
Saturday 22 January 2011

Tag, You're It.

Oh dear, I've been 'tagged'.  I knew I should of hidden a bit better than that.  Hiding behind Penny, the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star, just didn't work.
Fair enough and seriously, I've been tagged in a survey by Kamila over at her lovely site, 
Basket of Dreams  
Thank you for tagging me, Kamila, and I have answered all nineteen, yes nineteen questions.  At the end of this survey, as requested, I have tagged in four, no doubt thrilled bloggers.    It's hoped they will also do this survey and forward said survey onto another four thrilled bloggers and so on and so on....

1. if you have pets, do you see them as merely animals, or are they members of your family?
We have a 'pet'.  Her name is Penny and she is a Jack Russell.  Penny occasionally guest blogs on my site.  Penny is a very much loved family member.
2. if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
That stigma and labels on our fellow man became destined for the history books.
3. what is the one thing most hated by you?
Indifference to the plight of the vulnerable.
4. what would you do with a billion dollars?
Help get the homeless and the 'rough sleepers' off the streets.
5. what helps to pull you out of a bad mood?
Focusing on a positive distraction such as writing or spending peaceful times in the great outdoors.   Also, remembering how much I have to be grateful for.
6. which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Surely it's more blessed to have two people love each other, unconditionally.
7. what is your bedtime routine?
I've forgot what a bedtime routine is.  I seem to be in every time zone, other than my own.
8. if you are currently in a relationship, how did you meet your partner?
I'm not in a relationship.  My confidence has taken quite the battering.
9. if you could watch a creative person in the act of the creative process, who would it be?
It would be to admire the expertise of a First Nations person carving a totem pole.
10. what kinds of books do you read?
I read a variety of books in many different genres.  Although, I haven't been reading books much, lately.  Too busy reading all those wonderful blogs.
11. how would you see yourself in ten years time?
Ummm..ten years older?  Okay, I see myself finally having the determination to write a book and maybe even getting it published.  
12. what’s your fear?
That I will never be embraced by the power and the magic of true love.
13. would you give up all junk food for the rest of your life for the opportunity to visit outer space?
I hardly ever eat junk food.  However, I would be willing to give up junk food for the chance to visit outer space.
14. would you rather be single and rich or married, but poor?
I would rather be married and poor in a loving relationship.
15. what’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Do you really want to know that?   Okay, after that, I think about trying to maintain a positive focus for the day ahead.   Then I stand in front of the full-length mirror and state, 'wow, what an awesome dude!' :-) 
16. if you could change one thing about your spouse/partner what would it be?
I wish my former spouse would have realised that leaving to go somewhere, at the last possible second, caused me loads of anxiety.  When they say 'final boarding', they mean final boarding.
17. if you could pick a new name for yourself, what would it be?
'Household'.  That's right, I always wanted to be a 'household name'.  Or 'Exit', because I always wanted to see my name up in lights.
18. would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that special someone has done?
I would try to forget and hopefully move on.  However, something truly disgraceful would be hard to forgive.
19. if you could only eat one thing for the next 6 months, what would it be?
Well it sure as heck wouldn't be a 'Happy Meal'.  I ate one of those and didn't feel any happier.  Can I sue them?   I suppose I would eat grilled cheese sandwiches for the next six months.  

And now I forward this survey onto these following four bloggers.  Please do not feel any pressure or obligation to do this.   It's entirely up to you.   So, here we go.

1:  Rantings of the Reckmonster  
2:  A Day in the Life
3:   Psycho Carnival
4:   Soundoff

If you are going to do this survey, you might find it easier to copy and paste the nineteen questions from just below here.

1. if you have pets, do you see them as merely animals, or are they members of your family?
2. if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
3. what is the one thing most hated by you?
4. what would you do with a billion dollars?
5. what helps to pull you out of a bad mood?
6. which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
7. what is your bedtime routine?
8. if you are currently in a relationship, how did you meet your partner?
9. if you could watch a creative person in the act of the creative process, who would it be?
10. what kinds of books do you read?
11. how would you see yourself in ten years time?
12. what’s your fear?
13. would you give up all junk food for the rest of your life for the opportunity to visit outer space?
14. would you rather be single and rich or married, but poor?
15. what’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
16. if you could change one thing about your spouse/partner what would it be?
17. if you could pick a new name for yourself, what would it be?
18. would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that special someone has done?
19. if you could only eat one thing for the next 6 months, what would it be?

Have fun.  I'm outta' here.....................


  1. What an insightful post. I love reading how someone ticks when they've been tagged, albeit I have been reluctant to play the game myself. Shame on me...

