
Monday 25 February 2013

Green Lights.

Monday morning, February 25.  Today was going one of the most significant days of my life.  I got into my car and looked at the clock.  Green digital clock indicated 9:20 A.M.  Plenty of time to get to the hospital for my 10:30 A.M. appointment to get the results of all my tests.  I set off on a journey I'd become all too familiar with.

I really hadn't been giving the appointment much thought.  I lived in the now and tried to keep busy with positive distractions.  Driving there, I had a whatever happens, happens attitude.  No matter the outcome of my test results, I knew I could handle it.  If it be the worst result,  I'd take it in stride and see what course of action was needed.  And a best result would give me the urge to sing, dance, drive down to the Houses of Parliament, rush in and say "Hey Prime Minister David Cameron, have a look at my butt."

Okay, where was I?  Oh yeah, so I'm driving along and each intersection that has a traffic light is green, all the way to the hospital.  Can't ever remember that happening to me.  Maybe the green lights are a sign   A precursor message to what the results of the tests would reveal.  At 9:47 A.M, I park up near the hospital.  Wow, that was quick and no, I wasn't speeding.  Thank you, green lights.

Plenty of time to check into the Main Building at the hospital that does remind me of a departures terminal of an airport.  I get my ticket that has the directions to get to the clinic where I will see the urologist.  I sit there, stare at the screen, waiting for my flight number, sorry, my appointment number to show up on the screen.

Finally on the screen, along with a recorded announcement, came my turn.  "Patient 1680, please go to Subwait 3."  The urologist came to the waiting area and summoned me into his office.  "And how are you today, sir?" I inquired.  After exchanging a few pleasantries, we went over the test results.  I sat there wearing my usual silly grin.  Remember Gary, whatever happens, happens, I thought to myself.

He stared at the computer screen.   I stared at the computer screen.  MRI prostate scan, all clear.  Ultrasound prostate scan, all clear (no, not pregnant for certain).  Prostate biopsy, all clear.  No "hostile cells".  Just a bit of irregular gland swelling in the prostate area that was a bit of a mystery but not a concern.

Thus, from all the tests, I have a provisional diagnosis of bladder over-activity.  I have been given a subscription for some pills that hopefully will counteract a urinary urgency.  I was told that I should take them at a time that best fitted with my schedule.  Evidently you can variate the times.  And in reference to the times, he said "You can play with them a little bit."  To which I responded, "Are we still talking about the pills?"

Um, moving on, I was told that an ongoing blood test would be needed every three months or so.  This is to check my "PSA"  (Prostate-Specific Antigen) to monitor any disparities that can cause concern.  And oh no, I was told to reduce my coffee intake.  What?  I like having my eyebrows stuck to the top of my forehead.

Seriously, you know you should get checked on a regular basis to make sure your health is okay.  We can all too easily put off that appointment with the doctor because we are embarrassed, worry about our dignity.  Yet, at what cost?  I knew I couldn't put it off any longer and the challenge I have gone through has, I hope, I pray, brought inspiration to those who have been neglecting to have their health checked out.

Heading home, I got red lights all the way.  Did I care?   Heck no.  I got green lights on the way to the hospital and green lights from my tests.  Thank you for coming along with me on this journey of the fears I challenged.  The biggest fear was going out and I did it.  Oh yes I did.


  1. That is great news!! Green light for all clear.
    I get a physical every year. My last one revealed I had the body of a healthy thirty-year-old. (Ironically I'm almost twenty years past that...)
    Celebrate! Just not with coffee.

    1. Hi Alex,

      Thank you, good sir. Evidently, I'm good to go, whatever that means. I'm just wondering what you're doing with the body of a healthy thirty year old? Sorry, that's me being pedantic :) Amazingly, much like you, I appear to have the health of somebody half my age. Hope they don't want it back. Yes, another pedantic silly statement.

      I shall raise a glass of pomegranate juice. Yuck! Thank you, Alex.

      Continued good health.


  2. Wow, that's great news! I'm so happy for you Gary, and I share your diagnosis too, though I'm 'under observation' rather than taking pills as I'm on such crazy drugs as it is. Al the best people have over-active bladders you know. *smiles.

