
Thursday 23 August 2012

An Award Passed On With The Ideals Of Positive Reinforcement.

I have had the privilege of receiving "The Versatile Blogger" award from Danielle whose blog can be discovered over at this site : Sweet Tea Reads .  Thank you, Danielle and I hope folks who have never visited your site will go and check it out.
Now then, there are rules attached to this award.   
1 : Add the Versatile Blogger award to your sidebar.  
2 : Do a posting about the award.
3 : Thank the blogger who bestowed the award and have a link back to their blog.  
4 : Share seven completely random things about yourself.  
5 : Nominate five bloggers for The Versatile Blogger award and inform each person that you have forwarded the award to them.

Fair enough, those are basically the rules.  However, I'm going to partially break the rules.  I've bored you enough before with seven random facts about me and so I'm giving that a miss.  I also want those who I forward this award onto know that I need no acknowledgement whatsoever.  Just do with it as you wish and know that this is my way of letting you know how much I admire what you are doing.  
In theme with my most recent postings, I'm going to pass on the award to five bloggers who are doing their best to embrace the power of positive resources, distractions and affirmations that are conducive to mental health well being.  If you have never visited the following five sites, I would kindly ask you to check them out.  Thank you.

Once again, to those five recipients, please do not feel any pressure to acknowledge the award.  Just know you have my total respect and admiration.
And thanks again, Danielle.  And to you, my friend, if you are feeling alone, need some inspiration in moments of despair, have a read, interact, with the five bloggers on my list.  I thank you for your time.  


  1. Congrats once again on a well-deserved award, Gary. Will have to scoot over and check out the links you've provided...
    p.s. - I've never been bored by your random facts!

    1. Hi Kim,
      Wow, that was fast. Only published a couple of minutes ago. Thanks for your congrats and if the truth be known, I was too lazy to put up more um 'fascinating' things about me.
      I believe those links can be of much comfort and are most informative.
      Thanks, Kim.
      Positive wishes, Gary :)

  2. Congrats on another award are going to have to add a room on to hold them all.

    1. Hi Delores,
      Aha, thank you. I'm getting a warehouse! LOL

  3. Congratulations to you and all your fellow nominees

    1. Hi Heather,
      Thank you and I hope you manage to check out those amazing folks in my list.
      All the best to you,
      Gary :)

  4. Hey Gary,
    Nice way to handle the award. A good compromise! I will make an effort to visit your acknowledged friends,
    Your always fan,
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hey Tina,
      I appreciate that. When I receive an award, I really try to make it more about the person who gave me the award and those I forward it onto. I'm flattered to get awards and I try to find a positive balance.
      All of the sites have a theme conducive to mental health well being. They are informative, positive resources.
      Thanks, Tina. You are most kind to shy, humble me! :)

  5. Congratulations!
    I'd take seven facts. Sure they aren't boring.

  6. Hi Alex,
    Thank you for that. I think the real congratulations should go to those I forwarded the awards onto for their dedication to to live a more positive life. I've done the seven facts part on a number of occasions. You know, like naked ladies in the forest. So, if the truth be known, I was too lazy to come up with some other facts about me :)
    All the best, my friend and happy writing.

  7. You are such a deserving recipient of this (and all the other0 awards. Your commitment to social justice and support for those of us with mental health issues is constant and appreciated. So much.

    1. Hi The Elephant's Child,
      Very nice of you to say. I try to forward any award in the most meaningful way. Thank you and my ideals of removing the stigma, being transparent, has be received with inspiring positivity. I'm truly grateful for your positive interaction.
      Warm wishes,

  8. Hooorah for your award and for spreading round some positive bloggie vibes! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,
      Awe thanks :) In theme with my recent postings, I thought it would be marvellous to bring further awareness of some inspiring blogs that challenge misconceptions and embrace positive ideals.
      You take care,

  9. Congratulations on your award Gary!
    Well done :-)
    And also thank you so much for nominating my blog. I'm happy you enjoy reading my site. It means a lot to me.
    Have a wonderful day.

