
Sunday 5 May 2013

A Nice Glow.

Greetings, yes it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar.  How are you?  In this photo, I'm snuggled up in a cosy chair.  The front half of the chair has a black booster seat that I sit on to help me reach the keyboard and see the computer screen.
My human, Gary, has been testing out solar lamps.  Brought a bunch of them indoors and recharged their batteries.  He really likes solar lamps.  We are both hoping that when he takes them outside into the magical garden, they will glow through the night.  Cast a warm ambience upon the enchanting garden of magical wee folks.
The ball of illumination you see is a solar lamp wind chime.  Tomorrow, the music of nature shall be playing sweet tunes to the wee folks.
Thus, my friend, soon the magical, enchanting garden shall be awash with glowing lights.  Very much like the night that Fidelina, the beautiful fairy princess and Geoffrey the garden gnome, were wed.  


  1. we like them too. we have some that changes colors, a nice look for your garden!

    1. Hi Ray,

      That solar lamp wind chime changes colours. My human's now trying to figure out whereabouts to hang it outside. A nice touch to a garden, for sure.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  2. Nice ambiance, Panny. Gary is sure good at that sort of this. I'm glad you have him around to set the mood just right. Happy Weekend, Penny.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Panny? I've been called Punny Penny :) Gary likes a gentle ambience in the garden for the wee folks. It lights up their mushroom houses! Happy Sunday to you, my human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

    2. See! I knew I shouldn't type without my glasses! I'm also having internet problems. So--maybe the cyber thief sold the E and replaced it with an A. Everybody knows there are more A's than E's. Right?

    3. Hi Joylene,

      Panny, sorry, Penny is have a pawer, sorry, power nap. Which mean, she's letting me reply. Penny would probably say something silly that typing with your glasses would be rather difficult and she would recommend you use your fingers. To type, that is. There are certainly more A's in Canada, A? E, what am I saying....

      Take care, A.

      Penny's human,


  3. I just bought 4 solar post toppers for the porch, I can't wait to see what they look like, but first I have to paint the damn thing. I do enjoy the dark, when it's properly lit. :)

    Patches sends her best Penny!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      That's seems a delightful set up for your porch. Happy painting and then watch the gentle glow on your porch. Thank you, my human friend.

      Best wishes to Patches! :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  4. You should go show that one picture of the ball of light to a ghost expert and see if you can fool them.

    1. Hey PT Grumpy Bulldog,

      It's already been sent off to Britain's Most Haunted!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  5. The garden will glow all summer! Best wishes to Penny and her human.

    1. Hi Susan,

      We hope the garden will glow all summer. Then again, being in England...well you never know :) Thank you, my human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  6. Love that wind chime! I'm sure the garden is going to have just the right touches with Gary arranging it. It will be perfect for both the wee folks and your lovable self. Enjoy, Penny! And give that human of yours a great big wet sloppy kiss from me! BOL

    Take care, Penny!
    CindyLu xx

    1. Hi CindyLu,

      I think the wind chime solar lamp is going to look wonderful in the garden. My human, Gary, does tries to create a sense of tranquillity in the magical garden. Myself and the wee folks appreciate what he does. I've just slobbered over Gary on your behalf, CindyLu!

      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! xx

  7. Penny, you and your human have made night lights cool! This should brighten the wee folks' spirits.

    1. Hi Jeff,

      Thank you, human friend. The solar lamps should cast a peaceful light upon the garden and the happy wee folks :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  8. A glowing summer garden....peaceful, peaceful.

    1. Hi Al,

      Indeed, my human friend and we hope that we get enough sunshine in England to have the solar lamps continue to glow from dusk til dawn.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  9. Penny
    Illustrious illumination both indoors and outside for the Wee Folks. Summer will be glowing with your human's intervention. The lovely wind chime will join in the serenade. Brilliant.
    Love and peace to you Penny and to your human.

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      Ah yes, it doth glow indoors and soon, more glowing outdoors. The wee folks will rejoice to the lights and to the additional wind chime.

