
Wednesday 14 August 2013

Send In The Clones.

I need some clones, please. Even with the help of Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, I'm struggling to keep up.

Been going on a tour that is the irony of ironies and I keep noticing a photo of myself all over the internet.  In the meantime, while I go searching for some clone-type help, I shall leave you with a short posting.
Yes that bummer, butt oh so important question I've posed before.  When I say "posed" as in asked the question.  The toilet paper this way?  
Or this way?
Or oops!  I really need some clones right about now!

While you're contemplating such important questions.  I shall leave you with the theme music to "Jeopardy!"    See ya and this posting has reached the bottom, so to speak.....


  1. You're in luck - I have a clone machine!
    Glad you enjoyed seeing your mug everywhere (as much as you could, of course) and understand that a lot of friendship and honor went into our posts.

    1. Hi Alex,

      Yes, that was a subtle cry for help from you. I need to have you clone your clone machine.

      Seeing my mug all over the place was a nice, thoughtful gesture. And yes, beyond the irony, was the friendship we all share. That is an honour and thank you, kind sir.

      Gary :)

  2. Yes, he have the clone machine. The only one that works at this time. Dragon had one but it blew up because of Mark Koopman's fault, hahahha. If you were to wait for it to be repaired, your legs would go numbed waiting in that toilet. Don't recommend it. :)

    1. Hi Al,

      I would anxiously wait for the repair of your clone machine. Numb legs might well be worth it. I think Mark Koopman should take the blame for a number of things lately :)

      Thank you, Al.

      Gary :)

    2. Mr. Koopmans

      Yes, I added the "s" at the end. As in your surname.

      Gary :)

  3. Do you remember back in the 60's when toilet paper was decorated? If you unrolled it to the back, you couldn't see the pretty checks or birdies. So it HAD to be rolled OVER the top and outward. That's how I know the CORRECT way. So there.

    I'm outta here. Got the runs. I mean, I've gotta run.

    1. Hi lotta joy,

      Would I remember the 60's? I think I'll go to the can and try to remember. I think there you to be toilet paper with crossword puzzles. Thanks for your over the top response!

      I've heard that "diarrhoea" (English smelling, um spelling) runs in the family....

      Gary :)

  4. Have you been on a . . . a . . . blog hop, LOL? And re the crucial TP issue, all decent, right-minded people know that the proper way is for the paper to come over the top and down the front of the roll. Only barbarians and heathens put it the other way.

    1. Hi Debra,

      I stalked a a bunch of folks who had a weird fascination with Mexican jumping beans, rabbits, kangaroos, toads, frogs and the Slinky. TP or not TP. I can assume you're an over the top and down the front, type of lady. As in toilet paper, eh! LOL

      What's this? lotta cheering Debra over her TP preferences.

      Thanks for sharing, Debra and lotta.

      Gary :)

  5. As indecisive fence sitters (I said sitters) our two toilets have the paper arranged differently. And there are issues worth getting het up about and others about which I don't give a ...

    1. Hi Sue,

      Would I s*it on the fence? Why not. I think your two toilets and the way the butt wipe is placed, has created a natural balance in your home.

      Yes, there are um tissues that are important and others that are evidently, recycled tissues. Oh my...

      Gary :)

  6. When you're done with the clone machine, could you send them my way?

    You know the last two toilet paper situations make my husband nuts. Me? As long as there is paper within arm's length, I'm content.

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      I'm still waiting for the clone machine. Maybe somebody could clone the clone machine. Alex? Al?

      The toilet paper makes your husband's nuts? Ignore that. Okay, I'm sending you over a British newspaper of your choice.

      Gary :)

  7. Let's get this over with. Why under of course. For your next post, I hope you will discuss one-ply versus two-ply. The bowl will runneth over if you add three-ply to the mix! Oh no this Gary Fest has really left me flushed!


