
Sunday 26 January 2014

Pardon Me While I Dribble.

Up until a couple of days ago, I felt like crap. It lasted for a week or so.  To add to the fun, I also had a raging toothache.  Thankfully, the latest bout of the flu-like symptoms and the raging toothache have left. This means, I get to finally thrill you with another one of my engrossing postings.  Once again, notice I don't apologise for not posting much lately.  I really do get a chuckle out of those who apologise for not posting.

A few days ago I had to do something weird such as purchase some groceries to feed my son and a certain diva dog.  With me feeling ill and enjoying my toothache, I had no appetite.

Whilst wandering into the supermarket in a zombie-like state, mouth drooling from the excruciating pain of the toothache, imagine, if you will, the following conversation with a fellow shopper.  "How are you today?" To which I reply, "I feel absolutely awful.  I'm noxious, got the shivers and a woodpecker is practising on my head.  And the reason I'm drooling, dribbling and slurring my words is because I've got a toothache."  To which the fellow shopper replies, "That's nice, glad you are well."

Do you sometimes get the impression that folks aren't actually listening to what you're saying, or drooling, or slurring?  Then I ask the fellow shopper, "And how are you today?"  They reply, "At the end of the day, you know, to be honest, I'm okay."  Did I ever mention I hate overused expressions?  At the end of the day it's midnight.  You know?  No, I don't know and I don't care.  To be honest, or the dramatic impact, to be completely honest, implies that you are not always honest.  Fancy that.  You know what I'm saying?


  1. I hear you talking but I am not listening. . . That is about the way most people are. They think the only important words come out of their own mouths. Have a good day and try not to drool on me (grin).

    1. Hi Dizzy-Dick,

      Did you say something? Yep, they are wishing you hurry with whatever you're saying, which they don't actually listen to. They are too busy getting prepared to talk about their favourite subject, themselves :) What kind of drool am I....

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  2. The ludicrous smiles on our faces
    Show nothing remains
    When the Mask came off
    *Taken from Eric Clayton*
    We all wear mask. And sometimes earplugs,

    1. Hi DAVID,

      If it wasn't for my mask and my earplugs, I might of understood that quote! :)

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

    2. Nudge, nudge. Wink wink. Say no more!

    3. Hey DAVID,

      Indeed and the TV I bought fell off the back of a lorry. Ahem!

  3. And that's why I avoid conversations in grocery stores at all cost--know what I'm saying?

    1. Hi Samantha,

      I avoid conversations with the "old rage" pensioners at the reduced price section.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  4. Yes, I totally get that :D And Gary, people are on autopilot when they ask how you are. Which is why most of us autoreply Fine. Some of us courteous types add a "and you?" some don't.

    By the way, please excuse me...I am completely distracted by your header photo right hope you're feeling better, etc. etc. :D

    Hugs. You never fail to make me laugh!

    1. Hi Vidya,

      Autopilot chat. Hi, how are you? Fine thanks. And you? Fine thanks. And some just grunt :)

      I put up that header photo to give myself a sense of comfort. I'm glad you like it. Thank you for the well wishes. I'm much worse. I'm kidding, I'm much better! :)

      Hugs to you and thanks for the warmth of your laugh.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  5. Love the new cover photo. Penny looks adorable!

    I think a lot of the time people ask how we are, but they don't really listen to our answers. I had to laugh about the "to be honest' line. So true!

    Glad you are feeling better. Toothaches are no fun! Neither is the flu!

    1. Hi Jess,

      Penny and I thank you for that.

      To be totally honest, I hope you are well! :)

      I'm better thanks. And no more dribbling.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  6. I never had a toothache go away, just get worse. I try not to ask certain people, "How are you?" I don't mind hearing a tale of woe, but those people remember you will listen and stop you anytime and anywhere just to tell you more of their tale of woe. I am glad you quit drooling.

    1. Hi Linda,

      That's not good. I'm relieved my toothache subsided. Ah, certain folks, not matter how things are with you, they have it worse, much worse. My conversation was a bit of irony. I was grinning and drooling at the same time. The drooling has stopped. Don't want to short out my keyboard :)

      Hi Jess,

      Penny and I thank you for that.

      To be totally honest, I hope you are well! :)

      I'm better thanks. And no more dribbling.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  7. Glad you're feeling better, I've had a virus that keeps going away only to return again a few days later, Take care, lots of nast germs going around, Pleased also about your toothache.
    Enjoy your Sunday.

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      I thank you for that. I know of that awful rebound type flu. Just when you think you are better, you get a reminder you are not completely well. Please, Yvonne, you look after you. I wish your blog would stay on, dear lady.

