
Sunday 13 July 2014

A New Adventure Trail.

I've been in the mood for exploring the local area.  I went to the major park in Leek, Staffordshire, named Brough Park.  I discovered a trail.  Where would the trail lead to?  What might I see?
For the first five minutes I was enclosed by trees and bushes. Then, to the left of me, a lush green landscape was revealed.  
Directly in front of me was the trail that leads to an adventure for another day.
Back to the view on the left.  The sun continues its westward journey.   
The adventure trail for another day.  A blue-tinged pathway of intrigue.
And beyond, way beyond the trees you see above the pond in the previous photos, to the north west, a gently whirling windmill.

I turned back.  Back to my car.  Back to the home that I shall be leaving in early August.  A new adventure trail for my son, for Penny, our beloved, cherished dog.  A new adventure trail for us all.  Each adventure trail, a definition of who we are.

Each of us has a trail, a pathway, that journey.  Sometimes the pathway will have potholes.  Yet, with each pothole, we climb out, we learn, we carry on.


  1. Looks like a nice place to walk. We have a State Park about 30 miles from my home where we go and walk the trails. I love being out in nature. It resets and recharges my batteries.

    1. Hi Dizzy-Dick,

      A lovely place for a stroll and immerse myself in the magic of the great outdoors. I know you are a man of nature. It resonates in your thoughtful posts, my friend.

      Happy trails to you,


  2. Those potholes can be deep, but out of them we have to climb and not follow like sheep

    1. Hi Pat,

      Potholes of various sizes
      We surmises
      We climb back out
      Give a shout
      I shall go where the path leads
      Not following the others' pleads

      Happy trails to you,


  3. Love it. And I hope you can carry a miner's lamp with you so you can see your way out of those pesky potholes.

    1. Hi Sue,

      Thanking you. Yep, them real deep potholes are clearly seen and the way out is shown with a miner's lamp. Pesky potholes, indeed! :)

      Happy trails to you,


  4. So green and lush and beautiful. I love the countryside in Britain...and the old buildings, too. There are the most picturesque villages. Thanks so much for sharing your adventure!

    1. Hi Lexa,

      Ah yes, it be the green and pleasant land. The history and the heritage. The quintessentially quaint villages with the thatched roofs and rose gardens. My pleasure to have you see my strolling adventure :)

      Happy trails to you,


  5. Lovely reminders of the rolling green landscapes of England. Thank you, Gary :)

    1. Hi Ian,

      Glad you liked the virtual tour of this part of England. You are now living in Beautiful British Columbia. What an adventure you and your loved ones are having. Thank you, good sir :)

      Happy trails to you,


  6. Country side in England is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
    We wish you and your son and Penny a safe and happy journey.
    The last line of this post is very inspirational indeed.

    1. Hi Munir,

      Such a magical place to live. My pleasure to share.
      We are most grateful for you safe and happy journey wishes.
      I'm heartened you liked the last line of this post. Thank you, dear lady.

      Happy trails to you,


  7. And we all determine our own path, my friend.

    1. Hi Alex,

      Your sentiments are echoed. Thank you, kind sir.

      Happy trails to you,


  8. Love that blue tinge to the landscape.
    May you and your son and Penny have many happy and safe adventures.

    1. Hi Delores,

      That was quite the blue tinge.
      Thank you for such thoughtful wishes for us, dear Delores.

      Happy trails to you,


  9. Brilliant post and great perspective on the journey to come. I do hope the move is smooth and stress free Gary.

    1. Hi Carol,

      Thank you very much. A smooth, stress free move would be wonderful :)

      Happy trails to you,


  10. There's always new adventures awaiting us. The journey is the important thing.

    1. Hi Debra,

      Indeed and she who seeks shall find new adventures that make up the journey.

      Happy trails to you,


  11. Wonderful images Gary, I enjoyed the outing very much.
    May the next chapter be filled with happiness and calm.
    May it be a gentle move and to somewhere equally as lovely to explore.

    1. Hi Rose,

      Thank you for coming along on the outing.

