
Thursday 15 May 2008

Recluse Still On The Loose.

Greetings friends.  I am now at the the halfway point of my adventure in Vancouver.  When I return to the 'green and pleasant land', that is England, I shall be doing a series of blogs regarding the emotional and heart wrenching journey that I have experienced.  
I have witnessed and embraced the great inner strength of some incredibly brave people.  Their determination in the face of adversity has been an inspiration to me.  Their resilience, which I shall reflect upon at a later date, has made my determination to choose a positive life, grow even stronger. 
So when I return to Leek, I shall be going on a bit of a 'Blogathon'.   I hope you will honour me in reading my stories about the ongoing determination of my rediscovered friends and the inspirational and fear challenging time I had.
In closing, I know that my return to England will be so different than the last time I came back. Last time I came back to a world of emptiness, devoid of friendship.  This time, thanks to all of you, I come back to England, warmed with the knowledge that I have friends.  Your continued support and the support of my friends and family in Canada, has made me more determined to choose positive anticipation rather than be overwhelmed by negative speculation.
Recluse still on the loose?  Maybe, but I sure have enjoyed my time beyond the doorway rather than hiding under the duvet.


  1. You took a chance Klahanie - it took such courage - good for you! So glad you're enjoying it. Thanks for the postcard. You were a topic of conversation with some other friends of yours yesterday - they say 'How ya doin' eh?' Em x

  2. I am glad you are feeling more positive. Dont be a recluse get out there and enjoy life Klahanie.You have so much to offer. Wishing you all the best. Keep on progressing.

  3. I've been really naughty...I haven't been checking the blogs recently but I look forward to hearing the positive stories about your exploits over yonder. Maybe perhaps see you on Tuesday for a hello/goodbye sort of session


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.