    Dusana :-)

    1. Hi Dusana,
      Thank you kindly on the congratulations :)
      My forwarding on the award to you is my way of bringing further awareness to your inspirational, thought provoking blog. This is my positive affirmation to you, my friend.
      In peace and positivity, your way, Gary :)

  10. Congratulations!!!! Living in the positive rays of life is always the way to go!!! :)

    1. Hi Suzanne,
      Thank you for the congratulations. May we all embrace the positive rays of life. Have a lovely day in beautiful Victoria :)
      In kindness, Gary

  11. I am humbled and honored for receiving this award from you. Thank you for thinking of me and letting me know my blog is worthy of it. Makes me happy and smile.:)

    In the near future I will write a post expressing my gratitude and passing it along to other amazing bloggers.

    1. Hi My Meddling Mind,
      It was my pleasure to forward on this award to you, my friend. A most positive result that it makes you happy and smile :)
      As I mentioned, do not feel any pressure or obligation to do a posting about the award. The main thing is that I wanted others who may not be aware of your exceptional blog, to visit and find inspiration, find understanding.
      In kindness and admiration, your way, Gary

  12. Congrats, Gary. You are a worthy recipient. And the fact you can break the rules and remain such a gentlemen is a credit to you. And Penny. I imagine she's had a lot of influence, eh?

    1. Hi Joylene,
      Thanks for the congrats. Ah yes, I'm an award rebel. I don't like to think of the awards I receive as a way to self-promote, but a way, ideally to bring further awareness of other notable blogs. Yes, it's Penny's influence that instils some form of gentlemanly conduct! :) Which reminds me, she will, very soon, be posting up the award she received from your awesome self.
      Take care, eh

  13. It is so sweet of you to accept the award and equally wise of you to refrain from those man made rules you have to live by in order to keep it. I've often though of just making one for myself, but I don't have the room for all the accolades I would list. lol

    1. Hi lotta joy,
      Oh yeah, rules are made to be broken, obliterated, blasted and twisted into something completely different. I think you should have an award for your shy and humble self. I reckon all your notable achievements and accolades would make for the longest posting I ever read! LOL
      Take care and thanks.
      Your starstruck fan, Gary

    2. It just occurred to me that I could make an award listing my humility!!

    3. Ha ha! :) I could send you a list of all the stuff on my very own humility award. You might copy and paste them. Whatever that means...

  14. Congrats and thank you.

    Focussing on the positive side of mental health is something that I feel is really important. Whilst it is true that my illness has inspired a lot of my art and my poetry, it is important to note that we are so much more than our illnesses. And using positive coping strategies and distractions can only help reinforce this.

    I will try to visit the other blogs you have passed this award on to over the next few days.

    1. Hi Lost in Space,
      Thank you for the congrats and you are most welcome.
      Well said. To focus on the positives, to embrace the resources and positive distractions, brings us that one step closer to a healthier, happier life.
      Oh yes, quite right, our illness is only a small part of who we are. It is best to live with, rather than suffer from our mental health concerns.
      I know, if you get the chance, that those other bloggers will be of help, encouragement and comfort to your good self.
      Much respect and admiration to you.
      In peace and positive focus, Gary :)

  15. Hi Y'all,

    Thanks so much for stoppin' by for a visit. I'm so glad y'all could make it!

    Congratulations on your Award...well earned and greatly deserved.

    Wags, sniffs and woofs to Penny, the Jack Russell Dog and Modest Internet Star...

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Howdy Hawk!
      Always good to come and visit y'all :)
      Thanking you kindly for the congratulations.
      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star, sends back English wags, sniffs and woofs, your way.
      Y'all take care. Ya hear...
      Gary :)

  16. Congratulations and thank you for spreading such positivity by putting the time in on blogger to help folks. Good man. :)

    1. Hi All Consuming,
      Thank you for the congratulations. And I greatly appreciate your kind comment. I do try to be there for others and I'm heartened by the positive interaction we share. Thank you, dear lady :)

  17. Congratulations on the award. :)

    Positivity is always good!

    1. Hi The Golden Eagle,
      Much obliged for the congratulations. Indeed, positivity is a good subject to write about and share through our writing.
      Positive wishes, your way, Gary :)

  18. Dear Gary,
    Thank you, my hirsute friend, for bestowing this wonderful award on my blog. We both hope that, in some way, our writing shows there is so much more to those with experience of mental ill health than just a label or diagnosis.
    I'm glad that your latest adventure in Wales was a positive and enjoyable one, and it seems to have inspired a lot of positivity. I hope that the mental health resource being set up by you and your friends becomes a gtreat success.
    Very Best Wishes, your way,

    1. Dear David,
      You're welcome, my charming yet strangely hairy friend. I know you will continue to bring further awareness about mental health concerns and the impact it can have on anybody. Indeed, we are more than just a label or diagnosis.
      I know we are both encouraged by the positive feedback we are receiving. I thank you for your supportive wishes in regards to my friends' new mental health charity, endeavour.
      Have a peaceful weekend and congrats to you.
      Your clean shaven friend, Gary

  19. Congrats Gary, I always find interesting links towards new possible blogger friends so, you can bet I'll visit them all.Kisses, so many kisses :).