      Take care, Yvonne.

      Gary :)

  8. When I ask people how they are doing, I expect an honest answer. When people ask me, they get an honest answer.

    Hope you feel better.

    Peace and joy

    1. Hi Rob-Bear,

      And honesty is what we all need. A lesson our politicians could learn I do feel better, thank you. Wishing you a peaceful day, in honesty.

      Gary :)

  9. Hi Gary. This post manages to be both funny and touchingly sad at the same time. I am pleased that you are feeling better and look forward to side-splittingly funny post shortly. No pressure then :)
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hi bazza,

      I think I might have been doing some sort of sick irony in this posting. I am pleased that you are pleased that I'm feeling better. Hopefully, I shall kind of come up with some semblance of a funny posting. Maybe I should go read one of those um, comedy bloggers.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  10. When someone says 'Alright?', I say 'Alright?' back. If someone articulates 'How are you?' I answer them :-)

    1. PS Glad you're feeling better. There's nothing worse than having to carry on with daily life when you just want to curl up in a duvet den!

    2. Hi Annalisa,

      Seems pretty straightforward to me :) Oop north, where I live, they say, "You alright, duck? How fowl of them. Thank you for your kind thoughts. Indeed, most difficult trying to dazzle the blogging world when all you want to do is retreat under the duvet.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  11. I hope you're feeling much better now Gary and the dribbling has come to an end. I smiled when you mentioned about how people talk because in East London, we naturally speak that way without a thought. We always say things like 'to be honest', 'at the end of the day' and suchlike. It sounds like we're exaggerating but that's just how we talk. I love it Gary, but I know what you're saying too.

    As for listening, sometimes people just like the sound of their own voice. They want to talk and talk and talk but has no time to hear what anyone else is saying. You think they are listening to you but in all honesty, they are just catching their breath for round two, ha ha ha.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      Far better, thank you. The dribble has stopped. Oops, one moment. That's better. Aha, me old mucker. Actually, those overused expressions, at the end of the day, to be honest, you know, are used all over the bleeding place.

      In fact, there are folks who get rather impatient and will interrupt you mid sentence. Don't you hate that? Listen to me because I speaks such turds, sorry, words of wisdom. Round three, me old mucker! :)

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  12. Sounds like you've been feeling pretty ruff! Toothache is horrible, one of those pains you can't get away from if you know what I'm saying. I find it fascinating to listen to the way people talk to one another, it's so obvious when someone is not really listening too. Stay warm, hope you are feeling much brighter soon. Love the photo of Penny, looks like she's up for a duvet day!

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      I'm a ruff tough cream puff! Toothache and why the hell do we have nerves in our gums. You know what I'm saying? The non-conversations are intriguing. Especially when a total stranger is gabbing away on their mobile phone. You cringe, big time! I'm getting brighter, than you. Although Penny might disagree. Penny is practising for the Siesta Championship in Madrid.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  13. Sorry you've felt like crap lately.
    That no one listened to you is both sad and ironic. One of our presidents (I believe it was Lincoln) experimented while being greeted in a long line at a White House party by answering how are you with my mother just died. The people responded pretty much the same. You're right - no one listens.

    1. Hi Alex,

      I appreciate your kind thoughts. Yes, I felt so bad that I couldn't even visit all those blogs who anxiously wait my highly collectable comments. There is a sad irony to it all. Mr. Lincoln, if it was him, knew that ironic truth.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  14. To be honest, if I were you I'd hop to it and ride into the to speak. You know what I mean? By George, some people aren't worth talking to, when it comes down to it. At the end of the day you'll know who your friends are. Good to hear you're doing well. But seriously, let's do lunch. Have your people contact my people.

    Hugs to you, Gary, and I'm glad you're feeling better now. High paws to Penny. :)

    1. Hi River Fairchild,

      Not being funny, but, to be completely honest, you know, you know what I mean that at this moment in time, you are the best comment, evah!!! Yes, I'm well well. Yep, let's do lunch. You get your people to contact my diva dog. It's all good.

      Hugs back atcha'! :) Penny is having a slight paws in pawceedings.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  15. First...I love the new header with baby Penny.
    I am glad you are finally starting to feel better. Woodpecker on the brain is a terrible affliction. What a miserable time you've had of it.
    People don't listen of course. I learned years ago to respond to the useless "how are you" question with "Just fine thanks and you?" even if I was dying.

    1. Hi Delores,

      Penny and I are glad you love the new header photo.

      Woody woodpecker has flown away. Stay away, Woody!

