real crappy and Gary felt crappy.

      Stains all gone and Gary seems to be in better shape from dashing around and cleaning up my spillages.

      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, to you, CindyLu. Say hello to your pawtend human, Kim. Arf!

      Penny :) x

  3. Aw Penny! I'm so sorry you were sick but glad you are better now!!!! ((hugs pets and snuggles)). Love the tree and 'fireplace'!

    1. Hi JoJo,

      Thanks and I'm way better now. I'm eating regular and pooing regular. My crazy human, Gary, has rearranged the living room, yet again. The fake fireplace is amazing.

      Thank you, human, JoJo.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  4. Oh, Penny! I know what it is like to get the trots (as my grandpa used to call them) and I am a human and get to use a toilet. As a human, when you are feeling poorly it sometimes takes every bit of strength to just get to the toilet so don't feel bad. I am glad you are feeling better. Next time, best to go for a floor like in the bathroom or kitchen if you can't make it out. Maybe try to not go on the bed.

    1. Hi ditchingthedog,

      Actually, my human, Gary, got wise and as soon as he realised I was going into trot overdrive, he'd grab me so I could poo on the bathroom floor. I'm staying well away from pooping on the bed now. Feeling way, way better :)

      Thank you, my kind human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  5. Poor, poor Penny. I am very, very glad you are better now.

    1. Hi human, Sue,

      Awe, thank you. Poop, poop Penny, no more :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  6. Aww poor poorly Penny, I expect all the upheaval has upset your tummy. Hope Gary is not too upset, what with all the upheaval and poop to clear up. Don't fret Penny he knows you couldn't help it. I'm sure Mr. Vet will give you a clean bill of health. His new home looks wonderful by the way.

    Gary, I recently took my little dog Annie on a few train rides to visit my sister's new shop and embarrassingly Annie did a sloppy poo in sister's new shop, just the stress of the day what did it! Could be just stress for Penny too.

    1. Hi human, Eileen,

      My upheaval did not upset my human, too much. You might be quite right that the moving has cause me to do some moving of the unfortunate type. The vet says I'm fine and that I must have had something to eat that disagreed with my tummy. The ever changing home. It seems that he cannot make up his mind how to arrange his new home.

      Poor Annie and poor you and your poor sister. Stress and different situations sure can stress us dogs out. You may well be correct, dear Eileen.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  7. Hi Penny - well that wasn't the kindest thing to give Gary and his son for Christmas "the runs" .. but it's a fact of life sometimes ... glad all seems to be cleaned up and perfumed ready for seasonal cheer ... hope the vet's visit gives some reassurance .. .take care and pawsitive good news this coming week to one and all .. Hilary

    1. Hi human, Hilary,

      An extra special Christmas treat for my dear humans. Diarrhoea "runs" in the family. All clear from the vets, thank you. Pawsitive wishes to you and I shall now pawfume Gary's home.

      Thank you, dear Hilary.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  8. Oh poor Penny to be so pawly - and all over your new bed too! At least you let Gary sleep in it - your bed that is, not the poo! Hope the vet gives you a clean bill of health and you're feeling well again soon xx

    1. Hi human, Teresa,

      I'm way better now, dear human friend. Gary got to sleep on my poo. Oops and poops. The vet says I'm pawfectly okay now :)

      Thank you, dear Teresa.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  9. Poor Penny, things like this happen to the best of us. Glad to hear you're feeling better though. Was it something you ate? Did Gary feed you beans on toast for breakfast again? ;)

    1. Hi human, Elise,

      Even the best has a rumbly tummy. Yes indeed, I'm back to my pawesome self. I do believe it was something I ate when I was stay with Tristan. Or maybe it was the beans on French toast Gary gave me! :) Arf!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  10. Poor lamb, I feel sorry for both of you! I know what its like having a poorly tum Penny I have one at the moment so I better not pop round to visit or those lovely clean carpets might get another treat courtesy of All Consuming hahahaha. Glad to hear you're feeling better and I'm loving your human's new abode, all warm and festive-looking. Love and pawsitive wishes to both of you, Lardy says "have a biscuit, it makes everything better". x

    1. Hi human, Michelle,

      Poor lamb? Bah and arf! :) Oh no, not you also. You'd better no pop or poop around. HAHA and another arf!

