
Tuesday 2 July 2013

All In This Together?

I'm not normally one to do a political posting.  However, my last posting had some political undertones.  It takes a lot to make me this outraged.  I hope those who are experiencing such situations will back me up.  What I'm about to tell you maybe something you can relate to, no matter where you live.

I know that there are a lot of nations where unrest and the mistreatment of their citizens is prevalent.  However, this does not diminish the ongoing attack by the British government on the most desperate in our society.

In Britain, we have a coalition government.  They have imposed austerity measures.  They tell us that, "we are all in this together."  Austerity, is their way of targeting the poor, the sick, the disabled, the vulnerable.  They have brutally attacked the benefits of the genuine claimants and have left the unfortunate in a state of despair.  They have decided that we are scrounging off the system.  Yes, of course, there are those who are claiming benefits who should not.  To assume and label the vulnerable as abusing the system is an immoral outrage.  The stories of helplessness, of those who have committed suicide because of this, are increasing at a worrying level.

The tactic of the coalition government is to pit those fortunate enough to have work against those who either cannot work, or cannot find work.  A catalogue of propaganda and misinformation.

Austerity in Britain.  A nation where the poor, the sick, the disabled, the vulnerable pay for the mistakes of the incompetent fortunate.

This is the menu for the dinner. I’ll chair a discussion on tax, trade, transparency and Syria at 830 tonight
 This is what appeared on Prime Minister David Cameron's twitter feed on June 17, 2013.  Personally, I consider it insensitive and immoral during these austere times.  A blatant disregard for those who are now suffering under his government's policies.   "All in this together?"  Tell that to the poor, the sick, the disabled, the vulnerable.  The unfortunate people who worry about such 'trivial' things as a roof over their heads and food on the table.
That quote above sums it up.  I shall continue to oppose those who attempt to put me back in a state of anxiety, of despair.  How dare they impose in such a way I'm barely managing to do this posting.  My peaceful defiance grows stronger.  The more adversity I receive and the more adversity others receive, the more resilient, the more  inspired we become.  This mental cruelty shall be ended.   To make the already sick, sicker is an evil irony, imposed by an evil, vile government.

If you wish, the next two links can give you some more information.

Transplant Patient Linda Wootton Dies After Being Judged 'Fit For Work'

British people are committing suicide to escape poverty....


  1. I applaud you Gary, excellently written , I'm with you on this issue,


    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Thank you, dear friend. I'm so stressed from all of this, I could barely write. It heartens me to know you share my concerns with this issue.

      In peace and hope,


  2. Of course there are always going to be people who abuse the system and take what they don't deserve but who are we to stand in judgement of who does and doesn't deserve help? Until you've walked that mile in the other persons shoes (or wheelchair) you can NOT stand in judgement and refuse help. What on earth is going on with your government over there? Best come back to Canada my friend.

    1. Hi Delores,

      Firstly, welcome back. They are now passing judgement to the extent I have witnessed people so ill, so disabled, I could not believe I saw them waiting to have a medical assessment.

      This government is run by a bunch of multi-millionaires who are completely out of touch. Worse still, they don't seem to care.

      At this rate, I will be darkening your doorstep. We will sort this out. I think we are having an "Idle No More" situation.

      Thank you, Delores.

      In peace and hope,


  3. Whatever the political party
    Problems arise here in Britain
    Having worked in the areas of mental health and now physical health
    The system is flawed
    But it works

  4. Replies
    1. Hi John,

      I was waiting for the whatever the political part bit. That be true to an extent, however, I have never been treated as badly as I have been over the last two years.

      I have worked with several mental health charities. I am now getting phone calls from people scared beyond belief because of the unwarranted and cruel anxiety imposed.

      The system is flawed and mostly, it isn't working.

      Thank you, John.


    2. Well I think the people that the system does work for
      Will of course won't ring you
      Every system has problems
      The trick is
      To minimise as many as we can

    3. Thanks for the follow-up comment, John. Yes, that would be correct. What concerns me is seeing people who already have mental health issues, becoming sicker. That is most worrying.

      We need to minimise the impact on those who are being driven to despair by these radical measures.

      I'm encouraged by the debate on this. Thank you, my friend.


    4. Agreed
      Perhaps I am always encouraged by goodwill
      I see the positive side of healthcare
      ( I know I am lucky)


    5. Good grief, John. If you keep commenting, I wont be able to um leave one of my cherished comments on our site.

      A good positive spin. Gotta' love our Universal healthcare. My treatment at the NHS hospital has been top-notch. Oh my, now our American friends will start debating about universal healthcare. Yikes and thanks for your follow-up,follow-up!