    1. Hi Julie,

      Ah yes, one, two and three-ply paper. Three-ply paper equals plunger or plumber. The Gary Pest has brought out your puns and I shall double flush in your honour or honor, sorry English smell check, um spell check.

      Gary :)

  8. Well isn't that the age old question! Over the top I'd say or what about those places that insist on folding the ends into a triangle. Still either way is better than that scratchy stuff of times gone by! I'll pop and check the local small ads for any second hand clone machines for you!

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      A question that goes back even before those days when British toilet paper seemed more like waxed paper. Folding the ends into a triangle. I'm going to give those napkins on the tables at the restaurant a closer inspection. If you see any second hand or third hand clone machines, I would be eternally grateful to you.

      Gary :)

  9. I've always preferred to have it under, that way you get more of a rolling action without the toilet paper breaking off. I do like a good wipe n swipe.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      A vote for it under and up against the wall....Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar prefers it that way. Easier for her to spread all over the toilet floor. The toilet paper that is.

      Gary :)

  10. i am tired and in need of a clone, my post today is about clones... really "great minds thinking" means stuff blows up... up and over, instead of under and behind.. there is a joke there to add to the great toilet paper debate of 2013.

    1. Hi Jeremy,

      We should get a clone to do our posts about clones. Great clone minds thinking alike, which would make sense, I guess. Up and over and away you go. Under and behind and then you wipe out. The ass wipe debate continues unabated, thanks to you, good sir. Send in the clones.

      Gary :)

  11. You the blog hop hater? I am surprised at you :))))...I'm joking Gary, congrats on being out there :)...You're one of the best I know :)>

    1. Dear Petronela,

      First of all, congrats on getting married. Of course, I'm devastated. I thought we were getting married! LOL Yes, I hate all those flipping, hippety, hoppety farce fests.

      Thanks for your nice words. I'm out there....way out there...


      Gary :)

  12. always forward, and onward and upward?

    1. Hi Ray,

      That sounds like having a crap in space :) What was that floating by....

      Thanks, Ray.

      Gary :)

  13. I prefer "over" to "under" and I'm not just talking about toilet paper....

    1. Hi rhymeswithplague,

      Yes, I made that mistake while attempting the limbo.

      Gary :)

  14. What is that thin white paper about which you write and show? I've never seen anything like it. Technology.

    M.L. Swift, Writer a.k.a., "Stinky"

    1. Hi M.L Swift,

      I shall make this swift. That paper you see is recycled British butt wipe. Yes, I shuddered at the thought, also.

      A stinky, linky that leads to a Fart Fest Blogfest?

      Gary :)

  15. I definitely say over the top Gary...under is just plain wrong. How about YOU??

    1. Hi Keith,

      I always figured you were an over the top kinda guy. Not like I think about it that much. I alternate because I like to variate my life. No ifs ands or butts...

      Gary :)

  16. So like a dog not to be able to help a lot haha #1 for us

    1. Hi Pat,

      Or is it the rhyming cat? The dog had done plenty for me. All a cat does is take a pee.

      Gary :)

  17. You've been everywhere lately Gary.
    Over/under...who cares as long as the roll isn't empty.

    1. Amen, Sister Delores, amen.

      (This reply, sponsored in part, by CHARMIN ultra soft Bog Roll.)

    2. Hi Delores,

      I've been everywhere...and then some.
      Rock n'toilet roll. I don't care and that cupboard is mighty painful.

      Thanks, Delores.

      Gary :)

      Mr. Koopmans,

      I'm glad you have decided to butt in. Bog Roll. Blog Roll. Don't you be a squeezin' da CHARMIN! :)

  18. I myself prefer under. It better with a cheap roll when you're broke. When I gave a little extra to spend, I'll attempt the over with good quality paper. Still, its not the same.


    1. Hi Madison,

      You know things are good when you have the luxury paper and you go over the top. I wont mention about liberating some toilet paper from a public toilet. Nah....

