
Tuesday 13 March 2012

Blogger's Got Talent. The Not So Final Result.

Greetings.  Yes, tis I, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star.  You may be aware of my human's previous posting.  Yeah, the one about the five finalists in the "Blogger's Got Talent" contest.   It went to the public vote to decide the winner.  Yet, there was a serious discrepancy in the phone voting.  The blogger in the "Self-Obsessed, Self-Promoting Blogger" category, appeared to have received 100% of the phone vote.
Due to this, the producers and the sponsors of the show, checked with the phone companies and discovered that the lines had been rigged by a 'mystery' person who ensured that the contestant in the category, "Self-Obsessed, Self-Promoting Blogger", would win.   This alarming situation has caused the producers and sponsors to have a serious rethink.
Sadly, due to the upcoming season of "Blogger Idle", I mean "Blogger Idol", the brains behind, Blogger's Got Talent, have decided to have an all day voting 'Blogathon', sometime within the next six months, to determine fairly and squarely, the true winner of Blogger's Got Talent.  The phone companies have insured their full cooperation in this matter.
And what of the Self-Obsessed, Self Promoting bloggers?   My human Gary has had a few emails from some of them.  The emails have been quite touching and very transparent.  They have told him of their insecurities, their need to feel wanted.  They are scared and hide behind the genre.   They have told Gary that they are stuck in the genre and are terrified of taking off the mask and revealing the truth.  Gary told them to be brave, to be open, to be honest.  They might find that their 'followers' will not feel let down.  Instead, their followers would most likely applaud them for their courage to reveal who they really are.
I recall Gary showing me one email in particular from an alleged 'Self-Obsessed, Self-Promoting', blogger.  That blogger told Gary that they were going to tell their followers just who they really were.  They said how frightened the were to take off the mask.   To that blogger's immense credit, they submitted one of the most open and heartfelt postings we have ever read.  And that blogger's followers, instead of being disappointed, rejoiced in their bravery.
I mean, isn't that what it's all about?   Are we not a part of a sharing, caring blogging community?   All different, all equal?


  1. Dear Gary,
    Wot, no comments yet? It must be at least 5 hours since you posted this, so where are all your adoring fans? Could it be that you have perhaps touched a wee nerve with this one?
    Anyway, Gary, I, as you know, being an honest, open blogger, will never fail to leave a comment for your delectation.
    Very Best Wishes,

    1. Dear David,
      I wouldn't like to think that Gary has "adoring fans". Just kind folks like you who grace him with your honest and generous interaction. I doubt that I, Penny, touched a wee nerve with this one. After all, those who uphold the 'self-obsessed, self promoting blogger' genre, are highly unlikely to lower their standards and visit my shy, humble and unassuming blog.
      Thanks David.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  2. Hello Gary:
    It would seem that Mr. Putin's tactics are now being employed everywhere, extending even to the Blogosphere. Shame!

    Put a few old Etonians in charge and fair play would, of course, be guaranteed.

    1. Hello Jane and Lance,
      Ah yes, I believe that Putin would be most proud. Heck, even the blogging world aint safe.
      Jolly hockey sticks! Get the old chaps from Eton to sort this mess out.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  3. Penny, dear little modest internet superstar, you have got talent that's all I know :-) x

    1. Hi Teresa,
      I've heard a rumour that on the Blogathon show, all possible categories will be introduced. This means that us animal bloggers will be overwhelming favourites!
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  4. Penny; you lovely little puppy, I agree with you. People should be themselves on their blogs. I'd venture to say thta some people are still "finding' themselves and so aren't sure just who they are yet.

    1. Hi River,
      You make a good point. I always find it heartening that even the most alleged self-obsessed blogger can find themselves and show the world a most touching reality.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  5. Penny! You are pawsome with your words and thoughts!

    Yay! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,
      Thanks and now you will realise that on the special Blogathon show, you and Charlie can compete in the 'Animal Bloggers' category :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  6. And isn't the blogosphere a fine welcoming space. For all of us. Jazz n Jewel believe that, for a dog, Penny is moderately wise.

