
Saturday 15 June 2013

The Blog Hop To Get You Hopping Glad!

Yes, this is the ultimate in Blog Hops.  Get on your bunny costume, your kangaroo suit and get hopping! Tell the toad!  Find the frog!   If you don't know Jack......'s Jack Rabbit still wearing a jacket.  No doubt anxiously waiting for yet another Blog Hop!
To get you in the mood for yet another Blog Hop, listening to British Hip Hop music aka East London Grime music, may well do the trick.
Go to a restaurant to get your energy up for yet another Blog Hop.  Maybe, order some 'puncakes'.
Later on, maybe get a 'Hopsicle'.  Then again, this being a British ice cream van, you can't purchase a 'Hopsicle'.  
To get your euphoric excitement to another level for this Blog Hop, you might pretend you're a Spring Chicken.
Playfully posing perhaps pretending portly penguin pop, pop, pops pogo prancing.  
Oh no, Ogopogo on a pogo stick.  I don't think so.  Leave Ogopogo for your 'Favourite Monsters Blog Hop!'

Space hopper invasion in Barcelona!  Look at all those folks getting prepared for this Blog Hop!
Not to be confused with Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!, this is,. "Slinky Dog". Slinky Dog likes to spring into action when it comes to Dog Hops.  Very much like a Springer Spaniel.  
"Who walks the stair without a care
It shoots so high in the sky
Bounce up and down, just like a clown
Everyone knows it's Slinky"  

Welcome to the "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"  A Blog Hop that needs an exercise video to go with it.  A Blog Hop where you quite literally discuss anything to do with hops, skips or jumps.   For further practice for this Blog Hop, hop on a bus, or a plane, or into your car, or into a canoe.  Maybe forget about hopping into a canoe.  

Bypass the millions of millions of Blog Hop fanatics listed below so you can actually get to the section where you comment!

Hopalong David Cassidy, blog.
Jumpin' Jack Flash is a Pain in the Ass, blog
Hop on Popcorn, blog
Hop Goes the Easel Bouncing Art, blog
Hop Springs Eternal, blog
Blogs Bunny, blog
I Get By With A Little Hop From My Friends, blog
Hotblogs, Jumping Frogs, Albuquerque, blog
Bad Hare Day, blog
Some Like It Hop, blog

What is a blog hop?
Get the code here...                                                                                                          S(linky)  Tools 


  1. Here it is a bloghop that sounds different from all other hops I've done before. I'm not sure if it would be safe for a dragon my size start hopping like a frog. I would fear to fall on someone. It has happened. I know! I'll get my dragon cheering squad to join. Hope you have no size limits. :)

    1. Hi Al,

      This is the most different blog hop you've never done. It would be a blog hop from an alternate universe. You bounce away, my dragon friend. No size or weight limits in this blog hop that doesn't exist.

      Whatever you do, do not eat Mexican jumping beans! :)

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  2. Hi Gary. Er, what's going on dude? I'm not sure if there's meant to be a link at the end of the post but I couldn't find one. I like hops - they help to give flavour to beer. That's gotta be good thing.
    Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’ is back. Click here for thrills!

    1. Hi bazza,

      Um, dude, I bet you figured out this aint a real blog hop. There's a "S(linky)" link at the end that goes to nowhere. Somewhat like this non-existent blog hop. I deliberately made no mention of the type of hops you mention. Figured if you commented, I'd leave that one for you.

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  3. Hi Gary - it's early and am I blog-hoppin or has your brain gone into jelly mode and forgotten how to hop .. just needs to wobble?! Well there are plenty of hoppers .. and they seem to enjoy being part of the crowd, falling down, having fun, lots of shouts of joy ..

    I'm a blog-hoppin to London town this a.m. hoping to blog-hop the rain drops and catch me some sun .. fed up with being blanketed up ..

    Have a happy Father's Day week .. and some treats from Penny and Tristan .. cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Okay, for he's a jelly good fellow....Yes, they sure have fun blog hopping here and blog hopping there. I was thinking of joining a real blog hop. Then I remembered that Penny the Jack Russell dog shares this site and needs to take over.

      Have a good time in London. Please say hello to my adoring London fans. I do hope the weather gets back to something bordering on pleasant over the weekend for you, Hilary.

      Thank you for the Father's Day wishes. Perhaps Penny and Tristan might buy me something.....

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  4. This hop idea had me 'bouncing' off the walls in anticipation until I realized that you were just 'springing' us along. I could really see it succeeding by 'leaps' and 'bounds'! :P

    Have a great weekend, my friend :)

    1. Hi Mark Means,

      Sorry to get your um hops up! Sorry about that, my friend. I leap with Joy, yes her. I'm bound to like your comment. No springs attached.