    11. how would you see yourself in ten years time?
    'Ummm..ten years older? Okay, I see myself finally having the determination to write a book and maybe even getting it published'.

    That is exactly what I've been wanting to hear. May your dreams come true, dear Gary. You can do it. Truly you can.

    PS. Should we all call you 'Household' or 'Exit' from now on? :)

  2. Dear Gary,
    Ah, my hirsute, happy, hippy friend. It feels so nice to be "tagged by you". Oh, that sounds like a song title again- "how sweet it is to be tagged by you..." or something. So, I shall endeavour to answer these questions, even the ones about "loving partners" and such. This may be slightly difficult, because I have no "loving partner". Still, thank you for thinking of me and I'll certainly do my best.
    Very Best Wishes,

  3. Hi Wendy,
    This might surprise you, or not, here it is gone 3:00 A.M. and I'm still awake:-)
    I've never been tagged before. Might be a good idea, tag me and check to see where I fly off too.
    I was quite reluctant to do this survey. However, I did tell Kamila that I would give it a try.
    Yes, number 11. Thanks to kind, encouraging people like you, I do know, deep down, that has always been my dream. I am very grateful for your support, Wendy.
    And dear Wendy,I believe your writing dreams will come true. Thank you for helping me start to believe in myself.
    Peaceful wishes your way, 'Household Exit' aka Gary :-)

  4. Hi David,
    What the heck are you doing awake? I know, I should talk.
    My friend, you are such a 'taggable' kind of guy, but we wont go into details:-)
    David, I struggled with answering some of those questions. I hope you, if you do this survey, find it somewhat therapeutic. Besides, the world needs to know more about your awesome self.
    Very good wishes your way, Gary.
    P.S. David, go get some sleep!

  5. lol.. no doubt these are insightful question

    10.. books i like to read... Dramas! Humor!Satires, coming of age... romance... just about every thing

  6. I must tell you, thank you for revealing this valuable post. My spouse and i came to understand a lot. Thanks

  7. #15 - You men are all alike!

    #19 - Then you simply must go to Baker's Square and have what they call their GROWN-UP Grilled Cheese. Seriously. I just had one on Wednesday. (Free pie too.)
    If you aren't familiar with Baker's Square, I will do you the favor of going there again and having one on your behalf.

  8. I love #15. I was so sure you'd say "Take a pee." That's what all the men in my life do first thing. LOL. Have I mentioned lately how much I love your blog? Okay, maybe it was Penny I told.

  9. Hi!
    I was blog walking as they say and came across yours. Reading this post really inspired me. Your PMA (positive mental attitude) is truly something we can all learn from!

    Thank you very much for sharing these secrets of your life.

    Have a lovely weekend

  10. Ha ha! Nice to get to know more about you. Loved your answerto #9!

  11. Yay!! Congratulations on being tagged!! Well done you!! And thank you for answering these difficult questions!! Good grief!!

    Awww I think you should get writing and get your book started!!!! I hope you find true and everlasting love! I hope you get to sue whoever invented Happy Meal - cos it's a blatant lie!! LOL!!!! Unless it's chocolate.

    And hugs to Penny who is a valuable family member full of unconditional love for you!!! Take care

  12. Whew!! Thank goodness you did not tag me because I would have gotten stuck on a few of those questions..
    Yeah, a fellow grilled cheese lover.. I too can eat grilled cheese for breakfast, lunch or dinner..

    Thanks for this quick peek into Mr Gary's world:-)

  13. Hi SY said,
    They sure were insightful questions. Heck, I got to bore people to tears with my answers :-)
    I note you have a wide variety in your reading tastes. I definitely like a bit of satire.
    I hope you have a lovely weekend.
    Kind wishes, Gary :-)

  14. Hi Anonymous.
    I'm really glad to know that. If this brought your spouse and you, some sort of understanding, that's really cool.
    Take care and have fun.
    Gary :-)

  15. Hi middle child,
    #15 - Aha, but I put the toilet seat back down, afterwards. Do I like get bonus points for that? :-)
    #19 - 'A GROWN-UP Grilled Cheese' at Baker's Square. That does seem appetising. I assume that is in the States. So, based on that, I think it would be most flattering if you had one on my behalf.
    Take very good care and enjoy.
    Kind wishes, Gary :-)

  16. Hi Joylene,
    Me say, 'take a pee'? I guess I sort of implied that in my answer. That would be after I farted, of course :-)
    I think it was Penny you told how much you loved this blog. Penny is the true writing talent in this 'household'. 'Arf, arf!'
    See ya' later eh!
    Gary :-)