      Gary's new abode is ever-changing. After the latest photo was taken, he changed the room again. And now he's going to change it again.

      Pawsitivity to you, your loved ones and my good buddy, Lardy. A biscuit is pawfect, eh Lardy!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :) x

  11. Sorry to hear so many tummy problems.... hope the tum is well for Christmas!

    1. Hi Carole,

      The rumbly tummy has stopped rumbling. I'm going to be just fine for Christmas.

      Thank you, dear human, Carole.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny x

  12. Oh, poor Penny and poor Gary. You both have been through a crappy few months. Hopefully, all things, including your digestive system, will calm down soon.

    1. Hi human, Arleen,

      It's been a poorly time for all concerned here. The crappy times have started to smooth out. I think I can finally stomach all the changes and upheavals :)

      Thank you, dear Arleen.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  13. Dear Penny, the dwarves and I were very worried when we heard you were not feeling right. We are happy to know you are doing better now. Take it easy, girl. Dwarves send you their best. Dragon Hugs!

    1. Dear Al,

      Rest easy, you and the dwarves. Yes, I'm loads better after getting rid of my loads. Thanks for the best from your dwarves and for the Dragon Hugs. The dragon hugs were off the scale.....

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  14. Penny, you must have some kind of a bug. You need some rice water. interesting header.
    Cheers dear puppy.

    1. Hi human, Manzanita,

      I think I had some sort of insect. Thankfully, I just suddenly got better.

      The header's antenna can pick up signals from Montana :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  15. Yikes! Poor Penny! And poor Gary!!! That is NOT a lot of fun!!! Hope everyone is getting a rest now - take care :)

    1. Hi Jemi,

      Yikes, indeed! Poor Penny and poor alleged human, Gary. Not fun by any stretch of the imagination or my butt, for that matter. Rest is sorely needed. We shall get there, my dear human friend.

      Wow and three Canadian comments in a row, what do you know, eh....

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  16. Nice luxury bed, Penny! I like the sheets. Sorry to hear you've had "the sheets" too. No fun for you or for poor Gary.

    1. Hi human, Debra,

      Thanks and my luxury bed is a "Silentnight" bed. Although, not so silent recently. The sheets in the photo were originally a white colour. Yes, I'm kidding. The crap times are over. Quite the "cover reveal", eh.

      Thank you, dear Debra.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  17. You must be too pooped to poop now, they are no fun human, cat or dog. Glad they are gone, now you can snicker over christening that new bed lol

    1. Hi human, Pat,

      Too pooped to poop. Humans, dogs and cats can crap up a shit storm. The runs have run. Time for some fun. The bed is christened and everything glistened.

      Thank you, human, Pat.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  18. Aww Penny, all that heavy duty pooping on Gary's new bed must have really pooped you out. And poor Gary running behind you with a cleaning sponge.

    1. Hi human, Rachna,

      Pooping overdrive. Of course, the bed is now mine. Although I did insist Gary get it cleaned up so I could enjoy more new bed all the better. Gary enjoyed the exercise, no doubt :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  19. Oh Penny...I'm so sorry you have been feeling bad. Nothing worse than the 'doggy trots' is there? I also feel very sorry for Gary having his brand new place 'all pooped up'. Tell him for me that his new place looks very very nice. Let's hope you both have a healthy New Year.

    1. Hi human, Delores,

      The doggy trots and Gary trotted around after me. He was in a state of despair as he saw his brand new stuff getting stained. Still, the ever changing home of Gary's continues to improve with each movement, movement of his furniture.