      A good one or two, Mark.

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  5. Replies
    1. Gidday Elephant's Child,

      Ah Sue, whenever I think of Australia, the name Alice Springs to mind....

      A hoppy remainder of the weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  6. Gary, you are hopping mad. And you're the world's silliest anti-blog hop blog hopper. That's why we love you. You bring back all sorts of retro memories too. I always wanted a slinky dog, but they're kinda weird looking. And slinkies never worked nearly as well as they did on tv. I wanted my money (or my parents' money) back.

    Cheers, and have a hoppy weekend.

    1. Hi Robyn,

      Why, thank you very much :) I'm hopping glad you realise I'm hopping mad. Must go and find the white rabbit at the Mad Hopper's tea party. Yep, this was an anti-blog hop. I'm a rebel, an anarchist, a man who eats 'puncakes' at IHOP.

      Slinky Dog, at a stretch, is something I might get as a toy for my son. Slinky's were, I um 'recoil', a waste of money. You should of got a refund on your parent's behalf. Of course, there's always the 'Kinky Slinky', batteries not included....

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!" :) x

  7. You're a gas man, now hop to it!

    1. Aloha Mark Koopmans,

      I gas you might be right :) I hop to get right on with it.

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  8. I loved the pictures Gary but if it's a blog hop where is the Linkey list? or have I missed it.

    Have a great week-end.


    1. H Yvonne,

      I'm glad you loved the photos, Yvonne. This was me making fun, satirising blog hops :) The Linky list became the S(linky) list. Thus, this isn't real. Thank you, Yvonne.

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  9. Now this is my kind of a blog hop. I hate those dang things.... I do belong to a blog commenting thing on facebook (not a hop) and it is great.

    1. Hi Terry,

      Thanks and you get it. Yes, I hate blog hops, blogfests, blog parties or whatever they call them this hour. You'll have to enlighten me in regards to that blog commenting group on um 'Farcebook' :)

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  10. This was fun, Gary. I kind of feel like I just finished an aerobic class.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Hi Shelly,

      I was so hopping, um hoping, it was fun. Yes, this um Blog Hop was aimed at being a bit of exercise as well. Perhaps you could do the accompanying video :)

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  11. That was hilarious! (And there really was a favorite monsters blogfest.)
    I'm going to hop into that Bad Hare Day hop and post the Bugs Bunny cartoon of the same name. It'll be so retro.

    1. Hi Alex,

      Thanks for that. And yep, I was vaguely aware there was a favorite, sorry English spell check, monsters blogfest. Yikes.

      "Bad Hare Day", blog waits for you. I bet you could be retro zombie rabbit. What have I done....

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  12. I am thinking of my favourite childhood hopper...Hopalong Cassidy...remember him? This made me laugh first thing in the morning...just the thoughts of you and a blog hop in the same sentence was enough to do it. Hopping off now.

    1. Hi Delores,

      I sure do remember that fictional cowboy character. Actually, "Hopalong David Cassidy, blog", is on the fictitious list of bloggers um signing up on the 'S(linky) list :)

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  13. Very cute!!! Remember the Hippity Hop thing you sat on and bounced around the yard?

    1. Hi JoJo,

      Thank you, my friend. And the "Hippity Hop thing" is shown in the video. I think they usually called them "Space Hoppers" :)

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  14. Just goes to prove that you're never more than a hop, skip and a jump away from a good bloghop. :)

    1. Hi Jeff,

      More like a hop, skip and oops, a thump back down to the ground with this pretend blog hop :)

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  15. Hop a board the blog hop hippity hoppity train, with you bouncing off the wall hop idea. Now I have to hop away, I feel some hip hop i should play.

    1. Hi Pat,

      Hop on the caboose
      Kiss the moose
      With a bouncy ball
      Do the bunny hop
      Watch out for the cop
      Hip hop
      The rapping must stop

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  16. Too bad my kangaroo costume is in the cleaners.

    1. Hi Pat,

      Your Bulldog costume almost works. Try your Springer Spaniel costume.

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  17. Besides the fact that I'm much too old for this sort of thing and I wouldn't have the energy for it even if I weren't [too old for this sort of thing], there's also this nagging little voice in the back o' me 'ead (and it sounds an awful lot like me old mum) saying, "If everybody jumped off a cliff, would you jump off a cliff too?"

    Apparently the correct answer to that seemingly rhetorical question is "You're darn tootin' I would!"

    I will end by saying that blog-hopping, klahanie-style, is not only a good idea, it's a movement. Get it? Movement?

    Never mind.

    Tie them kangaroos down, sport.

    1. Hi rhymeswithplague,

      Shudder, I just heard the voice of Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins. When I refer to Mary Poppins, that's a reference to him in the movie and his accent, before you ask.