      Me too. Just for a touch of sad irony, I thought I'd try giving the actual answer to how I was. I shall stick to the old formula of, "fine, thanks". Or, "okay." Even on the way to my own funeral.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  16. That head pic is just so CUTE!!!! Something's been going around here, illness-wise, too. Everyone I know is or was or is getting sick. I hope you feel better soon!

    1. Hi JoJo,

      Penny is delighted you like her header photo. Thank you. I shall blame North America for spreading the illness :) Much better thank you. I hope you are not being subjected to any sickness.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  17. Yes, Gary. I don't even care to say how I'm REALLY doing unless I am communicating with a friend.
    It is good to know you are feeling much better.
    The new picture of the diva es adorable. Good choice, Gary.
    Take care.

    1. Hi Julia,

      Ah yes and the conversation I had was me seeing if the person was actually listening. I usually only tell a friend how I'm really feeling, mostly on an emotional level.

      Thank you and it's good to feel good.

      The diva dog thanks you kindly. And you take care of you, Julia.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  18. Glad you're back in top form! And love that new bright 'n cheery header photo!

    1. Hi Debra,

      Thank you. I hope to be in even topper form. Glad you like the header photo of a certain superstar dog! :)

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  19. How are you? is one of those asinine questions that people ask when they have nothing better to say. 90% of the time asker doesn't give a crap. Ergo, they don't really listen to the response.

    Sorry you were feeling badly. Glad things are better now!

    1. Hi Robin,

      I'm fine, thank you. How are you? Sadly, most folks couldn't give two shits how you are. Just small talk and who listens.

      Feeling much better, thank you. See you later.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  20. Penny looks so comfy and cuddly under the binki. Cody is getting old. Once in a while she dribbles too. LOL
    But the good thing is, you are feeling better.
    Take good care.

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      Penny is all snuggled up in her Mexican blanket. Any time Cody wants a dribbling contest! :)

      Thank you and I well good n'stuff.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  21. Yup. I know exactly what you're saying.

    Glad you're feeling better!

    1. Hi Misha,

      You know, you know what I'm saying? Thank you.

      And thank you for your nice thoughts.

      At this moment in time, it's time to go, at this moment in time.

      Gary :)

  22. I often get the impression that people rarely listen to what you're saying. And when they do listen, they misinterpret what you say because they're searching for hidden meanings and agendas in your words. The latter happens more frequently on the internet. Sometimes I don't care what people think, nor do I care if they listen to me or not. I'm mostly a person of few words IRL anyway. But when I do say anything it's almost always followed by "ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!"

    1. Hi Static,

      I'm listening to you. I do wonder what your hidden agenda is. You want to be one of my groupies, I reckon :)

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  23. People don't give a shit about what you have to say when you meet up with them in public. They just care about themselves. I'm glad you're better though, darlin.

    1. Hi Leeanna,

      Of course, to be honest, I give a shit. Seriously. If the truth be known, I'm totally fascinated by profile updates on Farcebook. Thanking you, darlin! :) I hope you are okay. Like, really okay :)

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  24. Sorry you were feeling so lousy, Gary. I hate speaking to people in grocery stories and usually dart down a new aisle if I think someone might be coming up to speak to me, God forbid. :D
    I also hate the phrase "at the end of the day." Even more annoying to me is "having said that," followed by blabbering.

    Love the new pic of the beautiful Miss Penny!

    1. Hi Julie,

      I appreciate your kind words, Julie. You can feel a bit trapped in a supermarket when some inane fool starts rambling on. Might try hiding behind the display of toilet paper. Or just ram them with the shopping cart! :)

      Ah yes, having said that, I to hate, at the end of the day, with a passion.

      Miss Penny thanks you.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  25. I'm glad you're feeling better. That was a lousy state you were in.

    I think people are conditioned to hear "good" or "great" when they ask that question. I only expect a long response when I'm on the phone or sitting with someone. I'd rather not hear the question after a simple hello or good morning/afternoon/evening if it's just filler material for a short conversation since the person doesn't have time to know how I'm doing.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      Thank you for that.

      How are you doing? I speak of weird irony. Yes, keep it short. Hi, how are you? Fine, thanks and you. Fine thanks.

      Gary :)

  26. I tend to not be honest when people ask me how I am. It is too much effort to tell the truth. It is easier for me to be honest here in blog world.

    The new header of Penny is perfect for this time of year. I think we all could use some tucked in a blanket time.

    1. Hi Birdie,

      This was just a bit of irony. When you tell somebody how you actually are, they may well think you said you are fine when you actually feel sick with a raging toothache for added um fun. Honest verbalisation on your blog is a powerful thing.

      Doesn't Penny look cosy. I'm trying to stay away from my duvet and head to the doorway :) Thank you, Birdie.

