
Tuesday 22 April 2014

Carpets Get Laid.

Near the end of June, or early July, I should of moved into my new place where I'll be living on my own.  A start of a new adventure, a new beginning.  The start of my son, Tristan, moving on with his life as he embraces his own independence with our beloved Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!  Much upheaval, physically and emotionally.

I've been getting rid of unwanted clutter. Want to start with brand new items in my brand new apartment. Contemplating getting some occasional furniture. Which does make me wonder what such furniture is at other times.  Considering purchasing a conversation piece.  I once had a conversation piece.  It was a weird looking stool you sat on.  My guests found it odd to sit on a weird looking stool.

I would like to buy a grandfather clock.  Unfortunately, I've yet to see one that looked anything like a grandfather.

My new apartment will be needing carpets.  I phoned up, "Carpets Get Laid."  "Carpets Get Laid, how may I help you?" asked the lady on the other end of the phone.  "Can I get a shag there, please?", I inquired. "Certainly not!  This is a carpet store, you pervert!", came her shocked reply. *Click* followed by *Ring tone....*   Then I remembered that I'm in England and yes "shag", as you probably now know, has nothing to do with a type of carpet.
Boxes packed, symbolic of the impending move. 


  1. Very funny, Gary.

    What will Hair Ball do without Penny?

    1. Hi Shelly,

      Thank you, Shelly.

      Penny will still play with Hair Ball. Penny will come and visit me. She will paw away on the peeboard, sorry, keyboard.


  2. Why does the boy get Penny? And not you? I don't understand.

    1. Hi The Happy Whisk,

      Lovely to see you and I should pay you a visit. Oops. Penny is my son's dog. They are like sister and brother. Penny has been with my son since he was 12, he's now 25.

      Thank you, my kind friend.


    2. Ohhhhhhhh. I thought all along that Miss Penny was your pup. My bad. Will you get a new pup once you move to the new place?

    3. I suppose I'm Penny's human dad :) I'm going to eventually have a new pup at my new place. However, in the meantime, Penny will be coming over to visit me in my new place. I need her to help me out with this blog :) Thank you for asking.


    4. Hey, why do you shut comments off on your newer posts?

    5. Hi, The Happy Whisk,

      I only do that on the weekends that they are doing that idiotic A to Z Challenge. That way, folks can catch up discussing the letters of the alphabet. That will be the last post I switch off comments for quite some time. Thanks for asking, my kind friend.


  3. Ha! Oh, goodness. I'd assume a business called "Carpets Get Laid" wouldn't have such an issue with your offer to purchase a shag.

    I can't imagine moving again. I think at this point it would be easier to leave everything and start fresh, rather than packing and sorting. Or sorting and packing.

    I think having a grandfather clock that actually looked like a grandfather would be kind of cool. It would have to look like a kindly grandfather, though...the kind who sneaks you cookies when your parents aren't watching. Not the kind who yells at you to get away from his tomato plants.

    Happy packing, Gary!

    1. Hi Lynda,

      Oops and okay, I made up the name of the carpet shop and yep, the conversation with that lady never really happened. My crazy chance to have some innuendoes floating around. Give a new meaning to carpet laying :)

      I'm getting my stuff that I want to move down to a minimum. Amazingly, I've packed 27 boxes that seem to be needed.

      Very good! A friendly grandfather clock that pays all your bills would be awesome :)

      Thanks for the happy packing wish, Lynda.


    2. Now I have the almost-irresistible urge to open a carpet shop with that long as no one else is using it.

    3. Hi Lynda,

      Go for it. If anybody else is using that name, they would be floored if you used it.

      Gary :)

  4. I agree with what Lynda said! lol Moving sucks. I'm in no hurry to do it again. I still have boxes that are unpacked.

    1. Hi JoJo,

      I agree with both of you. I still have boxed unpacked from when I moved to this place from 13 years ago.

      Thank you, JoJo.


  5. Hi, Gary,

    LOVED your phone call.... I could just imagine the shocked expression on the sale's woman's face!

    How sad to move and lose your Penny... but you will have another all your own! But Penny will visit and teach the new pup how to be the next generation Jack Russel Modest Internet Superstar~

    1. Hi Michael,

      The phone call, some pretend Monty Python type stuff. Couldn't resist. Oops and yikes! :)

      Penny will be close by with my son in his new place. That's when he finds a place. Indeed, Penny could teach a new puppy how to pawblish. That would be good.

      Thank you, Michael.


  6. Oh Gary. Moving is such an overwhelming and difficult time. Yes, it is for the better - but the work involved is IMMENSE. Will you have help?