      Peace and glowing thoughts, your way, dear human.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  10. Dear Penny,
    This is Maggie's human. I love wind chimes and solar lights. But I am afraid of wee folks. I think they are sneaky.

    1. Hi Maggie's human,

      Wind chimes and solar lights, a gentle combination. Rest assured, dear human, the wee folks in our magical garden are creatures of unconditional, non-judgemental love, just like us dogs :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  11. Replies
    1. Hi Misha,

      The garden has looked pretty in summer's past. Although, as you know what summer's can be like here, I keep my paws crossed :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  12. Penny, that's going to look really beautiful outside in the garden when they are fully charged. Coupled with a bit of nice soft music, a glass of wine for Gary the human, a bowl of top market biscuits for you, and warm weather, you're gonna have a great time.
    Make sure you send me an invite Penny...

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      We sure hope it turns out as well as other years. Although last year my human spent more time recharging the batteries due to lack of sunshine. Let's hope they stay nicely charged this year. Gentle music, a glass of juice for my human and the finest selection of biscuits for me. A good plan and you can be the human guest of honour.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  13. Hi Penny ... you are obviously in collusion with the weather gods - and know that warm dry weather is on its way ..the thought of sitting outside under the trees, with Fidelina and Geoffrey, your other gnome friends ... your human, with his son, with you at their feet enjoying the glow of Gary's lights, the gentle zephyr breeze brushing the windchimes .. sounds quite wonderful ..

    I'm glad your human plans ahead .. that's what I like to see!! Happy days Penny .. the walks should be offering lots of lovely flowery scents now, verdant lush grass ... and generally some peace of nature .. happy times - cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Let us savour this pleasant weather and hope it bodes well for a long overdue actual summer. You describe so well the serenity we all embrace in the garden of hopes and dreams. The wind chimes, the music of nature.

      He knows that the batteries can be recharged in solar lamps. Some humans think that the solar lamp is broken when all it might need is to bring the batteries indoors and use a charging machine. Happy times, we visualise for us and for you, dear human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  14. Those are some scary glowing green eyes there :)

    1. Hi BZ Dogs,

      And those scary glowing green eyes are staring at you :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  15. Hi Penny loved your blog, hope you don't get too hot should the weather change.


    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Thank you for loving my blog. I shall do my best to stay cool. Might go to the beach and splash in the sea.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  16. Hi Penny! I think you must have a very kind human to make such a pretty garden for you to enjoy. The solar lights really do make it magical.

    1. Hi fairyhedgehog,

      My human sure does try to make a magical garden, even more magical. The solar lamps, when they work, really add a lovely dimension. Thank you.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  17. I want some of these now! :-)

    1. Hi Maria,

      They are on the way :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  18. Penny looks stunning in any light!


    1. Hi Julie,

      Very kind of you to say that. My human also looks stunning, or is that stunned!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  19. Look at you
    Typing away at your zoo
    Well the garden starts to glow
    Now you can see when you go out at night to go

    1. Hi Pat,

      Is it you or the cat
      Who made that mess on your mat
      The garden doth glow bright
      Oh look, I can see my shite

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  20. Dear Penny, why do humans love lighting up the night and shutting out the sun in the mornings, and then there's really cold houses in Summer and hot houses in Winter - why Penny Why?

    is there a gnome marriage act now, or was it just a ceramic union?

    1. Dear Ida,

      When it comes to street lamps and buildings with too many lights on, I do concur. And yet, my human is a man who does his best to respect the balance of nature. In the magical garden, there is a rain barrel. Bath tub water is transported to the garden and used to water the foliage.

      The gentle glow of the solar lamps have healing qualities for my human as he goes into our garden, our enchanted garden, a sanctuary for his soul.