      Thank you for your kind words, dear human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  20. So glad to hear you're feeling better! That must have been a 'crappy' time for everyone. Sorry...I just had to add some silliness; couldn't help myself :)

    1. Hi human, Martha,

      Thank you and I'm feeling very well now. If you're crappy and you know it, crap your hands. I love a bit of silliness. I mean, I have to put up with Gary! Arf!

      Thanks, eh.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  21. That is a priceless poost!! I can't say I enjoy that "too much information" kind of post coming from humans, but with you doing the telling, Penny, I have to admit I read every word with sympathy...and a chuckle or two. Nicely done.

    1. Hi human, Patricia,

      A poolitical poost, pawhaps. Poo much information from me, mestinks, um, methinks. Thanks for seeing the funny side. No ifs and or BUTTS. Arf!

      Thank you, human, Patricia.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  22. Glad things are getting back to normal for you all, and a COOL looking Tree . . . . . Soon be Christmas so I hope you have a great time. . . . .

    1. Hi human, Rob,

      Back to normal and the tree is well cool. I haven't done anything to the tree...yet. Christmas and dogs, what more could one ask for.

      Thank you, dear human, Rob.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  23. Oh poor, poor Penny, and poor poor Gary! Such a horrible thing to have happen on new carpets and new beds. But isn't that just the way of it! Buy something nice, treat yourself to the real thing after years of second hands or slightly used and before you know it - it's no longer new - or even close to new! But Penny I'm sure you know, and better than the rest of us - it's not the material items in our lives that count - it's the love of our pets, friends, and family!!!! So don't feel bad, a big hug in Gary's arms, a kiss to his cheek, and all is forgiven. Accidents do and will happen, and it is why cleaning solutions are made, but love, loyalty, and friendship are forever!

    So glad you are well now,!! Now stay away from the holiday cheer, chocolate is not good for you!!!

    1. Hi human, Yolanda,

      You sure did sum up my thoughts very nicely. Thanks for that. Yes, Gary is starting new and with that, he has changed almost everything in his new home. And indeed, he realises that beyond the purchasing of material things, there lies the love of unconditional animals such as me. I know he understands I was not well. Furever friends, my lovely human friend, Yolanda.

      Chocolate is a big no no for dogs, fur sure.

      Thank you, dear Yolanda.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  24. Penny,

    Sir Poops and I are so happy to hear you're better.

    Lots of licks and some sniffs,
    Hair Ball

    1. Hi Hair Ball,

      Oops, the name, "Sir Poops", reminded me of something :)

      Thanks to the both of you wonderful dogs. I'm feeling way less ruff.....

      Licks and a couple of sniffs, your way.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  25. Poor Penny, (and poor, Gary). I am glad you are feeling better, hope the trip to the vets goes well.

    1. Hi human, Suzanne,

      Thanks and it was quite the poor time for the both of us. I'm much better and the vet says I'm just fine.

      Thank you, dear Suzanne.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  26. It's good you are feeling better, sweet Penny. I hope you recovered completely.
    You look a bit uneasy in the big bed, my friend. What a lovely place. Very cozy.
    Have fun, Penny. Take care of Gary!

    1. Hi human, Julia,

      Thank you and I seemed to have recovered completely. Although, Gary, not so sure.

      I look uneasy because it's quite the drop to the floor from the bed. Thanks and Gary is ever improving his home, minus my unwanted droppings :)

      I'm looking after Gary as I paw this comment.

      Thank you, dear human, Julia.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  27. Dear god! Poop seeping through the mattress and down daddies shirt .... ! I very nearly spat out my morning coffee!

    But all that aside, I am soooo relieved to hear that you are on the mend, Penny. You poor darling - and that goes for Gary too! What a crappy time you've 'both' had. Crikey!