    1. Hi Sue,

      It certainly is. I sure do look at the positives that a new start in a new home will bring. It's a defining time in my son's life and my life. I should have some help in the shape of my son. Fingers crossed on that one :)

      Hugs to you, Sue.


  7. Moving gives a chance to evaluate stuff. I dread the day we have to do a house purge. Looking forward to seeing your new place.

    1. Hi Susan,

      Evaluation of material and emotional stuff. I'm finding doing a house purge rather therapeutic. I certainly wont be on that American show about hoarders. I have the chance to see the show apartment this coming Saturday morning. I hope to be able to take some photos and maybe post them up in the interim.

      Thank you, Susan.


    2. It is indeed. I had to move from a much larger place into my wee abode now (not urine, small), and so much had happened to me back was a good thing though, definitely a purge. I got rid of a ton of belongings, and have most probably replaced most of them with other crap now I've been here for ten years hahaha. Make the best of the change. I know you will. Hugs to you and Queen Penny the Pawticular :) x

    3. Hi Michelle,

      Haha! Urine trouble. A purge can be a very therapeutic thing. Replace one set of crap with another set of crap. I can hardly wait to do that. I must remember to keep my pink tutu. Our little secret, Michelle.

      Change will be good. Had my life on hold for too many years. Hugs to you and all your animal friends and Lardy.

      Thank you, Michelle.

      Gary :) x

  8. I'm so excited for you Gary....change is wonderful, moving is energizing. Can't wait to see photos of the new place and that 'conversation' piece you are looking for. By the way, wouldn't you rather have a 'Grandmother' clock?

    1. Hi Delores,

      I appreciate that. I'm very excited about the fresh start. I know I wont have to worry about constant garden maintenance any more. A conversation piece I can have a nice chat with would be great. Then I could have a nice "time" with a grandmother clock :)

      Thank you, Delores.


  9. No shag? Just what kind of carpet place was that? The nerve...
    Big day, Gary. You can do it.

    1. Hi Alex,

      No shag pile carpets. How very dare they.

      Big day and not so far away.

      Thank you, Alex.


  10. All the best, Gary, This is an exciting time but I am sure it is also mixed with sadness and grief. Be good to yourself.

    1. Hi Birdie,

      Thank you for that, my friend. A lot of emotions, for sure. I know that this is also a move that is conducive to my mental health well being. This move should help start living my life and have some time for me.

      Thank you, Birdie.


  11. Although change can be difficult, it is a chance to go down a new road and all the opportunities it may bring. I wish you a wonderful new beginning.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      Change is a challenge and a challenge I must embrace. New roads and new adventures. That new beginning brings new hope.

      Thank you, Arleen.


  12. You're too good to get a shag over the phone.
    The last time I moved I bought a lot of plastic tubs for about the same price as the cardboard boxes themselves. They have come in handy as toy chest, clothes hampers and snog boxes! Good luck on your impending doom I mean move.

    1. Hi DAVID,

      Oh yeah and especially paying those premium rates. Um, moving on....

      That's a good idea, my friend. I have a number of plastic tubs as well. They have a bunch of stuffed toys in them. The cardboard boxes were free from my son's place of work.

      Prepare to meet thy doom, um move. Thank you, David.


  13. Hahahahaha, what do they expect when their name is "Carpet Gets Laid"? And hey, remember shag haircuts from the 70s? I had one, LOL!

    1. Hi Debra,

      Indeed and to think I made the name up. Knowing my luck, there's such a place and they will sue me! :) Oops and eh.

      My ex wife had a shag haircut. Says it all, really. LOL!

      Thank you, Debra.


  14. Well, that's a big change for all of you. I wish you and Tristan and Penny all the best with the upheavals and adjustments to come.

    1. Hi Ian,

      You, my good friend, know all about change and the uncertain adventure. I thank you for your kind wishes to Tristan, Penny and I.

      Thank you, Ian.


  15. I'm wanting all new things for my new home too. Just takes money, I guess.

    Is Penny going away? I will be too sad.

    1. Hi Donna,

      Luckily, I've been living very cheaply and have managed to put some money aside for some new stuff in my new home.

      Penny will be living with my son. However, she has told me she will visit me and continue to do her pawblished pawst :)

      Thank you, Donna.


    2. I am happy for you both then.

    3. Thank you, Donna. I hope you have a nice, peaceful weekend.

      Gary :)

  16. There is a brilliant little book about embracing change called "Who moved my cheese?" by Dr Spencer Johnson. Whenever I am about to face a major change in my life I have a quick read of it and it really helps. It's all about taking the positive from any situation.
    However, I hope you don't have need of it and that everything goes well for you, Tristan and Penny.
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s fabulous Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hi Barry,

      That sound like my type of book. I'm finding a most positive ideal out of this situation. In actuality, if my anti-social neighbours hadn't been causing me unfair grief, I might not have found out about the chance to move. I went and expressed my concerns about them and was offered an alternative place if I so chose. Looking good, I reckon.