      The next chapter, I believe, will be a must read experience :)

      The photos are taken from a location very near to where I'm moving to. A gentle move and further exploration of that trail is something that intrigues me.

      Thank you, dear Rose.

      Happy trails to you,


  12. Beautiful pictures. I enjoy walking new or hidden paths. I did so awhile ago and the views were amazing. It also reminds me of life, how we travel to the unknown, many times finding wonderful things.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      The scenery to inspire the photos. New or hidden paths and the discoveries unfold. Always a thrill when the end result leaves us in awe. That journey that leads us to hope and wonderful things. You are so right, my good friend.

      Happy trails to you,


  13. I'm glad you live somewhere so beautiful, being able to get into the greenery and see the horizon lifts the spirits without doubt. Great pictures. :)

    1. Hi Michelle,

      And you know of this beauty. I'm grateful to been in the countryside within a few minutes. The horizon of hopeful ideals. Your spirit doth soar, dear lady. Glad you liked the photos :)

      Happy trails to you,


  14. such gorgeous nature, Gary! You Brits have the best countryside! Since I live in the middle of the continent, everything here is mostly scorched in the summer....

    1. Hi Dezmond,

      Nothing like a bit of gorgeous nature, good sir. It most certainly is wonderful countryside. I hope you manage to stay cool in the middle of the continent :)

      Happy trails to you,


  15. What beautiful photos. England is just so pretty.

    1. Hi Diane,

      Coming from a brilliant photographer such as your good self, I'm most encouraged. England is pretty, for sure. Thank you, dear Diane.

      Happy trails to you,


  16. I would have loved to walk in such a beautiful place, Gary.

    1. Hi Rachna,

      Thus, I thank you for walking along by viewing the photos. Thank you, kind friend.

      Happy trails to you,


  17. Beautifully written Gary! Love the pictures.....I saw them on Facebook earlier too. You're right about the journey having potholes along the way, but I'd really like some fresh pavement for awhile. I've had enough potholes for a lifetime.

    1. Hi JoJo,

      That's most kind of you. Ah yes, I slapped up the photos on good old Farcebook :) A smoothly paved pathway. I do try to see the potholes on a less frequent basis. Thank you, dear JoJo.

      Happy trails to you,


  18. I hope you will still have access to cyberspace when you move. . .

    1. Hi Mr. R.,

      I hope so to. Did the online set up to have my cyberspace happening in my new place. Well, that's the theory.

      Happy trails to you,


  19. Great metaphor for life, but also how nice to be out there among nature. There's something so freeing about that.

    1. Hi Stephanie,

      Thank you and I do like the occasional metaphor :) So true. To be amongst the wonders of nature certainly gives you a sense of freedom. Thank you, dear Stephanie.

      Happy trails to you,


  20. I love those lush green landscapes caressed by the sunset and the messages that they convey.
    Thank you, Gary

    1. Hi Julia,

      Such tranquillity within the lush green landscape. The scenery speaks to us. You know all about this :)

      Happy trails to you,


  21. I hope the next section of your journey will be a happy and positive one for you all. A change of direction can be liberating. Best wishes for the move.

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Thanks for that. I'm looking along the pathway in the next part of my journey and I realistically optimistic. A change and a fresh start. Thank you for your moving wishes, dear Suzanne :)

      Happy trails to you,


  22. Looks like a lovely place to explore!

    1. Hi Sherry,

      Most assuredly. The park I walked through to get to the trail has such lovely gardens and a duck pond. Thank you, my good friend.

      Happy trails to you,


  23. That was a lovely trail thanks for taking me along for the view. You are right new adventures await wising you the best on the next pathway in life.

    1. Hi Truedessa,

      My pleasure to have you come along and soak in the view. Thank you and the new adventure brings new hope along the next pathway. I appreciate your thoughts, my kind friend.

      Happy trails to you,


  24. Don't know that part of the world Gary. Exploring new paths is always exciting whether it be nature trails or new paths in life.