      Gary :)

  27. Sorry you were feeling unwell, better get that tooth looked at though! And Penny looks adorable in your header. Isn't that ridiculous to ask someone how they are and then not listen to their reply?? How rude! Almost as bad as when people say "You look terrible!" and you thought you looked alright!

    1. Hi CraveCute,

      I'm much better now, thank you. The weird thing is that where I had a toothache is where there was a tooth removed. Must have been a reminder. Penny and I are delighted you like the header photo. You look adorable, my friend.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  28. So true. People don't really care how we are. I recently said when asked how I was, 'Oh, I'm just dandy, thanks'. Thing is, at the time, I was walking on all fours and had applied lipstick to my eyebrows ...

    Hope your toothache is better soon! Oh, and love to the gorgeous Penny :)

    1. Gidday Wendy,

      I knew you would agree with this. What did you say? :) Thanks for the visual. Kinda' kinky there, Wendy!

      Toothache has subsided, thank you. Penny is all loved up from you.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  29. People are so busy thinking of what they will say next that they don't even hear what anyone else is saying. They are just waiting for us to shut up.

    1. Hi Diane,

      Exactly, they can be so impatient as the next few words in their head are ready to be released. I hope this doesn't happen to you when you do your public speaking.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

    2. Fortunately when I'm speaking, I have a captive audience! LOL

      And I meant to say I love the new header. Love the Indian blankets that are wrapped around Penny.

    3. Hi Diane,

      I reckon you capture their imagination! :)

      Duly noted and Penny thanks you. I thank you and have a nice day.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  30. Blech to feeling bad! Hope you're right as rain(whatever the heck that means) before long. Take care, and curl up in that blanket w/Penny if you need to! =)

    1. Hi Leandra,

      Blech to feeling blech! :) Another weird expression. Wrong as snow, perhaps. I shall go curl up in the blanket with Penny. Why are you growling, Penny?

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  31. Hi, Gary: I think you're correct about peeps' listening skills.

    Chocolate hugs to you and Penny!

    1. Hi Shelly,

      Sorry, what did you say? Aha and that word "peeps."

      Thanks for the chocolate, Shelly.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  32. Haha, yeah, I literally know what you're saying Gary. I don't just know, I know so on a literary level. Cuz, like, I read it and stuff. Anyway, it's totally true. That is, what you say is sometimes only partially true. But in this case, it's totally true.

    People need to stop apologizing for not posting every hour on the hour. We need more bloggers to slow it down.

    I'm commenting at nearly 1am. I hope you're asleep at 3am this time - rather than making rounds.

    Feel better, dear man.

    1. Hi Robyn.

      I literally rolled my eyes to the ceiling. Come back here, my rolling eyes :) Sometimes, well, all the time, I'm consistently, inconsistent on an irregular, regular basis n'stuff.

      Yes, why do they apologise for not posting. Do they think that their blogs are vital to our lives? I do chuckle over it all. Actually, truly, really, I find it hard enough to keep up without people blogging every five minutes. Do I care they had a cup of coffee, or a dump, or a Happy Meal at McDonald's? Um no!

      I'm commenting at two thirty in the morning. Being time zones n'stuff, that makes it six thirty in the evening where you are. Of course, if you read this comment, I have no idea what time you are reading it, if you read it.

      I should maybe start giving a collective thank you on my blog and spend more time doing the rounds. I'm very lucky to have so much interaction. Even though it can be time consuming to give back the personal touch. Sorry, I'm rambling.

      I'm feeling peachy keen, thank you. Hope you are real well, n'stuff! :)

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :) x

    2. Hi, Gary,
      It's literally 11:51pm as I read this. Not such an outrageous hour. So perhaps it's fairly early morn there. In that case, have a very nice Friday.
      I'm glad you're well.
      Yes, I know what you're saying.
      PS About what?
      PPS It doesn't matter what it's about. And your very personal touch on your blog is super nice and the reason your following is growing quickly. (Really, it's literally taken me nearly 5 years of blogging to get where I'm at.) On the other hand, I've started doing more collective thank yous. People would rather see me visit them (I figure) and aren't so likely to return to read my response to their response. But you've spoiled us. So the masses might protest if you start doing that - in which case you can point the finger (a finger of your choosing) West and say it was my fault.

      Okay, enough rambling.
      Hugs and good thoughts, always.

    3. Hi Robyn,

      Welcome back! :) It's now Saturday evening, almost nine. I still have put up another posting because of my reply comments. Gosh, does the blogging world care....Of course it doesn't or does or whatever n'stuff.

      Glad you know what I'm saying. You know what I mean? You know? You know what? I don't know what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying?