      All will be just fine, Barry. Penny has told me so.

      Thank you, Barry.


  17. shagadelic man! you should have said how much it is to get laid...and then said carpet a few seconds after that. hahaha... I make myself smile!! good luck with moving!!

    1. Hi Tammy,

      You got here before I got to your latest must read post. Good grief, what's happening to the wonderful world of blogs. I could of asked if a carpet layer was included in the price of a shag. You look at yourself and you smile. Tammy, you are the comedy superstar chickalicious :)

      Thank you, Tam-bare.


  18. A move is certainly a chance to declutter and then buy more stuff! I'm sure Penny will be a frequent visitor to your new pad especially if there may be a new pup to train up. She'll be busy teaching a new dog old tricks!

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Out with the old. In other words, the stuff my ex wife decided wasn't good enough for her. In with the new stuff in my new place. Shall be most cleansing. Penny, the regular visitor could certainly have a puppy in training to hopefully help me with my writing. New dog old tricks. I love it! :)

      Thank you, Suzanne.


  19. You'll be living on your own - with the whole of your internet community within reach.

    All the best for your new venture!

    1. Hi fairyhedgehog,

      A magical point you make, dear friend. Never really alone with the positive interaction shared.

      Thank you for your kind wishes. Greatly appreciated.


  20. Hi Gary - well that's good news - the new place .. I sure hope life will be easier and good luck with all that sorting. Sorry about Penny going with your son - but understand the logic .. and I'm sure you'll see a great deal of them both ....

    So pleased the flat has come through and definitely no shag pile please! Enjoy the planning and checking out those conversation pieces ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      It's indeed, good news. Life where I live has become too much. It will be so nice to move into a more manageable home. Penny and Tristan will move to somewhere nearby. It will make the visits most special.

      It was great to get approval after a long drawn out process of eligibility. Shag piles would be a nightmare to comb, perhaps. I must have a conversation with a new conversation piece.

      Thank you, Hilary.


  21. Bet you will miss Penny.....and your son of course, I wish you well.

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Thankfully, Penny and my son will not be too far away. Your well wishes are gratefully received.

      Thank you, Yvonne.


  22. When I saw the title, I thought carpets were going to have a lot of fun, lol.

    I'd like a grandfather clock, too.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      Carpets and carpet layers, going hand in hand :)

      Tick, tock to the grandfather clock....

      Thank you, Medeia.


  23. I hope Penny will still be a regular visitor - she can't disappoint her fans!! Good luck with the packing and moving - isn't it amazing how much stuff we accumulate?

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      Penny has informed me she will be a regular visitor. You are correct. She has to keep her adoring fans happy. Besides, when she pawsts, um posts, this site gets way more visitors. Packing and moving and I'm still grooving. I cannot believe how much I've accumulated that will actually be taken. Unreal.

      Thank you, Annalisa.


    2. I love your posts too Gary! I can't imagine blog-land without either of you :-)

    3. Thanks for the follow up comment, Annalisa. You are way too kind. And thanks again for asking Penny and I, her fictional human, to do a guest pawst, ahem, post on your site. A memorable birthday and a visit to Scotland. What a good time for you.


  24. Lucky carpet!....oops, did I say that?

    Never mind.

    Grandfather clocks are noisy and disrupt my sleep. Get a quirky lamp. I had a lamp that drew many comments. Lots of people hated it. But, I loved it.

    1. Hi Linda,

      Yes you did say that! :)

      A quirky lamp. Good idea and you shaded me with your comment. As long as you loved your lamp, that's a bright result.

      Thank you, Linda.


  25. So many people "starting over" this spring. I did my starting over last spring and I'm still tossing and sorting. If "shag" has another meaning in Britain, it's news to me.

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      A lot of upheaval happening all over the place. I know you have been still arranging things. Of course, "tossing" is a British innuendo for self-pleasure. You know that movie, "The Spy who Shagged Me." Over here, folks evidently shag each other.

      Thank you, Manzanita.


  26. This post was hilarious. I am still choking on my cup of coffee that I was drinking while I read it. Coffee is not a good substitute for a netti pot nasal rinse. :) Hope you find carpet soon!