    1. Hi Jo,

      The photos are from the area named the Staffordshire Moorlands. Many new paths to discover, outdoors and within our hearts. Thank you, dear Jo.

      Happy trails to you,


  25. So right Gary, new trails, new travels, new friends to be made, and "old" dear ones to welcome into the new adventure. Good luck and cant' wait to see pics of the new home! Wishing you much peace and tranquility through the upcoming move. Moving is never one of my favorite things to do...

    1. Hi Lisa,

      You are encapsulated it very well. There is a shared excitement when we set out on a welcome, new adventure. Your good luck thoughts are gratefully received. The move is now starting to get hectic. Trying to keep the situation under control. There will be a few glitches but I will take them in my stride. Moving is not exactly fun, for sure. Thank you, dear Lisa.

      Happy trails to you,


  26. Proving, once again, that it's more about the journey than the destination. Always follow your own path :)

    1. Hi Mark,

      Correct, good sir. Sometimes the path comes to a crossroad. Decision time and another defining moment. Thank you, Mark.

      Happy trails to you,


  27. This post reminded me of the time I was in the hospital for an ileostomy that would forever change my life. Somehow I had the courage to keep telling myself "This is a new adventure." I'll never know where I came up with that phrase, but it kept me sane when I needed sanity.

    1. Hi Dana,

      Glad you came up with that phrase. We need to somehow maintain a positive focus and find a bit of humour in irony. You kept your sanity intact. As your life changes, you can still see each change as a new adventure.

      Thank you, dear Dana.

      Happy trails to you,


  28. A lovely place, Gary. Yes, we shall overcome those potholes!
    Hugs! :-) Safe travels for you all!

    1. Hi Vidya,

      It most certainly is and I rejoice in where I live. The potholes are getting further apart :) Thanks for the safe travels wishes. Hugs to you, dear lady.

      Happy trails to you,


  29. safe travels... one's journey is one step in front of the other.

    1. Hi Jeremy,

      Safe travels for us all, good sir. One step at a time and mind where we step :)

      Happy trails to you,


  30. Beautiful trail on which to walk, Gary. Life lays out trails of all kinds—paved, graveled, footpaths—and what may begin as easy strolls can dwindle down to a journey of briers and other challenges. You always face them head-on, trusting...making it around the bend to the beautiful open field that most people never see; they turn back before ever making it that far. I always see courage in your posts. Thanks for spreading that.

    1. Hi Michael,

      A beautiful trail that I shall further discover. Your thoughtful articulation sums up the ethos very well. I do try to make my posts transparent. I appreciate your kind words, good sir.

      Happy trails to you,


  31. Wow, spectacular place! There is so much beauty to be found all around us. We should wake up each morning in awe of this world.

    Each one of us has a unique journey that teaches us important lessons. We just need to be open to them.

    1. Hi Martha,

      It most certainly is. Indeed, we all need to take time out from the fast-paced world and savour those moments the world has to offer us.

      A unique journey with unique lessons we must learn from. An open mind and an open heart. Thank you, dear Martha.

      Happy trails to you,


  32. Looks peaceful and perfect, a nice place to take long walks. It looks similar to the trails this side of the channel. Each trail a different journey, different experience, a different destination, but each is traveled by placing one foot in front of another. Unless you own a batmobile, then, take the batmobile. ;)

    1. Hi Elise,

      It most certainly is peaceful and perfect. I strolled along and saw nobody else. It certainly is similar to parts of France. Nice reflection on my post. I once owned the Bat Copter! :) Thank you, dear Elise.

      Happy trails to you,


  33. hey I think I lost my comment! bummer! oh well....just wishing you peace and wanting to be nosey and asking where youre off to in August...hope it is as lovely as this place... wow , stunner photos!

    1. Hi Zoe,

      Oops, sorry about your lost comment. Peace is good and the same to you :) I'm moving to a brand new apartment within ten minutes walk of the scenery in the photos. Glad you liked the photos, dear Zoe.