      Fidelina, the beautiful fairy princess and Geoffrey the garden gnome are married. True testimony that the power of love has no boundaries. And they have a beautiful son named Einahalk. Thus, not a ceramic union, but an ideal. A lesson about a world where stigma is an alien concept and a rejoicing of an all different, all equal world.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

    2. That sounds like a wedding I would have enjoyed attending - and a garden I would love to fly to in my magic wishing chair :)

    3. Dear Ida,

      If you you go to this following link address, you may behold the wedding of Fidelina and Geoffrey :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  21. Hello Penny - love the picture of you and her indoors says she wants one of those solar wind chimes - we get plenty of wind but not a lot of the solar, but the sun is shining today - love Indy :-) x

    1. Hi Indy,

      Glad you love the picture of me :) Ah yes, plenty of wind and not much sunshine. Been quite different having sunshine. A combination of both would be good. The wind chimes were purchased at B&M Stores for £4.99, regular price, £19.99.

      Say hello to Teresa for me, Indy.

      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :) xx

  22. Hi Penny, we were thinking of getting some of these although I have heard mixed results from people on how well they work. I think I will still give them a try as they look so pretty. I like the sound of the solar wind chime might have to look out for one of these too :)

    1. Hi Suzanne Furness,

      Strangely enough, my human has mostly found the cheaper ones work the best. Of course, part of the problem in Britain can be lack of sunshine. My human has recharged a bunch of solar lamps and hopes they should now last through the summer. The problem we have though is that our garden has a very large tree and causes a lot of shade. The solar lamp wind chime was purchased at B&M Stores for £4.99, regular price, £19.99.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  23. It's always wonderful to get our yards in order for the warm season...the faeries and pixies and gnomes will appreciate your efforts for sure. We have used solar lights here for quite some time Penny...they work well. We keep the nice ones in the back yard as we had some "borrowed" from our front year once.

    1. Hi Delores,

      I noticed when I went out for a play in the garden that the wee folks are looking real happy. A lot of that may have to do with my human removing the rest of the autumn leaves from them. Solar lamps work better in places that get sunshine. You get some decent sunshine where you live. My family on the west coast of Canada have problems with their solar lamps. Whoever "borrowed" your solar lamps from the front garden were not very nice.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  24. I am glad you are showing a picture of Penny again. I was missing him. He is the one who radiates the best light. Have a lovely Sunday.

    1. Hi Julia,

      I'm glad to share the latest photo of my amazing self with you:) I thank you for your kind words and I sure try to radiate the glowing love that we animals share with humans. A peaceful Sunday to you, my human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  25. Dear Penny:
    I have missed your witty humor and posts, so I was wonderfully surprised to find this creative update from you today!!! The garden sounds absolutely amazing and I'm sure there will be many a tale to share of the adventures held in your magical surroundings. Say hi to Gary!!! Wishing you many happy filled days!!!
    Peace and kindness to you!!!

    1. Dear Suzanne Bean,

      You are most kind, dear human friend. My human has told me of your adventures in Europe. He has seen your video of Paris and I watched it also. I looked to see if there were any French poodles in your video. Alas, I didn't see any :)

      Magical adventures within the enchanting garden will hopefully be posted up in the next month or so. Happy days to you, eh.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  26. Hi Y'all!

    Ah, Penny, you do look cozy.

    I've been meanin' to tell you that, when we are in the mountains, we pass a house, when traveling to and fro, that has lots and lots of wee folk adorning and guarding their flower beds.

    My Human has wanted to take a picture to send to y'all, but on narrow twisty mountain roads where 25 mph (about 40 km/h) seems a safe speed, but locals prefer pushing the 55 mph (about 88 km/h) speed just isn't safe to stop.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Howdy Hawk!

      I was well snuggled up in preparation to type this um 'pawsting':)

      I bet that's quite a sight seeing American wee folks. You know, the wee folks all meet up in 'Gnome', Alaska, in the height of summer.

      It's a shame that speeding humans have prevented y'all from taking a photo. Nice to see you, Hawk. And now that ridiculous 'Arf to Z Challenge' is over, we can get back to proper interacting.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  27. I love the idea of little lights in the garden. It sounds gorgeous!
    I have to admit I don't quite understand how they're "solar" if you have to charge them with electricity...doesn't that kinda defeat the point?