      Yay to Xxxx

      Gary :)

  5. We have a very similar situation here in the States, Gary. We have a President who takes a $100 MILLION....yes, you read that right...vacation to Africa and has the nerve to tell the rest of the country that "we all have to make sacrifices". His wife compares being First Lady to being 'stuck in a nice prison'.

    The rest of our employees....yes, The President and Congress work FOR us...still make six digits and are treated like royalty while pretending to "care" about the 'working class'.

    The politicians don't care about anything except our vote, which is the sad thing. We don't know how they'll turn out until they take office. It's a sad state of affairs, regardless, though.

    Wishing you the best, my friend, and hang in there!

    1. Hi Mark,

      This is what I thought might happen. We are aware of the situation in the Sates and your concerns, make for the kind of discussion I hoped to achieve.

      The blatant disregard for the underprivileged in America, while he lauds about on photo opportunities in South Africa, for instance, is disheartening to say the least.

      There is a growing resentment in many nations. I'm afraid those in positions of power are rubbing our collective noses in it. They have a good time at our expense and those responsible for this mess get rewarded for incompetence. Enough is enough, my friend.

      We shall stay resilient and I needed to get this posting verbalised. Thank you for your excellent response, Mark.

      In peace and hope,


  6. Power is always held by those who want power, and those people who want power do not see the injustice done to those who need help or support.

    I think there is a song that sums up the whole thing

    1. Hi Rob,

      Time for a bit of positive power. Power to the people. Right on! Or something like. I think the increased awareness of the plight of the most vulnerable, creates a powerful message.

      Tiger lillies-crack of doom!

      Be well, friend.

      In peace and hope,


  7. I see what you are experiencing as a possibility here, with each budget cut the weakest pay the biggest price. I pray for that change comes soon, but with our own news programs covering up the real state of the world with fluff will people ever learn the truth, and if they do will enough of them care?
    Keep fighting - this post is just one way!

    All the best!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      It's a most alarming possibility that needs to be addressed. The poor pay the cost of the mistakes of the rich. Doesn't make much sense. Apathy is the real enemy. Yes, they can sugar-coat the reality. People start to care when they are impacted.

      Thank you, Yolanda. Indeed, this was a post I didn't want to do. I felt it my duty.

      All the best to all of us who care about humanity.

      In peace and hope,


  8. It is sad but I think it's like that anywhere. Politicians live in the opulence while telling the people "to make sacrifices" and that they can live with a misery of a salary or that they can work when they can't. The cynicism is blatant. These kind of stories are common and you can hear them in any country, I guess, as we have many of these in Mexico, and they can qualify as horror stories. Hang in there, Gary. You're not alone!

    1. Hi Al,

      That's why I mentioned at the beginning, " What I'm about to tell you maybe something you can relate to, no matter where you live." I know this to be true of Mexico. I know this to be true of many a land. People in Egypt would perhaps vouch for that. We know of the outrage you allude to. I think what happens in this so-called civilized country, is kept conveniently quiet.

      Al, in this case, let's hope that we all unite together in solidarity for a better, more caring world.

      Thank you, Al. Your input is most appreciated.

      In peace and hope,


  9. Hi Pat,

    You said it, my friend. We've got a bunch of smug rich buttwipes who the media are very reluctant to reveal the reality about. What's happening should be headline news.

    We live in hope. Thank you, Pat.


  10. What they are doing is insane and cruel, Gary. I hope it will inspire everyone to speak up against this injustice.
    Let me know if we have to sign a petition or a letter to support you.
    Thank you for enlightening us. We need to spread the word.
    Peace to you,

    1. I forgot to mention that here in Wisconsin politicians are doing something similar.

    2. Hi Julia,

      We are not sure how much news you get in North America in regards to what's happening here. This needs to be said for those impacted, worldwide, by the ruthless who attack the most vulnerable in our society.

      We could probably set up a petition on a world basis. However, as an example, there is this UK one,

      Sadly, what's happening in Wisconsin, is part of the disgraceful epidemic that blatantly exploits those who can least afford. An immoral disgrace.

      Thank you, Julia.

      In peace and hope to us all,


    3. Thanks, Gary. I will sign it then.

    4. Hi Julia,

      Thank you, dear friend. You are a good person. Much respect to you.


