
Wednesday 3 April 2013


"WVUT"  is not a reference to an American radio or television station's call letters.  This is my ongoing mission to seek out new  words, to boldly go where no other alphabet has gone before.  Welcome to the alphabet in an alternative universe.

And thus, the alternate alphabet challenge, brought to you by this congenial host, continues.
"W" is for Wedding.  As in the "Wee Folks Wedding".  Fidelina, the beautiful fairy princess and Geoffrey the garden gnome, were wed in my magical garden.  True demonstration of love in their world where no stigmas are attached.  A wee world where wondrous wishes will warmly wander with wholesome wholehearted  wellbeing.  Yes, their world is a world where diversity is celebrated.  An all different, all equal world.

"V" is for "Veronica", my former wife.  Here she is with our son when he was only eight days old.  There was a time, way back when, that I was her knight in shining armour.  I rescued her from a life to horrendous to imagine.  And her knight's armour became tarnished.  I pray that she is happy in the life she now does live.

"U" is for "Upside Down Cake".  I ate an upside down cake.  Or did I eat a cake upside down?

"U" is for "Understanding".  Understanding that within us beats the heart of caring, of compassion, for mankind, for our precious wildlife.  An understanding that we must do all we can to save our precious planet.  A legacy to leave this planet, a greener, cleaner, more peaceful place.

"T" is for "Tristan".  You see him here, no longer a baby but four years old.  A child of sweet innocence.  A wonder to behold.
And here he be, my young man.  Feet on the table and he smiles.  And those smiles, yes those smiles of sunny days, of carefree days, when life was getting better.  

Now my young man, my Tristan is oh so sad.  Life has been a challenge for a number of years.  Yet he will find, I will find, inspiration through adversity.  For I know that the smile shall return to Tristan's face.  


  1. What is the cake is really right side up and you are just upside down? Hopefully life will turn back around, as true suck everywhere seems to be found.

    1. Hi Pat,

      I'm upside down, you're turning me. I think all that typing from Antarctica may well have confused me. Along with the right side up, upside down cake :)

      Life for my son has been upside down. Very soon he'll turn it around.

      Thank you, Pat.

      In kindness and happy thoughts, your way,


  2. You received a great gift in Tristan! I pray his challenges are resolved.

    1. Hi Alex,

      A wonderful way to phrase it, kind sir. Your prayers are hopeful and the resolution shall come with the dawn of a new day, a new reality.

      Thank you, Alex.

      In peace and good wishes,


  3. Your son at eight days of age is adorable.

    Your wife seems like a nice person. Sometimes it seems that even nice people do hurtful things. I will never be able to understand why.

    Surely Tristan will find happiness. For sure the Sun will shine tomorrow.

    1. Hi Munir,

      Thank you and he's still adorable. Just like his dad! :)

      My former wife is a lovely lady. Sadly, the torment of the past in something that was always in the forefront. I hope she is so much better in her new life. There has been pain inflicted beyond my comprehension.

      I know Tristan will find happiness. And he knows he has my ongoing support and love. Better sunnier days shall return.

      Thank you, Munir.

      In peace and hope,


  4. Three letters in one...great job....and thank you for sharing your precious family pictures and memories. Sunshine and shadow seem to rotate through our lives...first one and then the other....the sun will come back.

    1. Hi Delores,

      Thank you and of course, I'm going to post in my own, somewhat different way. Indeed, reflective photos and the sun will shine again upon the smile that will return to my son's face.

      Thank you, Delores.

      In kindness,


  5. Delores is so eloquent in her language. May our sons and daughters find the joy we can only imagine for them. May they praise and love us in our closing years. May our grandchildren rise up and call us "cool!"

    1. Hi Susan,

      Delores is most eloquent in her words and thoughts. Indeed, so are you. Thank you, Susan.