    1. Hi Petronela,
      Thanks, dear lady, for the congratulations :) I sure hope you have some inspirational positive interaction with my blogger friends in those links. I know how much our interaction means to me.
      Positive kisses for a lovely weekend, your way, Gary :)

  20. Hi Gary .. congratulations on your award - you definitely deserve them - and I'm sure your recommendations fit your book too of deserving recipients ...

    Cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,
      Thank you for your congratulations and your very kind words. In my ongoing theme of positive resources, these bloggers are most inspiring.
      May you have a lovely weekend.
      Cheers, Gary

  21. Congrats on the award, Gary. Well deserved.
    Loved your Charming Prince comments on my blog ;O)

    1. Hi Madeleine,
      Much obliged for your congratulations. Very kind of you.
      I'm charmed you liked my comment on your lovely site :)
      Charming wishes, your way, Gary

  22. Congratulations, Gary, you're an inspiration to other bloggers and I will endeavour to share it x

    1. Hi Jaye,
      Thank you for the congratulations :) I do try, in my own discreet, unassuming way, try to inspire other bloggers, without any fanfare. I thank you for embracing the ideals of a sharing, caring blogging community.
      You are very nice lady.

  23. Congrats on your Versatile Blogger Award, man. Even when you've received the same type of award before, it's really a great compliment of acknowledgement. You have a good heart to reciprocate and give this award to others. I've seen other people who get blog awards and really don't do anything with them- not even put them on a side bar or special page for their awards received.

    But you're different- in a great way- as always. I don't say this, lightly, but you are always are gracious- whether you're responding back to someone on your blog, their blog, an award that's been given to you and so on. You put every award you've ever received on your site and really show what a great guy you sincerely are. I know I joke around a lot with ya on FB and shit but I really do value our friendship over the years. You've helped me out, in my troubled times and I know you've helped others out and you truly deserve every compliment or award that you've ever received.

    Well, I'm going to check out the rest of your posts I've missed and comment. You already know, I think, why I've been missing yours and the rest of our mutual friends' blog posts in the past month so I won't go into that. Take care, Gary

    1. Hi Kelly,
      They you, kind sir, for the congratulations on the Versatile Blogger Award. Ah yes, it's true, I've received this award before. I like to accept and forward the awards in a way that shows my appreciation for the person who sent it to me and to those I bestow them upon.
      I really do try to forward the awards without really needing any acknowledgement of me passing them on. I do think it's only right that I display them on my site, complete with the link to the site that so thoughtfully honoured me with the award. I'm a bit awkward about awards, however. I honestly can say that when I forward them on, I'm in no way trying to get me promoted. I'm also awkward in case I hurt someone's feelings because I may have overlooked them in sending them an award. It's all quite tricky.
      Very nice compliments from you, good sir. And I'm really grateful you commented on all those other posts. You also know I do try to comment back to everybody and try to comment on an awful lot of blogs. It can be so exhausting. Still, an inspiring kind of exhaustion. I'm grateful for your friendship and your jovial, sometimes zany interaction.
      Have a peaceful, positive weekend.
      In kindness and respect, Gary

  24. Hi Y'all,

    Thanks so much for stoppin' by for a visit. I'm so glad y'all could make it!

    Also wanted to check with you Penny and see how the nap lessons are coming. By the way I love your English wags and sniffs...

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Why howdy Hawk!
      You know it's a pleasure to visit y'all! :)
      Penny is napping right now. Which means she has left me, yes me, a mere human, to reply. Penny has been teaching me how to sleep on an old blanket on her favourite chair. Not sure it's working.
      She will be delighted y'all love her English wags and sniffs. Y'all come back now, ya hear...Yikes, now I'm talking like y'all! Help! :) zzzzzzzzzz....oops....


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.