
Wednesday 10 July 2013

An Award, A Non-Award And A BlogFest That Doesn't Exist.

To my utter amazement, I have been bestowed the above award,  yes, it's, "The New Slightly Enhanced LIEBSTER AWARD", not to be confused with the, Lobster Award, I mean, the "Liebster Award".  Our slightly eccentric friend, Rob, over at, ...The Slightly Eccentric Diary of Rob Z. Tobor...has graced me with his own, unique award.  Rob, I'm thrilled, honoured and I wish I'd prepared a speech.  

If you haven't visited Rob's blog, please do so.  It's often surreal, clever and basically confuses my last two brain cells.  

Now there aint no rules, as such.  Okay, I really should pass on this award so others can then pass on this award and so on and on and on until the whole planet has this new slightly enhanced version of the Lobster, the Liebster Award.  I was told I can do as I wish with this award.  Bidding will soon start on eBay.  Thank you, Rob, you are the bestest.

So for no reason whatsoever, I bestow the award onto the following bloggers.  All of you, yes the millions of starstruck fans who visit this site.  Grab the photo and think of ...The Slightly Eccentric Diary of Rob Z. Tobor...

Now looky here, y'all!  The above photo is of a cat.  I can deal with that.  It's actually the photo from an extraordinarily special NON-AWARD, dedicated to an elite few.  The elite few has been whittled down to one.  Nothing liking being whittled.  Well, I 'wood' say that.  Ha ha, gosh, comedy bloggers, take note.

Anyhoo, the NON-AWARD has been carefully, thoughtfully,.lovingly created for me, yes me, just me!  I announce to you that I'm the recipient of the Sad Oddity, sorry, I announce to you that I'm the recipient of the "SADOTY" aka "Super Award Dodger Of  The Year", NON-AWARD.  

Oh yeah, there are rules to follow.

1. I must never pass it on.

2. I must never reveal ANYTHING about myself.  Penalties are heavy if I do.

3. No Linkbacks are allowed.  Ever.

4. It self-destructs almost immediately after being claimed.  Stand back.

I think non-congratulations are in order for me.  In the true spirit of this NON-AWARD, I will not make mention of who bestowed this NON-AWARD on my good self.  Thus, absolutely no mention of, C. LEE McKENZIE!


  1. That is one scary kitty. I wouldn't talk much about it, either. Ha!

    Congratulations on your award and non-award! May the sun on your shoulders and it rain only at night between the hours of 2 and 6 am. Happy trails and all that!

    1. Hi Robin,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar isn't too thrilled with the cat either.

      Congratulations and non-congratulations would be in order. Me thinks. Sunshine on my shoulders and rain in the early morn. Happy trails to you....

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  2. I gotta say, the cat badge is my favorite:) Cheers to your SADOTY award!

    1. Hi Samantha,

      Nothing like a scary looking cat badge. Cheers and non-cheers for the "SADOTY" NON-AWARD!

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  3. I like the non award very very much....of course not being an award would make it difficult to accept (or reject for that matter). As to not passing it on....well rats.....

    1. Hi Delores,

      I'm thrilled beyond any adequate adjectives to describe my euphoria over getting the NON-AWARD! I gratefully accept the concept to reject, or eject the whole darn thing. Ah yes, not passing it onto humans or rats :)

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  4. Would a congratulations be in order? Considering your stance on such things, I'm not sure. :-) Don't worry too much about the self-destructing aspect. Most things with which I come into contact do that. You get used to it.

    1. Hi Jeff,

      Non-congratulations would be in order! How weird, just as I read your comment, I noted that this comment will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3....

  5. Now there is an award to my liking. No congratulations are in order. To the star from afar.
    If you like to swing on a star
    Carry moon beams home in a jar

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      Yay to a NON-AWARD! Thank you for the non-congratulations.

      Suddenly, I'm thinking of Bing Crosby or maybe Jiminy Cricket..

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  6. Wow, nothing to do, no one to pass it on, no thinking involved, Perfect! That is a pretty cool looking award. Maybe we should all get tattoos, you know, just to show our appreciation. We could have a club.......

    1. Hi Arleen,

      Nothing much happening at all. No links, no acknowledgement required. No nothing. Perhaps we could have a tattoo blogfest where we all take photos of the tattoos in a real special type club that shows non-interest in NON-AWARDS! :)

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  7. I have no comment for the non award...

    1. Sir Mazza,

      I thank you for the non-comment on the NON-AWARD!