      I bet you're very good at "darn tootin", which is fixing socks while farting. Me thinks you don't follow the crowd, either.

      I'm glad you follow this movement. There's a nice flow to your comment. I certainly do get it! :)

      Rolf Harris is a fan of yours.

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

    2. You have obviously confused "darn tootin'" with "toot darnin'"....

    3. Aha, rhymeswithplague,

      I stand, or sit, corrected. I shall go do some "toot darnin". Where are those darned socks......

  18. P.S. - I once owned a Slinky, but I would have given an arm and a leg for a Spring Chicken.

    1. Ah yes, rhymeswithplague.

      Spring Chicken is on its way. I wont mention my kinky Slinky :)

  19. You're a bit mad, aintcha, Gary? (Yes, I know: we're all a bit mad here...)

    1. Hi Mina,

      Get outta' ere! I'm totally mad and glad I'm totally mad in a totally, mad, glad sorta' way! :) Welcome to the madness, my mad friend, as in eccentric, of course )

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!

  20. What a 'hoppy' idea, Gary!! Love it - and the pics are awesome :)

    1. Hi Jemi,

      Thank you and you make me :)

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  21. Replies
    1. Hi Rob,

      "Well, you can rock it you can roll it
      You can stop and you can stroll it at the hop.."

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  22. If you're hoppy and you know it, clap your hands!

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      Oh hoppy daze....

      A hoppy weekend to you,

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  23. Thank GOD this is NOT real!! One more Blog Hop and I'm gonna SCREAM!!

    1. Hi Caren,

      If this was a REAL blog hop, I would hop of the nearest IHOP restaurant! Argggghhhhhh!!!!! I HATE BLOG HOPS!!!

      A hoppy week to you.

      Gary your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  24. I've glued slinkies to the bottom of my shoes, and I'm revving up my hippity-hopping abilities. I'm all ready to go! :-)

    1. Hi Lexa,

      Thanks for the visual. A real spring in your step and I hop you have the hoppest of times with the blog hop! :)

      A hoppy week to you.

      Gary your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  25. Hop, hop. Have a wonderful Father's Day tomorrow, Gary! Hop, hop. I turned into a bunny after reading your post.

    1. Hi Julia,

      I had to hop back in time. 'Hopfully', my comment makes sense. I had a Hoppy Father's Day, thank you. That would be as I drove my son to the shop a few minutes before it closed on Sunday so he could give me money to buy a new computer chair. Yay, I can see my computer screen! Your posting in regards to Father's Day was beautifully written, Julia.

      Have a bunny good time, Julia.

      Gary your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  26. Pure genius Gary, lol. I especially enjoyed the Hopper takeover - I have a special fondness for flash mobs. Slinky dog sure brings back fond memories.

    Have a hoppy dad's day Gary. Stay away from Little Bunny Foo Foo!


    1. Hi Donna,

      You are way too kind, Donna. Flash mobs? Ah yes, naked space hopper bouncing in a crowd :) Slinky going down the stairs as I type this....

      Thank you for your hoppy dad's day wishes. I shall stay away from a little rabbit or mice.

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  27. All this time on Blogger and I've never done a blog hop. Truth be told, I still am not entirely sure what one is. But I DO know what an IHOP is.

    1. Hi Keith,

      I never have and never will, do a blog hop. I think you realise that a blog hop is theme where a whole bunch of bloggers participate. The blogger who created it realises it's a great way to accumulate followers. Um, the blogger who created it realises it's a great way to promote sharing, caring, positive interaction. I bet you know what a Wendy's hot and juicy is....

      Gary your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  28. Hi Penny, your dad's a slave driver--just kidding-- I'm still recuperating from April! I always wanted a slinky....LOL

    1. Hi Eve,

      Penny just read your comment and she wants you to know she's the slave-driver. If you are referring to that silly alphabet challenge, I hope it never darkens the blogging doorway again. I can dream :) Me thinks you are going to purchase a slinky.

      Gary your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  29. I'll all hopped out, Gary...but that was HILARIOUS! The puns alone were worth the ride! I think I'll hop off to bed...catching some sort of bug, and not feeling the spring in my step today...

    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hi Tina,

      I'm glad that this could bring a bit of light-hearted relief. I know you realise that's my intention. I do hope you are feeling better after hopping into bed. May your spring return like a Slinky on a spring chicken :)

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  30. Hop hop sounds better than chop chop
    Now where did I leave my flip-flop
    Still better than hip hop
    I like the way boobies Bob
    or how much his sis gets paid for a job... ;)
    She is such a snob
    I'd better... um... stob?