    Oh, and one more thing, your living room looks positively delightful :)

    1. Gidday human, Wendy!

      I do hope that was coffee...Arf! :)

      Thank you and yes, I'm back to my usual perky self. Crikey and crappy times.

      Thanks and Gary's room has changed since the photo. Hopefully, even more delightful, minus any crappy hints.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  28. Poor Penny and poor Gary. I hope you are OK now Penny and the vet will give you the all clear.

    1. Hi human, Jo,

      I'm now okay and Gary's survived such an ordeal. The vet has said I'm just fine, thank you.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  29. I hope that you are feeling better. It is not just you, human children also have accidents on their parents beds and sometimes in homes of their guest. So don't feel bad.
    I hope that Gay and Tristan are feeling a little better with the shared responsibility of having you.

    1. Hi human, Munir,

      Much better, thank you. Ah yes, human children and sometimes human adults. Thanks for that and I feel better knowing that.

      Tristan and Gary are sharing me on a coordinated, caring basis. It's all going very well. Thank you, dear Munir.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  30. Oh Penny! Bless your heart. I've always wondered why there was never invented a litter box for little dogs? Glad you feel least you're still writing well. I bet Gary was damn near hysterical!! Arf-arf!!*

    1. Hi human, Dixie,

      Or bless my fart, pawhaps? I suppose us dogs are more of the wandering type and can't be bothered with a doggy tray. We leave the litter trays to the crazy cats. I'm a pawblishing genius dog. Gary is hysterical at the best of times. Arf and arf!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  31. Poor Penny. You and Grizzly must be eating alike. He had me up and down all night going poo- fortunately for us, we have a fenced in back yard and only one flight of stairs!

    1. Hi human, Elizabeth,

      Grizzly eating like me. Doesn't BEAR thinking about! Arf! I miss the days when I could just go outside and having a ceremonial crap. One flight of stairs seems like heaven.

      Thank you, my lovely human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  32. Poor Penny, I'm so glad your runs have run away now and I hope they don't come back. It must have been hard for Gary too, all that running around with buckets and sponges. Perhaps next time you could just run into the bath or shower where cleaning up is easier. i understand it is hard to think of things like that when you tummy is doing uncomfortable things.

    1. Hi human, River,

      Thank you and Gary soon caught on to rushing me into the bathroom. I was given a nice, warm shower. It really was difficult to hang on and I'm relieved to not be relieving myself all over the place any more.

      Thank you, dear River.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  33. Poor Penny..... glad you are better... You are one lucky girl to have a human dad take such good care of you and cleaning up your mishaps....Give daddy, Gary a few extra licks tonight to show him how much you appreciate him....

    1. Hi human, Michael,

      Thank you, kind sir. I'm much better. I'm a lucky girl that he was so understanding that I was poorly. I shall, on your behalf, give him some extra licks. He is greatly apawceciated :)

      Thank you, human, Michael.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  34. Penny, I'm also glad you're feeling better, but I'm worried about Gary. You ran him ragged, and his poor hands are probably worn to the bone from all of that scrubbing. You and Gary should appear on a commercial for cleaning products! Hope you both stay healthy, so you could enjoy your lovely new place.


    1. Hi human, Julie,

      Thanks and I'm much better. I run him ragged and all for a good reason. He needs the exercise. Of course, we will do an ad for a cleaning product. Poop's Away has contacted us. Arf! Gary's place is coming along nicely as he keep moving around his furniture. And hey, a bit of scrubbing of his brand new carpets was just a pawfect time for him.

      Thank you, dear Julie.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  35. Poor dear Penny! I'm glad your rumbly tummy and the pooping extravaganza is over, but at least you were very entertained by Gary's frantic leaping, cleaning, and stain removing. (Don't worry - it's good exercise for him.) I hope you get a clean bill of health at the vet's. :)

    1. Hi human, Lexa,

      Rumbly tummy is finally finished. Watching Gary leaping about and chasing after me with a wet sponge was real funny. He really did need the exercise. The vet says I'm just fine, thank you.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  36. Uhmmm.... errrrr, uhmmmm! Thank you for the poop scoop, I hope the world gets better and the adjusting period finally adjusts.