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Thank you for that. Thought I'd try some pills to see if they might counteract this constant feeling of having to um take the 'p**s'. You are under observation? No Gary, get that visual out of your head you silly man! All the best people have over-active bladders, eh. I wonder if there's a workshop we can all gather and talk about the bladder. Or would you 'bladder' not.

      Thank you, Michelle. I appreciate your kindness and you're a good laugh!

      Gary :)

  3. Hi Y'all!

    I am so happy for you, Gary! and I bet Penny is beside herself with joy for you!

    BrownDog's Human

    1. Howdy BrownDog's Human,

      Thank you, y'all :) And Penny is beside herself and she wondered how that happened. Seriously, she got a big cuddle from me. Of course, she then wanted a doggy treat. Peace be with you.


  4. I made it to the second round of interviews but didn't get that job. It might sound like a bad thing, but it was actually good karma, because it would have merely been a means to an end, so no love lost there. I'm happy about your good karma, even if my eyebrow twitched a little at the coffee ban. The universe has a way of working things out sometimes. I am also continuously impressed by your insistence on positive distractions. You are an inspiration :)))

    1. Hi Chris,

      Of course, we had rather different days. I'm wondering around hospital halls wearing my designer gown with some strings attached. So, actually karma worked in your favour by not getting that job. I'm sure something better will come along. My eyebrows ended up on the top of my head, just for old times sake, when I was told to cut back on coffee. Yikes. Ah yes, positive distractions, having a bit of a laugh and sensing irony, can work wonders. Thank you Chris and may we all inspire each other. Be well, my friend.

      Your friend,

      Gary :)

  5. Gary, Now you can relax for real and get a really good night's sleep. You said you lived in the now, but you had to have it in the back of your mind. Keep putting your energy into positive things and live that super life,
    My Friend

    1. Hey Manzanita,

      Thank you and I don't sleep very well. Yet, the night before my appointment, I slept fairly well. I can honestly say that I was prepared for any outcome. Deal with it as it occurs. It was way back in the subconscious and I had a calm demeanour. The positive energy I have received and my own positive energy were a powerful force, no matter what the outcome had been. My dear friend, I do my best to live life with realistic positive anticipation. I know we all have choices. And we can choose to not give permission to negative energy to sabotage our rights to a peaceful, happy life. Be well and my gratitude is profound.

      In peace and positivity,


  6. Wonderful news! Tell you what you cut down on coffee and I'll stop drinking diet coke! I gave it up for 5 years and saw no benefit, but everyone is telling me how bad it is. I don't drink, coffee, alcohol or sweet drinks, just a diet coke once in a while. It's not fair, water is so bland and green tea, while good just doesn't cut it! But if you cut back, I'll stop. That's fair, right? :)

    So glad to hear you're doing well!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Thank you, my dear friend :) Fair enough, I shall cut back on the coffee. Are you really sure you'd be willing to stop drinking diet coke? Although, judging by the taste of diet coke, I'd rather drink water. Thank you for your kind thoughts. Most appreciated.

      In kindness,

      Gary :)

  7. Having that out of your head must cause you far less dread. Awesome news too, now if more green in hand would come to me and you, hell that would be grand, party across the land haha

    1. Aha Pat,

      I think I'm going to have start doing rhyming posts. It works for you, well almost :)

      I'm feeling good
      As I'd hoped I would.
      Thank you for that, Pat Hatt
      Your kindness is understood.

      From way over there
      It's me,

      Gare! Ha ha...have I gone too far?

  8. What a relief! Deep breathes in and out. Thank God!

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Thank you. I can breathe easy and you can breathe easy knowing that I'm breathing easy and I wont do one of those ridiculous run-on sentences with loads of "ands" and way too much information in the run-on sentence that would make Stephen King, proud....

      I'm deeply grateful to you, Joylene.

      Take care, eh.

      Gary :)

  9. I'm so glad to hear your good news, Gary! Cutting down on coffee and taking a tablet is good compromise. I drink two cups of regular coffee in the morning and then switch to half decaf after that.

    I'll now consider green lights to be a good omen. :)

    1. Hi Sharon,

      Thank you, Sharon. It's a compromise I can certainly handle. Besides, I'm a bit too zippedity doo dah.