      In kindness,


  6. I love the way you are doing this challenge. You have won it all by my calculations. That may be because I never liked to take the road mapped out for me, but rather take the road less traveled. It is so much more colorful.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      This is my alternate alphabet challenge. I'm not into, as you may have gathered, joining into such things. I'm a rebel, a non-conformist :) Your map, like mine, is off the beaten track. I like that, very much.

      Thank you, Arleen.

      With good wishes,


  7. Take care of your on, he is/a precious gift. I lost the oldest of my two sons in a highway accident. I wish I had spent more time with him.

    1. Hi Dizzy-Dick,

      Thank you, kind sir. He is indeed a precious gift. And a gift I cherish. This single dad has much to be grateful for.

      Your story of your son makes for painful reading. No words can I say of any justice. All you can do is embrace the memory. Bless you, friend.

      In sincerity,


  8. Sometimes with life it's like running in thick treacle and sooner or later you find a way of escape and make your way out. Tristan will find that smile again in time and it's so good to know that he has a father like you who is there by his side for him to lean on. In fact, you both have each other as pillars of support.

    Enjoying the way you have decided to do the challenge Gary, and what lovely pictures although they may hold some dark memories. Upside down cake, I remember the days when they use to put pineapple on the bottom then turn the whole cake over once baked hoping that it wouldn't fall apart. Yum.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      Your articulate eloquence echoes my thoughts. Thank you. In a way, such adversity and supporting of my son on my own in my personal life, has given both of us more strength and determination. I stay firmly tuned to the positive future my son will have. When he smiles, in turn, I shall smile.

      Of course, my challenge is an alternative to that A to Z one. They asked me if I would consider participating. No thank you to that :) Upside down cake. Ah yes, I once did a posting on tarts. You might figure out the rest. My um tart's in the right place! :)

      Thank you, my friend.

      In goodwill,


  9. It's always great to see people being creative, like taking a challenge and making it their own. Thank you for being awesome, Gary.

    1. Hi Jeff,

      Very kind of you, good sir. I satirised the A to Z last year. Sometimes I did something a bit more serious. This one was a bit of both. And you know, this is the alternate alphabet challenge. I'm your cordial host :)

      Thank you, Jeff.

      Peaceful wishes,


  10. In advance...your welcome!

    Very cute photos, but I missed the one of you...your stardom is bashful :D
    Your wonderful (seemingly wonderful) son will crawl his way out the dirty rocked hole and find his light. Just hope, and pray, it is sooner than later.

    1. Hi Tammy,

      In advance, thank you so much for your comment!

      Very cute photos of the wee folks wedding and my son and oh yeah, my former wife :) There are plenty of photos of me in previous posts. One where I'm only wearing a sombrero. Anyway, lucky you, have now gasped at my cuteness over at Farcebook!

      Thank you and my son looks forward to that day when he finally has his independence and gets on with his life. Your prayers are warmly received, Tammy.

      You are very welcome for my reply!

      In peace and kind thoughts, your way,


  11. I hope Tristan gets his smile back soon. It's tough to see our children suffer.

    1. Hi Patricia,

      Thank you and the day the smile returns, will be a day of celebration. So true what you note. When our children are in pain, we are in pain.

      Thank you, Patricia.

      With respect,


  12. Prayers for Tristan. This was a beautiful post. You have such a warm heart.

    1. Hi middle child,

      Thank you for your prayers for my son. Your words are very kind and I'm truly grateful for that.

      Peaceful wishes,


  13. A wonderful post, most enjoyable to read, Prayers for Tristan that goes without saying,


    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Thank you for such kind words, dear friend. Your prayers for Tristan and warmly welcomed.

      Thank you, Yvonne.

      In kindness and peaceful wishes,


  14. Sending good wishes for you, for Penny, for Tristan and of course for the wee folk. And I hope the cake (upside down or not) brings happy memories. Though if you were indeed upside down perhaps not.
    Have a wonderful week. And, before saying things like WVUT again, I think you should think of the young and the innocent. It sounds like a cross between a belch and a swear workd to me.