    1. Hi Gossip_Grl,

      Oh my, sorry about the coffee mishap. I must stop drinking so much coffee. It's not a good look having my eyebrows stuck to my forehead. A nasal rinse with pot? Never mind. Wall to wall, I'm having a ball. Maybe that sounded like an innuendo :)

      Thank you, kind friend.


  27. This phone call totally cracked me up. Good luck on the search for a clock that looks like a grandfather, I'm sure there's one out there.
    I'm so glad Penny will be visiting you, mostly because I can imagine how you will miss her, but also because I would miss her brilliant posts. :)

    1. Hi Julie,

      Oh yeah, the pretend phone call. Or maybe not. Aha! :) I'm off to the bingo hall to see if I can find a grandfather cock, sorry, clock.

      I'd be lost without Penny visiting and giving me hints on how to write. Between you and me, I'm jealous of her brilliant pawsts, ahem, posts :)

      Thank you, Julie.


  28. I saw the title and had to come.

    What's with that lady? With a name like 'Carpets Get Laid,' they're asking for cheeky comments. :P

    A new place can be nice, but change can be rough. Sorry you can't take Penny with you.

    1. Hi Melissa,

      The title made you come? Right, moving very swiftly on......

      What's with that lady and that crazy carpet store. If such a place really existed, maybe it does, you would reckon they would get smart ass phone calls all the time :)

      Trying to see the move, despite the hassle, as a very good situation. Penny, being my son's dog, it's best she stays with him.

      Thank you, Melissa.


  29. Best of luck with the move! We have occasional furniture. Occasionally, my cats don't vomit or shed on it.

    1. Hi Ms. CrankyPants,

      I appreciate that. I thought that was normal procedure for cats to vomit and shed on occasional furniture or in my case, an occasional human. Aha! :)

      Thank you, dear lady.


  30. If the name of your business is Carpets Get Laid you really should expect some innuendo. Ha!

    1. Hi Robin,

      Carpet innuendo certainly had me floored. Thank you, dear Robin.


  31. Well, it seems you've packed your repartee to take along. How about I send you a grandfather. He wears a watch. You'll have a perfect conversation, too. He likes things to rhyme.

    1. Hi C. Lee McKenzie,

      You betcha! You've got to fight for your right repartee...How about you make sure the grandfather is wearing a really expensive watch that I can sneak off his wrist and sell at the porn, sorry, pawn shop? Old father time. He likes to rhyme.

      Thank you, Lee, yes that Lee, not the other Lee who is due for an alphabet detox, Lee.


  32. I can't imagine Gary and Penny not being together. It makes me sad. Sort of like when the cast of Friends broke up. Sure they stayed friends, but they weren't working together anymore.

    Quite honestly. you name your store Carpets Get shouldn't be surprised that people call for the shag...which totally went of of style with the 70's. Hey, do you think the carpet was named for the free love generation? Hmmm.

    You will need to get a puppy. Are you going to get a puppy? The Penny thing is still bothering me.

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      The cast and crew of Friends. Thanks and now I shall have nightmares :) Still, Penny is making a guest appearance on The Big Bang Theory.

      The shop, Carpets Get Laid, has its main headquarters in San Francisco. It started back in 1969.

      I might get a puppy, eventually. Penny will be visiting me and taking over this blog. Somebody, or some animal has to keep some sense on my site. Right Penny? *Arf!*

      Thank you, Elizabeth.


  33. You are certainly busy! Look at all those boxes! I like that you have a plan for your new place and how you want it to be. Moving can be a big upheaval, but it can also be very cleansing. I hope you won't be too far from Penny and your son. That way you can still have visits. I was laughing about the carpet store name and your phone call. :)

    You might have to have a grandfather shaped clock made! I looked it up and there doesn't seem to be one out there. ;)

    1. Hi Jess,

      Busy, busy, busy and then some. I've been packing boxes as symbols of my move for about two months. Cleansing is a good word. Time for me to stop putting my life on hold. I should be fairly close to wherever Penny and my son end up living. Aha and the imaginary phone call. Couldn't resist :)

      You can become super rich by marketing grandfather shaped clocks :)

      Thank you, Jess.


  34. Hi Pat,

    Shag and drag. It's in the bag. A new adventure and some carpet laying is what I'm saying....

    Thank you, Pat.


  35. I used to dread moving because for us, it meant packing up and moving across country. Now, hubby is retired and we are done with all that moving around. Hooray! But, I did like the chance to clean out the clutter. That part of moving can be a blast. So, will you get yourself your own Penny?

    1. Hi Elsie,

      The long distance uprooting is always such an emotional time. I'm close to retirement age and darn it, enough moving, already. The removing of the clutter has felt quite good. No more junk furniture for this dude. I may get a dog eventually. Penny could train the puppy as her writing understudy.