    1. Hi human, Jeremy,

      A poop scoop is on its way to you, complete with some extra poo. The situation here is still in a rather confused state. So basically, no change there, then. Thank you, my kind human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  37. I love a good poop story. It made all of the puns palpable. Although, I probably shouldn't use the term palpable in relation to poop. Too late now.

    1. I know this guy. His poop was green.... What guy?

    2. Hey Pickles,

      Pooping puns it goes beyond turds, um, words. Your comment is poopable, sorry, palpable. Thank you and I shall be visiting you at your nudey type blog.

      Ah, Mr. Blue,

      A dill of a poo, pawhaps.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  38. Oh my Penny!! Now that I know you are ok I can go ahead and laugh my head off! Poor Gary! I would be losing my mind!! I LOVE your Christmas photo! Where did Gary get that fireplace? It looks so real, I love it! The tree too! Glad you are feeling better! xoxo

    1. Hi human, Caren,

      Please, by all means, laugh your head off, but not literally. That wouldn't be good :) Glad you like the Christmas photo. Gary has changed the room again since the photo. The fireplace is incredible. Gary tells me it was very reasonably priced. It's a brand named "Dimplex." All's well now, fur sure. I think Cody has a special treat for you :) Arf!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  39. Good to hear that the brand new, luxury bed, is now... yours. It looks good on you, too. Did you say a three-day pooping extravaganza? Did I cook your lunch? A brown trickle down his top... really? Slightly different from the kind I've got somewhere in a jar, I bet....

    Stay well.


    The same goes for you, Gary. I'm thinking of you.

    1. Hi human, Blue Dumpster,

      It was my crappy way of taking ownership of the brand new, luxury bed. Actually, a four day shitting spree. Shit on his shirt, actually. Your jar is full of molasses. Keep believing that, my alleged human buddy.

      Thanks for your kind wishes, Blue.

      I shall send on your good thoughts to my pawtend human, Gary.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  40. This has been the most widely reported case of canine stomach upset I've ever encountered. Who is Penny's pawlicist? As of today about two people know I write books--my husband and me. I need help.

    As to all the expended Gary energy with the pick her up, run outside, put her down-REPEAT-I'm sure the exercise did you good. Now the Santa Suit will be baggy.

    A Very Merry One to you!

    1. Hi human, Lee,

      My pawblicist is myself. Penny the pawblisher. I spread the turd, um word, using my own pawblicity. You are very well known and your hubby will confirm this, my human, Gary, also confirms this. And, ta dah, I confirm it.

      Gary needed the extra exercise. We both got pooped out in our own wacky way. If Santa comes down our fake fireplace with a full sack, Gary tells me he'll get a doggy treat up his butt.

      A peaceful, pawsitive Boxing Day Eve to you, your husband and your zillions of adoring fans.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  41. Penny, please don't poop in your human's nice bed. He needs a comfy place to rest, especially after the whole ordeal of the move. You're a good dog, so I'm sure you'll listen. Thank you!

    1. Hi human, Sherry,

      I pawmise not to poop on MY bed, again :) Fair enough, my poor old human has been through a lot of hassle during his own move. I always listen to smart humans like you. What did you say? Arf and thank you!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  42. Penny,
    I love your new bed and Christmas tree!! WOOF. xxx

    1. Hi Kim,

      Thanks for that. Ah, time to crap on the Christmas tree! Arf! xxx

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  43. I'm sorry you weren't well, Penny. Cleaning up after you gave that person something important to do.


