
Friday 7 February 2014

What The Duck?

We send you Dr.Who.

We send you Downton Abbey.

America, y'all sent us, The Pukes of Hazzard and now delight us in the UK with Dork Dynasty. Wait a sec.....Sorry....America, y'all sent us, The Dukes of Hazzard and now delight us in the UK with Duck Dynasty.

Time to have some ducky-type spin-off shows.

Puddle-Duck Dynasty.
 Daffy Duck Dynasty.
 Count Duckula Dynasty.
Baby Daisy and Donald Duck Dynasty.
You Bet Your Life I Love Me Some Duck Soup Dynasty.

I know, what the duck?  Such a fowl posting.  


  1. Too cute! There is a ton of really bad tv out there isn't there??? Thankfully the good shows are there as well! :)

    1. Hi Jemi,

      And then there's "Being Erica". Why we don't get more Canadian quality TV in Britain is beyond me.

      Gary :)

  2. You had me at Doctor Who! America TV hasn't had an original idea in years.
    This is the reason American telly steals Simon Cowell and all his ideas.

    1. Hi DAVID,

      Ah yes, Dr. Who. Then there was "Torchwood", with an American, John Barrowman, in the lead role.

      Sadly, Simon Cowell has returned to these shores.

      Gary :)

  3. Well isn't everything just ducky over the pond!

    Hey dude...I've been lazy lately and haven't blogged in forever. Dashing in and out of FB has been about the extent of social media for me lately. Just trying to get so much other shtuff done.

    You're just now becoming aware of the Duck Dynasty Family. Granted, I've never watched the show, so I'm not a fair judge, but there's a reason I've never watched...I have neighbors that are like them. I can watch them "LIVE!"

    Funny little post. You always keep people smiling. Take it easy.

    M.L. Swift, Writer

    1. Hi Michael,

      Everything is just ducky over the ducky pond :)

      Dude, you is one busy dude n'stuff. I'm trying to catch up, keep up and hope to grace your site very soon. Yay! :)

      We've had Duck Dynasty over here for about a year. It seems y'all get some similar entertainment right outside your lil' ol' home. Have fun and good luck.

      Thanks for thinking this was a funny lil' post. Y'all have a nice day. You hear?

      Gary :)

  4. Where's Duck Dodgers in the twenty-fourth and a half century?

  5. Mr. Ninja,

    Good one. However and I'm not ducking the issue, but I could have gone on and on and on with ducky spin-off shows. This way, you got to add one. I am grateful.

    What the duck!?


  6. Very interesting. Who knew there was so much going on about ducks?

    1. Hi Lady Lilith,

      There's a lot of ducking going on out there.

      Gary :)

  7. Way too many friggin reality crap shows over here. But you forgot ducktales whoo hoo

    1. Hi Pat,

      And over here, also. I've heard you are going to be the surreal poetry blogger on the next version of Canadian Big Blogger. I intentionally don't try to include every duck or ducktale possible. That way, you can mention it. Have some Peeking Duck. Peking Duck.

      Gary :)

  8. Those spin-off shows make me smile.

    This post makes me want to turn on the telly.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      I really had to wing it with this one.

      Ah yes, turn on the telly and enjoy all those ducks :)

      Gary :)

  9. Ducks do seem to be everywhere! Interesting to see the shows that are watched across the pond. :)

    1. Hi Jess,

      So many ducks that I want to duck the ducks. More like watched in disbelief :)

      Gary :)

  10. And how about "Wanna Buy a Duck?" Now ain't that all ducky! I had never heard of Duck Dynasty until the father of the clan made that sexist remark and the media made a hellabalou out of it. So I watched it as I was flipping around and I liked it. I'm kind of a red neck.

  11. I haven't seen the Duck Dynasty and something tells me I'm not missing much.

    I've been enjoying Elementary, or most of the episodes, but nothing compares with The Doctor.

    1. Hi fairyhedgehog,

      I certainly try to duck out of watching it.

      Elementary, very good. The Doctor seems to have become a phenomenon on both sides of the duck pond.

      Gary :)

  12. Perfect weather for ducks here! This post quacked me up!

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      It certainly is. Soon, ducks will be everywhere in Britain. Hopefully, not in our living rooms. I think I'm starting to quack up.

      Gary :)

  13. Gah! I only recently discovered what Duck Dynasty even was. We're exporting that?? Ah well, thanks for the fun spin on it.