    1. Hi Lexa,

      It's a very nice scene when the solar lamps work.
      In an ideal location, with plenty of sunshine, the sun charges the batteries inside the solar lamps. Unfortunately and my human agrees, having to use indoor electricity to recharge the rechargeable batteries, does defeat the purpose.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  28. There is an old saying that goes, Fairy Lights are for Life not just for Christmas . . . . . . you cant have toooooooo many lights in a garden. As long as they are little twinkly ones and not huge lights that destroy the night.

    Keep up the good work PJR....

    1. Hi Rob,

      I read that saying on the back of Noddy's car :) No worries about them being too bright. They have but a gentle glow and that's all the wee folks want :)

      And you keep up the good work, my human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  29. I think your eyeballs kind of look like solar lamps!

    1. Hi Sherry,

      I agree with you! Although my eyeballs don't need recharging...

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  30. Hello again Penny, what a fine photograph of you that is, a toothy grin for the camera, lovely. And the solar lights, excellent, it seems your human Gary is not as green as he is cabbage looking eh? (this is an old saying of my mother's, it is meant to be a compliment, so go with it). ;)

    1. Hello Michelle,

      I knew you would consider my smiling face to be such a fine photograph. Solar lights. And you never know, if we actually get a summer, they might work for more than a day. Not as green as he is cabbage looking eh? Lettuce think about that one, eh.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  31. That's sure is a nice glow you've got at your show. :))

    1. Hi The Blue Grumpster,

      Help me!
      It's plain to see
      This rhyming stuff
      I've had enough
      Speaking of blue
      This be true
      You look like a solar light
      Something aint right...

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

    2. I blame the cat.
      The one in the Hatt.

    3. Hey Blue Solar Lamp :)

      Cat in the Hatt
      How about that....

  32. Can't have too many soft lights, Penny! Especially as one gets older :)

    HI to dad!

    1. Gidday Wendy,

      Never enough soft lights, indeed. My human is so old, he should have so many soft lights in the garden that aeroplanes mistake the garden for an international airport :)

      I've just said hi to dad! :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  33. And it was a beautiful wedding too. I remember it well, dancing on sprigs of starlight into the wee hours of the morning.
    I'm glad you have a booster, Penny. It's always wise to keep an eye on your human. :D

    1. Hi Laura,

      Ah yes, I remember you at the wee folks wedding. Those two garden gnomes certainly haven't forgotten you! :) Twas a wondrous night of magic and frolic and um...

      I keep both my glowing green eyes on my human.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  34. Let us know if those solar lamps work. Mom LOVES THOSE!!! She believes that fairies live in the knot holes of trees and that squirrels have houses where they eat their meals out of hollowed out acorns....
    Did I tell you that SHE is NUTS?

    1. Hi Cody,

      So far, they are still working. My old human dude has taken them outside and they are still working. As long as we get enough sunshine, they should continue to recharge and keep glowing. Your mom, sorry English spell check, your mum would be correct if she was checking out our garden.

      Okay, she's most likely NUTS! :) Be kind and patient with her, Cody.

      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :) xx

  35. I love those kind of lights in the garden. They really give a cool magic glow! You and your human have good taste, Penny. :)

    1. Hi Al Diaz,

      I just knew you would love those kinds of lights. They glow real good. Not as good as the glow from a dragon's mouth, however! :) Thanks, my human and I send you peaceful wishes.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  36. Those solar lights really look good, and I especially like the solar wind chimes. (Looks AND sounds good!) There'a also a glow-in-the-dark paint that you can put on stepping stones or flower pots, or whatever else you want to spread a little glow in the darkness.

    1. Hi Susan,

      For sure and having a solar lamp wind chime is really different. It should sound real nice along with our other wind chime. Ah yes, glow-in-the-dark paint. Good thought. My human told me about glow-in-the-dark underwear :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  37. Hello Penny, nice to see you. I like your human's collection of solar lights. I only have one so far. I think the wee folk's garden area will be very pretty once all the light are out there.