    1. Hi human, Janie,

      Thanks and yep, much better now. Franklin has a surprise for you! Arf!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  44. I am so sorry to hear about Penny and your new luxury bed! Penny must have been very our of sorts. I hope she is back to her normal specpawkular self. :)

    1. Hi human, Jess,

      Too think I'd crap over MY luxury bed! :) Shows how badly I needed to go and go and go...I'm very much back to my pawticularly pawfect self, my lovely human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  45. Great post Peeny (Gar)
    I can appreciate the upheavels your dad and brother are going through.
    Most wonderful to read.

    1. Hi human, Yvonne,

      Great pawst, pawhaps! :)

      There has been so many upheavals over the past four months. Exciting, weird and hectic times.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  46. Penny, dear, I hope you'll do d blog spot on cookies. You could call the segment: "Christmas, Doh!" And I'm still waiting for, "Barking Day Eve." Gosh Penny - there's no place like home for the holidays, but which home?

    1. Dear human, Dixie,

      Christmas double doo doo dough and doh! Pawhaps? Barking Day Even will be introduced by Bob Barker. I have the choice of two homes now. Depends on my mood which one of my humans I decide to entertain until I'm pooped out. Arf!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  47. You have good humans taking care of you. I'm glad you're better.

    Now everyone can enjoy the holidays minus the poop.

    1. Hi human, Medeia,

      Good humans that were frantically following with a wet sponge :) Yes, I'm way better, thank you.

      No poopy parties :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  48. Oh Penny it's all the posting pressure that's giving you the poops! That has potential to be a tongue-twister girl!
    Loving the room Gary, it's looking ruddy good mate.

    1. Hi human, Rose,

      All the poosting has brought some crap situations. Tongue-twisting terrier tosses turds thanks to tummy turbulence....

      Gary's room has changed again since you see it in the photo. I shall ruddy well tell him you love the room, minus poop stains :) Arf!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  49. just don't poop on the pillow, Penny, Gary won't like the gift.....

    1. Hi human, DEZMOND,

      I pooped on the pillow. Gary wondered why the pillow seemed extra smooth.....

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  50. Awe, poor Penny. I do hope you continue to feel better and the vet gives you the all clear. So nice that Gary is taking such good care of you too. It's not easy caring for sick loved ones, so I'm glad you're doing your best not to make it any more difficult on him than it has to be, and I'm very glad you are feeling better too!

    1. Hi effectively human, M.J.,

      Much better and the vet has given me the all clear. Actually, Gary has now found his new home is all clear. Gary and my human brother, Tristan, looked after me real well during my poor tummy times.

      Thank you, dear human.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  51. Penny you are so lucky to have a loving human who takes good care of you. I am glad you are feeling better, sometimes we all get sick, and the loving care of another can pull us through the worst! Tell Gary we all feel for him too, I've had many a sick kitty over the years!

    1. Hi human, Diane,

      Gary has told me that looking after sick kitties must have been very tiring and yet, the wonder of when they got better. I'm blessed to loved by both my humans. Heck, I even left a bit of a mess at my human brother's new house.

      Thank you, my lovely human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  52. Just remember, Penny, tis better to let it out and bear the shame than hold it in and bear the pain.

    1. Hi human, Laura,

      Yes, tis better to let it out and crap on my human. No pain, no gain :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :) x

  53. Oh Penny, I'm so glad you're feeling better. Maybe too many cookies? It's cool your daddy bought you a brand new luxury bed. I'm sure you tried to wake him up when your tummy rumbled. Accidents happen. (((hugs to you and Dog Daddy Gary)))

    1. Hi human, Gwen,

      No cookies involved. Not sure what I ate to cause me such problems. Might of be Gary's dirty socks. A brand new luxury bed that's officially mine! I couldn't wake him so I crapped on him. Then I jumped off the bed and crapped some more. Gary just loves so wake up calls, not!