      Thank you, Elsie.


    2. I'm glad you're considering getting a dog for yourself. I'll bet Penny would love to visit and help train!

    3. Hi Elsie,

      It would be very nice to have a dog with me. Penny could house train the dog. Actually, can you train a house....

      Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Elsie.

      Gary :)

  36. Good Luck Mr G with all the stuff and moving. . . . I love grandfather clocks, but all the posh old ones are rather expensive. . . . . Much like grandfathers.

    Ooooo I must off and sort of . . . . . a TO z a bit . sorry about that.

    1. Hi Mr. R.,

      Thank you for that, kind sir. Grandfathers can be a timely old piece. A posh one with a large wad, a large wad of money to hand out, would be most excellent.

      A to Zed? It's all in your head. See you soon before the new moon.

      Thank you, Rob.


  37. Maybe you wanted to shag on the shag carpet?

    Good luck with the move, Gary. Don't pack Penny in a box.

    1. Hi Diane,

      Shag on a shag carpet while smoking some shag and wearing a shag wig.

      Thanks for the good luck in moving. Dog in a basket, more like :)

      Thank you, Diane.


  38. Occasional furniture like to shag when they aren't being called to duty as butt plants. They are especially fond of oriental carpets, so be careful with your rugs. Much upheaval here but it'll all be pawsitive in the end. You could consider a grandmother clock as they aren't quite as crotchety and I hear they bake cookies.

    1. Hi River Fairchild,

      You tied it up all rather nicely. No WIPS or chains, just ropes. Sexually promiscuous occasional furniture. A one night stand. I should get more oriented when it comes to rugs. Thanks for the warning. I do sense this will be a pawsitive, ahem, positive move. A grandmother clock's crotch and cookies? Huh! LOL

      Thank you, River.


  39. Every time we move, I swear it will be the last. It never is. I don't envy you the problem. Good luck with it. I hope Penny will give you some pawsitive assistance. Sorry she will not be with you 24/7. You will definitely have to get a puppy for her to train.

    1. Hi Jo,

      I know what you mean. In my case, I need to downsize and get into a place more manageable. In a way, my move is a way to get my son to get on with his life. Penny's pawsitive assistance is always welcomed by me. I need all the help I can get. Will see her plenty of times. Probably end up dog-sitting.
      She would gladly train a new dog for me. Penny is a clever dog.

      Thank you, Jo.


  40. Hahhaha. Very funny, Gary.
    I like to think outside the box too... and outside the blog, of course!
    Good luck with the move. Have fun with it!

    1. Hi Julia,

      Thank you for thinking this was funny.
      Thinking outside the box or blog is something we both enjoy. Rebels in uniqueness. The move should be fun. New neighbours to bewilder.

      Thank you, Julia and enjoy your holiday.


  41. "Can I get a shag there, please?", I inquired. "Certainly not! This is a carpet store, you pervert!"


    1. Gidday Wendy,

      The lady had a New Zealand accent. Crikey! :)

      Gary :)

  42. I love contemplating new furniture. I've always put sofa bed at the top of the list - when it's not being occasional it's comfortable and practical... Every time I pack I think I have successfully decluttered until it's time to unpack, but I have always had more than 27 boxes. Now I try not to clutter so much between moves. I hope Tristan and Penny find a nice place soon - close to their Dad

    1. Hi Ida,

      Me to, I'm really excited about getting rid of my old furniture. My sofa is going to a needy charity. Sofa, so good. Coincidentally, a sofa bed is at the top of my list. I have an air bed but it's a bit of a let down. 27 boxes and I'm only about two thirds packed of the stuff I have to keep. Still, the de-cluttering is therapeutic. Got tired of having stuff my ex wife deemed not good enough for her and her hubby. Penny and Tristan are looking for a new place. Reality is starting to happen to my son. This is the move we all need.

      Thank you for your kind words, Ida.


  43. A sad post. I had to read the "...with our beloved Penny..." line three times. Each prompted a "What? Oh No!" from me. But leave it to you, my friend, to balance it with a little humor. Hoping the new beginning goes well. Adjusting to change takes a little longer at our age. ;-)

    1. Hi Jeff,

      A post of varying emotions, good sir. I know that it's going to work out okay. I will make it so. We both know that humour can help us through. Jeff, you are a great guy and it's my honour to know you. Adjusting to change, indeed. Good grief, I'm ten years older than you, young man. LOL.

      Thank you, Jeff.


  44. Guess shag carpets went out of style around here but judging from the Easter traffic in the parking lot at church, shagging is still quite the rage.