      Happy trails to you,


  34. **Sometimes the pathway will have potholes. Yet, with each pothole, we climb out, we learn, we carry on.**

    Gary, how right you are, dear.

    Lovely post.

    Love from MN. xxx

    1. Hi Kim,

      I knew you would agree, my dear. Thank you for your nice words, dear lady.

      Love from the Staffordshire Moorlands! :) x

      Happy trails to you,


  35. Beautiful pictures, and beautiful thoughts.
    Good luck on the move, and having your new garden.

    1. Hi DAVID,

      I appreciate your beautiful comment, good sir.
      Alas, no garden, but a nice communal gardens.

      Happy trails to you,


  36. Great pics! You do live in a lovely area!
    Yes - our choices of trails lead to many adventures which the obligatory potholes along the way. I hope your potholes on your next adventure are shallow and easily navigated :)

    1. Hi Jemi,

      Thank you and I sure do live in a lovely area :)

      You bet, adventure trails and potholes that are easily got out of :) Thanks, dear Jemi.

      Happy trails to you,


  37. Great places for adventure and photos!

    1. Hi Teresa,

      Nice to make your acquaintance. An adventure wonderland with plenty of photo opportunities. Thank you, kind lady.

      Happy trails to you,


  38. Sometimes a trail looks familiar, even if we haven't traveled that precise one before. We tried another one and the sight of the brambles and thorns were unpleasant the first time. So, we decide NOT to take that trail and choose something with more color and less sharp, pointy objects. It is still an adventure. But it is traveling smart. I like to think that we are both doing that, my friend. Each time we try a new trail we get smarter about it.

    1. Hi Robin.

      With your articulate, thoughtful comment, there's not much I can add. Sometimes we might repeat the same trail and look at it from a different perspective. We travel and we learn. We are both having our own unique adventure. The adventure can take us on some interesting twists and turns. Thank you for your marvellous response, dear Robin.

      Happy trails to you,


  39. Exploring the place you live is always wonderful. I'm often surprised at what I find on a hike, even after hiking these mountains for years. It must have to do with growing older and seeing things differently as years pass. May your new journey bring you peace and new places of beauty to enjoy.

    1. Hi Lee,

      Even after so many years, it's amazing what you can still discover. The beauty of seeing something for the first time you may have passed by many times. I think as we grow older, we have a choice, we can become closed off from what's all around, or maintain that childlike curiosity. You are very much in tune with your inner child. Thank you the peaceful wishes on my new journey of discovery in a new home.

      Thank you, dear Lee.

      Happy trails to you,


  40. What a terrific post, Gary! I love the pictures, and I love your whole attitude about adventure, and about learning from each path we take. With the right attitude, I think every day can be a new adventure.

    1. Hi Susan,

      You are most kind. You are so right. Every day get be the start of a new adventure and a new hope.

      Thank you, my dear friend.

      Hi Lee,

      Even after so many years, it's amazing what you can still discover. The beauty of seeing something for the first time you may have passed by many times. I think as we grow older, we have a choice, we can become closed off from what's all around, or maintain that childlike curiosity. You are very much in tune with your inner child. Thank you the peaceful wishes on my new journey of discovery in a new home.

      Thank you, dear Lee.

      Happy trails to you,


  41. your message and photos are just gorgeous. It is amazing what beauty we can find.........even by surprise!

    1. Hi Caren,

      I appreciate that, my good friend. Stumbling upon such beauty can make us feel in total awe.

      All the best, dear Caren.

      Hi Lee,

      Even after so many years, it's amazing what you can still discover. The beauty of seeing something for the first time you may have passed by many times. I think as we grow older, we have a choice, we can become closed off from what's all around, or maintain that childlike curiosity. You are very much in tune with your inner child. Thank you the peaceful wishes on my new journey of discovery in a new home.

      Thank you, dear Lee.

      Happy trails to you,


  42. Oh Gary… I just want to transport there!!!! The photos are exquisite. I think I'll linger here a while just to bask in the lovely mood here. :)

    You are one of my favorite people, dear friend!