    5. Gary, I tried to sign the petition but they ask for an address in UK and I don't live there. Never mind, my friend. I will find a way of supporting you and spreading the word. I will.
      Best wishes,

    6. Hi Julia,

      Oh no, I was worried that might happen. Your support and your understanding, are treasured gifts. Bringing further awareness to the injustice imposed on the vulnerable worldwide, is a cause I know you are passionate about. Much respect to you, dear friend. May you have a peaceful weekend.


  11. Agree with Mark Means!!
    Although here it is easier for people to con the system. They've learned how to get a free handout, and it often costs those who really need assistance.
    Keep fighting, Gary. And keep believing.

    1. Hi Alex,

      Thank you for your thoughtful input and your relating to what Mark Means has so eloquently stated. This is powerful to have this discussed. Yes, the similarity is that over here, the ones who do con the system, are making it a misery for the genuine cases. When you hear of terminally ill cancer patients being deemed fit for work, you know something is terribly wrong.

      We shall all continue to fight the good fight. Thank you for your support in this, my friend.

      In peace and hope,


  12. Oh Gary. This makes me so sad, and so angry. Targetting the vulnerable is easy. They have neither the resources nor the energy to fit against the obsenities which are inflicted on them.
    I was so happy when you got through your previous 'assessment' and gob-smacked to learn that you and others are being driven down the same path again.

    1. Hi Sue,

      My anger and outrage at the injustice grows by the day. Yes, the vulnerable are easy targets and folks in social housing are, in many cases, being forced to pay extra rent, or downsize to something smaller. Move to places that aren't even available. There are cases where a couple live in two bedroom social housing accommodation. They need the spare bedroom because one of them needs a separate room for medical equipment. Under the new laws aka "Bedroom tax", either they move out, or they have to pay 14% of their rent they didn't have to pay before April.

      Two months after getting my entitlement, the forms have come back through the door. It's a nightmare and I'm seeing my doctor on Wednesday morning. Sadly, my case is not unique in the, "all in this together", regime.

      Thank you for your kindness, Sue.

      In peace and hope,


  13. It's pretty terrible how governments treat their own citizens just so the rich can get even richer.

    1. Hi Pat,

      Yes and no surprise, often those who target their own citizens, are multi-millionaires giving more money to multi-millionaires who caused this crap in the first place. Thank you, Pat.

      Be well and here's to hope.


  14. Oh dear. That's awful. I'm so sorry that you have to go through even more than before. Bravo for standing up against the "Haves" for their deplorable treatment of the "Have-nots."

    1. Hi Lexa,

      As you know, just like you, I try to look at the positive aspects to my life. We are resilient and determined. I know this is not exclusive to Britain. Something needed to be said. The incompetent rich making other incompetent rich, even richer. They disgust me.

      Thank you, dear friend.

      In kindness and hope,


  15. Hi Gary,
    You will, of course, already know that I concur with your point of view on this issue. I have been lucky enough, as yet, to only go through one assessment, and be awarded my benefits. After 16 years under the care of secondary mental health services, and receiving a diagnosis of schizophrenia, I guess I do deserve what I'm receiving. However, I know how fortunate I am, and always try my best to give something back. As others say, there are those who abuse the system, but, they are in the minority, and I think many people wrongly believe that we live in a "something for nothing" culture. I find it a little worrying, then, that some of your commenters allude to this, as I think such things largely exist only in the realms of right-wing, or media, fantasy, and this is then used to justify truly barbarous policies. In many ways, Gare, and as you so rightly say, this government has blood on its hands when it comes to the treatment of the disabled, or sick, and I'm glad that you've made such an impassioned plea to get others to see what is happening.
    Proud to be your mate.
    Very Best Wishes, and hoping everything works out for you,

    1. Hi David,

      I know you heartily concur, my friend. You are absolutely entitled to what you receive. To even have them question it, is callous and cruel. Even though you continue with your rightful award, the anxiety you have experienced makes me seethe with rage.

      Those who abuse the system should quite rightly, be removed of benefits. The media has a lot to answer for. The way they have put this outrage to the background, notably the BBC, only aids the propaganda and the false information. This government should be charged with manslaughter. I don't think I'm being overly dramatic in saying that. We both make this impassioned plea, David. Those who haven't had mental and physical health issues, should understand that we have been targeted in the most ruthless of ways.