    1. Hi Elephant's Child,

      Your good wishes for me, Penny, Tristan and the wee folks, are most gratefully received. The upside down cake was right side up and I was upside down :)

      May you also have a peaceful rest of the week. Okay, how about TUVW? Thank you and keep smiling.

      With happy thoughts, your way,


  15. We blink and they are grown. How does that happen?

    1. Hi BZ Dogs,

      It's amazing how quickly they grow up. Somehow, they will always be our little children :)

      Thank you.

      In kindness,


  16. Oh it's lovely to meet your very handsome boy! He is beautiful!! May all the positive light and energy in the universe protect and support your son! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,

      Awe thanks for that. I should get him to read this. Make him blush! :) I'm kidding. Thank you for such supportive words, Old Kitty.

      Sunny thoughts, your way,


  17. I am confident that Tristan will be sunny side up again with you in his corner Gary. All the best to you and your handsome young man. P.S. Very creative use of WVUT.


    1. Hi Julie,

      Thanks and I've no doubt that Tristan will become sunny side up very soon. Your best wishes to me and my adorable young man are most welcome. Thanks for thinking my rather different usage of the alphabet was creative :)

      Thank you, Julie.

      In peace and positive thoughts,


  18. Life is so short when think about it. I really hope things turn around for you and Tristan. Positive thinking and an iron will to move forward beyond the dark will get you both to happier shores. We are all here to support you and send you positive thoughts. (:

    1. Hi Elise,

      Life is very short and we sure do have to embrace all the positive things on offer. Your words are treasured, Elise. I stay determined in seeing my son become happy again. It has been so tough for him and thus for me. Your positive support and the positive support of so many, is deeply profound. I'm deeply grateful for that.

      Thank you, Elise.

      With peaceful, sunny wishes, your way,

      Gary :)

  19. Hoping for yours and Tristans sake things turn around and he is carefree again. It is so hard watching our kids suffer things we can't help with.

    By the way... I love the name Tristan!

    1. Hi Terry,

      Your hopes are most welcome, Terry. All we can do is support and encourage our children. I have told him that what has happened in his life is not his fault. I shall continue to provide him with a safe, loving environment. Then one day he can finally get out there in the world beyond my front door.

      He was named after a guy named Tristan from that daytime soap, "General Hospital" :)

      Thank you, Terry.

      In kindness and gratitude,


  20. Tristan has such a sweet smile.

    I hope you can both maintain your smiles.

    1. Hi Diane,

      Thank you and lately, his smile has been but fleeting.

      We shall regain those smiles. I just know it :)

      Thank you, Diane.

      With goodwill wishes,


  21. Gary, my friend, I'm sending out warm thoughts and wishes to both you and your son.

    Take care.

    1. Hi Mark,

      My friend, your warm thoughts and wishes to the both of us are kindly embraced.

      Thank you, Mark.

      Happy wishes,


  22. Eating cake upside down is difficult. I just tried. I choked. Coughed. Had to sit upright down to finish it. Turns out it was a bit dry.

    Your Tristan is such a handsome young man. And what a smile!

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Yes indeed, eating cake upside down can also be a rather messy situation. Crumbs, eh.

      Tristan is so gosh darn cute. And I wait for that beaming smile to return. I reckon it will be soon :)

      Thank you, Joylene.

      Happy new adventure thoughts, your way,


  23. Gary thank you for sharing your family with us here. My thoughts and prayers are with Tristan.

    1. Hi Keith,

      I know you share photos of your family and I was glad to share some photos of mine. Your thoughts and prayers are warmly welcomed.

      Thank you, Keith.

      In peace and positivity,


  24. As difficult as it is, it's the hard times that make us appreciate the good ones. I know that's impossible to accept right now. Believe me, I'm in the same boat. But I also know, life is harder for many others, so I concentrate on what is good, and keep praying the rest will follow. It has to at some point, right?