    1. Hi Morgan,

      You were virtually transported there, my dear friend. I thank you for visiting and soaking up the peaceful ambience :)

      You are my favourite lady wearing a tiara! :) Thanks for your flattering words, dear Morgan.

      Happy trails to you,


  43. What beautiful pictures. How nice that whichever trail you choose there is magic and wonder to be found. :) I guess that is often the same with the paths we take in our lives. We may not always know what is ahead of us- but having a positive attitude (like you seem to have) can definitely make our journey better. :)

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Jess,

      Thank you very much. You are so right. Realistic positive anticipation down the pathways travelled, most certainly makes the pathways more intriguing with less potholes :) Thank you, dear Jess.

      Happy trails to you,


  44. Lovely photos! Oh yes, those pot holes! Lets hope we all get better at avoiding them altogether!

    1. Hi CraveCute,

      I'm delighted you like the photos. Indeed, watch out for the sing that notes, "pothole ahead!" Thank you, dear Diane.

      Happy trails to you,


  45. I'm so glad to see you out in nature. For me, walking in the peace of mother nature helps me get through things.We are both in for some big changes in August, but we'll both get through it and our children will grow from the experience. (hug)

    1. Hi Sharon,

      Thank you and yes, I needed to get out and explore :) We both understand that mother nature can be a powerful tonic to help us through the challenging, emotional times. In our own way, we are having some similar feelings about our children and the lifestyle changes.

      Hugs to you, dear Sharon.

      Happy trails to you,


  46. I love adventures! Mini ones or big ones, all of them, especially accompanied by Mother Nature. Thanks for sharing your photos.


    1. Hi Sonnia,

      I know how much you love adventures, big and small outings. It's right there on your wonderful site. My pleasure to share the photos.

      Thank you, dear Sonnia.

      Happy trails to you,


  47. Outstanding pictures! You had me at " A blue-tinged pathway of intrigue." I am so there with you on that journey!

    1. Hi Mina,

      I'm grateful you like the pictures. The blue-tinged pathway of intrigue, continues to intrigue as I shall go further down that pathway. Thanks for coming along on this journey, dear Mina :)

      Happy trails to you,


  48. A new adventure: what a wonderful way of looking at life's many changes, Gary. The great thing about adventures is that we often don't know what's around the corner, but would regret it if we stopped before we got to that corner.

    Your photos are beautiful and make me want to hop on a plane to visit.

    1. Hi Lynda,

      What a wonderful way of putting it. We should look around that corner and embrace the new challenge.

      Delighted you liked the photos. I shall have the parade in your honour organised :)

      Happy trails to you,


  49. This August, another one of my babies heads off to college. Life is all about moving forward and enjoying the scenery of the new paths. And yes, there are potholes and sometimes you turn an ankle, but with time and care, we heal. Hugs Gary!

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      August is a time of change and upheaval in your lives. So true about life. With each change, we have choices. From each pothole experience, we learn and we heal. Hugs back to you, dear Elizabeth.

      Happy trails to you,


  50. Nice. Sometimes it is the local places that are filled with the best adventure.

    1. Hi Lady Lilith,

      Those local adventures can make us feel blessed about where we live. Thank you, dear friend.

      Happy trails to you,


  51. You can't beat the English countryside. And that comes from someone from New Zealand. It is purely spectacular.

    May your trail lead you to astonishing miracles and heroic adventures!

    1. Hi Wendy,

      You know of the gentle beauty of the English countryside. It gives me a sense of peace, of hope for the future. Where you live in New Zealand reminds me of Devon and Cornwall. A beautiful location where you live.

      I shall become a superhero on the super pathway :)

      Thank you, dear Wendy. Stay remarkable and know I'm wishing you to realise your dream.

      Happy trails to you,


  52. What a gorgeous trail! Thank you for taking us with you. :)

    1. Hi Christine,

      I'm delighted you could come wandering along the pathway :)

      Happy trails to you,


  53. You've been putting up some nice photos, dude! Those potholes do get annoying, but the wise learn lessons from everything. Explore everything!