      To be honest, my blog is on the verge of becoming seven years old. I don't have that many followers. You have way more than me. Not like I keep track or sob uncontrollably! :)

      I think you you might well me right. I spend so much time give detailed comments back that perhaps I should do some group thank yous and spend more time dazzling with my um, award winning comments. I'm in such a dilemma.

      Your rambling is appreciated. Thanks for sharing. Great comment!

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :) x

  33. Eww on the flu. It has made it's way around my house. Hoping you feel better real soon. I sometimes think that people are so engrossed in themselves and their lives that they don't often hear. I have a boss like that. I have never called in sick. I'll go to work and if it isn't working out- at least I tried. I know that whenever I've went in sick the boss lady within 5 minutes has the same symptoms plus about a hundred more. That really gets on my nerves more than the no concern over how I am feeling. Take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon!

    1. Hi Gossip_Grl,

      I hope the flu has flown out of your house completely. What an insensitive boss. Yes, no matter how ill you are, no gratitude for actually showing up. Just a boss lady who will outdo you when it comes to feeling ill. I hate folks like that.

      I am getting better, thank you. And that flu around your house. Make sure it flies far, far away.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  34. "Once again, notice I don't apologise for not posting much lately. I really do get a chuckle out of those who apologise for not posting." - you do know that by writing this you are subconsciously apologising for not posting right? Hahahaha.
    Hope you pick up soon my dear :) x

    1. Hi Michelle,

      To be totally, completely honest, my dear friend, I truly do find it amusing that folks apologise for not doing a posting. Almost like they are that important to me that I give a crap when they don't post. I will apologise for actually doing a posting. I shall now giggle like a lunatic and roll about on the floor. Aha an ha ha! :)

      I shall pick up something, no doubt. Hope all is well with you, eh.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  35. I do know what you're saying, and that phrase reminded me of my mother's uncle by marriage who said, "Do you get the point?" at the end of every other sentence that came out of his mouth. We did get the point, and we often wanted to give him the points of our boots in response. It also reminded me of an old woman named Lucy who would say not "You know what I mean?" (a question) but "You know what I mean!" (a statement), and yes, we did know what she meant and we also wished she didn't need our constant emotional support to buttress her insecurities.

    Penny looks adorable, and I trust you do too.

    You know what I'm saying?

    1. Hi rhymeswithplague,

      I certainly got your point, or points in your comment. You've hit the nail on the head with your comment. I think that folks may often um and um, use overused expressions as filler instead of taking a breath and um, continuing on with something different, after a pause.

      Penny is adorable and I'm half as adorable as her. I'm rather jealous of her floppy ears.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  36. LOL glad you are well? Well if that is well then I would hate to see NOT well. I am glad that you are beginning to feel better. Toothaches suck. Oh, and your description of "wandering into the supermarket in a zombie-like state, mouth drooling" sounds like me ten years ago while I was in college after one of my drinking binges!

    1. Hi Keith,

      Well, I never. Yes, the zombie has just about left. Was that you in the supermarket reliving your college binge drinking days? LOL

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  37. I like "well could be worse" to my question of "how are you today?" LOL!

    Awww Gary - how are you today? Seriously - hope in less pain. Toothache is the worst, though. Gargling with warm salty water helps. Really and truly!!! But you have to do this a few times in the day. :-)

    LOVE gorgeous Penny all wrapped up cosy as your new blog header pic! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,

      How are you today? Never one to complain! :) Things could be worse, couldn't they...

      Um, to be honest, I'm much better now. The toothache has gone. Although I might just go and dribble some warm salty water :)

      The adorable Penny, all cosy n'stuff. And hey, you take care. You hear?

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  38. Truly, people don't listen. I often use the phrase "singing from the same spreadsheet" and I've only had one person laugh! Everyone else assumes that I'm saying "singing from the same hymnsheet"! People hear what they want or expect to hear.

    I'm sorry you've been so poorly and I do hope you're feeling better now.

    1. Hi fairyhedgehog,

      You prove a point. I think we're singing from the same hymn sheet, um, spreadsheet :)

      Thank you and I'm much better. Hope you are okay, my friend.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  39. Wow. With all those maladies, you'd think the person would've caught one of them! People are just stuck in their own worlds. Hope you're feeling better!

    1. Hi Sherry,

      No melody in the malady. Come to think of it, I noticed a lot of zombies in the supermarket. Yes, people are in their own little worlds. I'm much better, thank you. Hope you are okay.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  40. Hi Pat in the Hatt,

    It sucks a ton. Aint no fun. How are you, Pat. How is your rhyming cat?

    You know what I'm saying?