    1. Hi Nancy,

      It's very possible to accept right now. I'm a firm believer that through adversity, through the darkness, there shall be light. I know of your concerns in your own life. I know we are both grateful for what we have. When we see that, like you do, we understand how blessed we really are. It will turn for the better for all of us. We just have to believe.

      Thank you, Nancy.

      Sunny Seattle wishes, your way,


  25. Prayers for Tristan and for you. As a parent, I know when our kids hurt, it stabs at our hearts too. He has the love and support of a caring father, so I have no doubt good days are around the corner. I just hope it's sooner rather than later!

    1. Hi Elisabeth,

      Thank you for the prayers for the both of us. Indeed, when we see our kids in pain, that feeling of being helpless is something we try to get through. So we move on from that feeling and yes, we visualise those better times for our kids and thus, for ourselves.

      Thank you, Elisabeth.

      In hope and peace,


  26. As Delores said: 'Sunshine and shadow seem to rotate through our lives...first one and then the other....the sun will come back.'

    Put so beautifully!

    Take care, Gary.

    1. Hi Wendy,

      Delores put in beautifully. If only I had articulated better.
      Thank you, Wendy.

      In peace and hope,


    2. True. But so did you, good sir :)

    3. Hey Wendy,

      Thank you and what I liked is the interaction and how your comment regarding Delores became a part of a community thought. I appreciate that.

      Thank you, Wendy and be well, my friend :)

      Gary :)

  27. Let's try again without striking the wrong key.

    I'll be praying for your Tristan to solve whatever problem he's facing and for you too. Day will follow night and spring will follow winter. Nothing last forever. Just hang in there.

    My best.

    1. Hi Al Diaz,

      You've done a great job of redoing your comment. Thank you.

      Your prayers for Tristan and I are most welcome. My son has gone through a very long time of mostly unemployment. His civil engineering skills are going to waste. Now, he awaits a chance to utilise his skills in the British Navy. My emotions are mixed on that.

      We hang in there and maintain a positive focus, my friend. I would also note you write a superb blog.

      Be well, my friend.

      In positivity,


  28. Hi Klahanie,

    You are clearly a man of heart and depth. I feel honored to begin to get to know you through your playful, poignant, hopeful, sometimes sad, and always very human words. I agree: adversity breeds inspiration. In turn, inspiration breeds laughter and smiles.

    Keep faith.

    1. Hi Robyn,

      What a wonderful comment. Thank you. You, dear lady have encapsulated so beautifully, what I set out to do. Together in hope, we cope. Like you, I shall never lose faith.

      Be well, Robyn and have a peaceful weekend.

      With kind wishes, your way,


  29. Hi Gary - words chosen very wisely .. I love what you've written here, given us an insight into earlier times .. my heart feels heavy for you both - but I too know that you'll shine through. Life is a roller coaster .. but there's too much downward coasting sometime ...

    I just hope sunny times lie ahead of WVUT .. sunshine and smiles .. success and sounds - where the symphony of life starts playing its orchestra together for you ...

    Many thoughts - some sun will be a good start ... and a long saunter with Penny as company ... all the very best - Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      You are most kind. I like to verbalise, to cleanse. I feel great warmth from your thoughtful interaction. The ride on the roller coaster has provided a few screams and a few thrills along the way.

      The symphony of life, the orchestra of understanding, bring musical, sunny smiles. SRQP may well be next :)

      Thank you, Hilary. Wishing you a most contented weekend.

      In kindness and peaceful wishes,


  30. Gary, this post is an inspiration. What a beautiful, sensitive soul.
    I hope Tristan will continue to smile a lot, and I hope that he will feel happy and strong.

    1. Hi Julia,

      That's very nice of you say, Julia. I know that Tristan will soon have the happiness he deserves. I shall continue to love and support him and provide him with a safe environment. Thank you, Julia.