      Ah yes, green lights, a good omen and we're ready to go! :)

      Thank you, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  10. Green lights all the way...all clear....I'm doing a happy dance for you Gary. Cutting back on coffee is a small price to pay ... start off easy by mixing half and half regular and decaf...then just start increasing the decaf until you are drinking all decaf..then start cutting back on the numbuer of cups. Nothing to it and no withdrawal symptoms. I am so happy for you that your tests came back clear and so proud of you for doing all that travelling on your own. I know what anxiety over having to go somewhere is like.

    1. Hi Delores,

      Green lights and thank you for the happy dance :) Actually, I will just cut back on my coffee. I shall give the decaf a miss and replace the coffee I would normally have, with a glass of cranberry juice. Thank you for your kind wishes, Delores. It was indeed a challenging and yet, an inspiring week. I was alone, yet not alone :) I'm thankful to you.

      Be well and smile.

      Gary :)

  11. To many of us who have been following your journey through the health system, this is indeed good news. We are all so relieved and happy for you.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      I was honoured that you followed me along through the journey of my experiences of the marvellous, compassionate folks who work for the NHS. An amazing week with a wide range of emotions. I am thankful to you and all these wonderful people who have been along during my rather stressful yet inspiring adventure. Thank you, Arleen.

      In kindness and peace, your way,


  12. Sure glad they couldn't find anything wrong. The positive attitude worked.

    1. Hi Dizzy-Dick,

      Other than some slight discrepancies in the prostrate that was not of concern, all turned out very well. Being positive worked, for sure. And even the worst outcome would not have detracted from my positive outlook that something could of been done. Thank you, my friend.


  13. A huge sigh of relief my friend. Congrats......

    bert and my vickie

    1. Hi Bert and Vickie,

      I'm deeply and profoundly grateful for your supportive wishes through all of this. Thank you so much, Bert and Vickie.

      Penny's human,

      Gary :)

  14. You must be so relieved. Cheers for sharing...

    1. Hi and indeed, the best part of my day was the drive home from the hospital. Thank you for being here and have a lovely day in Toronto :)

      In goodwill and peace,


  15. best possible news... a green light kind of day. All of us are relieved and celebrating right along with you :)

    1. Hi Joanne,

      Thank you, Joanne. I wish for this to be a green light celebration for all those who are challenging issues in their lives and need a bit of comfort. I know you know these postings were a journey of discovery of what we can do.

      And Joanne, I am truly touched by your selfless interaction with me. You are a remarkable lady and an inspiration in my life. Bless you, my friend.

      In peace and hope,


  16. Woo hoo. Happy dances for you here. That is truly wonderful news.

    1. Hi The Elephant's Child,

      Thank you so much for the happy dances. I just hope that things improve in your personal situation. Thank you, my friend.

      In kindness and goodwill,


  17. Hi Gary .. that is such good news and those green lights also excellent ... happy dance time. So pleased.

    Do the little pills come in different colours ... so you could play ludo or tiddlywinks with them ... and others can join in?

    Lack of coffee .. is chocolate still ok? Relax today methinks ... so pleased all is well and that challenge has been overcome ... cheers for now ... Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Thank you, Hilary and it seems that green lights accompany the happy dance :)

      I'm still waiting for the pills. If they be of different colours, we could have a blogging tiddlywink tournament.

      Drinks that can agitate the bladder are apparently something one should avoid if experiencing such problems. Chocolate milk, within reason, I would guess is okay. This was a challenge, a journey of stress and inspiration. Thank you, Hilary.

      With peace and respect,


  18. What wonderful news. Bet you slept really well last night, Penny too. I feel we can all breathe a little easier right along side you. Huzzah for green lights! (:

    1. Hi Elise,

      Thank you, Elise. Strangely enough, I didn't sleep that well the night after knowing I had gotten the green lights. Too relieved, I guess. Yet, the night before my appointment, I slept quite well. Go figure :) Yay for green lights. Besides, roundabouts make me nervous. I appreciate you coming along on this journey.

      In peace and kind wishes,

      Gary :)

  19. That is such fantastic, wonderful news - I'm so pleased for you, Gary :-) x

    1. Hi Teresa,

      Very kind of you, Teresa. I hope that the positivity we all shared can inspire others. Even if the outcome had been the worst possible, I would have still remained positive. Thank you, Teresa.