      An honour to know you, good sir. I now anxiously await, again, for the next outcome to this whole fiasco.


  16. I hear you,your pain, their pain. I can't believe where we are as a whole. Here we are thinking that our "retirement" is safe because we've paid into the system and done "as we should," and then we read that the US is heading straight for another burst bubble and will soon be an extension of China and we sit here like sheep led to the slaughter. Why are we our own worst enemy instead of our own best friend? Thanks for posting this...

    1. Hi Lisa,

      It seems, as the financial crisis continues, the poor, the masses, shall continue to pay for the mistakes of those who created this awful mess. Apathy is what holds so many back. Fear and apathy. Time for action. If only enough would act.

      Thank you for reading this and your thoughtful words, Lisa.


  17. It breaks my heart that those who have so much, have a voice; but those in need are looked at with disdain. Any of us could be theire with the loss of a job or an illness. I was born with a liberal heart and will go out hoping that the world will let compassion ( with sensibilities) overcome greed. Not a chance!

    1. Hi Arleen,

      That's it. Such situations where we find ourselves in a vulnerable state, can happen to anyone. Nobody asks to be ill. And yet, the discrimination the disabled endure, is an immoral atrocity. Compassion and caring is exploited by those who lust for power. If it happened to a politician, you would reckon there would be a change of heart. Well, for themselves, anyway.

      Thank you, Arleen.


  18. Hi Gary - I haven't read all the comments, but certainly some ... and I can 'hear' you ... and hear the pain. Relatively I was lucky ... but I understand the stress of situations having been there - although when I got my head back in gear I knew in due time I'd be all right ... I'm still working towards that direction, but thankfully the worst is behind me.

    I get distressed and stressed when I visit the Nursing Centre ... and when I read, hear or see major challenges for the 'under class' - with no-one taking responsibility or accountability if they have a job, or are a leader ... ie doing more than they should do to help in the circumstances.

    We seem to have got our economics wrong ... and will burden society and the NHS with much more poverty, health issues etc

    For now I've said enough ... but I am always thinking about the subject ... with many many thoughts - Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Thank you and the pain is tangible. My pain is also the pain I feel so many who are being tormented by an unrelenting government. I'm encouraged that you pulled through. As you will know, stress that is continuous, often brought on by our environmental circumstances, can takes it toll on our self-esteem.

      When you go to the Nursing Centre, you may have noted an increased amount of stress due to cutbacks. I know of a home for disabled people in Wigan, due to cutbacks, that the 24 residents may well be losing their residence and their stability.

      The irony in the reverse economics is that the NHS will have more admissions of people who have become even sicker because of the brutal benefit cuts.

      Thank you for sharing your input on this vital issue, Hilary.


  19. The bedroom tax does seem incredibly appalling and ludicrous. Reminds me of the Window tax (Georgian era?) that we learned about in History lessons, only worse.

    1. Hi Madeleine,

      A notable comparison you make. The bedroom tax is heaping misery and uncertainty on so many. People who through no fault of their own, were allocated a property and are now considered to be under-occupying the property. So, even though they may reluctantly agree to move, they can often find there are no places available. It's a disgrace!

      Thank you, Madeleine.


  20. When this lot took over, I felt a horrible sick sinking feeling and they've been as bad as I feared - and worse. All in this together, my arse as Jim Royle would say. I do not and cannot understand why anyone would ever vote for them. And that's a great quote from Mr Freeman xx

    1. Hi Teresa,

      I share you sense of horror with this gang of rich, incompetent thugs. Yes, they are even worse than I could of possibly imagined. Don't forget we are also part of the "Big Society". A society where those who cannot get jobs are forced to work for free or get their pittance of a benefit removed. I'm sure you remember the case of that young lady doing volunteer work in a library because she wanted to be a librarian. She was forced to go work at a discount store filling shelves and sweeping up. She took the government to court and won her case against the government. Said the forced job was detrimental to her career hopes. Then this evil government overturned the ruling by bringing in "emergency measures".

      How anybody who is not filthy rich would vote for these morons, just beggars belief.

      Thank you, Teresa.

      Gary xx

  21. I agree government is about propaganda and misinformation. It is all about making the rich richer by squeezing the middle class and eliminating the sick and elderly altogether. The best way to do that is to come up with a bunch of taxes on businesses and individuals, while at the same time targeting the elderly and people with disabilities. The elderly and people with disabilities simply cannot fight back against the Government Machine. We are definitely not all in it together. That said, I applaud you continuing to fight the good fight. There are still good people who work within the system who are trying to do the right thing. Every day they are being hampered by a government that is all about taxation and regulation. Carry on, my friend.