    1. Hi Eve,

      Aha, over here, getting it on in the parking lot aka car park, is called, "dogging." Don't ask! :)

      Thank you, Eve.


  45. Moving is very stressful. Try to take it easy when you move and plan some of your favorite activities (from buying your favorite comfort foods, to pleasant outings) to make you feel more relaxed and happy. And no shagging the carpets!!

    1. Hi Lexa,

      Moving is a stressful hassle for sure. I shall do my best to have some relaxing moments and wander around my new surroundings. I might just lay a shag.

      Thank you, dear Lexa.


  46. I love moving .... People think Im weird but Im cool with that... I even like to pack and unpack! Will you be getting another doggie companion for when the lovely Penny isnt visiting... maybe an occassional dog to go with the furniture... and I didnt know grandfather clocks looked like grandfathers...I thought they were made from
    BEST with the move!!!!

    1. Hi Zoe,

      Actually, I don't think it's weird you love moving. I do recall some fun times in the past. I guess my biggest concern is coordinating my son's getting the heck out of here. He still needs to find his own place. I'm contemplating getting another beloved dog. However, I think it will be quite awhile before I do that. Of course, why didn't I think of that. A grandfather clock is made out of grandfathers. My the old ticker.

      Thank you for your kind words, Zoe.


  47. Good luck with the move, and the carpets! My mum used to refer to the rug in her front room as her “shag pile rug” it always made me smile. Another of her favourite sayings was “there goes your sister of on a tandem” when she meant to say tangent! Reading your post made me think of old times.

    1. Hi Barbara,

      Thank you for the good luck wishes. And yes, shag and the rather fun different connotations it can produce. Your mother was thinking about your sister and you on a bicycle built for two. LOL. Ah memories, dear Barbara.

      Thank you, dear friend.


  48. Love your humor! And seriously, can't believe that a business with that name would have a problem with shag :P

    Sad to see that you will be losing two family members. But good to see you embracing the positive side of it and embarking on a new "adventure." Rather than staying in a house where you all used to reside, you all are taking on new things in your own lives. Good to know he's not going too far and that he and Penny can visit! I dread the day my boy leaves.
    Also, I miss England! :)

    Jamie Dement (LadyJai)
    My A to Z
    Caring for My Veteran

    1. Hi Jamie,

      Thanks for liking my attempt at humour :) Oops, can you believe I made that carpet shop's name up.

      The two family members will be starting out on a new, independent adventure. It's time for my son to start getting on with his life and thus, so can I. Your observations are spot on and despite some sadness about moving, it really is time to start fresh. My boy is now 25 and yes, even at that age, I will miss him no longer living with me. You will be fine when your boy leaves home. Mixed emotions, but just fine.

      England was a major adventure. Coming back from Canada and start here in a different environment took some adapting. Hope you make it back to this green and mostly pleasant land :)

      Thank you, Jamie.


  49. I want to move desperately! Mark my words, moving is like being promoted. You get a new view, new wonderful neighbourhoods, new carpets. Will you be taking the Wee Folks with you, or are they going with Penny? Maybe it's time for a kitten. Someone who Penny can play with when she comes for a visit. I feel for you. I know it's stressful, BUT you are in for a terrific adventure, dear man. Fun, fun, fun. Ah will you be living any where near Larkhill???

    1. Hey Joylene,

      I know how much you wish to move. Hopefully, it will be soon. A brand new luxury apartment, new folks to aggravate and a carpet to get laid. The wee folks are packed away in readiness to make a home on my balcony. No kitten. Cats freak me out with their evilness :) Perhaps I should get a ferret for Penny to play with when she visits. Perhaps not such a good idea. Thank you and yes, it will be adventure. It's also time for Tristan and myself to start living our own lives. The stress will be worth it as I visualise the end result.

      I'm not near Larkhill or Stonehenge. I'm going to be living near a park in Leek, Staffordshire.

      Thank you, Joylene.


  50. Thanks for the laugh! Oh, I remember shag carpets. They were all the rage in the US in the 70s. We had a bright orange one in our living room when I was in 5th-11th grade.
    I do disagree with you about carpets not having anything to do with the British word shag...but that's probably TMI.
    I wish you the best of luck with this move. I think you'll find that the stress (though overwhelming, I imagine) will be worth it when all is said and done. I can't imagine you without Penny by your side; that will be quite the adjustment. Are you allowed pets in your new place? I agree with Joylene that a new pet is called for. Though don't make it a cat. I'm allergic, and then I couldn't come visit and sit on your occasional furniture. Is it like Transformers and becomes something else when it's furniture-ness isn't needed? Maybe it becomes something to help the Wee Folk...
    Much adoration as always,
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hi Tina,

      I remember shag carpets, also. Had a shag carpet in my house in British Columbia. Hairy things, weren't they. And the shag carpets.