    1. Hi The Elephant's Child,
      For sure. My human and I believe that the blogging community is very much a place of sharing, caring and trying to understand. I thank Jazz n Jewel for thinking that I, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star, is moderately wise :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  7. We've been having a little issue here in Canada with phones and voting so I can see how this could happen Penny. Gary has given these Self Obsessed and Self Promoting bloggers some very good advice. I think maybe each and every one of us can sometimes become a tad self obsessed. We don't mean any harm by it and usually we pull out of it fairly quickly. But really, tampering with the vote? Inexcusable. Looking forward to the revote.

    1. Hi Delores,
      Ah yes. A similar situation occurred on a 'reality' show in Britain, other than 'Blogger's Got Talent'.
      We can all be a bit guilty of craving attention and feeling insecure. It can come out in a self-obsessed way and my human and I, try to see beyond that. Of course, some really are that outrageous that they need to rig the voting. How very bad and sad.
      Should be interesting to see what happens on the Blogathon. It's in the early stages, but I've been led to believe that all categories and newly voted in categories, will get the chance to perform on the Blogathon.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  8. Being yourself is fine as long as you don't need to sell anything.

    1. Hello Grumpy,
      I'm sure if the need arose, you could sell something and be yourself. Honesty and openness are fine attributes. Attributes you have in abundance.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  9. Aw,Penny, you are a sweetheart.

    1. Hi Laura,
      And you are a sweetheart :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  10. That dog is smarter than some people I know. (Cuter, too!)

    1. Hi Susan,
      Thank you, my dear human friend.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  11. From Bazza’s cat Ginger:
    Hi Penny. My advice is don't get mixed up in the human's world. Your one seems to be very kind to you but when it comes to being self-obsessed they can't touch us cats. We invented self-obsession. Now I'm off to let my human feed me - I'm too good to him don't you think?
    Click here for Ginger’s owner, Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

  12. Hi Ginger,
    Isn't it about time you had your own blog?
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  13. Sorry, typo!

    Penny, it seems to me like you and Gary make a very wise team. And if you don't mind my saying, you are adorable!


    1. Hi Jai,
      No problem and I completely removed that comment with the slight typo :)

      Of course, it's me that helps make Gary wiser! And please do say I'm adorable :) Oops, note to myself, 'must not let all this adulation from human's, get to my floppy- eared head....'
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

    2. Penny, you and Gary have an award at my blog.


    3. Hi Jai,
      On behalf of my human, I Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star, thank you kindly and shall duly come visit your site in regards to this. In the meantime, we must have a bit of a nap :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  14. Penny, amusing how your Gary has stirred up a little hornet's nest with this, isn't it?

    1. Hi Susan,
      Has he? I sure hope that I and my strange human, Gary, have stirred up a little hornet's nest, in a really positive and thoughtful way :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  15. I have been blogging for eight months or so and have not yet learned to distinguish a Self-Obsessed, Self-Promoting blogger from a normal blogger. The description is in itself admonishing. Self-publication, and I had learned this early on in my blogging days, seems a bit trite. Sure, we all want to be read and considered the proverbial "published author", but to sacrifice our dignity and post our name all over the blogosphere is, for lack of a better term, indignant. But, I was wrong once before, a long time ago ...

    1. Hi Jackie,
      Then again, what would be considered a 'normal' blogger could be subject to all sorts of interpretations.
      You have articulated, most thoughtfully, your take on it all.
      Indeed, we all desire to be read, to be noted. What I find and my human finds, arrogant and insensitive is those who would devalue the credibility of other bloggers in their deluded, self-centred world. Promotion is one thing, over indulgence and lack of respect for others notable writing and interaction, we consider to not be a part of the sharing, caring blogging community that a number of us desire.
      Well said, Jackie. Much respect and happy writing to you.
      In peace and pawsitivity, Penny


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.