    1. Hi Shannon,

      Gah and yep, y'all is sending us Duck Dynasty. It made me think of loads of ducks. I must now watch out for that puddle, duck.

      Gary :)

  14. There are so many shows that are much better than the ones you are mentioning from the U.S. My husband, and I are in love with The Big Bang Theory, MASH reruns, Helix, Being Human, The Walking Dead, and so many more. It's the idiot who buys the shows for the channels you watch that should be shot. I'm so sorry you have to be subjected to crappy TV.

    1. Hi Leanna,

      That's fair enough. We get, for instance, The Big Bang Theory. a brilliantly written show. I also noted that we are now getting MASH reruns and that show is just as clever as I remember.

      Our idiot buyers of TV shows must think we will enjoy the idiot shows. No worries about the crappy shows, my friend. We'll subject you to more reruns of Benny Hill :)

      Gary :)

  15. Liked the various ducks!

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

    1. Hi Andrew,

      Quite the fowl posting.

      Thank you, Andrew. Hugs and bye.

      Gary :)

  16. Luckily, I haven't seen any of those shows nor do I want to. But America should be forgiven anything just on the basis of Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny. Those guys beat out everything else!! :)

    1. Hi Lexa,

      To think you have missed out on classic American television. Then again, what's up, duck!

      Gary :)

  17. You quack me up.

    1. Hi Delores,

      Time for a Happy Meal at QuackDonald's :)

      Gary :)

  18. Delores pipped me at the post, but you're still quackers :P

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Delores pipped your post. I think I started quacking up a long time ago :)

      Gary :)

    2. Someone had to say it...I can't believe I was the first to do so.

    3. Hi Delores,

      Do you like cheese with your quackers....

      Gary :)

  19. What a duck of a good post, Gary. Had no idea there were that many ducking good ducks. Have a ducky duck day.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      I thank my ducky stars. Don't forget the rubber ducky :) I know, who gives a duck...

      Gary :)

  20. I never heard of Duck Dynasty and I don't think I want to!
    However, on a slightly more serious note; in recent years the US has sent us series such as The Wire, The Sopranos, Atlantic Boardwalk, Breaking Bad and before all of those - The Simpsons. And, dare I say, Donald Duck. Not too bad!
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hi bazza,

      It's a jolly good show. Ah yes, we have had some excellent American TV shows. None of them compare to that fine Canadian show, "The Beachcombers."


      Gary :)

  21. Duck Dynasty is the worst thing to happen to this country since 70's fashion

    1. Hi Keith,

      For sure, y'all. Hope you are enjoying wearing your flared jeans :)

      Gary :)

  22. I like Duck Dynasty. I don't eat ducks and I certainly don't hunt, but I like their family values.

    1. Hi Diane,

      I remember the previous show. Dynasty and it had the guy who play Charlie from Charlie's Angels.

      Gary :)

  23. Replies
    1. Hi Shelly,

      Thank you very ducking much :)

      Gary :)

  24. I thought the #2 doctor was Larry was the Three Stooges. I guess I'm wrong, but that would've upgraded that show. Instead, they're all quacks. Quack, quack, quacks...ready for duck dynasty.

    Love to you and Penny, Gary.

    1. Hi Robyn,

      You are correct about #2 doctor. Doctor number 3 is a drag queen :) All the "duckters" are quacks!

      Love back atcha' from Penny and here mere human, Gary :) x

  25. Duckula!!! One of the best programmes from my childhood, and residing somewhere on my shelves in DVD form :-)

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      I knew I could Count on you! Duckula DVD at the ready.

      Gary :)

  26. My wife and I always watch Duck Dynasty and love it.

    1. Hi Dizzy-Dick,

      I thought you were in Duck Dynasty )

      Y'all have nice weekend. You hear.

      Gary )

  27. Replies
    1. Hi Debra,

      Drop the duck at centre ice. Game on!

      Gary :)

  28. I live in America but I don't watch TV, so all these characters are aliens to me. Ha!

    1. Hi Julia,

      I'm actually most pleased all those characters are aliens to you. Even Daffy Duck? :)

      Duck and cover!

