
Monday 16 January 2012

Penny The Patient Pooch.

Hi there, yes, tis I, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star.  And lucky you.   This is my first pawsting of 2012.
In the above photo I am waiting patiently for a certain young man to take me for a walk.   And I wait and I wait, outside the bathroom door.  Funny how I always have to wait for him.  Time really does depend on which side of the bathroom door you're on.
If he doesn't hurry up, Tristan may well find a nasty surprise waiting for him in the hallway!  And no, I don't mean me.  I'm getting desperate!  Maybe you could help me and tell Tristan to hurry up out of the bathroom.  Thank you.


  1. Tristan Tristan, I beleive my sweet Penny is in desperate shape. WE do not have the comfort of going to a room, closing the door and doing our thing. We dogs, well, those without a doggy door, must wait until our two legs take notice of our needs.]

    On behalf of Sweet Penny, Internet Star and all the rest of us four would be good if you humans would make your visits behind the door a lot shorter and our walks a lot longer.

    Just sayin


  2. Tristan get your sorry arse out of the bathroom and take Penny for a walk. Your hair doesn't have to be perfect for this.
    Okay Penny....I've done my bit. Hope it helps.

  3. Indy says "Hurry up!" - he also says he loves your coat and now wants to know why he can't have a smart one like that x

  4. Oh beautiful Penny!! You must tell Tristan that a Doggy of your reknown must never be kept waiting!

    Hang on in there! :-) Take care

  5. Hahaha I hope Tristan's taken you for a walk by now. :-)

  6. Penny, just go! Don't tell Gary I said that, though!

  7. Hurry up Tristan! ;)
    Like the Burberry jacket Penny, very trendy!
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  8. Do it right there, Penny! Right where he'll step in it when he finally hauls out of the bathroom. Teach that human a lesson! ;)
    (Jeez, hope she's gone by now!)

  9. What a smart coat you have on Penny.
    Awh your pawsting sounds like a pantomime where we all have to shout for Tristan to emerge from the bathroom.Ph yes he's coming out to take you for walkies Oh no he isn't! Oh yes...


    Hi Penny. Happy peeing. I'm assuming you've already gone for your walk and my shouting is directing at an empty bathroom. That's good though. Hi to Gary for me, eh?

  11. Shame on Tristan! He should know better than to make you wait at a time like this. And humans wonder why we have accidents inside sometimes. pfft. Hope you keep him outside for a loooong time once you get him out there! By the way, Penny, you're looking mighty stylish there!
    Paws, CindyLu xx

  12. Hey Bert!
    You bring up a great point! Time those humans stopped um farting around and took us out for longer walks :)
    I'm bursting to get out and well, you know the rest...
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  13. Hi Delores,
    Will he ever get his sorry arse out of the bathroom? I'm quickly typing this and I hope I don't cause any electrical problems...
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the patient pooch xx

  14. Hi Jean,
    This poor thing may end up pooping right outside the bathroom door! :)
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the perplexed pooch xx

  15. Hi Teresa and hi Indy,
    Okay, as I bravely hold on....I'm glad Indy loves my coat and you know you must buy Indy a special coat :)
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the potentially piddly pooch, xx

  16. Hey Old Kitty,
    Can you believe it? Tristan has no idea what a 'famous' dog I am. He must begin to realise that us celebrities have standards to maintain.
    Oh, I'm hanging in, barely :)
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, your way, Penny the puzzled pooch xx

  17. Hi Misha,
    Yikes! I'm still waiting....
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the running out of patience, pooch:) xx

  18. Hi Samantha,
    Great idea. I might take a dump in his stereo headphones! :)
    It will be our secret...shhhh..
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the practical joker pooch xx

  19. Hi John,
    I'm still waiting for him. Thanks for liking my Burberry jacket. You might mistake me for 'Sherlock Hound' Arf! Arf!
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the patient beyond a joke now, pooch xx

  20. Hi Austan,
    I like your thinking, my human type friend :) He walks out of the bathroom and I think of that Paul Simon song, "Slip Slidin' Away"...
    Why am I still waiting? Oh my...
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the incredibly patient pooch xx

  21. Hi Madeleine,
    It's a very nice coat and it keeps me warm :)
    Is he coming out of the bathroom. 'Oh yes he is!' Or, with my luck, 'Oh no he isn't!'
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the pantomime pooch xx