      In Britain, shag is not equated to carpet but, well you know.

      Thank you for the best luck wishes with my move, dear Tina. The stress, the organising everything that goes with moving, shall be daunting. Of course, I know it will be worth it in the end. I am allowed a beloved animal in my new place. Penny will be visiting me. Even if it's just to do a dog, um blog. No worries about me ever having a cat. Cats are evil and have a plan to rule the world. Actually, the probably already do. Occasional furniture are shape shifters from another dimension. The wee folks will turn the occasional furniture into mushroom houses :)

      Thank you, dear lady. Happy alphabeting!


  51. ROFL Gary that's great. Good thing you didn't ask to "pinch a fag" ("borrow a cigarette").

  52. Altho I have already written a comment here, I have to tell you that my husband asked about putting Mickey Mouse and Minnie in our gnome garden!!
    I swore a bit, but it still worries me. What should I do?

    1. Hey Susan,

      I shouldn't be a problem as long as you put Donald Duck in there with them as a negotiator. Gnomes are particular as to who they invite into their mushroom houses. Hope that helps.

      Gary :)

  53. All the very best to you Gary, and hope you find your shag ;)

    Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2014, My Latest post

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    1. Hi Damyanti,

      I appreciate that and now to find the elusive shag! :)

      Oh no! A reference to that alternative to Penny's Alphabark Challenge! Sheesh!!!!!

      Thank you, Damyanti.

      Gary :)

  54. I was wondering when the move was going to take place. I remember rooms filled with boxes like this, ten years ago. Moving is no fun, even when you want to move! Change is always a disruption no matter how much we need/want it. I'm sorry you won't have Penny with you, but I'm sure she'll be a very good companion for Tristan.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Two months to go and I cannot get into my bedroom for all the boxes. Moving is lousy at the best of times. That be true. Penny will be close by and that's good to know. Time for her and my son of the same name as yours, to claim his independence.

      Thank you, Lisa.

      Gary :)

  55. Good luck with your move. Onto bigger and better things.

    1. Hi Lady Lilith,

      Thanks for that. Onto smaller and better things. Downsizing makes me wonder what I'm going to do with all my extra paintings.

      Gary :)

  56. When I moved into this flat I was very glad to see NO carpets! They are dust catchers and I have asthma, plus vacuuming sucks, so running the vac over a carpet-less in a tenth of the time is fine with me.
    I hope the move goes well for you and everything gets settled into its new place quickly.

    1. Hi River,

      I totally understand. With Penny, sometimes in my home, it has been a case of finding the carpet under the dog hairs. The thing is that the place I'm moving to is an apartment and I reckon it helps muffle the noise. Vacuuming certainly sucks.

      Thank you for your well wishes, River.

      Gary :)

  57. You're so silly. Bwahaha! Carpets do get laid all the time, don't they? It's not fair. I can't even get stretched against the floor for perusal.

    Keep faith and calm through the upheaval, friend.

    1. Hi Robyn,

      I'm delighted to know you think I'm silly. Indeed, I've done a bit of carpet laying in my time :) Wall to wall and have a ball, Robyn. Magic carpet ride, perhaps.

      Keeping the faith, baby! :) Going to be fun, well almost fun, moving.

      Have a lovely weekend, dear friend.

      Gary :) x

  58. Hahahahaha

    Best of luck with the move! x

    1. Hi Misha,

      Aha and aha and ha! :)

      Thanks for the best of luck moving type wishes.

      Please try and have some relaxation time over the weekend, dear Misha.

      Gary x

  59. Definitely the wrong place to ask about shagging! :)
    Lots of change coming up - hope it's all good!

    1. Hi Jemi,

      I was certainly floored with the response! :)
      I'm sure the changes and the moving will be a most positive result.

      Thank you, Jemi.


  60. Haha, that made me laugh! I've just come across your blog from the Insecure Writer's Group by the way, always nice to meet new bloggers! :)

    The stool sounds pretty cool - I'm with you though, a conversational piece of furniture is great, I should look at acquiring one. I'd love a piano, mainly because I'd want to play it. But trying to get a piano up into a Hong Kong flat would be practically impossible. I need to find a different conversational piece.

    1. Hi Celine,

      Lovely to meet you. Glad this posting could make you laugh. Oops, ah yes, the "IWSG" aka "I Was Seeking Gary" dedication group. Trust me to go there and cause chaos.

      Wonder what sort of stool I actually meant? Have you considered a toy piano? Looks like you are having quite the time in Hong Kong.