      Hugs back at you, dear human, Gwen.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  54. This post hit a bit too close to home. The flu struck late Monday night. I was DOWN. Except when I was up... in the bathroom. (Poor Penny... Think we can ever teach them to poop in the potty? Or create a dog potty inside?) Anyway, this morning I ate five VERY SMALL pieces of pineapple. Now, I'm in and out of the bathroom AGAIN. Constantly. 5 pieces... how is this even possible????

    I can't imagine how distraught I'd be if I hadn't made it to the bathroom and gone in my bed. I'm so sorry, Gary (and Penny). That's really crappy.

    1. Hi human, Robin,

      Oh no, back and forth to the can. Not good, but better than crapping on the bed. I'm trained to go outside. However, during my shitting spree, inside was the place to be. Potty training? I wonder if you can really train a potty? Arf!

      I can only shudder at thinking what would of happened if you ate five whole pineapples, complete with the prickly skin :)

      The crappy tail, um tale, came to an END!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  55. Hello again Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar.
    I hope the Vet finds you in good working order, I can imagine Gary and Tristan will be relieved...

    1. Hi human, DAVID,

      Very good to see you and Tom Bake jiggling away :)

      The vet has given me the all clear. Which is a clear sign that the carpets are also now clear. My humans are relieved and I was relieved that my relief had stopped.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  56. Merry Christmas Gary and Penny!

    Currently Dog-less but still remember the good ol days like this :)

    I couldn't help but notice the prolific words you added: "If they can land a man on the Nevada desert. What next? The moon? Being a Nevadan, I can attest that you are not far off the mark.

    Have a wonderful Christmas season and all the best in the new year.


    1. Hi human, Roger!

      We remember you. So nice to see your wise self after so long.

      May you soon have a dog. Yes, dogs are the bestest :)

      Aha, you noted my human's cynical side. Nothing like a landing or two on the Nevada desert. Area 51 and a Frisbee, is fun.

      A peaceful, pawsitive Christmas time to you and your loved ones. May 2015 be one of inspiration, of adventure.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  57. I hope the luxury bed isn't ruined for good, and I'm glad you're feeling better, Penny. Sorry your tummy was in such an awful way. I also hope your human has gotten some rest and feels squeaky clean.

  58. Hi Shannon,

    Thanks to Gary quickly getting to the mattress cover and the mattress, all seems to be clear and pristine, well, for now :) My human was exhausted from following me around with cleaning products. Then again, he needs the exercise. I'm way better now, thank you, dear Shannon.

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny :)

  59. Good Evening,

    Busy day here and I am a bit tired, but wanted to swing over for a quick hello. How nice of Gary to buy that nice comfy bed that you have now made your own. Oops to the poo but, when you're sick you are sick. I do detest those stomach bugs. Be kind to Gary as he needs a nice comfy bed as well so he can dream a dream or two.

    1. Good evening to you, dear Trudessa,

      And good morning from England as in three thirty in the morning. Thank you for dropping by despite being tired. Most kind of you. It was very nice of my alleged human, Gary to buy me such a nice bed. Those tummy bugs are such a nuisance. Still, we do get better. And now Gary came have a dream or poo. Arf!

      Thank you, my lovely human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  60. Hi human, Robyn,

    I've eased up on him :) I know he was sobbing like a crazed dude when he thought all of his new stuff was getting ruined by my crap. Still, it's all over now.

    Gary has had a lot of crap lately. In fact, Gary feels like crap because he's struggling to catch up with the crap, um writing on other blogs.

    Better days for you, dear lady, for all of us.

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny :) x

  61. Penny, you are not invited to stay at my house. We have rules here about where to poop and the bed is totally inappropriate. I guess all the back and forth has been pretty traumatizing--enough to scare the poop out of you.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Hi human, Arlee,

      Oh no, that's a shame. I was going to go over with you the A to Z of pooping. A lot of moving situations here, my human friend. All sorts of moving.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  62. glad to hear your fecal infatuation is now officially over!! you know, I thought the fire was real so you so could have gotten away with that!! pawsitively perfect tree in every way! tell gary to get blogging

    1. Hi human, Tammy,

      Wow, some big words for you! Arf! The fire looks amazingly real. I'm going to roast artificial marshmallows on it. The pawfect Boxing Day Eve, tree. Gary will start blogging soon.