      Gary :)

  19. It's the problems of popularity that make me appreciate the fact I have an unpopular blog.

    I wish you well looking for clones . . . . .and the answer is clockwise

    1. Hi Rob,

      Popular? Nah, I just got lucky or unlucky. Yes, it's hard work commenting back and then going to everybody who commented here and a whole bunch more. Your blog is not unpopular. It's not that well known.

      We need the clones and we need them now. Clockwise is good. Time for me to go. Take care, good sir.

      Gary :)

  20. It's been fun seeing your mug everywhere, Gary! And I have to go with the second choice for the toilet paper, but it's a tough call.

    1. Hi Julie Flanders,

      Thanks, although Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar got rather tired of seeing my mug. A vote for photo number two. Yes, it can be a tough decision.

      Gary :)

  21. I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your blogosphere-wide salute.

    As for t.p., my hubby prefers over, and I prefer under, but neither of us give a good diddle, so whoever hangs it gets to pick. As long as it's there, who cares? On second thought, our cats maybe. They prefer over, too. (MUCH easier to unroll and shred the whole darned roll that way.)

    1. Hi Susan,

      Oh yes and I've not recovered from such plaudits. I was thinking of a salute back! :)

      A democratic toilet roll hanging. I thinks that's good and a diddle while you piddle. Yes, cats do like to unroll toilet paper and you find shreds through the entire house. No, I wont mention that Penny has done such a thing. Or mention she's destroyed a roll of toilet paper before it even made it to the hanger.

      Gary :)

  22. I enjoyed the postings with your photo decorating the bloggie world. I didn't participate this time. The closest I came to that hop was your Thursday video dedication a couple weeks back. The pressure to hop was just too much and I opted out, but I still think you're Tops.

    As for the all-important TP question, I prefer over. Under actually annoys me. Who'd a thunk it???

    1. Hi Robin,

      Thank you and maybe I should use my photo as my desktop background. Oh no! Your video dedications are most appreciated. That's when I can get the videos to load :) Now you know one of the reasons I don't get involved in all those blogging festivals of farce. I don't need such pressure. I must try and visit your blog shortly.

      I can understand that under might not be pleasing to your eye. I can certainly thunk that.

      Gary :)

  23. I *KNEW* Alex had a clone machine... he's been denying it for months!

    I can't imagine what it'd be like to have my face posted everywhere on blogosphere... I'm glad it's you and not me!

    And I wish I was one of those clever commenters like Swift or Koopmans who can come up with witty rapport... but I wasn't given that gift. Hopefully I can make it up with my exclamation point and smiley face usage. ;-)

    1. Yo Shamy :)

      Dude, you're the designer of the GaryFest button, and I think it's been awesome to see your work out there :)

    2. Hi Morgan,

      It has to have a clone machine. There is no other explanation. How else could he leave a comment before I published my posting? LOL

      Thanks for a great idea. Time for your photo to be posted all over blogsville. Yay to the "ShamyFest"!

      This Swift dude loves to rejoice in irony. I like that. Don't you worry. You have the gift of being a thoroughly decent lady who is witty and can out exclamation mark and out smiley face! :) any of them. Speaking of Koopmans, I see he is at the 'bottom' of your comment. He makes a compliment about your button. He is a nice man. He might be a clone. Hello Mark and hello Mark and hello....

      Thank you, Morgan.

      Gary :)

    3. Hahahaha!!!!

      I never thought of Mark being a clone before... but it strangely makes sense... of course I might be one too...

    4. Hello, hello, Morgan, Morgan,

      The clones are cloning. The clones are cloning. The clo...

    5. LOL! You know, I NEVER go back to blogs to read if there are further comments, so this is a first for me. And this is the second time I've laughed my real laugh today. Too funny. :D

    6. Greetings human Morgan,

      My idiotic alleged human, Gary, is off searching for that cloning machine or clones and hopefully, doggy treats. Doggy treats for me. Then again, I did notice him eyeing my last doggy treats.