      Gary :)

  29. There's nothing we can ever do to repay you for the wonder which is Dr. Who. Nothing. Though I will admit that I do find Duck Dynasty amazingly hilarious at the end of a poop-butt long day of poop.
    Tina @ Life is Good
    A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

    1. Hi Tina,

      You could send us reruns of "My Mother the Car." Actually, forget that :) First there was Dynasty, then along came Duck Dynasty. Yee haa!

      What the duck!

      Gary :)

  30. Could you send me Daisy Duke? That would be so nice. Thank you.

    1. Blue,

      Y'all can have Daisy Duke. Better than that, I'm sending you Jemima Puddle-Duck and a bonus gift of Mother Goose. Enjoy!

      Time for me to duck off!

      Gary :)

  31. The BBC is one of my favorites! Luther and most all the mysteries. Dr. Who, well most all of them. But our American sh -- not so much. Won't watch the 'reality' - lots of stupid folk getting famous for being stupid!

    Only thing I liked about the Duke's was the car - I used to drive one!

    Okay, back to writing - just wanted to say hi!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      The BBC and over here, we have to pay a TV licence to fund the BBC. Hell, I still haven't passed my test :) I don't watch much Dr. Who. However, I do know that a lot of folks in North America are liking it. The "reality" TV show has gotten ridiculous. Now, over here, we have a show called, "I'm a Celebrity. Get me out of here!" Cringe-worthy British TV crap.

      I want that car. I miss my American cars. I used to own a 1973 Dodge Polara. Smokey and the Bandit time.

      Happy writing, Yolanda. See you soon.

      Gary :)

  32. I love all the BBC shows! Call the Midwife is my favourite.

    Have you seen "Vincent Meets the Doctor"? It is excellent.

    1. Hi Birdie,

      Glad you like the more quality aspects of the BBC.

      I haven't seen that particular episode. I shall keep an ear, um eye out for that one.

      Gary :)

  33. That's a hilarious post. Not fowl at all. LOL! Very funny!

    Hi Penny! Fred says hi too. :)

    1. Hi Mina,

      You are way too kind. Thank you. What kind of fowl am I...

      Penny says "Arf" to Fred, the fellow JRT :)

      Gary :)

  34. This is a really amazing post! I need to get started on watching Doctor Who.

    1. Hi Gina,

      I thank you kindly, Gina. Some prefer the versions from the 1960's. Very dated, but fun :)

      Gary :)

  35. I just love Downtown Abbey. I could watch if for hours and I love to see the little bickering of words between the English and American mature ladies. It's just so funny.
    Not a fan of doctor who but many people say it's upped it's game, I'm not convinced.

    I'll pop back later duckie and have a wonderful weekend :)

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      A confession. I've seen very little of Downton Abbey. However, I know it's very popular in North America. Bickering between mature English and American ladies does seem fascinating.

      I'm not much into Dr. Who. This was just another example of a show that is popular in North America.

      Pop away, my friend. Hope you had a ducky weekend.

      Gary :)

  36. Duck Dynasty? Never heard of it. And if I did, then I forgot about it already.

    I love that Dr Who poster!

    1. Hi River,

      Having never heard of it is a good thing The Dr. Who poster is quite the summary of the years.

      I used to watch "The Flying Ducktors". ahem, "The Flying Doctors."

      Gary :)

  37. To be fair, the Brits also unleashed Mr. Bean and the Spice Girls (also acceptable, One Direction) while the US gave the world Breaking Bad and all the music British music is based on.

    1. Hi Pickleope Von Pickleope,

      Ah yes, we sent you Mr. Bean, who you can keep. The Spice Girls attempted a reunion tour that started in Vancouver. Poor Vancouver being subjected to that. One Direction, a created group on the British version of "The X Factor." As for "Breaking Bad", never seen it. Maybe I should check it out.

      Gary :)

  38. Duck Dynasty is very popular, but that is something I will never understand. I think it is all a part of the dumbing down of the US. I would say more, but Google might pluck my comment.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      Even more dumbing down in America? Would that be possible. Google is plucking everybody about these days. What the pluck are they up to!

      Gary :)

  39. Did you know that the day before yesterday was "Lame Duck Day"?
    No, of course you didn't.
    What normal person would?

    1. Hi Al,

      I know about Lame Duck Passes Day. Something to do with Tim Tebow joining the CFL. How abnormal.

      Gary :)

  40. A dynasty of ducks? Surly you jest. I might have to hook up my TV again because I love ducks.

    1. Hi Lee aka Lee etc.,

      I would never jest. Okay may a blog jest. Hook up your lil' ol TV and check out the Rubber Ducky Reality Show. Think it's on the Fox Network, which might not be a good idea.