      Thank you, lovely Tammy. Have a nice weekend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  63. Good to hear you're feeling better Penny. It can be difficult to let the humans know you're poorly when you can only communicate with a bark or a blog post - far too awkward to get the computer switched on in time, I'd imagine xx

    1. Hi human, Annalisa,

      Thank you, dear lady. I communicated real well that I was poorly. It's way out of character for me to go on a pooping extravaganza. The computer keyboard became a "peeboard." *Zap* and *Arf!* :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  64. I'd respond, but, for some reason I need to visit the loo.
    That mattress looks inviting, too.

    1. Hi human, Al,

      You are the rhyming man
      Time for you to go to the can...

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  65. I'm late. Sort of. I read this a few days ago, but must have forgotten to click publish at the bottom of my brilliant and insightful comment. DH broke his wrist and I'm back having to cook! I know--the injustice of it all. Love your tree. We should get a tree. But carrying home on my back loses something in translation, don't you think? Merry Christmas, Penny and Gary and Tristen. Sorry I can't rhyme.

    1. Hi human, Joylene,

      You are never late, my lovely human friend. Glad you came back and clicked, "pawblish", this time :) Acronym alert! I assume that DH might well mean Dear Husband. Hells bells about that wrist mishap. Then again, your cook book will be out next year. Glad you like my tree. I decorated it all by myself. You could always get one of your fanatical fans bring back a tree to your place. Pawblem solved.

      No need to rhyme
      It's no a crime
      Merry Christmas to you
      This be true
      From me and my boys
      My boys that annoys.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  66. Dear Penny, I was so very sad to read about your upset tummy – but glad the pooping has stopped. I’m loving the Christmas decorations – just don’t eat them! Have a wonderful Christmas and please pass on my very best wishes to your humans. Barbara x

    1. Dear human, Barbara,

      Thanks and the pawlific pooping has ended. The decorations were put up by me. I will make sure that neither I nor my humans eat the decorations.

      Thank you for the Christmas wishes, dear lady. A peaceful, hopeful Christmas to you and your loved ones.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :) x

  67. Hi Y'all,

    I have been keeping up with your considerable adventures, Penny. I hope you continue to improve and feel well. How is your human Dad doing? I hope that y'all will make many new and wonderful memories to hold dear in your new home, especially this Christmas.

    Have a warm, safe and healthy Christmas.
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Howdy Hawk,

      How very pawesome of you to visit, my doggy buddy. I'm much better now, thank you. My human dad is struggling with so many changes in his life that have impacted me and my human brother. However, we see this as the start of new, happy adventure.

      Thank you for such a nice comment, dear Hawk. A peaceful, pawsitive Christmas to you and your loving human family.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  68. Oh Gary… this is all magic… pure magic… these pictures… seriously!!!

    You have a magical soul. I can feel it each time I come to your page. I love your real-ness and your heart and thoughtfulness. Thank you for sharing your life with us. :)

    And poor Penny… oh man…

    I hope you're surviving the holiday season. You've definitely had a run of it. Time for you to have some peace and relaxation!!!

    1. Hi human, Morgan,

      Ah, magic seems to run and run and how moving, methinks.

      Tis such a magical soul that my human friend Gary and that wonderful dog, Penny, share and embrace with thine good self.

      The dog is now all clear. She is pooped but not longer pooping in inconvenient places.

      Peace and relaxation is what the wee folks wish for all of you humans. Thank you and we do so hope you had a magical Christmas. Here's to 2015, in your years, be one of upbeat love and hope, dear human.

      In magic and goodwill,

      Geoffrey the garden gnome :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.