      Thanks for yet another return to this site. The comments are better than my human's postings!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

    7. Ah, Morgan!

      Arf! Arf! :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  24. I love looking at your mug shot. Don't knock it. Even jeopardy music has a danceable beat. I never listen to words.... just feel the beat.

    I like over...Why? because when I ran the B&B I thought it just looked more classy to fold that last sheet into 2 little points. But, over, under, who cares, just as long as there is paper available. Haha

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      Ah yes, my Magnum PI mug shot! :) "What is...Jeopardy!"?

      An over the top type of gal. No paper at your B&B would have been a bit of a disaster. Missing napkins at the breakfast table....

      Gary :)

  25. I prefere the way it is in the first picture.

    1. Hi Dizzy-Dick,

      An over the top and watch it drop, dude. Thanks for voting, my good buddy.

      Gary :)

  26. You rocked BloggyVillle yesterday. Sounds like you're "on a roll" Gary!
    I'm not too sure about the direction... over or under... besides the etiquette in fancy shmancy places like hotels etc., do people really care?
    Writer In Transit

    1. *That* was funny ;)

      (This reply sponsored by Kleenex, butt I have nothing else to say...)

    2. Hi Michelle,

      I rocked BloggyVille? Even more irony :) Very good, I'm "on a roll". Flushed with success. I have no turds to express my gratitude.

      Evidently, hotels etc. place it a certain way, I forgot which way, because less butt wipe is used. I care. Then again, maybe I should wipe the slate clean and start all over again.

      Gary :)

    3. Mr.(clone) Koopmans,

      You is also funny n'stuff.

      I will not take um tissue with you being sponsored by Kleenex! :)

  27. There is a clone machine at the movie theater nearby. A person goes in and feed some money to the slot. A few minutes later the clone comes out, but the original person disappears. I am hesitant, Gary.

    As for T.P., the roller broke some time back, so now it is a manual business.

    1. Hi Susan Kane,

      I think the clone machine at the movie theatre is a remake or a sequel. I would be very careful at that theatre.

      Sorry to hear about your broken roller. Although using your hands...ah yeah...

      Gary :)

  28. over or under I swing either way
    variety if the spice so they say

    1. Hi Kerrie,

      Lovely to see you again.

      Over or under
      Never a blunder
      Go with the flow
      Don't you know.

      Gary :)

    2. my day is better now :-)

    3. Hey Kerrie,

      It really heartens me when your day gets better. You are a special lady :)

      Have a lovely Sunday.

      Gary :)

  29. Ours sit on a pole so.........sounds painful or involving cruelty to foreigners eh? :P

    1. Hi Michelle,

      I see your point. It be on a pole. Painful indeed and Tesco may well be interested.

      Gary :)

  30. I'm a behind the roll kinda guy.
    Sorry I missed things lately.
    It's pretty bad when you're too lazy to do an anti-blog fest blog fest.

    1. Hi Mr. Penwasser,

      The roll behind.
      You didn't miss much.
      I think it's good you couldn't be bothered with an anti-blogfest, blogfest. I don't think you deserve a bum rap for that.

      Gary :)

  31. Over, always over!!! That's what we were taught when I chambermaided, that way you could fold it into a point.

    1. Hi JoJo,

      I shall make sure it's over and over. I understand your point.

      Gary :)

  32. if only we, like penny, didnt need tp at all!

    ive seen the clones. which is the real gary?!

    1. Hi Tara,

      If only we were like our animal friends. Save a fortune in toilet paper. I think Penny's butt slams shut. Not like I watch, of course...

      The real Gary is not typing this. This is a ten minute rental of a clone machine.

      Not Gary :)

  33. I just wipe....I could care less how it "hangs" lol!

    1. Hi Caren,

      Wipe out! Of course, us guys do care how it hangs! :)

      Gary :)

  34. Two hands and two paws not enough?

    I'm picky - the TP has to be the way shown in the first photo.

    1. Hi Diane,

      I'll have two paws and think about that.

      You be over the top then.