    1. Hi River,

      And nice of you to visit, my human friend. Thanks and once he gets all of them in place, it should look lovely. The wee folks and I will love it.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  38. Penny you look like you're smiling in that picture!!! You radiate the light :)

    1. Hi Keith,

      I am smiling in that picture, my dreaming human friend. I radiate the light of hope :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  39. Love your solar lights,... but I thought that they were charged by the sun. You charged them indoors? Hmmmmm. Well anyway, I guess whatever works.

    1. Hi Terry,

      Thank you. Oh the reason my human recharged the batteries on a recharging machine was because the batteries didn't have any charge left in them from solar energy. Once charged up, they should hopefully last through the summer. Inside solar lamps are rechargeable batteries. If the lamps are working, flat batteries may well be the reason. So my human brought a few in to see how they looked with their batteries fully charged.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  40. i prefer the natural glow of fireflies... and pixies ;)

    1. Hi laughingwolf,

      The elf you do!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  41. We have magic lights too, in our little magic memorial garden. They last until about 3 in the morning, changing colors from green, to blue, to red, to purple. Shines up and into our window so at night I can look out and see the fairies dancing!

    1. Hi Lisa,

      That sounds absolutely wonderful in your magic memorial garden. I really like the ones that change colours. Please say hello to those dancing fairies :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  42. Love windchimes. Love solar lamps. Love Penny!! Tell the human hi!!

    1. Hi Dixie,

      I know how much you love wind chimes and solar lamps. And I send love back to you, my dear human friend. I shall pass on your "hi" to my human :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  43. I followed a link in one of your replies: such heartwarming photos of the wedding.

    1. Hi fairyhedgehog,

      That was so nice of you to go check out the link of the wee folks wedding. Fidelina and Geoffrey pass on magical wishes to you :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  44. Those lamps are so nice and soothing, Penny. You have a great human - always shedding light on the darkness and spreading cheer along the way.

    Pawsitive wishes back at ya, and to your human too.

    1. Hi Robyn,

      Yes indeed, those lamps give off a gentle, soothing glow. My human is a good dude and I like to think I've helped him become even gooder! :)

      Thank you for the pawsitive wishes to me and my human :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)x

  45. Replies
    1. Hi John,

      Squish who? Both the humans here are male.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  46. Ah, lovely soft lights for our wee friends. Very good idea, Penny, I just know it was yours.


    1. Hi Laura,

      For sure and of course, the idea of more solar lamps to enchant the wee folks, was my idea. Thank you, my human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)x

  47. How special! Romantic mood lighting and a wedding for a match made in the garden. Penny, you amaze me all the time. I'm thinking a booster seat might be something I could use. I'll have to look into that. Great idea.

  48. Hi Lee,

    Special and the romantic mood lighting at the wee folks wedding induced much mayhem and merriment. However, thought best not to include those photos. Lee, my human friend, I amaze myself! :) Happy booster seating!

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  49. Oh what a solar bliss you've got in your garden lovely Penny, your daddy must be a very ingenious gentleman indeed. Please inform him that his ardent admirer would love to visit him and Fidelina of course :).

    1. Hi Petronela,

      Ah yes, solar bliss in my lovely garden. My human has created some really neat visual areas in the garden. You are most welcome to visit and Fidelina is enchanted by your world, as much as my human and I :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  50. Great pics! I especially love the dog:)

    1. Hi Mark Noce,

      Very nice to meet you, human friend. Glad you liked the photos and delighted you loved the photo of me. Thank you, Mark.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  51. Penny, your human is so thoughtful. Light for the wee ones and a booster seat for you? You're one lucky dog!

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      My human tells me he is thoughtful, amazing, incredibly good looking and charming. I humour him. Still, glowing lamps for the wee folks as they dance the night away. And yep, a booster seat for me so I can see what I'm typing to you, yes you, my bestest type human friend.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  52. Good grief. This is uncanny. I LOVE solar lights, but not the typical ones. I have bought "FAIRY LIGHTS". They are like christmas lights, but extremely miniature and work off solar.

    I spread mine through the fronds of two miniature (think 8 inches tall) palms, then laid the rest on the ground. On top of the lights, I sat my favorite 'wee folks', only my wee folks are frogs. Gotta love them thar froggies.