    1. Hi Jeff,

      Thanks for that, dude! :) You bet. Annoying potholes have lessons to teach. And yes, learn from it all. The smooth sections can be a positive revelation balance to it all. Wise words from you, good sir. I have the utmost respect for you, Jeff.

      Happy trails to you,


  54. I like that second photo very much with that glowing sinking sun.
    We'll be right here with you on your new adventure Gary, cheering you on, waiting for stories and photos.

    1. Hi River,

      Delighted you like that second photo :)
      That's heartening to know that you and so many other fine folks will be checking and cheering on my new adventure.

      Thank you, dear River.

      Happy trails to you,


  55. I used to dread those inevitable pot holes. It seemed I'd hit them all the time. But, I've learned to grow and learn from them rather than try and fight them. We need those bumps in the roads to appreciate the good times. I wish you the best on your upcoming journey.

    Your pictures are gorgeous. They remind me of traveling in Europe and seeing the windmills. Beautiful.

    1. Hi Elsie,

      That's exactly what I meant and I appreciate your echoing sentiments. We have to learn from the potholes and savour the smooth stretches. Thank you for your kind wishes.

      Thanks for liking the photos, my dear friend. The windmill you see in a typical one for producing energy. Of part of what's called a wind farm.

      Happy trails to you,


  56. I hope your new neighbours become fast friends, cherished friends.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      That would be nice and thank you. They'd have to be a neighbour like your dear self.

      Happy trails to you,


  57. Sometimes we can travel around the world only to discover that beauty and adventure are on our doorstep; that happened to me. I have seen much of the world but there no place like home!
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s fabulous Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hi Barry,

      Ah yes, you be the wandering minstrel. After another one of your overseas or over channel, adventures, you come back home and realise how awesome it is. Thank you, my illustrious friend.

      Happy trails to you,


  58. Aw, wow. Everyone is posting such beautiful pictures lately. M. Pax has some on her blog, and Father Dragon's been sharing some from his vacation on FB. Makes me want to be in one of these lovely locations. Great post, Gary.

    1. Hi Melissa,

      There have been some spectacular photos up lately. Not seen M.Pax's but I have seen Al's on Farcebook! :) Thank you for your kind words, dear Melissa.

      Happy trails to you,


  59. Beautiful pictures! You make me want to run away for an hour and see what I can see. But if I do that, I guess I better bring some cheese. An hour without cheese, that could be scary.

    1. Hi Crystal,

      Awe, thanks for that. Problem solved. You will be taken for a day out to Cheddar Gorge where you can gorge on cheddar! :)

      Thank you, dear lady.

      Happy trails to you,


  60. Lovely pictures, Gary. I need to go on more walks. And yes, I still owe you that book!

    1. Hi Damyanti,

      Thanks, my kind friend. I'm starting to go for more walks and I know it's such a positive resource. No worries about the book. You are very busy. Please take your time.

      Happy trails to you,


  61. Such a beautiful spot. I like your thoughts about each of us having our own paths. Very true, I believe.

    1. Hi Carol,

      It most certainly is and very close to where I'm moving to. Each path, a unique journey shared amongst the other unique journeys.

      Thank you, dear Carol.

      Happy trails to you,


  62. Oops, hi to Penny. I didn't mean to ignore Her Pawjesty :)

    1. Aha! :) Penny the pawsitive princess and all round diva dawg, says hello to you. In fact, she sends you some virtual doggy breath :)

  63. You have a knack for capturing the essence of each journey and Robert Frost would tell you to take the trail less traveled, because that will make all the difference.

    Fiona sends naughtiness your way...please pass it over to Penny.

    1. Hi Eve,

      Robert Frost would be correct. The literal trail I wandered was but me, the camera and a whole lot of nature.

      Fiona's naughtiness has been passed onto Penny :) Thank you, dear Eve.