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  8. I cannot think of a more deserved recipient of either the award or of the non-award.

    1. Hi Sue,

      Thank you. I shall give you an award, NON-AWARD reply :)

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  9. Hi Gary - poor cat - looks like it's been through the washer backwards and then combed through a hedge - wonderful representation though.

    Then that nothing to do ... cept write about it! Excellent of Rob to award you the nothing award .. oh oh the SADOTY award.. on a hot day that is exactly what you need .. I love the art work too ..

    Looks like another hot day in Award-Non-award land .. of Liebster fun ... gosh it was hot going to Oxford yesterday! I was glad of the sea breezes once home!

    Happy sunny days .. Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Poor cat and how did it get stuck representing a NON-AWARD...Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, is not amused, or is it amused.

      Our friend, Rob, is one heck of a talent. And he created his alternative award in a way that represents my ideals of awards. Not for self-recognition, but with just kind intentions. SADOTY is a NON-AWARD is shall either cherish or not cherish. I have no idea :)

      It was so hot I ended up looking like a Liebster, um Lobster. Oxford can get hot at the best of times. I remember one Friday night and these Uni students were..anyway... Enjoy the sea breezes. That's for shore.

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  10. My cat looks like that when she sees another moggy in her garden! I will not offer congratulations but merely a pat on the back and a bravo!

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Good grief, I hope your cat isn't a cartoon. Thank you for the non-congratulations. A pat on my deserving, undeserving back and a bravo, is most welcome.

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  11. both look amazingly well drawn. Love them. Really love not passing the last one along :) I have a couple awards (The Liebster one of them, though not with that particular shade of gray) I need to post still.

    Work work work.


    1. Hi Donna,

      Both are real or not real photos of actual beings :) Not passing along an Award, or a NON-AWARD, is a time-saving way of not bothering with awards, NON-AWARDS, or argggghhhh, blogfests!

      Yay to your two awards, Donna :) The Lobster, sorry, the Liebster award you got is probably the original, not to be confused with the alternative shades of grey....

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  12. Now you don't have to get yourself in a hairball over your non-award! First you get a custom made award followed by a non-award! This is definitely the year of Gary!


    1. Hi Julie,

      That hairball type critter has caused me a CATalogue of confusion. The first award is fantastic. The bidding has begun on eBay :) The NON-AWARD makes me realise just how much this is the year of Gary in an alternate universe.

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  13. Thank you for posting an image of the award, I am very humbled, I think you deserve an award for doing this, and I like the non award, I was once not awarded an award also, I was so pleased I never thanked everyone and we never had a party which we all enjoyed a great deal.

    Once again Thank You Good Sir . . . . . . . I hope you are well in the heat of the sun which has decided to confuse all us Brits by creating summer.....

    1. Hi Rob,

      Kind sir, thank you :) Your unique alternative award encapsulates the ideals I share. Having you show the true spirit of a sharing, caring blogging community, is most encouraging. You should receive an award for creating your award and commenting on here in regards to the award you created and thinking that I deserve an award for mentioning your award and even the NON-AWARD.

      We should have a non-party, blog party, blogfest, blog hop, with reflection posts about reflection posts about the non-party, blog party, blogfest, blog hop.

      Jolly good! We are indeed confused by all this hot, sunny weather. Thank you, Rob.

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  14. Congratulations on the awards and non-awards! When I saw the car award at Lee's place, I laughed. PERFECT for you.

    1. Hi Alex,

      I appreciate your congratulations in a non-congratulatory sort of way. I wish I had been awarded a car :) I'm sure LEE wouldn't mind awarding me or NON-AWARDING me with a Ferrari..

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  15. I won't congratulate you on your award, you don't deserve it.
    Loved the post Gary. what I can send you is my best wishes.


    1. Hi Yvonne,

      I thank you kindly. I also think I should be non-deserving in a deserving sort of way.

      Thank you, Yvonne. My best wishes to you :)

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  16. That new enhanced Liebster Award is brilliant. I just love how it looks so crazy with all the eyes staring at you. I think I'll sleep with a large silver cross on my chest tonight, as I have a feeling that I'll remember this picture, ha ha ha.

    Oh, the non award has just 'tickled my fancy' too.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      Nothing like an enhanced Lobster, oops, Liebster Award. Sweet dreams and suddenly I'm thinking of pea soup :)

      Nothing like tickling your fancy. The NON-AWARD has brought me to a new level of insignificance.