  17. Hi Nas said,
    Why thank you for taking the time to stop during your 'blog walking'. I'm very pleased you did.
    Very encouraging to know that you considered this post inspirational. I truly believe we should attempt to live our lives with realistic positive anticipation, rather than, negative speculation.
    I had a look at your blog and it is very good and insightful.
    May you have a peaceful weekend.
    With respect, Gary :-)

  18. Hi Pk Hrezo,
    Thank you and I hope it wasn't to boring of a read:-)
    And #9, thanks, I have a special place in my heart for those noble and gentle people.
    Take good care.
    In kindness, Gary :-)

  19. Hi Old Kitty,
    Oh yes. I got 'tagged'. I did think, 'oh no, not me!' However, I did try my best to answer some awkward and difficult questions. Good grief and yikes! LOL
    Thank you for such kind words. I would love to write a book. I really need to have a bit more faith in myself. I'll work on that. And love, well you never know. We all need to feel loved.
    And those bloody 'Happy Meals'...grrr..even the darned toy that came with it was broken. I'm gonna' sue that 'clown' with the big silly shoes! :-) Now chocolate...ah yes!
    Penny is one awesome family member. She sends hugs to you and Charlie.
    You take care and enjoy the weekend.
    Kind wishes, Gary :-)

  20. Interesting tag! It does come with some insightful questions.

    It was nice learning more about you!

  21. Hi Lynne,
    Sigh of relief, eh Lynne :-) I had a heck of a time with questions that really didn't apply to me. Still, I gave it a go. I reckon my answers might be a cure for insomnia...
    Fantastic! Another grilled cheese lover.
    Thanks for reading this quick peek into 'Mr. Gary's' world.
    Peaceful wishes and a grilled cheese sandwich, your way, Gary :-)

  22. Hi, The Golden Eagle,
    Thank you very much. It was quite the interesting experience. I was rather shy about doing it, but what the heck:-)
    I'm very flattered you were kind enough to read this. Thanks again.
    With respect and kind wishes, Gary

  23. Hi Gary,

    As always, I can count on you to give honest, genuine and humorous answers that let us as readers get to know you, and relate to you. I can't wait to read your book, and I bet you make a super good grilled cheese.

    It's a good thing you didn't tag me! Given our current winter would have definitely been a game of freeze tag leading to serious brain freeze(lol)! All the best to you and your modest internet star and dear companion Penny.

  24. Looks you answered pretty honestly here, Gary. And for the record, I hope you do experience true love someday soon, dude. But, if by chance you don't, maybe you can take some satisfaction in being liked and respected by all of your blogging pals you have thoughtfully given insight and humor to and all the people you've helped throughout the years. That's gotta count for something.

    'What's the first thing you do when you wake up?' Why yes, we all want to know if you take a big dump, scratch your ballsack and eat a bowl of Cheerios right after getting out of bed. Or maybe that's stuff you do before you get out of bed. I don't know. That's the kind of important updates one should put on Farcebook. Like everyone else. That I know for sure.

    In conclusion... great answers, man. And thanks for hittin' me with the task of doing this survey. Now I finally have something to write about since I've been suffering from writer's block, lately. Take care, "Household"... or should I call you "Exit"? :)

  25. Hi THE SNEE aka Rebecca,
    Thanks. You say the nicest things.
    I do attempt to be honest and even try to add some form of humour. I do hope you like my book. It will probably me titled, 'The Grammar Anarchist' and be full of satire:-
    Yes, it's a good thing I didn't 'tag' you. Someone tags you, they freeze to you, you end up having to go inside, with the attached person and you both wait until the tag thaws and the perplexed person who tagged you ends up staying for a feast of grilled cheese sandwiches and discusses the silliness of writing run-on sentences....
    Ummm....however, you have been 'tagged' over at this site by my fascinating intellectual friend who like knows these really big words like he called me 'hirsute' while us mere mortals might use some word like 'hairy', just like the legs on a 'Farbie Doll':-) David at 'A day in the Life' has bestowed this thrilling honour on you.
    Penny the modest internet star say, 'Arf, arf!' and I say kind wishes and a grilled cheese sandwich, your way, Gary :-)
    Man, can I ramble on and on and on......