  22. Hi Joylene,
    THANKS FOR THAT! Sadly, he didn't hear you :)
    Still waiting to get out and if he doesn't get out of that bathroom soon...well you know what will happen :)
    When I see the old human dude, Gary, I shall say 'hi' to him, eh.
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the persevering pooch xx

  23. Hey CindyLu,
    How right are you? They take their time and when we can no longer hold it, we can end up getting the blame.
    When he finally gets his butt out of the bathroom, I'm gonna' take him for the longest walk, ever! I will even risk being seen by those pesky photographing puppyarazzi pooches!
    Thanks for thinking I'm looking stylish, CindyLu. You are one of my favourite fans :)
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the playful pooch xx

  24. Dear Gary,
    What a pawsome posting!
    I do hope Penny gets to take her much needed walk very soon!
    Very Best Wishes to you, Penny and Tristan,

  25. Dear David,
    Hi, it's me, yes me, Penny the patient pooch!
    I think the bathroom door is about to open. I heard this flushing noise...
    Must go now before I piddle on the keyboard. And what are you doing up at this time of night, my illustrious human friend, bearer of big words.....
    I shall pass on your wishes to the young dude as soon as I get out the front door. And I shall pass on your wishes to Gary. The old dude's in the kitchen having a cup of coffee.
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the persistent pooch xx

  26. Poor Penny! I do hope Tristan, for both their sakes, came through in time!

  27. Hi Susan,
    He had better hurry up. I'm not sure how much longer I can hold...whoops...that was close :)
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the almost out of patience pooch xx

  28. My very first dogs name was Penny. I was 8. Thanks for the wonderful memories. Now just tear the door down Penny!

  29. Hi Y'all,

    Oh Penny! Why is it Humans insist on having priority when it comes to bathroom time?

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  30. Ah Penny
    Patiently waiting in all your sartorial splendor. I hope after all the wait your human is dressed just as dashing!
    Relief will come soon.

  31. "Time really does depend on which side of the bathroom door you're on."

    That is too funny, Penny! You ARE a star!

  32. Hey Donna,
    Wow, that's really neat you had a dog named Penny. I like the name 'Penny', to um...'coin a phrase' :)
    I'm glad my name brought back some wonderful memories of your childhood.
    And yes, if he doesn't hurry up, that door is coming down!
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the perturbed pooch xx

  33. Hey Hawk,
    Me thinks this is one of the great mysteries of life. After all, they take their time and eventually we have no choice but to decorate the floors :)
    Y' all and jolly good show :)
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, your way, Penny the close to piddlin' pooch xx

  34. Hi Ray,
    He better be wearing his bestest darnest tuxedo at this rate! :)
    The way things are going, I think relief will happen when Gary puts up one of his mere human postings and this posting is forgotten. Good grief....
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the pristine, but not for much longer, pooch xx

  35. Hey Nancy,
    When it comes to stuff about time, 'Arfstein' has nothing on me!
    Thanks Nancy, my kind human friend :)
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the profound pooch xx

  36. Penny, I think you should take a nice big steamy dump on the floor for Tristan taking so long, but then, I'm not so sure if that would be a lil' punishment for him or poor Gary to clean up. You're right, though. Just as in life, it depends on which side of the wall or door you see things.

    In any case, I hope you get or have gotten than walk. Take care.

  37. What are you doing in the bathroom that's taking sooooo long Tristan???

  38. From Bazza’s cat Ginger:
    What a wimp you are Penny! All wrapped up in Burberry. I bet Tristan wears a woolly hat as well.
    You wouldn't catch us cats wearing clothes (or going for a walk with a human!).
    I'm the epitome of indifference, I am.

  39. Hi Gary .. lucky Penny having two peoples to take him for a walk .. I'm sure Gary you step in occasionally .. perhaps you walk across the hills for a Bakewell tart ..

    Penny I'm sure Tristan's departed said bathroom by now .. and hope you're feeling easier! You don't want to come down here .. it's very grey, drizzly and dull .. I've turned the light on to give myself some cheer - so for now .. Hilary

  40. Oh, do I adore that lil coat she's wearing! She makes me want to go & hug my lil Jack Russell/Border Collie who isn't doing so well, my poor lil guy. Penny makes you want to hug her too.