    1. Hello Blue,
      Nice to see you
      Oh no another Dr. Seuss
      Is on the loose
      Hopping here and there
      Without a care
      Chop chopsticks
      Are handy tricks
      Flip flop and fly
      Till the day I die
      Hip hop
      On the cop
      Boobies bob
      Such a slob
      You'd better stob
      Eat corn on the cob
      Or corn on the cobwebs
      After the water ebbs

  31. hoppy hop day!
    and i'd like a hopscotch on the rocks, please!
    that was fun!

    1. Hi Tara,

      Hoppy to see you any day :)
      Hopscotch, rocks and springy socks, your way.
      Thank you for being part of the fun, Tara.

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  32. Speaking of hopping. I have two lovely little brown bunnies in my back yard. Haven't seen them hopping much, but munching, oh yeah. So cute, and they don't want to be part of a 'hop' either. Too busy enjoying the sunshine and the leaves of all the lovely flowers.

    Happy Monday! My non blog hopping friend! :)

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Guess what? I'm in the back yard with those two lovely little brown bunnies. Such fun and I'm really enjoying the lettuce and the carrots. As for the leaves of all the lovely flowers, I'll give that a miss.

      Hoppy Wednesday! Your amazing non-conformist friend, Gary.

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

    2. Well, if you're not enjoying the leaves of the flowers must be the deer or the ground hogs, cause someone is sure munch-en em down! :) Of course, can't forget that sneaky little skunk!

      I am doing much, much better. Already up to 2.5 miles a day walking and 12 miles a day biking. Although, biking is much faster and further, it's the walking I enjoy the most! Thank you for asking. Hope all is well with you too!

    3. Hi Yolanda,

      Thank you for for the extra comment. In my case, we have an abundance of foxes and hedgehogs to contend with. If I saw a skunk in my English garden, I'd assume it was one of my neighbours :)

      I'm heartened you are doing better. Utilising healthy resources is a most encouraging situation. Remember to just relax and when you're ready, we can proceed with your blog tour.

      I'm hopping good, thank you. Keep smiling, Yolanda.

      Gary :)

  33. Hi Gary! Hope you had a wonderful Father's Day.
    Many hugs to you!!!! (:
    Did you know that hop backwards is poh? Bah! That's crazy.

    1. Hi Elise,

      Thank you and after dragging Tristan out of the house on Sunday just before the shop shut, it turned into a very good Father's Day. Yay me! :) Thanks for the hugs, Elise! :)

      Wow, thanks for that. Time for a backwards hop blog hop. The "Sdrawkcab Poh Golb Poh"! Esile, you're crazy! Ah ah or ha ha!:)

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  34. Gary
    You are mad as a box of frogs xxx

    1. Aha John,

      That is tremendous praise from you! I could of toad you I was mad as a box of frogs! xxx!

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  35. This is one hoppin' place. Made me tired just thinking of all the unused muscles I'd have to employ to keep up with the bunny in the tweed jacket alone! Now it's time to hop outside. Sun's out. Weather's perfect for bunnies and other mammals.

    1. Greetings C.Lee McKenzie,

      I just love them authors with the initial or initials at the beginning, now you're Tolkien, um talking....

      This here is a hoppin', a skippin', a jumpin' and a trampolinin' place, y'all.

      Jack Rabbit wearing a jacket is your friend, Lee. Wants to know if you're still available to be part of his exercise video for this incredibly amazing blog hop.

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  36. I'm on a spring right now Gary, bouncing everywhere and I can't stop. What's the slinky code to get me off mate? Hop, hop, hop, full circle hop, hop, hop....

    You'd be amazed as to what you can see on these hops :) You are just so funny.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      Wind yourself back in my friend. I have a digital watch and that's not a wind-up. The Slinky linky code is "Oh 69". You should get to the sign-on location link in a roundabout sort of way.

      Yay for all these blog hops. What a great way to self-promote and ego-trip. I meant, what a great way to interact with a bunch of like-minded bloggers....

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  37. This blog hop post has me hopping up and down!

    1. Hi Sherry,

      I'm in awe you could type your comment! :)

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

  38. Phew ... for one horrible moment I thought you'd joined the masses!

    I shall now merrily hop off whilst avoiding all Blog hopping posts like the plague :)

    1. Gidday Wendy,

      Me, join the "Bleeps" aka Blogger Sheep? Baah....I say! :)

      Ah yes, merrily hop along, Wendy. Nothing to see here. Ha ha ha....

      Gary, your cordial host of, "The Hopping Glad Blog Hop!"

    2. Haha! You are a delight :)

      Moving swiftly along ...

    3. Hey Wendy!

      You are delightfully kind.

      So you wont be joining this um 'blog hop'? Ha ha and ha!

      Have a lovely rest of your Sunday.

      I'm going now......


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.