    1. Hi Robin,

      Indeed, my dear friend, propaganda, misinformation and a media that keeps it under wraps. It's nothing short of cull of those in society who are struggling the most through this economic nightmare.

      They protect the rich and exploit the poor for the benefit of the rich. A perverse way of doing things. The, "all in this together", bullshit spewed forth by the propaganda machine is nothing more than a pathetic con to make out like we all rally together. What crap!

      I know you join me in fighting the good fight. The right and just fight. Those who attempt to do the right thing, need to be heard. Of course, they soon get suppressed. Be well, Robin.

      In peace and hope,


  22. I have been against government spending spinning out of control (and often wonder how much gets siphoned off by politicians, I mean there must be a reason candidates will pay millions to win a job that pays thousands) because when the funds dry up, it is the most fragile among us...our children, our elderly, and our disabled who pay the price.

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      The governments spend out of control and tell us to tighten our belts. And yes, who eventually funds their exorbitant lifestyles. Those in society who are in the depths of despair.

      What a world, Elizabeth.


  23. I don't even know what to say to this. It's disgusting. I'm getting to where I despise the word 'austere'. Watch other nations - Greece, or Spain, for starters. Has austerity worked there?

    Gary, I hear what you're saying, and what you're going through. This 'austerity' bogus is nothing but a virus and it's spreading around the globe. Only common sense can cure it. Unfortunately, those in government were issued a vaccine against common sense.

    1. Hi I.B. Nosey,

      Austerity in Greece, in Spain, in Cyprus. Austerity has been a complete disaster. Austerity is where the unfortunate pay for the mistakes of the fortunate.

      Well put. "Unfortunately, those in government were issued a vaccine against common sense." Thank you for your caring and understanding. It means a lot.


  24. I remember seeing Cameron's tweet about that menu and thought it was so vulgar. I expect to hear "let them eat cake" from him next. Sad that all of our governments seem to be in this kind of shape now.

    That quote certainly does sum it all up.

    1. Hi Julie Flanders,

      It was a vulgar moment that is the epitome of that nasty man's smugness. Your analogy is apt. Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

      Yes, the austerity tactic seems to be a growing trend.

      Morgan's quote does sum it up.

      Thank you, Julie.


  25. This is really sad. What is it about governments of the so-called civilized countries (yours and also ours here in the states) that makes them think it's ok to take advantage of those with disabilities and needs>? I am in full agreement with the Morgan Freeman quote.

    1. Hi Keith,

      In our so-called civilized countries, it is discreetly hidden away. Mistreatment of humanity in civilized countries. Surely not. Yes, my friend, those with disabilities make for easy targets. No more, I say. I knew you would relate to Mr. Freeman's quote. His surname is fitting in the world we aspire to. You're a good man, Keith.


  26. I don't think there is any government that treats everyone fairly.

    1. Hi Sherry,

      You are correct. Although, I think the privileged get a fairer deal. Thank you, Sherry.


  27. It seems that your government is no different than ours in its disregard for those in the most vulnerable of positions. I have a friend who is mentally ill due to a particular set of circumstances and unable to work. Long term disability is only two years for mental reasons, but is lifetime for "physical" reasons. Since when did the brain stop being a physical part of our bodies? If you can't work, you can't work, whether your brain doesn't allow it or you're missing an arm. The paperwork and hoops to jump through for ANY assistance at all are paralyzing, especially for the population they are meant to help. A severely, clinically depressed person cannot handle all the steps necessary to get what they need, if they even are deemed qualified. There is such a stigma with mental illness STILL even though strides are being made.
    Thank for continuing the fight. Thanks for standing up for those of us with mental issues. Thanks for all you do.
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hi Tina,

      Your thoughtful, heartfelt comment resonates with me. I so tire of the governments targeting the most vulnerable in society. I so tire of those with disabilities, whether physical, mental, or a combination of both, being assumed as work shy. Nobody asked to have issues. The vast majority in such situations, would love to work. The paperwork is daunting. The unfair stress imposed is an outrage. The irony is that the constant scrutiny can make the sick, sicker.

      As you do, my dear friend, I continue to challenge the unfair stigma that still surrounds mental health issues.

      In peace, hope and a happy Fourth of July to you.