    Joe and I stare at them at night. I have them in three areas. Back porch. Front garden. Side patch of dirt. So no matter where we go, we see fairy lights.

    I had a photo of them on my blog a while back. Penny must have missed it.

    I'm exhausted now. *poof* and I'm outta here.

    1. Hi lotta joy,

      Ah yes, my human was in a store the other day that sells the type of solar lights you are talking about. He's thinking about getting some to drape over some bushes. Did you know that they call "Christmas lights", "fairy lights", in Britain?

      What you have done with those solar fairy lights has given me a magical visual. Frogs are fun cause they um 'toad' me so. I bet Joe and you, when not staring into each other's eyes, are totally enchanted by such a scene. I believe we saw those lights on the posting in question.

      Did you know a *poof* is a British word for "footstool"? Okay, I'm going now... Thank you, lotta joy.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  53. The lights are beautiful ! Your human friend Gary certainly knows about Solar energy. He is good to this Earth and is self less.

    1. Hi Munir,

      For sure and I really love the solar lights. My human does try to respect the balance of nature. It's a bit ironic he had to use indoor power to recharge the lamps that are supposed to be charged by solar energy. Of course, a bit of sunshine does help :)

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  54. wow, i like the new pic up there. luckily it doesn't take up the whole top of the page...oh, yeah it does! but at least it is beautiful enough to do so. so, yes, solar lamps. i have a few in my garden i don't care for them myself. i always have to change the batteries, so i say, solar my volumptious butt! ok, ok, maybe i just need to buy new ones. just send me yours.
    i'm a little hurt that geoffrey moved on and wed a fairy. i mean really? just rude. glad to see penny still is keeping you company. you need to stop posting him next time, and post those cool old photos of you!! that'd be fun! you'd get those comments you like, you know.."cool" "looks good" "great post" and then people don't have to actually pretend to read because they are admiring you! isn't that what you wanted??

    oh, funny day. i should post late at night more often. i get too smart this time of night. goodnight dear bloggy, facebook, email friend. give the penny a pat and a treat and kick the fairy for me. gnome stealer!

    your welcome for the best comment of the night!

    1. Alleged human,Tammy,

      My human is delighted you like the header at the top of the page. It might be a good idea if the photo took up the entire blog site whenever my human attempts to write. Perhaps we should change the header to your face, or the face of a Sasquatch. Tough decision. Inside the solar lamps are rechargeable batteries. If you have a recharging machine, you might find that boosts them back up so that if you do actually get some sunshine, they should light up. Although you know they can be a pain in the solar butt.

      Geoffrey offered to wed you. Then this little chick, Fidelina offered him a frolicking good time inside a mushroom house. Human, I'm actually keeping my human company. I think you might like to see photos of Gary that you can turn into giant posters and have all around your home. Yeah, that would be just amazing for you.

      Yep, you should post late at night more often. It certainly was worth waiting for such an incredible comment from my human's bloggy, 'Farcebook' and email friend.

      I shall give my human a pat and teach him how to roll over and play dead.

      Great comment. Thanks for sharing!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  55. (Sorry I'm late, I'm still catching up from the weekend)

    Some great pics there, Penny, and I know you're the one who probably taught Gary how to hold the camera, right?? :)

    (Nice view there, Gary...well done!)

    1. Greetings Mark,

      Never worry about catching up, my human friend. Heck, my human is so far behind, I've taken over for him :)

      You would be correct. I did indeed teach Gary how to hold a camera. I even showed him where the "on" button is. That helps a lot!

      My human thanks you and now he's transported the solar lamps that were recharged back into the garden.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  56. I like solar lamps. We have them on our back porch, but I like your human's version. I think faeries and whatnot will like those quite a bit.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

    1. Hi Shannon,

      Penny is sleepy and has trusted me to reply to your comment. Solar lamps, when they actually work in Britain, do cast a lovely ambience. The wee folks are rejoicing in the glowing light.

      Thank you, Shannon.

      Penny's human,



I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.