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  17. Congrats on the award and the non-award :-) I'm slightly freaked out by that picture though - it looks like a nightmare I used to have as a kid!

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      You are beyond kind. Thank you. The picture will self-destruct, kinda' like this comment :)

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  18. I bestow upon you a non-congrats for your non-award!! I am so non-happy for you and you are so undeserving. I hope you have a non-good day :-)

    Kidding I hope you have a good day of course.

    1. Hi Keith,

      Thank you for the bestowal of non-congrats for my very own, yes, my very own, NON-AWARD! I am happy you are non-happy and you deserve an undeserving response.

      Don't tell me what kind of day to have! :)

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  19. What am i to say if you can't say anything at all, maybe I'll just let this be a non comment to your non congrats with your non award the you gave to a non widdle non accepting not linkback non person.

    1. Hi Pat,

      By all means, if you get around to it, leave a comment about leaving a non-comment about non-congrats in regards to my NON-AWARD that I don't give to a non-widdle, non-accepting, non-linkback, non-person.

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  20. Congratulations on the award and nonaward!!! :D Get yourself an ice cream deserve it!

    1. Hi JoJo,

      I thank you for the congratulations on the award and the NON-AWARD! :) Although non-congratulations would have been just as fine. I shall get an ice cream, Sunday. Start again, I shall get an ice cream Sundae :)

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  21. is...I mean...?????

    1. Hi I.B. Nosey,

      Well stated!

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  22. There is no one in the blogosphere more deserving of a non-award than you ,my friend! :)

    Take care and keep on Lobstering :D

    1. Hi Mark,

      You have almost brought a tear to my eye :)

      I shall Lobster away and away.....

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  23. Those blog award rules are the best ever.

    1. Hi Susan,

      Yep, and blog award and blog NON-AWARD rules are made to be broken :)

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  24. I like the first three rules. The fourth sounds a little scary . LOL
    Congratulations on both the Liebster award and the Non- Award as well!

    1. Hi Munir,

      I totally agree with you. The fourth one is about to happen :)

      Thank you for the congratulation on the alternative Liebster and of course, the NON-AWARD! :)

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  25. I like the rules of the non-award. Also, I would like to be nominated for the Lobster Award please and send butter.

    Congratulations on your acknowledgments!

    1. Hi Julie,

      Rules? Oh yeah, the rules to be broken rules for the NON-AWARD. I'm sure there are millions of eager Lobster Award recipients who would love to send you the Lobster Award, complete with a generous block of butter. For butter or for worse.

      I acknowledge your congratulations in a non-acknowledging, non-congratulatory type of way! :)

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  26. A non-congratulations to you Gary!! Did it self destruct yet?? Hope you are well.:))


    1. Hi Madison,

      Hey, thanks for the non-congratulations, Madison! It may or may not have self-destructed. I'm well and I hope you're well :) Must go now...something is happening....

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  27. Replies
    1. Hi John,

      Excellent, excellent in a non-excellent, excellent kind of way!

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  28. Okay, this award is SO made for you! Glad for you, know this just made your day! That poor kitty! I thought electro shock therapy was only for humans!

    1. Hi Lisa,

      The award and the NON-AWARD were custom made. My day got better, or was it worse, with all the accolades :) Kitty and some some electric therapy. I think they stopped using it on humans. Although I know somebody with a similar hairstyle to kitty :)

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  29. This is unfair. I should have received this award because I never pass on the ones I receive.
    I was kidding, of course. My no-congratulations to you my friend!

    1. Hi Julia,

      It's unfair in a fair type of way :) If I had my way, I'd gladly forward on awards and even the NON-AWARD to you. You could let them gather dust :) Your non-congratulations are gratefully welcomed.

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  30. Bloody marvelous. My kinda award!

    1. Gidday Wendy!

      I so wanted to forward on the NON-AWARD to you. I know how much you love awards! :)

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  31. Nice! Any award you get is much deserved, and Rob is awesome. Met him last year during The Blog-a-thon Which Shall Not Be Mentioned At This Blog. I don't get to visit him as much as I'd like...but he always cracks me up. And thanks, C.Lee McKenzie for recognizing Gary's extra specialness. You rock, too.
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hi Tina,

      Of course I'm totally worthy of any award. Even a NON-AWARD. Rob is the dude. Thank you for not mentioning The Blog-a-thong or thon! Rob is discreetly in the background and I wish he got more recognition. He's a good guy. Who is this C.Lee McKenzie?

      Keep smiling, Tina :)

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  32. best nonaward, unblogfest antiacceptance post eva!