    Gary :)

  41. I hope you're feeling better.

    I have a book recommendation for Penny if she enjoys mysteries. It's called The Chet and Bernie Mystery series, and it's written by a detective dog. I quite enjoyed the first one in the series, Dog On It.

    1. Hi Christine,

      Thank you, I am.

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, acclaimed pawblisher, shall check it out. I wonder if it's anything like her upcoming book, "My First Bark."

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  42. Sorry that you had a double whammy of the flu, and a terrible toothache to boot. I hope that you make a complete recovery soon. I also get annoyed with the phony " how are you's," especially from phone solicitors. Another one of my pet peeves is constantly hearing, " have a nice day." Take care of yourself, Gary!


    1. Hi Julie,

      Double whammy, indeed. I seemed to have recovered, thank you. My drooling is back to normal :) Ah yes, "have a nice day!" To which I might reply, "don't tell me what kind of day to have!" :)

      You take care, okay?

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  43. Hey, Gary,

    Bummer. Flu and a toothache. Man you're starting the year off terribly. BUT there is a can only get better. And I find, in my infinite wisdom (HA!), starting out the year with and illness, turns into a very good year for the intended.

    SO, hang in there.

    I had to laugh at your conversation. Sad but true. People DON'T LISTEN. They are to wrapped up in their own worlds.

    Hope your health is continuing...

    1. Hi Michael,

      Bummer, for sure, my friend. Things can only get better. Your wisdom is beyond infinite. Is that possible....A very good year to all of us, I certainly hope.

      I'm hanging upside down.

      Sorry, what did you type? LOL

      Thank you for your kind words, good sir.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  44. So sorry you had such pain last week, and SO glad you're feeling better now. It is SO true that people ask as a habit more than actually wanting to know how you are. Happens all the time here in the southern US. Sometimes people really do want to know, but those show themselves right away. They ARE the honest ones and I love them. The others, well, all I can say is I hope they wake up and smell the proverbial roses, because otherwise they are missing out on not only kindness toward others, but also some really great stories! Last week was a total bummer for me as well. Another loss in the family. Sigh. The only thing I can say is, last year when my father passed, ten days later a baby girl was born into our family. Her birth really helped me in my grief. Last week, my uncle died very very suddenly and another young lady in our family is ready to give birth any moment to another baby girl. The circle of life in all it's glory. I am very sad, but also very thankful... Hugs to you Gary, Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Thank you and I'm getting better all the time. Some folks use questions about how you are as just filler. Not really bothered and don't really hear the response. Of course, there are those beautiful, caring exceptions that sincerely do care about your well being. Human interaction can teach us many lessons about each other.

      I know, dear lady, that you have been experiencing an extreme of emotions. And with the sad and reflective losses, comes the circle of inspired joy. You are a treasure, Lisa. Sincerely, I send you my warmest of positive wishes.

      Take care of you and your loved ones, my kind friend.


  45. Hope you're feeling better Gary or was Penny sick? Am I not listening to this or am I reading this wrong? Doggy dentist? Human toothache? Oh my.... Reading is harder than listening. LOL

    1. Hi Suzy, um hi Eve,

      It was the hedgehog that got sick. A bit of a prickly situation. Canine has canine capers. Sorry, I couldn't hear you. How are things in Antarctica?

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  46. You speak to folk in supermarkets . . . . . . . . . . WOW. They scare me silly (supermarkets not people . . . . . OK both)

    1. Hi Rob,

      I go to supermarkets and sing, "Aisle be there....."

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  47. Know whutta' mean, Verne?

    Yes, people often don't listen, even when they've asked a question. I try to always look people in the eye and ask the question, then hold the eye contact until the end so they know I actually want to know the answer. People have thanked me for that before, which means they really must not get it much. :(

    1. Hi Shannon,

      Hey Verne! It's Ernest!

      Eye contact is good. I bet you note some of them have shifty eyes. Over here....and over there....

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  48. As a social worker, one of the first lessons we learn is "never ask anybody how their day is or how they are feeling unless we have the time to listen, and reply."

    I'm working on never asking "how's it going" also.

    Old tongue in cheek habits, ya know?


    1. Hi Donna,

      As a qualified mental health counsellor, I would ask folks how things were going. The mental health charity I worked for said that "feelings weren't facts." Weird, huh.

      How's it goin', eh.

      My tongue was place firmly in my cheek in this posting :) Not good for a toothache.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  49. I'm sorry...did you say something?? I mean, write something?

    sorry about the aches and pains. although, you should have played it up with the drooling. a great reaction is worth a million laughs and bucks!

    your welcome for this non-skimmed reader of a comment
    sincerely, tammy -t-

    1. Hey Tammy,

      Is that you? Good to note you still don't know how to use capital letters that much.