      Gary :)

  41. lol Duck Dynasty? This post brought me a big fat grin. :D

    1. Hi Damyanti,

      Lovely to see you, my friend. Yep, a Duck Dynasty. Who'd a thunk that :)

      Gary :)

  42. Just ducky indeed. As for the dynasty, they're still not as good as the Royal House of Windsor, and Her Majesty, Elizabeth II.

    Yeah, well, whatever.

    Looks like Penny, rather than getting ready for a nap, is getting ready for the Winter Olympics in Sochi. But be careful if she goes. They're shooting all the stray dogs in Sochi. We wouldn't want Penny to come to a bad end.

    1. Hi Rob-bear,

      We are going to send the royal house of Windsor over to Canada, enjoy.

      Penny is a superstar dog and was guest celebrity at the 2010 winter Olympics in Vancouver. Sochi, she is not going anywhere near it.

      In peace to you and ducky blessings, eh.

      Gary :)

  43. I tend to prefer what the Brits send us! I don't even mind sometimes, when we copy UK shows. In my opinion, the Brits got it goin' on!

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Ah yes, I noticed the US version of "Shameless", for instance, just doesn't seem to work like the UK version. Now for a Monty Python reunion.

      Gary :)

  44. Hi JoJo,

    There hasn't been a decent show on American television since "My Mother the Car." Okay, I'm kidding. I hated the Dukes crap. Then again, I'm a purple neck, eh :)

    Gary :)

  45. It kills me to have the image of Jemima Puddle Duck as part of Duck Dynasty. The Beatrix Potter books were my faves when I was a kid, I read them over and over and over again. Still love them. Now I need to bleach this pic from my mind LOL.

    I realize I'm in a very small minority but I hate Dr. Who. Don't hate me. :D

    1. Hi Julie,

      Oops and I hope you didn't notice the beard and moustache on Jemima and all the rest :) I liked a bit of Beatrix Potter, better than Harry. I really loved Enid Blyton books. Get that awful image out of your head, y'all :)

      Just between you and me, I'm not much of a fan of Dr. Who. I was merely using it as an example of a show I know that has become popular in North America:) I could never hate you. I'm a starstruck fan of yours! :)

      Gary :)

  46. It's just Duckin' crazy!

    When I was in jr. high school, my friends and I did a cassette taped rendition of the Pukes of Hazard with Blow and Fluke Puke and their trampy cousin Dazed-y. I was a boring kid.

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      It's completely ducked up!

      I reckon that cassette tape you did with your friends may well have been a catalyst to your writing. Not boring at all. Most imaginative, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  47. Replies
    1. Hi Elise,

      Ah yes, my quacks are starting to show :)

      Gary :)

  48. Downton Abbey ROCKS.

    Ducks SUCKkkk! xxxxxxxxx

    1. Hi Kim,

      Yes it rocks!

      Anaheim Ducks, suck!!!!

      Gary :) xx

  49. I love Downton Abbey, and think you should give it a try, Gary. Penny really should audition for a role, or even as an acting coach to liven up their dog. I also don't understand the appeal of Duck Dynasty. Funny, "fowl posting!"


    1. Hi Julie,

      Penny is going to be on "Dogton Abbey" :) Duck Dynasty, a bunch of weird beards. Such a fowl posting, indeed.

      Gary :)

  50. I'm way out of touch as to what is popular on the tele these days. Aside from a little Supernatural or Big Bang, I can't even claim to have watched a single episode of the current hits. I need a TARDIS.

    1. Hi Jeff,

      I try to avoid televison. Although, Supernatural, having been filmed in and around Vancouver, they begged me to star in the show. Head sweeper on the set :) Big Bang Theory is very clever. Your Tardis is on the way, good sir.

      Gary :)

  51. Hi Gossip_Grl,

    I love a bit of duck. Although, I do get a sore neck. This posting was tongue-in-cheek. I'm a purple neck! :)

    Gary :)

  52. Replies
    1. Hey Christine,

      Duck, duck! Who's there? Kanga! Kanga Who?

      Gary :)

  53. Your mind-stretches delight me! Dr. Who withdrawal here.

  54. Note--my staunchly Christian father loved the Dukes of Hazzard. His eyes were always following Daisy.

    1. Hi Susan Kane,

      My mind stretches in ways that make rubber jealous :) Dr. Who from Whoville...