      In peace,

      Gary :) x

  20. The rather saucy Sir Tom Eagerly says:
    Well Gary, my cure for an over active bladder would be a sharp increase in alcohol intake. Coming to think of it that's my advice for any ailment.

    1. Aha The rather saucy Sir Tom Eagerly,

      Such excellent advice, Sir Tom. Although, get your posh, yet bizarrely endearing brain around this, I don't drink alcohol. What should I do? Have a Shirley Temple, as in the drink, dear boy?

      Cheers and bottoms up,

      Sir Klahanie

  21. Wonderful! I'm thrilled to hear you got the all-clear. :-)

    1. Hi Misha,

      Thank you, dear friend. And now the all-clear to get back to posting my ridiculous, not worth reading, posts :)

      Peaceful wishes,


  22. Absolutely brilliant Gary. You really did get the green lights all the way. Way to go man. I'm so happy for you. I'm glad you documented this so that everyone will be able to see that there can be light at the end of the tunnel. More people need to get themselves checked out.

    At this moment enjoy reducing the coffee intake as it could have been worse. You can freak out about it in a few days time when it really hits, ha ha ha ha. I'm just so pleased for you :) what a relief.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      Thank you, my friend. Green lights and a symbolism within all of this. I thought to document this would give hope to those who might think there is no hope. And yes, we cannot put off being checked out. A few moments of potential embarrassment are certainly worth it. A lesson for us to consider.

      Oh my, this reduction in coffee is having an impact. My eyebrows are not as raised now :) I appreciate your good thoughts. Must go now and have a glass of pomegranate juice. Yuck! :)



  23. i was going to say "Two Thumbs Up" but thought that might be another test. Good news my friend.

    1. Hi Ray,

      Ha ha! :) One thumb up was plenty. Ouch, the very thought! Thank you, Ray. Your support is most appreciated.

      In peace and kind wishes,


  24. Wonderful news and wonderful post, Gary.

    Yesterday afternoon I discovered my first-ever attack of what I think is shingles at the ripe old age of 71 and 11/12ths. So I'm making an appointment with the doctor as soon as his office opens this morning (it's now 7:30 a.m. here) to get the Acyclovir or whatever they're giving this season and hoping fervently that the herpes zoster doesn't lead to PHN (post-herpes neuralgia that is common in people over 60, according to my research online.

    The strange thing is, I don't think I ever had had chicken pox, although if I scrunch up my face and squint my eyes and raise my eyebrows and concentrate very, very hard and even look a little like Fu Manchu, I think I can remember having had one single pock mark on my arm when I was a child.

    What goes around, comes around.

    1. Hi rhymeswithplague,

      Thank you and thank you, good friend.

      I'm so glad you are have hopefully now made that appointment with the doctor. We can too easily ignore symptoms, pretend they will just go away. I'm heartened to read this.

      Right then, just visualise Fu Manchu. I used to have one of those type moustaches. That was in the seventies and I looked like something out of one of those um dubious films....

      All the best to you and well done for getting yourself checked out.

      In peace and good wishes and I reckon, an almost happy birthday :)


  25. GREAT NEWS Gary. I am so happy to hear this and read this.

    1. Hi Keith,

      Thank you, Keith. And of course, testimony to an optimistic, realistic outlook on life, no matter what. I know you relate to that :)

      In peace and sharing,


  26. Schwoo! Glad everything checked out well.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Hi Shelly,

      I feel fortunate and I thank you for your kind thoughts. Now, here's remaining positive for better days to come for you in your own personal life.

      In peace and hopeful thoughts,


  27. That's great news Gary!!

    Lot's of smiles:)))))

    1. Hi Madison,

      Thank you so much, Madison.

      Lots of smiles back atcha' :))))


  28. Hurray for green lights! Awesome news, Gary. Cut back on coffee? I don't know how that will go.

    1. Hi Susan,

      Green lights, all the way, eh. Thank you, Susan. Oh my, less coffee. Needs must, I guess :)

      In kindness and good wishes,


  29. Great news Gary, I can relate how you must have felt waiting for the results. you see I have to have smear test of the cervix every six months as there are abnormal cells which could lead to something I won;t even say.......and no Gary I too am not pregnant either.
    I rejoice with your good news and wish you well.
    Thanks for your comment, much appreciated.
    Due to problems with Chrome and IE have had to restart my blog again.The only thing is I don't have any followers , I had 53 on my old blog which should have appeared on this blog.