  26. Hi Kelly,
    I did answer them honestly. Well, maybe with the exception of my feeble attempts at humour. And thanks, I hope to someday know what the heck true love is. 'I wanna' know what love is..' sorry, I just started thinking about a song...
    That is so nice of you to say how much I'm loved and respected by all my blogging pals. That means a great deal. You know, from our interaction via here and over at your site and the sites of others, that I'm really grateful for all the kindness and well meaning. It counts for a lot.
    To answer your question. I normally have a cup of coffee and some 'Lucky Charms', 'they're magically delicious. I can imagine your response to that question will be most informative, maybe even delighting us with the graphic details of your morning rituals.
    And stuff I do before I get out of bed..well...moving swiftly on.
    It's always good to know that we keep the good folks on Farcebook entertained with our highly thought provoking, deeply profound and yes, darn it, philosophical, profile updates. Good gosh and gee whilikers.
    Thanks for liking my answers, friend. I can hardly wait for you to submit your answers. Me thinks you might try something a little bit more zany than me. And, this will be good for you whilst you are suffering from toilet, I mean, writer's block.
    You can call me "Household" or "Exit" or "Household Exit" or "Exit Household" or what you normally do, "Mr. Awesome Dude", :-)
    Take care Kelly. Keep smiling, stay positive and hope you have fun with that lil' ol' survey.
    Gary :-)

  27. Terrific anwers, Gary. It's good to learn more about you.


  28. Gary, I enjoyed reading your answers to the questions! I loved your response about watching a totem pole being carved by a First Nations person - I am sure that would be quite an honor to behold that kind of beauty.
    So, I took your challenge and answered the questions myself - hope you get a good laugh.
    Cheers, eh?
    Michelle =)

  29. Hi Suzanne,
    Thank you. It's so very nice to see you. Hope you are well and staying warm. Happy writing.
    Kind wishes, Gary

  30. Yo The Reckmonster,
    Thanks for enjoying my replies to this here survey. I was going to go a bit surreal and silly, but I thought it best to give it some good honest balance. And, for sure, I have seen a native North American carve out a canoe. That was an amazing experience. Next time, I would love to see them create an awesome totem pole.
    As you know, Michelle, I have read your answers and thought you did a great job. Thanks again for being such a good sport about it.
    Michelle, you rock!
    Take care eh, Gary :-)

  31. hello,

    i echo your number 11. you go for it!
    i generally had fun reading your answers but had to laugh out loud with your answer on, was that #15? haha. well if i were to answer that i'd check the time first. my body clock is failing me so i always wonder if it's am or pm. i also fancy a pep talk on the mirror. a positive thought makes a positive day.:)

  32. Loved your answers and like you our pets are beloved family members. :O)

  33. Hi Maria,
    And thank you kindly for leaving a comment. Very much appreciated.
    Ah yes, #11, time to embrace the dream. And here's wishing much success and happiness with your writing:-)
    Oh, I was so looking forward to answering #15. And 'body clocks', I hear you. I don't even remember what time zone I'm in. Maria, absolutely, have a good positive talk with yourself in front of the mirror and state some positive affirmation.
    You do a most positive blog and I was very glad that I visited and commented on your marvellous site.
    Positive wishes, your way, Gary :-)

  34. Hi Madeleine,
    Thank you. And quite right, pets are an important member of a loving family.
    Take good care, Gary :-)

  35. Most interesting survey. My favorite question was "What would you do with a billion dollars?"... I would make sure I got it in small bills.

  36. This is an odd means of communication for us, however, my email account refuses (point blank) to send anybody any emails. Yes, very strange...

    Will keep at it. Hopefully we will chat tomorrow :)

  37. Hi Count Sneaky,
    Ah yes, a most interesting survey. Me thinks that might be a very tall stack of dollar notes:-)

  38. Hi Wendy,
    Oh dear. I did receive an email from you. I replied to it. However, I wasn't sure if you got it, so I sent it again. I hope your email account is okay now.
    Keep smiling, Wendy.
    In kindness, Gary :-)

  39. HI K
    I am always impressed at your openess... and you use of humour.
    thanks you and I know that you will write your book one day (well I dont actually but I have faith ..well what I means I hope my faith in your is as real as my enjoyment of your blogs)

  40. Hi K,
    Thank you for such thoughtful words.
    I truly do wish to write a book, someday. Ah dreams turning to reality. Oh, wouldn't that be nice.
    May you continue to find much satisfaction in your writing, Kerrie.
    With respect and positive wishes, your way, G :-)

  41. Jack Russells are the absolute best.
    I love my border collie/jack mix.

    And as far as the fear, I know without doubt there is not only a soul mate out there for everyone, there are a few, and somehow, magically, the universe guides us along the paths to these individuals.

    Believe & keep that faith.
    These are good answers.

  42. Hi LilPixi,
    For sure, Jack Russells are such wonderful, energetic little dogs:-)
    And thanks for your inspirational thoughts. I too believe that their are these magical pathways that can lead to a loving destiny. We just have to look for the signs.
    I shall keep the faith.
    Thank you for your wise words.
    With respect and kind wishes, Gary :-)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.