      If I played it up with the drooling, I'd probably got my own reality TV show.

      A non-skimmed comment, to be honest?

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  50. Love the new header photo, Penny looks so snug and warm in there.
    Sorry to hear you've had toothache, it's the worst type of pain there is.
    I was often asked by my supervisor how I was, but when I told her truthfully she'd say, "no-one wants to hear that", so I'd say, "well don't ask then." I guess all she wanted to hear was "I'm fine".

    1. Hi River,

      Penny and I are delighted you like the header photo. Thank you.

      Thank goodness the toothache has gone. It really is agony.

      Your boss couldn't be bothered with the truth. Might be different in reverse.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  51. Hi Gary - I certainly know what you implied to said fellow shopper! Sometimes one just wants to be left in peace - then the idiots start knocking ... and I cannot wait to get away ... I just hope you feel somewhat less grotty now! And that your son and diva dog got something reasonable to eat - in the scheme of things ... ?! I must say diva dog looks pretty snug in her rugs ...

    Cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      A lot of it is just idle chit chat. I could barely speak and just wanted to get the heck back out of the store, The grotty feeling has almost gone away, thank you. The son and the dog were well fed. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep. Penny sure does look cosy in that photo. The siesta dog.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  52. An amusing post!

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

    1. Hi Andrew,

      Was it an amusing post? Thanks and nice to see you making the rounds.

      Thank you, dear Andrew. Hugs and bye....

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  53. People who do that are as annoying as people you comment on really sad posts with, "Love your post! :) "

    Ugh...did you read none of it?!

    But anyhow, excellent post!! :)
    *Just had to be a snot and go there!

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      I hear what you're saying. That's proof they haven't actually read your post. At least they could of picked up on a key sentence. Cynically, some are just trying to get you to become a follower.

      Great comment! Thanks for sharing!

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  54. First you are so brave to shop while drooling, dribbling and slurring. I'd get picked up and put into the detox center.

    Second I am bestowing the "I Am Totally Honest, Honest" award for you to wear in public. That way people will never ask you banal questions like, "How are you?" They'll be afraid you'll actually TELL them.

    Hope you had chewy treats on your list for that Superstar you live with. I'm sure she loves you drool and all.

    1. Hi Lee,

      Why thank you for thinking I'm brave. Although, drooling, dribbling and slurring is quite a common thing in this lil' ol' town. A strange bunch. Your detox centre is actually a blog hop detox centre.

      That award, to be totally honest, honest, is something I will cherish. Yes, wouldn't want to shock the with an honest reply. To be honest.

      Chewy treats were, to be honest, at the top of the list. Now that the toothache has gone, I ended up eating the chewy treats. I shall drool on the dawg. She'd like that.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  55. Yessssss. Gary, YES.

    It's actually one of my things to be honest when asked how I'm doing. I usually reply, "Pretty crappy actually." or "Ya know. Doing the best I can." ... BUT... I do it with a smile. So... that usually causes confusion. ;)

    And I laugh at those "sorry I haven't posted in a while" posts too... I hope I've never done one... I think I'm clean though...

    And Gary, it stinks to be in pain. It really does. It changes a person, I think. But it's a rare person who can use it to create something meaningful and entertaining. Thanks to YOU for this and I hope you continue to FEEL BETTER!!!

    1. Hey Morgan,

      You acting out that, When Harry met Sally, scene? LOL

      I'm into confusion. Add, "other than the fact I'm dying right in front of you, I'm fine, thanks." That's nice :)

      I don't think you have ever, to my knowledge, apologised for not posting.. I know they mean well. However, do I really care? Maybe not. It's funny and somewhat arrogant.

      Thank you for your kind thoughts. I do try to have a laugh about being ill. I appreciate what you've said. My apologies for not posting much lately! :)

      Gary :)

  56. Boy I know how you feel. Most of my friends and family feel the same way only without the tooth ache. We just blame it on the freezing cold weather.

    1. Hi Lady Lilith,

      The crap weather certainly doesn't help. I wouldn't want to have chewed on some ice and snow with that toothache. Especially yellow snow.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  57. Perfect! I once ordered iced tea and fries at a drive thru. The idiot said, "Do you want fries with that?" No one listens. Glad your toothache is gone.

    1. Hi Carol,

      A fine example you have mentioned. I'm surprised the idiot didn't ask if you wanted iced tea and fries. Toothache all gone, Yay! :)

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  58. LOL. At the end of the day... That must be a UK thing. I'm so glad you're human again rather than a zombie-like creature. Your poetic presence has definitely been missed.