      Gary :)

  35. Hey, if you cloned yourself you'd have all the time you needed to participate in multiple bloghops, right?

    (ducks and runs!)

    Take care, my friend :D

    1. Hi Mark Means well,

      What a great idea, not!

      Ducks with diarrhoea?

      Bottoms up.

      Gary :)

  36. Toilet paper need to come OVER the roll, and hang down in front. Not that there's any chance of it being done the wrong way around one else seems to understand the technology behind putting a new roll on...
    Glad you sorta kinda maybe enjoyed our tribute to you. I gotta say, it was my first time hosting a bloghop (or actually, maybe not since it was an anti-blog hop hop...sheesh...I'm tired from reading 50+ blogs in one day...)
    The point is we like you, we really, really like you!
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Oh, I did not know that!! THANKS, Tina and I'm so glad you offered to co-host with me, Robyn, Morg and Clonenaugh :)

    2. Hi Tina,

      Thanks for unravelling the situation. Over the top and hang it down. Perhaps picture number three is a bit of an occurrence in your bathroom.

      I was delirious with euphoric delight over that hippety hoppety when will it stoppety festival of fun-filled, frolicky farce :) I got exhausted from checking out all who actually did the anti-whatcha-ma-call-it. Some of the links didn't work. Gosh. I bet you could really get into hosting all those things. A host from A to Z.

      Help and thanks. I'm turning into Sally Field!

      Gary :)

    3. Hello Mr. Koopmans,

      Tina can teach you lots of stuff. To think, she was persuaded after much pleading by you, no doubt, to be a co-host.

      Life is gooder n'stuff!

      Gary :)

  37. I've seen you everywhere lately, Gary.
    How is that possible? You are more popular than... I am out of ideas.

    The toilet paper looks good in both pictures. As long as there's paper I don't care.

    Stay well and give a huge hug to the modest internet superstar, my favorite one, Penny.

    1. Hi Julia,

      Sorry about that! :)
      The magic of the internet seems to have made my mug show up in the most unlikely of places. In my wildest dreams, I was as popular as Penny.

      Over or under as long as there's some to put over or under. That's a good thought.

      I shall duly give Penny a huge hug on your behalf, Julia. Thank you and may you have a peaceful day.

      Gary :)

  38. Thanks to Jeremy I got to visit this blog. I'm one of those psychos who needs the paper rolling forward.

    1. Hi Maurice,

      Pleased to meet you. Ah Jeremy who maybe looking for a retro-clone. A rolling forward psycho. I like that idea. Thanks, Maurice.

      Gary :)

  39. Does it matter how it hangs? It all gets wiped on and flushed. (But I do prefer it rolling forward) :0)

    1. Hi Sherry,

      Being a dude, yes it does! LOL Rolling forward. Another vote for rolling forward. Thank you, Sherry.

      Gary :)

  40. I liked seeing your mug all over the Bloggersphere this week. The participants did you proud. I was away on vacation and could not add to the anti-blogfest blogfest, but I so enjoyed reading all the funny posts.

    I am an over the top type woman (when it comes to toilet paper, that is)

    1. Hi Arleen,

      Thanks and perhaps I could start selling souvenir collector mugs with my mug emblazoned on them. The participants did a grand job of irony. Bless them and their cotton socks ) Hope you enjoyed your vacation. I wish I'd be on vacation.

      Thanks for sharing your position. On toilet paper, of course.

      Gary :)

  41. The titles for the fest were hilariously disturbing and lots of fun :) So is this question. At work, it's a very heated debate. I'm on the 'over the top' side of things. Hope your week is going well :)

    1. Hi The Words Crafter,

      The titles and the fest were hilariously disturbing in a fun way. Oh yeah, it keeps folks busy :) And now this is the debate at workplaces all over the world. Another vote for over the top. Pretty overwhelming. My week is looking forward to the weekend, thank you. Hope all is well with you.

