
Wednesday 24 December 2008

'Boxing Day Eve'...Again.

Well here we go again. December 25th and 'Boxing Day Eve' has arrived. Time for those who waited a whole year to renew family hostilities; to make up for lost time.
I was thinking that, yes indeed, I could do another cynical blog, somewhat similar to my blog about cynics at Christmas parties. I could continue on about how some folks use Christmas day to truly catch up on the resentment they felt towards other family members. Yet what good would that do?
So instead, I wish people would take that little bit of effort to see the good in each other. To respect rather than undermine. Let us dare to be happy and pass our positive intentions on to friends and family. Life really is too short for negative energy. So have a peaceful, positive 'Boxing Day Eve'. Oh...what the heck...'Merry Christmas'!


  1. good advice ,klahanie,which i have practiced, you know,soetimes it works.

  2. Brief and to the point; freshly idealistic Klahanie!
    Results from your suggestions were remarkable; I had a very good day after all.
    Warm regards, dcrelief

  3. Dear klahanie,
    Here's sincerely hoping that you had a good Boxing Day Eve and, yes, Christmas.
    Wishing you all the very best for the New Year also, which rapidly approaches.
    Yours with the Warmest,

  4. Must we continue with the niceties? Where'd the Scrooge go?
    muhuhahaha! anonymously dc'd

  5. Dear Anonymous: Thank you for your comment. I'm so pleased that you focused on positivity. You know I am here for you mate. Happy New Year.

    Dear dcrelief: I was so pleased to know that 'Bo....' whoops! Christmas Day was a fairly positive result. I know it wasn't easy but you knew you had the option of a positive choice. Stay stong, good friend. Happy New Year.

    Dear David: I had a quiet, peaceful 'Boxing Day Eve', or if we must, 'Christmas Day'. I hope your day was peaceful and positive.
    Happy New Year David.

    Dear Anonymous dc'd: I'm sure that Scrooge will be back next year with his usual unpleasantries.
    muhuhahaha!...humbug..Oh..alright then..Happy New Year:-)

  6. the true spirit of christmas is alive,and living in you gary,12months ayear, if only more of us were as generous,warm ,and understanding,as you[well there is always hope]be well,my friend,and know that we all genuinely care

  7. Hi Gary
    As always a great post. Thanks for keeping it short. Have to finish shopping and all that. Not really.I'm positive all year and it seems so are you. Thanks and Merry Christmas.

  8. Hi Heather,
    Thanks for the nice comment. This blog was actually posted on December 25th, 2008. But, I'm very pleased you took note of it when I posted it back up through 'Farcebook'.
    I know you will be staying positive in 2010.
    Positive wishes, Gary.


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.