    1. Hi Crystal,

      At the end of the day and quite worryingly, that expression is becoming more frequent in North America. Help me, y'all. Human might be a bit of an exaggeration :) I shall ask Penny to do some pawetry :)

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  59. I hear ya, babe!
    Kisssssssss for Penny!! Xxxx

    1. Hi Kim,

      Do you? I hear you, my lovely friend.

      Penny has made sure you are on our blog roll. She still wonders why she isn't on the list of blogs you follow :)

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  60. So, we have you lot to blame for "the end of the day?"
    And Canada to blame for Justin Beiber?
    Well, we have the Kardashians and aren't afraid to use them.

    1. Hi Al,

      At the end of the day, it's all Britain's fault, at the end of the day. Of course, you sent us that awful, "have a nice day!". Justin Bieber, in between time in jail, is going to be sent to America on a permanent basis. Eh and y'all. Kim and the gang are even known over here, shudder and giggle.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  61. Flu is crap. Toothache is crap. Grocery shopping is crap. Under the circumstances, I think you behaved very well. And why do people apologise for not posting on their blog? Is it homework?

    I hope that the flu is gone, the toothache is gone and that a team of shopping fairies descend on you with a cart of loo roll, a box of hobnobs and a full body massage. You deserve it!

    (The massage is for the Modest Internet Star, not you)

    1. Hi Rhissanna,

      It was all crap. How I even got to the supermarket is beyond me. I wish I had a clone. Some people apologise for not posting because they think we might find it vitally important that they post up on a regular basis. I would never dream of apologising for not posting. I'm nothing special :)

      The flu is all gone. The toothache is gone. Thank you for your kind words. Knowing my luck, the shopping fairies cover me in loo roll and hobknobs.

      Penny deserves a massage. Poor thing! :)

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

    2. You are special! You look after Penny, the Modest Internet Star. That's influence and honour enough for one man.

    3. That's very kind of you, Rhissanna. Thank you. Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar will be looked after and cuddled :) I'm blessed that Penny so kindly allows me to live with her.

      You are a marvel, my friend.


  62. When I get that question, I take off my classes so they can see the purple shadows resulting from a migraine. my answer? "Actually I feel pretty awful. How 'bout you?"

    Hola, Penny. Como esta, perro? Infermo? Lo siento.

    1. Hi Susan,

      The purple shadows should be a bit of a clue. Then again, they might not actually look or listen to your answer.

      He estado enfermo como un perro, o loro, como dicen en Gran Bretaña.

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  63. Replies
    1. Hi Carol in Cairns,

      133 comments and oh yeah, there's that overused expression, OMG! :) Don't let the total fool you. It's double and I have posted in over a week, according to your time zone. Strewth! Crikey!

      You know what I'm saying?

      Gary :)

  64. I pref "Dear Lord!" So here it comes: 133 comments? Dear Lord!
    How's life, Gary? You haven't forgotten about Naughty Blue, now have you? I was out of order for half a year, but it takes more than temporal blindness to get rid of me, right? How's life?

  65. It's the return of the Blue Dumpster,

    Hi there, Blue. Nice to see you. This be true. 137 replies. How very wise. Oh My God and a giggle, works for me. It's what they say on all those reality TV shows.

    Life is just great, mate. Shall check you out. Glad to have you back on track.

    You know what I'm saying?

    Gary :)

    1. I know what you're saying. And I hear you too. The Return of the Blue Dumpster.... do you reckon Lucas might be interested? It's got a ring to it.

    2. Aha, Blue dude,

      At this moment in time, the return of the Blue Grumpster is certainly, bordering on a welcome experience :) Lucas will be contacting you, as we speak. Having said that, I'm going know. You know what I mean?

      Gary :)

  66. Yes, I know what you're saying. Here's hoping you continue to be on the mend, and dealing with good health from here on out, Gary :)

    1. Hi M.J.,

      Oh you know and um you know what I'm saying, you know n'stuff. I shall continue to be on the mend, my friend. Healthy thinking certainly helps.

      Thank you for your thoughtful words.

      You know what I'm saying? Yes you do :)

      Gary :)

  67. -chuckle- Can't believe it's taken me this long to find your utterly delightful blog. I relate to your sense of humour and, your sense of justice and what's fair. I look forward to exploring your (and Penny's) blog further.

    1. G'day, Rose ~ from Oz,

      How very nice of you to say. I'm heartened to know you think this blog is utterly delightful. Of course, the real superstar of this site is Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

      Lovely to make your acquaintance. I shall come over and visit your site. Strewth! :)

      Gary :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.