      Gary :)

  42. It was a fun 'fest, and nope, the irony wasn't lost on me. :)

    A friend of mine said that she thought people who put toilet rolls a certain way (I can't remember which way now) were possessed or had no souls or something. She was kidding but she did think those people were weird. I told her that I never really pay attention to which way the toilet roll goes, meaning that it sometimes goes this way, and sometimes goes that.

    1. Hi Trisha,

      Ah yes, the fun fest finding frivolous farce! :) That'll teach me to satirise the blog hoppers! Yay to irony.

      So based on your friend's thinking, you might have weirdly lost your soul to a toilet roll. This way or that, it all comes out in the end.

      Thank you, Trisha.

      Gary :)

  43. I'm a hang-the-toilet-paper-on-the-outside person. If you find the secret to creating clones -- share it!! We could all use extra help to do more in less time. I loved your Anti-blog hop Blogfest. The participants had such silly ideas. Reading their blog posts was fun! :-)

    1. Hi Lexa,

      You hang your toilet paper outside? Ignore me. See Alex. J. Cavanaugh or Al Diaz :) They might have some reduced price clones. I'm seriously struggling to continue commenting to each person and then going to their site. Maybe I should do a shorter response. A group response. Or be like one of those 'super important' bloggers and completely ignore the comments.

      It was good-natured fun. Anti-blogfests, blogfests! Argghhhh!!!

      Gary :)

  44. Oh my G, Gary, I do believe you've been blog-hopping! But this one doesn't count eh? It was a GaryFest, not a blog-hop (God forbid!)

    :-) We still find the concept of wipe vs. wash tough to take. Butt oh Rome, we did as Romans did, until we got home and could do as we did.

    :-) Enjoyed this post, butt what got me giggle was the music!

    1. Hi Vidya,

      Quite right! I got dressed as Jack Rabbit wearing a jacket and away I went. Hipping and hopping and hardly stopping. Irony and its best or worst, me thinks.

      I sat on one of those things that spray upwards. What the hell! I bet the Romans did some roaming. I've studied up on toilets and I noted, for instance, that toilets in Britain are higher off the ground than the average one in North America. However, the North American version has a wider bowel, um bowl.

      To the music of Jeopardy! I shall go and contemplate something...

      Gary :)

  45. Oh Gary, dear Gary,
    Just keep basking in the love. Don't worry about leaving such thoughtful responses. Try: "Great post. See ya." I'm kidding. I know it's not your style. I also know it's hard to keep up. Um, I don't mean anything sexual by that. Really, I don't. As far as the toilet paper goes: BOTTOM line, it needs to be there. BUTT if it's not, it needs to be within reach. I don't care if it goes over or under.

    Who loves you?
    We all do.

    1. Hi Robyn,

      I'm beginning to start thinking about the logistics of commenting at length. I could be spending valuable time over at your site and other sites, leaving one of my alleged highly collectable comments. It is hard. Yes, it's very hard. It's very hard to keep up with all of this. I feel quite bad not getting to other sites as quickly as I would like to.

      You know, I haven't been the same since they discovered rings around Uranus. Still, in so far as toilet paper, over or under and then some butt thunder, I wonder.

      Yes, this comment has reached the bottom.

      Gosh, a lurve-in! Yay! :)

      Gary :) x

  46. Even people that don't care about which way it hangs have something to say about people that do care. Dirty fingers (esp. little people) leave marks on walls, if the paper hangs over the roll there is no need for those dirty little fingers to be reaching under the roll to find the end of it... of course you could just teach little people to clean the walls, which all comes in good time, but for now I just prefer to hang the paper over. I offer a paper turning service for free at other peoples houses, they don't even have to ask. The big question really is are you a folder or scruncher?

    1. Hi Ida,

      It seems some people will judge a person by the way they hang their toilet paper :) I think those dirty little fingers may have created a new form of graffiti. Or become in the running for winning a prize at the Tate Modern Fart, sorry, Art Gallery.