  28. Gary, my former career was working at a college with students with disabilities. I was forced to learn so many of the laws (some of them nuts) and had to learn the compassion and etiquette as well. It was a steep learning curve in some areas (legal, mostly), but has left me, I hope, a more sensitive and compassionate and aware person. So many are just not aware. And that includes the law-makers waving their magic legal wands, unfortunately.

    1. Hi Julie Luek,

      I've no doubt that through your career experience, you began to understand the plight of those college students who only asked to not be judged, but respected for what they could do, rather than not do. With awareness comes understanding. It seems a number of those who wave their magic legal wands, have no compassion.

      Thank you, Julie.


  29. These incidents are absolutely unconscionable. Sadly, people are suffering unnecessarily everywhere. I also agree that posting the menu was deplorable.


    1. Hi Julie,

      These are worrying times and I thought we were going to move on to a more caring, understanding world. It seems greed, the lust for money and power, overrides those who need our help. The posting of that menu is more proof of what an insensitive, out of touch creep, he really is.

      Thank you, Julie.


  30. It's such a sad state of affairs. I hear you on this! Mental health issues are snubbed and ridiculed by many. I'm bipolar and struggling along without any meds right now, as the ones I was on caused a multitude of other physical health problems.
    Be kind to yourself and remember to breathe while you're fighting the injustices.

    1. Hi Laura Eno,

      Thankfully, more pubic awareness of those with mental health issues, both genetic and environmental, or a combination of both, has started to increase the understanding. We have a ways to go to eliminate the unfair stigma that still surrounds diagnosis such as yours.

      I'm acutely aware of just how debilitating your condition can be, dear lady. You have my respect and admiration for trying your best to live with the extremes of bipolar disorder.

      A deep breath, count to ten and relax... :)

      Peace and hope, Laura.


  31. Things are bad all over... So sad that they are able to do this to others and really... what can we do to stop them?

    1. Hi Terry,

      We watch it on the TV. Worrying times, indeed. Maybe, just maybe, the Egyptians have the right idea.

      Thank you, Terry.

      In peace and hope,


  32. look, i'm gonna just hand you a paint ball gun, gar-bare and just let you have a moment. i will turn my head and let you do what you need to do to stop the "peeps" from neglecting...

    1. Hi Tammy,

      Thank you. I will need a freighter load of paint.

      Be well and keep smiling, Tammy :)


  33. I wish I was sitting on the shore of your header picture Gary.

    I won't comment on this post because I am a cash aid worker in California, and I have some specific biases about our clientele that you would take as judgmental and unsympathetic. That said, I do not feel ALL welfare applicants are lazy, but I do believe the system itself encourages generational dependence.

    That was a comment, sorry.


    1. Hi Donna,

      It's a lovely day on that Welsh beach.

      Thanks for the balance. I appreciate your angle. This posting was about those who are being targeted who cannot work. Those who abuse the welfare should be rightly outed. It's just that when you see the most vulnerable in our society being attacked through no fault of their own, I consider abhorrent.

      I would tell you that an overwhelming majority of those who are sick, disabled, mentally ill, would love to be independent.

      Well stated, Donna. I thank you for your thoughtful input.


  34. Stay angry, Gary. What they're doing is despicable and immoral. The worship of the rich must stop on all levels and the people must unite and rise up against these plutocrats. Stay strong.
    In solidarity,

    1. Hi Laura Austan,

      I will stay incensed at this immoral outrage. I know you share these ideals and that's abundantly clear in the causes you support. I have appreciated, very much, how you have backed us up in the plight that is happening here and worldwide. Time for the unfortunate to stop paying for the screw-ups of the fortunate.

      Solidarity forever, Laura.


  35. Elise Fallson wrote,

    "It drives me crazy when the system feels like they can punish everyone on account of a few that abuse the system. Why can't they instead, go after the ones that abuse, misuse, and help the people who are truly in need. It sounds so simple but I know it's practically impossible in this day and age. ):"

    Sorry, Elise, somehow your entire comment got deleted. Shall reply in a bit. You can find Elise at,

    1. Hi Elise,

      Firstly, apologies for the accidental deletion of your comment. It almost looks like I'm commenting back to myself :)

      It would be much simpler if they took the word of qualified doctors and then the weeding out of those not entitled to benefits, could be better exposed.

      Thank you, Elise.