      Have a lovely weekend in the Pacific Northwest.

      With kind wishes,


  31. You sir, are an original... and forgive me if this is a second comment. Memory is an illusion lately. :)

    1. Hi Dixie,

      I'm original and I shall continue to think outside the blog :) This be your first comment on this posting, dear lady. I know you are not an illusion, if I remember correctly :)

      Be well and reflect this weekend, Dixie.

      In peace and hope,


  32. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Klahanie.

    1. Hi M.J.,

      Your thoughts and prayers are treasured.

      Thank you M.J. and have a peaceful weekend.

      Kind thoughts,


  33. Such a lovely new word....allow me to observe what a great taste in women you have :), your ex wife is beautiful. Send my kisses to Tristan please and tell him I am sure life has wonderful surprises for him....

    1. Hi Petronela,

      Glad you liked the new word. To seek out new words, to boldly go....

      My former spouse is beautiful. And her beauty remains. I shall send your kisses to Tristan and your encouraging wishes. Thank you, dear friend.

      Peaceful weekend wishes, your way,


  34. What a beautiful baby/child he was. He's lucky to have to with him.

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      Thank you and he's still my beautiful baby :) I'm blessed to have him here with me. Through the good and the bad times.

      A peaceful weekend to you, Annalisa.


  35. W is for wonderful, and how you always create so much love and kindness on your blog. V is for very cool, U is for unique for you embody this in your life, and T is for totally awesome!!! You ROCK!!!

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Wow and thanks for that. I shall try to continue to ROCK :) And you, dear friend, keep on rockin' in the free world...

      Have a beautiful weekend in Victoria.

      Take care and keep smiling.


  36. Replies
    1. Hi Stormy um Heather,

      Thank you. Enjoy the weekend and be good, the both of you :)


  37. I hope Tristan finds happiness. :(

    And I love your positive spirit! Rock on, brother. :)

    1. Hi PK,

      Thank you for your happy thoughts for Tristan.

      Ah yes, positivity is so much better than the alternative. Rock on, sister :) Thank you, PK. A pleasant weekend to you.


  38. Beautiful post, Gary! It truly touched me, but I have to say what I often love about your post is the sweet humor you add to it along the way. Tristan, is a handsome young man and he is blessed to have such an amazing father who stands by him and loves him unconditionally.

    1. Hi Madison,

      Thank you so very much, Madison. I do try to instil a bit of gentle humour in my postings. Indeed, my dear friend, I shall continue to demonstrate my unconditional love for Tristan. Through the challenging times, the resilience grows stronger.

      Thank you, Madison. Wishing you a most positive weekend.

      In kindness and understanding, your way,


  39. Wonderful post. I hope he find happiness.

    1. Hi Christine,

      I appreciate that. May he soon find happiness and all those going through these trying times, soon find happiness. Thank you, Christine.

      Wishing you a lovely weekend.


  40. Gary,
    You have a very good looking family. I'm sorry things don't always work out like we had planned. So eat your cake upside down and everything will be fine
    from Pollyanna...HahahaManz

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      Thank you and yes, my family are good looking. As for me, yikes! LOL It's a long, complicated story about my former spouse. Yet, despite it all, I still care and worry about her.

      Upside down cake. I shall bake. Blood rushing to my head for heaven's sake :)

      Hayley Mills sorting out an American town, y'all!

      Happy alphabeting and have a great weekend.

      Gary :)

  41. Tristan will make his way - things need to be looking up soon for him.

    My mom used to make upside down cake - with pineapple slice and cherries made to look like flowers on the 'bottom'. Good memories!!

    1. Hi Jemi,

      Thank you, Jemi. Shall keep that positive focus for the day he can move on.

      Thanks for sharing those memories of upside down cakes.

      Have a good one, eh.

      Gary :)

  42. Praying that things will get better for you and Tristan.

    1. Hi Misha,

      Your prayers for Tristan and I are greatly appreciated.