      You hang it over the top. Which means, if you visit somebody's house and it aint that way, you are going to re-roll it for them. Very kind of you. I'm a folding scruncher.

      Thank you, Ida.

      Gary :)

  47. I think most of us can wait one or two days, or a week or so until you get to us! **pant, sniff, huff, oh my!** (A typical blogger woeing that your love is all gone, 'cause you hadn't responded yet!) **tears drip down to the keyboard**

    Re: the TP, keep it in the overflow - makes it easier to wipe below. If running low, make sure the dirty clothes hamper doesn't get too low (just keep that tidbit in the down low).

    1. Hi Nancy,

      I hope you can hold out or hold on. I bet you're devastated that I've haven'been over to your blog yet. Mind you don't short-circuit your keyboard! :)

      You started to rhyme. The overflow, don't you know, make is so, before you go...

      Thank you, Nancy.

      Gary :)

    2. Oh no, you had made it over and commented.... It just took a while. ;)

    3. Hey Nancy! There you go. Maybe I do have a clone, or a clone machine :)

      A good weekend to you.

      Gary :)

  48. The first way. Toilet paper must go over not under the roll. don't be arguing with me now. I'm right. At least in my house I am.

    1. Hi River,

      Over the top. I would never argue about such things. Although I did sneak into your bathroom and the toilet paper is now under and up against the wall....

      Thank you, River.

      Gary :)

  49. Gazza, Gazza, Gazza...

    Thanks for letting me reply to a few folks... and I don't know *How* you will respond to everyone - again :)

    GaryFest: The gift that keeps on commenting :)

    1. Mazza, Mazza, Mazza...

      Your comments to comments is bringing a tear to my eye. I hope you got some new followers! :) I'm hoping to leave this blog site and go a visiting n'stuff.

      MarkFest. The git, sorry the gift that keeps on commenting and commenting and....

      Gary :)

  50. Gary, I had a weird dream last night. My husband handed me my cup of morning caffe and your mug was on the mug. Really!

    Toilet paper out so you can see any old tracks that might have escaped your attention. Especially if you have young folk visiting. Young folk and toilet paper aren't compatible. This I know.

    Yes, next week, let's discuss 2 ply vs cashmere. I once used cashmere. It was delightful.

    Hugs to Penny and Tristen.

    1. Hey Joylene,

      Quite the dream you had. My mug on a mug. No doubt the mug your hubby handed to you, also had the caption, "Gary! If you see this dude, hand him into the blogger police!"

      Toilet paper up and over. Young folks and cats and dogs, think toilet paper is a really fun toy.

      We could discuss recycled butt wipe ass well. Or mention that we saw on the toilet rolls we purchased that the words stated, "New and Improved!" I certainly hope it's new!

      Thank you, eh. Hugs to you, your hubby and your mug.

      Gary :)

  51. Hi Gary .. having been away - I suspect you'll have been ultra busy .. and I haven't read the comments here .. can only see your answer to Joylene - I'll backscroll now ... do they keep paper in the 21st century? These posts and comments wouldn't look so good on microfiche ...

    Now I have to keep up with the Red Arrows - 'cept it's misty and they may not run .. oh it's really come down and I think they'll be postponed ...

    Cheers and have a happy weekend .. Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      I've been so busy that I find it's taking me a couple of days just to get to other sites. I hope you had a good backscroll and nothing to do with toilet paper. Some might think my comments back were about as fun as used toilet paper.

      The Red Arrows were delayed. When they get back up there, perhaps they could fly out some comments for me.

      Thank you, Hilary. I shall now visit your second comment.


  52. Before you get a chance to come back .. or maybe your finger is all typed out - not anything else -out .... I honestly don't know how you get your mind in that knotted ironical mess ...

    But great reading .. over or under, round or pilloried ... as long as it's there .. that be the main thing ....

    Cheers again! H

    1. Hilary part two,

      My fingers are typed out and this means that Penny will soon be taking over. I shall glow in the irony that has been bestowed upon me. What a bewildering blogland.