      Gary :)

  36. Tories are not, and have never been, interested in helping anyone except themselves and their cronies.
    Good luck Gary you have neatly pinned Cameron to the wall with your remarks.
    However, I do like the sound of that Bushmills Whiskey Custard on the G8 menu!
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hi bazza,

      Ah yes, the Tories, multi-millionaire thugs helping out there fellow multi-millionaire thugs. And now we have the 'ConDems'. What the hell!

      Thank you, Barry and Cameron should be put up in Stocks in a public square. I want to throw the first rotten vegetable.

      Trust you, dude! I'll send you a "Happy Meal"!



  37. thank you for your thought provoking blog unfairness injustice must always be brought to the public we must always write and speak out for those that are unable to. it is the only way that things will change.

    1. Hi Kerrie,

      Firstly, how lovely to see you. You have been missed, my dear friend. Absolutely, we cannot allow the suppressors to mute the voices of those who are suffering because of them. The voices of dissent to such immorality, grow stronger, grow even more profound.

      Thank you, Kerrie.


  38. Hi Joylene,

    Or maybe the aliens have landed in the form of politicians. Thankfully, decent citizens of this planet, such as you, are also outraged at this immoral imbalance.

    Power to all that care, dear friend. Joylene, your family is in my thoughts.

    In peace and hope,


  39. *Roar - rage expletive expletive* ... shockingly this level of abuse and disconnect happens on the street too. A friend. 36 year old female partially paralysed stroke survivor, mobile with a walking stick, fell outside a busy shopping centre last week and for 10 minutes not one single person offered her any assistance ((until her husband returned)... who thinks twice about helping in these situations - (I could swear here)? I'm tired of people focusing on the abusers of the system too, for the amount of people that don't get what they deserve, the amount that cheat the system is insignificant... keep up the good fight Gary

    1. Hi Ida,

      What you have written is symbolic of the plague that is apathy. The, pretend it isn't happening, mentality. The, don't want to get involved, attitude. Sadly, it doesn't surprise me, dear Ida.

      There is this assumption that everyone who is on benefits is abusing the system. I know that the vast majority are legitimate claims. So the old, tarnish with the same brush, is a propaganda ploy by the government to pit those who can work, against those who would like to, but cannot. You are absolutely correct in what you note.

      Apathy is something the corrupt count on to keep them in their immoral positions of power. This has to change and the good fight will continue. Bless you.

      A peaceful, hopeful weekend to you and your friend.


  40. Gary, this is so incredibly sad. I come from a poor nation, India, where such things and worse happen on a regular basis. But that this also happens in Britain, which is a first-world country, is beyond comprehension.

    1. Hi Damyanti,

      Yes, it's a sad, worrying situation. The burdens, the corruption, in the inhumanity that has been in evidence to the poorest of the poor in India, gets media attention and rightly so. I'm in despair for all who are being subjected to such an immoral outrage.

      Of course, in Britain, a so-called wealthy, civilized nation, it's not brought to the attention to the world in the way it should. What is happening here is a disgrace and I felt compelled to post this.

      Dear friend, my continuing hopeful, peaceful wishes for you.

      Have a good weekend, Damyanti.


  41. Aloha Gazza,

    "He shoots... the ball's going in and oh no, it hits the bar and the game is over!"

    (This random moment comment sponsored, in part, by Newcastle Brown Ale.)

    Anyhoo... how are ya?

    WELL, I hope - it's your darn BIRTHDAY, my brudda from anudda mudda :)

    Which anniversary of your 21st birthday are we celebrating today? :)

    And yes, you do get some sort of bonus points for your early morning comment :)

    Hope you have a VERY HAPPY and RELAXED Day with friends and/or family.

    PS... Dude... don't go there with the Magnum PI funny comments... *I'm* not the one with the Tom Selleck '80s handlebar moustache :)~

    (BAM! How you like dem bananas!!! :)

    1. Aha, it be Sir Mazza,

      Great, thanks for that. I now have a Geordie accent rattling around in my head. "Wae'aye man!"

      I'm fine, thank you. Never one to complain. Unless you can spare me ten years :)

      Brudda, it was my birthday, the other day, which may still be your day. Yes, today is only yesterday's tomorrow.

      We are, or were, celebrating my 21st birthday times two and then some.

      And I will hopefully get even more bonus points for commenting at almost half past four in the morning.

      I got to meet up with some friends who had moved away and then moved back. That was nice and the really good part is that my friends who have moved back, paid for the meal!