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Thank you, Yvonne. I didn't have to wait that long for the results. I tried to not even think about it and I truly was prepared for any outcome. Let's think of you being just fine and the abnormal cells are something that can be rectified.
      It seems your site is up and running again. I note you are back on my blog list. I'm very puzzled why your browsers would have any bearing on your blog site. Let's hope that whatever has been happening has finally been resolved.

      Cheers and good wishes,


  30. Reading this post is reinforcement to me about how strongly positive and negative energy work in our lives. I am not sure that people give either one the credit they deserve. I am so glad you threw so much positive energy into this... making it a non-issue. So happy for you.

    1. Hi Robin,

      Thank you very much for visiting and nice to meet you here :) I know we do have choices. I do try my best to not let negativity sabotage my right to a peaceful, positive life. I believe that we can all be here for each other and create a positive environment. Of course, a positive environment starts from within and transcends to the rest of the world. I appreciate your kind and thoughtful wishes, Robin.

      In peace and positivity, your way,


  31. Hip hip hooray! I'm so glad that everything turned out alright! I love that you were still making jokes before you even knew what the results were. I'm sure that your experience will help many others.


    1. Hi Julie,

      Thanks for the hip hip hooray, Julie :) I had to see the funny side of my predicament. Helped me stay calm and prepared for any results outcome. I sure do hope that this experience will help ease the minds of those who are challenging their fears. Thank you, Julie.

      Kind wishes, your way,


  32. OH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS YOU DID!!!! I am soooooooooo happy that I want to show your Prime Minister MY BUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Caren,

      Thank you! I shall see your good self at the Houses of Parliament!
      Thanks for the major happy dance and thanks for your intuition :)

      And grateful (((((hugs))))) back to you! :)

      In kindness and appreciation, your way,

      Gary :)

  33. I'm glad that everything is ok and the tests didn't reveal anything too serious.

    1. Hi Lost in Space,

      Thank you for that and I'm now looking forward, with realistic positive anticipation, more inspiration from the amazing world around me. Thank you, my friend.

      In peace and hope,

      Gary :)

  34. Gary:
    I'm so happy that you're okay and peeing just fine. he he!! Happy healing energy!!!
    King thoughts,

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Why thank you :) I shall go and piddle my pants with delight :) Thank you for the happy healing energy.

      And kind thoughts back to you, eh. Sorry, I cannot control my "eh's", eh!

      Gary :)

  35. Nothing but green lights and sunshine from now on! Sooooo glad to hear that all those tests came back on the right side. (And I agree with you; when my journey is smooth sailing because of all green lights, I always take it as a good omen, too.)

    And ya know what? Without the coffee, you just might sleep better, too! Life just keeps getting better and better...

    I'm happy for you. And Penny, of course.

    1. Hi Susan,

      For sure, green lights and well, metaphorical sunshine :) This is England and yes, I do vaguely recall seeing that mysterious glowing orb in the sky :) Thank you for your kind thoughts. It really seemed like a good omen, a traffic signal that was green all the way.

      Less coffee, less caffeine, more sleep. Why didn't I think of that. Yikes and yes life gets better, no matter what it throws at us.

      Thank you, Susan and Penny is glad cause she gets extra doggy treats! :)

      In kindness and peace, your way,


  36. After any good results I get, I am exhausted as well as relieved. Life can turn on a dime. Our only release is when our thin dime falls heads up. Whew, and congratulations. They put you through the wringer.

    1. Hi lotta joy,

      I sure can understand the exhaustion and the relief. I'm still recuperating from it all. A peaceful, reflective recuperation. Thank you for your kind wishes and support. I think I got more than I bargained for, what with the wringer. Now, here's to some darned fine results for you, my dear friend.


  37. I am so glad - there is nothing like the relief of getting good results to medical tests. Phew! You described the feeling so well....

  38. Hi Jenny,

    Thank you, Jenny. It certainly is a relief. It helped to verbalise it all and I was prepared for any test results. Test results I would handle with a positive approach, no matter what.

    Have a lovely Sunday, Jenny :)



I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.