      Picture number three is not a good idea, then.

      Enjoy your Sunday, Hilary.

      Gary :)

  53. Good grief. Is this a toilet roll hop? If I vote on how that roll should go, do I get a prize--a case of TP?

    I'll be a clown, but I'm hesitant to be a clone. Duplicates are a tad scary, even scarier than clowns.

    My biggest question is now that your rich and infamous will you continue to be starstruck?

    1. Hi Lee,

      Good thing I actually know your name. If you vote, you get a prize. A year's supply, give or take a month, of recycled paper. Literally recycled paper.

      How about a clone clown? A clown clone? I copy what you're saying.

      I would never let my evidently newly-found celebrity status, stop me from realising that I shall continue to be your starstruckest fan.

      Gary :)

    2. Huge sigh of relief out here. I get to keep you as a fan.
      Huge sigh of relief out here. I get to keep you as a fan.
      Huge sigh of relief out here. I get to keep you as a fan.
      Can't wait for that prize.
      Can't wait for that prize.
      Can't wait for that prize.
      Will you autograph it?
      Will you autograph it?
      Will you autograph it? *Clone Attack

    3. Is that you, human Lee?

      While my alleged human, Gary, searches for a clone, or a clown, it's left up to me to reply.

      The prize is being carefully wrapped.
      It will be autographed by me, yes me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

      Is that you, human Lee?

      While my alleged human, Gary, searches for a clone, or a clown, it's left up to me to reply.

      The prize is being carefully wrapped.
      It will be autographed by me, yes me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

  54. Have I ever told you about the time I won toilet paper in a contest? I kid you not. It was an essay contest, and I won scented Hello Kitty toilet paper from Japan! LOL

    1. Hi Carrie,

      You have now :) You didn't write your essay on, oh never mind, better not say that. I assume it was brand new toilet paper that you won.

      A good rest of your weekend, Carrie.

      Gary :)

  55. May your summer be like a roll of toilet paper, long and useful.

    Oh, and methinks the paper running down the wall is the best, but hey, when one is desperate it could be hanging from the ceiling for all I care!

    Another most entertaining post, good sir. Enjoy your weekend :)

    1. Gidday Wendy,

      Long and useful. Ah yes, the summer and toilet paper.

      Up against the wall. Hanging from the ceiling and dancing on the ceiling.

      Thanks and I'm on a roll. Enjoy what's left of your weekend, Wendy.

      Gary :)

  56. Just catching up from vacation and popping (you'll notice I avoided adding an extra 'o' to that word to tie it into your post...) by to say I've having a blast reading all the anti blogfests! You've inspired a lot of laughs Gary! Hope you and Penny are well :)

    1. Hi Jemi,

      Hope it was a great vacation, eh. Thanks for pooping by! :) Oh yes, that dreaded anti-blogfest. Thanks for your participation in that fiasco of irony :) It was a blast, for sure.

      Be well, enjoy your Sunday and we are just fine, thank you. Well, Penny is fine and I'm searching for a clone.

      Gary :)

  57. I need a clone, too! Clones R' Us, I'm telling you. But I need to shop in the discount clone aisle.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

    1. Hi Shannon,

      I've been informed you can buy one clone and get one free at CloneMart. I must check that out. You might want to check that out.

      Gary :)

  58. I'm still on the look out for a cloning machine. You will be the first to know when I find one, my dear friend.


    1. Hey Madison,

      You have returned! :) Any sighting of a clone machine would be greatly appreciated. I might end up being the second to know :)

      A peaceful Sunday to you, dear lady.

      Gary :)

  59. We were away on vacation and in the hotel the toilet tissue was placed exactly the way you posted. He hates it. The paper was too close to the seat and to the wall that we could not even turn it around. LOL

    1. Hi Munir,

      Good grief! That must have been most frustrating. Should of rolled out the entire roll at that point.

      Have a good Sunday.

      Gary :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.