      Thank you, Misha.

      In kindness,


  43. boldly go where no other alphabet has gone before. Talk about thinking outside the blog, Gary. I hope Tristan will find his smile again.

    1. Hi The Blue Grumpster,

      To seek out new words...That's why I like you. My friend, you think outside the box and the blog :)

      Tristan is working on his smile :) Thank you, my friend.

      Peace and hope,


  44. Congratulations to Fidelina and Geoffrey - I hope they have a very happy and long marriage :)

    Overcoming adversity is just life. It only took me 50 years to find my niche - I'm a slow starter.

    1. Hi Gwen,

      It will be Fidelina's and Geoffrey's third wedding anniversary on June 21 :)

      Ah, but slow starters can discover that the wait was worth it :)

      Thank you, Gwen.

      Positive wishes, your way,


  45. Hey there laughingwolf,

    Cool beans, eh? What say we have a blog hop about Mexican jumping beans? Yes? No?

  46. Your son is quite handsome. I hope you and he both find your smiles again.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

    1. Hi Shannon,

      Thank you and my handsome son and his old dude dad are seeking those smiles :)

      Be well, Shannon,


  47. Hi Klahanie.

    Re: understanding - i think my U post will have almost identical meaning, thoughts, words... not xeroxed just repeated, as any universal message should me. I sincerely wish you and your family all the healing they need -I am happy to send a troop of angels (or at least some distant healing) if necessary.
    Reflex Reactions

    1. Hi Ida,

      I understand :) Although, I'm rather surprised you wouldn't use "U" is for "Upside Down Cake." Your healing wishes are warmly received. I know that maintaining a positive focus, telling him it's going to be just fine, has kept us both going. Very kind of you. By all means, a troop of angels and some distant healing are most welcome.

      Thank you, Ida.

      In kindness and peaceful wishes, your way,


  48. Klahanie, I read this back when you posted it, but I didn't feel like I had a great comment. I sat and sat and nothing felt appropriate to what you had written. So, I said to myself, "You will come back later when you have something better to say." I am back and I don't know that I have anything better to say, but I wanted to say *something.* What I know is that life is hard. I also know that you have an unrelenting positive attitude. If your son spends any amount of time with you, your attitude will help him through whatever difficulties he is facing. It may not "fix" everything, but a positive attitude will certainly lighten his burden. He is blessed to have you.


    1. Hi Robin,

      I thank you for reading my posting previously and returning to leave a comment. Oh yes, life can be hard, can be a tough challenge. I know I try to not give negative situations permission to sabotage my son's or my right, to a peaceful, positive life. We have experienced a series of negative situations we did not create. I know a lot of folks know what that's like.

      At this time, he vents his anger and frustration at me. I'm an easy target. When he is calm, I tell him that I know the sadness he feels is not directed at me. That I'm here for him. In time, he's beginning to understand this. He so wants his freedom, his independence and time to get on with his life. When that days comes, I will have mixed emotions and yet, I will then be able to get on with my life.

      Your words are very kind, Robin. I'm profoundly grateful. Thank you.

      In peace and hope,


  49. My son's name is Tristan also! I think boys named Tristan come with their own set of rules and we, as parents, are left to find out what those rules are! Found you through, Hilary's blog on the A to Z challenge. How funny you're doing it backwards!
    I'm at, if you want to see what I'm doing during the challenge...!

    1. H Lisa,

      Very kind of you to comment on this posting. Thank you. You may well be onto something in regards to the name "Tristan". Being a single dad, I've had to contend with my Tristan on my own. I've asked him about his 'rules'. All I got was a couple of grunts. Which was better than the usual one grunt. Making progress! :)

      Hilary, a lovely lady and she does a terrific blog. I shall come and visit your site in a short time. I'm actually not doing the challenge. Even though they begged me to join, I'm a complete non-conformist.

      Happy alphabeting, Lisa.

      Gary :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.