
Saturday 19 December 2009

A Christmas Charm.

The ongoing shy, sweet, innocent romance between the beautiful fairy princess and the garden gnome, continues to grow in wondrous splendour.  This unfolding, gentle attraction is a tale of hope and inspiration.  For these 'wee folks' live in a world where kindness is embraced, rather than treated with suspicion.  Indeed, they live in a world where differences are celebrated and passing judgement is an alien concept. There is no stigma.  The wee folks, all different, all equal.
It all began on that glorious early summer's day.  Strolling around the garden, looking at the flowers, listening to the gentle breeze play tunes upon the wind chimes; gave me a sense of peace and contentment.  Then I cast my eyes upon the low blossoms of some awakening flowers.  There they were.  The beautiful fairy princess and the garden gnome.  'Behold', I thought, 'do my eyes deceive?'   I smiled, as I realised, that before me, was the early stages of a budding romance.
Over the last few months, I've had fleeting glimpses of these magical, mystical creatures.  The wee folks, seeking comfort from a rather cold early August day, had visited my home, navigating a way through my letter box, courtesy of a tiny string ladder.  I remember peeking into my kitchen and seeing them have a marvellous time.  I did not mind.  For to know that they were happy, and they were warm, filled my heart with glowing thoughts of joy.
It was a while before I saw them again.  The beautiful fairy princess and the garden gnome played and giggled amongst the resplendent autumn leaves.  They knew I was watching but they didn't seem to mind.  The nights got longer and the weather became colder.  I wondered if I would have another moment to experience the magic of the wee folks.

I went into my living room.  Upon the window ledge, standing on each side of a tiny Christmas tree, were the beautiful fairy princess and the garden gnome.  They looked so happy, so content, so thrilled at the sight of the twinkling lights.  I knew that this would be a special Christmas, a magical Christmas, an enchanting Christmas.  I could see by the way they gazed dreamily into each others eyes, that he was charming and she was charmed.  A Christmas charm.
Like I know the wee folks will have; may you have a peaceful, positive Christmas.


  1. And you too, Gary, may you have a happy and magical Christmas, and thank you for the wonderful photographs, hugs and love, Carole. x

  2. Dear Gary,
    I know it's Christmas, but maybe you should take it easy on the old liquid mood enhancer (as the doc has advised!)
    Yet another example, though, of your wierd and wonderful, and quite possibly deranged mind. Is it some kind of imaginary genius, I wonder? Or, not to put too fine a point on it, have you just gone a little bit nuts?
    Either way, Gary, you remain an inspirational friend, and I wish you and your family (including the "wee people") a very Merry Christmas and peaceful and positive 2010,

  3. Oh what a wonderful world to live in, Gary!

    I love the 'wee' people, so friendly and magical.

    Julie xx

  4. A lovely story, Gary. The beatiful fairy princess and the garden gnome are lucky to have found each other.

    May you enjoy a peaceful and positive Christmas, too.


  5. Dear Carole,
    Thank you for your kind wishes. Glad you like the photos of the 'wee folks'.
    May you and your loved ones have a very happy and peaceful Christmas.
    With warm wishes, Gary x

  6. Dear David,
    You know me, my friend. I wont go anywhere near anything that my alter my state of mind and that includes chocolate liqueurs.
    David, I guess I am, and lets go 'politically incorrect' here, a little bit 'nuts'. Or is that, perhaps, a lot nuts? But what the heck, I am having a good time with it all and the 'wee folks' seem to enjoy being around my house.
    On behalf of the wee folks, I would like to wish you and your loved ones a most excellent Christmas and a peaceful, encouraging 2010.
    With respect, Gary.

  7. Dear Julie,
    The 'wee folks' have just read your message and they send back loving, magical wishes to you and your loved ones.
    Like the wee folks, I wish you, your friends and family, a most wonderful Christmas.
    Kind wishes, Gary x

  8. Dear Suzanne,
    I like to think that the beautiful fairy princess and the garden gnome are symbolic of hope and that love does indeed conquer all.
    Have a lovely Christmas, Suzanne.
    Peaceful wishes, Gary x

  9. Hi Gary,

    This is a very touching story. I really like the descriptiveness. You have a talented style that, I think, would interest children. It may not be a genre you're interested in, however your own child-like qualities are what make this piece so endearing. You 'see' the pure, the innocense, the charm; you're the real charm.
    Have a very warm and peacful 'Boxing Day Eve' and a wish-filled 'Boxing Day'.
    Much love and peace your way,

  10. Dear Dixie,
    Thank you so much for your very nice comment.
    When I write such stories; my 'inner child' takes over and I think about how our world could learn from the world of my little friends, the 'wee folk'.
    I would like you to know that your childlike curiosity and your enthusiasm for the simple wonders in our lives; have been an important inspiration in my attempting such magical tales.
    Here's wishing you a magical Christmas and a wonderful, happy 2010.
    Charmed wishes, your way, Gary xx

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. And may you have a wonderful Christmas Gary.

    And may I learn to type properly; hence the deleted post.


  13. Hi John,
    Lol. I don't mind deleted comments due to an unfortunate typo. Sad but true, it looks like I have got more comments. Me thinkest I need to get a life:-)
    Anyway John, thank you for your kind wishes. May you and your loved ones have a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful 2010.

  14. Hi Gary,

    A Merry Crimbo and a Happy New Year to you and yours; and to the wee folks, here's hoping their magical world seeps through into ours :-)

  15. Hi Jaye,
    The 'wee folks', myself, my son, and a Jack Russell named 'Penny'; thank you for the seasonal wishes. Right back atcha'.
    Yes, it would be nice if the wee folk's magical world seeped more into ours.
    With respect and kindness, Gary:-)

  16. Greetings booyaka,
    Thank you for your kind wishes. Here's wishing you and your loved ones a most enjoyable and peaceful Christmas.
    With respect, Gary

  17. It's still a few hours away from Christmas here while yours is in full swing. All my best to you and the gnome!

    Merry Christmas,

  18. Hi Roger,
    As I type this; it is now Christmas where you live.
    The 'wee folks' and myself wish you and your loved ones a most wonderful day.
    With peace and kindness, Gary.


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.