      Happy trails to you,


  64. Gary, dear Gary, now I must say
    I'm sorry for such a grand delay
    You're moving, you're grooving
    With grace and no fear
    Your photos are gorgeous
    Towards faith, may you steer
    I'm cheering for you
    As you turn a new page
    All good things are due
    For a meaningful stage
    May the new start
    Give enhanced piece of mind
    Love and all good things
    To a friend who's most kind.

    1. Dear Robyn, how very nice
      I read it thrice
      Soon be outta' here
      It's getting near
      The photos do invite
      With nature's delight
      Thanks for the cheer
      You're such a dear
      A fresh start
      A fresh heart
      I'm on an adventure
      That is for sure
      Thank you, dear friend
      Watch the path with the bend

      Happy trails to you
      This be true

      Gary, Gary
      No, not Mary :)

  65. Hi Gary - can't believe it is all finally happening - I'm so pleased for you - yes upheaval, but the future looks easier, all things said and done. Love the photos and that you're looking forward to exploring a little more .. what a great trail ...

    Robyn's comment and poem is a delight - sorry I'm late here .. I've been banging John Knox and Mary Queen of Scot's heads together for a talk I'm giving - knew little, learnt a lot ... spent a lot of time doing it!! I'm not re-dusting some more stuff and if the weather is cooler I shall do a bit more shifting and sorting .. but like you it will be better once it's happened and done .. and I'm only pottering around here cleaning things long forgotten!

    Anyway - I certainly hope all goes well and it's an easy journey ahead .. I shall be around a bit more .. now Mary's head has fallen! Cheers and many thoughts from down here for the next couple of weeks ... Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Thank you for your kind words, Hilary. There's still plenty to do and a lot of coordinating to get sorted out. I've now been told I have to remove my wall to wall carpets. I'm delighted you love the photos. That's an awesome trail and so close to where I'm moving to.

      Robyn's poetry is always good to see. I hope those two were okay with your banging their heads together. I can imagine the little discoveries you might make whilst pottering around.

      All hail, Mary and thank you, dear Hilary. Try and have a relaxing weekend and mind those storms!

      Happy trails to you,


  66. what gorgeous pictures in this post and the previous - and the poem, as well - we learn to cope, love it! best wishes on your new journey - you seem to be embracing it!

    and thanks for supporting me on my broken branch falls blog tour!

    1. Hi Tara,

      You are very kind, dear Tara. Very pleased you backtracked to the previous post. Together, with hope, we cope :)

      I'm happy to be in the background following you around on your tour.

      Happy trails to you,


  67. What a beautiful park! Keep having adventures!

    1. Hi Cherie,

      Indeed it is and only a couple of minutes away from where I'm moving to. Let's all keep having adventures :)

      Happy trails to you,


  68. I just came across your blog and I couldn't have picked a better post. Those are exceptional images. I especially like the wood post fence disappearing into the inky shade of the shrubbery. The sentiment is also beautiful. Well done, keep adventuring.

    1. Hi Pickleope Von Pickleope,

      Delighted you visited and thank you for such encouraging words. I'm aware of you during the days of "Psycho Carnival." I think I got that right. You are very generous with your kind thoughts, my friend. Let's have an adventure about an adventure.

      Happy trails to you,


  69. Hi Gary! What a lovely park to wander through. I'd love it. Thanks for sharing. Doggie kisses to Penny. And now I have to go search through other posts to find out where you're going. I haven't been around lately. Life getting in the way and all that.

    1. Hi Gwen,

      How lovely to see you, my dear friend. An awesome park with mystery trails that I shall further discover. Penny loves doggy kisses :) I know you've been somewhat in the blogging background. Life does have a habit of getting in the way of a blog post. Never mind. Be well and smile, Gwen.

      Happy trails to you,


  70. Trails lead many ways, and it sounds that you are on a good trail. What beauty. Looking forward to following you on your walk.

    1. Hi Susan,

      I think I've chosen the right trail. The good trail in the good adventure. A new life adventure on a newly discovered trail. May we all walk together, dear Susan.

      Happy trails to you,



I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.