      You would be correct about not being the one to replace Tom Selleck on the remake of Magnum PI. I know somebody who has been considered to look like a dude from a seventies porno film. However, moving extremely quickly on....

      Dem bananas have turned into a lovely bunch of coconuts. I almost get the impression I'm replying to a comment on a comment I left on your posting. Where am I? What site is this? LOL

      Thanks, dude and enjoy your weekend.


  42. Dear Gary,

    I'm so sorry and I'm also enraged for you, with you. Similar evils occur in the US, of course, but CA takes some measures to support those who are labeled "developmentally disabled." Those with other labels (e.g., "schizophrenia," "bipolar disorder"...) aren't forced to work, but they are dying - emotionally and literally - at the hands of a ruthless system that takes measures only to care for the elite. Because those are the people calling the shots.

    Hugs, peace, faith, friendship, and love.


    1. Dear Robyn,

      I'm heartened to know you share my passion in my outrage that those who are vulnerable, have been targeted by a ruthless system that rewards those who have failed us and takes it from the poor. California, to some degree, has understood that those with a named diagnosis should not be forced to work. They should be given financial support and yet, have the opportunity to work in a low stress environment conducive to their well being or even volunteer work. Done in a way that their rightful benefits are not under threat.

      In the new reality Britain, the most vulnerable in society are now living with increased uncertainty. Thus, this makes those already sick, sicker. Then the irony is that they can end up having to be admitted to hospital under our Universal healthcare system and put further burden on our healthcare.

      Hugs, peaceful, hopeful, loving thoughts to you, my dear friend.

      Gary xo

  43. I had a close family member who felt ostracized by everyone because she had to be in a wheelchair. She used to say she was invalid and pronounced it wrong on purpose. My heart goes out to you....

    1. Hi Eve,

      That's terrible and it's so sad your close family member felt that way. Further awareness and understanding is the way forward. People should not feel awkward around those with health issues. We should all be here for each other.

      Bless you, Eve.

      A peaceful weekend to you.


  44. I'm sorry it's a battle you must face. That's a filtering system gone wrong. People who don't need it get it, and those who really need help are denied. (And if you're middle class, you really don't get help as you 'should' make enough to get your own insurance and coverage.)

    1. Hi Diane,

      Thank you and it's a battle against adversity that makes me defiant for those who don't feel they have a voice. A tiny minority abusing the system I making it hell for those who are not. At least, unless this government tries to privatise it, we don't have to worry about medical insurance, no matter what circumstances or class structure we are in.

      Thank you, Diane.

      Wishing you a peaceful weekend.


  45. Take two, a one, a two, a one, two, three:

    Happy Happy Birthday! Happy 29th to you!
    Cuz were it not for our Gary, we would all be blue.
    And on each month's first Wednesday, we wouldn't go seek you.
    So go enjoy your special day.
    Don't forget we all love you!

    Accept all the virtual hugs and love that keep coming your way. A peaceful birthday to you, dear Gary.

    Love ya,

    1. Hey Robyn,

      How lovely of you to leave a follow-up comment that alludes to the celebration that is my birthday. Yes, my birthday. Yay me! LOL

      Your poem to me
      Is plain to see
      Yes I'm 29
      Feeling fine
      No need for blue
      No Smurf for you
      Each month's first Wednesday
      I'd like to say
      A time to play
      All the way
      My day was good
      I understood
      I love you all
      I'm having a ball

      Thank you for the birthday wishes. It's time for me to do the dishes.

      Thank you Robyn
      Keep on throbbin'

      Love and peace
      And Canada geese

      Gary, eh :) x

  46. I am of course behind you all the way with this issue and thank you for posting and highlighting it as the word needs to be spread without doubt. It's frightening, but people like your good self are helping others who aren't capable of writing by sppreading awareness and posting some of the harsh facts. I'd like to re-post this on my blog if that's ok with you? Although I'm guessing you'll say yes, I'll wait as I'm good mannered that way. Or at least I try to be. x

    1. Hi Michelle,

      I know how much you understand, dear friend. We both know that this has to be put out there. To be a voice for the voiceless. To give hope to the helpless. You helped me along this process. Yes, a process that, to my horror and resentment, has started again, just two months after I was given my entitlement. We cannot allow this government to inflict such mental cruelty.

      I would be honoured if you share this vital message that is also your passion. A passion for justice for the most vulnerable in our green and trying to stay pleasant, land.

      Thank you and a lovely, sunny weekend to you.

      Gary x


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.