  41. P.S. Happy New Year, Gary!! May it be filled with love, light, and happiness. =)

  42. Gee Penny... go for a walk on Tristan's bed. A nice walk 'round and round, and then squat down. Then return to the bathroom door, as if nothing has happened.
    You'll be Penny the peeved but relieved.
    Brilliant coat :)

  43. Hey Penny! Have you ever met Fat freddie's cat? He could give you a hint or two on how to make your humans "really" happy. You should fill Tristan's boots and then tell him it's good luck. And then run.

  44. I know what you mean, Penny. I follow the human with my frizbee and she pays me no mind. You are longer on patience. I'm a whiner.
    I love your plaid. Mine has more green. Aren't we stylish.
    Cody, cow-dog from Montana

  45. I like to see that dogs now where jackets

  46. Hey Kelly,
    Thanks for the suggestion. Not sure it would be that steamy cause the house is nice and warm. Still, a great idea!
    Something tells me if I did do a doo doo, that the old doo doo dude would have to clean it up.
    Wait, I think the bathroom door is about to open! About time too...
    I think we shall be going for that walk, fairly soon :)
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the poo poo pooch xx

  47. Hi GEM,
    "What are you doing in the bathroom that's taking sooooo long Tristan???"

    It seems the young chap is taking soooo long cause he's trying to look like his awesome dad! Okay, I'm kidding...still, good news, he appears to be coming out of the bathroom :)
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the persistent pooch xx

  48. Aha Bazza’s cat Ginger,
    I've been waiting for you and your predictable comment didn't disappoint, Ginger, old pal!
    No, Tristan wears a toque cause his dad brings them back from Canada eh.
    Judging by some of you cats, you should be wearing clothes. And no human in their right mind would want to go for a walk with a cat..
    Thanks Ginger for you catty comment. I was really thrilled to see your comment. Not! Yawn....
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, almost your way, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star...............xx

  49. Hi Hilary,
    Yes, two lucky humans, well at least the younger one is, to take this lady dog for a walk. I think it would be good to get the old dude Gary to take me for a walk through the Peak District in search of the Bakewell tart. Heck, might even check the bakeries while we are there.
    There are some indications that the young fellow is leaving the bathroom. And just in time....
    I hope you had some nice weather since I finally got around to commenting to you. Just didn't want to leave a surprise on the keyboard. That would be um shocking...
    Light and cheery wishes, your way, Penny the staying patient pooch xx

  50. Hey LilPixi,
    Oh no, I'm ever so sorry your lil' dog is not well. I'm sending you both some peaceful and positive hopes that all will be just fine.
    And I have passed on your lovely New Year's wishes to Gary. We both hope that you and your loved ones have a wonderful 2012.
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, to you and your adorable little dog, Penny xx

  51. Hey Dixie,
    Excellent idea. However, can you keep this a secret. I already did something on his pillow a couple of days ago :)
    Yes, I'm kidding. Still, I'm getting the impression that soon, very soon, the young chap, will be leaving the bathroom and taking this dog for a most important walk.
    Glad you like my 'Sherlock Hound' coat :)
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the super patient pooch xx

  52. Hey Heather,
    Not had the 'pleasure' of meeting Fat Freddie's cat. However, Gary made mention of that cat to me and I make a reference in regards to 'dumping in the stereo headphones' :) in an earlier comment.
    And next will be Tristan's boots! Hang on, who's that coming out of the bathroom...
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the well beyond patient, pooch xx

  53. Hey Cody,
    I've been told there is plenty of room to play frizbee in 'Big Sky Country' :)
    We are both totally stylish type dawgs :)
    Thanks Cody and have an pawesome day.
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the incredibly patient pooch xx

  54. Hey wheatgerm,
    Yes indeed and no ordinary jacket for this extraordinary dog :) Looking good in my 'Sherlock Hound' jacket...
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the stylish dog xx

  55. Lovely Penny, I am passing the Sweet Blog award to you - Indy insisted and I agreed with him. He says he thinks you're incredibly sweet as well as being the modestest of modest internet stars x

  56. Hi Teresa and hi Indy,
    Why thank you kindly to the both of you for considering me, yes, shy and humble me, for such a highly treasured, much adored, award :)
    And just like you Teresa and the wonderful Indy, I am a great example of all things sweet. Because of my hectic schedule, I need a nap, I shall post up that lovely award in about a week's time.
    Thank you very much.
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, your way, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star! xx


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.