      My eyes often followed Elly May on the Beverly Hillbillies....

      Gary :)

  55. LOL! I've seen people quoting you all over the blogosphere for the last couple days and I was TOTALLY confused. No longer.

    1. Hey Crystal,

      Quoting me? Gosh, me quotable? Something is very wrong in blogland! :) At least you aint confused no more. What the duck!

      Gary :)

  56. Maybe we should have Dr. Duck and Downton Dynasty.

    1. Hi Carol,

      Great suggestion! Disco Duck does Downton.

      Gar y :)

  57. I see that the quack comments are in full flow you really are the most stimulating blogger regards

    1. Hi Kerrie,

      All these comments certainly got me in a flap. Nothing like a bit of duck stimulation. Maybe that sounded wrong :)

      Gary :)

  58. Gary, I needed a laugh this morning and so I came back to this post :). You're the best. And thanks for all the love for the #atozchallenge!

    1. Hey Damyanti,

      Thanks for the bonus comment. I'm glad this can still make you laugh. That means a lot. Who couldn't love the amazing alphabet challenge! Somebody help me! LOL

      Gary :)

  59. You may have turned off comments on the post above, but I can still leave one here!
    Funny it was your own car radio. Good thing you got up to check. However, it obviously wasn't going to bother the snoring neighbor.

  60. Alex!

    Bless you, you little sneak! You make a very good point about my snoring neighbour. I had a sick feeling the music was coming from my car. It happened once before.

    You must have a clone! Darn it!

    Gary :)

  61. Ha! GOT YOU!!!
    I had the same idea like Captain Ninja!
    You turned of the comments, so I simply backtracked and.... VOILA! Here I am!
    And you thought you'd get rid of us that easily? No such luck... LOL
    (I wonder how many others are going to land up here...? He! he!)

    I enjoyed your duck post... and the blaring car radio... that was too funny!

    Hope you're well, Gary!
    Take care.
    Writer In Transit

    1. Hi Michelle!!

      I think I'm going to scream! :) The ninja dude never ceases to amaze me. And you, dear lady, you just had to follow suit.. Commenting in regards to the posting I switched off the comments for. Help me!

      Glad you enjoyed both postings. I shall get the duck out of here and go blast my radio.

      All is well, thank you. Hope you are well and enjoy the weekend.

      Gary :)

  62. Ha! You turned off commenting but I commented anyway! Bwah ha ha! Anyway, sorry for Duck Dynasty but you're welcome for Daffy Duck. The story about your car radio is priceless! How embarrassing.

    1. Yikes Maurice!

      Oh my and yep, I turned off the commenting on the next posting so I could try to catch up with commenting on other sites such as ahem, yours :) Daffy Duck is my hero. I was majorly embarrassed about the car radio. Oops....

      Have a good weekend, kind sir.

      Gary :)

  63. I would hate that about the car radio. I dislike neighbors' noises and wouldn't want to be the annoying neighbor. Oh, foghorn snoring...I've been kept up with that.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      Aha, you have left a comment about my next post, which has the comments switched off, by commenting on this posting :) Yikes! And totally embarrassing that the annoying car radio was my own! My car must be haunted :) Snoring that makes you wonder if there's an earthquake happening.

      A good weekend to you.

      Gary :)

  64. I loved your latest post about the car radio! (I don't need a reply here, I just had to comment because the post was so good!)

    1. Hi fairyhedgehog,

      That is most kind of you. Thank you and I wont reply! :)

      Gary :)

  65. Hi Gary .. yes I too loved the car radio scenario ... my car alarm goes off indiscriminately too - so I feel for you and that inconvenience ... Thick ice - well thankfully we haven't got that down here ... enough water to float a few ducks in ... with enough wind to ripple a few perms ... Bad tv is depressingly always there .. still must amuse the masses.

    Cheers and hope the tv police don't follow me from here .. have a peaceful weekend .. and hope all is well .. Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Aha and I note you have left a comment via the posting before the posting about the car radio :) Car alarms! Oh what a pain. We only had a bit of ice, thankfully. The ducks up here might, at times, use ice skates. Bad TV over here involves a TV licence.

      The TV cops are going to visit you. Wishing you a peaceful, drier weekend, Hilary.

      Gary :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.