    1. Hi Tara,

      I see all my non-work in regards to NON-AWARDS and non-acceptance of blogfests and blog hops and blog parties and ridiculous alphabets challenges, has been noted.

      Thank you, Tara!

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  33. Hi Gary. Congratulations on a well-deserved award. You, my dear man, should be bronzed. Later... not well you're alive. Okay... I think I know what happened to the cat. But I also understand I can't mention it in public. My two felines got out last night and apparently partied hard. Typical teenagers!

    1. Eh Joylene,

      Your congratulations are gratefully accepted. Some folks think I was born in the Bronze Age. The cat saw Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar's photo on the web. As in the world wide web and not a world wide spider web. Teenage cats getting into teenage mischief, no doubt and meow!

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  34. This is the best award I've ever seen! Congratulations! Hahahahahahah!!

    1. Hi Laura,

      I can understand that. This is the best award and NON-AWARD I've received and not received. Yay and non-Yay! :)

      A good weekend to you,


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  35. This sounds great! I enjoyed this post very much.

    1. Hey Gina,

      *BOOM!* Did that sound great? LOL Thank you, Gina.

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  36. Hilarious!

    In keeping with your wishes, I will not congratulate you on your non-award.


    1. Hi Jai,

      Thank you!

      Thank you for keeping with my wishes. Your non-congratulations for my NON-AWARD are welcome!

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  37. THESE are MY kind of RULES!!! LOVE IT!

    "Oh yeah, there are rules to follow.

    1. I must never pass it on.

    2. I must never reveal ANYTHING about myself. Penalties are heavy if I do.

    3. No Linkbacks are allowed. Ever.

    4. It self-destructs almost immediately after being claimed. Stand back."

    1. Hi Caren,

      Absolutely! This makes it so much easier. Although the last rule does cause some slight concern! :) A good weekend to you.

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  38. I want this award, so you better start breaking some rules. I, however, promise never to break them. Now, hand it over.

    Emailing you ;)

    1. Hi Damyanti,

      If you can keep this a secret, I shall, extremely carefully, hand it over.

      I shall now reply to your email :) Unless something happens in the meantime.....

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  39. I think someone put Penny up to this non-award conspiracy. Did you forget a belly rub or something?

    1. Hey Eve,

      Penny pawhaps pawndered placing pawsting pawchance. There in, however, a NON-AWARD conspiracy about a NON-AWARD conspiracy in regards to a NON-NON-AWARD conspiracy.

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  40. i don't know how to respond so i will smile and walk away... slowly.

    1. Hi Jeremy,

      I think a good response might have been to smile and run as fast as you can! :)

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    2. 2, 1.... batman 1960's style "KABLAMO"...

    3. Holy Retroman! Here comes the JOKER!....BOOM!

  41. I always knew you were one of the elite few, but I promise not to spread the word around too much. And meanwhile, I'm moving back before that non-award blows up! :O

  42. Hi Lexa,

    Yes, that's me, one of the elitest of the elite few. Yes, please keep it quiet.

    Go now and be careful. You have been warned! :)

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  43. Your subtle irony is much appreciated :)))...I am too very tired of blog hops, and blog awards and such...the truth is that they really do bring people together, but some of them are very weird...kisses. This one is very nice and I congratulate you for it.

    1. Hi Petronela,

      Me doing subtle irony? Next thing you know I will end up doing a blog hop! No, I say, no! :) There is also another truth about blog hops and blog awards. Some only create blog hops, especially, because they are trying to accumulate followers and draw attention to themselves. Cynical moment over. You are also correct that it can bring people together for the right reasons of sharing and caring :)

      Thank for thinking this is nice. As for me, I'm totally confused about it or not confused about it, I state rather confusingly!

      A lovely weekend to you.

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  44. SADOTY is an original, just like you. Non congratulations and a very merry unbirthday to you.


    1. Hi Robyn,

      The origins of the NON-AWARD, lurked in the mind of a superstar celebrity writer and of course, I made no mention of her on my posting, because that would break the rules. Would I break the rules, well yes and no.

      Un-thanks for the non-congratulations and un-thank you for a very merry unbirthday!

      Gary :) x

  45. I'm sorry, I missed your kitty award. Or non-award? Or is it an un-award? You have been un-awarded!

    1. Hi Diane,

      Apologies not required. A kitty NON-AWARD is officially un-awarded to me! Un-thank you very much!


      The comments have all self-destructed and this posting no longer exists!.........


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.