      Thank you, my kind friend. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  61. LOL!

    We had a conversation peice once. It was a 4X4 sound booth in our living room. Not only was the thing amazing for recording, you couldn't hear the baby scream at night when she was inside. (True story.) Poor daddy had to take her in there a few nights so mommy could get enough sleep. Some babies are harder than others.

    1. Hi Crystal,

      That's a great idea for a conversation piece. I could use a sound booth and record my amazing singing. Ah babies, my adult son will always be my baby. Still as difficult as ever! :)

      Have a nice Sunday, Crystal.

      Gary :)

  62. So happy that at least the "carpets get laid!" Funny response to what I know has to be a stressful time. I need to acquire some of that humor, it would do me good. I'm happy to hear that you'll be getting a brand new puppy - I'm sure Penny will be more than happy to supervise the transition. I can't wait to read the new blogs of puppy love!

    Oh, and you're right I've lost 99% if not more of my email blogs. I don't know if Google had a burp or blip or a slip, but I'm not seeing my box filled with the posts I've signed up for - not even yours. Guess we're to start from scratch. Sorry I didn't notice before now - the A to Z had me tied up, and other things too. I owe you an email, also - maybe when I figure out my new program of attack - or is that 'how to sit quietly and not stress!" LOL

    Be well dear friend!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Humour or humor, keeps me going. All the stress would get too much if I didn't have a laugh. I would be getting another dog in a few months time. Although Penny could certainly teach a puppy how to write some articles on here. Penny's understudy, pawhaps.

      I'm not getting all of my subscribe by email blog notifications, either. I know it goes through Feedburner. Quite frustrating because it helps remind me who has put up a posting. Still, we do get there eventually.

      When we both have more time, some email interaction would be very nice. Please enjoy your Sunday. Too think you get Sunday's off for good behaviour, or behavior :)

      Take care, dear Yolanda.

      Gary :)

  63. Gary:
    WHAT???? Penny will not be with you. I'm sad!!!

    Did you phone the carpet place back? I mean really with such a name they can't be surprised by what you said. LOL!!!!!! Just love it!!!

    Wishing you a wonderful move!!!

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      It will be okay not having Penny live with me. Will still see her. After all, somebody needs to come over and do pawsts, um posts, for me :)

      Thank you for your kind, moving wishes.

      Happy Victoria Sunday to you, dear lady.

      Gary :)

  64. "Can I get a shag there, please?", I inquired.

    "Certainly not! This is a carpet store, you pervert!", came her shocked reply.

    *Click* followed by *Ring tone....*

    Gary...this is BRILLIANT!!!!


    How's Penny??


    1. Hey shoes!

      Glad you liked it, my kind friend. HAR, indeed! :)

      Penny continues to be the shy, modest internet superstar! She is very well, thank you.

      Must have a visit of your site. Please bear with me.....

      Gary :)

  65. I feel a little sad that Pawesome Penny won't be living with you. Well. She will be in a happy place. Sigh.

    Gary, when I saw the post title, I totally saw that coming! Er... you know what I mean!

    1. Hi Vidya,

      Change will be just fine. Penny and my son will adapt to their new lives as I will embrace my new life. Besides, she can still come and help me with my pawstings, um, postings :)

      You totally saw that coming. Skilfully avoiding an innuendo.....

      Thank you, dear lady.

      Gary :)

  66. So the move is finally taking place...
    All those boxes? Are you downsizing or upsizing?
    Hope it goes smoothly for you Gary!

    1. Hi Michelle,

      The move is imminent. Surprisingly, I'm downsizing. Those boxes are the stuff I evidently need to keep. Oh my goodness. I'm looking for a smooth move.....

      Thank you, Michelle.

      Gary :)

  67. No new comments allowed eh? Well, Gary my friend, here I am again commenting on a future blog post. How does one comment on a future blog post I hear you wonder. Well, like this: stay away from toxic people and try not to be one yourself. The first part of my sound advice regarding some future post is easy to stick to, the second part not so easy. That said, I'm going back to the future. When will then be now? Soon.

    1. Hey Blue Dude n'stuff,

      Welcome to the past and welcome to the future and welcome to right now. Toxic and suddenly I'm thinking about a song by Britney Spears,

      Remember, my esteemed, non-toxic friend, today is only yesterday's tomorrow.....

    2. That I will remember. I'm carrying a history book with me at all times, so I can look up yesterday's tomorrows. It all makes perfect non-toxic sense.

    3. Blue, nice of you to visit in between your visits to New Zealand, yes, a country that's in the future. Of course, you are in my past and when you read this you will be reading into the future Huh?


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.